Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of July 25th, 1903:

Which Promises to Develop into one of the Greatest in the World.

 The discovery of oil on Atchafalaya river, in St. Martin parish, would seem to confirm by a scientist thirty years ago that under this section of Louisiana lies a vast lake of oil. The Atchafalaya Oil Company - of which Robert Martin, Dr. Joseph Martin, are members - has just found unmistakable evidence of the existence of a great field of oil along the Atchafalaya river. At a depth of about 350 feet oil in large quantities was found by the drillers, Messrs. Jones and Fletcher. The oil is of a good grade, as was shown by an analysis made by a competent chemist. The company owns 3,000 acres of land, in the territory surrounding the proven field. The wells are in the center of the Atchafalya cypress swamps which have already contributed millions to the wealth of the State. But if we are permitted to judge from the present outlook, these great cypress forests, out of which fortunes have been made, will yield still more abundantly from their subterranean wealth.

 The new oil field is about twenty-two miles from the Plaquemine Locks. Being along the Atchafalaya river the shipping facilities are exceptional. Within a radius of 800 acres signs of gas can be seen everywhere. Gas, which causes the bubbling of a small stream, first attracted the attention of oil men. This peculiarity has been observed since many years. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

About Oil.

 Mr. J. E. Trahan, whose plantation is only a few acres from the Anse la Butte field, visited Heywood's well Sunday evening and was present when a large stream of oil gushed to a height of about twenty feet. Mr. Trahan says that while he was there forty barrels of pure oil were taken out of the well.

 Mr. Trahan informed The Gazette that a few days ago two representatives of the Guffey-Galey Company visited this place. After driving around the men left carrying a bottle of water from the well, which they seemed to think, contained some oil. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Judge Mouton Says It is the Most Democratic Method to Nominate a Ticket.

 The N. O. Times-Democrat correspondent called upon Judge Julian Mouton, member of the Democratic State Central Committee from Lafayette parish, for an expression of his views on the proper method of nominating a State ticket. Judge Mouton said:

 "I have always been in favor or primaries for the nomination of Democratic candidates. I believe that a primary is the best method to secure an honest and free expression of the popular will.

 "In my opinion a direct primary is the most Democratic method to select a State ticket, as the citizen votes directly for the candidate of his choice. In a convention he must express his will through a delegate, I fail to see the wisdom or necessity of employing a political agent when the voter is competent to act for himself. I believe that the Democrats can be fully trusted to select their State as well as their district and parochial tickets. In this State a Democratic nomination is equivalent to an election, and I, therefore, think the candidates for Governor and other State officers can very well undergo the trouble of a campaign before the Democracy."
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Ex-Gov. Hogg Gives Some Timely Advice to Prospective Oil Operators.

 [From the Welsh Journal.]

 The following interview with ex-Gov. Hogg was published in the Galveston News during the ex-governor's trip through the rice and oil belts of Louisiana and Texas last week, and should be read and carefully considered by every person who is desirous of seeing the Welsh field thoroughly developed. Similar conditions exist in this field and will exist in all new fields as long as the drillers are allowed to be tampered with by the trusts' agents:

 "Whenever you find that Guffey & Galey have bored for oil and, after abandoning such wells, continue to pay lease money on the land, you can come pretty near being on the safe side if you buy land as close as possible to such a well," was the advice given by ex-Governor Hogg to a party of friends this morning. "Guffey & Galey have never been known to open up a new field," continued the ex-chief executive, "and I do not believe they ever will. Take the Sour Lake field, for instance. They had a lease there on a large body of land. They bored and ostensibly abandoned the field. Some friends of mine purchased the land subject to the lease. They then brought suit against Guffey & Galey to abrogate the lease given. The matter was gotten in the courts and the head driller for that firm, when he was placed on the stand and was forced to admit that he did not bring in an oil well because he had orders not to do so, and not because he could not have done so. In this instance the lease was canceled by the courts.

 "Oil well drillers are all pretty much alike, too. Unless one watches them like a hawk and unless the person having the drilling done has a very good working idea of oil wells he is very apt to get the worst end of the deal. Take the Hogg-Swayne contract on Spindle Top, for instance. When we bought this tract we were told that it was out of the oil territory. We hired an experienced driller to sink a well for us. Some of my colleagues were suspicious from the very jump and there was not a minute when the rotary was working that we did not have some one at the well watching the progress. At the depth of something over 900 feet there was a flash of oil out of the well. Instead of stopping to bail the driller proceeded to put on more pressure and sent the drill further down. One of my colleagues was exasperated at this and it was only by hard work that we kept him from going and acting like he felt. But enough oil had escaped from the well to convince us that there was oil to be found on our land. The driller sent the well deeper and deeper until 1,070 feet was reached, when the oil shot out of the well in an instant and we then knew that notwithstanding any assertions that were made we had our land proven. I do not believe that we would have developed this well had it not been for the fact that when the gusher did come in it came without warning.

 "Take the case on Arnold mound, in Brazoria. There we have a well that is flowing 20 barrels per day of oil that we are selling for $4 per barrel. Our field man there was Underwood, who has learned all there is to know about the oil business. He knew what was to be found. When the log of the well showed a depth where he expected the oil to be found was reached and he insisted upon stopping drilling and then bail. The driller would not listen to this. He sank his pipe as deep as the contract called for and then pulled up stakes and left. With the aid of some green hands Underwood managed to pull the pipe up to where he thought the oil would be found, and now we have a well flowing 20 barrels of the finest oil in Texas. I believe the output would be 100 barrels a day and perhaps more if the well was not a crippled one.

 "I know of well authenticated cases where well drillers have turned operators and have made fortunes by returning to abandoned wells they had put down five or ten years before and then develop them. Such instances are so common that they are almost the rule, not the exception.

 "In this connection my observation has taught me that deaf men are always honest men. If they are not as straight as a die they learned their crookedness before they became deaf. See the point?" From the Welsh Journal and in the Lafayette Gazette of 7/25/1903. 


Advise Voters to Keep Out of Democratic Primaries. 

J. R. Domengeaux, secretary of the Republican Parish Committee to publish the following:

 Lafayette, La., July 20, 1903.

 To the Republicans of the Parish of Lafayette: - Considering the fact that the next election is approaching, and from advices received from the State Central Committee that a full State and Parochial Republican ticket will be submitted to the voters of Louisiana at the general election of April 1904, the Republicans of this parish are hereby warned to not participate in any manner in the Democratic primaries soon to be ordered.

GUS A. BREAUX, Member State Central Committee.
JOS. A. CHARGOIS, Chairman Parish Executive Committee.
J. R. DOMENGEAUX, Secretary Parish Committee.

