Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of August 25th, 1900:

The Cumberland Telephone Co.

Mr. W. A. Broussard, local manager of the Cumberland Telephone Co. has just issued a new list of the company's customers in Lafayette. One year ago when the local exchange was established there were 28 boxes in use in town; now there are 164. The company's progress during the first year of its existence in our midst can readily be seen.

 There are six employees in the office and twelve connected with the company working on the neighboring lines. There are now two night operators employed. An office has recently been established at Hunter's Canal.

 Manager Broussard has been remitting in his endeavors to give out town efficient service and deserves the thanks of his company for his faithful work.
 The Cumberland gives connection with the Bell Company in New Orleans, and long distance service is given to all parts of the United States.  
Laf. Gazette 8/25/1900.

The Rice Exhibit at Paris.

 C. C. Duson has just returned from the Parish Exposition. He was interviewed by the Picayune and on the rice industry spoke as follows:

 "Both Crowley and New Orleans had rice exhibits in connection with the United States agricultural display. They showed up well. Of course, China and Japan were there in force on rice matters, and exhibited the industry in every stage. How they sprouted the rice until about 8 inches high, and then transplanted it in the field, where it was to grow. But, oh, my! Their methods are so primitive. Every stalk was set out by itself, and when it came to harvesting each straw was pulled and thrown over a line to dry.

 "I went to Paris thinking I might learn something in planting and irrigating race. What a disappointment! Why, we can teach the whole world everything in irrigating and harvesting. They are so far behind in that there is no comparison. Their methods of culture are curiosities to the side of our immense canal plants and our modern reapers for harvesting."
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900. 

South Really That Bad? - Sanctimonious hypocrites up North who have been upbraiding the people of the South whenever vengeance was wreaked upon some negro fiend, well now have to attend to similar matters a little closer home. Human nature is the same in New York and Ohio as in Louisiana. Some crimes call for swift vengeance, and there is no limit to what an infuriated mob will do.

 The acts of the New York City and Akron, Ohio, mobs prove conclusively that the Northern people are sometimes more bitter in their animosity against the negro than us. They will now be in a position to better understand conditions in the South and will probably put a stop to their hypocritical lamentations. Lafayette Gazette 8/24/1900.

A Select School.

 The Lafayette Home Institute will be reopened Monday, Sept. 3, 1900. Thorough instruction and conscientious oversight given all pupils. Only the best text books and standard classical literature adopted. Kindergarten and primary department under supervision of a competent teacher.
R. C. GREIG, Principal.

Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900

Mother Patrick. - The Gazette is pleased to announce that Mother Patrick, so well and favorably known in this community, has again been placed at the head of the Mount Carmel Convent of this town. During several years Mother Patrick occupied this position and displayed a high order of ability in the management of this very deserving institution. The school will open on the 3d of September. The convent needs no recommendation to secure for it a just share of patronage. A half century of faithful work in this community has long since earned for it a most enviable reputation. The Gazette joins the people of Lafayette in extending a hearty welcome to Mother Patrick and in wishing her much success in her field of work.  Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.


 The new school board, which meet in a few days to organize, have a most important task before them. They have charge of the education of the children of the parish and that is a trust that should be met conscientiously. The importance of an education to a child can not be overestimated, and those who have the supervision of the matter, should exert themselves to see that as great facilities should be given the child as the means will permit. The retiring board  have, we believe, done the best they could under the circumstances, and unquestionably they have had a good deal to contend with; but much is expected of the new board and we trust the people will not be disappointed.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.


Farmer's Institute.

 In the near future, the gentlemen now holding institutes for the farmers throughout Louisiana, will be in Lafayette. We hop our farmers will take an interest in the matter and attend the meeting. The State conducts these lectures at a great expense and employs men of experience in every line of agricultural education to give the public the benefit of their personal investigation and it is hoped that the gentlemen will have a large attendance when they come to town. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

Simmons Resigns.

 Prof. T. R. Simmons, who was principle last year of the Primary School, has resigned his position and left the early part of the week for Greenville, Tex. Prof. Simmons is a good teacher and we regret to lose his services. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

 Will Take on Sewing.

 Mrs. Sidney Martin announces to the public that she is ready to take plain sewing consisting of men's clothing and all other kinds of sewing, and that she will be in Lafayette at Mrs. H. L. Monnier's twice a week, or will go at domicile if necessary. Reference: Mrs. H. L. Monnier. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

Failed to Organize.

 The Parish Democratic Executive Committee which was called to meet Tuesday last by Chairman Hahn failed to organize through a lack of quorum present. Only one member, Mr. Robert Broussard, besides the chairman, was present. It has not been decided when the committee will again be called to meet. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

A Bryan Club.

 It seems to us the Democrats of Lafayette should organize a local campaign Democratic club. The Lily Whites gained recognition at Philadelphia on the boast that they could carry this and two other Congressional Districts in Louisiana. There is about as much probability for this to happen as there is that Vermont will go Democratic, nevertheless our local Democrats should exert themselves in order that Lafayette give the matchless Democratic champion a large complimentary vote.

