Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of June 19th, 1897:


The people of Lafayette, particularly the Catholics, were shocked last Sunday morning to hear that Archbishop Janssens had died at sea on board the steamer Creole, while on his way to Holland where he was going to visit his native town.

 The beloved churchman had, by reason of his splendid qualities, attained a most enviable place in the affections of the people of this State. His uniformly kind manner had won for him the love of all he came in contact with, and the magnificent administrative ability in the management of the affair of his diocese challenged the admiration of everyone. The zeal that the deceased churchman always displayed in the performance of his important duties as the head of the New Orleans diocese, the manner in which he adjusted the serious differences which arose during the administration, the purity of his life, his profound intellect, the fervor of his religion, his untiring energy, his broad mind and big heart made him the ideal archbishop. Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

Death of a Good Man.

Mr. Joseph Plonsky died Monday night at his late home in this town, at the age of 59 years. Mr. Plonsky had been very ill several days and the members of his family were prepared for the worst. The tender care of his devoted children and all the relief that medicine could offer deferred the fatal moment when the soul leaves its mortal habitation to seek an eternal home, but the disease had taken too firm a grasp of the once vigorous body and the end came peacefully just a few minutes before midnight Monday.

 Nearly every one in Lafayette knew Mr. Plonsky. He came here many years ago and having always been in mercantile business, few are they in this community who did not at one time or another have dealings with him. Due perhaps to a too generous heart he never accumulated much money. We are told that the Lord loves the one who is ever ready to share his belongings with the needy. Those who knew the deceased will bear us out in the statement that he never violated this holy injunction. He was charitable to a fault, kind and indulgent. A dutiful husband and father, a good citizen and a true friend, his death is greatly deplored by a large number of people.

 Mr. Plonsky's remains were interred in the Hebrew rest Tuesday afternoon and the last sad rites of the Jewish faith were performed at the synagogue by Rabbi Alex Rosenspitz, of Alexandria, who preached an eloquent and touching eulogy on the life of the deceased. The Knights of Honor attended the funeral in a body, and the beautiful services of this society added much impressiveness to the already imposing ceremony of the Hebrews.

 The following resolutions were adopted upon Mr. Plonsky's death by the local lodge of Knights of Honor:

 To the officers and Members of Lafayette Lodge, No 3194, Knights of Honor:

 The undersigned, your committee, appointed to draft resolutions on the death of our brother Knight Joseph Plonsky, submit the following:

 Whereas, the Almighty Ruler of the universe in his inscrutable wisdom has removed from our midst, our brother knight, Joseph Plonsky, therefore
   Be it resolved by Lafayette Lodge No. 3194, Knights of Honor of Louisiana, that by his death we sustain the loss of a good and true Knight, the community a worthy citizen and his family a devoted husband and father.

 Resolved further that in token of our regret for his departure, we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that these resolutions be spread on the minutes and a copy forwarded to the family of the deceased.

 Resolved further that the Lafayette Gazette and the Lafayette Advertiser be requested to publish this memorial.
                   Respectfully, etc.,
                             A. E. MOUTON, B. FALK, CHAS. D. CAFFERY.
Lafayette, La., June 17, 1897.
Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.


 According to a resolution of the parish School Board adopted last fall, the public school teachers of this parish must undergo every year a competitive examination for their respective positions in all instances where two or more applications are filed for the same school. The resolution in question is based upon Sec. 74 of the school laws providing that "whenever two or more teachers apply for the same position or positions a competitive examination shall be held, and the position or positions shall be given to the most competent."

 In a most eloquent and able address at Falk's hall, last Thursday evening, Prof. R. L. Himes, State institute conductor, took occasion to show the manifest injustice and absurdity of subjecting faithful and competent teachers to the worry and trouble of a competitive examination with any shiftless character actuated by malicious or selfish motives, in applying. The spirit and evident intent of the State law, said Prof. Himes, is that competitive examinations shall be held only where several teachers apply for an unoccupied position and does not therefore contemplate throwing open wide the doors to an indiscriminate and unseemly scramble for every position within the gift of the Board.

 The opinion expressed carries weight and conviction as coming from and extended information respecting educational matters in this State, entitles him to the just consideration of an intelligent and fair-minded citizens. The argument is reinforced by the manifest purpose of the law to provide good and competent teachers and so soon as this end is subserved all that the act ever contemplated has been accomplished. The application of the strict letter of the law, as adopted by the Board, would be as unreasonable as unfair, and would prove a most potent factor in disturbing that stability and permanency of character so essential to any successful advancement.

