Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 20th, 1904:

Large Crowd Present and Great Interest Exhibited in the Various Contests in Which Lake Charles, Leesville, Franklin and Institute Strive for Honors.

 Friendly and Best of Humor Prevailed. The Institute Wins the T. M. Biossat Inter-Scholastic Championship Cup. Visitors Tendered a Reception After the Oratorical Contest.

 The Athletic meet at the Industrial Institute Saturday afternoon was an immense success and was enjoyed by a large crowd of spectators. Delegations from Lake Charles, Leesville, Franklin, Marksville and Crowley were present, accompanied by the principals of these schools. The contests were all interesting and exciting and marked by a spirit of friendly rivalry. Everything passed off pleasantly, and beyond a little good-natured chaffing between students of the different schools, there was nothing but the best of feeling. School yells were plentiful and were given with a lusty vim by each school as its champion captured one the honors, and also between time just to encourage them. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed, especially among the rooters on the grand stand, who worked with might and main and lungs to spur their representatives to do wonders - and some of them did; for there were a number of splendid contests that elicited unbounded applause from the entire crowd.

 At 2:30 the contests were begun with Principal E. F. Gayle of the Lake Charles High School as referee; Smedes Cade and Prof. L. Favrot, judges at the finish; Prof. J. A. Williams, starter; A. Woodson, measurer; J. W. S. Lillibridge, clerk of the course.

 Below follows a list of the events and the winners:

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 Just before the Relay Race the Basket Ball Teams of the Institute and Lake Charles engaged in an exciting game that attracted almost the entire crowd. Both teams were skillful and kept the interest high. Miss McLaurin, of the Institute umpired the first half of the game and Prof. Gayle of Lake Charles, the second half. The score was 21 to 8 in favor of the Institute.


 The base ball game, owing to the time consumed in other contests, was begun very late.

 Only five innings were played, but they were sufficient to show that the Lake Charles team was outclassed. The score was 11 to 2 in favor of the Institute.


 A large audience assembled at the Auditorium to listen to the contest in oratory. There were three schools represented; the Institute by Miss Sallie Prosser, Crowley High School by R. W. Shultz, and the Lake Charles High School by Wm. Braden.

 The exercises were opened with a selection by the Institute orchestra, Miss Prosser then delivered a fine address on National Ideals, which showed study, thought and originality. She was followed by Mr. Schultz who spoke on Byron and Grecian Liberty. He showed care and preparation of his subject and handled it in an interesting manner. Mr. Braden was last. His subject was the Past, Present and Future of the Louisiana Territory Purchase. He began with the early exploration of the territory and rapidly sketched the salient events in its history, using some vivid word painting in portraying events and characters. Mr. Braden showed considerable training in delivery which added to the effectiveness of his speech.

 Whilst the judges, who were Mr. Mr. E. L. Lafargue, of Marksville, Principal L. M. Favrot of Leesville and Judge Julian Mouton, retired, the students of the Lake Charles High School favored the audience with a chorus. This was followed by a scene from "She Stoops to Conquer" by the Attakapas Literary Society which was well acted and highly enjoyed. The Boys' Glee Club, of Lake Charles, then entertained and with a well rendered and appreciated song. The Avatar Literary Society added to the fun of the evening with some laughable pantomimes from Mother Goose's songs, followed by a delightful selection by the Institute orchestra.

 The judges having come in. Mr. E. L. Lafargue ascended the platform to announce their decision and did so in a humorous, tantalizing way that kept the friends of the schools laughing and impatient. He finally "decided to decide" as the judged did, that it was necessary for him to come to a decision to decide to announce the decision which he did, naming Wm. Braden, Lake Charles as the winner, who was requested to come to the stage and receive the prize, a book.

 Mr. Lillibridge then awarded badges to the successful competitors in the field contests. Upon request of Dr. Stephens, Mayor C. D. Caffery in a most fitting manner presented Aubert Talbot the gold medal for the best all around athlete and the silver medal for the champion hundred yards dasher given by Dr. F. E. Girard.

 Dr. Stephens followed in a brief speech expressing his gratification over the presence of the various schools and the pleasure of the day and voiced the wish that his auspicious beginning, may yield splendid fruit in the way of school athletics.

 Mr. Lillibridge announced the points gained on the field as follows:

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 Dr. F. H. Mayer then presented in a happy manner the beautiful silver cup, given by Mr. T. M. Biossat for that school winning the most points in the athletic contests, to Aubert Talbot for the Industrial Institute.

 At the close of the exercises the visitors and a number of others were invited to the Library and afterwards conducted to the Dormitory where refreshments were served.

L. M. Favrot, principal of the Leesville School was present with a delegation of seven; Principal C. A. Ives, of the Franklin High School brought four; E. L. Stover, principal of the Crowley High School came accompanied with three; and Principal E. F. Gayle led a delegation of one hundred.

 The Lake Charles girls were much in evidence Field Day, and if the Lake Charles boys didn't win it wasn't because their girl friends didn't encourage them.

 J. A. Williams, E. S. Jenkins, B. H. Carroll, Miss D. Z. Thomson and Miss Jean Belcher, teachers in the Lake Charles High School were present.

 Among the visitors from Lake Charles were Mmes. Braden and H. D. Miller.

 At the conclusion of the evening exercises the principal of the High Schools present, twelve in number, organized a permanent Interscholastic and Oratorical Association. Election of officers was deferred to await the report of committee on constitution and by-laws. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.


Friday Was a Success and Much Enjoyed by All Who Were Present.

 The school entertainment given on the new school grounds Friday by the teachers and pupils of the Primary School was a great success financially and otherwise.

 At four o'clock, opening time, friends and well-wishers of the school began to arrive and a continual stream of them kept ebbing and flowing all the evening.

 A number of entertaining sports by the children proved very attractive and some quite amusing.

 The names of the winners in the various contests are as follows:

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 There was also a gypsy tent presided over by a mysterious fortune teller who told fortunes for 10 cents.