 Let our citizens who generally take interest in matters political take the initiative in the organization of the club. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

Back from Texas.

 Judge C. Debaillon, Simeon Begnaud and George Debaillon have returned from Rollover, Texas after a long stay. They report having had a delightful time. Messrs. Ozemee LeBlanc, and Leopold Lacoste and little son, Antoine, returned from the same resort some time ago. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

Veazey Back From Parish.

 Mr. E. P. Veazey, the well-known Opelousas lawyer, has just returned from a trip to Paris. While in the French capital Mr. Veazey met a gentleman who was acquainted with Ernest and Alexis Blanc, the young murderers who were hanged at this place. Mr. Veazey has procured a copy of the confession of the youthful criminals and has mailed it to the address of the gentleman in Paris.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

Back Home Again.

 One of our local bachelors, in single blessedness, fancy free, has just returned from a neighboring sea shore resort. He became quite a natotorial performer and for his readiness to impart to all his knowledge of his recent accomplishment, he earned the sobriquet of "Professor." He is a gallant knight and from force of habit, he daily courted Neptune's cool winds and waves tossing up their silvery spray. The professor is making preparations to return this summer. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

 The First Bale of Cotton.

 Gerac Bros. Thursday ginned the first bale of this year's cotton crop raised in this section.

 Frank Gilbert, the producer, sold it for 13 cents a pound, with a bonus of a barrel of flour. Messrs. Gerac ginned the cotton free of charge.

 Though few of our cotton farmers are very sanguine as to the prospects of the crop, yet some are hopeful that the slightly drier weather will improve the yield. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

Negro Riots.

 The sanctimonious hypocrites up North who have been upbraiding the people of the South whenever vengeance was wreaked upon some negro fiend, will now have to attend to matters a little closer home. Human nature is the same in New York and Ohio as in Louisiana. Some crimes call for swift vengeance, and there will be no limit to what an infuriated mob will do.

 The acts of the New York City and Akron, Ohio, mobs prove conclusively that the Northern people are sometimes a little more bitter in their animosity against the negro than us. They will now be in a position to better understand conditions in the South and will probably put a stop to their hypocritical lamentations. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

In Memoriam.

 At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Lafayette, Aug. 20, 1900, the following resolutions were passed on the death of Miss Mattie Glenn Torian:

 Whereas, in the wisdom and providence of God, He has seen fit to remove from our midst this much loved member of our society,
  Therefore, be it resolved, That, while we bow in submission to the will of the Heavenly Father and realize that "He doeth all things well," we deeply grieve for the loss of one so young and whose sweet and gentle nature so endeared her to family and friends.

 Resolved, That although our hearts are sad and desolate, we shall endeavor to follow her bright example of loving service and look forward with hope, to the time when we, too, shall be counted worthy to join the heavenly throng and meet again our loved and lost.

 Resolved, That we render thanks to our God for the influence of her short life; for her loving presence in the home and social circles, her glad and active interest in the church and Sunday school; and specially for the strong faith and glorious witness of salvation manifested in the closing hours of her life.

 Resolved, That our prayers and sympathies be extended to the bereaved home circle; that father and mother, uncles, brothers and sisters may be enabled by faith, to look through their tears and see her, as she is, in her glorious home with Jesus.

   We live in deeds, not years;
       In thoughts, not breaths:
   In feelings, not in figures on the dial,
       We should count him by heart throbs;
   He most lives, who thinks most, feels the
       noblest, acts the best."

 Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the "record book" of our organization and a copy sent to the family. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900. 

The Hate of 1865.
[From the Courier-Journal.]

 The letter of Gen. John B. Gordon, President of the Confederate Veterans, to the camp which objected to reunions of the Blue and the Gray, is certainly a temperate and important contribution to the literature of the period. Undoubtedly Gen. Gordon and his critics represent two opposite shades of thought as to past events. We say "shades" advisedly, because as to the main questions, because  as to the main questions under debate between 1861 and 1865 they are no doubt in complete accord. As to what ought to be done about it now, there is a wide divergence.

 There are those who say that what was true in 1861 or in 1865 is true now. They represent what are called the "unreasonables." Well, there are those who do well to be angry, but not to be angry forever. Times change, and we change, or should change, with them. This does not mean that we should renounce the convictions of other days, founded on good reason. It means, however, that we should recognize the changes brought about by events and be guided accordingly. The cruel civil war is thirty-five years behind us. We need not say that we were wrong then, but we must realize that the issues of that conflict have been settled for the best interests of all, and settled forever, and that new issues have come to the front. Eternal hate is not wise, nor is it necessary. Let us forget the hate of 1865, and look to the issues of the present. That is wisdom.

 "For every gate that's barred to hate,
Will open wide to love."
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.

 General Gordon and the Veterans.

 Our readers will remember the characteristic answer given by Gen. J. B. Gordon to a Northern orator's speech made at a reunion of the "Blue" and the "Gray" held at Atlanta some weeks ago.

