Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 27th, 1904:


Held at Courthouse Saturday and System in Lafayette Parish Discussed.

 Resolution Adopted Advocating a Change to the Contract System.

 A fair attendance was present at the Good Roads meeting  called by the Police Jury to meet at the courthouse Saturday. President Billeaud, of the Jury, acted as chairman and Prof. R. C. Greig as secretary.

 After a few introductory remarks, President Billeaud called upon each member to give number of miles, cost per mile, method of working roads and condition of same at present. As the wards were called and answers given, questions were put by some of those present on various points, thus bringing out a complete description of the present system of road working and its results.

 The system which has been followed by the Jury has been practically to delegate to each member entire control of the funds and road working of his ward, the Jury accepting as final whatever each member did. The results were shown to be that in certain wards where the Juror devoted considerable of his time to planning, supervising and directing, the roads were kept in excellent condition; but in other wards, where the Juror did not, the roads were poor.

 During the discussion Mr. F. G. Mouton made the suggestion that a road superintendent; be appointed for the whole parish who would devote his entire time to the roads, and that the road working all be let out under contract.

 President Billeaud then defended the present system, making economy the principal defense; but overlooked the fact that it was economical for the parish only in that it required gratuitous services from the Police Jurors, which should be paid for. Mr. Billeaud willingly and cheerfully gave his services, which the citizens highly appreciate; but as some Jurors present stated, they didn't have the time, and couldn't afford to give the attention Mr. Billeaud gave.

 Mr. J. Nickerson took quite an active part in the discussion. Mr. Nickerson is an earnest advocate of good roads and has considered the subject carefully. At his request Mayor Caffery read his "System of a Board of Works," published in The Advertiser April 13. After some further discussion during which it was brought out that between $10,000 and $12,000 were spent yearly on public roads and bridges in the parish, Dr. F. J. Mayer made an interesting talk on roads and roadmaking, closing by offering the following resolution, which was adopted 13 to 12, some not voting, after which the meeting adjourned:

 Resolved, that it is the sense of this meeting that the parish should be divided into road districts, and that each district be let our by contract to the lowest bidder, who shall be required to give bond for the proper performance of the work done under specifications given by the Police Jury; and that these contracts be let out for four years; complaints in any road district to be filed with the Juror in that district, by him to be filed with the Jury in that district, by him to be filed with the Jury at its next meeting. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Democrats Carry State by Overwhelming Majority.

 Republicans Receive Barely Ten Per Cent of the Votes Cast - No Interest Manifested in the Election.

 The election Tuesday, April 19, passed off very quietly all over the State. Very little interest was manifested, hardly fifty per cent of those voting in the primary in January taking the trouble to cast their ballots. It was known that the Republican had no chance, in fact, were simply playing for standing with the Republican administration, and so, when the primary decided the nominees for the Democratic party, it was accepted as practically an election, and people all over the State lost all interest. Last Tuesday's election was a more formality and so understood, and could have no interest except for those who had curiosity to know how many people would, as an act of duty, cast their ballots, or how many votes the Republicans could master under such discouraging circumstances.

 The election returns as given by the Times-Democrat for the entire State show that N. C. Blanchard, the Democratic nominee, received 47,342 votes, and W. J. Behan, Republican, received 5,849, barely ten per cent of the cotes cast, and did not carry a single parish.

 Locally the election was dull and was practically all democratic, as very few Republican votes were cast. Below follow the official returns for Lafayette parish:

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 Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.


 At the Good Roads convention held at the court-house Saturday, a full explanation of the present method of working the public roads was given the results obtained. The system has some good points; but there are two objectionable features, which should be carefully considered. One is that in delegating to each member complete power to act in regard to his ward, the Jury as a body surrenders its supervisory control over the roads of the parish and leaves no supreme authority. Best results, whether in private or public affairs, cannot follow when a responsible head is lacking; and in this particular instance the fact, that in some wards the roads are excellent, while in others, the are indifferent, proves it. For with one supreme head certainty the roads in each ward should fairly average with those in every other ward.

 Another objection is the entrusting to each member full control of the road-working in his ward, particular and specially because it can never be expected that any nine men will ever be elected, all of whom will give the same care and attention to the roads in their wards. It has not been so in the past and will hardly be so in the future. It is neither right nor just that practically the same amount of funds that one ward should have good roads and another poor ones, and the Police Jury as a body can not relieve themselves of the responsibility of bad roads, no matter what ward they happen to be in, by alleging that anyone Juror has failed to do his duty.

 The principal reason offered in defense of the present system was on the score of economy, and it is a good reason, provided every member of the jury were in a position to give the necessary time and thought to superintending the road-working; but they are not. Every citizen appreciates the public spirit that actuated President Billeaud, P. R. Landry and others who generously gave of their time, to the planning, overseeing and directing road building in their wards; but while we appreciate this, have we a right to ask it of them? Certainly not. Because a man is elected police juror, there is no reason why the parish should either expect or demand of him that he should devote a considerable part of his time and abilities to road making. In the first place, he may not be able to spare the time, for Police Jurors have to make a living the same as other people; he may not know anything about road making; and third there is no special obligation upon the part of a Police Juror to give a hundred times more towards the roads than any other citizen in the parish.

 The economy of the system seems to be in requiring of each Police Juror to do what the parish should pay some man to do, which is nothing more nor less than an imposition, and an unnecessary one too, for the parish is perfectly able to have its work done at its own expense. And the whole thing simply resolves itself into the proposition: Shall we exact of our Police Jurors more than is right or just, or shall we employ a superintendent of roads as we do a superintendent of education, to carry out instructions and specifications of the Jury, and pay him a salary, which will justify him to devote all his time to the roads?

 We think there can be but one answer. Employ a superintendent. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.



Citizens Meet at Courthouse and Make Necessary Arrangements.

 A number of representative citizens met in the Police Jury room at the courthouse Thursday to make arrangements for the big convocation of the Parish Schools on April 30 at the Industrial Institute, when, it is estimated, nearly 2,000 children will be present. Those present recognized the fact that this event would have far reaching consequences in creating school spirit and stimulating interest along educational lines, and ways and means were discussed thoroughly with a view to making it a success.

 This assembling of the schools of a whole parish and having combined exercises in which all the schools participate is the first of its kind in the United States, and is another evidence of the progressiveness of the people of Lafayette. It is a leading move educationally and is in line with the step taken of placing a trained teacher as superintendent.

 Invitations have been extended to Governor-elect Blanchard, who has accepted and will be present, to Lieut-Governor-elect J. Y. Sanders and all representatives and Senators of Southwest Louisiana, and the following committee was appointed to receive them:

 Crow Girard, J. C. Buchanan, Wm. Campbell, N. P. Moss, A. M. Martin, Ed. Voorhies, P. L. DeClouet, Judge C. Debaillon, Judge Julien Mouton, R. C. Greig, J. G. St. Julien, Homer Durio, O. Cade, Dr. Clark, M. Billeaud, Jr., C. D. Caffery, J. A. Broussard, L. Lacoste, Dr. J. F. Mouton, A. Olivier, L. J. Alleman, Dr. L. Stephens, Jerome Mouton, W. A. LeRosen, Julian Mouton and Major P. L. DeClouet were appointed a committee of arrangements, and Ed. G. Voorhies and L. J. Alleman were appointed on the finance committee.

 It is hoped that every citizen will assist in making this event a thorough success, and especially by attending himself and bringing in as many friends as possible. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.


 Plays Lake Charles and Leesville - Wins One, Loses One.

 The Institute team left Friday for Lake Charles where they played the High School team. The game was fast for the first three innings, but it began raining and that dampened the game and made it uninteresting. The score was 10 to 6 in favor of the Institute.

 The Institute boys left next morning for Leesville where they played the local nine. The game was fine up to the ninth inning, and was of the professional order, standing 3 to 3; but a wild throw to first, with three men on bases, let Leesville in for three runs, which gave them the game with a score of 6 to 3 in their favor. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

You Are Invited.

 A committee, consisting of Messrs. Ed. G. Voorhies and L. J. Alleman appointed by the citizens' meeting Thursday, are passing around soliciting contributions for the purpose of buying suitable prizes to be given April 30 to the schools and pupils that excel in the exercises. Five prizes are needed, three for schools and two for individual pupils. It will be impossible for the committee to see everybody, and The Advertiser has been requested to extend the invitation to contribute to everybody. In such a good cause, no one should be left out, and those desiring to aid may send to this office whatever they feel disposed to give and the money will be turned over the committee. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

 At Nine O'clock.