 Miss Holmes requests us to thank all those who so generously assisted in making the event a success. The cakes were donated by the ladies of the town, Mr. Biossat kindly gave 600 pounds of ice.

 The receipts were $60, and this amount was afterward augmented by the following cash contributions:

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 This is not nearly enough to paint the school and The Advertiser would suggest that those of our citizens who believe in investing their money well, will mail Miss Holmes a check to keep along the work. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

"Jack Lafaience."
 The lecture given by "Jack Lafaience" last Friday night under the auspices of the Woman's Club was in every way, a most decided success. The speaker was inimitable in wit and humor, and kept the large audience in a roar of laughter and applause. This lecture was a compliment to the Club, donated to a worthy cause by Mr. McLoughlin, for which every member extends hearty thanks. They also wish to express their appreciation to Prof. Sontag and the members of his excellent band, who added so much real enjoyment to the evening and to Mr. Mayer and all the other gentlemen, who so kindly lent their entertainment a success. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.


Moss Pharmacy Library. - The Public Library at the Moss Pharmacy is increasing each week by the addition of new books. The latest in the Library are: My Friend Prospero by Henry Harland, (author of the the Cardinal's Snuff Box,) Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm by Kate Douglas Williams, Free Joe by Joel Chandler Harris, I Need the money by the author of John Henry. Those who have not taken advantage of this Library are missing lots of delightful reading at a nominal cost. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

Resigned Vice-Presidency. - Mr. Wm. Clegg has resigned the Vice-presidency and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Lafayette. He expects to leave shortly for Asheville, N. C., and will be absent several months.  Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

Excursion From New Orleans. - The order of Railway Conductors, Division 383, will run an excursion from New Orleans to Lafayette Sunday, April 24, 1904. Train will leave foot of Esplanade street at 7:30 a. m., stopping at all intermediate stations, and will arrive in Lafayette about noon. Baseball, races and other amusements will be provided for the entertainment of the visitors. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

Accepted a Position at Compress. - Mr. Baxter Clegg, who has been buying cotton in this parish for several years, and who for two years past has been with Gerac Bros'. Ginnery, has accepted a position as a purchaser of cotton for Lehman, Stern & Co., and for the next year will be found at their office at the compress in Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

Rice Belt Stock C0. - The Rice Belt Stock Co., which is showing in their canvass the theatre opposite the Moss  Pharmacy, gave their first performance Sunday night to a large audience. The shows Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights were good, and far above the average popular price shows. The bill for to-night will be the intensely interesting four-act society drama, "Comrades." The company will remain the rest of the week and present a new play each night.  Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.  



School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., April 14, 1904.

 At a regular meeting of the Parish School Board all the members were present: A. Olivier, President; Alex Delhomme, Sr., Jasper Spell, Dr. N. P. Moss, Dr. R. O. Young, Harrison Theall, A. C. Guilbeau, A. D. Verot, and S. J. Montgomery.

 Mr. Theall reported in behalf of the committee appointed to make recommendations as to the advisability of removing the Sellers school one mile and a half north of its present site. After due deliberation the Board decided to accept Mr. Savoy's proposition to lend a room to be hauled on the present site of the Sellers school by the citizens of the community. The Board decided further to continue the school on its present site and to furnish an assistant teacher as soon as the Savoy building shall have been hauled. The action of the Board is conditioned upon the fulfillment of the above obligations on the part of the community.

 Mr. Theall, Dr. Young, Mr. Delhomme, and Mr. Spell were appointed a committee to wait upon the Police Jury and request the immediate repair of the road leading to the Sellers school, because its present condition interferes with the attendance of the school children. The same committee was authorized to notify the Jury that in the future no school house could be used as polling places because it necessitated the close of school on election days.

 At the request of Dr. Stephens the Board adopted a resolution inviting the democratic nominee for Governor, Mr. Blanchard, the nominee for State Superintendent, Mr. Aswell, and all the senators and representatives of Southwest Louisiana to be present at the convocation of all the public schools to take place at the Industrial Institute on April 30, 1904, beginning at 9 a. m. and ending at 4 p. m.

 Dr. Stephens extended a cordial invitation to the members of the Board to be present at the athletic-oratorical contests to be held at the Industrial Institute on April 16. The Board voted its thanks for the courtesy extended by the Institute.

 On behalf of the Building Committee. Dr. Moss reported on the condition of the Carencro school. He stated that the school was in need of another room, and that it would probably need two additional rooms in the near future. He recommended that the Board take immediate steps to build at least one additional room if the funds permitted. Upon investigation the Board decided that it could not at present undertake to build additional school houses on account of the low ebb of the school fund and the desire of the Board to maintain the schools during a full session this year.

 Mr. J. Edmond Mouton appeared before the Board and requested that enough money be added to the fifty dollars raised by the Mouton community to enable the school to purchase patent desks. Incidentally Mr. Mouton stated that the school building at Mouton Switch is at present much too small for the increased attendance, and recommended that the Board take steps to relieve the congestion there as soon as possible. On motion of Mr. Guilbeau it was decided to furnish sufficient funds to purchase the desks.

 On motion of Mr. A. D. Verot the Board agreed to accept the Pilette Hall for the benefit of the school of the seventh ward on condition that all signatures of the stock holders be attached to the deed of donation.

 Mr. Alleman reported on the Atlanta Convention of the Department of Superintendence, where he had been sent as a delegate of the Parish School Board. He dwelt particularly on the impression made by State Superintendent Stetson of Maine and State Superintendent Joyner, of North Carolina, two of the most wide awake and practical school men of the whole country. These men have accomplished things in Maine and North Carolina. The remarks of State Superintendent Joyner were of special interest on account of the fact that nineteen out of every twenty of the North Carolina counties have voted a special school tax, and on account of the act that North Carolina is the leading southern state in the matter of consolidating weak inefficient country schools into strong central ones.

 The Building Committee reported that work would soon be begun on the Bertrand school house.

 Mr. Theall reported that the Theall school had been removed to a point about one mile west of the old site and that the building needed minor repairs. Mr. Alleman was authorized to attend to the repair of the Theall school.

