Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 23rd, 1898:

Shocking Tragedy in North Laf. Parish. 

A gun loaded and handled carelessly was the cause of the death of a prominent young man, Dalton Courtney, at Carencro, last Sunday morning.

 It seems that Courtney and another young man, Armand Andrus, were discussing upon the qualities of the gun, when by an unlikely event, the gun fell from the hands of Andrus, and striking the floor, its load was discharged, striking the young Courtney - At the same moment, his friend Andrus, realizing the unexpected occurrence became delirious. Both of the young men belong to prominent families in this parish and St. Landry. The father of Cortisone is a prominent doctor of Carencro, and the young Andrus' father is a prominent merchant. This tragedy is deeply regretted, and the Advertiser sympathizes with the bereaved family. Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898.

What's New in the Advertiser's Store Window?

 Very fine samples of our parish products have been brought to our office during the week. We are glad to record such very fine results, it shows that Lafayette can compare favorably with with any other section of our state.

 Sugar Cane. -
Fine specimens of cane, some with seven joints ready for our refineries were brought to us by Messrs. W. P. Thomas, Jos. Ross, Vavasseur Mouton, Armand Chaupin, W. S. Torian and Nicholson.

 Cotton. - Dr. F. E. Girard sent a very fine stalk of ordinary quality well loaded, Dr. T. B. Hopkins furnished us a stalk of limbless cotton which had 120 bolls and squares, which is rather out of the ordinary for this early day and wet season, and last of all Mr. A. Bacque who brought us a stalk of Steckler Cotton loaded with 124 bolls and squares.

 Corn. - Very fine samples of this product were forwarded us by Messrs. Joe Ross, Archie Morgan, Farrar  Lindsay and Leonce Gladu. Ears were of good size and the stalks were as tall as 14 feet.

 Peaches, Grapes, etc. - Fine products of the above were sent us also.

 What Is Lacking. - We would like very much to receive a monster watermelon.
 Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898.   

Inquiry About Lafayette. In view of the fact that people from distant States are writing daily to our real estate man, this latter one had decided to have circulars printed setting forth the resources and advantages of this town and parish, so as to induce home seekers and capitalists to come among us. Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898. 

 Too Heavily Charged. Last week we complained about the electric lights, but from a talk the secretary of the Co. had with us, we found that the main line has already an overplus of 25 lights to take care of and that another main line is absolutely necessary. We hope that our authorities will make the needed increase, as with the winter approaching, there will be an increase for more lights. Lafayette Louisiana 7/23/1898.

Real Estate in Demand.

 Real estate is in demand in Lafayette. In the last few days, Mr. P. B. Roy has bought a lot near the Post-office 48 x 140 for $900 upon which a two-story house will be built in the near future. Mr. Simeon Begnaud has also bought the lot where Alphonse Peck's saloon is now, for $2,500. Mr. Begnaud proposes to build a two-story building on his lot. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

New Map of Lafayette.
 Mr. H. T. Higgenbotham, of New York, representing the Sanborn Perris Co., showing every building etc. His business will be to acquaint the Company with the system of water works now in operation, its efficiency which will certainly secure low rates of insurance for our merchants.

Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898.  


 The Farmers' Institute which was held last Friday and Saturday, at this place was not attended as it ought to have been. It justly deserved larger audiences but those who grasped the opportunity were our most go ahead and push farmers and their opinion was that Institute had been very interesting and instructive.

 Professor Stubbs and Dr. Dalrymple are surely masters in their respective branches and capable of answering any questions with full particulars and details.

 The special lecture on Charbon by Dr. Dalrymple was most valuable, especially at this time where our neighboring parishes are sustaining such great loss of cattle.

 No farmer can expect to advance with this progressive age and make his farm return him a good dividend, or at least an ample home supply, without attending these Institutes and learning from good practical men who are always most willing to give and to impart to the world their knowledge and experience of years. We hope that in the future our farmers will attend the Institute in greater numbers. It will pay them to do so. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898. 

Farmer's Club for Lafayette.

 A Farmer's Club has been organized lately in Lafayette whose object will be to keep farmers in touch. A monthly meeting will be held and plans will be discussed for an annual exposition of the produce of the parish. The officers elected were:  Dr. P. M. Girard, president; Col. Gus. A. Breaux, vice-president and C. C. Brown Secretary. We will have more to say on this important subject. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

High Mass.

 High Mass was celebrated at St. John Catholic Church on last Thursday morning for the repose of the souls of those who fell in battle during the present war. Prayers were offered to the throne of Almighty God for a cessation of hostilities and for a return to sweet peace. The ceremony was imposing being conducted by Revs. Father Forge and Baulard. A very good congregation was present. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898. 

Electric Light Problems.

