Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 7th, 1898:

Lafayette Baseball in 1898:

 The Lafayette Dixie Base Ball Club will make its initial bow to the public to-morrow afternoon minus uniforms, equipment and practice.

 It was the intention of the management not to open the season until the team was thoroughly seasoned and equipped. However this step is a concession to help out the program of the Firemen's Festival. Following are the names and position of the Dixie for to-morrow afternoon:
Derbes-Left Field; Matthews, Pitcher; Nickerson, 2nd Base; Gonzales, Center; Gray, 1st Base; Mudd, Short Stop; Mouton, 3rd Base; Hamilton, Center Field; Olivier, Right Field. Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1898.

Details On the Program at Oak  Avenue Park.

The three companies of the fire department will in full uniform, assemble at the Court House square at 12:30 noon. They will proceed to the depot to receive the excursionists which will arrive at 1:15 p. m. The line march headed by the Century Brass Band, will be resumed to Oak Avenue Park.
A base ball game will be played between Jeanerette and Pilette's clubs.

Bicycle Races will follow:

First Race - One Mile - Prize Medal.

Second Race - Novice 1/2 mile- Prize Medal.

Competitive Drill between Home Fire Co. and Lafayette Fire Company No. 1.
Each company having 16 men its apparatus with 400 feet hose. A silver medal will be awarded to the winner.

Refreshments and lunch will be served on the grounds at moderate prices. An admission of 25 cents will be charged to the grounds.

 At night a ball will be given at Falk's Opera House with music from the Breaux Bridge String Band.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1898.

Worship to St. Mary.

 With each succeeding year the month of May is set apart, by the Catholic Church, for a special worship to the Virgin Mary.

 Her altar, in all Catholic countries, are bedecked with sweet scented fragrant flowers and candles are continuously burning upon it.

 There is a daily afternoon service at 5 p. m. held at St. John Catholic Church in honor of the Virgin. Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1898.  

Advertiser Read in Italy.

On last Saturday morning Mr. F. Raeger stepped into our sanctum and took a year paid up subscription to the Advertiser with request to send it to Zongli, Province of Genoa, Italy. This is the first time the Advertiser will go to the land of sunshine and flowers.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1898.


Dr. E. N. Burke, a resident of Jennings, Calcasieu parish, died a few days ago in his room at the Crescent News Hotel, result of a severe stroke of apoplexy. Dr. Burke, who for years has been in an unbalanced state of mind, left his home some fifteen days ago and proceeded to Tampa on his way to Cuba to fight the Spaniards. A young man who was sent by the family in charge of the doctor found him, and both started back to Jennings; when Lafayette was reached the doctor persuaded the man to let him stop. At train time the next morning he was found in a collapsed condition. Dr. Martin was called and together with Dr.'s Hopkins, Tolson and Mudd did all to relieve the unfortunate, but without avail. Mrs. Burke was notified and came to minister at her husband's bedside. Dr. Burke was a native of New Orleans.Lafayette Advertiser of May 7, 1898.


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/7/1898:

Street sprinkling is a quite necessary commodity.

Extra fine watch work by T. M. Biosatt jeweler.

Fans. Small fans. Medium Fans. Light Fans. Fans of all kind for all manner of people, at Moss Bros. & Co.

Firemen competitive drill  to-morrow.

Remember may 28th. Miss Richard with the help of her pupils and local talent will give a grand concert at Falk's Opera House. The success of the concert is already assured.

Master Willie Marquis, has accepted a position as shoe shiner in the Rail Road exchange shaving parlors, and will be pleased to have his friends and the public to give him a call.

On last Sunday at the Southern Pacific Depot, a negro, was very blustering in his words and actions; being told to desist he became impudent and as a result a flyer in the shape of the ticket stamp dated, was forwarded to the seat of his mental faculties in the hands of the ticket agent. To elude arrest he started on a run followed by (unreadable word) Lisbony of the police.

 The Hook and Ladder and Hose Co of Lafayette extends a special invitation to the ladies to assist and by their presence give eclat to their ball to-morrow night.