 On motion duly seconded it was decided that in the future demand would be made upon the assessor for reimbursement of the loss entailed upon the School through erroneous and double poll tax assessments. In the past the Board has been compelled to refund a large number of double poll thus collected.

 The following accounts were approved:

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 The treasurer's report was read as follows:

 To the President and Members of School Board, Parish of Lafayette, receipts and disbursments of of the school funds since my last report:

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 Respectfully submitted,
                     J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
Lafayette, La., April 7, 1904.
      There being no further business the Board adjourned.
A. OLIVIER, President.
L. J. ALLEMAN, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

Police Jury Proceedings.
April 15th, 1904.

 The Police Jury held an adjourned meeting on Thursday, with all members present except J. O. Blanchet. Several claims for reimbursement of double and erroneous taxes having been presented, Assessor A. M. Martin and F. G. Mouton were appointed a committee to investigate and act.

 Upon suggestion of Dr. Stephens the Jury joined in extending an invitation to Judge Blanchard, Prof. J. B. Aswell and all senators and representatives from Southwest Louisiana to be present on school Convocation day, April 30.

 Judge Julian Mouton appeared and explained that he had moved his fence onto the public road to destroy a hedge. The explanation was satisfactory, and the Jury extended time for it to remain. President Billeaud stated that public roads could never be made good until the hedges were destroyed throughout the parish and that the Jury willingly would permit Judge Mouton to keep his fence in the road a sufficient time to thoroughly destroy the hedge. He wished others would follow Judge Mouton's example.

 The compromise offered by Judge O. C. Mouton for Dupre Landry in regard to drainage of the public road across his property was refused.

 A committee from the school asked the Jury to take immediate steps to repair the main public roads in the fourth ward, as the bad roads affected the attendance at the public schools. By motion of Mr. Mouton President Billeaud and P. R. Landry were appointed to investigate the complaint.

 President Billeaud here made an interesting report of his attendance at the Good Roads Convention in New Orleans.

 By motion of Mr. F. G. Mouton a special meeting of the Jury was called for April 23 at 9. a. m. for the purpose of discussing means and methods of improving the roads. All the parish and town officials and all citizens are cordially invited to attend and participate. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., April 4, 1904. - A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day with Mayor C. D. Caffery presiding. Members present: M. Rosenfield, J. O. Mouton, A. E. Mouton, H. L. Fontenot, G. A. DeBlanc, F. Demanade, D. V. Gardebled.

 Minutes of previous meeting were approved as read.

 Moved by G. A. DeBlanc, seconded by H. L. Fontenot, that exclusive privilege of erecting  a bill posting, distributing and card tacking agency be granted Dr. F. E. Girard & Co for the term of five years, for the sum of fifty dollars for the term. Motion carried.

 The following reports were adopted as read:

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 Respectfully submitted,
                    F. V. MOUTON, Treasurer.

 Collector's Report, March 16, 1904.

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 The collector has collected and turned into the treasury in taxes, licenses, water, light, material, etc. $3,370.00; his commission at 3 per cent is $101.10; for which Council should issue warrant to date.
    A. E. MOUTON.

 Moved and seconded, that the report of committee be approved and warrant be issued for commission of collector as reported by them.

 The chief of the fire department reported that 600 feet of hose recently ordered by Council was examined by him and found to be in good shape and according to specifications, and thereupon the following bills were approved:

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 Moved and seconded, that the secretary be allowed to have an assistant to be paid by him for whose action the secretary shall be responsible. Carried.

 Be it ordained, that the ordinance establishing fire limits in the town be amended taking out of said limits all that portion of McComb addition northeast of the railroad; also square in old corporation bounded north by Main street, east by Lafayette street; east by Madison street, west by Lafayette street; also square bounded north by Main street, east by Jefferson street, and west by Madison street.
    Lafayette, La., March 16, 1904. - To the Hon. Mayor and Members of Lafayette, La. - We, the undersigned members of the finance committee of the City Council, hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of Chas. Debaillon, tax collector for said town, up to March 16, 1904, inclusive of that day, and found the same true and correct.

 We found that said tax collector has turned over to the treasurer of the town all moneys by him collected during his tenure of said office; and we therefore recommend that the Council grant said Chas Debaillon a quietus accordingly and that his bond be cancelled.
     Members of Finance Committee.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/20/1904.

 Lafayette is to have a new business firm. S. Wyble and B. Bennett, of Opelousas, have leased the lower floor of the Century Club building, the lease to begin six months from May 1. They will conduct a general merchandise store. They expect to move here sooner if a desirable building can be secured and they can have possession of their leased building.

 A good came of ball is scheduled for next Sunday at the ball park whom Lafayette and New Iberia will cross bats. The New Iberians have a strong team, and the Lafayette boys have been doing some tall practicing, and will make it warm for the visitors.

 On Thursday and Friday, the 21st and 22nd days of April, there will be held at the Industrial Institute a regular examination of applicants for certificates to teach in the public schools of this parish. Questions will be given out promptly at 9 o'clock in the morning.

 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Judice went to New Orleans Saturday, to meet friends, and returned home Monday.

 A. Harris, the auctioneer who sells a lot a minute was in Lafayette yesterday.

 Isaac and Hyman Plonsky, of Washington, spent Sunday and Monday with friends and relatives here.

 Mrs Pauline Schmulen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kahn and Mr. M. Schwartz, all of Rayne, visited Mr. Gus. Schmulen and family Sunday.

 Mrs. Vic Levy and little daughter left yesterday for Hot Springs on a visit to her parents.

 Twenty arpents of oil land for sale in proven field at Anse la Butte. Apply to Broussard & Guilbeau.

 Wednesday James Ratcliffe sold to Mrs. E. Nichols his property on the corner of Lincoln avenue and Chestnut street, through the J. C. Nickerson Real Estate Agency, for $5,250.  Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1904. 

 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 20th, 1901:

The Rush to Buy Marsh Island.

 Sheriff Broussard. Lawrence Fabacher and Others Scoop in Valuable Lands.