 It would seem that the policy of the Republican leaders is to refrain from participation in Democratic Primaries with a view of supporting a ticket nominated by their own party. It is understood that the Lily White organization desires to make some showing in the next State election to strengthen its position with President Roosevelt, and an effort will be made to keep the Republican voters organized until the election.
                 Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.  

The Horrible Fate of C. C. Conway on Louisiana Western.

 C. C. Conway, a brakeman on the Louisiana Western, fell off a train near Duson Tuesday night and was killed. His body was horribly mangled. When the train reached Rayne, Conway was found to be missing and a search resulted in the discovery of his body a short distance from Duson. Shortly before leaving Lafayette Conway was seen in an intoxicated condition and it is believed that he slept on the train and while sleeping fell between the moving cars. The unfortunate man had a wife and two children in Houston. The railroad men at this point took charge of the body and had it embalmed at Vigneaux's. It was subsequently sent to Houston for burial. Conway was a young man. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

 Too Many Dogs. - Last Monday Officer Hebert killed a dog which had been bitten by a mad dog. Officer Hebert informed The Gazette that while only 78 dogs wear collars bought from the town, three or four hundred can be found for which no collars have been secured. Nearly all the negro families own dogs which are kept inside when the dog-killer is around. Officer Hebert believes that a tax levied on all dogs would have a tendency to reduce the canine population. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

A Bad Negro. - Buck, a negro who has served two terms in the State Penitentiary, was arrested this week by the town police on a charge of beating his wife. Buck is considered to be a bad negro. He is a chronic violator of the law.
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.


 The Parish Medical Association held a meeting Saturday for the purpose of providing the entertainment of the State Medical Association which is to hold its next annual session in Lafayette. Dr. J. P. Francez presided over the meeting and Dr. F. E. Girard acted as secretary. Drs. Tolson, F. E. Girard, J. F. Mouton and Mayer were appointed as committees to co-operate with the people of the town and to call upon the Council, Police Jury and Business Men's Association with a view of making the necessary arrangements to receive and entertain the State association. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.   

Plays an Important Part in a Happy Incident.

 Friday night when the Sontag Band was having its weekly concert at Parkerson's grove, the musician's and audience were very much surprised and somewhat mystified by the appearance of three gentlemen and a goat. There was nothing strange about the presence of the three gentlemen, but no one understood the mission of the goat, until Mr. J. C. Daspit, the able young lawyer of Breaux Bridge, stepped up and, in a well-worded talk, explained the purpose of their visit and the meaning of the goat's presence in such distinguished company. He said that he and the other gentlemen, Messrs. Champagne and Orillon, had been delegated by the people of Breaux Bridge to present to the Sontag Band a goat which was in a very qualified to serve as a mascot for that excellent organization. Mr. Daspit, made an appropriate speech, thanking the Sontag Band for their valuable co-operation at a festival given by the fire department of Breaux Bridge on the 11th of July. The band thanked the donors for the unique gift and promised to take good care of it. The goat is no ordinary animal. He is unusually pretty and is noted for his appetite as was shown by the industrious manner in which he ate the ribbons that he was decorated with. He bears his new honors with becoming dignity. Dr. Girard has taken charge of him. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903. 

Found in an Old Cannon Sunk in the Sand Near Vermilion Bay.

 Two negroes, driving a fine team, came to Lafayette last Monday and told a stranger story. They claimed to have about $100,000 of Spanish gold in their possession which they desired to exchange for American money. They said that they found this gold in an old cannon buried in the sand on the Vermilion coast, and that it was with a divining-rod that the treasure was discovered. When asked to produce a sample of their money they replied that they would not exhibit any of it, unless they could arrange for a deal, in which case it was their intention to come here at night with a large portion of their wealth. They were questioned closely by a resident of Lafayette who is inclined to believe that if there is no truth in the story the two negroes are sick individuals who are trying to unload a gold brick on some unsuspecting victim. The story will doubtless have the effect of reviving the interest among the treasure-hunters who have an unquestioning faith in the occult powers of the divining-rod.
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

A Bad Negro.

 Buck, a negro who has served two terms in the State Penitentiary, was arrested this week by the town police on a charge of beating his wife. Buck is considered to be a bad negro. He is a chronic violator of the law. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

In Favor of Lafayette is the Score of Sunday's Game.

 Lafayette and Pilette played a hot game last Sunday. If Pilette lost out it was not because it didn't put up a good fight. But Hinz, Lafayette's new pitcher, was too much for the visitors. His balls were too hard to hit. His variety of curves confused the ordinary good batter of the Pilette team. The clever manner in which they were fanned out discouraged the tossers from Pilette, but they rallied after the third inning and allowed no more runs. In all except the third inning first-class ball was played. Feature of the game were Labbe's catch in the field and Hinz's pitching. As usual Alpha did fine work. The batting of the Lafayette team was unusually good. Broussard tried hard to save the day for Pilette, but lack of support in the third inning was impossible to overcome. The following is the score by innings:

page 1 column 5

 The line-up was:

Lafayette - Suarez, c. f.; Schuling, 2 b.; Shows, c.; Labbe, r. f.; Meaux, f. b.; Peck, 3 b.; Alpha, s. s.; Montgomery, l. f.; Hinz, p.

 Pilette - Foreman, s. s.; C. Broussard, p., O. Comeaux, c., E. Langlinais, 2 b.; H. Comeaux, 1 b., J. Broussard, r. f.; A. Meaux, 3 b.; J. G. Broussard, l. f.

 Lafayette will play Jeanerette Sunday and Monday at the  Lafayette Base Ball Park.
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Compress Wins.

 The suit of D. B. Hudson vs. The Lafayette Compress and Storage Company has been decided in favor of the defendant by Judge Debaillon. The suit was for the recovery of the alleged loss of seven bales of cotton, shipped from Eola to New Orleans, with stopover at this point to be compressed. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Porter - Mouton.

 Miss Blanche Mouton, daughter of Mr. J. D. Mouton, and Mr. T. A. Porter were married Saturday evening at the Catholic church by Rev. Father Cambiaire in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Mr. A. S. Foote acted as groomsman and Miss Irma Voorhies was bridesmaid. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's father.

 Mr. and Mrs. Porter left Sunday to spend a few days in Slidell, Mr. Porter's former home. They will leave in a few days for Victoria, Texas, where they will make their home. They carry with them the best wishes of their many friends in Lafayette.


 Mr. Zack Domengeaux and Miss Amenthe Durand were married at the Catholic church Tuesday evening by Rev. Father Cambiaire. Friends and relatives of the young couple were present. Mr. and Mrs. Domengeaux will make their home in Lafayette where they have a host of friends who wish them much happiness.

