Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 3rd, 1905:

Over Three Thousand Children and Adults Present, Notwithstanding Threatening Weather. - Spelling Matches by Representatives of Various Schools.

 Addresses by Distinguished Speaker. Contests in Athletics in the Afternoon. Seven Schools Participate in the Oratorical Contest at Night.

 The second annual convocation of the schools of the parish together with Field Day at the Institute took place Saturday. More than three thousand grown people and children including over one hundred visitors from points outside the parish took part in making the day a notable one in school annals.

 The day opened cloudy and very threatening, notwithstanding, at an early hour large delegations of children from the various schools accompanied by parents and neighbors began arriving and by 8:30 the court house square was filled and by nine crowded. Shortly after the parade began forming and at 9:30, led by the Sontag Lafayette Concert Band, started down Lafayette street to Vermilion, down Vermilion to Johnston and out Johnston to the Industrial Institute in the following order:

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 The parade was a very long one, extending nearly from the  court house to the Industrial. Large numbers of people viewed it as it passed and admired the bright faced, alert-looking children, and a finer set than marched under the banners of Lafayette parish schools that day, would be hard to find anywhere. They deserve all the good things that their elders can give them, for they have the making in them of fine citizenship.

 At the Institute it was a beautiful sight to see the children marching in and arranging in order upon the green in front of the building. The scene was animated and full of color, continually changing and shifting, yet blending into a beautiful whole.

 The exercises were begun by all children present joining in singing America, accompanied by the band. At the close of the song Supt. Alleman announced that the contests in spelling would begin and requested all those appointed to represent the schools to come forward and occupy the front steps. Prof. C. A. Ives, principal of the Franklin schools, gave out the words. There were three contests; primary, intermediate and advanced. The interest was manifested especially by the children, in all of them. In the Primary contest Zola Vidrine of the Lafayette Primary school was the successful contestant. Mr. C. O. Mouton in a few appropriate words, presented her the medal. In the Intermediate contest, Bella Broussard of the Scott school carried off the honors and to her District Attorney Campbell presented the medal with praise and commendation. Andre St. Julien of the Broussard school spelled all of his opponents down and to him was awarded the Carnes, Bass & Benckenstein medal by Mr. J. Straughan on behalf of the firm.

 At the close of the spelling matches the children sang the Star Spangled Banner, after which the grown people assembled in the auditorium to listen to addresses by Hon. Justin Daspit, of St. Martin parish and Prof. Alcee Fortier, of New Orleans, while the children remained on the grounds and enjoyed their picnic lunches.

 Before the introduction of the speakers, Supt. Alleman announced the winners of the $10 libraries in the contests for the highest average attendance for the year. Miss Christian's room with an average of 93.1 won the library in the contest of the rooms of Lafayette schools; Scott with an average of 89.3 led all the parish town schools and got the second library; and the Whittington school with an average of 91.6 in the contest among the country schools secured the third library. He also announced that every child taking part in the spelling matches would be presented with a book.

 President Stephens then, after expressing gratification at the large number present, the auditorium was completely filled, and the interest manifested in the day, in a few well chosen words introduced Hon. Justin Daspit, who began expressing his admiration of the great gathering which was auspicious of a healthy sentiment in favor of education. He complimented the school officers, the superintendent and the people upon the fine showing, and enlarged upon the benefits and value of education. "After bread the most urgent need is education," and "No country can develop its utmost until the citizens are developed" were two significant sentiments uttered by him. In closing he spoke particularly to the young men who have just attained their majority and it is one of the finest parts of his splendid address. He was followed by Prof. Fortier who was introduced by Judge Julian Mouton in a brief but entertaining way. Prof. Fortier spoke in French and he was listened to with rapt attention. He is a fine speaker and those who heard him enjoyed his scholarly address.

 This closed the convocation exercises.


 At 2:30 p. m. the field sports began and during the entire time they continued they were watched by the spectators with intense interest. An immense throng of people were present, possibly more than were present in the morning and generous applause was showered upon the successful contestants regardless of the school he represented. Of course the Institute boys came in for just a little more the enthusiasm, but the skill displayed by every contestant won the admiration of everybody. The sports were highly successful and showed practice, ability and endurance. The achievements of all were very creditable and proved that Southwest Louisiana has some good athletic material.

 Those participating were:

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 Lafayette made a total number of points of 79; St. Martinville, 17; Leesville, 13; Franklin, 7; New Iberia, 4; and Marksville, 1. Lafayette retains the T. M. Biossat cup again this year. Under the new rules which assigns the cup to the school which shall win it three successive years, the Institute has only one more year to win and then the cup stays here. Will the Institute do it?

 Talbot won the Dr. Girard silver medal for the hundred yard dash, and also the Dr. Girard gold medal for the best all around athlete in the Institute.


 A large and appreciative audience assembled in the Industrial auditorium Saturday night to witness the Interscholastic contest in which seven schools participated. The subjects of orations, the names of contestants and schools represented were as follows:

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 Each of the speakers handled his subject in a creditable manner and all proved very entertaining.

 The judges of matter were: Rev. C. C. Kramer, New Iberia; Hon. John H. Overton, Alexandria; and Hon. L. H. Moss, Lake Charles.

 The manuscripts had been forwarded to these gentlemen for criticism as to composition and thought. Prof. Alcee Fortier of Tulane, Supt. J. C. Daspit of St. Martin and Judge P. S. Pugh, of Acadia acted as judged of delivery. Both sets of judges agreed that Percy Garrot of Marksville was entitled to the prize, and he was awarded the fine set of books by Thomas Watson, comprising story of France in two volumes. Life of Napoleon in one volume and the Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson, one volume, offered by the Industrial School faculty.

 At the close of orations a chorus, Spring song, adapted from Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz was rendered by the Institute Girls' Glee Club.

 Following the Glee Club a stereoptican exhibition was given, in which familiar scenes about Lafayette, landscapes, Institute views, groups of the teams taking part that day in the field sports and also picture taken by the Convocation crowd that morning. The views were greatly enjoyed and contributed to the pleasure of the occasion.

 The evening was closed by the announcement of the winners in the various contests and Judge Julian Mouton made the presentation of the medals and the T. M. Biossat championship cup.


 The 1905 Convocation was a big success and much of it is due to the earnest work of the various committees, to the Sontag Lafayette Concert band, and to the citizens generally who contributed generously financially.

 Among the visitors present were: Profs. L. N. Favrot, Leesville; E. S. Jenkins, New Iberia; C. A. Ives, Franklin; A. M. Smith, Abbeville; E. B. Stover, Crowley; E. B. Donnell, St. Martin; L. S. Squires, Lake Charles; Baterman, Marksville; Mrs. A. Wilkins, Miss Kittie Tobin, Jennings; Misses Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard, Patterson; Miss Helen Hughes, Leesville; Miss Ella Montgomery, Crowley; Miss Gayle, Lake Charles.

 Before leaving for home a meeting of all the principals of high schools present was held and a constitution and by-laws for the Interscholastic Athletic and Oratorical Association was adopted. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Public School Entertainment.

 The public school entertainment at the school park Friday night was a fine success. A large number of people were present and enjoyed the evening greatly. At seven the children dressed in white with colored hats and sashes marched to the grounds and 450 strong made a pretty sight. After the following entertaining program was rendered, Mr. C. O. Mouton and Prof. Alcee Fortier made interesting addresses:

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 During the evening the Sontag Concert Band played delightful selections. Refreshments of various kinds were served and found liberal purchasers. The total proceeds amounted to $210.05. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Resolutions Passed Requesting C0-operation of Citizens.

 Lafayette, La., March 20, 1905.

 At the annual meeting of the Fire Department of the City of Lafayette, Louisiana, held at the Court House of said city, the undersigned Committee was appointed to draft the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by the said Fire Department of Lafayette, La.