 Pure carbonated water and pure fruit syrups, lots of crushed ice and the daintiest of glasses is simply irresistible and draws crowds each day to the Moss Pharmacy Soda Fountain.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1898

 From the Lafayette Gazette of May 7th, 1898:


 Dr. E. M. Burke, a prominent and respected citizen of Jennings, died at the Crescent Hotel Monday night at 9:35 o'clock. He had a stroke of apoplexy that night, and after that time he was conscious only during short intervals. His case is a very sad one. About a year ago while driving through the streets of Jennings he was thrown from his buggy, sustaining a skull fracture. He never recovered from the fall. It seems that since that day his mind has been affected, and some days ago his malady took a more serious turn. He decided to go to Cuba, and without letting any one know of his intentions he left for that island. His family, becoming alarmed at his absence, sought information as to his whereabouts, and finally learned that he was at Tampa, Fla. A friend was sent to the Florida town to bring the unfortunate man home. He was persuaded to return home, and in company with his friend, he arrived here Sunday, on his way to Jennings. But when he reached here he made up his mind not to go any further, insisting, however, that his traveling mate should continue on to Jennings. He took a room at the Crescent Hotel, and while there became very sick. Drs. Martin, Tolson, Mudd and Hopkins of this town were sent for, and they gave him all medical help that they could. It is believed that his death was the result of the fall from his carriage. There were rumors that he had attempted to commit suicide, but the attending physicians do not confirm this report. Lafayette Gazette 5/7/1898.

Recovered at Rigues House.

 David Pelletier, who has been seriously ill at the Rigues House, has issued a circular to his patrons, informing them that he has recovered, and will soon be attending to business. Mr. Pelletier has an extensive line of samples of shoes for the fall trade. The Tennent-Stribling Shoe Company are always considered the most progressive shoe dealers in the Union, and this year their line of samples is exceptionally fine. Lafayette Gazette 5/7/1898.

Base Ball.

 Interest in base ball circles is gradually reaching the correct pitch as the citizens of Lafayette have shown their appreciation by subscribing liberally to the support of the team.

 The uniforms have been ordered and will arrive sometime next week. They will be of Yale gray with black trimming and the word Lafayette written on the shields of the shirts. The club is indebted for the uniforms to the American Brewing Association. Through the instrumentality of Mr. Ed. J. Higginbotham, its popular agent here, the brewery helped the team most liberally. The management takes this occasion of publicly thanking Mr. Higginbotham for his generous interest in the club and certainly he merits the appreciation of the amusement-living patrons of the game here for the timely generosity.

 John Gonzales, the brilliant young backstop, has arrived and will remain during the season. Lafayette will have nothing to be desired in the catching department as it will be looked after by a most competent and experienced man. The management has secured Derbes, of Washington, a speedy outfielder and change catcher, who will come down next week. The first game will in all probability be against Abbeville on the 15th instant; on the 22nd either Jennings or Jeanerette; on the 29th Morgan City. The schedule will be announced in full as soon as completed. Shreveport is expected as a Fourth of July attraction. It is the intention of the manager, Mayor Caffery, to conduct the games on a highly respectable and refined basis so that the most sensitive lady can witness and enjoy the sport without any misgivings. Perfect order at all the games is guaranteed and profanity and coarseness will be conspicuous by their absence. Everything will be done to have the sport free from the disagreeable element and Lafayette will have a season of clean, exciting base ball. Shortstop Adrian is expected daily and should be here by this week. When he arrives the team will be complete, as Mr. Robt. Broussard, former captain of Pilette, and a player of well-known ability, will play 3d base during the season for Lafayette. It is the intention of the management to give the citizens of Lafayette a first class ball team and it remains to be seen it the game will be patronized and supported as it deserves.

 The Lafayette Dixie Base Ball team will make their initial bow to the public to-morrow afternoon against Pilette, minus uniforms, equipment and practice. The team is not ready to commence it s season, but will do so in order to fill out the program for the firemen's festival. Following are the names and positions in order of the Dixies:

 Derbes, left field; Matthews, pitcher; Nickerson, 2d base; Mudd, shortstop; Mouton 3d base; Hamilton, field; Olivier, right field. Lafayette Gazette 5/7/1898.

Of Railroad, Telegraph and Telephone Lines.