 "Hold fast to that which is good" is a motto particularly applicable. The Gazette would not for a moment be understood as endeavoring to shield incompetent teachers from a fate they so richly deserve, i. e., summary removal from a profession too high and holy to be disgraced by their sacrilegious hands. The position taken is that it is the Board's province, aye, its duty, to see that every school in the parish is properly conducted and that the teachers exercise moral and elevating influences on the minds of the children entrusted to their care and training. The Board should thoroughly acquaint itself with the conditions and progress of every school, and, if any teacher is found derelict in duty, no resort need be made to competitive examinations, but he should forthwith be dismissed from the service and some good teacher submitted.

 But, so long as a teacher faithfully and conscientiously performs his duty, giving entire satisfaction to patrons as well as officials. The Gazette cannot recognize the necessity, or comprehend the object, in submitting the position to competitive examination. Intellectual capacity, vast knowledge and normal courses are not to be despised, but do not constitute, by far, all the qualifications which enter into the composition of the true teacher. The highest and most important test consists in adaptability to the work, integrity of character and moral fitness. Strange indeed, that the lowest and most uncertain standard should obtain to the most exclusive ignoring of the highest and most commonsense test of the pedagogical qualification.

 In offering the above suggestions and expressions of its views, The Gazette would disclaim any motive to reflect upon the officials or teachers; nor should any person construe this article as an attempt at dictation. This journal has no axe to grind, no selfish interests to subserve, but it is actuated solely by a sincere desire to promote the educational welfare of this parish in particular, and of the State in general.
Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

Another Week of Hard Work - Visit of Prof. Himes.

 During the past week the Summer Normal has done some excellent work. Prof. Smith, Keeny, Trudeau, and Miss Lewis have displayed the same ability and interest which characterized their work the first and second weeks of the session. These efficient teachers are thoroughly qualified institute workers and all who had occasion to attend the exercises were impressed with the intelligent manner in which they were conducted.

 Monday State Institute Conductor Himes gave the teachers the benefit of his very valuable assistance. Owing to the illness of a child at his home in Natchitoches Prof. Himes remained only until Wednesday, but during his necessarily limited stay he delivered three lectures which were characteristically able, clear and instructive. His address at Falk's Opera House Monday night was highly appreciated by the teachers as well as by all others who heard it. It was forcible, eloquent and practical. Prof. Keeny's remarks were well considered, clearly delivered, interesting and instructive. Mr. and Mrs. George Melchoir contributed largely to the success of Monday night's meeting.

 Among the visitors to the institute this week were Editor Lawton of the Iberia Enterprise and Dr. Clarence Pierson, school superintendent of that parish, and Rabbi Rosenspitz of Alexandria. The latter made a few remarks which were much appreciated by the teachers.

 Friday morning Capt. Taylor of Crowley was a visitor to the school. Capt. Taylor was a teacher for long number of years, having been principal of the Crowley High School. He is now on the editorial staff of the Crowley Signal and it is in the interest of that splendid journal that he visited the institute.

 It will be seen from the following names that the class was largely increased during the past week:

 --------------------p. 1.----------

Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

Will be Held Thursday, June 24, at Falk's Opera House.

 Through the efforts of Major J. G. Lee, state commissioner of agricultural, there will be held at Lafayette, Thursday, June 24, a Farmers' Institute, in connection with the Summer Normal school. All live and progressive farmers should not fail to attend and induce as many of their neighbors to do likewise. Lectures and discussions of all matters affecting agricultural interests will be delivered by some of the most successful and scientific farmers of the State. Advanced methods along agricultural lines will be presented and submitted for general discussion. The advisability of introducing the study of agriculture in some practical form, into the common school system, is now being seriously considered and that distinguished educator, Prof. B. C. Caldwell, of Natchitoches, has consented to address the institute upon the subject.

 Nine-tenth of our boys remain on the farm and should have some scientific knowledge of their business in life. Prof. Stubbs, Dr. Dalrymple, Hon. John Dymond and other well-known speakers will be present. Prof. Smith, of the Normal, and several local speakers will also discuss pertinent subjects. A special feature of the institute will be the presence of a veterinary surgeon who will give valuable advice to all interested in stock.

 The meeting will be open at 9 o'clock in the morning, and a night session will very likely be held. Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

Came Back Home Defeated But Not Subdued.