 Telegraphic dispatches from Baton Rouge give the information that there is a lively scramble in the land office for the purchase of State lands. The recent oil discoveries have caused an unprecedented boom in real estate. So great has become the demand for land that the State has sold out all the public lands. Cheniere Lacroix, which is said to comprise 70,000 acres, was considered a most desirable tract and an interesting fight was soon inaugurated by a number or prospectors. From the press reports we learn that Sheriff Broussard and his friends captured the prize. The land purchased is said to embrace some 70,000 acres and is situated on Vermilion bay, near deep water. It is close to the salt mines and is believed to be within the oil belt. Aside from its mineral possibilities the tract is considered very valuable, especially for stock-raising. When The Gazette heard that there was a fight for the large tract it was sure that Sheriff Broussard would win out. His well known ability to come out on top in a scramble convinced us that he would get what he was after. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

Found Oil Ten Years Ago. - Israel Falk, a former resident of Lafayette, arrived from New Orleans yesterday. It will be remembered that about ten years ago Mr. Falk dug for oil on his land near the Southern Pacific yards, and, it is said, found a small quantity of the fluid. Owing to lack of money Mr. Falk was unable to make a thorough investigation and he was compelled to discontinue the work. Mr. Falk says that an oil expert will be here in a few days to investigate and if his investigations should prove favorable the necessary capital will be secured for immediate operation. The Gazette is informed by credible gentlemen of this town that oil in small quantities was found by Mr. Falk at the time mentioned. Mr. Falk has never doubted the existence of oil in his lot and he says that he is more confident than ever.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

Oil Meeting. - A meeting was held at the Century Club last Thursday to organize a local company for the purpose of searching for oil. Certain preliminaries were discussed and a number of committees were appointed and it was decided to hold a meeting to-day to effect an organization and adopt a charter. We learn that subsequently the original plan was abandoned and a new one adopted. The Gazette has not been able to secure for publication the names of the members of the new association, but believes that they are residents of the town and parish. Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

Routh's Big Luck.
 The oil fields near Beaumont have been a godsend to a number of poor people. Men who had to work hard to make a living have suddenly found themselves rich as cream. Clarence Routh, patrolman of the New Orleans police, is one of these lucky fellows. We are informed that Routh was a resident of Lafayette some years ago and kept a restaurant in Lincoln avenue. He left here and went to New Orleans and secured a position on the police force of that city. The Daily States tells of Routh's big luck in the following:

 "Patrolman Clarence Routh last night applied to the Board of Police Commissioners for and secured a sixty-day leave of absence. The officer is the possessor of more than 100 acres of oil land eight miles north of Beaumont, Tex., in the immediate vicinity of the great gushers, and is about to go into the oil business on a gigantic scale, although he has no intention of retiring from the New Orleans police force at present.

 "The saying that "there's a million in it" is severely impressed on Patrolman Routh's mind when it comes to a proposition of oil, for yesterday he was offered a munificent sum for his Texas holdings. He has had several offers for his oil lands, but yesterday's offer of a million and a half dollars and a big interest in a concern capitalized at $10,000,000 topped them all. The person making the offer was the representative of a New York syndicate."

 "Patrolman Routh's holdings in Texas are as large as any individual property holder in the vicinity of Beaumont, and he has refused several big offers for an interest in them. The last offer is by far the best he has yet received, and he will consider it seriously when he reaches the oil fields next week."

Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.


Continued Improvements - Bids Opened for Construction of First Dormitory.

 We are interested to learn that a large order has recently been placed for chairs and desks for the Industrial Institute. Each class-room is to be provided either with regular single school desks or with pad rest recitation chairs -- except those rooms to be used for special subjects, such as sewing, cooking, drawing and manual training, which are to be fitted with furniture appropriate to their several uses. The large auditorium is to be filled with more than six hundred handsome quartered-oak five-ply veneer opera chairs of the best quality. It is found by close estimate that this hall has a capacity of eight hundred and eighteen seats, besides ample space for aisles. The windows in the building are to be shaded with the latest improved venetian blinds, admitting the circulation of air, if desired, while at the same time excluding the light to whatever extent is suitable.

 As soon as this furniture is received and placed in the building, an opening celebration will be in order. Plans for such an occasion are already on foot, we understand, and will be announced in the course of another week. It might be appropriate to lay the corner-stone of the new Dormitory on the same day on which the main building receives this initiation of its career. The splendid success which attended the exercises of laying the corner-stone of the first building is assurance enough that the people of Lafayette, town and parish, as well as of Southwestern Louisiana, will unite in the movement to make this second occasion an even more memorable event in the history of their Industrial Institute.

 The Building Committee of the Board of Trustees, including Mr. James A. Lee, Prof. Brown Ayres, Capt. J. C. Buchanan and Hon. Robert Martin, will meet this afternoon at four o'clock in the president's office to receive and open bids for the contract to build the Girl's Dormitory. The plans and specifications for this building have been prepared by Favrot & Livaudais, architects, and will be described and exhibited at an early date.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.


Joaquin Miller's Lecture.
 It is a pity that more people did not hear Joaquin Miller last Tuesday. It is passing strange that only a very small portion of this community thought it worth while to go out to listen to the Californian's great lecture, for a great lecture it unquestionably was. He spoke two hours. He could have spoken six hours without tiring the audience. The description of his travels in Japan and China was not only interesting but it was instructive as well. Always, fair, never profuse in his praise, Joaquin Miller painted a splendid picture of the Orient. In an hour's time, he said more interesting things about the Chinese and Japanese than one is likely to find in the course of a month's reading. But it was in his story of the Klondike that this gifted poet of the Sierras found a fruitful field for his poetic genius. His description of the battle of Tien-sin, or rather of the valorous part played by the Japanese soldiery, was fine, but it was like painting the rose to praise his description of the "land of everlasting ice." The audience felt as if it was suddenly transported to the Klondike. It was cold, frigidly cold. Some of the ladies pulled their capes over their pretty shoulders and the men buttoned their coats. But the ice soon melted away under the burning eloquence of the speaker and the audience realized that it had been under a sort of hypnotic influence. The lecture was distinctly original. It was all the work of Joaquin Miller's brain. There was nothing borrowed in it. From beginning to end it was good -- very good. Financially the lecture was a humiliating failure, but as an intellectual treat it was a huge success.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

The Summer Schools. - A special meeting of the School Board will be held to-day. The object of the meeting is to consider the advisability of running certain schools during the summer. At its last meeting the Board had decided to close all the schools, but we understand that some members of the Board are in favor of continuing several schools during the summer months. Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.