 The children of the various schools of the parish will meet Saturday morning at nine o'clock on the courthouse square where a line will be formed, headed by Sontag's Military Band, and then march to the Industrial school. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Working Steadily.

 We are informed yesterday that Favrot and Livaudais, the Architects are steadily working on the plans and specifications for the big hotel and new opera house, and hope to have them completed shortly, ready to ask for bids. This is a big undertaking and it takes time to get the preliminary work in shape, but every effort will be put forward to have both hotel and opera house completed by October 1. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904. 

Learning Practically.

 Miss Dickson's and Miss Christian's rooms at the High School are studying agriculture practically by raising vegetables on a small plot of ground in the school yard, and they are learning very nicely as a lot of fine radishes and mustard greens, which they kindly sent the editor testifies, and for which he extends thanks. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Little Lafayette Girl Complimented.

 The Times-Democrat, April 20, contains the following complimentary mention of a little Lafayette girl, reproduced from Leslie's Weekly.

 "Miss Eva Mountain of Lafayette, La., is a little musical prodigy whose talent deserves notice beyond the borders of her native State. Miss Mouton is only nine years of age. At all the concerts given in her home town she is a participant, and were she not visible when performing, it would be easy to believe that a young woman of eighteen or twenty was playing Chopin's waltzes and nocturnes with beautiful expression and execution of her favorite composer, Chopin, was manifested almost before she could talk. Eva is the daughter of Judge Julian Mouton, whose family is one of the most distinguished in the State. The first Mouton that went to Louisiana was one of the Acadian exiles from Nova Scotia. Albert, he could neither read nor write, was a man of brains, and lived to amass a fortune in slaves and land. He was one of the founders of the town of Lafayette, and gave generously of his lands for public buildings. One of his descendants was a general in the Confederate army, and another was governor and afterward senator of the State. On the maternal side little Miss Mouton is of Castilian descent, as her fair beauty easily denotes. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.   

A Fine Pen Sketch.

 The Advertiser was presented Saturday with a fine pen sketch of a woman's head by Ulric Darby of the High School. It is an excellent piece of work that would do credit to a much older person, and evidences considerable talent. It will be on exhibition talent. It will be an exhibition in the office window for a few days. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

 Into Its New Home.

 The Century Club, which has for a number of years occupied the second floor of The Advertiser building, will move into its handsome new two story club building to-day. The club will occupy all of the second floor, which is elegantly and conveniently arranged both for the comfort and convenience of the members and for entertaining, for which the whole floor can practically be thrown into one large hall. The club's quarters now are a decided credit to Lafayette and would be considered fine even in a larger and more pretentious town.

 The club started a few years ago on in a small unpretentious way, and has steadily grown until now it occupies a large part in the life of the community, particularly in a social way, yet in all movements for the good of the town of the club willingly lends a hand and is every ready to help turn the wheel of progress.

 In losing the club as an upstairs neighbor The Advertiser wishes it many years of healthy vigor and a record of achievements. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Has Reopened.

 B. Miller announces to the public that he has reopened his blacksmith shop near the First National Bank building. He has secured the services of a competent blacksmith and any work entrusted to him will receive prompt and skillful handling. Horseshoeing a specialty. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.


 The Woman's Literary Club, was again a most gracious hostess, when on Friday evening the twenty second inst. the friends of this popular organization were entertained at the lovely home of Mrs. F. E. Davis. The parlors were decorated with clusters and garlands of cut flowers and potted plants and strains of music from stringed instruments were sweetly wafted through the open windows from the gallery where the musicians were stationed. In the receiving party, were Mrs. F. E. Davis, Mrs. Comstock, Mrs. B. J. Pellerin, Mrs. Tom Hopkins and Mrs. Baxter Clegg. They were beautifully gowned and did the honors in a charming manner.

 Progressive Euchre was the feature of the evening and after a number of interesting games, the prizes were awarded as follows:

 Mrs. Baxter Clegg; first prize, a silver salad fork. The second prize, a beautifully bound copy of Scott's poems, which was presented to the Club by Miss Rose DeBlanc, was won by Miss Edith Dupre. The guests' prize was won by Miss DeBlanc. The gentleman's first prize, which was a handsome scarf pin, was secured by Mr. J. C. Nickerson, the second prize by Mr. Baxter Clegg and the boobies fell to the lot of Mrs. J. A. Martin and Dr. A. R. Trahan.

 Cooling ices and dainty confections were served during the evening, and the hours flitted by all too swiftly, bringing to a close this most delightful social function. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

 Women's Literary Society.

 The club members were entertained in a most charming and novel manner by Mrs. J. E. Trahan on Saturday the twenty third. After a half hour pleasantly spent at her home, all repaired to the woods on the banks of Bayou Vermilion, when  a most delicious picnic dinner was served under the spreading branches of the trees. After this had been disposed of and much gaeity and bright repartee, a regular meeting of the club was then held.

 The program consisted of: The life of Joaquin Miller, by Mrs. F. E. Davis; A Poem, Mrs. John Givens; Current Events, Mrs. Biossat. This ended one of the most pleasant days in the history of the club.

 "Such pleasure nerve the arm for strife.

 Bring joyous thoughts and golden dreams. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

 Ball Game Sunday.

 There was a large crowd at the Ball Park Sunday to see the Lafayette and New Iberia Teams cross bats. The game was close and held the interest of the spectators close. The score was 10 to 9 in favor of New Iberia. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Basket Ball.

 A game of basket ball was played last Saturday at the High School between the Gold and White, resulting in a score of 16 to 9 in favor of the Gold. Another game was played the same day between two smaller teams, the Blue and Red, the Red being victorious by a score of 20 to 13. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Public Spirited.

 Between Lafayette and Scott there is a shortens the distance between the two towns somewhat, and over which a great many people are accustomed to travel. Besides saving some distance, this private road has been long known for its badness. It has been so bad that recently several buggies have capsized in a bad hole, yet no one seemed disposed to work it, until last Saturday a colored man by the name of Clement Lawrence, moved by the proper spirit, spent the day leveling down with a spade a very dangerous part of the road, and filling a bog hole that has been a menace to traveling for years. His public spirit is indeed commendable and he deserves the thanks of the public. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

 Unfortunate Accident.

 Mr. Florian Cornay was the victim of a very unfortunate accident Monday. While unloading a 900 pound block of marble at the depot, his leg got caught under the marble as it was let down, and was badly bruised, yesterday he was resting as comfortable as could be expected. Lulu Hebert also had his arm hurt by the same marble very painfully while assisting in loading it at Blakesley's Marble Works. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

Races at Surrey Park.  
The races Sunday at Surrey Park were very interesting and attracted a very large crowd. Several excursion trains brought in large numbers of people, and Lafayette had quite an animated appearance that day. The races were all good, and proved that there are some fast horses in this section. Lovers of the sport enjoyed the day highly. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.

 Special Meeting City Council.

 Lafayette, La., April 21, 1904.

 A special meeting of the City Council was held this day, with Mayor Chas. D. Caffery, Presiding. Members present: F. Demanade, D. V. Gardebled, G. A. DeBlanc, A. E. Mouton.  Absent: John O. Mouton, H. L. Fontenot, M. Rosenfield.

 Object of the meeting is to consider the moving of the Pellerin & DeClouet, building, by Mr. L. H. Thompson.

 Moved by D. V. Gardebled, and seconded by G. A. DeBlanc, that proposition of L. H. Thompson, for moving said building back so that front thereof shall be on a line with front of Century Club building, for the sum of Eight hundred dollars, under a guarantee to place the same in the same condition that it now is without injury of damage to the building, or contents thereof.

 Said amount to be payable when said work shall have been completed and accepted, and moreover to require of him a good and solvent bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his contract, or in the alternative that the consideration be as follows:

 Two hundred dollars, to be paid when said work shall have progressed sufficiently to the satisfaction of the Mayor.

 Two hundred dollars, to be paid when said work shall have progressed sufficiently to the satisfaction of the Mayor.

 Two hundred dollars, to be paid when building is moved to spot where it is to stand, and balance of Four hundred dollars, when said building shall be completed and accepted; provided, that if the said Thompson desires payments to be made in this way that he furnish a good and solvent bond to the Council in the sum of Twelve hundred dollars, condition as above. Carried.

 It being understood, and the said Council hereby binds and obligates itself to cause said building to be removed in the manner above indicated and placed in the same position as it now is to the satisfaction of Messrs. Pellerin & DeClouet, the owners thereof, at the same time guaranteeing them against loss in the premises and stipulated that said work shall be completed by the said Thompson or in case of default by him, by another, said work to be done and completed within 30 days from this date.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.


  Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/27/1904.

Mrs. E. R. Kennedy returned from Kansas City Thursday, where she spent several days attending  the missionary convention.

 On the seventeenth of May the ladies of the Episcopal Guild are planning to give a May Festival on the grounds near the Episcopal church. The public is urged to keep this entertainment in mind.

 The work of moving Pellerin & DeClouet's three story furniture store was begun Saturday and Contractor Thompson will push the work as fast as consistent.

 There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Building Association Thursday, April 28, 1904, at 7:30 p. m. Money to load. Stockholders wishing to buy should attend.

 Mr. J. J. Davidson has been absent from his post of duty for several days, on account of illness but his many friends will be glad to know that he is improving fast and will soon be able to be back at the bank.

 W. A. Montgomery, who has been attending the New Orleans College of Pharmacy, returned Sunday, and has taken his old place at Doucet Pharmacy.

 The Lafayette Clothing House has moved into its handsome new two story brick and is now comfortably and well arranged. It presents the appearance of an up-to-date city store, and is a decided credit to Lafayette.

 Frank T. Mouton, who has been with the Geo. Doucet Pharmacy, has severed his connection there, and, after spending several days in New Iberia, will accept a position in a Jeanerette drugstore.

 The Public Library at the Moss Pharmacy is increasing each week by the addition of new books.

 Gonzague Gladu left Friday for Pilette, where he joined Jules Broussard and party who went for an outing of about 20 days at Cheniere a la Croix.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1904.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 27th, 1901:


 Daily Pilgrimage to Anse la Butte - Oil Prospectors Arriving on Every Train.

 Local Companies in the Field - New Orleans Gentlemen Want to Organize an Oil Exchange.

 The oil excitement continues unabated. On every hand unusual activity is noticed. Oil prospectors are coming in on every train from East and West. Men who failed to "strike it" at Beaumont have very naturally turned toward this section. It is very true that surface indications are said to have been seen in a large number of places, but here oil itself has been found in considerable quantities. The fact that oil has unquestionably been found at Anse la Butte is causing an animated scramble for land in the neighborhood. A number of farmers around the now famous "Butte" who have wisely refrained from tying up their property for an indefinite length of time are reaping rich harvests. One got $400 for a part of the mineral resources on twenty arpents; one received $3,200 and another $2,900. Other deals involving much larger sums have been reported. One lucky individual paid $1,500 for a small tract of land sold it a few days later for $3,000. Swamp lands, situated within two and three miles of the "Butte," now find ready purchasers at $10 to $20. A month ago these lands could have been bought for $3 an acre.

 The "Butte" now occupied the center of the stage. It is no more a question of how far is the "Butte" from Lafayette, but it is how far is Lafayette from the "Butte." Vehicles leave every hour with visitors for the wonderful spot. The gas which burns there at all times in now the talk of every one. The oil pilgrims are beginning to find out that Lafayette is the quickest way to reach their Mecca, and in consequence the local hotels and livery stables are doing a good business.


 Messrs. W. B. Harvey and O. M. Drewes, of New Orleans, arrived in Lafayette Wednesday. It is their intention to organize an oil exchange here. They believe that this town is destined to be the center of the oil fields of Louisiana and that it is the best place for the location of the exchange which they propose to organize. They claim to have a well-matured plan which, in the event of the discovery of oil in this section, will be productive of great good. As an evidence of their determination to give the plan a trial, they have secured the corner building of Mr. A. M. Martin. They have deposited $500 with Mr. Martin who has signed a promise of sale at a price of $8,500. Should they not buy the building in ten days, the $500 will pay for six months' rent. It is also the intention of Messrs. Harvey and Drewes to organize a company to be composed of New Orleans and Lafayette people.


 The Gazette is authorized to state that the Lafayette Oil and Mining Company will be organized in a few days and will be capitalized at $100,000, in shares of one dollar each. Those who wish to invest in this company are requested to deposit ten per cent of their subscriptions at either of the Lafayette banks. Numbered receipts will be given and stock issued in numerical order as soon as it will be possible to do so.

 We are informed that a second local company will be organized at an early date. It is not improbable that several other companies will enter the field. The promoters are people of the town who want to get on the ground floor if the oil boom materializes.

 It oil is struck these companies will be in clover, if not, they will linger awhile and die.


 Assessor A. M. Martin tells The Gazette that there are splendid oil indications on his mother's plantation near this town. By applying a match to a bubbling spring a blaze flashes up from the water, giving unmistakable evidences if the existence of gas. Some water from the spring was given to Dr. David D. Mims, a microscopist at Crowley for examination. We have been shown a report of Dr. Mims' analysis, in which it is positively stated that the water contains "oil globules." We are informed that very advantageous offers have been made to Mr. Martin, but up to the present time non has been accepted.


 And last, though not least, come our whilom townsman, Judge Israel Falk, who was the first by far to sniff the fagrance of the oil-field. If the "Butte" has the center of the stage, Mr. Falk is right by the footlights. Ten years ago when there was no oil fever and when a man jeopardized his reputation as a rational being if he talked oil, Mr. Falk stood alone. He was convinced that the had found oil in his lot near the Southern Pacific yards. That he was in earnest was shown by the expenditure of money and a great deal of hard work. When his money ran out he stopped the work, but never parted with his lot which he still owns. Mr. Falk has exhibited to us a certificate signed by J. Johnson, chemist at the Charity Hospital, and dated December 19, 1890. The analysis shows 58 per cent of illuminating oil, 15 per cent of lubricating oil, 12 per cent of lubricating oil, 12 per cent of Naptha, 15 per cent of vaseline, etc.

 Mr. Falk assures us that the oil analyzed was taken from the well on his lot near the depot and sent to the chemist by himself. Mr. Falk states that he is now in a position of the land. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1901.


Which the Discovers Are Keeping Secret for the Present.
[New Orleans Picayune.]

 Oil of excellent quality and a gas pocket of immense volume have been discovered last week in Louisiana within thirty-five miles of New Orleans. The lucky prospectors will not indulge, for the present, the locality of their big find, as this will prove detrimental to their land buying scheme, but they have already acquired sufficient land to make it "cook sure" and "strike it rich." But they want a little more acreage, and when that is secured the secret will be given out.

 There is no uncertainty in this matter, as the men who are responsible for the information are well known in this city and State. Messrs. F. Danois and L. E. Marion, the former or Abbeville, Vermilion parish, and the latter of New Iberia, are chemists and prospectors who have already discovered oil wells and mineral mines in this State.

 They called at the Picayune office yesterday, and made the following statement:

 "We have recently discovered phenomenal deposits of oil in Louisiana, and also a gas well. We then quietly bought the land on which the oil is, and as much of the adjacent territory as we could, but we have not yet acquired enough, and that's the reason why we do not care to give the exact location yet.

 "The oil is in the interior, about thirty-five miles from New Orleans, near a navigable stream which will greatly facilitate shipment to this city.

 "In our opinion, the oil is superior to the Beaumont product, and it will be fine for illuminating purposes. In a fes days we will give you a fuller and more definite story."

 Mr. Le Danois is the prospector who first discovered oil in this state seven years ago at the "Butte," midway between Lafayette and Breaux Bridge, and in several other places. It was then he met Capt. A. F. Lucas, to whom he imparted some of his practical knowledge, and after a few months, Captain Lucas cut loose from Mr. Le Danois and went prospecting on his own account. Mr. Le Danois says that if Captain Lucas had taken the proper precautions he would not have lost so much oil at Beaumont through insufficient mechanical appliances.

 He claims that the credit for having discovered oil and minerals in Louisiana belongs to him, and not to Captain Lucas. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

 From the Baton Rouge Advocate: 
Oil companies are popping up in Southwest Louisiana like pop-corn. It is no unusual thing to record three large corporations a day at Crowley, Lake Charles or most anywhere else down there. One convenient thing seems of facilitate these large concerns - they require neither oil nor money to start on. Baton Rouge Advocate.

 Regardless of how cheap they come, we notice that Baton Rouge so far has never heard from. Crowley Signal.

 Pap flows freely at Baton Rouge and it is hardly probable that Baton Rougeans are going to dig thousand of feet to find petroleum. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

A Negro Assassinated.

 Henry Thomas, a negro living in the sixth ward of this parish, was shot while seated in his house Tuesday night. It appears that he was shot from a partially opened door and that he was instantly killed, his body remaining in a sitting position until the next morning, when Dr. J. F. Mouton, the coroner, held the autopsy. No proof throwing any light on the homicide was adduced at the inquest but it was self-evident that Thomas has been assassinated. The gin was loaded with small shot nearly all which lodgment in the man's head.