 The Dixies went to Lake Charles last Sunday and lost the game. But considering the difficulties under which they played we are not stretching the truth in stating that the boys scored a decided victory, though the score tells a different tale. With three of its best players less, a maimed catcher and an unbroken chain of hard luck, it is no wonder that the Dixies allowed the Calcasieu pine knots, known as the illustrious Grays, to get away with their justly-earned laurels. The Lake Charles Press, in a mild attempt at humor, remarks that at no stage of the game did Lafayette stand the remotest chance of winning. Of course not. The Lafayette boys were aware of that stubborn fact. They knew it before the game began. But they had agreed to play and they fulfilled their obligation. However, the game has established one thing, and that is the ability of the Dixies to literally wipe the earth with the Grays and this feat they propose to perform if the latter will only afford them an opportunity. If suitable arrangements can be made the near future will disclose the information as to whether The Gazette is talking through his hat or not.

 The score is as follows:

 ------------------p. 1----------------------

Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

The Ladies' Club.

 On Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. E. Trahan entertained the Ladies' Five O'clock Tea Club at her cozy home. After business was transacted Mrs. Williams and Mrs. C. Girard and Miss Adele Young entertained the assemblage with pretty vocal selections and Miss Lea Gladu executed an instrumental solo with much skill.

  A "Song Representation" was introduced as a means of entertainment, each article shown representing the title of a song which was to be guessed. The first prize, a handsome cake plate, was won by Miss Adele Young; the booby, a paper doll of the "Old Black Joe" type, by Miss Rose Farmer. Many visiting teachers were welcomed guests at this delightful affair. Delicious ices were served.
Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

Burglary Committed.

 A thief entered the Nichols hotel last Wednesday night and stole a gold watch and $4.90 in cash belonging to Messrs. Guenn and Bullock who occupied the same room. Sheriff Broussard who is at work on the case has arrested a young man on suspicion and is on the track of another who is believed to be implicated in the theft. Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

Condition of a Railroad Man at Houma.

 Sheriff Broussard received the following letter last Monday from Sheriff Connelly, of Houma, who desires some information relative to the identity of a man who, it appears, is known around the Southern Pacific depot. The letter reads:

 Houma, La., June 14, 1897. - Isaac A. Broussard, Esq., Lafayette, La.:  I have in jail a party named Walter Conners, about 35 years old, dark complexion, hair and mustache, about 6 feet, has lost first finger of right hand. He was wandering around Chacahoula station on Southern Pacific Railroad in a demented condition, I think brought on by excessive drink. He had a bill from a hotel in Houston, Texas, dated June 3, showing a partial payment. He claimed to have been a brakeman on train from Lafayette to Houston, and seems to know you and your town marshal and other parties in Lafayette, but I can get nothing definite out of him. Can you give me any information about the man? If you can you much oblige.
                       Yours truly,
                           A. W. CONNELLY.

 Conners is known by the employes at the Southern Pacific yards, but nothing could be ascertained concerning him aside from the fact that he is from Houston. We learn that he has been sent to the Charity Hospital, where he is now. Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

S. P. Surveyor in Arnaudville.

 A surveyor of the Southern Pacific Railroad was here this week made a trip up to Arnaudville, going over the surveys that were made some time ago on both sides of the bayou. This visit is made for the road to decide on which they want the right of way which the several committees will have to obtain to secure the extension of this branch road to Arnaudville. We believe that the road will be built shortly if the people of the upper part of the parish want it; but if they create some ridiculous opposition because the road passes on one side or the other or the stations are not placed where certain individuals want them for their personal benefit, they will not get the railroad. The matter of greatest importance for them is to get the railroad, whether on the east or west side, and regardless of where the stations are located. The railroad people will select the side and locations that will be the most advantageous to them; and the people along the line should offer no objection to the right of way if they want this road. From the St. Martinville Messenger and in the Lafayette Gazette of 6/19/1897. 

 General Gordon.

 The friends of General Gordon in all parts of the South will be interested to know that he is now engaged upon a history of the war to be written in a style somewhat different from anything that has yet appeared on that most interesting period of our national life. The general will travel somewhat out of the beaten tracks and give the story of the war as it was seen by "the boys in the trenches." Instead of dealing with the dry technical criticisms of campaign strategy, he will give only so much of this as necessary, but his chief effort will be to depict the American soldier in all his phases of camp and field life, in this the most momentous struggle of all the ages. The forthcoming book will be looked forward to with much pleasure by veterans of both the great armies as well as by their posterity, and it may be said that in many respects it will be the most notable book issued from the press in many years. From the Baton Rouge Advocate and in the Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

First Communion.

