Monday, January 12, 2015

**MAY 29TH M C

From the Lafayette Gazette of May 29th, 1897:

Spend a Day at Beausejour Springs.

 Gardner Camp of United Confederate Veterans gave a picnic at Beausejour Springs last Saturday. The number of people present was not as large as expected, but nevertheless there was a fair attendance, and all present had an enjoyable time. Among the members of the camp on the ground were: D. A. Cochrane, A. Lisbony, T. A. McFaddin, M. T. Martin, Faustin Vincent, J. A. Laneauville, T. D. Weir, Aurelian Primeaux, Clemile Landry, Jules U. Broussard, J. B. Benoit, Desire Savois, Hilaire Savois, J. Dupleix Breaux, Numa Breaux, Lucien St. Julien, Jules St. Julien, Arthur Greig, Ambroise Mouton, J. K. Grier, Ben Avant, John S. Rand.

 Mrs. Frank Gardner, sponsor for the camp, was the guest of the veterans and spent part of the day on the grounds.

 The officers of the camp are: D. A. Cochrane, captain; C. Debaillon, adjutant; A. Lisbony, 1st lieutenant; T. A. McFaddin, 2nd lieutenant; J. A. Laneuville, quarter master; Faustin Vincent, flag bearer; T. D. Weir, chaplain. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

High School Picnic.

 The High School picnic on Wednesday at Chargois' Springs is one long to be remembered by all so fortunate as to attend; for "Oh ! what is nicer than a bright picnic day, when hearts are merry and companions are gay."

 After the many conveyances were emptied of their precious freight, each one spent the day in his or her choice diversion, some indulged in pleasant conversation, other promenaded the woody glens and the remainder played games of different sorts. But all with hearty appetites gathered around the well laden table and enjoyed the many goodies there arrayed. Not until the twilight shades were falling fast, did any one think of returning to the dusty town. The gaily decorated wagons and merry voices of the occupants, bespeaking a delightful day, now only a memory, but fortunately a sweet one. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

Conquered - Washington's Nine Win by Three Points.

 The game of base ball played last Sunday evening at the Oak Avenue Park, between the Washington team and the Dixies of Lafayette, was an exciting and interesting contest from start to finish, the result being doubtful until the last man was called out by the umpire.

 In spite of the costly errors made by the Dixies, victory seemed to be theirs in the ninth inning, but the score was tied only. The tenth inning played decided the game in favor of Washington.

 Considerable excitement prevailed during the tenth inning, the rooters and grand stand cheering encouraging the boys to win. The visitors, however, could not be downed.

 About 2oo people were in attendance, among whom were a number of ladies showing decided interest in the game. The players and the score follow:


 The Washington boys left in carriages about 7:30 p. m., wearing their laurels with grace and dignity, highly pleased with day's sport and the reception of the Dixies which they declared to have been as hospitable, enjoyable and pleasant as they could possibly make it.
Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

 Five O'clock Tea Club.

 The Ladies' Five O'clock Tea Club was entertained on Thursday at the "Grove" by the Misses Mudd. A "bur and berry" party was the means of whiling away a few pleasant hours.

 Many witty answers were given to the questions propounded. The first prize, a sliver-top strawberry emory bag, was tied for by Mrs. Denbo and Miss Stella Trahan, and finally won by the latter, the booby, and old pine bur tied with blue ribbon, was awarded to Miss Haydee Trahan. The "bur and berry" scheme was furthermore carried out in the decorations and refreshments - the former being blooms from the elderberry, burs from pine and gum trees, and clusters of blackberries, and the latter luscious berries, ice cream and strawberry wafers. Songs by Mrs. Biossat, Miss Suzie Hopkins and Mrs. F. Mouton, were much appreciated as was also an instrumental solo by Miss S. Trahan. Nor was business neglected, for the club's motto is "business before pleasure." The next meeting will be at the home of Judge J. G. Parkerson.
Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.