 Complaint is being made by not a few of our merchants that the electric light is not turned on early enough for the use of stores, by 20 or 30 minutes, the light should be made available still earlier. Proper regulation of the service will conduce to more general satisfaction and will result in advantage to patronage of the plant. Furthermore the light is weakening and the plant ought to be looked after. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898. 

Should Buy Bricks.

 Brick buildings will soon be erected in Lafayette. This is certainly a good move. And then the difference between the cost of the bricks, as sold by B. Falk, and the lumber is so slight that it is about as cheap to buy bricks as to buy lumber. Therefore it is better to think twice on this subject and buy bricks every time. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

Special Time at Oak Ave. Park.

 We can say, without doubt, that every one of our young men who have gone to the front in the present war, have sweet remembrance of their homes. There is not a day passing which do not bring to them the reality of their position. They think about home, friends and loved ones and they resolved that in the event of action they will gloriously achieve deeds of valor in remembrance of those left behind. Now, for us who are here enjoying what heart can wish, our duty to them is to remember and by our means try to alleviate their privations and hardships. We have a chance to do so to-morrow by assisting at the game of base ball which shall be played at Oak Avenue Park, at 3 p. m, and whose proceeds will go to our volunteers.

 The game will be interesting as the Hobsons and Deweys of Lafayette will cross bats.  The following are the teams:  Deweys - Abraham Hirsch, Alphonse Peck, E. Lehman, Dupre Bernard, L. Plonsky, Sam Plonsky, R. Chargois, George Domengeaux and A. Vigneux.  Hobsons - Rex Domengeaux, L. Ramsey, H. Hankins, Wm. Hans, M. Schwartz, G. Pefferkorn, B. Bell, Ed. Couret and E. Hebert.

 Refreshing cool drinks will be served by the ladies. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

Horse Gone.

 A certain gentleman, needing his horse a few mornings ago, went to the stable but to his dismay the horse was gone. Looking up in the street, he paced it back and forth without finding it. A few minutes after, a good colored man brought the horse, telling him that he found it in the weeds that embellish the side walks. The certain gentleman had passed twice before the place where his horse was grazing, but in the height and thickness of the swampy weeds had concealed it from his views. Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898.

Brought to Advertiser.

 Of late our office has received quite a number of the produces of our parish which we are always glad to put on exhibition. It shows the value of our lands and efforts made by our farmers to get the very best seeds. We have this week some corn known as "Golden Dent" raised by Archie Morgan, which was dry enough to be grinded on July 2nd. This is quite an early variety which merits the attention of our farmers.

 We exhibit also a stalk of "Stecelker's Cotton" planted April 2nd by Mr. A. Bacquet, which is loaded with 10 bolls and forms.

 Our editor who went to Breaux Bridge to look after his experiment with Jackson's limbless cotton, reports that is patch is a magnificent sight and there are as many as 225 bolls and forms have been counted on a stalk. This is indeed marvelous. Another variety of cotton which we have on exhibition is the Mabry's prolific which promises good results. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.   

Ice Cream Festival.

 The third ice cream festival for the benefit of the Episcopal church building fund will be given next Tuesday evening at the home of Judge J. G. Parkerson. The excellent management of the two ice cream festivals given previously, by the ladies of the congregation, will assure success to all of their future undertakings in the same direction. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

Hobson Social Club.

 Misses Flora and Rose Plonsky entertained the members of the Hobson Social Club, and visiting guests, in a delightful fashion Thursday evening. The lovely little home was a blaze of light, whose brilliancy was only exceeded by the bright smiles, and welcoming words of the kind young hostesses.

 Miss I. A. McDaniel favored the guests with one of her popular recitation and after some time had been spent in games, the doors of the spacious dining hall were thrown open and the young people invited to partake of the delicacies provided for them. Mr. Lee Walker, in a charming and graceful manner, delivered the toast of the evening, followed by Mr. E. T. McBride and others. A royal good time was had by all present, and the guests departed with kind and loving wishes for their charming young hostesses.

 Miss Alta Deffez will entertain the Club on Wednesday next. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

Entertainment by Miss Mercedes Broussard.

 The charming Miss Mercedes Broussard entertained at her home, last Sunday night, a number of her friends. The entertainment was pronounced by those present to be the best and greatest home amusement of the season. Beautiful and harmonious piano selections by Misses L. Revillon, L. Bailey and the hostess will be remembered everlastingly by the guests. Songs full of feeling and animation were sung with great effect by Miss L. Revillon whose clear notes transpierced the ears of all hearers. Among those present were Misses Lucile Revillon, Julie Revillon, Lizzie Bailey, Lucie Judice, May and (unreadable) Bailey, Henriette Doucet and Ida Doucet. Messrs. Cornay, Z. Francez, Ralph Voorhies, Onezime, Hebert and Eddie Mouton, Oliver Darby, Hector Prejean, Frank Broussard and L. & G. Gladu. A wish expressed was that the charming hostess might enjoy a long life so to be able to entertain her friends again and again. Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1898.