Lester - McBride.

 Mr. Abbey Lester and Miss Cornelia McBride were united in marriage Wednesday evening at the Catholic church, Rev. Father Cambiaire officiating. The bride is a daughter of the late C. C. McBride and the groom is a well-known young man of this town. He is in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Too Many Dogs.

 Last Monday Officer Hebert killed a dog which had been bitten by a mad dog. Officer Hebert informed The Gazette that while only 78 dogs wear collars brought from the town, three or four hundred can be found for which no collars have been secured. Nearly all the negro families own dots which are kept inside when the dog-killer is around. Officer Hebert believes that a tax levied on all dogs would have a tendency to reduce the canine population. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

 New Brick Building.

 Rene Delhomme and Pierre Gerac will put up a one-story brick building on their lot at the corner of Lincoln and Grant avenues. The intention is to make a foundation which will permit the building of an additional story should it become necessary. The new building will measure 40x60. It will be used by Prudhomme & Delhomme for a drug store and grocery. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

[From the Baton Rouge Truth.]

 The New Orleans papers show where an attempt is being made to pass a curfew ordinance in the interest of the youth of that city, requiring that boys under 16 years of age must be off the streets by 9 o'clock at night. An ordinance of that kind wouldn't be amiss in Baton Rouge where youths of tender years may be seen loafing around the streets smoking cigarettes and swearing at all hours when they should have had a half a night's sleep. The New Orleans movement will be watched with interest by parents all over the State. From the Baton Rouge Truth.

And the Lafayette Gazette has this to say on the matter of a curfew law:

 With the precocity of the youth of to-day a curfew law would likely be a dead letter. It is safe to say that in Lafayette it would require the national guard to enforce a curfew ordinance. If parents do not see fit or are unable to keep their boys out of the streets at night it is extremely doubtful if the police can do it Boys will do their bumming at night as long as their parents or guardians will not exercise the authority which belongs to them. There is a law which prohibits the selling of tobacco to children, but many of them smoke and chew without hindrance. It is not the State's business to raise children. It is the duty if parents to look after their offsprings. Possibly a law to keep parents at home after 9 o'clock would do more good. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.


 The Parker-Blake Company, of which our townsman, Thomas N. Blake, is vice-president, has adopted a novel way of celebrating the Fourth of July. Desiring to do something out of the ordinary to commemorate the republic's birthday, this enterprising firm made arrangements to have an excursion to Magnolia, a beautiful Mississippi town, where members of the company and their employes spent the glorious fourth in fitting style. The train, bearing 160 persons - men, women and children - left New Orleans early in the morning and returned to the city in the evening with a contented lot of people who appreciated the un-stinted generosity of their employers and felt that they were held together by ties more enduring than those which spring merely from pecuniary interest. It was a splendid idea. It afforded  most enjoyable outing to all the people engaged in carrying on a great business and it gave them an opportunity to celebrate the day which all patriotic Americans love to honor. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

At Surrey Park on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August.

 The management of the Surrey Park Association is making arrangements to present a novel entertainment to the people of Lafayette on the 15th, 16th and 17th of August. It will be a roping contest by he Western Rough Riders who have been attracting much attention in several States by their unique and sensational exhibitions. Fifteen bronco-busters, all adepts with the lariat, will appear with twenty-six wild bulls fresh from the Western plains. A prize will be given to the one who will rope, throw down and tie the animal in less time. This feat as been performed in 32 1/2 seconds. The local cowboys will be invited to compete for the prize. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Races at Surrey Park.

 The following running and trotting races are advertised to take place at Surrey Park:

 Sunday, Aug. 2 - Match race, between May S. entered by Donlouis Herpin; and Didier, entered by D. Broussard. Distance, three-eighths of a mile. Purse, $200.

 Sunday, Aug. 9 - Match trotting race, Sidney Veazey's Little Jim and Domengeaux's Gray Bill. Half-mile heats. Best three out of five. Purse, $500.

 Sunday, Aug. 23 - Match trotting race, Sidney Veazey's Little Jim and Domengeaux's Gray Bill. Mile-heats. Best three out of five. Purse, $750.
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903. 

Meeting of Track Owners.

 Track owners will meet at Lake Charles next Saturday to form a circuit. Rules and regulations will be adopted and an agreement will be made to avoid a conflict in the dates of the race meetings. Charles Cochrane will represent the Surrey Park Association. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

New Rooms.

 Owing to an increase of business Louis Domegeaux has decided to build 10 new 12x14 rooms to the Domengeaux Hotel which will make a total of forty-two rooms. The new rooms will be modern in every respect. Electric bells, fans, bath rooms and sanitary appliances will be among the improvements. Though the present capacity of the house is quite large it is always taxed to its utmost. Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

In Lafayette Parish - The Kind of Vehicles Used in the Different Wards.

 The readers of The Gazette are indebted to the local statistician, Mr. F. V. Mouton, for the following figures showing the different kinds of vehicles used by the people in the various wards of the parish. These figures, which are the result of considerable labor, will no doubt prove interesting inasmuch as they show the most popular vehicles employed by the people of the parish. It will be seen that the popularity of the gig as a means of locomotion is decidedly on the wane. The large number of wagons, pretty equally distributed throughout the parish, indicate the great percentage of people who are engaged in farming. It may also be noted that the historic "caleche" has departed never to return, and the more stylish surrey is becoming quite popular. The revenues derived from the tax on these vehicles, added to the per capita tax, will give the parish a road fund of $6,419.25.

 First Ward.

Wagons      ... 134
Carts            ... 0
Buggies       ... 165
Gigs              ... 4
Surreys       ... 12

Wagons       ... 50
Carts            ... 2
Buggies       ... 76
Gigs              ... 11
Surreys       ... 12

 Second Ward.

Wagons      ... 270
Carts            ... 2
Buggies       ... 254
Gigs              ... 8
Surreys       ... 13

Wagons      ... 54
Carts           ... 0
Buggies      ... 66
Gigs             ... 2
Surreys      ... 1

Third Ward.

Wagons      ... 178
Carts            ... 9
Buggies       ... 207
Gigs              ... 10
Surreys       ... 31

Wagons      ... 71
Carts            ... 9
Buggies       ... 130
Gigs              ... 28
Surrey         ... 0

Fourth Ward.

Wagons      ... 187
Carts            ... 12
Buggies       ... 257
Gigs              ... 13
Surreys       ... 28

Wagons      ... 20
Carts            ... 9
Buggies       ... 39
Gigs              ... 3
Surreys       ... 2

Fifth Ward.