 Miss Alida Campbell and Mr. T. J. Breaux were married at the Catholic church Monday morning. After the ceremony the newly wedded couple, accompanied by their friends and relatives, repaired to the home of the bride's father, Hon. Wm. Campbell, where a reception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Breaux left on the noon train for a bridal tour. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.


 Miss Amelie Debaillon, aged 55 years, died at 8 o'clock p. m., Sunday last, at the residence of her brother, Judge C. Debaillon, after a long illness. Miss Debaillon was a native of St. Landry parish, but had been a resident of this town a number of years. Her funeral Monday at the Catholic church was very largely attended. Father Kennelly of Grand Coteau preached a beautiful eulogy on the deceased paying an eloquent tribute to her memory.
Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

Horse-thieves Caught.

 Sheriff Broussard returned from Opelousas Thursday with Dorestin Fruge, white, and Alexis Eagland, colored. Both prisoners are wanted in this parish for horse stealing. Eagland is charged with having a stolen horse from Capt. Buchanan during the summer of 1894. The sheriff had been on his trail for some time and finally located him near Belleview in St. Landry where he arrested him Wednesday night. Fruge is accused of stealing a horse from Jules Roger a few days ago. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.


Stolen Turkey.

 A turkey was stolen from Mr. Leon Plonsky Sunday night. This town needs more men on the police force. Two men can not possibly do the work properly. There should be two policemen for the day and two for the night. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

 Clean Up Your Premises.

 At this season of the year ordinance to compel property-owners to keep their premises clean should be rigidly enforced. No exception should be made. The health of the people demands that a strict observance be insisted upon by the municipal authorities. If the present ordinance is not clear and explicit, let the Council pass one that will be fully sufficient. Once in a while the heat of the July sun is perceptibly abated by a stray breeze from the gulf, but when the gentle gale from the seashore comes in contact with one's unclean premises, it fans along such odoriferous exhalations that it soon leaves behind its cooling nature and is not at all pleasant to the olfactory of the man who may be out on his front porch for a breath of fresh air. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

 Agreed to Closing Time.

 The following merchants have entered into an agreement to close their stores at 7 o'clock p. m., excepting Saturdays and pay-car days: Wm. Clegg, Plonsky Bros., Martin & Ducote, Gerac Bros., Mrs. John O. Mouton, Lafayette Clothing House, B. Falk, H. H. Hohorst, Alex Delahoussaye, Moss Bros. & Co., E. Bodenheimer, Allie Sprole, Felix Demanade, L. F. Rigues, J. O. Mouton, Mouton Bros., Mouton & Hopkins, F. Schmulen. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

 The Public Schools.

 The public schools just closed a successful session. The High School under the efficient direction of Prof. C. F. Trudeau, ably assisted by Miss Frances Greig, has done splendid work. Owing to the holding of the summer normal, which shortened the term by one month. Prof. Trudeau wisely decided not to give an exhibition, but to teach every day to the time fixed for the close. The progress made by the High School this year has been eminently satisfactory to every one interested in the education of the youths of this parish, and the selection of the present principal is one thing upon which our people may well congratulate themselves.

 Prof. R. C. Greig, the experienced and successful principal of the Primary School, has also brought a very fruitful session to a close. He and is industrious and competent assistants, Misses Lizzie Mudd and Virgie Younger, have been untiring in their school work and much praise is due them. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

McDaniel vs. Morninveg.

 On the 6th of June Eli McDaniel's thoroughbred fighters will compete for the honors of the pit against Morninveg's feathered gladiators from Opelousas. The gladiatorial contest will come off in McDaniel's arena and it promises to be a regular Fitzsimmons affair. Col. Fuller says he is going to win because he has the gamest chickens on this side of the Red river and if the god of war will only accord him even-handed and impartial justice his roosters have a splendid chance to walk away with the laurels and the long green too. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/29/1897.

 This is straight. The sprinkler will begin on the 1st of June.

 Dr. A. R. Trahan and Jack Nickerson went up to New Iberia last Monday to attend a meeting of the Masonic lodge.

 The Gazette erroneously stated last Saturday that Messrs. Crow Girard and John Kennedy had entered into partnership for the practice of law in this parish.