 At a meeting of the Confederates of the Association of the Army of Tennessee, Gen. Gordon was criticized for attending a joint meeting of the Union and Confederate Veterans.

 The General thus replies to these censures:

 "...In order that there may be no possible misunderstanding of my position on these and all kindred matters, I repeat my sole guide must be my own convictions of duty to this whole country and to the Southern people, whose glorious record in all the past, whose traditions, dignity and honor H I have endeavored to defend and uphold at all times, in all sections and under all conditions.

 "...In conclusion, let it be definitely understood that so long as providence permits me to speak of labor I shall continue the efforts which I have made for thirty years in the interest of sectional harmony and unity. Whatever I can do will assuredly be done for the truth of history, for justice to the South and to all sections for fostering our cherished memories, for the obliteration of all sectional bitterness and for the settlement of all sectional controversies on a basis consistent with the honor and the manhood and the self-respect of all. ..."

 Gen. Gordon has done more than any other man to bring together the North and the South. He is the greatest man of the Confederacy, now living. He is above all sectional animosity; he is too broad-minded to yield to narrow prejudices. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1901.


St. Martinville Moving Forward.

The arts thrived in Le Petit Paris as St. Martinville came to be known.  The Duchamp Opera House was built in the 1830's  Until the fin  de siecle, it was the town's centerpiece, visited by traveling dance troupes, opera from New Orleans and local theatre productions.

The good old town of St. Martinville is not traveling at breakneck speed on the highway of progress, but it is steadily forging to the front. St. Martinville can boast of the handsomest stores to be found in the State. Mr. T. J. Labbe's drugstore is perhaps the neatest in this section. Mr. Louis Duchamp's place of business is easily one of the largest of its kind in the country districts of the State. The proprietor of this store, who is very enterprising gentleman, has just added an electric light plant to the other modern improvements of his establishment. The new brick store-building of Mr. Louis Gardemal is a beautiful structure and reflects much credit upon the builder, Mr. Eugene Olivier. The new quarters of the Bank of St. Martinville are among the many other evidences of progress in the town. There is a popular error that St. Martinville is not going ahead, but a visit to the town will soon dispel from the mind this erroneous impression. We had almost forgotten to mention the Messenger's modernly equipped printing office where the presses are operated by steam. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.  

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 8/25/1900.

 Mr. Adolphe Mouton has been employed by Sheriff Broussard as jailer. Mr. Mouton has already taken steps to put the jail in as cleanly a condition as possible.

 Judge Julian Mouton and Homer Mouton left Tuesday for High Island, Texas.

 Mr. P. B. Roy and family, accompanied by Miss Heloise Olivier, have gone to Rollover, Texas, to spend some time.

 Miss Irma Mouton has returned from Gueydan, where she was visiting relatives.

 Miss Cecile Doucet left Wednesday to spend several days in Royville with friends and relatives.

 Ed McBride left last Tuesday for Houston, Tx.

 Miss Callie Alpha returned from Franklin last Tuesday after spending several days in that town with friends and relatives.

 Mr. Gus Lacoste returned from Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, where he had gone on a business trip.

 Mr. Henry Ahrens, who is connected with the Picayune conducted a song service at the Methodist church Wednesday evening, which was well attended.

 Sheriff Broussard left Wednesday for New Orleans.

 Misses Alice Hinckley and Anna Roy, of Arnaudville, were visitors to Miss Eleanor Roy, manager of the Western Union office, Wednesday.

 C. Debaillon made a trip to Carencro this week.

 M. Billeaud, Jr., and Gilbert St. Julien were visitors here Sunday.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1900.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 25th, 1894:

Southern Pacific and the Towns Along its Tracks.

 We are pleased to note the new department just inaugurated by the Southern Pacific Company to attract trade to New Orleans from this section.

 We refer to the merchants' special excursion from Lake Charles to New Orleans, that will be run on that road the 28th of this month. The rate is one fare for the round trip and tickets will be accepted for going passage on all trains of August 28th, 1894, and for return passage on all trains of August 29th, 30th, and 31st. This also includes train number 18 of Aug. 31st, leaving New Orleans at 5:20 p. m. This is a good movement for the Southern Pacific Company, New Orleans and the country merchants as well. There is a vast amount of trade in this state, justly belonging to New Orleans, that is being regularly diverted to other markets, St. Louis, notably.

 There is a strong community of interests existing between New Orleans, the Southern Pacific Company and the merchants residing along the company's railroad in Louisiana, and there should be a combination of influences at all times to closely cultivate this mutuality of interests. We are glad to see the railroad company take an initiatory step in that direction and believe the best results will follow a repetition of these special excursions at regular intervals. No doubt the initial excursion will be extensively patronized by retail merchants along the route who will gladly avail themselves of the reduced rates to visit the metropolis and make their regular purchases for the fall and winter. It is for the New Orleans wholesalers and jobbers, now, to look to their end of the line well and make certain that those who visit their market will feel induced to return on future occasions of this kind. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 8/24/1894.

 Miss Bella Judice, of Scott, was in town, on Tuesday.

 Mr. Felix Gerac went to New Orleans Monday, on business. 