 Resolved, by the Fire Department of the City of Lafayette, Louisiana, that for the purpose of aiding, equipment and maintaining the said Fire Department, that a call be made on every male citizen within the corporate limits of the City of Lafayette, La., owning real estate, and also every non-resident and corporation also owning real estate within said corporative limits, and who are not members of said fire department, to subscribe an annual fee of not less than five dollars, and that said amount when paid to be turned over to the Treasurer of the department, and to be used in aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department for the purpose of fighting fires.

 Be it further resolved, that said resolution be printed in the city papers, The Lafayette Advertiser and The Gazette for a space of sixty days.

 Be it also further resolved, that a copy of said resolution be mailed to each male citizen of the City of Lafayette who are not members of the Fire Department, and also to all non-residents and corporations owning real estate within the City of Lafayette, Louisiana.
                        Respectfully submitted,
                             P. L. DECLOUET, WM. CAMPBELL, A. E. MOUTON, C. O. MOUTON, Committee.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.


Indispensable to Public Welfare.

 A reporter for The Advertiser heard Dr. Moss give his impressions of the two conventions he attended last week - the Banker's convention at New Orleans and the Good Roads convention at Baton Rouge. Both conventions were highly entertaining and instructive, he said, and though differing widely in their scope, both conventions had in the view the same ultimate object - the advancement of the public welfare.

 Dr. Moss was deeply impressed with the earnestness and the magnitude of the good roads' movement, and believes that some tangible results will attend the lessons and deliberations of the State and the National good roads' conventions held conjointly at Baton Rouge. The two examples of good roads being constructed on the campus of the State University under government authority and supervision contributed much to the interest and the value of the convention, and will no doubt act as a direct incentive to the introduction of scientific road building in Louisiana.

 As the result of this sample work arrangements have already been made for government cooperation in the construction of stretches of public roads in Orleans and St. Bernard parishes. And it will not be long before the other more progressive parishes in Louisiana will avail themselves of the services of expert road builders, furnished gratuitously by the Department of Agriculture of the United States for the purpose of teaching for the purpose of teaching the public the advantage and economy of constructing public highways according to scientific principles, which, after all, only means the application of common sense in road building.

 The Advertiser hopes that the parish of Lafayette will be among the first to make a move in that direction, as the first and most important step toward solving the problem of good roads is to do something practical, and do it as soon as possible.

 Whilst in Baton Rouge, Dr. Moss, of course, "talked railroad" with the local bankers., who gave him strong assurances of the hearty and united cooperation of the people of Baton Rouge in the matter of securing right of way between Baton Rouge and Lafayette for the new line. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Municipal Election Returns.

 The municipal election of Monday was a very quiet affair, yet considering the lack of interest a very fair vote was polled. The result was as follows:

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 The name of A. E. Chargois for constable was placed on the ticket by mistake, as the constable is appointed and not elected. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Landed in Jail.

 Adam Jim, a negro, got into considerable trouble last week by trying on authority that didn't belong to him. He went into the sheriff's office and stated that he knew where Ozaire Jasper, colored and wanted for murder, could be found. As Sheriff Lacoste is anxious to get Jasper he gave Adam a note addressed to any sheriff or deputy instructing him to accompany Adam and arrest Jasper. But Adam immediately assumed that the note made him a deputy and instead of going to an officer and pointing out Jasper as told to do, he proceeded to hold a ball and gather in $2.50 as deputy in charge. Sheriff Lacoste sent for him and he came in promptly walking in to the office with a big .44 in his pocket. Now he is in jail and will have to answer the charge of impersonating an officer and carrying concealed weapons. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.  


 A Former Resident of Lafayette, Accidentally Killed by Explosion of Revolver.

 The Times-Democrat of April 16 contains the following particulars of the accidental death of James H. Bell, a former resident of Lafayette:

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Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

The Cane Crop.
[La. Planter and Sugar Mfr.]

 All our advices from the country  this week indicate a favorable conditions in the cane fields. The crop is late, but it is now progressing under favorable climatic circumstances, and no unfavorable comments of any sort have reached us. Some of our correspondents report a very considerable increase in the acreage planted in certain sections, and there seems to have been no material shortage of seed cane anywhere. Altogether the prospect at the present time is encouraging. From the La. Planter & Sugar Mfr. & in the Lafayette Advertiser of 5/3/1905.

Strange Disease Among Cattle.

 Mr. C. A. Boudreaux reports a strange disease as prevailing among horses and cattle near Scott, from which quite a number of valuable animals have been lost. The disease manifests itself in a loss of appetite, the afflicted animals ceasing to eat or drink. The eyes become bright, the head is held up high, and an appearance of wildness that lasts during the attack which usually ends fatally in about nine days. No one seems to know the name of the disease, its cause or any remedy for it.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.  


Will Close at Seven.

 The merchants of Lafayette in order to give their employes some recreation during the long summer days have decided to close at 7 p. m. The people of Lafayette should take note of the time of closing and try to do all their shopping before that hour, as it is very commendable on the part of the merchants to allow their employes part of the evening for themselves. The following is the petition passed the names of the signers:

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 Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

 Mizpah Lodge Ball.

 The ball given last Tuesday at the Gordon Hotel by Mizpah Lodge No. 300, Ladies Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen proved a success financially as well as socially.

 Promptly at 9:30 sweet strains of music were heard from the "Billeaud Band," and the grand march was gracefully led off by Miss Alice Lalanne, of Washington, La., and Mr. C. W. Breeding, of Lafayette. As they marked time to the music, other couples joined in, forming an attractive scene, blended with youth, beauty and gallantry.

 Sixteen couples entered the contest waltz. The judges appointed were: Messrs. Baxter Clegg, Felix Salles, B. J. Pellerin, Octave Guilbeau and Dr. G. A. Martin. After careful observation, decision was rendered in favor of Miss Ruby Scranton for the ladies' prize, and Mr. F. E. Wagner, of Houston, Texas, for the gentlemen's prize.

 Mr. Philip Mouton carried off the beautiful point lace handkerchief, which was raffled.

 The members of Mizpah Lodge express many thanks to the public in general for liberal patronage, and particularly to Mesdames C. H. Lusted, Geo. Montgomery, J. B. Coumes, W. H. Adams, and D. Delahoussaye.  Messrs. T. M. Biossat, H. F. Limerick, A. Bonnet, B. Schmalinski, F. Salles, F. C. Triay, Morgan & Debaillon, B. Negrotto, Morgan Lodge 347, Bayou City Lodge 145, B. R. T., The Lafayette Advertiser and Lafayette Gazette, for contributions, and assistance; the enthusiasm shown was received as a token of appreciation for the organization. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

Mission Closed.

 The English mission preached by Father Mattern at the Catholic church closed Sunday after High Mass. The mission was not attended as largely as the French mission, but those who were present at the services had the pleasure of hearing eloquent sermons by an earnest and able priest. The two missions have wonderfully stimulated the religious spirit and been of incalculable benefit. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905. 


The Married Ladies Euchre Club.

 Mrs. C. M. Parkerson delightfully entertained the Married Ladies' Euchre Club and a few friends at a "Mexican Afternoon" Thursday. Mrs. Parkerson showed much energy and taste in decorating the entire house with Mexican flags and flowers, which carried out the color scheme, red, white, and green. While the guests were waiting for a few, who were unavoidably late, to arrive, Mrs. Parkerson treated them to a "journey through Mexico" which was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and in which Mrs. Doucet was fortunate enough to win the most points. At four-thirty the games commenced and lasted until six o'clock, after which it was found that Mmes. Middlemas and Pellerin had won eight games out of nine. Upon cutting Mrs. Middlemas won the prize, a lovely burnt leather pillow, which had a large Mexican head on one side, and on the other a picture of the Alamo. The second prize, a beautiful little Mexican basket was cut for by Mmes. Jagou, Mouton, Misses Z. Christian and Viola Young. Miss Christian was the lucky one. Mmes. Clegg, Darling, LeRosen, Davis, and Stenhouse tied for the third prize, a Mexican vase, but Mrs. Davis had fortune with her and captured it. Mrs. Goldsberry was delighted to win the booby prize, as it was a cute little Mexican statuette. The guests were then ushered into the dining room which was artistically decorated. In the center of the long table was a very large Mexican sombrero filled with exquisite roses. At each plate were appropriate souvenirs in the shape of little Mexican sombreros. Mrs. Parkerson carried out the color scheme in serving the following menu: Turkey, oyster dressing, olives, ham, jelly, cheese straws and wind. The following toast to Mrs. Parkerson truly expressed the sentiment of club members and guests.