Real Estate Transfers.
 The following real estate transfers were recorded in the clerk's office during the past week:

 Dominique Arceneaux to Simeon Begnaud, one lot in Lafayette, $360.

 Dominique Arceneaux to Lucien Arceneaux, one lot in Lafayette, $200.

 Mrs. Anastasie Guchereaux to Edgar Guilbeau, 40 acres of woodland in sixth ward, $375.

 A. D. Verrot to Ovey F. Comeaux, 100 arpents in fourth ward, $350.

 Dupleix & Roy to Louis Mouton, 25 arpents in fourth ward, $350.

 Dupleix & Roy to Alphonse Gilbert, 50 arpents in fourth ward, $700.

 Dupleix & Roy to Alexis Gilbert, 125 arpents in fourth ward, $609.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

A Relic of Napoleon.

 Mr. Felix Demanade has in his possession a very old relic. It was found by an old negro who was plowing in his field near Vermilion river. It is a medal of a very durable metal, as shown by the inscriptions which are yet clearly marked and easily read with the naked eye. On one side is a splendid bust picture of Napoleon. On the other side an excellent reproduction of a statue - representing what, we are not able to say. The following inscriptions would indicate that the medal was issued in honor of the great Corsican. possibly by authority of the French government in commemoration of his victorious campaigns:

 "Buonaparte, General en Chef de l'Ar,ee d'Italie;" "A Buonaparte l'Italique, le 26 Vre., l'An VI;" "Il ne combattit que pour la paix et les droits de l'homme."

 The date engraved on the medal was according to the calendar of the republic which was then used in France. The picture and lettering on the medal show workmanship of a high order. Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.  

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/20/1901.

 On Saturday and Sunday, May 10 and 11, there will be a number of interesting races on the Carencro track. For information concerning terms or any other particulars write to Chas. A. Miller or C. F. Latiolais, Carencro, La.

 On last Sunday night, in Farmers Alliance Hall, Broussard, the young folk of the town gave a "leap year dance." Quite a number of persons of Lafayette attended and enjoyed the evening.

 The ball at Falk's hall last Saturday night, given by the Broussard Brass Band for their benefit, was not largely attended.

 Judge Don Foster, Congressman Broussard, Mr. Walter J. Burke and Judge Babin, of New Iberia, were in Lafayette yesterday. It is said they were prospecting for oil lands.

 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lafayette Building Association held April 18, Mr. B. J. Pellerin was elected secretary Mr. D. Schwartz having resigned.

 Mr. T. R. Simmons, former teacher in the public schools of this town, stopped over a day in Lafayette on his way to New Orleans. Mr. Simmons is interested in the manufacture of sugar near Guaymos, Mexico.

 Charles H. Treat, representing the Beaumont and Pacific Slope Oil Company, is in Lafayette in the interests of that company.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 20th, 1901:


 Governor Heard has sent out a call for the Good Roads Convention to be held in New Orleans at Odd Fellows Hall, April 29th., noon. The presidents of the various police juries all over the state are requested to appoint three delegates to the convention. The governor is anxious to arouse the people of this state to the importance and necessity of sending delegates to this convention at which time "the good roads: train of the Illinois Central will have reached the city and an opportunity will be given of seeing how excellent highways can construed of a minimum of cost.

 Hon. M. Billeaud, Jr., President of the Police Jury has appointed Hons. C. C. Brown and F. G. Mouton delegates to this convention. President Billeaud will also attend as he is a delegate ex-officio. We are gratified that Lafayette will be represented by such progressive citizens, who will prove convention, and who no doubt will profit by these experiments conducted on scientific principles. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1901.

 Century Club.

 There will be a "Billiard Tournament: at the Century Club next Tuesday and Wednesday nights, the 23rd and 24th., commencing at 8 o'clock sharp.

 A prize will be given to the winner of the Tournament and a handsome prize will be presented to the lady who guesses the greatest number of winners during the tournament. Each lady attending the first night's play and who arrives before the completion of the first game is entitled to a guess.

 Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1901.

School Terms.
 In some parishes of Louisiana the school-term is less than five months. What a neglect and misfortune it is that these people do not vote a tax in these parishes to enable them to extend the term of school. Every district or parish in the state has the legal right on its own motion to vote the money, yet they continue to act as if the responsibility and obligation did not rest with them. The State does well by the children, but  many of the parishes do not supplement the state aid and short school terms result. This is not as it should be and means an injustice to the rising generation from those who are in a position to help them in their helpless condition. The law permits and encourages taxation for schools for the children, hence the responsibility rests with the taxpayers of every community. They are free to meet this responsibility which they are under to the children, or to willfully neglect this means of promoting the development and happiness of their respective communities.

 The parish superintendent should widen his sphere of usefulness and present these facts and conditions to his school board, and the patrons of the schools, to the end of arousing the people to a realization of their duty to provide the proper school facilities and deserved educational advantages for the children. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/20/1901.
 There will be a communion service at the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath at 11 a. m., and also services at 7:40 p. m. All the members are expected to attend the services and all others are cordially invited. W. J. Sechrest, Pastor.

 Israel Falk formerly of this place now of New Orleans is in town. Mr. Falk was the first man to find oil in our vicinity and ten or twelve years ago when he left refused to sell his town lot, where he expects to find an oil river. Many persons are anxiously awaiting to hear Mr. Falk's intentions in regards to the lot and all hope that he may "strike it rich."

