Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of June 26th, 1897:


 The Peabody Summer Normal Holds its Last Session.

 The teachers are with us no more.

 They did their last day's work Friday, adjourned at 12 o'clock and left for their homes on the afternoon trains.

 No more will we see sweet school marms promenading our streets with text and note books. They have done their work and gone home better prepared to teach the young idea how to shoot.

 The sedate make pedagogue has also bidden us a good-bye. He is a nice, pleasant fellow and we hope he will come again. He too, has worked hard and next session he will be better equipped for the school-room.

 Those who believe that summer normals will accomplish no good, are surely not aware of the work done here during the past month.

 The normal has been preeminently a brilliant success. All helped to make it so. Acting Institute Conductor A. L. Smith worked with unremitting zeal, and despite the excessive heat was ever ready for business. He was ably seconded by Profs. Keeny, Trudeau and Miss Lewis and for a short while by Miss Baer. It is safe to say that every teacher has received a new impetus. The instruction has been exceptionably practical and the teachers never failed to show a proper interest in the exercises. A very commendable spirit itself felt throughout the course.

 At the closing session Friday, Prof. Smith and Keeny paid a high tribute to the personnel of the normal and expressed their pleasure in having spent a month in Lafayette.

 Before adjourning the teachers unanimously passed the following resolutions;
    WHEREAS, We, the teachers of Lafayette and adjoining parishes, have had the advantage of attending the Lafayette State Summer Normal School the past month;
   Therefore, be it resolved, That, we, the teachers attending the said summer normal school, do hereby express our high appreciation of the ability and courtesy of the faculty, Messrs. A. L. Smith, J. E. Keeny, C. F. Trudeau, Misses H. Lewis and Clara G. Baer, as in their management and conduct of the school at this place, we have found them pleasant in all our relations with them and hope they may long retain pleasant memories of Lafayette and the teachers here assembled.
   Resolved further, That we extend our sympathy to Prof. Himes in his recent afflictions. His visit here will ever be remembered by us as a pleasant event in our school experiences; and his advice will encourage and strengthen us in our various duties as teachers.
   Resolved also, That a copy of these resolutions be handed to the papers of Lafayette and adjoining parishes, also to the Times-Democrat and Picayune of New Orleans for publication.

 Miss A. R. Tatman, St. Landry; Miss Maria L. Bagnal, Lafayette; Miss Gertrude E. Abbott, Acadia; Miss M. Louise Gonsoulin, Iberia; Miss L. Olivier, Lafayette; T. P. Rust, Iberia; J. W. Faulk, Vermilion; T. R. Simmons, Lafayette, Chairman.

 Adopted in meeting of said teachers at Lafayette, June 23, 1897.
T. R. SIMMONS, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.


 The Assessments this Year Will Show a Considerable Increase.

 The question of a fair and equitable assessment of property has always been a hard problem to solve. In this well as in all other parishes, the main trouble has been that the rich man has escaped, in a measure, the burden of taxation, while the fellow who owned a few acres of land, one mule and a cow, was assessed to the full value of his belongings. Of course, this is a rank injustice whose rectification should receive the thoughtful consideration of assessors. Should the constitutional convention be held, it is to be hoped some means will be found which will make it possible to equalize the tax burden of taxation. What is primarily needed is a law that will reach the individual who does not give the assessor a truthful and complete list of his property. One has only to spend a few hours in the assessor's office to see how reticent folks are when they are asked how much of this world's goods they possess. Especially among the wealthy is the disposition to shirk the duty of paying taxes to the government. The poor man as a rule pays his share without complaining.

 If the large property-holder could be made to give the full amount of his possessions, it would only be a short time before a reduction of the rate of taxation would be in order. And this should be the aim of every assessor in the State. Assessor A. M. Martin of this parish started out in the right direction and The Gazette trusts that he will continue the good work he has so well begun. Of course there is yet much to be done to equalize matters in this parish. It is doubtful if an absolutely fair and equitable assessment can be had, but there is no question that a great deal can be accomplished.