 Wm. Pellerin, the deservedly popular representative of Ferdinand Gumble Co., of New Orleans, was in Lafayette this week. Mr. Pellerin has many friends throughout this section of Louisiana who are always glad to see him. Lafayette Gazette 5/29/1897.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 29th, 1869:

Charles Morgan the Purchaser.
 Price $2,050,000.

 The sale took place yesterday, as advertised, in the presence of a large concourse of citizens of property and character, and was awaited with intense interest by all assembled.

 Mr. Morgan, who was present, kept in the background, though his representative was near the stand.

 During the somewhat tedious reading of the mortgage certificate from the various parishes, in which the order of seizure and sale was often repeated at length, there was breathless stillness.

 Judge Durell had come down himself from the judgment seat, and sat smiling and talking in a low tone to a friend upon the end of the platform.

 At last, the reading was ended, and Gen. West began to call for bidders for the property, ten per cent of the cost payment to be paid in Treasury notes at the stand, fifteen per cent more in five days, and the residue as soon as the deeds were ready.

 His voice hesitated and faltered as he called for bids. The first came from the rear, but came after several calls without answer.

 "One million of dollars."

 The next bid was

 "Fifteen hundred thousand dollars,: and was either by Mr. Whitney or Mr. Jules A. Blanc, between the bidding continued until Mr. Blanc bid


 Then, after one or two calls, come a bid from Mr. Whitney.

 "Two millions and fifty thousand dollars."

 There was not response to a further call for bids

 At last the Marshal pronounced the word "Gone ! The road is sold."

 "Who," said the Marshal, "is the purchaser !"

 "Charles Morgan's friends gathered around him to congratulate him, though he did not seem to regard his purchase as very low one ;  but he said he would now show the people of New Orleans how to build a road.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/29/1869.

City Council of Vermilionville.
 Session of May 10th, 1869.

 On this day, under the new Act of Incorporation of the town of Vermilionville, the following named persons to-wit: Alphonse Nevue, Henry Landry, G. C. Salles, Wm. Mouton, Auguste Monnier, Wm. O. Smith, B. A. Salles and R. L. McBride, newly elected mayor and members for said City Council met. The returns of the election having been produced and the above named persons having received the largest number of votes, they were duly sworn in by the Hon. A. J. Moss, Parish Judge, and took their seats.

 The Council then proceeded to the election of their officers for the ensuing year.

 On motion, Wm. B. Bailey was unanimously elected Clerk and Treasurer.

 On motion, Fernest Martin was unanimously elected Constable and Collector.

 Wm. Mouton, was on motion, unanimously elected City Attorney.

 Wm. B. Bailey was elected Printer.

 F. Martin was authorized to make an assessment of all property within the limits of the Corporation.

 On motion the Council adjourned until Saturday 15th. inst.
 A. NEVUE, Mayor.
 WM. B. BAILEY, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/29/1869.

City Council.
Pursuant to adjournment, the City Council met on this the 15th day or May, A. D. 1869.

 A. Nevue, Mayor, presiding. All the members present.

 On motion, it was resolved, that a committee of three, be and is hereby appointed to ascertain the probable cost of removing obstructions from that portion of Lafayette street near Mrs. E. Mouton's property. The Mayor appointed Messrs. Smith, B. A. Salles and G. C. Salles on said committee.

 On motion, resolved, that a committee of two be and is hereby authorized to ascertain the cost of building a bridge across Lafayette street near the lower corner of Mrs. E. Mouton's property. Messrs. G. C. Salles and R. L. McBride were appointed on said committee.

 Resolved, that a committee of two, be and is hereby authorized to revise and digest all laws of the Corporation passed by previous Councils. Wm. Mouton and W. B. Bailey were appointed on said committee.

 On motion it was resolved, that a petition signed by the Mayor and members of the City Council of Vermilionville, be addressed to the President and members of the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafayette, requesting that honorable body to have a fence built around the Court House.