Wagons      ... 125
Carts            ... 11
Buggies       ... 147
Gigs              ... 2
Surreys       ... 12

Wagons      ... 20
Carts            ... 9
Buggies       ... 39
Gigs              ... 3
Surreys       ... 12

Sixth Ward.

Wagons       ... 225
Carts             ... 26
Buggies        ... 268
Gigs               ... 7
Surreys        ... 49

Wagons       ... 48
Carts             ... 2
Buggies        ... 82
Gigs               ... 22
Surreys        ... 3

 Seventh Ward.

Wagons        ... 66
Carts              ... 18
Buggies         ... 115
Gigs                ... 0
Surreys         ... 9

Wagons         ... 28
Carts               ... 6
Buggies          ... 82
Gigs                 ... 0
Surreys          ... 3

Eighth Ward.

Wagons         ... 93
Carts               ... 10
Buggies          ... 130
Gigs                 ... 11
Surreys          ... 13

Wagons          ... 24
Carts                ... 3
Buggies           ... 45
Gigs                  ... 10
Surreys           ... 0
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.

Of the Confederacy Organize a Chapter in Lafayette.

 A patriotic lady of this town has sent The Gazette the following interesting item:

 "The ladies of Lafayette organized a chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy here last Thursday. The chapter was named Mouton-Gardner, in honor of our noble heroes. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Miss Aimee Mouton, vice-president; vice-president, Mrs. Antoine Guidry; second vice-president, Mrs. J. A. LeBlanc; corresponding and recording secretary, Mr. O. T. Ford; treasurer, Miss Ida Mouton; historian, Miss Jennie Torian. A very enthusiastic meeting was held, and Mouton-Gardner chapter promises to be the banner chapter of the State. Next meeting will be held at the court-house Wednesday, July 29, at 8 p. m. All those eligible to membership are cordially invited to attend."

 The women of Lafayette could not have engaged in a nobler cause. To these loyal descendants of the men who wore the grey the performance of the duty of keeping alive the memories of the Confederacy will be a labor of love. It is true that the war ended nearly forty years ago and that the unbiased verdict of the civilized world reveals no stain of dishonour on the Southern flag, but the history of the great conflict has not yet been written and the South has need of patriotic organization such as the Daughters and Sons of the Confederacy. The ranks of the survivors of the war are diminishing and the work of defending the truth of history must, in the natural course of things, be taken up by younger heads!
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.


Education and Good Roads.

 To the Lafayette Gazette:

 The greatest and most important question occupying the minds of the people to-day is education. With the foundation that we have laid and the great work that we are doing we will soon be in the front ranks of the parishes of the State. The School Board may well feel proud of the noble example they have given and the great victory they have won. The eyes of the whole State are turned upon the plucky and progressive parish of Lafayette. But let us not rest and boast over our past victories. Our work is not yet half done. What we have done has cost us big money; but we are perfectly able to stand it. It will distress no man. We want good roads all over the parish so that children can go to school at any and all times of the year when the schools are open, or else a great share of the money we are spending for education will be spent in vain. We want a system to work every road in the parish once a year, and in a very wet season the ditches and drains will have to be opened up twice a year. We don't want the contract system. That only works the roads once in two or three years and leaves them until they are worn out. We want a system compelling every able bodies man (not exempted by law) to work to or three days. And every man on the assessment rolls as occupant or absentee to work a certain number of days, according to his assessment, or pay its equivalent into the treasury of the road fund. The latter system, if strictly and judiciously carried out will very soon give us good roads, and it will not cost the parish anything nor the farmers anything but labor which they have lying idle in abundance at this time of the year. We want good roads. We must have them for the children to go to school, for the people to go to church, and for the farmers to haul their products to market at any time of the year when they will bring the best prices.
      (Signed)   J. NICKERSON.
Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903.        


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 7/25/1903.

 Jerome Mouton and Charles DeBillon, who left about two weeks ago for Asheville, North Carolina, returned Thursday after having made a pleasant trip.

 Miss Louise Nollive, left last Monday to spend a few days with friends in Rayne.

 Last Sunday a game of baseball was played at Broussard, between the Lafayette Greys and Broussard Juniors. The score was 10 to 9 in favor of the Juniors.

 Miss Ida Mattheu, of Lafayette, is visiting friends in Sunset, La.

 Mrs. H. A. Van der Cruyssen and children are visiting relatives in Breaux Bridge.

 Mrs. F. V. Mouton and children are visiting relatives in Breaux Bridge. From their they will go to St. Martinville for a short while.

 Mr. H. D. Guidry who had gone to Boerne, Texas, for his health returned home Thursday, having been greatly benefited by his trip.

 Eddie Bodin who was working at Rochelle, La., is spending a few days with relatives in Lafayette.

 At no other time has there been more improvements going on in Lafayette than at present. On every hand residences and business houses are being built. The mechanics are all busy. None are idle who want to work.

 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Porter left Thursday, for El Paso. They will remain there some time after which they will go to their home in Victoria, Texas.

 Robert Verret, of Cypremort, La., is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. E. Bodin.

 Miss Lydia Broussard spent the week in Crowley, visiting relatives and friends.

 Dr. J. E. Ledeau, a well-known physician of Crowley, has moved to Lafayette. Dr. Ludeau is considered an able physician and has been a leader in his profession. 

 Mrs. C. Stuart and daughter Elonora, of Cheneyville, La., returned home Wednesday, after spending a week in town as the guest of Mrs. E. Pefferkorn.

 Misses Lucile Revillon, and Clara and Bertha Hebert, arrived this week, after spending some time at Lake Arthur.

 Mrs. P. Tierney and children, left for New Orleans last Tuesday, to spend one month, visiting relatives.

 Prof. O. J. Poland closed his school last Friday and left for Natchitoches where he will follow a summer course at the State Normal.

 Dr. S. R. Olliphant is spending some time with relatives in Lafayette.

 A. A. Mouton, Alley Sprole, Locke Nevue and Wm. Lalanne have returned from their visit to the Pacific coast.

 Miss Nesbit, one of the best public teachers in this parish, has closed her school near Royville and will spend vacation at Baton Rouge.

 Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh, of Crowley, spent some time among relatives in Lafayette this week.

 Sheriff Broussard and John and M. Roger returned from New Orleans Sunday.

 Charlie Martin, son of Assessor Martin, who has been very ill with typhoid fever, is much better.

 Walter J. Burke, of the Iberia bar, Dr. Mayer and Sheriff Broussard visited Anse la Butte Thursday.



 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 25th, 1891:

 A Solid Banking Institution.