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 The club then adjourned to meet next time with Mrs. B. J. Pellerin.

 Those present were: Mmes. Davis, B. Clegg, J. Nickerson, Darling, LeRosen, Stenhouse, J. A. Martin, B. J. Pellerin, C. Jeanmard, Barth, A. Doucet, S. Mouton, Breeding, Middlemas, Goldsberry, Jim Parkerson, Tom Hopkins and H. Jagou; Misses Z. Christian, Viola Young, Aimee Martin, Edna Sprole, and Ruby Scranton.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/3/1905.

 Examination Date Changed. - The date for holding the regular examination for teachers' certificates has been changed from June to August 4 and 5 in order to enable teachers to attend the summer normals before taking the examination.

 Mt. Carmel. - May 15, is the date fixed for the annual school entertainment by the pupils of Mr. Carmel Academy who have a program which will both interest and amuse their friends. Light refreshments will be plentiful - doors open at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission 25 cents.

 Regular services at the Episcopal church next Sunday afternoon at half past five o'clock.

 Mrs. B. Falk and Mrs., M. Meyer will leave Sunday for the North to spend the summer in the mountains.

 It will pay you to visit the Voorhies Addition before buying elsewhere. Mouton & LeBlanc.

 There was a call meeting of the Woman's Club Friday to perfect all arrangements for the annual entertainment which will be given May 5 at the Gordon Hotel.

 Miss Estelle Mouton left Monday for Alexandria as a delegate to the U. D. C. which is in session there.

 Mr. and Mrs. Felix Demanade left Saturday for New Orleans to see their son, Harold. Mrs. Demanade continued on to Shreveport where she will remain several days with her mother. Mr. Demanade returned to Lafayette Sunday night.

 W. A. Wade, who has been in temporary charge of the Cumberland exchange, turned it over yesterday to Manager Thomas who returned Monday from Nashville, and he left last night for New Orleans, and will travel for the company as inspector.

 Mrs. E. Delhomme has accepted the position of assistant manager of the High Island (Texas) Hotel.

 Manager M. F. Thomas, of the Cumberland Telephone exchange, who has been in Nashville, Tenn., taking an electrical course, returned Monday.

 Conductor C. H. Lusted and Brakeman R. L. Cochrane left Sunday for Marksville to serve as witnesses before the grand jury at that place in the case of a negro charged with shooting into a Southern Pacific train.

 Dr. P. M. Girard, of Uvalde, Texas, is visiting relatives here.

 Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins and Mr. Thos. B. Hopkins have purchased the interest of Dr. F. R. Tolson in the Lafayette Drug Co. A notice of dissolution of partnership appears in another column.

 The Institute team will leave Thursday for Baton Rouge to try conclusions with the L. S. U., Ruston and Tulane. They will be up against a hard proposition, but let us hope they will come out with flying colors. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1905.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of May 3rd, 1902:


Want to be Protected Against Unfair Competition of Traveling Dealers.

 A number of the retail dealers of this town met in Pellerin & DeClouet's store last Thursday for the purpose of adopting some measure to protect themselves against the unfair competition of traveling salesmen who do a regular retail business. These people carry a line of samples and sell goods in any quantities from the smallest to the largest order, without being made to pay the municipal or parochial license which the local merchants must procure before they are permitted to do business. The meeting appointed a committee to seek relief at the hands of the Council which will be asked to adopt some ordinance, if one is not already in existence, to put a stop to this very unjust discrimination against the home dealers. The town merchants want nothing unreasonable. They simply ask that the traveling retailers be made to pay a license if they wish to do a retail business, and if it is possible to do so we have no doubt that the Council will enact the desired legislation. The following firms were represented at the meeting:  Moss & Co., Gus Schmulen, Mouton Bros., Pellerin & DeClouet, Prejean & LeBlanc, M. Rosenfield, Mouton & Salles and Levy Bros. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Getting Ready to Handle a Big Crop - Doubling the Capacity Of the Plant.
 Very important improvements are being made at the Gerac gin. The building has been completely renovated and enough new machinery has been put up to double the capacity of the mill. The necessary changes have been made to use oil for fuel. New and longer sheds are being built and every other portion of the plant has been greatly improved, preparatory to the increase of business which the Messrs. Gerac have reason to expect next season. Their splendid success has encouraged them very much and they are leaving nothing undone to expeditiously handle all the cotton that will be brought to them. The big increase in their business during the past few years has been the result of the excellent service they have given to farmers and now that they are far better equipped than ever before they will receive a still greater share of patronage. If the crops are good this year it is safe to say that Lafayette will break the record in cotton-ginning.
Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

 Races at Lafayette Park. - The management of the Lafayette Park, which has just been completed, announces to the public that races will take place on its track on the 7th and 8th of June. Arrangments are being made to run excursions on the 8th from Lake Charles, Alexandria and Thibodeaux. An interesting feature of the sports will be a pony race, the association having decided to give a gold watch as a premium to the winner. The height of any one of the ponies is not to exceed 14 hands. Information relative to the purses and further particulars will be published in next Saturday's Gazette.
Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Plays Sunday Night. - The Orendorff-Huff Comedy Company will present the well-known drama. "The Sacrifice," Sunday night, at the opera-house. Specialties will be introduced between the acts. The following is a telegram from the manager of the Jeanerette opera-house recommending this company: "Orendorff-Huff Comedy Company gave the best satisfaction to two large houses. Company first-class." Prices: 25, 50 and 75 cents.
Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

 Will Close at 7 O'clock. - The following firms have agreed to close their places of business at 7 p. m. every day. Saturdays and pay-car days excepted, beginning on the 5th of May, until the first of September: Moss & Co., Gus Schmulen, Mouton Bros., Prudhomme & McFaddin, L. Lacoste Hardware Store, Lafayette Clothing House, N. Abramson, A. T. Caillouet, Levy Bros., Alex Delayhoussaye, Pellerin & DeClouet, Salles-Mouton Grocery Co., Mouton & Salles, Prejean & LeBlanc, Mrs. B. Falk, L. Levy, Plonsky Bros., J. F. Tanner, F. Demanade, W. V. Nicholson, L. F. Rigues, M. Rosenfield, J. A. Landry, L. F. Bellemin. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Released on Bail. - The man Marquis Mouton, who was arrested last week on three charges - one for assault and two for attempt - has been bailed in the sum of $3,000. The report of physicians and two depositions made before a magistrate at Carencro, are favorable to the accused as to the first charge, and account for the fact that he was accorded the privilege of bail without a preliminary examination. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

 Crib and Corn Burned. - Last Tuesday morning the crib of Alonzo Lacey, in the first ward, was destroyed by fire. The crib contained 150 barrels of corn, none of which was saved from the fire. During the last two months four cribs and one dwelling house were burned in the neighborhood, which leads to some people to believe that it is the result of incendiarism. 
Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Beginning of the Evening Concerts.

