Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of June 11th, 1898:

Local Option?

 Again has the much mooted question of the "Sunday law" been brought before the law-making power of the State. Am attempt is made by the Sunday Rest League and other representative blue law leagues in the city of New Orleans to force down the throat of a reluctant population this much abused and ill-respected enactment. Such forced morality is in direct line with all other attempts of our overzealous citizens to throttle public opinion in enacting oppressive and distasteful laws which cannot be enforced, thereby increasing violations of laws instead of diminishing them. Local self-government is the quintessence of our constitutional right and whenever a community wishes to pass a law which will not be obnoxious to the people, and which will receive the sanction of all good citizens, then will that law be respected and enforced. But the present action of the Crescent City Puritans is the attempt of a few to enact laws at that. The present law is a farce and a fraud; it breeds hypocrites and sneaks and should be wiped off the statute books. The moralists of the Sunday Rest League claim that tens of thousands of clerks and other men in similar capacities are debarred from their weekly rest if the law is repealed. If such be the case then local option will meet this objection.

 The Sunday law is similar to prohibition. Let the local corporations choose. This is the Rest Leaguers are willing to grand to the country parishes, but not to the parish of New Orleans. Why, we do not know.

 We cannot for the world see why a law which has received the respect and sanction of few judges and no juries should be re-enacted.

 The Sunday law is an infringement of the fundamental rights of the people of this country and violation of personal liberty. We hope that the Legislature will see fit to repeal it, adopt a law granting local option, and sustain the South's record for liberal mindedness and broad views. We believe the Sunday law a step in the wrong direction; it savors of a law attacking our liberties. We do not believe liberty should be licentiousness, but it will certainly not be promoted by straight-jacket morals. Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

"Death Loves a Shining Mark."
 Little Murray Grenard died at the Cottage Hotel last Saturday morning after being sick several weeks. Murray was not yet five years old, but he was endowed with such a bright mind that he was always believed to be much older. It is sad to record the death of this boy who had barely attained the age when children are a source of unalloyed joy to their parents. It seems that at that interesting age filial love is at its summit. It is then that the Grim Reaper strikes his most cruel blow by severing those ties which bind the parent to his offspring. Although very young it was possible to see in the lineaments of the boys' character that in him was the promise of a good man. It was not surprising that Murray was a general favorite, for he was one of those jolly little fellows whose boyish pranks cause our minds to revert to the by-gone days when life is a day of perpetual sunshine. In this case we may very appropriately quote the well known aphorism, "death loves a shining mark." Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

 Share-holders' Meeting.
 The share-holders in the People's Cotton Oil Cotton held a meeting last Tuesday and elected the following officers of the ensuing year. C. O. Mouton, president; T. M. Biossat, vice-president and general manager; C. M. Parkerson, secretary and treasurer; board of directors: C. O. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, S. R. Parkerson, J. O. Broussard, C. D. Caffery, J. S. Whittington, E. L. Estorge, P. B. Roy, Crow Girard. Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

 Meeting of Veterans.
 Last Saturday an interesting meeting of Frank Gardner Camp of the U. C. V.'s was held at the court-house. After disposing of routine business, the following resolution was adopted:

 Resolved, That Camp Frank Gardner 580, U. C. V., is in sympathy with the movement inaugurated in our midst by the young men to organize a company of volunteers to enlist in the army of the United States, and that a mass meeting will be held at the court-house in Lafayette, June 11, 1898, at 8:30 p. m., in order to encourage this laudable effort. CAPT. D. A. COCHRANE,

 Prominent French and English speakers have been invited to attend. A cordial invitation is extended to all, particularly to the ladies. Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

A Proper Send-Off.
 The people of Broussardville held a meeting last Saturday in commemoration of the departure of the young men who left that town a few days ago for the war. An eloquent address was delivered by Mr. Gilbert St. Julien and a few appropriate remarks were made by Mr. Marcel Melancon. The United States flag was hoisted amid much enthusiasm.
Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

Damage Suit.
 Hypolite Navarre, of the second ward, is suing the parish of Lafayette for $1,000 in damages. Navarre claims that his wife and two children were driving over one of the bridges in the second ward, and that the unsafe condition of the bridge caused the horse to become frightened, precipitating the mother and children to the ground. Mrs. Navarre and one of the children are alleged to have sustained injuries of a rather serious character.
Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

Back in Town.
 Henry Church returned from Camp Caffery last Tuesday where, he had gone to visit his son, Davis, who is a member of Company I, Hood's Regiment. Mr. Church had a talk with Don Greig and E. W. Chase, who expressed themselves as being delighted with life in the camp. Camp Caffery is located about a mile and half from Covington and in the most healthful section of the country. The boys said that they are very well treated. Davis Church is only 16 years of age, being the youngest man in the company. Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

Improve Your Property.
 I represent an association that has loaned a large amount of money in Lake Charles and other towns through the State. It has loaned more money than any other association in the South. This money is loaned on both town and country property at a very low rate of interest easy payments.