 The board of assessors of railroad, telegraph and telephone lines for this district of the State met Thursday at the court-house.

 Hon. C. C. Brown was elected chairman and Dr. W. D. Haas secretary.

 The following gentlemen were sworn in by D. A. Cochrane, Esq., as members of the convention:

--------------p. 1--------------

 Among the persons present were W. F. Owens and J. G. Parkerson and E. Van Fleck of the Southern Pacific Company; W. D. West, manager New Orleans office the Western Union Company. There were other representatives of the different railroads and telegraph lines.

 The railroad property was taken up. The main line was assessed at $6,500 and branches at $3,500. The second or double track was assessed at the same figures as the branches.

 Fred Marsh, of St. Mary, who made a fight against the railroads or rather for an increase in the assessment, voted in the negative on the proposition to assess the double track at $3,500; but Mr. Marsh was in a hopeless minority and his efforts were like Gray's flower - its sweetness was wasted on the desert air. The railroad held a pat hand and the St. Mary man did not get the backing that he deserved. In the course of his remarks Mr. Marsh propounded a question to the imperious superintendent of the Southern Pacific and the latter replied very much a la Owens. Mr. Marsh informed the gentlemen that his question was a civil one and he expected a civil answer.

 Telegraph line of the Western Union were assessed at the same figures as last year, $100 per mile for two wire and $12 for each additional wire.

 The property of the Great Southern or Cumberland Company was assessed at $30 per mile.

 The Teche and Vermilion remained at $15 per mile.

 Mr. Marsh introduced a resolution whose adoption would have empowered the parish assessors to list a great deal of railroad property which is now practically un-assessed. It is set forth that the board's duty is to assess the road-bed of the railroad, and that the assessment of depots, offices, superstructures, switches, depot grounds, section houses, etc., should be left to the assessors. Mr. Marsh's interpretation of the law is that when the board of assessors was created it was for the purpose of fixing a uniform rate of assessment upon the road-bed only. Mr. Marsh's resolution, which was based upon this construction of the law, was defeated. It received only two votes, that of its author and Mr. LeBleu of Calcasieu. Mr. Marsh carried out that construction of the law in his parish and the result is that he is sustained by the courts the yearly taxes of the Southern Pacific Company in St. Mary parish alone will be augmented several thousand dollars. Mr. Marsh believes that the courts will affirm the legality of his action, and that in this manner the railroad companies will be compelled to pay taxes upon a vast amount of property which has heretofore escaped taxation. Lafayette Gazette 5/7/1898.        


About a Sugar Factory.
[From the Opelousas Tribune.]

 Mr. A. B. Denbo, representing the Lafayette Sugar Factory, was in town Wednesday. He was in St. Landry looking for sugar cane, and any one having cane to dispose of should correspond with him at Lafayette. Their factory is this season being enlarged to a capacity of 1,000 tons of cane per day, which will enable them to easily handle all cane that is raised within their reach. The method of handling cane has been changed so that the refineries pay the freight. The cane sold this refinery last season, netted the planters $3.25 per ton at their stations, and indications are that this season's crop will net about $4.00 per ton, which is better than cotton at 10 cents a pound.

 The war will put national finances in such shape that the sugar duty can hardly be decreased for eight or ten years at least, and the planters of this parish should investigate the cane growing business and at once make their arrangements to raise cane.

 The planters say they can't grow cane till there is a factory here, and factory building people say they can't build a factory here till there is some cane to work on, and the result of this senseless cross-purpose business will be that we will never get a factory.

 Good profits can be made in growing cane at prices of from three to four dollars per ton, and long before they could grow more than they could dispose of to the Lafayette factory, there would be one here. The planters around here should organize a Cane Growers' Association and take up the matter systematically. It is fully to sit still and complain of hard times, without sensibly trying to better the times, yet this is what our planters are largely doing. Lafayette Gazette 5/7/1898.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/7/1898.

 The United States flag waves over the stand-pipe at the waterworks plant. It was placed there by Buddy Huff.

 Miss Marie Revillon left last Tuesday for Lake Arthur.

 Miss Leila Cornay returned Thursday from Patterson. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Louise Rochelle who will spend some time in Lafayette.