 By making a reasonable increase Mr. Martin has raised the assessment of the parish about a quarter of a million dollars. This he has done, without finding it necessary to make any perceptible increase on the smaller property owners. When it is considered that the erroneous assessments of last year amounted to over $100,000, the augmentation this year is considerable.

 To give our readers an idea of the increase made by Assessor Martin this year, we give a few items.

 The total amount of Mr. Martial Billeaud's property last year was $19,125. This year's assessment of this property is not yet completed, but it is safe to say it will reach the sum of $37,000. The increase on the refinery alone is $12,000.

 Eleven thousand dollars has been added to the Carencro Sugar Manufacturing Company.

 The property of the Lafayette Sugar Manufacturing Company was asssessed at $8,000. Last year it was fixed at $4,500.

 The assessment of the property belonging to Mr. P. B. Roy and his heirs amounted last year to $21,885. This year it went up to $24,805.

 The rolling stock of the Southern Pacific Company was also assessed at a higher figure. The augmentation is $12,860.

 Mr. Jno. O. Mouton's town property was assessed at $9,650. This year is is estimated at $12,995.

 The Gazette could go on and cite a large number of cases where the assessments were brought up; but the above items will show the nature of the work our assessor is doing.

 Mr. Martin and his assistant, Mr. Aymar Labbe, are working on the rolls and as soon as they will have completed their labors, The Gazette will give the exact increase of the parish's assessment. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

 The Farmers' Institute.

 A joint meeting of the farmers' and teachers' institutes was held at Falk's Opera House Thursday. A number of farmers from the country was present and listened to the instructive talks of the speakers with much interest.

 The institute was held under the supervision of Major J. G. Lee, State commissioner of agriculture.

 Judge Julian Mouton called the meeting to order and in a few words outlined the scope and purposes of the institute.

 Major Lee made a strong and clear plea for more intelligent and thorough methods in agriculture.

 The following program was carried out:

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 Major Lee and his able assistants left Friday for Opelousas where an institute will be held Saturday. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

A Farewell Reception.

 On Thursday afternoon the Ladies' Five O'clock Tea Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. J. D. Trahan. This charming lady and her attractive daughters made each and every one feel at home and their entertainment will long be a "sweet memory."

 A novel idea afforded merriment for the assemblage. In a "Floral Love Tale" were hidden the names of many of our Southland flowers, and these were to be guessed. The fortunate ones were the Misses Mudd. In the tie Miss Lizzie Mudd was the winner of the prize, a dainty vase holding fragrant flowers. An ably rendered instrumental solo by Mrs. J. Davidson, a beautiful solo by Mrs. F. Mouton and and a choice selection read in a touching manner by Mrs. Walter Mouton made up an interesting programme. Besides being a club meeting this affair was also a farewell reception to Mrs. Darling, who so soon leaves for her former home, Simcoe, Canada. During the afternoon the president, Mrs. Biossat, presented Mrs. Darling with a lovely cut-glass and and silver bouquet-holder, at the same time delivering the following appropriate speech: "A pleasant duty devolves upon me this afternoon. 'Tis that of presenting in behalf of the L. F. O. T. Club, to Mrs. Darling, this little souvenir, as a token of their love and esteem. You have endeared yourself to us by your winning ways and we are loathe to give you up, but, when in your far away Northern home, surrounded by the friends of your childhood days, we will be pleased to think that you remember with a kindly feeling, your Lafayette friends - particularly the members of the Ladies' Club, who wish for you all the sweetest and choicest blessings of life. 'Tis only a little token, but 'twill serve as a sweet reminder of happy days spent in our sunny Southland."

 Delicious sherbet and cake were enjoyed. The invited guests were as follows: Misses G. Fauntleroy, J. Sealy, D. Pollard, M. Carron, L. Cushman, L. Consoulin, L. Olivier, R. DeBlanc, C. Reggio, R. Farmer, M. Rader, P. Harmanson, Lou Mudd, Amanda Smith. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

 The Teachers Entertained.