 We are glad to be able to chronicle the good news that Lafayette will soon have within its borders a solid banking institution. The bank is now in course of organization, and the accomplishment of the undertaking is assured inasmuch as all arrangements have been perfected to supplement with Eastern money whatever amount may be needed to bring home subscriptions up to the required capital of $25,000. We learn that up to last Thursday forty-two persons interested themselves as subscribers toward the capital stock, all of this number being the practical and progressive business of the parish. This is certainly a very flattering showing, and we are glad to see that the business men of the town and parish appreciate so well the urgent need of so great a convenience. The management of the affairs of the bank is to be in the hands of home directors, and it is the purpose of the projectors to make the institution one of the strongest of its character. The establishment of a bank in our midst we welcome as a harbinger of much  good, and one that will mark a new epoch in the business activity and prosperity of Lafayette. The town and parish are to be congratulated. The town and parish are to be congratulated. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

The New Round House. - Very soon three stalls of the old round house will be torn down to admit the laying of a track from the west to the new round house. The new round house is now nearly ready for stalling engines. It is a large, roomy. and comparatively fire proof, having zinc sheeting, a dirt floor and gravel roof, with a capacity for 16 engines.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.


The Southern Pacific Pay-Car.

 The pay car will not reach here until about the 10th of next month, when two months wages will be paid the men. This delay was caused by the enforcement of the law in Texas requiring all roads to commence payment of their employes not later than the 15th of each month, which threw the paymaster off his usual routine this month. Hereafter he will pay this end of the line first, commencing about the 10th of each month. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Point-Aux-Loups Springs.

 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coffey left Sunday for an outing at the famous Point-aux-Loups Springs, Acadia parish. We received a postal from him a few days ago announcing that they were most comfortably situated, and found everything in first-class condition. It was a malicious report that the springs were under water. Everything is in fine condition. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

This Year's Watermelons.

 We have seen no large watermelons raised in our parish this year; they didn't come our way. Nobody had ever yet come up to the fine 47-pound melon sent us by R. W. Elliot, Esq., a couple of years ago; and we do not believe they can, unless it is proved to us by ocular demonstration. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Trainmen's Excursion.

 The excursion from Washington to Morgan City, to be given by Morgan Lodge No. 317, Brotherhood of Rail Road Trainmen of Lafayette, August 9th, has attracted the interest of all and meets their hearty approval of all. Nearly everybody we meet is "going to be there," and the financial success of the venture is already assured. That it will be pleasant, enjoyable and altogether first-class excursion the Brotherhood guarantees; that is sufficient. Remember the date. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Citizens Prepare Reception for Convention.

 We are much gratified at the prompt and diligent action taken by our Citizens' Committee in preparing for the reception of the delegates to the State Convention of the Farmers' Alliance, which convenes in Lafayette August 4th. Our citizens have responded cheerfully and generously, and the promise is bright that we will be enabled to give them a warm and hospitable reception, such as becomes the good people of Lafayette. Let the spirit of welcome and generous hospitality pervade the actions of our whole people, and it cannot but redound greatly to our credit and our everlasting benefit. In their work our Committee have been ably backed and assisted by the Parish Farmers' Alliance. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Relaxing at Grand Cheniere.

 Messrs. Leo Doucet and Alexander Delahoussaye have been for a couple of weeks rusticating and recuperating their strength and energies among the delightful resorts of Grand Cheniere island. The health giving properties of this favored locality are well known and highly appreciated by our citizens.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Dr. Mouton's New Office.

 Dr. Franklin Mouton's handsome new office, on the corner of Vermilion and Washington streets, is now undergoing its finishing touches under the facile brush of Mr. H. A. Eastin. Frank can now congratulate himself upon the possession of a "sawbones sanctum" which adds pleasantly to the appearance of our rapidly growing metropolis. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Interest in Lafayette.

 We make a few extracts from a letter to a gentleman here, which shows the interest our little town is attracting even beyond the borders of the United States:

       SIMCOE, CANADA, July 18, 1891.
 *  *  *  Your letter of the 12 inst., in reference to the organization of a bank in Lafayette, is at hand. I am very glad to hear you are moving in that direction. I cannot understand how your business men have got on so long without one, for that was one thing that surprised me very much when I visited your town last winter, that a town with over three thousand of population should have no bank. The population of Simcoe is estimated at only three thousand, and it it supports two large banks. *  *  *  If I go to your town this fall, which I fully intend to do now, I expect to spend between ten and twelve thousand dollars in business and building. *  *  *
                 J. NICKERSON.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.   

At Falk's Hall. - Quite a respectable and highly pleased audience were in attendance upon the Children's Entertainment at Falk's Hall, Thursday night of last week, for the benefit of their special fund in St. John's Church. The young amateurs deserved and received much praise for their really creditable acting of the drama "Inez, or, the Little Rope dancer." The musical selections under the direction of Miss Alix Judice, were rendered with commendable skill and were highly appreciated. A most pleasing feature of the entertainment was a selection on the piano, violin and cornet, by Miss Estell Gerac and Messrs. Henry Gerac and Walter Mouton, which was heartily encored. The children  are much pleased and satisfied with the result of their work, which netted them something over thirty-five dollars, and return their thanks to their generous patrons.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.


Died of Sun-Stroke. - On Thursday of last week a Swiss laborer, named Philip A. Garbary, who for some time was in the employ of Mr. P. B. Roy, at Royville, but who had for several days been working at the livery stable of Mr. John Vigneaux, in this place, was prostrated by sunstroke. He was working beneath a mid day sun bareheaded. He received prompt medical attention, but lingered unconscious until early Friday morning, when he died. Deceased was without means, and has no known relatives in this country. Mr. Vigneaux accorded him a respectable burial in the Catholic cemetery here. This is the only fatal case of sunstroke that has occurred in our town within our recollection.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891

Oh, By the Way, Which One's Pink? -  "Gideon's Band" broke loose in town last Tuesday night. They went down about the depot and regaled the railroad boys with some of their choicest selections, which so disgusted the little switch engine that it was sulky all that night, and refused to whistle when Ben would pull the string. Here are the sweet musical moguls. Deacon Bowen, leader; Electric Thompson, Ernest Mouisset, Pink Torian, Charlo Mouton, Beraud Mouton, Nort Black, Maurice Mouton. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

 New Dr.'s  Office. - Dr. Franklin Mouton's handsome new office, on the corner of Vermilion and Washington streets, is now undergoing its finishing touches under the facile brush of Mr. H. A. Eastin. Frank can now congratulate himself upon the possession of a a "sawbones sanction" which adds pleasantly to the appearance of that portion of our rapidly growing metropolis. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.