 The Sontag Military Band will give its first open-air concert in Parkerson's grove, Sunday evening, May 11, beginning at 6:30. The musicians' stand has just been finished and everything will be ready for the opening night. It has been decided not to charge any admission and all lovers of good music are invited to be present. The following program will be rendered:

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 Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Fair and Concert. - A number of ladies of this town are making preparations to give a fair and concert at the Mount Carmel Convent on Thursday, May 15. During the evening the beautiful grounds will be open to the public and refreshments will be served at very moderate figures. At night there will be a concert in the convent hall for which a most interesting program is being arranged. The ladies are assisted by the pupils of the school and every effort will be made to make the affair a great success. The  fee will be 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Charged With Beating His Wife. - Yesterday morning Mrs. Odeiede Gilbert came to town and made an affidavit before Judge Galbert Bienvenu, Hamp Benton, with "assault and battery upon her person knocking her down and threatening to take her life with a double-barrelled shotgun." The crime is said to have been committed on the 29th of last month. Sheriff Broussard left yesterday afternoon to arrest Benton. 
Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

Wants His Child

Beaumont Lawyer in Lafayette Looking up Evidence For the Suit.

 Mr. Bowen, an attorney from Beaumont, was in Lafayette this week for the purpose of securing information which is to be used in a suit pending in the Beaumont court. Mr. Bowen represents a family at Beaumont who have adopted the child of one Eustrop Badeaux, at one time a resident of this place. The child, now a boy of 5 years, was adopted by a family at Beaumont when his mother died and left him friendless and without a home. It was the good fortune of the little orphan to be charitable people in whose hospitable home he is now being cared for. The family have had undisputed possession of the child until recently when the father, Eustrop Badeaux, instituted legal proceedings in the court at Beaumont asking that he be made guardian of his offspring. The man Badeaux, was divorced from his wife in 1898, the suit having been brought by the latter in the district court of this parish. By referring to the records of the divorce suit, Attorney Bowen secured some valuable information which will be used by the foster-parents of the boy to show that the father is not a fit person to be entrusted with the guardianship of his progeny. The family, who are now very fond of their little ward, will fight the case to a finish as they are determined not to give the child to his father unless compelled to do so by judgment of court, which is very improbable. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.     


Police Jury.

Regular Monthly Meeting Held Last Thursday.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday with all the members present, except Mr. Jno. Whittington.

 Mr. Blanchet reported the sinking of the D. O. Broussard ferry and he was appointed in conjunction with Mr. A. Picard of Vermilion to attend to the matter.

 Mr. Mouton reported abatement of nuisance charged to the Cotton Oil Company's discharge of water.

 The committee appointed to settle with the treasurer made a report which was approved.

 Mr. Mouton reported that the jail pipes are in good working order and that no repairs are needed at present.

 Mr. Duha Comeaux complained of a dam by Mr. Clebert Savoie. As the dam was on private property and did not affect the public road the Jury refused to act.

 President Billeaud appointed the following Jury of freeholders to trace a public road from Bayou Queue Tortue south to the road leading to Evariste Navarre's place; Paul Bonin, Arthur Bonin, Pierre Richard, Omer Constantin, Oscar Benoit, Jno. Servat.

 Mr. H. M. Durke appeared and asked that a change be made in the Abbeville road, east side, in order to shorten the distance about eight miles. Mr. Durke offered to grade the new road, haul all lumber needed for bridges and furnish four men to assist in building. The Jury authorized the proposed change and allowed $20 for superintendent of bridge construction.

 A petition from the citizens of Carencro praying for sufficient lumber to build a bridge on one of the principal streets of the town, was read and by motion of Mr. Mouton same was granted, the cost not to exceed $75. Mr. Buchanan voted nay.

 Constable L. F. Hebert of the 4th ward, represented that he had in his capacity of Deputy Sheriff performed the duties of constable of the 4th ward during the incapacity and since the death of T. Baudoin, and asked that he be allowed salary of constable as per regular contract. The Jury decided that contract should date from qualification of petitioner.

 A communication from the Vermilion Police Jury relative to appointment of a committee to fix the boundary line between the parishes was read and referred to the attorney.

 The treasurer's report showed cash balances; general fund, $3,212.69, special road fund, $898.91.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 5/3/1902.

 Married. - Last Monday, in the Catholic church in Lafayette, Mr. Emile Arceneaux and Miss Rose Mouton, Father Bollard officiating.

 E. Massicot has just finished building a cemented walk in front of Emmanuel Pellerin's residence. Mr. Massicot has done several neat and substantial jobs and, we are informed, his work always proved satisfactory.

 Mr. Ernest Mouisset is having a residence built next to Gus Lacoste's store.

 Assessor Martin has completed the road tax rolls, showing an assessment of $5,470, which is $700 more than last year. The tax-collector began the collection of this tax on the 1st of the month.

 Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Parkerson spent the week in New Orleans. Mr. Parkerson attended the meeting of the Louisiana Bankers' Association. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 3rd, 1902:


 Tried to Unlock Safe, But Did Not Succeed.

 Only A Few Dollars Missing.

 An attempt was made to rob the post office Sunday night, but proved unsuccessful. The thief or thieves in order to get the tools first made a raid on Dauriac's blacksmith shop. Then they entered the post office from the rear by prying the door open. Their attempt on the safe proved a failure or else they were frightened away by some one passing. Two holes were bored in the safe door, one above and one near the combination neither of which aided the robbers, but on the contrary, locked the safe still faster, so that when Monday morning, Mr. Joe Mouton, the assistant postmaster, tried to unlock the safe, he could not do so. All efforts having failed, Messrs. Dauriac and McBride were called in, and they effected an entrance by breaking the door of the safe. Nothing was taken except three or four dollars in a side drawer, so that the robbers took the risk and had only their trouble for their pains. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.

Will Close.

 The Advertiser has been requested to publish the following:

 The following up-to-date business houses have agreed to close at 7 p. m. every evening, except Saturdays and Southern Pacific pay-car nights, from May 5th, to September 1st, 1902.

--------------------p.  4-----------------

Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.


Every Proprietor Ought to Build One.

 Mr. A. E. Massico has just completed a handsome cement walk in front of Mr. Emmanuel Pellerin's residence. Mr. Massico is an expert cement-walk builder and so far has been constantly engaged in work. It is to be hoped that a number of our citizens will take advantage of Mr. Massico's presence to beautify their grounds with cement walks. It would be quite an improvement were the banquets in front of all property in the main part of the town, laid with cement walks. It is a little expensive at first, but it is cheap in the end. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.

The Pan-American Electrical Carnival Coming.

 At Falk's Opera House, Monday and Tuesday, May 5th and 6th.

 Many of our citizens will be delighted to learn that the PAN-AMERICAN ELECTRICAL CARNIVAL will visit our city on May 5th. This Company comes highly recommended by the press from our large cities. It is said to be truly marvelous, surpassing anything of its kind ever seen in America. By means of electricity and animated photography they have practically boxed up the Pan-American Exposition so that those who go to the Opera House next Monday and Tuesday night will be given a delightful trip about the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition to see the magnificent buildings, etc., and also pay a visit to some of the leading shows that were on the great midway. It happened that this Company had their moving picture Camera at work the day of President McKinley's visit to the Pan-American Exposition and there recorded many incidents of the greatest tragedy of modern history, so people in any part of the country may be able to see out late President delivering his last speech in public life, as also the awful assassination which shocked the whole civilized world, and the solemn funeral scenes of Canton and Washington for which the whole world went into deep mourning ;  many people traveled more than a thousand miles to see the great funeral procession at Washington; so this one feature alone should more than repay one for a visit to the Opera House. There will also be many other subjects of a highly interesting character providing an entertainment that cannot be surpassed in genuine interest, high educational value and as being an example of what is being accomplished through the scientific application of electricity and photography. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.

A Large Crowd Listened to the Sweet Music.

 Next Concert Will Take Place Sunday, May 11th.

 Music Stand and Benches Finished.

 Mgr. F. E. Girard and Prof. Sontag Deserve Credit For Work Done.

 Last Sunday afternoon the Sontag Military Band gave concert on the gallery of Dr. G. A. Martin's home. Their stand in Parkerson's grove has been finished and Sunday, May 11, they will give another concert. These musical entertainments are greatly enjoyed by the people and the band will have most hearty thanks for their delightful music. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.

 Concert at the Convent.

 Reception by the Ladies.

 Vocal and Instrumental Selections.