 Miss Lea Gladu entertained last Sunday evening in honor of the charming Miss Viola Villermin of New Iberia. Those present were, Misses Villermin, Trahan, Campbell, L. and M. Bailey. Messrs. L. Villermin of Iberia, Geo, Otis of New Orleans, Jerome Mouton, Emmick Courtney Harry Lesslie, L. G. and L. Gladu.

 One brown mare estrayed. Brand can be seen at Advertiser Office. Owner can claim same by paying costs.

 The criminal term of the district court convened at Crowley last Tuesday with Judge Debaillon presiding and District Attorney Campbell in attendance.

 Miss Nita Duperior of Iberia was a guest at the Boudreaux House last week.

 Mr. J. C. Nickerson visited Scott this on Real Estate business.

 Owing to the increase of work at my Blacksmith Shop, I have engaged the services of Mr. John Hopkins. Jos. Dauriac. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 20th 1895:


 This week THE ADVERTISER is issued under a new management, the undersigned having purchased the plant, business, and good-will of The Lafayette Publishing Co. The new proprietors being experienced newspaper men the venture is not uncertain one with the part thirty years history of the paper to back us. It will be our one aim to make THE ADVERTISER the representative paper of the people of Lafayette parish and we will be ready at all times to defend their interests.

 In politics THE ADVERTISER will be as in the past, democratic, and while it will be our intention to give more of our time and space to local news and the upbuilding of the town and parish, democracy shall receive due attention.

 We shall endeavor to give the people a good, clean, wholesome newspaper and hope by our untiring efforts to merit a continuance of the patronage of a liberal public.
                    Yours truly,
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

 The first ball of the season will be given at Falk's Opera House to-night by the Pelican Brass Band. This promises to be a most enjoyable affair and nothing will be left undone to make it a grand success.

 A good band is one of the things which go to make a live town, and the fact that there is but little money to be made by a brass band in a town the size of Lafayette, should cause our citizens to encourage their efforts. We want a band and it takes money to buy music and keep them going, therefore turn out and pass a pleasant evening. You will not miss the small amount expended and it will add to the band's profits.

 Everybody is cordially invited and the admission fee has been placed at the small sum of 50 cents for gentlemen. Ladies free. Refreshments will be served. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

Three New Councilman.
 On the 15th, instant the following change occurred in the personnel of the town council of Lafayette, by appointment by Governor Foster; Leo Doucet, vice A. T. Caillouet, resigned; J. O. LebBlanc, vice Henry Church, resigned; T. M. Biossat, vice F. Demanade resigned.

 The late decision of the State Supreme Court ruled out as residents of the old corporation, the gentlemen who tendered their resignations as members of the council, making the step they have taken seem proper and necessary to avert possible complications in municipal affairs that might arise before another election would be held. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

A Lively Time.
 Quite a commotion was caused at the Southern Pacific depot Tuesday night by a fist fight between three of the town boys and about the same number of railroad men. It seems as though the trouble was the outcome of the actions of the clerk the night before in performing his duties as night clerk. One of these town boys came into the passenger waiting room Monday night, almost senseless from excessive use of strong drink, and began a disturbance. The clerk attempted to gently eject him from the the place, but he resisted and insulted the clerk, who then struck him and drove him out of the room. The following night about 8:30 o'clock this same men returned to the depot with two of his companions to renew the trouble. The man who was drunk the night before first addressed in very insulting terms and then struck him. This the young man would not stand and he bravely started in to give them the "best he had in him." Pistols were drawn, but not used, and after a few knock-downs the fight was stopped and the matter is to be finally settled by Justice McFaddin. Several railroad men who were near assisted the clerk. It is quite right that the waiting room should be kept clean of drunken men and we are glad to see the night agent so prompt to attend to his duties. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

Unfortunate Event.
 Two Lafayette youths, Willie Elmer and Gaston Herpeche, employed at the Delahoussaye bakery met with an exciting experience last Tuesday morning from which they emerged a little the worse for wear and tear. Whilst out on their round of delivery the horse drawing the cart in which they were seated, took matters into his own hands and caused a promiscuous spilling of boys and bread, both of the boys being run over by the cart as well as kicked by the animal, in the melee that ensued. Elmer's injuries were very slight but Herpeche was less fortunate, having been knocked senseless and remaining in this condition for over a quarter of an hour. He was picked up and carried to the nearest house, that of Judge Parkerson's, and restoratives were applied by Dr. Martin. On examination it was found that the horse's hooves had truck Herpeche's body in several places, including the face. Boys are tough, though, and it was not very long before Herpeche and Elmer were able to attend to duties, again. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

 District Court.
 The following are the cases disposed of this week:

 Martin Bagley, murder case, continued.

 Duthulic Ancelet, carrying concealed weapon, pleaded guilty.

 Bob Rogers, burglary and larceny, pleaded guilty.

 Hypolite Davis, assault with a dangerous weapon, convicted.

 Cornelius Buchanan, carrying concealed weapon, pleaded guilty.

 James Hamilton, larceny, pleaded guilty.

 Ben Young, burglary and larceny, convicted.

 Andrew Gary, shooting with intent to murder, convicted.

 Jas. Green, Frank Green and P. Lewis, larceny, convicted.

 Albert Broussard, burglary, case continued. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

The Report of the Grand Jury.

 To the Hon. A. C. Allen, Judge of the 17th, Jud. District Court.

 Your Grand Jury duly empaneled in and for the parish of Lafayette having performed the duties incumbent upon us beg leave to submit the following as a report of our investigations.

 We have presented to your honorable Court indictments against sixteen persons for various offenses and our investigations further required us to release five individuals from custody on account of insufficiency of evidence.

 Our examination of the jail was thorough and we recommend that the ceilings of said building be painted anew as well as the cage in which the prisoners are incarcerated, we also recommend that the walls be whitewashed and the outside cornice painted. The water tank is in bad condition and should be renewed and pipe connections from tank to cells are broken and in need of repairs.

 The inmates of the jail told us that they were well cared for and their condition was found to be good.

 The Court House of the parish could be made more attractive as a public building by the application of one good coat of paint which would not only enhance the appearance of the building but would preserve it as well.