 The members of Hook and Ladder Company have requested the Gazette to extend an invitation to the ladies to be present at the ball Sunday night at Falk's opera-house. The committee has not issued any invitations, preferring to extend a general invitation through the years.

 The following persons from this town, went to Abbeville last Saturday to hear Gen. Gordon's lecture: Misses Lizzie Mudd and Birdie Harmanson; Leo Judice, Jack Nickerson, Jno. Kennedy, Chas. M. Parkerson, O. C. Mouton, R. E. Cunningham and Jerome Mouton.
Lafayette Gazette 5/6/1898.


From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 7th, 1887:


 The election last Monday for municipal officers, although characterized by considerable interest and zeal in some, was very quiet and orderly. The total vote cast was 336, - a gain of more than seventy over the vote cast at the election two years ago.

 The following are the tickets voted for and number of votes each candidate received.

Municipal Ticket.

 Mayor - Wm. B. Bailey, 223

Councilmen - Ed. Pellerin, 225; A. J. Moss, 223; Pierre Gerac, 225; J. G. Parkerson, 222; F. Lombard, 226; O. G. Sprole, 223.

 The People's Ticket.

 For Mayor: B. Falk, 142.

 Councilmen: Chas. Lusted, 146; R. C. Greig, 134; E. H. Vordenbaumen, 142; A. B. Mouton, 137; L. Domengeaux, 140.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1887.

Nice Rain.

 The rain last Tuesday was the most timely and acceptable visitation we have had in several months. Crops had begun to suffer considerably. Reports from various sections show that it was very general. We believe we are correct in saying that the outlook for cotton and corn in this section of the State is excellent. We are quite certain as to Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1898.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 7th, 1909:


By Miss Elizabeth Webb, of this City, a Missionary in Asiatic Turkey.


 Turkish Officials Take No Action But Let Mob Have Sway - Thousand Killed.
 The following interesting account of her experiences during the recent massacre of Armenians at Adana, Asiatic Turkey by Miss Elizabeth Webb, of this city, a Missionary from the American Board of Bunker Hill, Ill., will be read with a great deal of interest by her many friends here:

 "Our friends came to school as usual on Wednesday, April 21. Although we heard that there was a good deal of unrest in the city, we went on with our preparations for a school entertainment, which was to be held the next day. Soon firing began in the city and things were in such a disturbed condition that we were afraid to send the scholars home. The girls were too excited to study as there was a constant sound of firing. We ourselves tried to go on with the annual meeting, but the reading of the report was interrupted by the screaming in the streets and the shouting.

 "Mr. Chambers attempted to go to the government building for a guard, but he found it was impossible to get through the mob, and was forced to return. Two of our Turkish children were present and we thought it would be possible to send word of our danger by a Turk who had come to take them home. Accordingly notes to their father and the governor were written but there were no responses.

 Fires Illuminate City.

 "As night came on fires began to flare up in all directions, and we fearful that the rioters would break into the school buildings. Finally, about 9 o'clock there came a knock at the gate and in walked the English consul. You can imagine our relief at the sight of him. He had heard of the disturbances and had come from Messina to investigate. The consul is Major Daughty-Wylie, he could stay only a moment but he left three of his own guard of Turkish soldiers to take care of us.

 "All through the night we actually seemed to be in a state of siege. The soldiers kept firing their Martini's and the fire was returned from the minaret houses nearby. In the morning our guard discovered (whether it was a new discovery or not I do not know) that the men in the minaret houses whose fire they had been returning were Turkish soldiers and that others who had been firing upon us were friends whom we had known by name.

 "After a good deal of parleying the fire on our building stopped for the time being. Finally in spite of the fact that the consul had said that they must remain until he returned, the guards insisted that they should leave. We urged them to stay, but they climbed the wall and ran away.

 "In the meantime, the fires about the city had increased and the sound of shooting could be heard from every point. At last the consul passed. He was able to spare only one man, but said this one would be more useful than the other three. Soon after the left us fires broke out in the adjacent streets, and unless something was done speedily our school building must be destroyed. We had hung Turkish flags on all sides of the building, but this did not stop the thousands engaged in the riots from firing their weapons, although apparently they were not directed against us.