Police Jury Proceedings.
(continued from last issue.)

       Lafayette, La., June 22, 1898.
  By motion of Mr. Hebert R. C. Greig and R. C. Landry were appointed to consult an attorney relative to the payment demanded by Mr. F. B. Hull on account of the jail contract, and if the committee should be advised that said payment could be made without jeopardy the position maintain by jury as to said contract, then warrant to issue for the amount now due said contracting company.

 The following account was laid over:

From Gazette of July 16,
page 2 column 2
 The Jury then adjourned to meet Tuesday July 12 at the usual hour.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.

        Lafayette, La., July 12, 1898.
  Pursuant to adjournment the Police Jury met this day with the following members present:  R. C. Landry, Ben Avant, Ben Avant, C. C. Brown, Alfred Hebert, Jno. Whittington, Jr., M. Billeaud, Jr., and Alonzo Lacy.

 Attorney Campbell appeared before the body to represent the interest of the justices and constables in the proposed fixing of salaries under the new constitution. By motion action was postponed until next regular meeting and all justices requested to file a statement of criminal business for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1897 and ending July 1, 1898.

 The report of Col. Thos. D. Boyd, president of the Louisiana State University on Cadets McBride and Herpin was read and gave much satisfaction to the jury. The excellent progress and standing of the boys, excited most favorable comment.

 The following proposition from Mr. F. B. Hull representing the Pauly Jail Building Company was read:

          Lafayette, La., July 1, 1898.
  To the Hon. President and Members of the Policy Jury of Lafayette Parish - We propose in case that you pay the Pauly Jail Company the money now due them, principal and interest that we will by the 1st of October 1898 work on the evaporating system again, and if we fail to make the system evaporate the fluid so that it can be consumed or burnt to dry chips and ashes, then we will take out this system and substitute therefor a system of water closets at our own costs and expense, which will be made to enter into a cesspool which will be dug and furnished also at the costs and expense of the undersigned.
          F. B. & W. S. Hull,
          per F. B. Hull.

 By motion duly carried, the jury refused to take any further action in the premises until the Pauly Jail Company should comply with the contract relative to the successful operation of the evaporating vault.

 Messrs. Billeaud and Landry reported that a majority of the people of Broussard and vicinity desired the railway crossing at a point opposite the Old Lane. After considerable discussion action was postponed.

 By motion, Mr. Brown was appointed to call upon Gov. M. J. Foster and urge the veto of Senate Bill No. 126 fixing the boundary between Lafayette and Acadia.

 The report of Mr. O. Theriot on bridges in the 4th ward was read and approved.

 By motion Mr. Primeaux was authorized to purchase and haul lumber for the repair of certain bridges in his ward as per report of O. Theriot.

 By motion of Mr. Billeaud the sum of $1,600 was appropriated as a drainage fund to be distributed pro rata, among the wards according to the assessed valuation of property.

page 2 column 2

 The Jury then adjourned to meet Saturday, July 16, 1898 as a Board of Reviewers.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898.

Selected News Notes 7/23/1898.

 Miss Lena Kleb left for Crowley Friday for a few days, on a visit to friends.

 After spending a few days with relatives in Carencro, Mrs. Leopold Lacoste returned home last Wednesday.

 Mr. P. B. Roy, left for a few days ago for High Island, Texas. 

 Levy Bros. who will rent a part of the new store to be built by Gus Lacoste will open a general merchandise business on or about October 1st.

 The building occupied by Gus. Schmulen will in a short time be renovated. His business has so improved that an increase of room is necessary. The store will be 35 x 50 and new up-to-date show windows will be placed in.

 Mrs. A. Voorhies and daughter Philomene, returned last Saturday from Houston, Texas.

 Mr. John Creighton, night operator at the Telephone Exchange spent a few days in Crowley.

 Mr. Ambroise Mouton, the real estate dealer, went to Crowley last Thursday to hold a consultation with Duson Bros. n regard to the purchase of some real estate.

 Prof. Robert Broussard, of Pilette's public school gave a party to his pupils, in the school house, which was greatly enjoyed by over two hundred persons who were present. Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of July 23rd, 1898:


 In this issue of July 9, The Gazette published the report of Mr. C. A. Gaines, of New Orleans, who had employed as an expert to examine and report on the condition of machinery in the Waterworks and Electric Light Plant. The revelations of Mr. Gaines were so sensational that The Gazette could not withhold a few commentary remarks thereon, and to these Mr. Zell has evidently taken exception, as appears from the following letter received a few days since, and reproduced verbatim:

    ".... New Orleans July 16th, 1898.
  H. Mouton, Esqr.
        Proprietor The Lafayette Gazette,
                                                    Lafayette, La.