 The pupils of Mt. Carmel Convent will give a concert on May 15, at 7 p. m. At four o'clock in the afternoon there will be a reception under the auspices of the ladies of Lafayette, at which refreshments will be served. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged. Every one is invited.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.

Pic-Nic at Beau-Sejour.

 For the Members of the St. John's Choir.

  Rev. Father Forge has informed us that on Sunday, May 11th, a pic-nic will be given complimentary to the choir of St. John's Catholic church at Beau-Sejour Park. Each member is requested to be at the parsonage at 10:30 sharp, where carriages will be in readiness to convey them to the park. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.

Ran Over a Child.
But the Child Wasn't Hurt.

 Last Sunday Mr. Emick Courney while out driving ran over a child of one of the Dagos, but fortunately it was unhurt. The child ran out into the street just as he was driving past and ran in under the buggy just behind the horses heels. The buggy passed over the child not harming it a particle. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902. 

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/3/1902.

 The Advertiser bets a fine hat on the Century Club team in the base ball contest May 18.

 Mr. S. R. Parkerson, cashier of the First National Bank attended the banker's convention in New Orleans.

 An attempt to burglarize the residence of Mr. J. J. Davidson occurred Monday night. The noise awakened the family, and the burglars finding they were detected made off without securing anything.

 Mr. Sosthene Martin has requested the Advertiser to state that he is highly pleased with the work of Mr. C. E. Carey who had the contract for painting and papering his house, and that he heartily recommends Mr. Carey to any one needing first class work in his line.

 Mr. C. K. Darling left Tuesday for Austin, Texas, where he has secured a good position with a mercantile firm.

 Mr. Baxter Clegg who is now traveling for Jacobs & Garrett, whiskey dealers, of Memphis, Tenn., was at home this week. He us having fine success. He has an Ale house and knows how to hustle.

 Mr. John Tolson left Sunday for Sewanee, Tenn., where he will continue his medical course. He was accompanied by his mother and sister as far as New Orleans Mrs. Tolson and Miss Louisa returned Tuesday.

 The Hollingsworth sisters, the wonderful child artists, at Falk's Opera House to-morrow night.

 General meeting of the Fire Department, Tues. May 6, at Opera House, at 8 p. m. Very Important.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1902.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 3rd, 1893:


 A great and sweeping question is now deeply agitating our good and friendly neighbors of the parish of Lafayette. We mean a tax on real estate for the building of a railroad from Lafayette to Abbeville, and very likely afterwards to the Gulf of Mexico. Although this matter does not seem at first to concern us in the least, it does truly in fact. For all railroads that are built so closely to us work a great deal of good in our behalf. It is true that we have nothing to say in this matter of the tax, for it might be reproached to us that we are advocating a measure whose weight will bear altogether on other shoulders than our own, but this fact is only seemingly apparent for in truth we would bring to our neighbors a fair share of our patronage; for whenever we visit our sister town in our travels or for some other purpose or on our way to the railroad, we largely contribute our mite to her advancement and prosperity. Every one knows that the railroads that are actually running through the parish of Lafayette either north or west draw crowds of our people in both directions to that town, and each and every time we stop more or less in it. There is no doubt that the more there will be of railroads in Lafayette the more there will be of that. If we dared to give a word of advice to our good neighbors, we would tell them in all sincerity; vote for the tax. If you do not, you will regret it and afterwards it will be too late. In building this railroad they will be making of the parish seat more of a central point like Alexandria, which is now progressing and advancing in proportion of the number of railroad lines that center around it. The people of Lafayette can now feel the benefit of a railroad line. Just compare it with the past and the old stage coach. If we speak thus it is just because we are without a railroad of any kind. We can only brag of the wagon, the cart and the buggy, and whenever we have to handle them, especially in winter, in deep and boggy roads, there is not one who would not be disposed to vote any tax to get out of those muddy holes. We can easily foresee that at no distant day we will be called upon to perform the same duty; we will then tell to our people what we are now saying to our neighbors. We feel more the necessity of railroads since we see others in the full employment of them. Railroads enhance the value of lands, cheapens transportation of any kind; make certain products more valuable and salable at remote markets; give access to the country by lower rates and quicker transportation and work to all. And the tax after all bridge within itself its own benefits which is larger by far than the tax itself. With our high and fertile lands, but valuable forests, and our numberless resources, if we had a railroad, our country would soon enter into a boom which would beggar description. From the Valley of the Teche, Breaux Bridge and in the Lafayette Advertiser of 5/3/1893.

Municipal Election.

 Last Monday, our city was in a constant stir, on account of the municipal election. It was a hard fought battle, throughout the entire day, and both sides surely deserve credit, for their earnest efforts to come out victorious. Fine carriages could be seen in all parts of the city transporting voters. The election was carried without much noise. As far as can be learned the election will be contested on grounds we heard of persons who voted, without right.

 The following is the result:

---------------------p. 3---------------

Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.

 A Long Felt Want.

 The city on account of its peculiar situation, from its infancy, the streets we all known run in directions only known to residents, and many of those are sometimes embarrassed, and unable to indicate certain places in different localities. Now, that we have lamps all over the city, it would be an easy matter to have written the street name on the glass protectors. So we could easily see the names by night as well as by daytime, and when one special street would be wanted, its direction, could be more explicitly indicated, and furthermore, it would be a good way to familiarize every one with the names of our streets which are unknown we dare say to more than one half the population. We hope that the council will take notice of this and give it their special attention. The cost will be very little and such an action would be sure to meet with the approbation of even the most exacted tax payer. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.

We Must Have A Fire Company.

 Last Saturday, another building burned down before assistance of much account could be rendered, and must we sit still and let the work of destruction continue without any effort on our part to check the fearful and merciless element ?  To-day, we are at its mercy not partially, but entirely so, and why? Simply because when a fire breaks out, it creates a general tumult and the excited crowd do not know exactly what to do. Each one is his own commander, as it were and the result is that more than one will think and endeavor to do the same thing and consequently will fine each other in their own way. Imagine for one moment, if you please, thousands of warriors engaged in a battle without any leader, the mind can hardly fancy all the disorder, failures and bad success resulting in such a state of affair. This is an identical case. Here we are with mad flames devouring the home of one of us, and our feeble efforts seem only to excite their madness and fury ;  but how different it would be, if a well organized fire company was in existence in our city. At the first alarm, not only willing hands would be promptly present, but there would be order, calmness and thorough understanding between the foreman and his fellow associates. Some would be ordered to save all that could be saved in the house, others would have charge of the engine, while others would be ordered to procure all the water possible under the circumstances, still some would be engaged with hooks and ladders adding their mite, and so would the work proceed in a most systematic way, and we could only wonder why such an organization was not in existence previously.

 The time has passed to say that because there is no water, that there is no use for a fire company. This is an old and dangerous mistake. The little water which can be procured would be utilized to the best advantage, and later, wells could be dug throughout the city, like it is done in some of our neighboring towns. They do not cost much, and when it is done, it is good for all time to come. There it is not telling who is going to be the next victim, and how soon it is going to be ;  then let us keep up the recent fine start we are enjoying in our city, and let us say with one voice that we must have a fire company and we will have it, and a good one at that, for we know our boys. We suggest that question be discussed at the next meeting of our Business Men's Association and it is easy to predict the result, when once this important matter is taken hold by them. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.

New Dentist.

 Dr. N. W. Swords, dentist, of Lacompte, La., has come to locate in our city. The Doctor believes in the future of Lafayette and feels satisfied to cast his lot with us. His family, consisting of a wife and two children will follow in a short time. Dr. Swords will occupy the office next to the bank building, recently vacated by Dr. G. A. Martin. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893. 