 The Clerk's office was found in good condition. The books and documents easily accessible and systematically kept. We recommend that the outside ornaments of this office be given a new coat of paint.

 The Sheriff's office was visited and investigation of his books made. He presented his quietus for all settlements made on taxes up to date and he produced vouchers and receipts which tally with treasurer's report.

 The report of the treasurer and our investigation show a balance of two thousand and eight hundred and fifty-one dollars and fifty cents in the treasure.

 We made inquiries in reference to the condition of the public roads of our parish and find that generally they are in good traveling condition.

 The public schools of the parish, we are glad to say, through the zealous efforts of the parish Superintendent and School Board are in a prosperous condition, there being an attendance of over twelve hundred pupils with prospects of a ten months scholastic term. We here with annex a report of the Superintendent of public education for this and make the same a part of our report. We report that both the High School building and the 3d ward public school of town of Lafayette whilst offering ample accomodation for pupils attending same are at the same time an ornament to the city showing what united efforts can affect in execution of good.

 As our investigations have failed to establish any case in the wholesome destruction of fish, we hereby invite our good people to abstain from seining and using all kinds of nets contrary to the laws of our land.

 Thanks are tendered to the officers of Court for their courtesy in general and that specially to our District Attorney, M. T. Gordy, Jr., for kind attentions and services rendered.

 Having now performed all the duties in reference to all matters given us in charge by your Honor's able and exhaustive instructions we respectfully ask to be temporarily dismissed.
                 J. G. St. Julien,
        Foreman of Grand Jury.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

Hopkins Licensed Pharmacist.
Communication was received here yesterday from Galveston, Texas, stating that Mr. Thos. B. Hopkins, Jr., son of Dr. Hopkins, of this place, had passed a splendid examination before the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, and has procured a certificate that allows him to act as a full fledged druggist anywhere in the state. Of a class of 26 Mr. Hopkins was one of six that passed. Good Tom !  Keep on in your honorable profession. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

City Council Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., April 18th, 1895.

 At a special meeting this day the following members were present, to-wit: Wm. Campbell, Mayor; A. M. Martin, John O. Mouton and T. M. Biossat, J. O. Leblanc and Leo Doucet, vice A. F. Caillouet, Henry Church and Felix Demanade.

 On motion of A. M. Martin, the name of J. E. Martin and F. G. Mouton were presented, and T. M. Biossat presented the name of Baxter Clegg, and said motion being duly seconded, J. E. Martin, F. G. Mouton and Baxter Clegg were appointed as commissioners for the election to be held on the 6th day of May A. D. 1895 for the election of a Mayor and seven Councilmen for the Town of Lafayette, La.

 On motion the meeting adjourned to next regular meeting.
A. NEVUE, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

Lafayette, La. April 18th, 1895.

 In accordance with amendment Five (V) of the Charter of the Town of Lafayette, La., I, the undersigned authority, do hereby give public notice that there will be held an election in the town of Lafayette, La., at the Court House, on Monday the 6th day of May, A. D. 1895, for the purpose of electing one Mayor and Seven Councilmen to serve for two years, ending May 1897.

 The polls will be opened at six a. m. and closed at seven p. m. and the election held in accordance with existing state laws.

 The following persons have been appointed commissioners to hold said election to-wit:  J. E. Martin, F. G. Mouton and Baxter Clegg.
W. B. BAILEY, Clerk of Court.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

Improvements at Falk's.
 Our thrifty merchant, Mr. B. Falk, has made quite a nice improvement in the front part of his dry goods store recently in having a large show bay-window added to the building. As we passed by a few nights ago our attention was called to this spot by the very fine display of laces, fine embroideries and the artistic arrangement of a good line of children's shoes and dress goods; decorated by Mr. Ed. Schmulen. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/20/1895.

 The street sprinkler was started Wednesday on Lincoln Avenue, allaying the dust and making life bearable.

 Easter Sunday was observed at the Catholic church in Lafayette with much grandeur. The choir rendered Mercadante mass with great perfection. After the ceremony the Pelican Brass Band went to the parsonage and honored Rev. Father Forge with a few choice selections.

 Fred Mouton has gone to New Orleans for a few days this week.

 C. P. Moss, of New Iberia, visited relatives in our town the 16th inst.

 August Erath, of New Iberia, was in Lafayette, Tuesday, looking after business interests.

 This is the season of the flowers and long-legged water snipe. Mr. W. S. Torian and niece were out shooting snipe last Wednesday. He reports having killed a large number of them.

 A few gallons of new Irish potatoes were brought to town this week by Mrs. E. M. Boydstud. They were the first in market this season and brought the handsome price of 30 cents per gallon.

 The New Orleans Brewing Association, whose branch depot here is represented by Mr. J. Rene Bonnet, has just constructed a very large refrigerator near the depot, at a cost of $350.

 Mr. J. G. Broussard, formerly the local agent of the Waters Pierce Oil Co. here, made a flying trip to Lafayette from New Iberia, last Monday, for old times' sake. His friends were glad to see him.

 Mr. LeDanois has been prospecting for natural gas at Anse la Butte the past two weeks. The workmen have succeeded in getting the hole only about twenty-five feet deep on account of striking very hard rock.

 We regret to state that Mr. Prudhomme has been unable to be at his post in the round-house several days this week, suffering intensely from a rising underneath his right arm. He is entirely without the use of that member.

 The French consul. d'Anglade, of New Orleans, Mr. LeBreton, Director of the Escompte of Paris, Mr. J. Vergnole and Dr. Touatre, of New Orleans, will be in Lafayette to-day, and during their stay will be the guests of Rev. E. Forge.

 Sam Johnson, the negro who has been making himself a whole show by drinking two gallons of water and then dejecting the same, seems to be running in good luck. Dr. C. E. Roussey, D. V. S. T. D., has taken him in charge and will put him in a museum in Chicago this summer. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1895.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 20th, 1895:


 That the ticket nominated by the mass meeting last Thursday night is a good one no fair and unprejudiced voter will deny. There may be some gentlemen on it that some Democrats may not like, but such results are inevitable in the formation of a ticket. The wisest men on earth could not select a ticket that would suit everybody, therefore all objections arising from personal dislikes should be overcome in a spirit of fairness.