 Dear Sir.
     I request that you publish in your next issue a statement retracting from the statement made about the Water and Lighting Plant, in which you have mislead the public that I am criminally liable as the Engineer for the Town of Lafayette for any assumed defects that may be claimed in the plant.

 After consulting council I request that you separate me from any quarrel that the town of Lafayette may have with the Consolidated Engineering Co.

 Hoping to have your immediate reply
    I am truly,
      ROBERT R. ZELL. ..."

 Mr. Zell is without doubt unduly sensitive in this matter for in the article in question no allusion directly or indirectly is made to him. We fail to find any statement that demands modification or retraction and therefore do not propose that anything now said shall be construed as an apology or explanation of the position assumed in reference to this contention. Rather would we repeat the statement to which Mr. Zell evidently takes umbrage and which reads as follows:  "The condition of affairs and the facts if substantiated disclose not only dishonest practice but criminal culpability in the construction of the plant beyond parallel."  Can any one tell us wherein Mr. Zell is held "criminally liable?"  The Gazette does not undertake to say who is responsible for the reported condition of the plant, and for ought we known, it may be the contracting company or some employee of the company, or the Council, or it may be that the manufacturing company which supplied the boilers and machinery is guilty of "criminal culpability," or it may be that Mr. Gaines has made a mistake and the whole matter may at last resolve itself into a veritable mare's nest.

 Mr. Zell recommended the acceptance of the plant expressing his entire satisfaction as to the machinery in particular, and now comes Mr. Gaines who states that the boilers, etc., are in a "bad and dangerous condition" and should be "torn out." The Gazette knows little or nothing of the standing of either of the two men in his profession as mechanical engineer and has absolutely no knowledge of machinery and therefore does not undertake to pronounce hasty judgment in this matter. The courts have been appealed to and in advance of the decision of that tribunal no opinion is expressed fixing the "criminal culpability" on any particular individual. Considering however, all the circumstances in connection with the report not only of Mr. Gaines but others competent to judge, there certainly is reason to believe that "something is rotten in Denmark."

 Let the judicial investigation proceed fairly and impartially to fix this "criminal culpability" and in the meantime let everybody keep perfectly at ease. There need hardly be any fear that wrong or injustice will be inflicted upon any person who has acted with honesty and integrity. Honi soit qui mal y pense.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1898. 



 The Gazette is pleased to publish the following communication. It covers the whole matter so thoroughly and it is so full of good, sound common sense that we will not attempt to add a single word to it. Suffice to say that it has our entire endorsement:

 The time has arrived for the people of this railroad commission district to consider what steps shall be taken to secure the nomination of a suitable candidate of this most important office. The people all over the State have hailed with delight the constitution of a board of control as it were over the railroad corporations and it now remains for the popular will to decide the gravest and most important phase of the problem, i. e., the selection of good, substantial men to carry out the objects of the law, creating the commission. If the people do not attend to this matter others whose interests are vitally effected will undoubtedly seize the the opportunity to elect men who are subservient to their wishes and selfish purposes. If the writer understands aright the sentiment of the people on this subject, it is that while the commission shall protect the State against undue discriminations, and corporate greed, yet due regard shall be had for the vast capital invested in these various concerns. Nothing should be done to discourage the material development of the State. Here plainly arises a necessity for a body of men strong in character, clear in judgment and sufficiently broadminded to deal fairly and justly in executing the provisions of the law entrusted to its care.

 Such men are not to be found so easily as one would suppose and this difficulty will no doubt confront the people in all three districts. The men who able to withstand the wily diplomacy of corporate institutions, protect the interests of the people, and deal even-handed justice to all concerned, are not to be found every day. True there are many who possess honesty and integrity of character but these excellent qualities must be supplemented by ability to grasp a most complicated problem, and familiarity with the workings of these great corporations to insure faithful and intelligent performance of duty. Lafayette parish possesses a man who has all the qualifications for this office and whose sterling character commands the respect of our entire people - Capt. J. C. Buchanan. If the people of this district desire a man in whom implicit reliance may be placed, they have him in the person of Capt. Buchanan. Th captain represented the parish for several years on the State Board of Assessments for Railroads and his knowledge of railroad business enabled him to protect the interest of the State in a most creditable manner. The writer knows not whether Capt. Buchanan would accept the nomination, but feels confident that no better selection could be made if the people want a competent and efficient representative on the board of railroad commissioners. Let the public deliberate upon this most vital question and see that the proper men are selected to carry out the intent of the law.
     (Signed)   CITIZEN.
Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.