 Last Sunday took place the grand prize fight between Robert, a local ring man, and another colored fighter, of Opelousas, at said place. The heretofore invincible "Robert" met with his first defeat in the ring, after a long series of many a hard-fought battle. In the sixth round the unfortunate man got his inferior maxillary bone badly fractured, at the angle of the bone on the right side and also a compound fracture of the same bone on the left side; and notwithstanding all this, the plucky little fighter stood twenty-one more rounds before his adversary. Dr. Ray, of Opelousas, who attended him immediately after the fight was here here yesterday and in company with Dr. Martin, who now has charge of the case, visited the man, and they report that he is doing as well as could be expected, considering the severe injuries received. In consequence of his terrible punishment, he will have to suffer some time longer for having indulged too freely in his favorite pleasure. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.    


 Criminal Court.

 The following were found guilty at the last term of the criminal court, which adjourned last Saturday, and were sentenced by Judge Allen, as follows:

--------------------p. 3-------------------

Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.

Police Jury Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., May 1, 1893.

 The police jury met this day in regular session, with the following members present: W. B. Torian, C. C. Brown, H. M. Durke, R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, Ford Hoffpauir and A. A. Delhomme. Absent: J. G. St. Julien.

 The reading of the minutes was postponed until next meeting.

 Mr. Torian, on behalf of the committee appointed to effect an adjustment with Messrs. Gerac Bros., relative to a certain portion of the Lafayette and Duson public road, in dispute, reported that the committee had reached no final agreement, but would recommend that the amount demanded by Messrs. Gerac Bros. be allowed; whereupon, the following was adopted:

 Resolved, That the sum of $133.80 be and is hereby ordered paid to Messrs. Gerac Bros., in consideration of the withdrawal of the suit now pending against the parish and the transfer to the parish of that certain portion of the Lafayette and Duson public road, embracing 14 arpents in length, and being the property of the said Gerac Bros.

 Mr. Torian also reported that Father Forge has consented to transfer a plat of ground in the Catholic cemetery, forty feet square, to be used as a potter's field. It was then resolved that the sum of $10.00 be appropriated for the purchase of said plat of ground and a similar amount be requested of the city council of Lafayette. Mr. Torian was authorized to represent the parish in the formal transfer of said property.

 Mr. Brown reported that he had conferred with the authorities of St. Landry in regard to the extension of the bridge at Ovide Guidry's, and that the costs of said extension would amount to $65.00 or $70.00.

 Mr Torian, as a member of the auditing committee, reported that inasmuch as the duties of the committee, of late, had been very light, it would probably be desirable that the committee should be abolished. After discussion of the subject, it was unanimously agreed that the committee be continued.

 Permission was granted unto Prof. Knapp to construct a railroad across the public roads, in the 6th ward, on a line between Huron plantation, St. Martins parish and Carencro station.

 Mr. Delhomme requested an appropriation for Emerenthe Bonin, indigent, but the appropriation was refused.

 Dr. A. Gladu, coroner and parish physician, here appearing, asked that after the expiration of his present contract, in June, that he be allowed in increase of salary for his services; whereupon it was resolved that the sum of $350 per annum be allowed Dr. Gladu for the remaining three years of his term of office.

 By motion it was resolved that hereafter no member of the police jury shall expend more than $10 for any purpose, authorized so to do by resolution duly adopted.

 The treasurer submitted his monthly report as follows:

 To the President and Members of the Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La.

 GENTLEMEN. - The following is a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the parish funds, since last report:

 --------------------p. 3--------------

 Respectfully submitted,
          WM. CLEGG, Parish Treas.
 Lafayette, La., May 1, 1893.

 The following account was laid over:

 A. L. LeBlanc, sheriff's fees ... $16.50

 The following accounts were approved:

 -----------------p. 3------------------

 There being no further business, the police jury adjourned.
W. B. TORIAN, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/3/1893.

 We had a good and much needed rain last Monday during the night, this means a good help for a good crop, and we can see the delight and anticipation of our merchants and business men as well as the farmers we meet.

 Mr. Edward Martin, one of Rayne's leading business men was a visitor to Dr. G. A. Martin and family last Sunday.

 We heard that a fine pugilistic performance took place at the Crescent Hotel yesterday, between one drummer and one of the clerks.

 W. S. Parkerson, Esq., accompanied by Mr. Charles Theard of New Orleans, visited the home of his father Judge J. G. Parkerson, Saturday and Sunday.

 We are sorry to say that since last Sunday, our editor Mr. A. C. Ordway is ill in bed and cannot yet leave the room, but we hope to see him out soon.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1893.


From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 3rd, 1890:


 Every white Democrat should feel it to be his bounden duty to go to the ballot box next Saturday (May 10th) and express his choice for a man to be elected Judge of the 25th Judicial District. You owe this much to your own convictions, and to party fealty. It has been a long time since the Democratic party in Lafayette has had a thorough, distinct and harmonious organization. This is the opportunity to take the first step towards that end, which is earnestly desired by all who have the best interests of the party at heart. Turn out and let us know our real strength. This done, the remaining steps necessary to thorough organization will be easy to take. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.


 Editor Advertiser: It has afforded the people of our parish infinite satisfaction to learn that the ADVERTISER has come out on the side of morality and decency in the great fight now pending between the Lottery Company and the people. More especially have they been interested in this matter of fate since the columns of their home newspaper has been closed against all communications advocating the suppression of the Lottery. The "Anti-Lottery men," who compose the large majority of the leading Democrats of the parish, have no representation in the press of the parish and are practically shut out from giving expression to their opinion in the matter. You can then imagine the pleasure with which they learned that the ADVERTISER had come out in defence of the people.

 If this disgraceful censorship of the press by the Lottery Company is not relaxed in short order, the only remedy the honest men of the State have is to boycott Mr. Morris' organs. Why should honest men who are compelled to "earn their bread by the sweat of their brows" endorse these sheets whose editors have so far forgotten the inherent dignity of manhood as to become willing Frenchmen ready to do the bidding of that corruptionist, the Louisiana Lottery Company? Why pay out money for the support of papers whose venality is manifested by their refusal to publish criticisms, couched in decent terms, of an institution that is acknowledged on all sides to be inimical to the best interests of the State?

 Those papers that belong to the Lottery, and are trying to suppress the voice of the people by only allowing one side of the question to be discussed, should be taught a severe lesson, and that in a most summary manner. If they belong to the Lottery Company let them look to the Lottery for their support, and let all men who have the least regard for manhood and honor cease contributing to their support. Let the people bestir themselves and the organization of strong Anti-Lottery leagues throughout the parishes prepare for the tremendous struggle that is before them. In each parish let mass meetings be called, and our Senators and Representatives be notified that all persons voting for or favoring the Lottery in any manner shall be placed on the black list. Let resolutions be passed pledging each member to withdraw his patronage and support from any newspaper against which reasonable suspicion may be entertained of having sold out to the Lottery. The people in their sovereign capacity should teach these would-be "moulders of public opinion" that their opinions are not to be moulded by the Lottery Company at so much per square each insertion.

 Shorn of the patronage of the Anti-Lottery people of the Lottery hirelings would soon discover that their revenues from that source could not countervail the affects of an attenuated subscription list, and they would be much better in the same position as a stump speaker sawing the air to empty benches.

 The people have it now within their power to force the newspapers into terms and by doing this the power of the Lottery would be forever broken. If from lack of backbone they fail to avail themselves of the advantages they possess, they do not deserve success. Let all our people give this matter their careful consideration, and if the plans suggested are carried out success is certain.
                                 Acadia Parish, La., April 29, 1890.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.

Swamps Rising.

 All the swamps between Lafayette parish and the Mississippi river are fast filling up with crevasse water. The Morgan Railroad is still secure, and likely to remain so. Another bad break has occurred at Hermitage levee, in Pointe Coupee parish. This is the highest embankment in Louisiana, measuring 35 feet. The Mississippi river is rising above Louisiana. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.

More on Swamps Rising.