 Fighting the Flames.

 "If our building burned, the Chambers house must burn also. Then where could we go for safety? Our only safety seemed to be to check the flames. We women and girls carried water, while the men cut down the fences and an old house in the corner of our yard. A shed on the opposite side of the street was also torn down, and we thought in this way the progress of the fire could also be saved.

 "About the time we were horrified to learn that Mr. Rogers and Mr. Maurer had been shot. It seemed that they had been fighting the fire, and were not with the other men cutting down the sheds. They were brought into our dining room. Mr. Maurer already was dead, and Mr. Rogers only lived a few minutes. The Rev. Stephen R. Towbridge, escaped although a bullet took off his hat.

 "A new misfortune overtook us; our guard of one man disappeared; things looked pretty dark. I came to my room where the girls were seated silently awaiting for me to tell them what had happened, but that would only cause a panic, so I said: 'We have done all we can; now let us pray.'

 "Before I had finished praying the bugle of the consul's guard and the Turkish officials with whom he had been patrolling sounded in the streets. Unfortunately he could not spare a guard for us, but promised to send one immediately. It as a terrible situation; women and girls practically alone in the building; a murderous, bloodthirsty mob outside with knife and bullet for the Armenians and the torch for their homes. To add to the misery there were the dead on the floor below, and the widow of one of them, Mrs. Rogers, with her infant ten weeks old, to comfort.

 Patrol Around Building.

 "The flames we had been fighting finally died out, but fires could be seen in all parts of the city and the sound of shooting was constant. The British consul had promised us a guard but the afternoon and evening passed and none came. We could not understand it. The following day we learned that Major Daughty-Wylie had been shot in the arm.

 "That night young men from the Gregorian and Protestant communities patrolled the streets around the building. The situation was grave. A great crowd of soldiers, (unreadable word) Bashi, Bazooks, and rabble, bent on plundering, had gathered at the rear of our house for an attack.

 "Our only defence was a self appointed guard of young Armenians. A steady fire was kept up on both sides that on the part of our young men was to frighten the crowd, and, if possible to drive them away. Our Armenians called to those below: 'We are brothers; don't fire,' and asked them to send one man to confer with a representative of our side.

 "This was agreed to, but in place of one man, hundreds started to come. They demanded that we give up our arms, but with that angry mob, that meant certain death. Finally, Mr. Trowbridge talked with them from a window; this, too, failed.

 "The greatest danger, of course was for the girls, and we decided to take them to Mr. Chalmers' house. Seemingly without fear, they marched in order, two and two, across the street to the house of Miss Wallace the English nurse, and then through a hole in the wall, which had been opened for emergency, through the yard out into the street again, where they reached the Chambers gate.

 "I cannot describe the crowd,  the noise and confusion in this house and yard. Refugees cowered everywhere. Both house and court, apparently has been overflowing with refugees before our arrival, but we added to the number more than a hundred from our house, and about eight girls and teachers. Our girls and teachers were calmest of all.

 Preacher Shot Down.

 "Mr. Trowbridge returned from the school to say that the only hope for safety to any Americans seemed to be to return to the school staying there alone, separated from the Armenians. It seems that after we left the school, Miss Wallace, Mr. Chambers, and a young Armenian preacher attempted to cross the street from Miss Wallace's to the school. Just at this time a mob rushed around the corner. The infuriated Turks recognized the preacher as an Armenian, and although Mr. Chambers threw his arms about him and did all in his power to save the man's life, they shot him dead. Not a single Armenian did they leave alive. The assassins shouted as Mr. Chambers dragged the body of the murdered preacher into the building. You can see how powerless we were."

 Miss Webb relates how Mr. Trowbridge persuaded four Zabties to go with him to the government house and demand protection. Two of whom who deserted him on the way declaring that they were afraid of  being killed by Armenians. Everything was in confusion at the government house and after a long delay a detachment of 150 troops were dispatched to their relief. Concluding her narrative, Miss Webb says:

 "I forgot to say that the British consul sent a message to the Governor on Friday that if this thing did not stop he would demand of the government a satisfactory explanation. Whether, or not they were powerless to stop the dreadful work before this. I do not know, but anyway, it was stopped. We hear, and it seems quite possible, that because of the disturbance in Constantinople. The officials in Adana did not know which side to join, so they simply let things take their course, and permitted the Turks and Armenians to fight it out between them." Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1909.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 7th, 1909:


 Town Looks Neat and Prosperous and Situated in Center of a Rich Country.