Miss Estelle Gerac returned home, Sunday, from St. Martinsville.

 Dr. F. E. Girard, of New Orleans, spent last Sunday in Lafayette.

 Mr. Alcee Mouton has been for several days, relieving the fireman on the Cypremort branch.

 Our neighbor, Dr. F. R. Tolson, left for Houston, Waco, and other points in Texas, last Sunday. 

 Mr. Chas. M. Parkerson, of San Antonio, Tex., is here since Tuesday, enjoying the hospitality of the parental home.

 Master Moses Levy, left for New York City last Wednesday morning, where he goes to enter school.

 Mrs. John Clegg, after a week's visit at the home of Mr. Wm. Clegg, returned Wednesday, to New Orleans. 

 Mr. C. F. Triay, a resident of Washington, La., has been the guest of his son, Mr. F. C. Triay, for several days past.

 Mrs. Charles Alpha and Mrs. J. M. Carter, and her daughter, went to Franklin Monday, to attend the funeral of Mr. J. Alpha of that place. 

 Mr. B. J. Williams, after a stay of several weeks at the home of Dr. T. B. Hopkins, returned to his home in Greenville, Texas, on Monday.

 Hon. Ambroise Mouton, of Lake Arthur, joined his wife here a few days ago, and together they are enjoying themselves among their numerous friends and relatives.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894. 

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 25th, 1894:

 Southern Pacific Adds New Service.

 We are pleased to note the new departure just inaugurated by the Southern Pacific company to attract trade to New Orleans from this section. We refer to the merchants' special excursion train from Lake Charles to New Orleans, that will be run on that road the 28th of this month. The rate is one fare for the round trip and tickets will be accepted for going passage on all trains of August 28th, 1894, and for return passage on all trains of August 29th, 30th, and 31st, including train number 18 of Aug. 31st, leaving New Orleans at 5:20 p. m. This is a good movement for the Southern Pacific Company, New Orleans and the country merchants, as well. There is a vast amount of trade in this state, justly belonging to New Orleans, that is being regularly diverted to other markets, St. Louis, notably.

 There is a strong community of interests existing between New Orleans, the Southern Pacific Company and the merchants residing along the company's railroad in Louisiana, and there should be combination of influences at all times to closely cultivate this mutuality of interests. We are glad to see the rail road company take an initiatory step in that direction and believe the best results will follow a repetition of these special excursions at regular intervals. No doubt the initial excursion will be extensively patronized by retail merchants all along the route who will gladly avail themselves of the reduced rates to visit the metropolis and make their regular purchases for the fall and winter. It is for the New Orleans wholesalers and jobbers, now, to look to their end of the line well and make certain that those who visit their market will feel induced to return on future occasions of the kind. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

Phone Service to Carencro.

 A telephone line as been extended from Lafayette to Carencro and "Hello" was first heard over that line Wednesday. This line will be a great convenience to business men at both ends of the wire and we hope it will be appreciated. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

New Town - Eunice.

 Lay aside your prejudice and your cares for a day or two and go on the excursion in Eunice and see what pluck and energy combined with a beautiful location and fertile lands can accomplish. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894. 

Lots of Lumber.

 One of Lafayette's most substantial citizens, Mr. Treville Broussard, passed our office last Wednesday, in charge of five wagon loads of lumber and other building material that will be used in completing a large store he is about to open in the new town of Mauricevile. Mr. Albert Broussard, a son-in-law, will conduct the business, we have been informed. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

 Bath-house  for Beausejour Springs.

 We have been informed that at the solicitation of many ladies who are desirous of enjoying the bath in the refreshing water of Beausejour spring, Major Mouton has decided to erect a bath house containing several bath tubs, especially for the ladies. On account of the lateness of the new bath house will not be put in readiness for service until next summer.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

A Tannery.

 A tan-yard will be established here, near the oil depot, by Messrs. Degrez and LeDanois, who will begin work next week. This tannery, which will be by the new process, will have a capacity of 300 hides a month and will be increased to a greater capacity in the future.

 We believe these gentlemen will meet with success in this new venture, and hope to see a great tannery the outcome of their enterprise. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Mother Patrick to New Orleans.

Rev. Mother Patrick took final leave of the Mt. Carmel Convent of this place, on the 21st instant, to enter upon her duties in the new field of work lately assigned her at New Orleans. The best wishes of the community attend Mother Patrick.

A Party at Falk's Opera-house.