 Thursday evening the citizens of Lafayette treated the faculty and teachers attending the Summer Normal to a fish-fry at Beausejour Park.

 At night a lawn party was given at the elegant home of Mr. A. M. Martin. The beautiful lawn in front of the house was illuminated by Chinese lanterns which hung to wires lined to the trees. A very interesting program had been arranged and was well rendered. It was a very enjoyable affair and would have been much so had not the rain interfered with the evening's pleasures and hastened the departure of the guests who were, from all appearances, having a good time. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

 Premiums Awarded.

 The Sisters of Mount Carmel convent awarded a number of premiums to the deserving pupils of their school last Wednesday. This splendid institution has just closed another successful session. The distribution of premiums was as follows:

 Gold cross for Christian doctrine, Miss Lea Montet.

 Gold medal for merit, Miss Gussie Plonsky.

 Gold medal for punctual attendance, between Misses Roberta Duhart and M. Martin. Won by Miss Martin.

 Gold medal for punctual attendance among the boarders, Misses Etta and Ora Engleman, T. Foret and Lea Montet. Won by Miss Montet. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

A Divine in Trouble.

 Toussaint Broussard, a colored divine who has been engaged in undertakings not all in keeping with his high calling, again strayed from the straight and narrow path of virtue, and now, instead of being employed in ministerial pursuits, he is enjoying the unstinted hospitality of Mr. Thomas Mouton in the elegant quarters on the second floor of the New St. Charles. Toussaint, it seems appropriated to his some tobacco that belonged to Mr. Albert Trahan, of Scott. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

Base Ball.

 Emanuel Pellerin, one of the Dixies' many faithful backers, informs The Gazette that on the 4th of July next the base ball game of the season will be played at the Oak Avenue Park in Lafayette by the Washington club and the Dixies.

 The unexpected defeat that the Dixies sustained at Washington has not cooled their ardor in the least. They contribute that defeat to a concatenation of causes and they feel that under ordinary circumstances the Washington nine is no match for the time-honored Dixies have been playing in hard luck and The Gazette is confident that on the glorious Fourth they will regain the championship belt of Southwestern Louisiana. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

 A Requiem Mass.

 The Catholics of this parish are invited to attend a requiem mass which will be said at 9 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, June, 30, at St. John's church, for the soul of the lamented Archbishop Janssens. A number of clergymen from the adjoining parishes will be present and will take part in the ceremonies. A distinguished divine will preach a eulogy on the life of Archbishop Janssen's Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

 Out of Town Papers.

 Joe E. Mouton is agent for the following papers:  New Orleans Times Democrat, States, Bee, Picayune; New York World, Journal, Courrier des Etats-Unis; Louisville Courier-Journal; Houston Post; Atlanta Constitution; Brann's Iconoclast. Orders at catalogue prices for all books sold by "Le Courrier des Etats-Unis." Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

The Boas Academy.

 The Boas Academy gave its annual exhibition at Falk's Opera House on Friday, June 18. The large attendance was unmistakable evidence of the popularity of this school and the manner in which the program was presented reflects no little credit upon the teachers and pupils and those who volunteered their aid to make the affair the success that it proved to be. Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/26/1897.

 Constable Himel arrested a negro named Frank Willis Thursday night. Willis is suspected of being one of the band of thieves that has been making itself so obnoxious to this community since about a week.

 Several dwellings were entered by thieves during the past week. Fortunately the culprits succeeded in carrying but little booty. One gentleman was robbed of a watch and a pair of trousers, and in other instances small articles were stolen.

 Police Juror Lacey from the first ward attended the farmers' institute Thursday.

 Mr. R. C. Landry brought to the office of The Gazette a small branch, measuring seventeen inches in length and bearing twenty large pears. The pear crop this year promises to be very large.

 Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Clegg and John Givens are spending some time with relatives at Corpus Christi.

 Patronize the railroad boys to-morrow and have a good time.

 The new residences of Messrs. S. R. and C. M. Parkerson are about completed.

 Louis and George Debaillon arrived home this week from Jefferson College. They will spend their vacation at home.