 Deputy Sheriff Mouton, though having no positive evidence of the guilt of any one, felt justified in arresting two negroes, John and Wm. Wilry, father and son, neighbors of the murdered man. They were placed in jail. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

 At the Industrial Institute.

 The building committee of the Industrial Institute has decided to engage the services of Mr. A. E. Mouton, who will supervise the construction of the girls' dormitory, which is to be built as soon as practicable. The dormitory will cost about $18,000.

 Arrangements are being made to celebrate the occasion of the opening of the main building on June 15. More information as to the nature of the celebration will be given later.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

Judge Comes Down Hard.

 Judge Debaillon was severe upon the violators of the law relative to the carrying of concealed weapons. He imposed a fine of $75 and costs upon violators of this statute. He stated that the next time he would increase the penalty, as he was determined to do all in his power to stop this pernicious habit, which the judge said is responsible for so many crimes. All honor to this brave judge. He did exactly right and every other official in the State should do the same in putting down the pernicious habit of carrying concealed weapons whenever occasion offers. From the Rayne Tribune and in the Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.


 Century Club Entertains Tuesday and Wednesday - L. F. Rigues the Champion.

 The Century Club's billiard tournament was a very creditable affair. A number of ladies were present and were interested spectators. The games were all warmly contested and some very good playing was done, L. F. Rigues being particularly skillful in manipulating the ivory balls. He scooped in both prizes. His skill was well-known among the ladies and he was picked out as the champion by Mrs. F. E. Davis, Misses Louise Revillon and Leila Cornay. The ladies drew for the prize, a very pretty umbrella, and Miss Cornay was the happy winner.

 The following is a summary of the games:

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 Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.


 The following real estate transfers were recorded in the clerk's office during the past week:

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 Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., April 20, 1901.

 Pursuant to call, a special meeting of the Parish School Board was held this day, the following members being present at the opening of the session: A. Olivier, president; Dr. R. O. Young, S. J. Montgomery, A. C. Guilbeau, Alex. Delhomme and N. P. Moss. Mr. Pierre Landry arrived later and took his seat.

 The president stated that the principal object of the meeting was to consider the advisability of conducting certain schools in the parish during the summer months, where it might be to the advantage of the patrons to do so.

 After an extended discussion of the subject it was moved by Dr. Young and seconded by Mr. Delhomme, "that hereafter the common school funds shall be regularly apportioned so as to ensure to every school in the parish an equal number of months of teaching during each scholastic term, dating from the opening of each school." The motion was carried without opposition.

 A delegation of citizens waited on the School Board to advocate a change in the location of the "Guidroz" school in the first ward, to the site occupied by the "Mathieu" school house. The Board decided to take no definite action on this proposition until the next regular meeting, and after giving due public notice to all parties interested in the intention of the Board to deal with the question.

 The secretary was authorized to procure a new record book, and other books and stationary for the use of the Board.
A. OLIVIER, President.
N. P. MOSS, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/27/1901.

 The Gazette has some very neat wedding cabinets in stock. If you intend to be married call at this office and give your order for invitations.

 Senator Foster, W. F. Owens and Jules Godchaux were in Lafayette this week looking at the oil lands.

 Now is the time to select your Easter hat. Call at Mrs. Bailey's. She has all the latest styles in spring and summer millinery.

 The children at the private school of Miss Virgie Younger were entertained last Monday evening with several selections on Mr. James Younger's phonograph.

 Mr. W. V. Nicholson is now ready for business. His large hardware store is well-stocked with farm implements, vehicles, etc. Mr. Nicholson invites the people to visit his store.

 Harr Wagner, the famous lecturer, will be here on Tuesday, April 30, to deliver his great lecture, entitled "Uncle Sam Jr." Harr Wagner in the United States.

 J. C. Nickerson left for New Orleans Friday to make a large real estate deal.

 Buy your shelled corn for feed or seed at George A. DeBlanc's, at the old stand near the depot.

 Through the energetic efforts of Messrs. C. H. Lusted and other citizens, and with the assistance of the City Council, a splendid plank walk has been built from Demanade's store to the end of the street leading to Mr. Jules Mouton's residence.

 O. B. Hopkins, manager of the Vordenbaumen lumber yard, is making extensive improvements at his place of business. The latest improvement 30 x 300 feet and covered with galvanized iron. It is to be used for storage.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 27th, 1901:


 The Building Committee of the Industrial Institute, which met here last Saturday, rejected all bids for the contract to build the new dormitory, and decided to employ Mr. A. E. Mouton to do that work under the direction of the Architects and through a Series of sub-contracts, which will bring the cost of the new building to about Eighteen thousand dollars.

 Plans will soon be arranged for the opening of the main building to be celebrated in the Big Assembly Hall on Saturday, June 15th. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1901.


 Lafayette, La., April 13th, 1901.

 The Teacher's Institute met this day in regular session and the following teachers answered to roll call. W. A. LeRosen conductor, Misses P. Doucet, S. M. McLaurin, Maggie Bagnal, Maria Bagnal, Virgie Younger, Emily Olivier, Mary Webb, Edna Sprole, Mrs. Ida H. Delaney, and Messrs. Notley Arceneaux, Chas. A. Boudreaux and J. C. Martin. Absent: Messrs. R. H. Broussard, C. K. Olivier, Ovey Comeaux, Edward Parent, J. A. Flechet, O. S. Dolanger, Philip Martin, H. Wagner, J. W. Faulk and H. E. Toll.

 The visitors present were: Dr. N. P. Moss and Dr. E. L. Stephens.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

 The regular order of business was suspended and Dr. E. L. Stephens addressed the Institute on the subject of "Needs of the Teacher." His talk was practical and to the point and throughout he held the undivided attention of the teachers. Among other things, Dr. Stephens proposed that the teachers keep up the monthly meetings during the Summer. That a review of school studies be taken up and that he and Prof. LeRosen would meet with the teachers each month and give them a quiz on the different studies. At its close Dr. Stephens was given a unanimous vote of thanks for his helpful and instructive talk. Mr. W. A. LeRosen followed, with an extremely interesting talk of twenty minutes on the History of Education lesson, after which he led the School Management lesson. After arranging the following program the Institute adjourned to meet May 11th.

 Geometry: First Book.
 Algebra: To two unknown quantities.
 Arithmetic: To percentage.
 Physics: Through falling bodies.
 General History: 200 pages.

 All teachers throughout the Parish are cordially invited to come and take part in the review work.
                                IDA H. DELANEY,
  Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1901.

 Wagon Loads of Machinery.

 Considerable excitement was caused last Sunday by the appearance of four wagons, heavily laden with machinery, drawn by powerful teams, who traversed our principal streets. Many were of the opinion that the oil well machinery had arrived but what was the mysterious cause unloading it somewhere in the country, and on a Sunday too? The train of wagons was followed and oh! the heavy irons were laden on freight cars! now, was some other town to have our oil well machinery? One of Lafayette's sturdy sons placed his hand on the driver and with a defiant look asked what was going to be done with our machinery? "That thar machinery was used to dig Hunter's Canal, and them folks over yonder told me to haul it to the depot and send it to Texas!" Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1901.

 The Woman's Literary Club.

 On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Ralph B. Raney was the most charming hostess of the Woman's Literary Club. The lesson as taken from Shakespeare's Henry VI was quite interesting and amusing as the questions were answered from the question box. Miss Parkerson read a fine paper, in which she portrayed the noble character of Joan of Arc.

 Several subjects of importance were discussed and all adjourned to the spacious galleries where most delicious refreshments were served.

 The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Biossat on May 7th. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/27/1901.

 Last Saturday Mr. W. S. Torian went to Opelousas and stayed until Monday.

 Rev. and Mrs. Weir accompanied by Miss Mattie Weir, of Houston, left Wednesday for the Missionary Conference in New Orleans.

 The school children of Miss V. Younger's private school were entertained Monday evening, by her brother J. S. Younger, with songs and comic pieces on the phonograph.

 After a protracted stay in New Orleans, Miss Medora Lindsay returned home during the week.

 Miss Lucille Revillon one of Lafayette's fairest belles visited friends in Breaux Bridge this week.

 Mr. J. C. Nickerson left for New Orleans Friday to close a large Real Estate deal. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1901.



From the Lafayette Gazette of April 27th, 1895:


 Quite a Stir Created by the Report that the Registration Book had been Lost.