 The bill which passed the Legislature and was signed by the government to re-establish the line between Lafayette and Acadia parishes, is, in the opinion of our local attorneys, clearly unconstitutional. It appears that the line as fixed by the act is a new one, and not merely "re-established." Article 278 of the constitution provides that "all laws changing parish lines, shall, before taking effect, be submitted to the electors of the parish or parishes to be affected thereby at a special election held for that purpose and the lines shall remain unchanged unless two-thirds of the qualified electors of the parish or parishes affected thereby vote in favor thereof at such election."

 As there seems to be no doubt that the Legislative act in question establishes boundaries which are clearly new and not at all in accord with the old line it is believed that it will be an easy matter to prove its unconstitutionality. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Thanksgiving at St. Peter's Church.

 The people of Carencro in pursuance of a proclamation by President McKinley, followed by a circular letter issued by Archbishop Chapelle, will celebrate on Saturday, July 30, at 9 a. m., a solemn mass of requeim for our brave soldiers who have fallen in battle and to beseech by united prayer the continued success and glory of American arms. Father Laforest and a number of prominent ladies and gentlemen of St. Peter's parish are making arrangements to have a good ceremony to exhibit on this occasion the combined sentiments of Catholicity and patriotism.

 There will be a sermon appropriate to the subject, music by the Carencro band, salutes by one hundred guns, decorations, etc., no efforts being spared by the projectors and the parishioners to render it a memorable event.

 Friends of Carencro from other towns are cordially invited to be present. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Parish Assessment.

 Assessor A. M. Martin and his efficient deputy, Sam Plonsky, have just completed and filed with the Police Jury the assessments of the parish together with a recapitulation by wards. By reference to the minutes it will be seen that the work has already been accepted and the assessor will now proceed to make the tax roll for the calendar year of 1898. No complaints have been filed and we believe very general satisfaction is felt as to the assessment which will exceed that of the past year by $100,000. This increase is not the result of any very material changes in old assessments, but is due to natural increase in property and valuations. Assessor Martin recognizes the real condition of the people and has wisely refrained from imposing any greater burden of taxation than was actually necessary to meet the ordinary expenses of the parish. Below is submitted the recapitulation as furnished by the assessor and which will prove of interest to all:

         1. white ... $145.483
         2. white ... $164,512
         3. white ... $276,439
         4. white ... $206,663
         5. white ... $129,129
         6. white ... $244,018
         7. white ... $080,644
8. white ... $115,000
Corporation ... $335,000
Corporation non residents white & colored           ... $183,340
Parish non residents white 
& colored       ... $353,382
whites             ... $056,599
 Total               ... $2,392,200

          1. colored ... $11,922 
          2. colored ... $16,1883 
          3. colored ... $13,328 
          4. colored ... $19,846
          5. colored ... $11,248
          6. colored ... $17,498
          7. colored ... $08,676
          8. colored ... $07,684
Corporation      ... $34,625
Supplemental   ... $2,841

Total                     ... $144,551
Grand total      2,536,760.
Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

F. N. B. Has Map of the World.

 The officers of the First National Bank, always alive to the needs of their friends and customers, have lately spread a large, library map of the world on one of the side walls of the banking room. This will prove a valuable convenience to all persons taking an interest in the movements of our army and navy during the present war. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Not too Many Roads.

         Duson, La., July 18, 1898.
  To the Lafayette Gazette:

 I was pleased to see in the last issue of your paper an article on public roads. This is the season to work the roads and the sooner it is begun the better.

 Your article is so much at variance with the needs of this portion of the parish that i hope you will give me a little space to explain our side of the question. You contend we have too many roads. We do not think so here. Lafayette parish may have more roads than some of her sister parishes, but her needs are greater. As I understand it some of our parishes are composed largely of big sugar plantations. The nature of the work there enables the owners to build their cabins in a group, thus concentrating the population of the place, while a large number of our people own places of from twenty to eighty acres and live on them. You mention the suit now pending for damages as proof that we can not keep our roads and bridges in repair. To those familiar with the manner of doing the work here it is only proof of some one's neglect. I think the Police Jury has been very careful in giving roads, for I worked nearly three years to get a road to our depot and post-office. There was none for a long time.

 You estimate the cost of maintaining the roads at $50.00 per mile. Our farmers can keep the roads in good order for much less than that, by working them this season. I can show you a strip of road here that is good all the time, although it has never been worked. There are but two ways for us to have better roads. One is to have them worked. The other is to work them ourselves. The second we can and should do. By working the roads I mean to go out and do some work and not spend the time talking politics, etc. Many of our farmers can better to work twenty days on the roads than to give $10 in cash; if they are allowed to work this season when crops are laid by. I no not the number of men in our parish who are subject to road duty, but I think you will find that if each is required to work the number of days the law imposes we will have all the labor necessary. With us, some work and others do not. One man told me he had not worked on the roads in three years. He had received no notice. Another did not work in eighteen months. I worked five days in six years (voluntary work excepted.) And there are others.

 With this way of enforcing the present system is it any wonder that it is a failure.