 Fields Give Prospects of Good Crops, Corn Especially.

 Public School - Parochial School - Communion Latter Part of May - Cane Derricks - Local Mention.

Scott like all other places seems to feel the stress of hard times just now, but will no doubt succeed in maintaining her position on the map as the center of a rich, but as yet, comparatively undeveloped country. The little town looks neat and prosperous, the liberal use of paint and brush adding much to the general appearances. Scott has always been famous for large shipments of eggs and still does an extensive trade in this poultry product. The hens are nobly helping to tide over a period of financial distress, and if ever Lafayette parish establishes a parish fair they will certainly deserve recognition in the distribution of gold medals.

 The fields on every hand give fine prospects for a good crop, corn especially being well advanced, and sugar cane and cotton showing up nicely. Better cultivation and intensive methods are beginning to be more appreciated year by year and the effect is visible not only by appearances, but in the actual increase in the yield. Cane is growing well and except in a few instances very good stands have been secured. Much cotton has been replanted owing to the cold weather and in many fields the genuine boll weevil is said to have already appeared.  Despite this many farmers have strong hopes of a fair crop if the season is dry and no unforeseen disaster occurs. Corn will be abundant from all indications and this converted into pigs, cattle and poultry will materially solve the boll weevil problem. Several fields of fine oats show possibilities along this line, if the soil is well drained.

 The public school in charge of Prof. Dean, assisted by Misses Morgan and Williams, is still running, and has a very fair attendance. Scott may well feel proud of her fine school building and ample grounds, secured through the generosity and enterprise of her leading citizens. The Catholic church, Rev. Detchemendy, pastor, is one of the important institutions of the town, as in the parochial school, taught by the Father and Mrs. Wright, an experienced teacher. The school has sixty pupils in attendance and Rev. Detchemendy in addition has a large class preparing for First Communion which takes place the latter part of May. About 15 Priests will assist in the administration of this sacrament and a most impressive service has been arranged. Father Detchemendy went to Rayne yesterday to assist in communion there.

 Agent J. A. Landry keeps the railroad office, ware rooms and yard in ship shape and attends promptly to the business of the office.

 Mrs. J. B. Peres has a neat residence and store near the depot and has lately renovated and refurnished her establishment.

 Luke LeBlanc, the lumberman, is still filling all orders for lumber and building material to the satisfaction of his customers.

 Gaston Begnaud supplies meat for the town, but has to chase around after cattle, so scarce as they are now.

 O. Z. Boudreaux, the blacksmith, reports business dull, but while waiting for times to improve is promptly turning out first class work.

 J. B. Dugas the ginnery man, is stirring about for business and getting ready to take off the coming crop.

 P. H. Mouton has sold his pretty cottage near the depot to Mr. Moran.

 Several cane derricks will be in operation this fall in and around Scott, the Lafayette Refinery already having one and machinery for Segura having just arrived. About 600 acres of cane have been planted and much of it will be shipped to refineries.

 Among the most important mercantile establishments are L. L. Judice, Prejean Bros., Alex Bernard, J. Sonnier, Paul Dugas and Mrs. J. B. Peres. Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1909.


Sleep Necessary.

The present epoch is one which the mind of man seems to turn to the performance of impossibilities, or what have been regarded as impossibilities. Explorers seek to penetrate the North Pole, and mountain climbers to scale the highest peak of the Himalayas. Captain Webb loses his life in seeking to swim the Nigeria Rapids. Dr. Tanner goes forty days, and an Italian fifty days, without food.

 The latest attempt of doing something that nobody has ever done, is that of an Italian named Rouzani, who essayed to go three weeks without sleeping, but was speedily convicted of using deception in making people believe that he got along without sleep.