Suicide near Abbeville.

 A special to the New Orleans Picayune from Abbeville, La., dated July 21, says: Marcus Guidry, an old man living sixteen miles southwest of this place, committed suicide this morning by cutting his throat from ear to ear. His mind was at no time strong, and fearing a recurrence of a cancer of which he had been cured, stated that rather than live in misery and dread he would die. It is supposed that, rendered worse by a slight illness, his reason gave way entirely, and seizing a razor he used it as above stated. From the New Orleans Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891. 

Selected News Notes 7/25/1891.

Not much rain this week, and the weather has been hot as blazes.

Eggs have been scarce in our market for several weeks past. 

 Constant improvement is going on in town and the surrounding country, although no large buildings are going up. One wonders what becomes of all the lumber that is being daily hauled away from our lumber yards here.

Mr. J. A. Veazey left for a trip to Grand Island last Monday.

 Misses Alix  and Louise Judice visited friends in Carencro this week.

 Messrs. F. E. Girard and Leo Judice left the latter part of last week on a pleasure trip to Grand Isle.

 Mr. J. A. Veazey left for a trip to Grand Island last Monday.

 Mr. Alfred Hebert and family left this week to spend some time at Grand Cheniere, Cameron parish.

 Peaches are brought into town daily. Our parish was favored with a fair crop of this delicious fruit this year.

 Mrs. S. L. Bailey and Miss Effie Young returned from Opelousas the latter part of last week.

  Groups of children on our commons, flying kites with parachute attachments which are jerked loose and come sailing gracefully down, form a very pretty picture these bright summer evenings.

 Thursday morning Constable Soloman found a key in front of Dr. Shipe's office. It is a flat key, with long and short slits at the fitting end. Call at this office.

 Mr. H. L. Monnier has finished the improvements and additions to his residence, which adds much to his appearance and comfort. He will now turn his attention to building additional cottages on his property just across the street in front of his home.

 Last week Capt. Ross was working in this vicinity with his bridge force, and also laid a new plank approach from the track to the Crescent Hotel. They went down the road Tuesday.

 Col. Gus A. Breaux, of New Orleans, is here spending a week or more on his plantation near town.

 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roy, of Broussardville, left last Wednesday for Grand Isle to spend a few weeks on the sea coast. We wish them a pleasant time and a safe return home.

 Groups of children on our commons, flying kites with parachute attachments which are jerked loose and come sailing gracefully down, form a very pretty picture these bright summer evenings.

 Messrs. Jos. Bass, Henry Bendel and Albert Goguenhiem of Morgan City, and Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Schmulen, of Carencro, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Falk this week.

 Many of the citizens of our town will have a crop of oranges on their trees this year. For several years past most of this fruit here in town has been killed by severe weather.

 Peaches are brought into town daily. Our parish was favored with a fair crop of this delicious fruit this year.

 The Camelia Base Ball Club will play with the Broussard B. B. Club near Mr. Faustin Vincent's residence on Sunday the 2nd of August, for $50.00 a side and for the championship of the parish.

 Mr. Fred Thomas, representing Julius Meyer's wholesale paper warehouse of New Orleans, was in town last Wednesday in the interest of the town.

Married. - In this parish on Monday the 20th of July, 1891, by the Hon. O. C. Mouton, Mr. John Soulari and Miss Anna Lacour. The Advertiser wished the couple much happiness and prosperity.

 Miss Maud Young, one of the charming young ladies or Royville, was the guest of her cousin Miss Effie Young last week.

 Mr. D. H. McCreight, traveling salesman of Frederick Stearns & Co., of Detroit, Mich., was in town Tuesday on business.

 Our farmers when they come to town now don't wear long faces, but have a cheerful grin and a "you bet!" expression of countenance. The present excellent crop prospects have caused this wonderful transmogrification.

 Mr. R. W. Elliott, of Carencro, favored us with a call last Saturday. Mr. Elliot received his diploma as attorney at law at the recent session of the Supreme Court at Opelousas.

 Miss Rose Fortune, of Berwick, La., is here spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. Labe.

 Remember, the excursion of Phoenix Hook and Ladder No. 4, of New Iberia, leaves Lafayette to-morrow (Sunday) at 6 o'clock a. m., arriving at Thibodaux at 10 a. m. Fare from all points this side of Baldwin, $2.00. Base ball, horse racing, dancing and other sports at Thibodaux. Returning trains leave Thibodaux at 6 o'clock p. m.

 Lake Charles is soon to have a street railway. The stock was readily taken by its enterprising citizens.

 Rev. J. N. Abou and wife, of Washington, La., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clegg last Sunday and Monday.

 Our farmers when they come to town now don't wear long faces, but have a cheerful grin and a "you bet!" expression of countenance. The present excellent crop prospects have caused this wonderful transmogrification.


Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1891.


From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 25th, 1874.

To the People of the Parish of Lafayette.  

In response to the request of the Democratic Central Committee, that delegates be elected to a State Convention to assemble in New Orleans, on the Fourth Monday in August next, to select a State Treasurer and members of Congress for the several Congressional Districts, and all voters who desire substantial and thorough reform in our public affairs, to meet the Court House on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1874, for the purpose of selecting delegates to said Convention, and also of electing a Parish Central Committee.

 S. J. Montgomery, H. Jamieson, Jr., W. H. Cunningham, M. D., Arthur Greig, J. D. Trahan, M. D., John S. Whittington, N. Breaux, M. L. Lyons M. D., Joseph Louviere, L. P. Revillon, H. M. Bailey, C. T. Patin, Camille Sellers, F. S. Mudd M. D., Ed. Eng. Mouton, M. F. Rigues, Jean Bernard, Paulin Arceneaux, R. C. Landry, Nathan Foreman, M. T. Martin, John Clegg and W. B. Bailey, member State Central Committee, Vermilionville, July 25th, 1874.

Killing of Joseph Thibodeaux.

 The preliminary examination in the case of Gustave Mouton, for the killing of Joseph Thibodeaux, was had on last Tuesday. After a careful investigation, Judge Moss, considered the evidence sufficient to require the accused to appear before the District Court, to answer to the charge of manslaughter. The amount of bond for such appearance was fixed at two thousand dollars, which was at once furnished.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.

Information Too Meagre. We have heard rumors of a robbery and outrages perpetrated upon a white lady in the upper end of this parish, in the night time, by several armed colored men and that the neighbors, in the excitement of the moment took the law into their own hands, &c. Our information about the matter is so meagre, that we are unable to vouch for its correctness.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.