 Despite the inclemency of the weather, the party given Saturday night at Falk's Hall by the young men of Lafayette was well attended. The gentleman whose services as pianist had been secured having failed to appear, enabled the persons present to appreciate the talent of our fellow townsman Mr. C. Bienvenu. In the course of the evening a march was played, led by Mr. E. McBride and Miss Lydia McDaniel. Among those present were Misses Viola Villerman and Alphonsine Chapelin of New Orleans, Augustine and Cora Desbrest of Opelousas, Leonie Gillard of St. Martin, Isaure McDaniel, Ida Pefferkorn, Regina Romero, Lily Breaux, Henriette and Elise Bazin, Mimie Lisbony Nina Doucet, Louise Guidry, Mrs. E. McDaniel, E. Parker, A. Lisbony and E. Pefferkorn. Messrs. C. Harnish, D. McDaniel, A. and J. B. Comus, A. McBride, H. Judice, Lucien Bonin, A. Theall, E. Prudhomme, F. and P. Guidry, C. Mouton, Raoul Pellerin, H. Trahan, E. Oliver, Bosswell. E. Parker, T. Eaves, P. B. Torian, E. E. Delhommer, Sosthene Martin, Lewis McBride, R. Broussard. The party was prolonged until late into the night. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

A Beautiful Wedding.

 The marriage of Miss Marie Millaudon and Mr. George Edward Brown, of Lafayette parish, occurred on Wednesday afternoon, August 15, at 2 o'clock, at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, in the presence of a small and interested assemblage of relatives and friends.

 The bride a charming Creole girl, was attired in a becoming gown of French organdie, elaborately trimmed with Point d' Alencon, and wore the typical veil of illusion, which over a spray of orange blossoms, fell in full graceful folds to the end of the train. The attendants were Miss Ciarisse Millaudon, youngest sister of the bride, and Mr. George Melchoir, an esteemed friend of the groom. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, and the impressive ceremony was performed in feeling and touching language by Rev. Father Lambert, followed by a soprano solo by Mrs. Wilkins. After the church ceremony an informal reception was held at the home of the bride for the immediate families and bridal attendants. The bride's home was tastily decorated with a profusion of flowers, and the presents received were very handsome. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left that evening for the lakeshore, where they will spend awhile before going to their new home.
 From the N. O. Times-Democrat and in the Lafayette Advertiser of 8/25/1894.

A Tramp.

 The subject of this sketch, Gustave Sonnier, is well known in Lafayette, the place of his nativity and his home until he started out on a regular tramp several years ago. At the mention of his name many readers of this narrative will recall numberless reminiscences of "Tav" with exception of a crooked-neck that might attract special notice to him, he grew up to manhood in this community as other boys ordinarily do. He was the son of Villeor Sonnier and the youngest of two brothers, and is now the only surviving member of the family. During his life time in this community nothing occurred to draw other than usual attention to him until after he attained the age of majority, when there suddenly developed in the young man a degree of religious piety presented a pronounced contrast with the several years of his life just preceding this change of disposition. His devotional exercise in the Catholic church wer unremitting and bore the outward indication of sincerity. This remarkable transformation in his individuality was on object of great general comment, and was regarded by most persons of his acquaintance as a species of dementia, which later developments go far toward confirming. After several months of especially religious life our subject began to manifest a spirit of restlessness which was subsequently superseded by an inclination to rove. It was a gratification of this last propensity that gradually led the young man to become initiated in the regular fraternity of wanderers more commonly known as "tramps". And thus it is we learn from his own lips that "Frenchy" (as "Tav." has been aptly surnamed by his associates), has visited the four corners of the United States in the companionship of other member of the 'profession'. having taken in Liverpool in the regular course of march. He relate some thrilling experiences he has had at different times whilst plying the avocation of a tramp - an appellation in which he seems to feel a pride all the more because he lays claim to the distinction of being the only representative Lafayette has among the gentry.

 The taking of human life he has been placed under the necessity of doing, in conjunction with associates, he avows, and tells of having been engaged in robberies, repeatedly. Some of the incidents he narrates are full of amusement, as for instance when after cultivating to some extend the friendship of a good natured old German cook at a rural hotel for invalids in a healthy section of pine forest, somewhere, he steals off the range a fine juicy roast, put and all, during an interim in which the cook leaves the kitchen unguarded, and, afterwards undertakes to convince the old German that he is mistaken in believing that the roast had been stolen for has he (Gus) not been within full sight of the range all the time and saw no one enter the kitchen? "You have simply mislaid that roast; look for it". He gets away with a fair quantity of bread on the same occasion and has a feast all by himself in the piney woods, for if a man is hungry he is bound to eat. And again, in another part of the country, he calls at the home of the Mayor of the city, (a very fashionable house in a locality that he has been warned by his comrades is to be dreaded by the fraternity) represents himself as being in great distress, but cannot accept assistance unless he be permitted to do some work in return. The Mayor hears his story, directs the deserving young man to the back yard to cut wood for the stove, and, breakfast being ready shorty afterward, serves Gus. with a nice, warm meal, besides presenting him with a goodly quantity of clothing. The latter feels that he cannot leave without showing his gratitude and does this by returning to the wood pile, where he remained only long enough to escape by the back way at his first opportunity, carrying off a new saw and ax, while he subsequently converted into cash, together he subsequently converted into cash, together with the clothing he had received. This last business transaction he avers, placing him in possession of more ready cash than it had been his privilege to see for many months put together.

 He tells numberless other tales in which he figured quite prominently and appears to feel highly satisfied with his record thus far, in the life of his adoption.