 We have here some mud holes and bridges that have been dangerous for six months while parish lumber lay in the mud or floated around the flats. I think if we give our present system a fair trial "while we wait", we will have better roads. There is one thing that the Police Jury may be able to do for us. It is to have a survey made that will stand. Our lines have been moved by one and another until the people can hardly be expected to build roads.

 Mr. Editor, we are not much on working the roads or writing for a newspaper, but if you will let us know when you will come out here we will meet you at the post-office and cuss and discuss this question with you with tears in our eyes as large as your inkstand. If we fail to show you the things mentioned above and you are not converted to our way of thinking we will forfeit you a bushel of peaches.
     (Signed)  OBSERVER.
Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Ice Cream Festival.

 The 3rd Ice Cream Festival, under the auspices of the ladies of the Epicopal church will be held at the home of Judge J. G. Parkerson, next Tuesday, the 26th instant. Ice cream and other light refreshments will be served. The public are invited to attend. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Brought Back to Testify.

 Sheriff Broussard returned last night with Frank Printz who was brought here to testify at the preliminary examination of Ignatius Weiggle which will be held to-day. It will be remembered that Printz was shot in the face by Weiggle. It was necessary for the sheriff to go to New Orleans to get Printz as he is reported to be completely blind. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

For the "Lafayette Boys."

 A number of young men will give an entertainment at the Oak Avenue to-morrow evening for the purpose of raising funds to be donated to the Lafayette boys now at the Jackson barracks. It will be some time before the boys will receive any pay from government and a little change would undoubtedly be cheerfully accepted by them. New Iberia, Donaldsonville and other Louisiana towns have contributed very liberally toward the same end and we trust that our people will be just as liberal as their neighbors. A game between two local teams will be played and refreshments will be sold. The use of the park has been given for the occasion. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Preparatory to the Feast.

 The congregation of the Ladies of St. Ann of Carencro, will hold next week, an annual retreat preparatory to the feast of their patroness. The retreat will commence on Sunday, July 24, and will terminate on the feast of St. Ann, July 26, by a general communion of the members. The exercises will take place in the morning at 8 o'clock of these three days, and will be conducted by Father Laforest, assisted by visiting priests. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

A Sad Case.

 A young soldier on his way to Houston from Miami stopped in Lafayette this week. He had left Miami to visit his father who was reported dangerously ill at Houston, but before he reached this place he heard of his death. Being without any money he called upon Mayor Caffery for assistance. The mayor was about to provide the young man with the price of a ticket to Houston when he informed the mayor that he had met some railroad men who had offered to carry him to his destination. The young man stated that his father's death would leave his mother and a sister dependent upon him for support. He seemed to feel his position keenly and expressed the hope that the war department would discharge him and permit him to return home to care for his mother and sister. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

Dr. Geo. in Land of the Skies.
[From the Rayne Tribune.]

 Many people in Rayne will be glad to know of the whereabouts of Dr. Geo. R. Tolson who used to be a valued resident of our town. Dr. Tolson has settled at Asheville, western North Carolina, in what is known as the "Land of the Skies" and is associated with the Asheville Sanitarium, in the practice of medicine. There is no more perfect climate on earth for invalids and there are few better physicians anywhere than Dr. Tolson, hence his success there is assured. From the Rayne Tribune and in the Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

 To Recover Possession of Belle Isle.

 A special from New Iberia to the Times-Democrat says:  A suit to recover Belle Isle, in St. Mary parish, by Messrs. Todd & Todd of this place and some Franklin attorneys for the heirs of Francis Gonsoulin, who are said to have been recognized as the owners by the United States Land Commissioners in 1875. The island comprises altogether some 2,850 acres, and is now held by the Gulf Company, who are operating a salt mine there. A patent is said to have been signed in recent years to the Consoulin heirs. It recently developed through the investigations of the above named firms that all the deeds from R. B. Lawrence in 1879, down to that of the Gulf Company, have recited that this chain of title came from one Johnson in 1809 and carrying the fallacy on the face the claimants by these titles cannot plead prescription. The heirs reside near New Iberia. From a special to the N. O. Times-Democrat from New Iberia, and in the Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 7/23/1898.

 Thieves attempted to effect an entrance into the home of Alcee Mouton last Saturday night.

 Miss Emily Olivier left Wednesday to spend some time at Sour Lake.

Jasper Spell made a trip to Rayne Monday.

 About the coolest place in town is next to the Moss Pharmacy soda fountain, which is kept busy "fizzing" from morn to night these hot summer days.

 Several of our young men have left for Ridge for Crowley in search of employment.

 Miss Anna Gamard, of New Orleans, is the guest of Mrs. David Pelletier at the Rigues Hotel.

 The Gazette was pleased to note in the list of military appointments that James A. Moss has been promoted to first lieutenancy.