Joint Stock Association. On last Saturday last, several citizens met and organized a Joint Stock Association for the purpose of establishing a Reading Room and Chess Club. The benefits to result to our community from this move is manifest ; and it only needs encouragement in the shape of a few more subscriptions to the stock to make it a complete success. The Board of Directors are: M. E. Girard, Esq., President; Ed. E. Mouton, Esq., Vice President; Hon. A. J. Moss, Treasurer; L. P. Revillon, Esq., Secretary; Hon. Eraste Mouton, Wm. Campbell, Jr., and John Clegg, Esq.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.


 The Blessing of Mont Carmel. -  On Wednesday next, 29th instant, at 5 o'clock P. M., His Grace, Archbishop Perche, will bless the new Convent of Mont Carmel of Vermilionville. Immediately after the ceremony, the distribution of prizes to the pupils and all friends of the institution are invited to attend these ceremonies.

 The next day, Thursday 39th, at 8 o'clock A. M., a high mass will be celebrated in the Chapel of the Convent for the benefit of all persons who have contributed to the building and erection of the edifice in any manner whatsoever. All those interest are invited to attend.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874. 

Archbishop Arrives.

 His Grace, the Right Rev. Archbishop Perche, arrived in this place on Wednesday last. We are happy to state that the venerable and beloved Pastor of the Catholic Church of Louisiana is enjoying his usual good health. Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.

WHO ARE YOU ? - Since the editorial control of that former staunch and respectable journal, the Opelousas Courier, has been turned over to the White Leaguers, its columns have been besmeared with vulgar and slanderous compositions and personalities. The unknown itinerant writers of that sheet have intruded into a genteel vocation and do not appreciate the courtesies and responsibilities of the position they disgrace. If they expect to influence public opinion or deserve the notice of gentlemen, by such anonymous scribbling and cowardly conduct, they exhibit a deplorable state of ignorance and stupidity. Why don't they show their faces and hang out their names, and let the public know who they are.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.


Bond Fixed. - The preliminary examination in the case of Gustave Mouton, for the killing of Joseph Thibodeaux, was had on last Tuesday. After a careful investigation, Judge Moss considered the evidence sufficient to require the accused to appear before the District Court to answer to the charge of manslaughter. The amount of bond for such appearance was fixed at two thousand dollars, which was at once furnished.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.

 City Council of Vermilionville.

 On this day of July 1874, the City Council met at the Court House in regular session.

 Present: A. Monnier, Mayor and Councilmen Mouton, Revillon, Bourges and McBride. Absent: Chargois, Landry and Salles.

 The Council was called to order, and on motion, the reading of the minutes were dispensed with.

 On motion it was resolved, That the Collector be and is hereby ordered to proceed to the collection of all taxes and licenses due this Corporation.

 Resolved further, That ten days after the publication of this resolution, the Collector is hereby authorized to bring suit against all parties failing or neglecting to pay their taxes and licenses.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
A. MONNIER, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1874.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 25th, 1909:

Work Begun by West Construction Co. On Contract Signed by the Former Council.

 The West Construction Co., of Chattanooga, has begun work on the cement walks from the Vordenbaumen Lumber Co. to Dr. Hopkins' property on the north side of Hopkins avenue, and will lay the walks for which they have complete contracts signed by the old Council. There is one contract, begun by the old Council, but not signed and which the new Council at its last meeting did not authorize the mayor to sign, which will not authorize the mayor to sign, which will not be included in the above. E. G. Billingsley, vice-president of the Company, is now here. Lafayette Advertiser 6/25/1909.


 Two negro bootblacks engaged in a lively scrap Wednesday on Buchanan street, the cause being one dollar, (near $28.00 in today's money) which one claimed the other owed and the other strenuously denied. Both claiming directly opposite in the matter to dispute, the atmosphere got warmer and warmer until finally things got too hot to brook the law's delay, and with an appeal to the arbitrament of nations, the creditor proceeded to collect, vi et armis, with his fists, full satisfaction from the debtor. But the debtor argued the matter very skillfully with punch and counter punch and after a brief, but busy set-to, mix-up and engagement, both combatants retired from the field, somewhat battered, but neither damaged. The casus belli, cause of dispute, the owe or don't owe a dollar, was not settled and the last parting exchange of courtesies as each went his way in opposite directions was, "You got to pay me dat dollar." "I ain't no such thing, I don't owe you no dollar." Lafayette Advertiser 6/25/1909.


 Moss & Co.s Hardware Department Entered and a Lot of Pocket Knives, etc., Secured.

 Value of Articles Taken Estimated at Over $50.

 No Clue to Robbers Found But Itinerary Peddler Selling Razors Day Previous, Suspected.

 Monday night the hardware store of Moss & Co. was broken into and burglarized of a lot of pocket knives, razors, and two cheap watches. The thief entered by way of a rear window, making use of Dr. Clark's spade to pry the sash and break the fastenings. The crime was not discovered until the next morning. No clue that might lead to detection of the rascal has been found yet.

 Suspicion, however, was directed to an itinerant peddler, who, the day previous had been to the store and had been selling razors, etc., to people near the sugar refinery. All attempts to trace this person have failed and many believe him the guilty party. Mr. Frank Moss says it would be difficult to fix the exact loss, but it is not less than $50 and probably much more. Lafayette Advertiser 6/25/1909. 

From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 25th, 1913:


 We have heard more than one citizen express displeasure at our antiquated and inadequate court house, the remarks evidently springing from a feeling of pride for the appearance of our city. Such city pride is very commendable, and it is to be hoped that it will prevail so generally that everybody will  be willing to vote the necessary tax to build a new court house and jail that will not only be handsome architecturally, but will contain all things necessary for the proper conduct of the public business.

 But we should not limit our city pride altogether to having a fine court house or city hall; it should go further and include the general appearance of our city. We should have a pride in clean streets, clean front and back yards; a pride in the absence of odors of all kinds and delight in cleanliness and order. These things, with very little trouble and at small expense can easily be had. Just think of being able to walk the streets and see no unsightly weeds or grass, no tin cans or chicken feathers, broken limbs or bushes and other trash; but on the contrary, a nice clean inviting street!

 How nice and charming if everybody's front yard was a lawn and his back yard a flower garden, with shade trees all over town giving grateful shade from their green leaved branches.

 In other words, what a charming city, if our city pride would lead us to beautify and as far as possible do away with all unsightly objects! And it can so easily be done, just a little cooperation and a little true city pride and the thing will be done. Why not? Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1913.


 On Wednesday, July 30, an election will be held in the town of Lafayette for the purpose of electing a Board of Sewerage Commissioners, consisting of five members to be elected by the property tax payers residing within the sewerage district for the issuance of negotiable bonds.