 Gus. Sonnier is now at New Iberia, La., having passed through here last week, on his way to that place.  He came from a good and respected family and it is to be sincerely regretted that he has gone so much astray. That he is not of sane mind is the only conclusive explanation that can be given of his conduct - the yarns he spins about himself being, in all probability, the concoctions of a diseased brain, although, from the accurate descriptions he gives of many distant localities it cannot be doubted that he has visited them in person.

 We have been informed , later, that Sonnier, whilst at New Iberia, accepted employment on the rice farm of a Mr. Todd, the farm being in the neighborhood of Abbeville.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 8/25/1894.

 Messrs. Sam and Vic Levy left for New York Tuesday morning to purchase a large fall and winter stock of goods for the enterprising firm of L. Levy & Son. They offer unprecedented bargains in the stock remaining on hand.

 Miss Bella Judice, of Scott, was in town, on Tuesday.

 Mr. Felix Gerac went to New Orleans, Sunday.

 Miss Estelle Gerac returned home, Sunday, from St. Martinville, La.

 Mr. J. A. LeBesque paid a visit to the Crescent city this week.

 Dr. F. E. Girard, of New Orleans, spent last Sunday in Lafayette.

 Miss Ida Hopkins' training school for children will open Sept. 3d, next.

 Mr. Alcee Mouton has been for several days, relieving the firemen on the Cypremort branch.

Our neighbor, Dr. F. R. Tolson, left for Waco, Houston and other points in Texas.

 We acknowledge receipt of a sample of the Perfect Fire Kindler from Mr. A. Labe, agent for the manufacturer, M. A. Dees, Moss Point Mississippi.

 Master Moses Levy, left for New York city last Wednesday morning, where he goes to enter school.

 There will be a grand barbecue and plenty of amusements on the day of the sale at Eunice, Sept. 12th.

 Mrs. John Clegg, after a week's visit at the home of Mr. Wm. Clegg, returned Wednesday, to New Orleans.

 The Evening Star base ball nine of this place, will cross bats with the Scott nine at Scott, to-morrow evening.

 Mr. John VanderGriff says he thought some one had taken his watch as a joke but it's getting serious. John is taking it easy, though.

 Mrs. Charles Alpha and Mrs. J. M. Carter, her daughter, went to Franklin Monday, to attend the funeral of Mr. J. Alpha of that place.

 Miss Viola Villermin, after spending some time here the guest of the Misses McDaniel, returned to her home in New Orleans, Sunday.

 Mr. B. J. Williams, after a stay of several weeks at the home of Dr. T. B. Hopkins, returned to his home in Greenville, Texas, on Monday.

 Mr. Notley Arceneaux, son of Mr. Lucien Arceneaux and an ex-typo in the Advertiser office, will enter the Jesuit College, at Grand Coteau, Sept. 3rd, to study for the ministry.

 Mr. Fritz Hobien, the well known engineer of the San Antonio division, was in town this week visiting friends, and from all appearances we think that he has some attraction in our midst.

 Mr. P. H. Fournet, the amiable representative of W. A. Vander Cook, wine dealer of Los Angeles, Cal., was in Lafayette, Wednesday. His trade is increasing here, which proves the superiority of the article in which he deals.

 Miss Marie Revillon returned home last week from Lake Arthur. She was accompanied on her visit by her cousin from New Orleans, Master Louis Guerrer, who has been spending some time at his uncle's, Mr. Pierre Revillon.

 Mrs. E. DeBlanc, mother of Mr. Geo. A. DeBlanc of our town, stopped over here last Wednesday on her way to New Orleans, from the City of Mexico. Mrs. DeBlanc is accompanied by her accomplished daughter, Miss Sidonte. They will leave for New Orleans to-morrow.

 Mr. Von Hofe will probably locate in Lafayette, and, should such be the fact, he would be quite an acquisition to our already large circle of musicians. He will return here Oct., 1st.

 Eunice is the terminus of the Midland Branch Rail Road and it will be, for years to come. It is the natural center and distributing point of 2,000 square miles of the fine farming lands in the State.

 Last Sunday evening Episcopal services were held in the Presbyterian Church, at which Mr. A. R. Price officiated.

 Gen. F. F. Myles, of New Orleans, has been enjoying rural life at his comfortable country residence near this town, for several days past. Gen. Myles is now supervising a number of material improvements on his property that are calculated to add still further to the attractiveness of the place.

 Miss Lou Wartel, of Opelousas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Felix Salles.

 Mt. Carmel Convent will re-open Sept. 3rd, under the management of Mother Incarnation.

 Mr. Eugene Trahan has been appointed a member of the School Board, in place of Hon. Julian Mouton resigned.

 Mr. Hebert Trahan is now engaged as a traveling salesman of sewing machines, silverware etc., for that enterprising jeweler, T. M. Biossat.

 Thursday the 23rd instant, Rev. and Mrs. H. Armstrong, of Franklin, La., celebrated their "silver" wedding. The Advertiser hopes 25 years more of connubial bliss may crown their lives.