 Chas. Puckette was in Lafayette this week taking evidence for Judge Beatte in the election contest case. Col. I. D. Morre represented Mr. Price. No intimidation or irregularity was proved during the investigation. The testimony or R. B. Martin, a deputy registrar, caused quite a sensation. He testified in substance that the registration book of the parish had been placed in the hands of Mr. Jno. Vigneaux and while in his possession it had mysteriously disappeared, and for that reason he (Martin) had failed to produce it as requested.

The incident created quite an excitement among the people, especially the Democrats who considered that it would likely create the impression that they were instrumental in its disappearance. Inquiries were immediately made about the whereabouts of Mr. Reau, and it being ascertained that he was out in the country taking assessments, the Democrats sent him to apprise him of the occurrence.

 He reached town early Friday morning and before the examination of the witnesses was resumed, he had already found the book, and the incident has evidently lost all effects which could, in any wise, be injurious to the reputation of our parish for honest elections.

Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.


  In another column will be found an account of the meeting of the Board of Assessors. The board met for the purpose of fixing the assessment on the property of the railroad, telegraph and telephone companies doing business in the parishes composing this district. In the assessment of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas railroad running from Alexandria to New Orleans the board reduced the rate of $500 per mile; instead of keeping it at last year's figures, $7,000, it was lowered to $6,500 per mile.

 Messrs. Duchamp, Dupont and Buchanan voted to have the assessment remain at $7,000. Mr. Buchanan has had much experience in railroad matters and his opinion in this case is entitled to considerable weight.

 In this action we believe the board was clearly in the wrong. Last year the assessment was fixed at $7,000 per mile, and it was then deemed just and fair by both the railroad and assessors. We are unable to see by what process of reasoning the members made this reduction will explain their votes to their constituents. It can not be on account of the hard times, for if the hard times have affected the business of this road it was not caused by a reduction of freight charges. If such a thing has taken place folks in these parts know nothing about it. If there has been any reduction on a few articles, it has been imperceptibly small. And as the freight traffic from this section last year was very large the revenue of the road could not have been on the decline. The railroad can not enter the plea of hard times in the advocacy of a reduction of their taxes.

 Mrs. Kruttshnitt said that the Texas and Pacific had been assessed $6,500 per mile, and unless the same assessment were placed on his road it would not be in a position to compete with the Texas and Pacific. If there has been any competition between these two roads, the patrons of Mr. Kruttshnitt's road have so far failed to perceive any difference in the freight charges.

 This board had nothing to do with the action of other boards. Its members were appointed to fix the assessment at its true valuation irrespective of that other boards might have done with the property of other roads, and they failed to do so and were derelict in the performance of their sworn duty.

 Mr. Kruttschnitt claimed that the superiority of his road and its finer improvements were no reason to assess it at higher figures than the Texas and Pacific. The Gazette would like to know why the property of other people should be assessed according to the value of its improvements, if the same reason does not hold good with the property of railroad people.

 The commissioners Messrs. Buchanan of Lafayette and Bryan of Calcasieu, who voted on the assessment of the Louisiana Western road very properly fixed it at the reasonable figure of $7,000 per mile. The railroad people naturally wanted this road's assessment reduced the same as that of the other road. For this no one will blame them. They would be fools if they did not try to have their assessment lowered as much as possible.

 The Gazette believes that the railroad people should be treated with the utmost fairness, more like benefactors than like enemies; they should be encouraged, rather than discouraged, but they should be treated like other property-holders.

 The assessment of private citizens was not reduced, and it is a downright injustice to reduce the railroad's.

 Corporations should not be excessively taxed, but they should be shown the same consideration with which private individuals are treated. There seems to be a disposition on the part of officials to shield the wealthy from the payment of taxes. There is not a small farmer who is not compelled to pay taxes on every inch of ground that he owns, but it is the larger land-owners and the great corporations who are allowed to escape the payment of their share of taxes, simply because they are powerful. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.


 The Louisiana Western's Assessment at $7,000 - Others Reduced - How Was It Done.

 A very interesting meeting was held at the court-house last Monday. It was composed of the commissioners appointed by the Police Jury of the several parishes to fix the assessment on the property of railroad, telegraph and telephone companies doing business in the parishes named below.

 Capt. J. C. Buchanan was elected chairman of the meeting and D. A. Cochrane secretary. The latter gentleman also acted as notary and administered the oath to the members.

 The roll was called by parishes as follows:

========p. 3-------------------

 Act 92 of 1888, creating the board and defining its powers, was ordered read for the benefit of the members.

 The first matter that came for the consideration of the board was the assessment of the Western Union Telegraph line. Mr. Fenn appeared as the representative of this company and made a statement concerning the valuation of telephone lines. He stated that the average cost of building telephone lines was $81.96 per mile. The assessment on this line as fixed by the board last year was $100 per mile for the first wire and $25 for each additional one.

 Mr. Frelson moved that the assessment be fixed at $300 for the two first wire and $12.50 for each subsequent one. Mr. Dupont offered as an amendment that the assessment be fixed at the same rate as last year. After some argument pro and con Mr. Dupont changed his amendment so as to fix the rate at $100 for the first wire and $12.50 for each additional one. Dupont's amendment was defeated and Mr. Frelson's motion prevailed.

 Mr. Marrero then stated that as inasmuch as the authorities were meeting with much difficulty in collecting the taxes from this company and at the instance of the attorney general, it would be wise to recommend that the assessment for last year be reduced to the figures fixed for the ensuing year. After an animated discussion the impropriety of such a step was made clear, and Mr. Frelson's motion was withdrawn.

 The assessment of the Morgan's Louisiana and Texas railroad which runs from Alexandria to New Orleans was then taken up. Messrs. Randolph Natili and Julius Kruttschnitt who represented this company, made short statements in which they ask the board to fix the assessment on their road at the same figures that had been fixed on the Texas and Pacific and Mississippi Valley roads; claiming that unless this were done they would not be in a position to compete with the said roads. These remarks gave rise to a heated talk, incidentally bringing out the fact that while the railroad was very anxious to get a reduction of its assessment it was not prepared to carry out Blaines' doctrine - reciprocity - by a reduction of freight charges.

 Mr. Hudson moved that the assessment on this road be fixed at $6.500 per mile, and Mr. Dupont offered as an amendment that it remain at last year's figures $7,000 per mile. The question being put to vote it was carried by the following vote:

 For $6,500 - Provost, Bryant, Marrero, Hudson, Frelson.

 For $7,000 - Duchamp, Dupont, Buchanan.

 By motion of Mr. Marrero the branches on this road were assessed at $3,500 per mile. Mr. Dupont here entered a protest against the action of the board in fixing the assessment of the Houma branch, claiming that only the representative from the parish through which this branch runs was entitled to vote on this question. The chairman had decided this point in favor of Mr. Dupont but his decision was not sustained. Mr. Dupont insisted upon the right to fix the assessment on this branch, and be fixed at the rate of $4,000 per mile.

 At this stage of the proceedings, Mr. P. S. Pugh of Acadia arrived, and was sworn in. Judging from the way Mr. Pugh handled the question of the assessment of the Louisiana Western, it is safe to say that had he been present at the beginning of the session he would have infused more life in the deliberations of the board.

 The next thing in order was the assessment of the Great Southern Telephone company which was fixed at $30 per mile. Mr. J. J. Fowler represented this company.

 The assessment of Mr. Hogsett's Teche and Vermilion Telephone line was reduced from $30 to $15 per mile.

 The Lousiana Western Railroad now occupied attention of the board. On this question only the members of Lafayette, Calcasieu and Acadia were entitled to vote, these being the parishes through which this road runs. At one time it seemed as though the three members would fail to arrive at any conclusion, each entertaining at different opinion. Mr. Pugh presented an argument of considerable force and ability in favor or raising the assessment to $10,000 while Mr. Buchanan thought $7,000 fair, and Mr. Bryan contended that $5,500 was just and equitable. After a heated discussion between Mr. Pugh and Mr. Kruttschnitt, and Judge Parkerson, Mr. Buchanan's motion was adopted.

 The Midland or Eunice branch was assessed at $37,050 per mile. Mr. Pugh was the only member who had a voice in the fixing of this road's assessment, and this explains the reason why it was assessed $250 above the other branches.

 The Iberia and Vermilion road was assessed at $3,500.

 The meeting then came to an end.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

Left Out.

 The board which met here Monday to fix the assessment on railroad, telegraph and telephone lines, omitted to assess the property of the Carencro and Teche Railroad Company. In the case of the failure of the board to act we believe the assessor of the parish is authorized to fix the assessment. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.







By the Cars - Lee Escobal Meets a Horrible Fate.