 Mr. Auguste A. Micaud relates an extraordinary incident which happened to him last Monday. The backwater from the crevasses at Morganza levee has come out through the Atchafalaya swamps and covered all the low lands between Breaux Bridge and the Carencro hills. As Auguste was standing on the hill gazing upon the broad expanse of water stretching away for miles, he noticed near the foot of the hill some fifty of sixty large garfish disporting themselves in the flood. An idea occurred to him to have some fun, and he got into a skiff and succeeded in gigging a large gar about eleven feet long. The gar feeling itself wounded naturally broke for its home back in the Atchafalaya swamps, dragging Auguste and the skiff along at such a rate of speed that all he could do was to steer clear of the timber. Fortunately the gar took a straight course for Breaux Bridge, and just when they reached that point Auguste managed to cut loose. He says the fish made the distance (about six miles) in just twenty-three minutes and forty-two seconds. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.      

Dr. Mudd is Attakapas Delegate.

 The Louisiana State Medical Society will meet in Baton Rouge May 15th, and hold a three days session. Dr. F. S. Mudd is the Attakapas Society delegate from Lafayette, and will attend if his cases will possibly admit of absence. Dr. J. D. Trahan and Dr. N. P. Moss are also members of the State Society, and both expect to attend the meeting. At this meeting the Doctors of the State are going to make a vigorous effort to impress upon the present Legislature the necessity for passage of certain laws regulating the practice of medicine in this State, both as a protection of their profession and a safeguard for the people. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.

L. B. A.

 At a meeting of the New Board of Directors of the Lafayette Building and Loan Association last Saturday the following officers were elected: C. O. Mouton, president; E. G. Voorhies, Notary; Crow Girard, attorney. On account of a tie vote on the secretary and treasureship, another balloting will be taken for this officer at the next regular meeting of the Board.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.

 Father Forge's Gardens.

 Rev. E. Forge's extensive flower gardens are now in full bloom, and if you want to feast your eyes upon something gorgeous and refreshing now is the time to pay him a visit. The long arbor in the rear of the presbytery, covered with the queenly Marechal Niel  and other fine climbing roses, is a sight both rich and rare. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.

Mr. Lacoste's Pipe.

 Mr. Leopold Lacoste is the fortunate possessor of a fine old meerschaum pipe, which he values highly. For a long time this pipe was a favorite with the late Gov. Alexandre Mouton, being presented to him by an old friend. Last Sunday evening as Mr. Lacoste and a party of friends were returning on the train from the Carencro races, he sat smoking his pipe and thinking over the events of the day. Seeing a large mosquito luxuriating upon John Brun's nose (John at the time enjoying a snooze) Leopold without thought wailed away at it with his pipe, knocking the mosquito and a part of John's nose out through the window; but alas ! the pipe went with it. Realizing his folly, and angry at himself, Leopold vented his anger by giving Jno. Brun a good punching. Next morning Mr. Jules Arceneaux (through whose farm the train was passing when this occurred) went seining along the side of the railroad for crayfish, and was lucky enough to catch an immense frog he found the pipe stowed away in his stomach. Mr. Crow Girard, from whom we learn these facts, will no doubt vouch for their correctness. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 5/3/1890.

 The weather during the week has been fair and delightful. Most encouraging reports of the crops continue to come in from all sections of the parish.

 The Police Jury will meet in regular session next Monday, 5th inst.

 Last Saturday we had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. Ad. von Kalckstein. He is busily engaged in improving his splendid property on Bayou Vermilion near town, the "Long Plantation." He has excellent crop prospects this year.

 The gentlemen interested in the steamboat line between Abbeville and Lafayette have not yet been completed all of their intention to put on two nice boats and make daily trips from the lower bayou to Lafayette, and vice versa.

 Miss Alix Judice accompanied by her cousin Mr. Louis G. Breaux were among visitors to Franklin, La., last Monday, who witnessed the ceremonies of the laying of the corner-stone of the Caffery Central Sugar Factory.

 The Attakapas Medical Association meets at New Iberia on the 6th inst., next Tuesday. There are several members in this town and parish who expect to attend the meeting.

 The projectors of the Lafayette Race Course held a meeting last Saturday. The committee on selection of a site not being prepared to make a report, the meeting adjourned until to-day, May 3rd, when it is proposed to have a large attendance, elect a board of directors and have the matter in their hands.

 This is a matter requiring the attention of our city fathers. Near the lone (unreadable word) on Lincoln avenue, on the East side of the railroad and just this side of Henry Church's residence, the ditch on the south side of the avenue is filled up. Now when there is a big rain the bridge acts as a dam, turning the water out into the roadway and flooding it.

 Mr. A. Labe, (formerly employed on the Morgan railroad,) has rented the large storehouse recently occupied by Schayot Bros., adjoining Jim Hannan's hotel building, and will open with a large stock goods, groceries, liquors, etc. We cordially welcome him to our community, and we wish him a prosperous business.

 We are pleased to receive a visit last Tuesday from our young friend David Mouton, fireman of engine 34, Morgan railroad, who is up on a short visit to friends and relatives. For a couple of months past he has been working on the T. & P. road. His train is now working in the neighborhood of Boutte station. He says he cannot keep up with home news unless he gets the ADVERTISER regularly.

 Mr. Felix Voorhies, engineer on the Texas Road, was in town this week.

 Mr. James A. Moss, of the Louisiana M. & A. College, at Baton Rouge, is at home on a short visit.

 A game of base ball will be played to-morrow afternoon, (Sunday,) at 2 o'clock, between the Abbeville club and the Camelias, of Lafayette, on the base ball grounds near Dr. Hopkins' residence.

 Mr. Wm. Clegg has has a substantial tin roof put on the awning, or shed, in front of his drug store.

 Mr. Jno. O. Mouton is having his premises on Vermilion street neatly whitewashed, which gives the place a bright and attractive appearance. This practice should be indulged in generally by our citizens. It is not only a cheap and tasty beautifier, but it is also conducive to health. Lime liberally used about the premises is to a great extent a preventive of fevers.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1890.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 3rd, 1879:


 Work is going right ahead. Laborer's camps are being established along the road. A cargo of steel rails is on the way her. The entire work between Lake Charles and the Sabine, except for two miles, is under sub-contracts. The switch track from the road to the Calcasieu river, at Hutchin's and Munn's and Jones' Mills, is more than half graded. The right of way through Calcasieu parish has been granted by every land owner except one. All the railroad officials, from general manager Adams down, are hard at work. - Lake Charles Echo 24th ult.

 The new road was finished to Franklin last Monday. Ties, rail and stock have been daily transported over the bay and road in large lots, and the good work is progressing rapidly on toward New Iberia. 87 convicts from the State Penitentiary were brought to Berwick last Sunday on the steamboat E. W. Fuller, and are now employed on the road. - Morgan City Review, 26th ult.

 A friend writing from Cypremort, St. Mary parish, says that Mr. Clermont Young has delivered all the lumber for the construction of the railroad bridges in the rear of Mr. Emile Sillan's plantation, and that the work on the road from Franklin to New Iberia is being pushed forward rapidly. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.


 Mr. Ed. Pellerin informs his customers and the public, that he has received a select stock of Spring and Summer goods, which he is selling at the lowest market prices. He has a fine assortment of ready made clothing which he offers at reduced prices, for cash only. The ladies are specially invited to call and examine his stock of Ladies' Goods and fancy articles. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.

Hail Storm.

 On Saturday the 26th ult., there was a fall of hail, such as the oldest citizens deny ever having seen before. It lasted about ten minutes, and in that time fell thick and fast enough to cover the ground. Some of the pieces picked up were fully large as a hen egg. The cotton and corn crop, as far as we learn, were not injured to any extent, except in the upper portion of the parish where the fall was even heavier than here. The gardens suffered considerably, and the fruit crop was badly injured. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.

District Court.

 Friday, April 25th - Court was opened at 9 o'clock A. M., Judge Ed. E. Mouton, presiding, and the following cases called:

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 Parish of Lafayette.