 Last Wednesday, Lieut. J. A. Moss, left for New Orleans and Baton Rouge, where he will make short stays and then continue on his journey to Mobile, Ala., to be present at the wedding of one his class-mates. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1894.


From the Lafayette Gazette of August 25th, 1894:

A Lucky Lafayette Boy. - A correspondent to the Lafayette Gazette says, that "one of Avoyellss" charming bells has captured the heart of one of our young men." We certainly congratulate the young gentleman on his good fortune. - From the Avoyelles Enterprise.

Hard on the Newspapers. - Our postmaster received a letter a few days ago from a young man living in one of the Western States. Desiring to move to this section the young man naturally propounded several questions to the post master. He wanted to know if we had good public schools, church's a good market, productive lands, etc., and concluded his letter with the following. "Please let me know how is your section for hog raising, having been in that business for 15 years I would very likely make a success of it. If there are no prospects in that line, could I secure a position on the staff of one of your papers?" Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Mt. Carmel Ready to Open.

 We are requested to state that the boys and girls schools of the Mount Carmel Convent will be opened on the 3d of September. This school is too well-known to need words of commendation from us. Its brilliant success in the past assures a continuance of the liberal support of its many patrons. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Lafayette "Is" Growing.
We fail to remember the time when three or four buildings were not being built in this town. The population is steadily increasing and by the time the next census is taken Lafayette will be ahead of the towns that are doing all the bragging. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Streets Need Attention.

Unless our streets are worked before fall weather sets in, they will be well nigh impassable. There is time yet, and if the condition of the treasury will permit, let the town council attend to the matter at once. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

New Machinery.

 Since the addition of a new steam press with the necessary appliances and a self-feeding gin, Mrs. Leon Billaud's ginnery is one of the best in the parish. A trial of the new machinery was made last Saturday, and everything worked perfectly well. The Messrs. Billaud will now be in a position to give a prompt and satisfactory service.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

 Mother St. Patrick.

 To the profound regret of this community, Mother St. Patrick, the beloved superior of the Mount Carmel Convent, left Wednesday for New Orleans where she will enter the duties of the position of Mother General of the order to which she has recently been elected. Though feeling confident that Mother Incarnation will manage the affairs of the convent with the same success which has crowned the efforts of her predecessor, the people of this town, and especially the patrons of the school, are sincerely sorry that Mother St. Patrick has been called away. They had learnt to love her and while happy to not her promotion, they deeply deplore her departure. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Fun Time for All.

Miss Mary Sprole entertained a number of friends last Thursday evening at the hospitable home of her mother. The following ladies and gentlemen were present:

 Misses Ida Pefferkorn, Laura Luster, Lily Breaux, Lizzie Cayard, Lucy Prudhomme and Mrs. E. Parker, Messrs. A. J. McBride, E. T. McBride, E. Prudhomme, T. Eves, L. McBride, S. Mudd, D. Greig, C. Webb, A. Cayard, H. Trahan, J. B. and A. Comers, C. Harnisch and D. Tanner.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

 Our Lumber Trade.

 Wagons loads of lumber are hauled every day from this town. Wagons laden with lumber re seen passing through our streets almost every hour. Our lumber-dealers are all progressive business men who believe in the doctrine of "quick sales and small profit." Hence their large trade.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

 Another Industry.

 There are many people who believe that it would be far better to let the stock eat the grass on our streets are in a fearful condition. Gutters in a few of the principal streets are completely covered with luxuriant grass affording splendid homes for insects of all kinds. With favorable weather the town may embark in the hay business with much profit. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

A Soiree.

 A very enjoyable and largely attended soiree was given at Falk's Opera House last Saturday night. It was opened by a march led by Mr. E. T. McBride and Miss Lydia McDaniel, dancing being kept up until late in the night, affording much pleasure to all the guests, who were: Misses Viola Villerman and Alphonse Chapelain of New Orleans, Augustine and Cora Desbrest of Opelousas, Leonie Gillard of St. Martin, Miss McKlosksy of Algiers, Ida Pefferkorn, Isaure McDaniel, Regina Romero, Lily Breaux, Henriette and Elize Bazin, Mme. Lisbony, Nina Doucet, Louise Guidry, Mmes. E. Parker, J. Tierney, A. Lisbony, Messrs. C. E. Harnisch, Dallas McDaniel, J. B. and A. Comes, A. J. McBride, H. Judice, Lucien Bonin, A. Theall, Ed and Lucius Bonin, A. Theall, Ed and Lucious Prudhomme, F. and P. Guidry, C. Mouton, Raoul Pellerin, H. Trahan, C. Olivier, Boswell, E. Delles, E. Parker, T. Eves, E. E. Delhomme. Sosthene Martin, Lewis McBride, R. Broussard, Will Mitchell, P. B. Torian, A. Delhomme and Charles Bienvenu. Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Lafayette People in Breaux Bridge.

[From the Valley of the Teche, Aug. 18.]

 Miss Agnes Chargois of Lafayette is the guest of Mrs. Numa Domengeaux.

 Mrs. Antoine Guidry of Lafayette is in our midst with two of her children to spend sometime with relatives.