Thursday morning Coroner Gladu received a telegram from Scott stating that the mutilated body of a man had been found on the railroad track near that place. The coroner immediately left for Scott and proceeded to investigate the case. Lying near the track were the remains of a man. Closer investigation disclosed the fact that about three-quarters of an arpent further west was a small pool of blood with blood stains leading to the place where the body was found. The pool of blood is supposed to be the place where the train ran over the man and it is thought that the body was subsequently dragged by a train going the opposite direction. At first the coroner was at a loss to identify the dead man, but found on his person a note book containing the names of Cleophas Prejean, Onezine Neraut and L. P. Clemon, all three citizens of this parish. These gentlemen were notified of the accident and were asked to go to Scott and try to identify the body if possible.

 Thursday morning Coroner Gladu informed the Gazette that Mr. Neraut had recognized the body of the unfortunate man and gave his name as Lee Escolat, and stated that he was from Houston where his mother is living. Mr. Neraut had met Escobal at Carencro where he was in search of employment for himself and mother.

 The Gazette reporter learned from a passenger on Tuesday night's west-bound train that conductor Archie had put a man off at Scott for failing to pay his fare. The man was suffering very much from disease and was exceedingly weak and it is likely that he fell under the wheels in the attempt to jump on board or threw himself under the car in a moment of despair.

 The coroner had not held the inquest up to Thursday owing to the absence of the conductor Archie, whose testimony is deemed necessary.

 Another Version.

 The Gazette has received the following from a correspondent at Scott:

 The man who was killed here last night has been identified as Lee Sclobard, who has recently lived on Harrington's place at Indian Bayou. He was killed by the cars 50 yards from where his body was found. A good sized pool of blood marked the place where he was killed. A singular feature of this case is that his truly was dragged over the main line fully 50 yards without being touched by the car wheels. It looked as if the body had been laid on the side of the track by human hands, instead of being thrown by the cars.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

Narrow Escape. - One of our popular young railroad boys had a narrow escape from being run over by a train last Sunday just as the excursion train pulled in, the young man's attention was irresistibly drawn to some fair ones on a coach standing on the opposite track, and did not see the impending danger from the impending danger from the advancing locomotive, but fortunately some one called his attention to the approaching messenger of death and he stepped aside just in time to escape a most horrible fate.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

An Accident. - O.Duvernet, the well-known drummer, was the victim of a rather serious accident last Monday. He happened to pass by the baggage car just when it was unloaded and a heavy trunk was accidentally dropped on his right foot, mutilating it very much and causing an exceedingly painful wound. Dr. J. F. Mouton was called and gave all relief possible. Mr. Duvernet left the next day for New Orleans on the early train. It is thought that he will not be able to resume his work before four or five weeks.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

The Excursion.
The way some persons misbehaved on last Sunday's excursion would have been a disgrace to any country claiming to be inhabited by civilized people. Unless these hoodlums can be compelled to respect the ladies, it is about time to let people know it, for no decent man will feel safe in bringing along with him on an excursion and lady-member of his family. Excursions are, as a rule, disorderly, but the one given last Sunday was the worst. A crowd of toughs, kept running through the cars, yelling like Indians and making all the noise possible. The only way to preserve the peace on the train is by detailing two men in each car for that purpose. If something of this sort is not done, ladies will have to abstain from going on excursions in the future.

Some citizens of Rayne also distinguished themselves when the train reached their town. They wanted to bombard the train with ammunition on a par with their reputation and they very properly selected rotten eggs, which were thrown at the excursionists through the windows of the cars. At or near Crowley we are informed that a pistol shot was fired at the train, the bullet passing just above the head of one of the passengers. Brick-bats were also thrown against the car-windows promiscuously. It is to be hoped that the authorities of Acadia parish as well as the officials of the Louisiana Western will take the proper steps to discover who are the culprits guilty of these cowardly acts. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

The Dust. 
 Much has already been said about the many diseases that may result from the inhalation of street-dust and all persons know how injurious dust is to the health, yet we see no really sincere effort made by the people of Lafayette to procure street sprinklers to destroy this spreader of disease and great inconvenience. In order to impress the people of this town with the seriousness of the dust question we reproduce a part of an editorial which appeared in that able periodical, the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, edited by the most learned physicians in the Crescent City. The journal says:

 "To the laity, dust in a nuisance, a thing to be got rid of on account of its inconvenience; to the physician and sanitarium, since it is the most potent carrier of the contagion of the disease that annually numbers its victims by the millions - consumption. It is not such a very long time since dust began to receive attention at the hands of bacteriologists; the labors of these men are rapidly bringing the profession to a realization of the importance of dust as a carrier of disease. When the bulk of the profession appreciates the matter fully the laity will be gradually taught the dangers that lurk in street-dust, and take measures to lessen them.

 A few years ago, a praiseworthy "missionary effort" was made to effort was made by Dr. T. Mitchell Prudden among the laity, in the publication of a little work in popular style that set forth plain language the way in which dust served as a spreader of disease. This effort, which stands alone, we believe, was a movement that should have been followed up by Boards of Health and physicians all over the land."
 Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

The Pelican's Ball.
The ball given Saturday by the boys of the Pelican Brass Band recently organized under the leadership of Prof. Henri Gerac, was a splendid affair socially and a success financially. The large hall of Mr. Falk was crowded with fair ones from this town and adjoining country and generous and handsome young men. The arrangement committee, headed by the indefatigable Louis Lacoste, had done its duty well as nothing was lacking for the pleasure of all present. At the usual hour the ever-faithful Landry band signaled to the dancers that the ball would begin. A large number of couples, with Miss Cecile Fortune and Louis Lacoste in the lead, placed themselves in position to participate in the grand march. The other dances listed on the program were played by the band, which fully sustained its reputation for good music. At the request of the committee we publish the following card expressive of its thanks to those who so liberally volunteered their assistance toward the success of the ball. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1903.

 In behalf of the Pelican Brass Band I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who have so kindly contributed to the success of the ball last Saturday night. Our thanks are due to Mmes. J. J. Revillon, E. Pefferkorn, E. McDaniel, E. Constantin, Misses Estelle Gerac, Bernadette Landry, Messrs. Gus Lacoste, Sheriff Broussard, Mayor Campbell and Mr. Graser for services rendered and donations; to Misses M. L. and J. Revillon, I. Pefferkorn, L. and I. McDaniel; Cecile Fortune, F. and L. Plonsky, E. Falk, Regina Romero, Mary Abbott, Mammie Lisbony, Mmes J. W. Eves and Erwin Mouton for much appreciated favors.
Chairman Arrangement Committee.
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1903.

Improvements. - Paul Demanade is constantly making improvements in his store and saloon. He has purchased a large beer refrigerator and is now enabled to furnish his customs with ice-cold beer at all hours. Should you wish a ham or cheese sandwich Paul's is the place to get it. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

Saturday Night. - There were many people in our streets last Saturday. A number of them had been attracted here by the ball. Aside from affording pleasure to the young folks, a ball never fails to give a lively appearance to the town. Our boys should always be encouraged in the promotion of balls, entertainments, etc. How dull would the summer months be without them? Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

Transferred. - Ed. Schuh, who has been in charge of the Crescent News Lunch Stand at this place has been transferred to a point in Texas, and Lee Walker has taken charge of the stand here. Mr. and Mrs. Schuh have already left for their new home to the regret of their many friends in Lafayette. Mr. Walker is no stranger here and has many acquaintances who are glad to note his return. The genial assistant, Alfred Voorhies, Jr., will continue at his post. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

Base Ball. - Lafayette will have a ball club this season and we expect some lively games. The club has been named "Mascot" is composed of the following young men:  A. Bertrand, J. March, W. Graser, A. Otto, J. Bowen, P. Mouton, P. Castel, A. Duhon, L. McBride. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

49th Birthday. - Mr. Ernest Constantin was 49 years old Saturday and the way his young lady friends showered bouquets and other nice things upon him was enough to make a younger man turn away with envy. A number of Mr. Constantin's friends met at his home to wish him a continuance of the prosperity and good health, with which he has always been blessed, if one is to judge from his robust appearance at an age when most men begin to feel the weight years. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.


 Judge Allen passed the following sentences Monday morning:

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Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/27/1895.

 A large picnic will be given Sunday by the young people of Lafayette.

 A large Maud Coke, of Alexandria, is visiting her friend, Miss Ida Pefferkorn.

 Miss Lena Levy and Miss Louise Bendel returned to their homes Wednesday evening.

 Mr. Leopold Lacoste was seriously ill during the week, but is much better.

 Robt. Cunningham, public school teacher ill during the week, but is much better.

 Mr. T. M. Biossat returned home Friday from Alexandria, where she was visiting relatives and friends.