 Last Thursday was first communion day at the Catholic church. As usual on such occasions the church was crowded to its utmost capacity. To one hundred and ninety-four children was administered the holy sacrament. Father Forge, who presided over the ceremonies, was assisted by By Fathers Langlois of St. Martinville, Branch of Rayne, Peeters of Jennings, Rump of St. Leo and Boulard of Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.


Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/19/1897.

 Judge C. Brandt and Constable Chiasson of the first ward were in Lafayette Thursday.

 The excursion to Washington will leave to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Fare for the round trip will be $1.00.

 One of the many advantages that Capt. Hahn, of the Crescent Hotel, offers to the patrons of his up-to-date house is a splendid bath room, with hot and cold water.

 The Railroad boys will give their excursion on Sunday, June 27.

 The Ladies' Aid Society will give a mite meeting at the residence of Mr. J. J. Davidson, Tuesday night, for the purpose of raising money to build a Methodist parsonage. Everybody is invited to be present.

 To-morrow there will be an excursion to Washington. The train will leave here at 10 o'clock and the round trip fare will be $1.00. This excursion is given to enable the people to witness the game of ball will be played by the Lafayette Dixies and the Washington Champions.

 Sheriff Broussard returned on Friday morning's train with Honore Decou, who is suspected of having committed the burglary Wednesday night at the Nicholls House. The sheriff arrested Decou at Rayne.

 Coca-cola, the ideal brain and nerve tonic, served ice-cold at the Moss Pharmacy soda fountain.

     Joe E. Mouton is agent for the following papers: New Orleans Time-Democrat, States, Bee, Picayune; New York World, Journal Courrier des Etats - Unis; Louisville Courier-Journal; Houston Post; Atlanta Constitution; Brann's Iconoclast. Orders at catalogue prices for all books sold by "Le Courrier des Etats-Unis."

 People who drink "chocolate" soda at the Moss Pharmacy always return for more.

 As a result of the game at Lake Charles, Jim Marsh is nursing a sprained hand. But Jim says that Sunday he will be in proper shape to help do up the Washington boys.

 J. T. Mary, manager of Mary's base ball club of Morgan City, writes The Gazette that he would like to hear from any country nine with a view to play a match game. Lafayette Gazette 6/19/1897.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 19th, 1869:


 After an absence of a few days to the Crescent City, we were greeted with the sight of our new church steeple, completed and painted. We always could boast of the neatest and most elegantly constructed Court House in Western Louisiana; to-day, fronting the same and at the other end of Main street, we can point to as neat a temple of worship to the Most High, as can be seen in any of our country towns. In noticing the completion of our new Church and steeple, we cannot pass by without encomium, the zeal and untiring energy, the taste and architectural abilities of Rev. Father Rouxel, Mr. Moity and others. Lafayette Advertiser 6/19/1869.

The Crops.

 The crops of the Parish, though belated, are as promising as can be expected, and the bright expectations sometime age indulged in by us and our people, bid fair to be fully realized. The cotton, corn, and other produce of the Parish cannot be is a more cheering and growing condition, the employer and employee work together with such concert of action, that should there, be no unfortunate mishap in the course of the year, we will again be able to enjoy a little of the antebellum peace and prosperity. Lafayette Advertiser 6/19/1869.

Bloody Affray.

 A most bloody affray took place a few days ago at a Public Ball, between to freedmen named Charlot and Gabon, when a heated dispute, the former stabbed the latter several times in the abdomen. The wounds are considered as most serious, and by most considered mortal, though we are happy to learn that his attending physician has hopes of his recovery.

 The Weather.

 The weather which had for some time past been most favorable, was succeeded by a north wind on Tuesday last. Lafayette Advertiser 6/19/1869.

From Vermilionville to New Orleans.

 It was but a few days ago, when it was our lot to visit the Crescent City ;  the trip, though in some measure compulsory, was rendered in every way agreeable. We left Vermilionville, on Friday morning, we were few in the stage, and experienced no inconvenience of pressure, to New Iberia, which point we reached at about 2 P. M., much to our disappointment, the mail boat had changed its hours of departure, and was not expected before eleven o'clock to leave again at twelve ;  much to our disappointment, the mail boat had changed its hours of departure, and was not expected before eleven o'clock to leave again at twelve ;  these hours of expectation we spent agreeably at the commodious and well regulated Boarding House of Mrs. Hilliard, which by the way, we must recommend to the patronage of the traveling public. At half past eleven, we embarked on board the Warren Belle and steamed off to the Bay, - night soon gave way to day and we were happy to witness signs of returning wealth and prosperity on the fields of St. Mary. We reached Brashear at 10 o'clock, and at half past two P. M. we were making our way to the midst of the ever busy, bustling Crescent City.