 Ladies' Club Meeting. - The members of the Five O'clock Tea Clue are requested to meet at the residence of Mr. J. C. Nickerson at 5:30 p. m., Wednesday next for the purpose of being photographed.

 Moss Bros. & Col report a very brisk trade in locks, bolts and other door and window fastenings, following the visit of the house burglars in Lafayette a few nights ago.

 Trahan & Doucet have fitted up their elegant new soda-water stand and selling some delicious summer drinks.

 Leon Couvillon, one of the industrious young farmers from Carencro, was in Lafayette Thursday and reports the crops in his section in first-class condition.

 Joseph Landry is having a dwelling house built in McComb's addition.
Lafayette Gazette 6/26/1897.




 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 26, 1869:

Too Many Goats & Dogs Loose.

City Council of Vermilionville.

A. Neveu, Mayor, presiding: All members present.
 On motion it was resolved that the Collector proceed immediately to enforce the collection of all taxes and licenses due the corporation of Vermilionville, by seizure and sale.

 Resolved, that ten days after the passage of this resolution all goats running at large within the limits of the Corporation will be taken up by the Constable, and if not claimed by the owner, who will be compelled to pay a fine of one dollar per head, and all expenses incurred, said animals will be sold at public auction on the Saturday following.

 On motion it was resolved that the Constable be and is hereby ordered to strictly enforce the resolution of the Council in reference to dogs.

 On motion it was resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted to Messrs. Jean Crouchet and C. O. Olivier to keep hides in the houses built by them, for that purpose, previous to the extension of the corporate limits.

 On motion it was resolved, that thirty days after the passage of this resolution all persons will be prohibited from going through the streets at a greater speed than a trot, under the penalty of a five dollar fine for every offense.

 Resolved, that Col. Wm. Mouton be and is hereby authorized to procure lamps for the use of the town.

 Resolved, that the resolution in reference to hogs, be and is hereby amended as follows: all hogs running at large in the Corporation will be taken up by the Constable and sold at public auction on Saturdays ;  owners of hogs taken up will have the privilege of claiming their property previous to the sale, provided that they pay a fine of one dollar per head for each animal and all expenses incurred for their keeping.

 Resolved, that the Constable be and is hereby authorized to procure some suitable place to keep all hogs and goats taken up by him.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
                        A. NEVUE, Mayor,
          Wm. B. Bailey, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/26/1869.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 26th, 1907:

Crowley Firemen's Association to Give a Burlesque Street Fair.

 The Crowley Firemen's Association will celebrate the Fourth of July by a burlesque street fair, that is promised to be a unique and amusing affair. There will also be a game of ball between Crowley and Jennings and a grand ball. Reduced rates have been secured on the Southern Pacific and excursions will be run from Eunice over the new Colorado Southern and possibly over the O. G. N. E. from Opelousas. Everybody in the Lafayette is invited. Lafayette Advertiser 6/26/1907.   


 A certain Dutchman, the owner of a house had effected an insurance on it for eight hundred dollars, although it had been built for a great deal less. The house burned down, and this Dutchman claimed the full amount for which it had been insured. But the officers of the company refused to pay any more than its actual value - about six hundred dollars. He expressed his dissatisfaction in powerful broken English, interlarding his remarks with some choice Teutonic remarks.

 "If you wish it," said the cashier of the company, "we will build you a house larger and better than the one burned, as we are quite positive that it can be done for even less than six hundred dollars. Some weeks after he had received the money, he was called upon to take a policy of life insurance on himself and his wife.

 "If you insure your wife's life for $2,000," the agent said, "and if she should die, you would have that sum to solace your heart."

 "Dat pe tam!" exclaimed the Dutchman ;  "you 'surance fellers is all tiefs! If I 'sure my vife, ant my vife she ties, and I coes to de office to kit my two tousand tollars, do I kit all de money? No, pytain! You say to me :  'She van't vorth two tousant tollars. If you don't like to take six hunred tollars, ve vill kit you a petter ant a pigger vife.' Py tam, no not!"

Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Advertiser 6/26/1869.

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