 Last week we erroneously stated that the town election would take place on Monday, May 5. It should have been Monday May 6.

 Dr. Rene Martin, of Breaux Bridge, spent Sunday in Lafayette. He had come for the purpose of replacing Dr. G. A. Martin who was at Welch on a visit to relatives.

 Supt. Toll was busy last Saturday paying the teachers. No class of people are more deserving of compensation than the hard-worked teachers.

 E. M. Thompson is superintending the construction of Mr. J. J. Davidson's house. The work is progressing nicely and the building promises to be one of the handsomest in Lafayette.

 Judge Allen was called to Franklin Tuesday evening on account of an accident which happened to one of his boys. He returned to Lafayette the next day and resumed his duties on the bench.

 The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have sent us a lot of fine and delicious strawberries, for which we return our sincere thanks.

 Mr. Alfred Hebert has a bald-headed American eagle which he values highly. He has received a number of offers from museum, managers who wish to purchase this rare bird, but Mr. Hebert is not willing to part with it.

 Engineer Devoe, who was so badly injured at Franklin on Feb. 22 has resumed his work.

 Gus Lisbony's home was the scene of much gaeity last Wednesday night. A number of young people had met there to spend the evening together. The primary object of the party was to raise a fund for the relief of a deserving person. Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 27th, 1889:


 We have several times spoken of the projected enterprise of a central sugar mill at Lafayette, and have pointed out the increased prosperity to our citizens which would follow, especially to small farmers; besides, it would be a paying investment for stockholders. Farmers cannot afford to invest the large investment for stockholders. Farmers cannot afford to invest the large capital required for modern appliances necessary to produce the best results, and are cut off from the pursuit of a lucrative industry. A certain market for their cane would enable them to engage in a most profitable industry, for which much land in this parish is peculiarly adapted. The New Orleans City Item, of the 21st inst., (one of the highest and best authorities upon sugar culture in this country) has an excellent article upon this subject, from which we copy the as follows:

 "Sugar is the most profitable crop that can be grown in Louisiana, or any other State; provided, of course, that modern appliances be used in the process of manufacture. Twenty-five and thirty tons of cane to the acre are not uncommon yields, but in making the estimate The Item will put the yield at an average of twenty tons for a fairly cultivated field. The cost of planting and cultivating ought not to exceed $50 an acre, or $2.50 a ton. On may places it is not over $2.00 per ton. The expense of manufacture should not exceed $2.00 per ton of cane, and this figure could be largely reduced by conducting operations on a large scale. Allowing 50 cents a ton for repair of machinery would make a cost of $5.00 per ton of cane manufactured into sugar. The product of a ton of cane may be fairly estimated at 200 of sugar ($12.00), and molasses 50 cents; total $12.50. There are two factories in the State that have reached 200 lbs. to the ton, and neither of these is equipped with a first class apparatus. Runs with diffusion at Magnolia and Kenner stations have given 250 lbs. and as high as 250 lbs. of sugar to the ton of cane, an a good diffusion battery, and otherwise thoroughly equipped sugar house, would be certain to obtain 200 lbs. any year.

------------------------p. 5-------------------

 From 1884 to 1886, inclusive, nearly one half of the planters of Louisiana obtained only about 100 pounds of sugar per ton of cane, sold the sugar at 3 1/2 cents a pound, and still live. It costs no more to grow the cane now than it did then. The modern process by which 200 pounds of sugar is extracted from a ton of cane is cheaper per pound of sugar than the primitive methods which obtain only half as much. If such planters could survive in 1886, it is not evident to the most ordinary intelligence that with the double the yield from the cane, and an increase of almost 100 per cent, in the price of sugar, there must now be enormous profit in the industry? The estimates given are based on facts known to the Item, and while this may appear like a boomy article, we are satisfied that all that has been stated is entirely within bounds."

 The mill could well afford to give the farmer $5.00 a ton for his cane. Say the farmer averaged 15 tons per acre; it would be to him a revenue of $37.50 per acre, beating cotton culture 50 per cent, besides being a much easier and far less expensive crop to handle. So much for the benefits to accrue to the farmer. Now let us see how the mill owners would fare (basing the calculation, of course, upon 20,000 tons of cane, which could be easily secured by concert of action on the part of our planters.) The Item says the estimate above is based upon a plantation and apparatus costing $250.000. Leave off the plantation, and say our mill plant costs us $200,000. Then from the profits shown above let us knock off $41,100 for "enthusiastic calculation." And then to be safe say the mill only realizes $10.00 per ton for its cane, which knocks off $45,500 or more. This still leaves a profit of $54,500 on the investment - over 25 per cent. In what way can $200,000 be better investigated? Then consider what a solid and lasting advantage it would be to our town. Some timid fossils may claim that we cannot raise the necessary capital here. We can "make a break," and as they say in law "show diligence," and capital will come to our assistance. The necessity for, and the multitude of benefits to flow from, such an enterprise are so patent that we must believe our community fully appreciates the situation and will take speedy action in the premises.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.

 Board Met in Lafayette.

 The Board of Assessment of railroads and telegraph lines, etc., met here on Wednesday. All of the parishes touching the Morgan road and the L. W. were represented save one. Mr. T. J. Foster, of St. Mary, was elected president, and Jno. D. Schaffer, of Terrebonne, Secretary. They assessed the main lines at $7,000 per mile, and branch roads at from $3,500 to $5,000 per mile. The Western Union telegraph was assessed at $100 per mile. The railroad filed a formal protest against the action of the Board as unconstitutional. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1889.

Southern Pacific Files Protest.

 The officials of the Southern Pacific Company filed a formal protest against the (unreadable word) of the Board of Assessors created by the Legislature to equalize the assessments of Railroads, etc. Is this a trick. Do these officials hope to escape taxation? We suggest then that the Assessor and our Police Jury take these gentlemen at their word and proceed to list and assess the Railroad property for taxation just as they would have done had not the act of 1888 been passed. This can be done by way of supplementing the (unreadable word) of the Board and in conformity with them, so that there will be no need of allowing the Railroad property to go un-taxed this year. Should this happen now, after the Railroad Company has shown its hand, the people will have the right to severely blame the local authorities. The Railroad representatives in protesting did so in general terms. They said they were only preserving their rights to appeal to the Courts to test the constitutionality of the law creating the Board. Do they mean to say that if the assessment suits them they will graciously permit it to stand, and if it does not they will knock it, and the Board and the act of the Legislature higher than Gilroy's kite?
Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1889.

"Spotted Shower."

 The rain last Tuesday evening was very cooling and refreshing to us here in town, being sufficient to lay the dust and thereby abate a great source of discomfort; but it was what might be called a "spotted shower." There was a vast difference in the quantity which fell at the courthouse and in the neighborhood of the depot. Only a short distance East of town, on the Revillon place, and in that neighborhood, we learn that the rain came down in torrents, followed by a destructive hail, which necessitates the replanting of some of the crops.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.

Weather Damaging for Major Sosthene.

 We sympathize with Major Sosthene Mouton in the destruction caused by the cyclone which passed over his place Tuesday afternoon. His extensive garden (about seven acres), luxuriant with a fine growth of fruits and vegetables, was completely obliterated. A cloud-burst deluged the ground to the depth of several inches, the wind blew down the fences and hotbeds, followed by a fall of hail at least four inches deep, completing the destruction. The track of the cyclone was narrow, and almost as distinctly marked off by a line of fence. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.

L. B. A.

 The Board Directors of the Lafayette Building and Loan Association at a meeting held April 20th, re-elected the old officers, as follows: Wm. Clegg, President; Ad. von Kalckstein, Vice-President; W. W. Wall, Secretary and Treasurer; Crow Girard, Attorney; E. G. Voohries, Notary. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.

 New Building on Main St.

 Mr. Theodule Hebert has torn down the house adjoining Constantin's livery stable, formerly used as a bar room, and will use the lumber in the construction of a large building on Main street. The space left will be used as an extension of his beautiful home premises. He has also erected a very ornamental fence in front of his ground which adds much to the appearance of the place. Excepting Rev. Forge's extensive gardens, Mrs. Hebert has the finest and most attractive collection of flowers and vines we have seen in Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.    