 Road Overseer Meaux is working the the roads in the Ridge section.

 Louis Deleglise, a citizen of Carencro, aged about 50 years, died Thursday very suddenly. Mr. Deliglise was in business at Carencro, and had lived in this parish a long number of years.

 W. K. Ruger and family, of Valdusta, Ga., will settle in Lafayette. Mr. Ruger will be employed by T. M. Biossat in his jewelry store.

Died. - At the residence of his father in this town, at 6 o'clock, Tuesday morning, George Hebert, son of U. A. Hebert and Azema Billeaud, aged 13 years and 11 months.

 O. B. Jenkins, of Jennings, who read a paper at the Farmers' Institute, was a guest of W. V. Nicholson during his stay in Lafayette. It is Mr. Jenkins' intention to locate in this town. Lafayette Gazette 7/23/1898. 



From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 23rd, 1870:


We understand the detectives in hunting for Mr. Digby's stolen child have not felt at liberty to overlook the suggestion made in this paper as to the possibility of the child having been stolen for sacrificial purposes by the believers in Voodooism.

 We also hear, that acting upon that suggestion, they have been, and still are, engaged with inquiries in that direction ;  and, if rumor be true without some encouraging results. It is now said that the child has been heard of in the vicinity of the Old Basin and is in the hands of negroes who are known to be Voodists ; although it does not yet appear that it is the intention of these Voodists to sacrifice the child. If such was the object of the abductors of the child, we fear it is now too late ever to recover it. Yesterday inaugurated the celebration of Fetish rites among the blacks ; but as the particular time and place of holding their orgies is kept a profound secret among themselves, it will be next to impossible for the world to be made acquainted with them. It is hoped that the police have been, and will continue to be, vigilant in the matter.

--  From New Orleans Paper. Published in the Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1870.        


 The concert advertised by the Minstrel Troupe of Franklin to take place on the 15th, was postponed, on account of the illness of one of the principal actors, Mr. W. P. Johnson. On Monday last, all preparations having been completed, and Mr. Johnson having sufficiently recovered to act his part, the Troupe gave their first entertainment, which met with general satisfaction.

 The vocal and instrumental music was excellent. The wandering Refugee, Annie Laurie, Near the Banks of that Lone, Lone River, etc., etc., was beautifully sung by Messrs. Thos. Reynolds, W. P. Johnson, A. H. Harrison, F. A. Johnson, E. Poteet, M. B. Cook, Gall, and W. I. Watkins.

 The Valley Below, a Comic Trio, and the Little Pig, by Messrs. Reynolds and Bill Johnson, was well executed.

 Barnum's Last Ball who received with great applause by the audience, but when Mr. Reynolds appeared upon the Stage in the character of Mistress Jinks, the house fairly shook with the applause that greeted him.

 The old Maid of Ninety, by Mr. Reynolds was splendidly performed, and well received.

 The young gentlemen composing this Troupe are all from, St. Mary Parish, and most of them natives of the State. As an amateur Troupe they are hard to beat, particularly Messrs. Thos. Reynolds, W. P. Johnson and W. Poteet. They do not make the stage a business, being all mechanics, but give these entertainments merely for their own pleasure, and for charitable purposes.

 We understand that they will pay us another visit in the month of September or October next, and will go as far as Washington, La. Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1870.

   Mr. Editor :
 Permit me to inquire why it is that the citizens of this Parish do not hold a Convention for the purpose of choosing candidates for the different offices to be filled at the election this fall. It surely cannot be owing to indifference as to the welfare of out State and Parish, every one must feel more or less interest in this matter and concert of action is the surest means of securing the election of good and competent men, more particular to the Legislature. Should the present plan of indifference be pursued in, many candidates will offer themselves for the suffrage of the people who belong to the Democratic party and by producing division in its rank secure the election to our enemies. In view of his evil let me again ask if some action cannot be had in this matter.
    (Signed) CITIZEN.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1870.     


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 23rd, 1912:



 "A Tragedy of the Desert," a special Kalem feature in two reels will be shown at the Jefferson on Wednesday, July 24. This is a dramatic spectacle produced in Luxor, Egypt, on the great Sahara Desert. The following is the synopsis:

 Dr. Franklin Cochran practices in Luxor, Egypt, and his vivacious wife, Miriam, is prominent in society affairs. She makes an acquaintance of Mahmud Bey, an Oriental diplomat, who becomes fascinated with the young woman and by artful blandishments so impresses the temperamental wife that she neglects her husband. In a burst of crazed anger the doctor departs for the desert, first making out a will which amply provides for Miriam.

 Reaching a Bedouin village Cochrane trades his horse for a camel and continues across the desert. The scorching sun and sand almost overpower him but with true instinct the camel finds the oasis, where the unfortunate wanderer falls in a daze.