 Miss Julie Martin and Messrs. Alfred and Edgard Martin, of Lafayette were, here this week.

Miss Alice Mouton of Lafayette, is visiting at Mr. Albert Broussard's.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Death of Mrs. Alcee Dupre.

 At her residence in Opelousas, on Monday morning, Aug. 13, Hortense Gradet Mouton, relict of the late Alcee Dupre, aged 49 years.

 Quietly, peacefully and without a last dying agony or clinging grasp for life, "through the dark valley of the shadow of death," passed the soul of this fond, affectionate mother and loving, gentle friend. This was ended a life fraught with deeds of charity and love, doubly endeared to those who knew her affectionate disposition and christian traits. She leaves a sorrowing household to mourn her departure from this life. But why do we uplift our hands to Heaven and in the excess of our grief call for Divine restoration? Is it because we fear for their future? - if so the family  of the estimable lady should brush away the lingering tear. Death would have no pangs, nor the future a fear, if all could die such deaths. Calling her children and old family servants around her when the fluttering of her imprisoned soul precursored its departure, she bade them all good-bye. A few moments elapsed, and her soul, winged its way from this terrestrial habitation into the immaculate arms of Heaven's angel to be born to a heaven of eternal rest.
From the Opelousas Clarion - reprinted in the Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

Telephone Service Now to Carencro.

 A telephone line has been erected between Lafayette and this place, which gives communication between all such points as Breaux Bridge, Huron, Arnaudville, and a number of other places, where the telegraph does not extend, consequently it should prove a great accommodation to our people.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.  


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 8/25/1894.

 Mrs. H. M. Bailey will reopen her school on Monday, September 3.

 Father Roussel, of New Orleans, has been at Father Forge's this week.

 Miss Augustine Desbrest left Sunday for her home in Opelousas.

 Hebert Trahan has been employed by Mr. T. M. Biossat as clerk in the sewing-machine department.

 Hon. Ambroise Mouton of Shell Beach, Vermilion parish, is the guest of Mr. H. L. Monnier.

 Florian Cornay, telegraph operator at New Iberia, visited relatives in Lafayette Sunday last.

 J. Heningson, of Washington, spent last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. O. J. Sprole.

 Mrs. Judge Clegg, of New Orleans, was the guest of the family of Mr. Wm. Clegg several days this week.

 Henry Hohorst left Thursday night for Galveston where he will enjoy the healthful breeze of the gulf for the next few days.

 Miss Kate Collins, who spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Clegg, left Sunday for her home in New Orleans.

 Miss Henriette Doucet one of Lafayette's belles, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jos. Boutte. - From the Iberia Enterprise.

 Judge Breaux and Senator Dudley Avery, of New Iberia, were entertained by Gen. Myles at Sunset Lodge last Sunday.

 Willie Graser, the hustling and competent tinner, has been engaged putting gutters on the High School.

 Numa Domengeaux and O. Duvernet, the two popular drummers, were with their Lafayette friends this week.

 The governor has appointed J. E. Trahan school director for this ward, vice Julian Mouton, resigned. The appointment is a good one.

 Mrs. Isaac Broussard and Mrs. C. H. Bradley and daughter, Miss Jennie, left Saturday for New Orleans. Mrs. Broussard will spend a few days in the city.

 Mrs. C. P. Alpha and James Carter returned home Tuesday from Franklin, where they had been called to the death bed of Mr. James Alpha, who died on the 20th instant.

 It seems that the departure of two young ladies for their respective homes in New Orleans and Opelousas, has been the source of much regret to a young brakeman and a clerk of this town.

 Mr. H.P. Fournet, of St. Martinville, was in town Tuesday, soliciting orders for California wines for which he is a general agent. Mr. Fournet has already sold several barrels of wine in this town and his trade is constantly increasing.

 Sam Levy left Wednesday morning for New York where he goes to buy goods for the stores here and in Orange. He was accompanied by his brothers, Victor and Moses. The latter would be placed at school of that city.

 Mr. James Mitchell, assistant master mechanic of the Southern Pacific, has had some pretty flowers planted near the round house. This improvement adds very much to the appearance of the surroundings.

 The Knights of Honor of Lafayette contributed $50 out of the general fund of that lodge towards building the annex to the high school of that place. The act is certainly to be commended. 
From the Franklin Vindicator.

 The Carencro Sugar Company has accepted the well just completed by the Hart Well Company, which will furnish about one hundred and eighty thousand gallons daily.
Lafayette Gazette 8/25/1894.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 25th, 1911:

To Be Made by Union Representatives Now En Route to Confer With Officials.

 Chicago, Aug. 23. - The first important move in the threatened strike of the union employes of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific under the "System Federation" plan in making simultaneous demands, will probably be made here when the federation committee attempts to confer with Julius Krutschnitt, the traffic manager of the Harriman lines. The committees are en route here. It is doubtful if Krutschnitt will receive them. Krutschnitt agrees to confer with representatives as individuals and not as union men. Lafayette Advertiser 8/25/1911.

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