 For further information in regard to our plan please call on me at The Cottage Hotel.
                   W. E. BLAND.
Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.



Lumber Dealers' Meeting.
 The First Annual meeting of the Louisiana Retail Lumber Dealers' Association was held in Lafayette on the 6th and 7th.

 The meeting was called to order by President F. L. Lewis. The minutes of the meeting were read by the secretary, Jas. W. Callahan, and adopted.

 The president delivered his annual address which was full of interest to the members of the association. The secretary read his report which showed the work accomplished by the organization during the past year.

 The following committees were appointed:

 Membership - Jas. W. Callahan, E. L. Estorge, T. J. Toler.

 Arbitration - F. L. Lewis, A. E. Mouton, Jas. W. Callahan, T. J. Toler, A. Durio, A. Broussard.

 Auditing - A. E. Mouton, A. D. Martin, Ned Bergman.

 Insurance - R. D. Gubble, W. B. Connelly, N. B. Hewes, A. Burdin, W. S. Currey.

 Transportation - John A. Gebert, A. Burdin, W. S. Currey.

 The association transacted much business of importance, and the different members discussed a number of subjects of interest to the retail lumber trade. Lafayette Gazette 6/13/1898.


 Sheriff Broussard arrested the following parties yesterday on a charge of shooting with intent to kill: Walter Guidry, Treville Guidry, Antoine Lemaire, Ed Simoneaux. The shooting is alleged to have taken place on the 14th of last April. All the parties were bailed. Antoine Lemaire was arrested when on the point of being recruited into the regular army. Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

Police Jury Proceedings.

Lafayette, La., June 2, 1898. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: R. C. Landry, C. C. Brown, Ben Avant, M. Billeaud, Jr., J. E. Primeaux, Alfred Hebert and Alonzo Lacy. Absent: Jno. Whittington, Jr.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved:

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 By motion duly made, the following resolution was adopted:  Be it resolved that the Southern Pacific railroad company be and is hereby requested to construct a crossing over the railway track, in the town of Broussard at a point opposite the public road, running between the properties of V. Broussard and J. G. St. Julien.

 The committee appointed to report on the complaint against Paschal Monleson, for damming the waters of Bayou Queue Tortue, reported that from personal observation the said dam injuriously affected the public roads in the vicinity, and by motion, the following was adopted:  Be it resolved that one Paschal Monleson, be and is hereby ordered to cut and remove the dam erected by him across Bayou Queue Tortue, and allow free course to said stream under penalty of law, for obstructing public roads.

 The secretary was directed to address a communication to the Police Jury of Vermilion parish expressing the desire of this Jury to fix the disputed boundary line between Lafayette and Vermilion, and urge immediate action.

 Mr. Hebert was authorized to paint the steel cells and iron works of parish jail and also to place two incandescent lights within the building.

 Mr. O. Theriot was authorized to ascertain the cost of repairing certain bridges in the 4th ward.

 The sum of $12.50 each was granted unto Adelbert Gathe and Judith Haddin.

 The jury proceeded to the parish jail in a body and after examination of the evaporating vault and the alterations recently made therein, witnessed an unsuccessful attempt to dispose of the fecal matter. No appreciable evaporation had taken place during the past month and by motion duly made the following was adopted:  Resolved that after careful inspection and a fair test of the evaporating system, introduced, into the parish jail by Messrs. F. B. and W. S. Hull, contracting agents, the jury hereby declares the said evaporating system, entirely unsatisfactory and not up to the requirements of contract. Further resolved, that the parish treasurer, is hereby ordered to withhold any further payments, under said jail contract until further notice. The secretary shall notify Messrs. F. B. and W. S. Hull, agents, as to the action this day taken regarding the operation of the evaporating vault.

 The sum of $500.pp was ordered paid Supt. Latiolais for account of school fund. The treasurer submitted his monthly report as follows:

 To the President and Member of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La., - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report:

------------------p. 2. -------------

Respectfully submitted,
              J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.

 June 3, 1898.
      The following accounts were approved:

 ----------------p. 2.-----------------

 There being no further business the Jury adjourned.
     R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. LANDRY, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 6/11/1898.