 The purpose of this election is to offer the people of Lafayette the opportunity to own their own sewerage system. Should the vote be against, the Council have expressed their determination to go ahead and give a franchise to some corporation to put in sewerage.

 The time has arrived when Lafayette ought to have sewerage for the protection and comfort of its people. The Council recognizes this fact and will act as they should in the premises.

 It is then practically settled that Lafayette will have sewerage - the question then for the voters in the sewerage district to decide is whether they want to vote a small tax and own the sewerage or allow a company to own it.

 In the first case in a few years the system will be paid for and only charges made for its use, sufficient to keep it in repair. In the second case the charges by the company will have to be large enough not only to keep the system in repair, but to give the investors an income which means the people will keep on paying them a tax for fifty years or more according to the length of the franchise given.

 To vote the tax and own the sewerage system is the sensible thing to do, and should we fail to do so, we will be acting against our own best interest.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/1913.

 From the Lafayette Daily Advertiser of July 25th, 1918:

Lafayette Motor Company Oldsmobile Agent.

 L. P. DeBlanc, manger of the Lafayette Motor Car Co., announced this Thursday morning that the Oldsmobile agency for Lafayette, Iberia, Vermilion and St. Martin parishes has been taken by the concern. Two carloads of this make of automobiles are on their way to Lafayette. This well known car will be added to the Overland-Willys Knight line carried by the company. Mr. DeBlanc said former purchasers of Oldsmobiles will be given service at his garage, the same as those who buy them now. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/25/1918.  

 Lagniappe #1.

The Fruit of Roosevelt's Policy.

A few days ago Randall Sullivan, a negro, employed as an elevator conductor in the Geological Survey Building at Washington, was suspended for writing a note to a white lady also employed in the building as a clerk, asking for her address, and saying that he "had something on his mind which he wished to communicate." When taken to task he said that he could not be suspended for merely writing a note "such as any gentleman might send to a lady.

 We are informed that the affair caused the most intense indignation in the department but we can not understand why it should have raised a rumpus in view of the President's open recognition of the negro as a political and social equal. Under the circumstances it is not surprising that the negro Sullivan should have written a note to a white woman, because he had been taught by the President to consider himself in every respect the equal of a white person. Mr. Roosevelt was responsible for the negro's offense, and if he is the real friend and protector of the African race he pretends to be he will not permit Sullivan to be suspended.

 When the President invited Booker Washington to the White House and to a seat at his family table, the act was tantamount to a notification to the country that the negroes should be accepted as the social and political equals of the whites, and out of this has grown the turbulent spirit the negroes are manifesting in nearly every State of the Union. The president's policy has done much to encourage "the new negro's crime," lynchings and race riots. Mr. Roosevelt has explained that he invited Booker Washington to dine with him because Booker was a gentleman and entirely worthy to at table with the president or anybody else. The negro Sullivan also claims to be a gentleman and holds that the note he wrote to the white woman was "such as any gentleman might write to a lady." If the president is consistent he will not allow negro employees of the government to be punished for taking special liberties that would not be condemned in a white man, for has he not declared that there should not be any discrimination against them on account of race, color or previous condition of the president to stand by Sullivan and see that he is reinstated in his job of running the elevator.

Original source unknown. Published in the Lafayette Gazette 7/25/1903. 


Wonders in a Drop of Hay-Water.

 Let me tell you some of the I have seen. Once I put a little hay in a tumbler, covered it with water, and set the glass in a warm place for a day of two. Then, with a medicine-dropper, I put a drop of the water on a glass slip, covered it with a very thin glass wafer the size of a cent, placed it under the microscope, adjusted the focus, and what a sight met my eyes. Dozens and dozens of what looked like animated drops of jelly were darting here and there, bumping against one another, or dodging one another like schoolboys at recess. Perhaps among the crowd of smaller ones would dash a much bigger fellow. I fancied it might be a big brother, older than the others by some hours, and so entitled to the deference he seemed to exact. Then, in another part of the drop of water, the little ones formed a circle, and presently in  the center of this came a big fellow - he must have been at least one-one hundredth of an inch long - who began revolving slowly. "P. T. Barnum," I thought to myself. "That is exactly the way I have seen him address an audience surrounding a circus ring." But I can never know what he told the small ones, for not even the "little ghost of an inaudible squeak" reached my ears. Besides these little creatures, I could see what looked dark specks darting above. Determined to find out what these were, I used a stronger magnifying glass, and looked through it the specks proved to be other little swimmers such as I had just been examining; and the latter, of course, seemed larger. But now there will still other specks darting about, so a still stronger glass was used, with the same result . Magnify as I might, I could not reach a point where there were not some moving atoms needing further magnifying. I have since learned that no glass has ever been made powerful enough to reveal the tiniest these "infusorias" as they are called. 

From the St. Nicholas and in the Lafayette Advertiser of July 25, 1891.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 25th, 2015:


Everything’s business as usual,” Lyles said. “This event reinforces the strength and backbone of this community, but I wouldn’t expect anything else.”

And as patrons walked from tent to tent along the shaded pathway weaving through the market it seemed Lyles was right.

“You wouldn’t be able to tell just coming here today what happened a few days ago,” said Aaron Garcia, who frequents the market often.

“It’s a testament to the strength of everyone who lives here and how we’re able to come together and think positively,” Garcia’s girlfriend, Maureen Doucet, added.

Still, not everyone at the market took the “moving on” approach.

Melodie McMath, who usually spends her Saturday mornings making juices and smoothies for Emerge — An Artisan Juicery, decided to set up a different booth this week.

“This week I felt compelled to provide a healing place of a different capacity,” McMath said. “Usually we focus on physical healing with juices, but this week I felt the community needed more emotional healing.”

Instead of juices, there were blessings. In place of smoothies, hugs.

Hugs, she said, that were at least 10 seconds long.

“This lone gunman didn’t feel like he had a community, and that’s what inspires the kind of action he took,” McMath said. “So for the community to come out and embrace everyone and giving out love, connecting, making eye contact and giving a simple ‘hello’ reminds us that we’re all on this earth together.”

These simple acts of kindness, she said, is what helps the community heal.

“If we stop focusing on the negative and focus on the positive the negative will naturally start to subside,” McMath said.

It was for this reason, Richard said, the market carried on as usual.

“Being the community staple we are, we didn’t even think twice about if we would open,” Richard said.

“This is something in Lafayette that people look forward to, and something that makes us the strong community we are so it’s all that more important that we’re here this week — to give people a place to come together.”

Lafayette Advertiser 7/25/2015.

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