 We found the city gayer, more alive, and thronged that it is usually at this season of the year. We met all of our old friends in good health and fine spirits, and their faces brightened at the universal tidings from all parts of the country of the prospects of plentiful crops.

 During our short stay we had but little to do with the political world, though we were summoned in daily attendance before the Congressional Investigating Committee on Elections. We had never before seen a real genuine radical, but must say, that as far as we are personally concerned, we found them courteous and not bearing too heavily upon the witness. What will be the result of the investigation no one seems able to prognosticate with any degree of certainty - the conjectures are many and most varied - patience et nous verrons.

 The Railroad which has passed into the hands of Mr. Morgan, we heard nothing of and its continuation and completion on the present line is a foregone hope ;  all that can be of interest to our people on the subject of Railroads, is the assertion we often heard from the lips of seemingly knowing ones that the Chattanooga Company was determined to complete the road from Mobile to New Orleans thence to Texas, striking Vermilionville of some not more than one mile north of it. This we thought pretty reliable when we heard it, but what is reliable authority now? Who can say?

 The extreme heat of the season often drove us to the Lake, to enjoy the ne'er ceasing and refreshing breeze, and some of the Boudro's best.

 It is useless to mention again the names of our mercantile friends whom we would recommend to the public favor, though we cannot close our article without favorably noticing the Boarding House of Mr. Stocktons, corner of St. Peter and Royal streets, where large and commodious rooms, - table furnished with the best of the market, at most moderate prices can always be had. Mrs. Stockton is a creole lady, native of the parish of St. Martin and we hope that our country friends will not forget to give her a call when they go to the city.

 Kind readers, our trip is nearly over, after eight days sojourn in the capital, we have returned to the little burgh and the field where we frolicked and gamboled in the days of our youth, and to which, we thing nothing equal after all. Lafayette Advertiser 6/19/1869.


 Regular Meeting of June 7th, 1869.

 All the members present, except Mr. Landry.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 In accordance with a resolution passed at the last meeting, elections were held and the following persons presented certificates of elections and were duly qualified and took their seats:

 J. J. Caffery for the Third Ward, E. L. Hebert for the Sixth Ward, R. LeBlanc for the Seventh Ward.

 The following officers were elected for the ensuing year at previous rates of compensation: P. S. Arceneaux, President, A. J. Moss, Clerk, M. E. Girard, Treasurer, H. Eastin, Constable, W. B. Bailey, Printer.

 A communication from Mr. A. Mouton was read and on motion, laid on the table.

 The report of the Collector was received and read.

 Wm. Brandt, Recorder, was authorized to purchase a Record Book for us of his office.

 The Treasurer's Annual Report was received and referred to a committee composed of H. Eastin, A. J. Moss and R. Dugat to examine and report upon the same.

 The committee to whom was referred the report of the Treasurer as Depositor of the Public School Funds, made their report, which was received and adopted, and the funds deposited with the Clerk.

 The Clerk of the Police Jury was authorized to have an addition made to the table in the office of the Clerk of the Court, and also to procure a long table and two dozen chairs for the Court House.

 The following resolutions were adopted:

 Resolved, that the Treasurer is authorized to refund to A. J. Moss, fifteen dollars paid by him for the Parish, out of the first monies received.

 Resolved, that J. J. Caffery, A. J. Moss and H. Eastin, be and they are hereby appointed a committee to contract to build a fence around the court house square, subject to the approval of the Police Jury.

 Resolved, that H. Eastin, A. J. Moss and R. Dugat are appointed a committee to accept the bond of the Treasurer.

 Resolved, that one hundred and fifty dollars be paid to Cyprien Arceneaux for repairing road as per contract with the President.

 Resolved, that the license of Olidon Broussard for keeping ferry be reduced to twenty dollars.

 Resolved, that the license on ferries as existing heretofore, be and are hereby fixed and confirmed at fifty dollars each, and for the future, that the same be amended and reduced to thirty dollars each.

 The following accounts were approved and warrants ordered to be drawn on the Treasurer for the same:

 H. Eastin, $5.00; Onez Mouton, $24.85; M. E. Girard, $500.00; A. J. Moss, $15.00; A. Monnier, $19.00; E. Constantin, $14.00; E. L. Hebert, $15.00; Chas. V. Comeau, $2.50; Desire O. Broussard, $2.20; M. G. Broussard, $16.80; P. Fontrouge, $39.90.

 On motion the Police Jury adjourned.
P. S. ARCENEAUX, President.
A. J. MOSS, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/19/1869.

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