C. O. Mouton and Dr. N. P. Moss visited Baton Rouge where they testified before the House committee having in charge the anti-gate bill.

In the account of the negro war meeting, The Picayune says the "Hon. Henry Demas reviewed the events, etc." The Picayune has a perfect right to prefix the title of "Hon." to this notorious negro's name, but some people will question our esteemed contemporary's taste in this matter.

 Recruiting Office. - Lieut. F. Martin, of the Fifth Infantry, has opened a recruiting office in the Deffez building. Very few have so far presented themselves for enlistment.
Own Your Home. - All persons who desire to build homes and pay for them in small monthly payments should confer with W. E. Bland who will be at the Cottage Hotel for a few days.

 Mr. Giraud, of St.Martinville, has rented a house in Lafayette and will move here with his family. Mr. Giraud is in the cotton buying business.

 Died. - Mr. Agenor J. Veazey, an old and well-known resident of Lafayette, died at his home yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, after a long and lingering illness.

 Dr. F. R. Tolson and T. M. Biossat visited New Orleans this week.

 O. H. Breaux, the diligent road overseer from the sixth ward, was in Lafayette Tuesday.

Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 11th, 187o:


 Our little Burg is decidedly on the wing of improvement. The work of repairing our streets in general and of opening and continuing Lafayette street to the northernmost limits of the Corporation, in particular, based upon the survey thereof recently made by Gen. Frank Gardner, is being pushed with the utmost vigor by our Street Contractor, Capt. C. T. Patin. - With such men as Gen. Gardner and Capt. Patin at the head of our municipal undertakings, success must and will come in the end. Coming events, it is said, cast their shadow before, who knows but that the smoking and snorting of the Chattanooga iron horse in the distances of imagination may be more or less remotely connected with the repairing and opening of the streets of Vermilionville - who knows ?  Tall oaks from scores grow.

 Be that as it may, the best thanks of the Corporation are surely due to Gen. Gardner and Capt. Patin, for the very able and efficient manner in which they have executed the tasks respectively imposed upon them. Lafayette Advertiser 6/10/1870.

Girard Moving.

 M. E. Girard, Esq,m had removed his law office from the brick building on Lafayette street to the new building on Main near the Court House.
Laf. Adv. 6/11/1870.

 Attention Citizens.  
All these in favor of forming a Fireman's Association in this place, are requested to meet upstairs over Rigues' coffee saloon, on Wednesday at 8 o'clock p. m. Laf. Adv. 6/11/1870.

 City Council of Vermilionville.
Special Session.

 By order of the Mayor a special session of the City Council was held on Saturday the 4th of June A. D. 1870.

 Present: W. O. Smith, Mayor; Messrs. Landry, Wise, Brandt, and McBride.  Absent: Messrs. Monnier, Salles and Gagneux.

 The meeting was called to order, and, On motion, W. B. Bailey, was appointed Secretary pro tem.

 The Mayor explained the object of the meeting, when upon motion the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, that a committee of two be and is hereby appointed to receive in the name of and for the use of the Corporation, the sale of such portions of the lot on Lafayette street belonging to Hon. A. Mouton and Aurelien Schnieksneider as will be necessary for the opening of said street. The Mayor appointed E. E. Mouton, Esq., in said committee, and on motion his Honor the Mayor was added to the committee.

 Resolved, That a committee be and is hereby appointed to wait on the Hon. Police Jury of the Parish at its next regular session; and request that Hon. Body to aid and assist the Corporation of Vermilionville, in opening a road Southwest of the town to that portion the Parish called "the Cove."

 The Mayor appointed Messrs. J. H. Wise and J. J. Revillon ;  and on motion the Mayor was added to the committee.

 Resolved, That fifteen days after the passage of this resolution, hogs will be allowed to road at large within the limits of the Corporation, provided that they have rings in their noses, will be taken up by the Constable, and (after notice to the owner, if the owner be known and he pay a fine of one dollar per head, he will be allowed to reclaim his property) will be sold to the highest bidder by said officer.

 On motion the council adjourned.
W. O. SMITH, Mayor.
W. B. BAILEY, pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/11/1870.

City Council of Vermilionville.
  Regular Meeting of June 1870.

 Present: W. O. Smith, Mayor; Members :  A. Monnier, H. Landry, J. H. Wise, L. R. McBride, Wm. Brandt. Absent : B. A. Salles and R. Gagneux.

 The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.