 Zenab, a young Egyptian woman, comes to the oasis and discovers the doctor. She summons her tribesmen, who tenderly carry Cochran to their village. When he gains strength the doctor embraces the Mohammedan faith, saying his past his dead the future offers nothing. He is adopted by the Sheik, the father of Zenab.

 The doctor labors faithfully with natives and his friendship for Zenab develops into a warm love which is reciprocated. The Sheik gives his daughter in marriage to Cochran and they live happily together.

 There comes a time when Miriam, with a party of tourists, visits the quaint village and there she discovered here husband. He is horrified at the meeting as he has long since consigned her to the forgotten past. Miriam, repentant, implores Cochran to return to her, but he is firm in his devotion to Zenab. The Egyptian wife sees her husband with the stranger and is led to believe that she will be deserted.

 Cochran accompanies Miriam to the edge of the village and then bids her to depart forever from his life. He returns to join Zenab and finds to his horror that the heartbroken girl has killed herself. The doctor's cup of sorrow is now full and kneeling at the side of his faithful wife he cries in supplication: "Allah preserve us, for we are but the dust of the Desert."

 Also another reel showing a very fine picture. An extra prize of $5 in gold will be given away on above night, also the regular prize of $5 will be given away on Friday night. Coupons for the week will be counted for both prizes. Admission: 10 and 15 cents. Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1912.


 Julius Kruttschnitt,, Director of Maintenance and Operation of the Southern Pacific has issued the following statement showing the safety of travel on the Union and Southern Pacific railroads:

 The Union and Southern Pacific Railroad Systems are new reaping the benefits of years of consistent effort to promote safety of travel on their lines, and their success has been such as to inspire even greater future effort. Within a period of four years the record of the Southern Pacific is absolutely clear, - not one single passenger lost his life through a collision or derailment of its trains. This means that during that time 157,000,000 passengers were safely carried to their destinations on its lines, traveling an average distance of forty-two miles, or a total of 6,594,000,000 miles, or 265,000 times around the world.

 The Union Pacific, in approximately the same period, fell short of this perfect record by but a single accident resulting in the death of one passenger.

 Without attempting to make invidious comparisons, it may be stated that these records, covering nearly 17,250 miles, surpass those of the railroads of Great Britain, covering 23,000 miles, which are considered models of safety. That this remarkable showing is the result of something more than chance is obvious, and it may be well to point out briefly what has been done by the management to carry out its policy of "Safety First" in the operation of its properties.

 Within the past five years, $5,000,000 have been expended in installing automatic block signals. Every mile of the Lines of the Union-Southern Pacific Systems to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland is now protected.

 To reduce to a minimum the hazard of accident, the Union and Southern Pacific Systems, during the past ten years, have been drilling their trainmen in the observance of danger signals by a system of surprise tests, the results of which have been satisfactory, showing of approximately 20,000 tests made during the past year, 99 per cent. were fully respected, and practically all of those classed as "failures" were respected sufficiently to have averted an accident.

 Every accident involving a hazard of human life is promptly and fully investigated to determine the cause and to prescribe, if possible, the remedy against a recurrence. This is done by convening a Board of Inquiry composed of division officers and two or more prominent citizens, as representatives of the public. The findings of the board of inquiry are given freely to the press for publication and are transmitted with all data to the President, who, if the report is not conclusive, may convene successive boards of inquiry and employ technical experts if necessary until the real cause is determined and the responsibility located. Employees are encouraged to make suggestions in the interest of increased safety and their suggestions are systematically and carefully considered by Committees appointed for that purpose. Through the frequent distribution of Government reports of investigations of important accidents and company bulletins, all employees are taught that "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF SAFETY."

 Lafayette Advertiser 7/23/1912. 




1893: Chewing Gum Getting Real Popular.

 A popular craze that is daily growing in popularity is that of chewing gum. Men chew it openly and above board as much as girls, and the practice has gone so rapidly beyond its old confines that the fame of Vassar college as a shrine where taffy tolu received its greatest share of worship has long ago died out. The popularity of the gum chewing habit is due to the fallacy that some health journal promulgated awhile ago that as gum chewing preserves the teeth and develops the gums so it should be encouraged.

 The fact is that gum chewing stimulated the salivary glands to a degree that is draining and exhaustive, and when the increased secretions of these glands are swallowed, it has an injurious effect upon the stomach by increasing the digestion without a pabulum upon which to act save the stomach itself. It, at the same time excites the glands of the stomach, the liver, the pancreas -- in fact the entire glandular system connected with alimentation ;  it wastes the products of these glands, or diverts them from their proper use, and by doing so injures the system. So you see gum-chewing is not only a ridiculous and a vulgar habit, but it is hurtful to health and should be stopped.

 From the Publication L. C. Commerical and in the Lafayette Advertiser 7/22/1893.

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