 In the name and by the authority of the State of Louisiana, the Grand Jurors of the State of Louisiana, duly impaneled, sworn and charged to inquire within and for the body of the parish of Lafayette, upon their oath do present and report: That they have carefully examined the Parish prison, the Court House, and the respective offices of Recorder, Clerk of Court, Sheriff and Tax Collector in and for the parish of Lafayette, and beg leave to report as follows, viz:

 The Parish prison is totally unfit to secure prisoners ;  the dungeon kept in a filthy condition ;  sash and blinds of the court house needs repairs. The offices of Recorder, Clerk of Court, Sheriff and Tax Collector are, in our opinion, kept in perfect order. The Clerk's office needs at the present time a few boxes in order to secure all papers or documents filed in that office, and they further recommend, for the consideration of the Police Jury, that they pay the Clerk of Court his account for stationery, &c., furnished this Grand Jury.

 The Grand Jurors aforesaid, do further represent: that the public roads of the parish at some places are impassable, and they do therefore recommend that prompt and immediate action be taken by the honorable Police Jury and their road overseers.
                        Respectfully submitted by
                                VICTOR MARTIN,
                                   Foreman of the Grand Jury.

 The grand jury was discharged, and the Court adjourned to Monday 28th inst:

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 The majority of the regular panel of Jurors for the past week being incapacitated; by not being able to understand the proceedings in Court, the transaction of business was consequently retarded. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.

 City Council of Vermilionville.

 Special Session, April 28th, 1879. - The Council met this day at the Court House. Present: J. O. Mouton, Mayor and the Councilmen Alpha, Landry, Ed. McBride, R. L. McBride and Vigneaux. Absent: Hebert and Lindsay.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

 The Treasurer presented his annual statement and on motion, the same adopted and ordered to be published.

 Annual statement of H. M. Bailey, Treasurer, in account with Corporation of Vermilionville, account with Corporation of Vermilionville:

 -------------------p. 2----------------

 Respectfully submitted by
                         H. M. BAILEY, Treasurer.

 The Mayor appointed Messrs. H. Landry, Ursin A. Hebert and W. H. Williams, as commissioners of election, for the election to be held on Monday the 5th day of May, 1879.

 On motion the Council adjourned sine die.
J. O. MOUTON, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.

School Board Proceedings.

 Pursuant to a call of the President, the Parish School Board met on this 26th day of April, 1879.

 Present: Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins, president. Ones. Broussard, Alexandre Delhomme, H. M. Bailey. Absent: Dr. F. S. Mudd, Dr. M. L. Lyons, Sidney Greig, J. J. Revillon and Thompson Rhodes.

 The minutes of the meeting were read, corrected and adopted.

 The President stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of reconsidering the resolution at the last meeting, suspending the school in the 1st ward, at the end of the present month, April.

 On motion of Mr. Ones Broussard, duly seconded, it was resolved, that the resolution passed on the 5th of April, 1879, in regard to suspending the public schools in the 1st and 5th wards, be and is hereby repealed in so far as regards the 1st ward, and it is further ordered that Mr. Delhomme be authorized to contract with the Teacher for one month longer in said 1st ward.

 There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday July 5th, 1879.
T. B. HOPKINS, President.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary, pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.

 School Board Proceedings.

Vermilionville, April 5th, 1879.

 The regular meeting of the Parish School Board was held this day at Revillon's store.

 Were present: Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins, president, Oneziphore Broussard, Sidney Greig, J. J. Revillon, and Thompson Rhodes, vice Narcisee Mouton resigned. Absent: Dr. Lyons, Dr. Mudd and Omer Broussard.

 The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.

 A communication was received from Mr. Edgar A. Farrar, attorney at law, and endorsed by Hon. R. M. Lusher, tendering his professional services to the this Board in a suit now pending between the School Board of Tensas Parish and the State Auditor, the object of which is to enforce the levy and collection of the free school tax fund.

 On motion, it was resolved, that the action of the President and Secretary of this Board, in securing the services of Mr. Farrar, be approved.

 It was moved and seconded, that the Treasurer be requested to set aside, as contingent funds for the different wards, out of the apportionments for December, 1878 and March 1879 the sum of three hundred dollars, from State Superintendent, and make apportionments of six hundred and thirty-three dollars - balance of above apportionments - pro rata to different school wards in the this parish.

 On motion, resolved, that the school in the 5th ward be closed immediately, and that of the 1st ward be suspended at the end of this month's teaching.

 Resolved, that the Parish Attorney be requested to examine contracts and notes for rent of public school lands in hands of the present Treasurer of this Board, and to report if anything can be realized therefrom, for the benefit of the school funds of this parish, at the session of this Board in October next.

 On motion, it was resolved, that H. M. Bailey be and is hereby appointed Secretary pro tem of this Board during the absence of the present Secretary.

 The following accounts were approved and ordered paid:

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 There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet on Saturday, July 5th, 1879.
T. B. HOPKINS, President.
J. J. REVILLON, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1879.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of May 3rd, 1873:


 An election will be held at the Court House, on Monday the 5th instant, for Mayor and seven Councilmen for the town of Vermilionville.

 The following ticket has been handed us for publication:

 For Mayor - A Monnier; For Councilmen - Wm. Brandt, F. C. Latiolais, R. L. McBride, L. P. Revillon, A. Garnier, Chs. O. Olivier, Jos. O. Girouard.

 For Town Constable - Treville Bernard.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1873.

RAIN. - On Thursday we were blessed with a refreshing shower, which was most beneficial to the gardens and the growing crops. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1873.

 Back from the City.

 Mr. C. P. Connelly, merchant on the corner of Main and St. John streets, has just returned from New Orleans with a large and select stock of goods of all kinds and qualities, such as, mozambique, grenadines, (percales) cambric muslins, ginghams, calicoes of the best brands, fancy articles, etc. Also ready made clothing of the latest styles for gentlemen and boys; Ladies, gentlemen and boys' boots, shoes and hats. He has also on hand a fine assortment of fresh groceries. He respectfully invites the public to give him a call and examine his stock of goods. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1873.


 Our popular and accomodating merchant, Mr. H. J. Wise, returned from the city yesterday morning, where he had gone to purchase a stock of goods. Mr. Wise is well known to all of our citizens. Let them call on him if they wish anything in his line of business and they will promptly waited upon. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1873.

 Cotton Stealing. - The Sheriff arrested last week, Emile Caruthers and Joseph Ozeme Benoit, both colored, and Alexandre Boulon, charged by Clemile Cormier with having stolen four bales of cotton. Judge Moss will examine the case to-day. Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1873.

Man Missing. - Reward. - After the adjournment; of the P. J. on last Wednesday, the Loafers of town and several members of the Lazy Club assembled in mass meeting and adopted by acclamation, the following preamble and resolution:  Whereas, The P. J. desiring the presence of the D. A., p. t., because the law and his oath of office makes it his duty to attend their meetings, and careful and thorough search having been made for him unsuccessfully, and grave apprehensions being entertained of foul play, therefore,
    Resolved, a reward of five cents is hereby offered for any information what will indicate his present position and where he can be found.
Lafayette Advertiser 5/3/1873.


 The Atlanta Journal is authority for the statement that 15,000 horses were eaten in city of Chicago last year. In European cities horse meat as been generally eaten since many years, but it only recently that it has been used as article of food in the United States, Chicago, which is always first to try new things, is the principal market for horse flesh. The papers of that city give sensational accounts of the manner in which the flesh of old broken down horses is subjected to chemical processes and used as food. Horses which become too feeble to walk are carried in ambulances to a place where they slaughtered and prepared for market. Some of it is sold as fresh meat while a portion is canned and disposed of as the Kansas article. It is very likely that we have all eaten horse flesh, and it is probable that we have often feasted on mule meat. When the Chicago mule grows too old to haul a dray and can not be sold to the British army in South Africa the meat is very skillfully carved, canned and sold as beef. Chicagoans are money-makers and it is safe to say that so long as they will find a market for their old horses and mules they will continue in this business which is no doubt very profitable. Lafayette Gazette 5/3/1902.

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