 The Bonds of the Constable and Treasurer were submitted and approved.

 On motion Resolved, That for the purpose of opening Lafayette street and for the further purpose of putting in repairs on the streets of the Town, a special tax of one fourth of one per cent be forthwith levied upon all real property within the limits of the Corporations and that said tax be immediately collected.

 Resolved, that judicial proceedings be forthwith instituted by the attorney of the Corporation in the name of W. O. Smith, Mayor, for the use and benefit of the Corporation against Alfred J. Godard on his bond as farmer lessees of the Market House of Vermilionville, and against R. Gagneux his (unreadable words) said bonds.

 Resolved, that E. E. Mouton be added to the committee appointed by the Council to confer with the committee appointed by the Police Jury in regard to the opening of a road leading to the Southwest of the town, &c., &c.

 Resolved, that the Secretary be and is hereby authorized to make an Index of the Corporation laws and regulations and that he be allowed in compensation therefrom for the sum of ten dollars.

 Resolved, that the laws passed by this Council compelling merchants to close their stores on Sundays, and amended on the 2d day August A. D. 1869, as follows: That all merchants refusing to close their stores at 2 o'clock p. m. on Sundays, in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Corporation of Vermilionville, be fined in the sum of twenty-five dollars, &c.," be and the same is hereby repealed.

 The following accounts were allowed: J. P. Mouton, quarantine duty, 1867, $17.00; J. N. Judice, for holding election, $4.00; H. M. Monnier, holding election, $2.00.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
W. O. SMITH, Secretary.
W. B. BAILEY, pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 6/10/1970.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of June 11th, 1913:

Pastime Theatre Has Expert Operator.

 Manager Salles of the Pastime Theatre announced that he has secured the services of Mr. John Davidson, an expert operator, for the Pastime. He has also arranged for the service of the General Film Company, comprising the Edison, Selig, Biograph, Pathe, Freres, etc., films. He has installed fans in the theatre and patrons will find the building comfortable no matter how warm the weather. Lafayette Advertiser 6/13/1913.



 Mississippi has the meanest governor of any state in the Union, and it is a surprise that he has been able to reach the exalted position that he occupies. It is doubtful if in the history of this country a governor has been guilty of so petty an official act. We have read some very severe criticisms on Gov. McLaurin, but we had been inclined to believe that he was the victim of a malignant  press. We are pretty sure now that all that he has been said of him is true.

 Hon. James K. Vardaman, editor of the Greenwood Commonwealth, was elected captain of a military company at Water Valley, Miss., but owing to a slight physical defect in his right arm which was broken when he was a child, he failed to pass the examination. This, however, would not have been in his way had the governor of Mississippi acted differently. The war department at Washington directed the mustering officer to muster in commissioned officers, notwithstanding their rejection by the surgeon for physical defects, if insisted upon by the governor. This ruling placed Mr. Vardaman's chances in the hands of Governor McLaurin. Mr. Vardaman wrote to the governor informing him of his desire to serve in the army and lead the Water Valley boys who had honored him by electing him their captain. Here Governor McLaurin saw and seized the opportunity to punish a political foe who had simply used the constitutional right of free speech which is guaranteed to every American citizen. Mr. Vardaman had upon several occasions criticised the governor in his paper, the Greenwood Commonwealth, and for this reason the governor refused to insist upon his acceptance by the United States government. Compare the petty act of the governor to the magnanimous conduct of Mr. Vardaman who advised the members of the company not to disband, but on the contrary, to stand together and under another leader march to the front. As so well said by Mr. Vardaman Gov. McLaurin has "prostituted the functions of a great office to the punishment of a private, personal, political foe."

The action of Gov. McLaurin is an outrage pure and simple. Were it in his power this Mississippi autocrat would deny to every political opponent the right of volunteering his services to the government. We are presented with a most remarkable anomaly. A man gives up his business, abandons his home, offers to sacrifice his life for country. he is coolly informed by the governor of a great State that he will not be permitted to do this. And pray tell us why? Merely because on several occasions in the past he has had the temerity to criticise certain official acts of this self-same governor.

 The treatment of Mr. Vardaman looks more like the revengeful work of some peevish old maid than the act of the chief executive of one of foremost States in the Union.

 It is indeed strange that a State which has produced as many broadminded and brainy statesman as Mississippi should be at the mercy of a man who will resort to such contemptible methods to punish a political enemy. Shades of Davis, Lamar, George and Walthall, protect poor old Mississippi !

Original source unknown. Printed in Lafayette Gazette 6/11/1898. 

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