 On motion it was resolved, that the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to have the vagrant law rigidly enforced with the limits of the Corporation.

 The bonds of the Treasurer and Collector fixed at eight hundred dollars each ;  Messrs. W. O. Smith and G. C. Salles were appointed to receive the said bonds.

 On motion, resolved that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to purchase a blank book for the use of the Council.

 Resolved that the Council have regular meetings on the first Saturday of each and every month.

 The following accounts were allowed:
 M. E. Girard, Attorney...$200.00
 H. Livran...$70.
   On motion the Council adjourned.
 A. NEVUE, Mayor.
 WM. B. BAILEY, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/29/1869.

Special Meeting.
April 24th, 1869.

 All the members present.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 On motion it was Resolved, that the Parish Tax Collector is hereby authorized to receive Parish Warrants due, for taxes and licenses.

 Resolved, that the Clerk is authorized to procure a Warrant Book of printed forms.

 Resolved, that Fernest Martin and L. E. Salles be and they are hereby appointed to examine the accounts of the Parish Treasure as depositor of the Public School Funds. said committee to report at the next regular meeting.

 Resolved, that an election be held for members of the Police Jury for the term two years, in the Third, Sixth and Seventh Wards, on Monday the 3d day of May next ;  in the Third Ward, at the Court House. -- Donat Breaux, Albert Judice and Edmond Landry, commissioners. In the sixth ward, at the School House near Joseph Boudreau's -- E. Lessin Hebert Charles V. Comeau and Desire O. Broussard, commissioners.  In the seventh ward, at the Store of Roy & Co. -- R. Leblanc, P. B. Roy and Edouard Comeau, commissioners.

 Resolved, that the Constable notify the commissioners appointed for the election on the third of next month.

 Resolved, that the committee on repairing the jail are authorized to contract for additional repairs.

 The following accounts were approved. H. Eastin, $30.90; R. Dugat, $10.50; W. B. Bailey, $235; A. J. Moss, $250; Leon Billaud, $18; R. C. Landry, $15.30.
   On motion the Police Jury adjourned.
P. S. ARCENEAUX, President.
 A. J. MOSS, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/29/1869.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 29th, 1907:


 A small black ant, sometimes called the New Orleans ant because of its prevalence in that city, is rapidly becoming a serious pest, and unless some method of exterminating it is found, it threatens to become not only an annoying plague, but a most destructive one as well.

 It is a native of Brazil and Argentina, from which countries it was brought in merchant ships into Louisiana. Its presence here was unnoticed at first, our experience being of a character to not cause uneasiness. It thrived in its new habitat and increased by millions, until now becoming both numerous and troublesome, it caused a study of its habits to be made with a view to discovering means to destroy it.

 The investigation has revealed the fact that its appetite is omnivorous and that the furniture, woodwork and even the paint in the homes it infests are attacked by it. It also feeds upon fruit trees and vegetation of all kinds, so that unless means are found to destroy the ant it gives promise of becoming a foe to the agricultural interests of the State wherever it spreads.

 Father Biever, a distinguished scientist and priest, the head of Loyola College in New Orleans, has been and is now making experiments with the object of ridding New Orleans of the pest, of which the New Orleans States says:

    "... It is high time that science was taking up the cudgels against this pestiferous alien who sought the hospitality of our shores and at once unfurled his battle flag in our faces. It has become a serious matter in New Orleans, for unless we shall be able to exterminate the ant is only a question of time when we shall be exterminated by him. We hope for the best from Father Biever's efforts, as up to the present it really looks as though that condition has been almost reached where ants accumulate and men decay. Every scientist in the country can find here a fruitful field for inquiry and investigation, and the man who can provide us with an effective weapon with which to vanquish our invading foes can have almost anything he may ask for in New Orleans. ..."

 The ant has already spread to a number of places in the southern parts of the State, among them Lafayette. The pest has not as yet increased in this city to an alarming extent, but unless some means are discovered for checking their increase, it will only be a short time before they will be exceedingly troublesome. Lafayette Advertiser 5/29/1907. 

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