Fine Strawberries. 
We were much pleased and gratified upon the receipt of the following communication:
                            LOUISA, LA., April, 21, 1899.
 Mr. Bailey: Dear Sir: Have seen in the last number of the ADVERTISER (April 20, 1889,) an article about strawberries raised by Maj. Sosthene Mouton. As I have a small patch of choice variety, I concluded to send you a few, to find out whether they compare favorably with his. They grow very large and are very luscious. They bear for four months in the year. Name of this variety is the "Charlie Downing." In hopes of your receiving the above in a good state of preservation, I remain.
                         Yours truly, A. T. CAILLOUET.
  The berries arrived safe and sound, and were enjoyed hugely. They were exceptionally large, beautifully colored, of delicious flavor, and as fine specimens as we have ever seen. If there is anything we are expert at, it is sampling strawberries; and we cheerfully state that Mr. Caillouet need feel no hesitancy in comparing berries with anybody, nor in sending us any other varieties he may wish to have sampled. The berries raised by Major Mouton are of the "Wilson" variety, and were procured from Mr. Richard Frotscher, the noted New Orleans seedsman. They bear about the same length of time as the "Downing." Now, we want to see some more of our good citizens emulate the work of Major Mouton and Mr. Caillouet, and if possible excel them. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.

 Japanese Plums.
We noticed a New Orleans paper a few days since bragging about some fine Japanese plums it had received. Lafayette produces as fine as are grown in the State. A few days since we casually measured one, no larger than we frequently see, and found it be 5 1/4 inches in circumference. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899. 


 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/27/1899.

 The weather the past week has been a little warmer than is usual at this season of the year; but it was beautiful for the growing crops.

 Snap-beans are on the market. There are few more toothsome vegetables.

 Mr. F. Lombard has erected a neat and attractive fence in front of his property on Lafayette street.

 A special meeting of Hope Lodge No. 145 F. & A. M., will be held at the Lodge-room this evening at 7 o'clock. All the members are requested to attend.

 Mrs. J. J. Revillon and her youngest daughter left Wednesday last for Lake Arthur, where they will remain some time as the guests of Mrs. E. Priollaud.

 We return our thanks to our enterprising young photographer, Master Hilbert Falk, for an excellent photograph of St. John's church, Lafayette. The picture shows the church front and symmetrical tower to good advantage.

 Miss Gussie Plonsky, after an absence of several weeks visiting friends in Alexandria, La., returned home this week accompanied by Miss Gertie Rosenthal, of Alexandria, who will spend some time in our town. We wish her a pleasant stay. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1899.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 27th, 1878:


 A notarial act of sale, dated April 9th,m 1878, was recorded in this parish a few days ago, by which A. C. Hutchinson as agent of Charles Morgan transfers to Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company, organized under Act No. 37 of the Legislature of this State approved March 8th, 1877, represented by George Pandely, the railroad from New Orleans to Berwick's Bay and the franchises from thence to Washington and to some point on the Sabine river. Other property is also transferred by the act and all its consideration of $5,016,000, payable in full paid capital stock, except $22,000 which is payable in bonds to become due in forty years and bearing interest at seven per cent.

 Under ordinary circumstances, such a transaction would attract much attention and excite hopes that a railroad would soon be built, but past experience has taught us to view such maneuvers with suspicion and distrust. If Mr. Morgan did not build the road, or permit any one else to do so, this new company composed of his friends and employees, and of which will have entire control, will certainly do likewise. We consider this new company and Charles Morgan, one and the same concern, and we will see how long they can retain their charter without complying with its terms.

 After being so often deceived and humbugged, if this new concern should exhibit any serious intention of extending their road to Texas without delay, the populations of this whole section of country will be most agreeably surprised. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1878.

 Steamboat to N. O.

 We learn from the Abbeville Meridional of the 20th., that a movement is on foot at Abbeville, to build a suitable steamboat to be run in the Vermilion trade direct to New Orleans. The present high rates of freight is a serious disadvantage to this section of country and anything tending to reduce them and to increase shipping facilities, will be encouraged and hailed with real pleasure by the people of this parish as well as our sister parish of Vermilion. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1878.

Church Court.

 Many of our citizens had the pleasure last Friday week, of extending a generous welcome to the Ministers and Elders of the Presbytery of Louisiana, who came here to hold the regular spring session of that Church Court. The church building of the Presbyterians was sufficiently advanced towards completion, to be used by the Presbytery, which was organized on the 19th inst., and after closing its labors adjourned on the 22nd. The sermons delivered were able and classical, such as are characteristic of an educated ministry. A large number partook of the Lord's Supper and the services generally were deeply interesting to the congregation.

 The lot on which the church is built was donated by Dr. F. S. Mudd, and from the purchase price of which, ex-Gov. A. Mouton generously deducted a portion. The building presents a handsome appearance and when completed will cost about two thousand dollars and be an ornament to Vermilionville.

 The congregation is in charge of the Rev. Edwin Cater, who is of an old Huguenot family of South Carolina and a zealous and devout worker, and his location here is valuable acquisition to our community. Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1878.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/27/1878.

 Dry weather still continues and vegetation is suffering. There was a promising appearance of rain last Tuesday, but it all ended in strong wind and a sprinkle.

 The communication of "A Voter" was received and, as he says that he knows our rule regarding anonymous contributions, it is rather strange that his real name was not furnished. The names suggested for Mayor and Councilmen are very good, but we must adhere to our rule.

 Three colored men, Aleck Brown, Jackson Edwards and Wesley Turner, convicted of the crime of murder, were hung at Franklin last Monday.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/27/1878.












 Telephoning Without a Wire and Talking Along a Beam of Light.

 In the last few years, in connection with Mr. Preece's experiments in England and otherwise, we have heard a good deal about telegraphing without wires. It has also been found practicable to telephone without wires. In the former operation induction is the means employed; in the latter, apparatus invented by Prof. Bell, the author of the telephone, and called the "photophone." Nelson W. Perry describes it in a recent number of Electricity. Light emanating from any source, L, is passed through a lens, A, in order to render its rays parallel, before they fall upon the mirror, B, whence they are reflected to a parabolic mirror, D, in whose focus is placed a piece of selenium, E. The selenium forms part of the circuit of a telephone, T, operated by a battery, F.

 The mirror B is composed of a very thin sheet of glass or mica, silvered on its face, and mounted so as to vibrate like a telephone diaphragm when a person speaks into the mouthpiece, C, behind it. Now, when the tones of the voice cause the diaphragm to bulge forward, the rays reflected toward D will diverge slightly instead of being parallel, and less light will be concentrated upon E; but when at the other stage of any vibrations, the plate is rendered concave, the rays will converge, and more light will be thrown upon the selenium. As the electrical conductivity of this remarkable substance varies in proportion to the amount of light to which it is subjected, the intensity of the telephone current will be modified thereby, and the telephone itself will distinctly reproduce the words uttered in the mouthpiece C. It is not stated at how great a distance this apparatus will work; but it will be seen that therein a beam of light takes the place of the ordinary metallic connections between the two instruments.

 Since Bell accomplished the result here described, Mr. Perry says Tainter has substituted soot for the selenium, and dispensed with the battery altogether, using instead of the ordinary telephone receiver the two-pronged hearing tube, by means of which one listens to a phonograph. As so constructed, Merandier calls the instrument a "radiophone." In the apparatus perfected by Richards, a pellet of burned cork in a bulb at the end of a small glass tube is placed in the focus at E, and the other end of the glass connects with the rubber hearing tube. It is well-known that when light falls upon a substance which does not reflect all the rays, that which is absorbed is turned into heat. Of course lusterless black is a high absorbent. In the radiophone the fluctuations of light intensity are attended by rapid but minute alterations of temperature. The heat received expands both the particles of carbon and the air in the interstices; and the cooling contracts from them. This compression and rarefaction have been found adequate to excite sound vibrations in the adjacent air in the glass tube, although articulate speech is not yet very faithfully reproduced.

 From the publication Electricity and in the Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.


The Harm of Drinking.

[Following are extracts from a paper on the above topic by Ding Ai Niguk, matron of the Foochow Girls' Boarding School. It is a witness to two truths: (1) The oneness, if we may speak, of the gospe of temperance wherever preached. (2) The oneness of testimony to the evil wrought by the serpent whose trail covers the wide earth.]

 Shall we who have been called from darkness into the light, still cling to the things of darkness.

 Those who are in the power of rum, cannot see its harm.

 Those who say a little drink does no harm, have never investigated the effects of rum-drinking.

 The best way to stop drinking is for the government to prohibit.

 Chinese people drink rum and when it has ruined their bodies, they say the evil spirits have made them sick.

 Some food cannot be eaten if left over night, but intoxicating drink is the product of food left long enough to ferment.

 When Satan would have you commit some sin, he first makes you drink.

 Our duty as Christian women is to keep strong drink from our children, teach them the harm of drinking, and prevent others from tempting them to drink.
 Lafayette Gazette 4/27/1895.

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