 Whatever feats of endurance men may accomplish, they cannot live long without sleeping. The victims of the Chinese water torture seldom survive more than ten days. These unfortunate men are given all they wish to eat and drink, but when they close their eyes they are pierced with spears and awakened. There is no torture more horrible.

 Men sleep under almost all conditions of bodily and mental suffering, however, men condemned to death - even those who fear their fate - generally sleep the night before their execution. Soldiers sleep lying upon sharp rocks, and even while on the march.

 No one knows just what sleep is. The prevailing theory as to its nature is that of the Physiologist Preyer, who holds that refuse matter accumulates in the nervous centres in such quantity as to bring about insensibility, which is sleep, and which continues until the brain has been relived of this waste matter by its absorption into the circulation. By way of contrast to the cases of those who seek to do without sleep, or are often unable to obtain it, a case is recorded by Dr. Phipson in which a young man slept thirty two hours without waking.

From Youth's Companion and in the Lafayette Advertiser 5/7/1887.


 Biliousness is a condition of the system in which there is too little bile produced, instead of too much. The waste elements, which ought to be removed from the blood by the liver in the form of bile, are left in the body, and accumulate in the tissues. It is this that gives the dingy color to the to the white of the the eyes, the dirty hue to the skin, and the coppery taste to the mouth, and which produces giddiness, the floating specks before the eyes, and the general feeling of languor and discomfort which characterizes the condition commonly as biliousness. This dingy hue of the skin is actually due to the accumulation of waste matter, or organic dirt. The skin is dirty, perhaps not upon the surface, but all through its structure. Not only the skin, but the muscles are dirty. The brain and nerves or dirty. The whole body is clogged with dead and poisonous particles which ought to have been promptly carried out of it, but have been retained on account of the insufficient action of the liver.

 The causes of biliousness are various. One of the most frequent is overeating. If you press your fingers close up under the ribs on the right side of the body you can feel the lower border of the liver about an inch above the lower edge of last rib. If you do the same after eating a hearty meal, you will find the lower border of the liver half and inch lower down. This is due to the fact that the liver becomes enlarged through absorption of digested food after a meal has been taken. If you eat a very large meal, say twice as much as you usually eat, and then feel the lower border, you will find it reaching down to a level with lowest rib, showing that the liver is greatly enlarged, much more than it should be. If you go on eating too much in this way, day after day and week after week, after a while the vessels of the liver will be so relaxed by frequent distensions that the organ will grow permanently enlarged and congested. When in this condition the liver cannot make the bile readily, and so does not do the proper amount of work, and the waste elements which it ought to remove from the body are left to accumulate in the tissues, and all the symptoms of biliousness follow.

 Biliousness is sometimes the result of eating to freely of fats. Animal fats being particularly difficult to digest, and likely to be taken in too large quantities in the shape of butter, lard, suet, and fat meats, are apt to produce this condition.

 Some years ago a French physiologist fed two various animals liberal supplies of fat, and then observed the quantity of bile produced. He found that the amount of bile was lessened just in proportion to the amount of fat added to the food. In order to ascertain the reason for this result, he killed some animals, after having fed them freely with fat, and examined their livers with a microscope. By this means of discovery that the little cells which chiefly compose the liver, and which form the bile, were crowded with drops of fat and were thus so burdened and hampered in their work that, they were obliged to work very slowly, and hence produced only a small quantity of bile.

 Similar experiments show that the excessive use of flesh food also renders the liver torpid, and produces biliousness. Flesh food generally consists of albumen, a nitrogenous substance, which can be used in the body only in a very limited amount. The average person can use only three ounces of this kind of material each twenty-four hours.

 But if a person eats several times this amount in the form of beefsteak, mutton chops, or any other flesh food, the superfluous amount must all be removed in the form of waste matter. That is, if the person eats meat sufficient to supply four ounces of nitrogenous matter, the extra ounce must be carried off by the kidneys in the form of urea, or uric acid, and this must be acted upon by the liver to prepare for its removal by the kidneys. If the liver has more of this work to do than it should have, the work will be imperfectly done, and much waste matter which ought to be removed will be left in the system, producing biliousness, rheumatism, muscular pains, sick headaches, and many other uncomfortable symptoms.

 From Good Health and in the Lafayette Advertiser  5/7/1887.

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