 All who claim allegiance to the Democratic party should bear in mind that the ticket was nominated by the Democratic party of the town of Lafayette and for that reason, it for none other, every Democrat should support it.

 Men who participate in a nominating convention are honor-bound to vote for the persons chosen by that convention. This is an established principle of all political parties. It has been recognized by the leaders of the Democratic party since its incipiency. None but a turncoat or unprincipled person will vote against men chosen by a mass meeting or convention in which he participated.

 The Gazette again expresses the belief that the ticket selected is a good one, composed of business men, possessing, in an eminent degree, the necessary qualifications to fulfill the duties of the offices for which they have been nominated. No town can prosper without the beneficent influences of a wise and intelligent administration of its municipal affairs.

 From an economic and judicious expenditure of public moneys much good always accrues. Look at the towns which are forging ahead and you will see that one of the main causes of their prosperity lies in the fact that competent heads run their municipal governments. The election of good men to the offices of Mayor and councilmen is of the greatest importance to the people of the town and nothing should be left undone to accomplish that end.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

New Councilmen. - The governor has appointed T. M. Biossat, J. O. LeBlanc and Leo Doucet councilmen for this town vice F. Demanade, A. T. Caillouet, Henry Church, resigned. The appointees, like the outgoing councilmen, are good men and their appointments will meet with popular approval.   Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

 Commissioners Appointed. - The City Council met Thursday evening for the purpose of appointing commissioners for the municipal election which take place on Monday, May 5. The following members were present: Mayor Campbell, Jno. O. Mouton, J. O. Leblanc, T. M. Biossat and Leo Doucet. On motion of Mr. Martin, F. G. Mouton, J. E. Martin and Baxter Clegg were appointed commissioners of election. There being no further business the council adjourned.  Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

 There died in Lafayette last week a man whose death has brought sorrow to many hearts. No one know Louis Mouton and did not like him. His nature was such that to know him was to love him. Perhaps no man ever enjoyed a larger share of public esteem and was more universally accepted. The writer of this imperfect tribute to his memory prized as a rich privilege an intimate acquaintance with this good man, and was in a position to admire his big heart. Honest, brave and charitable to a fault, he was the true Christian, always ready to do good and never willing to do a willful wrong to a fellow-being. Though he live 64 years his splendid existence has not been marred by a single unkind act. In prosperity when fortune smiled upon him he was the ever cheerful friend of the needy, for no one can truthfully say that he ever denied assistance to those who were in need of it. In less prosperous days, he bore his financial reverses with the fortitude of a true Christian and never complained of his lot which might have made unhappy a less courageous soul. It may well be said of him that his life was spent in doing good either by word or deed. To speak ill of his fellows was not his failing, for words which fell from his lips were calculated to heal wounds and not to sting.

 As a citizen of the State, Louis Mouton was true to his duties; as a member of his church he was sincere; as a husband and father he was kind and lovable; as a friend he was true as steel; as a soldier he was in the front rank, having joined Company K>, 2d La. Regiment, serving with unswerving devotion until the cessation of hostilities, when he returned to his home in this parish and engaged in planting, several years later moving to this town where he lived until his death. Before dying he made peace with his Maker and awaited the end with the same spirit of submission to the will of Providence which was one of his strong characteristics. He died as he lived, surrounded by those he love best - his wife and children.

 His funeral which took place Friday at the Catholic church was very largely attended showing in what high esteem he was held by the people among whom he lived and died. Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

The Bagley Case. - The case of Martin Bagley, accused of murder, was called up for trial last Thursday morning. Bagley was in court and his attorneys Judge Clegg, Messrs. Southorn and Chargois were present. Owing to the unavoidable absence of two material witnesses for the State, District Attorney Gordy moved to postpone the case to next Saturday or Thursday. In opposition to this motion Judge Clegg state that he and and Mr. Southorn would not be able to be here on either of those days and asked that the case be continued. A continuance was then granted and the witnesses in the case were discharged until further notice. A number of people from Vermilion had come for this trial.   Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

Murder and Suicide. - A special from Morgan City to the New Orleans papers tells of a most horrible double-murder. A woman named Mamitte Francisco was shot and killed by Adolph Scheurick, who committed suicide immediately after shooting the woman. Mamitte Francisco was once an inmate of a notorious house in Lafayette. Sheurick was a married man and the father of four children.   Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/20/1895.

 Mrs. T. M. Biossat left Wednesday for Alexandria, where she will visit her old home.

 The Excursion to Lake Charles will leave the depot to-morrow at 9:07. One dollar for the round trip.

 Sheriff LeBlanc, Dr. Abshire, Geo. Lyons and Simonet LeBlanc of Abbeville, were among those who came down for the Bagley trial.

 W. Bernard, the barber, has opened a shop in Domengeaux's building near the depot and solicits the patronage of the people.

 Mrs. E. Henningson, of Washington was in Lafayette this week with a view of locating permanently here. Mrs. Henningson has a son, John Henningson, living in Lafayette and we hope that she will also become a resident of out town.

 R. B. Martin requests The Gazette to state that he will keep the registration office at the court-house opened every day from the 22nd instant until the day of the municipal election.

 W. K. Tubbs, of Dayton, Md., came to Lafayette last week in company with his relative, Geo. M. Gouldsby. We understand that Mr. Tubbs will locate here permenently should he find congenial employment.

 Geo. M. Gouldsby, of Argenta, Ill, has purchased an interest in the Lafayette Advertiser and is now connected with that publication. Mr. Gouldsby has moved to our town with his family having rented one of Mr. Roy's neat cottages. We welcome them to our town and trust that their Southern home will prove both pleasant and profitable.

 All the matter appearing in The Gazette under the above heading is under the direction of the ladies of that organization. We make this statement to inform our readers that they must not hold us to a rigid accountability for everything that the good ladies may say about temperance and prohibition. The ladies of this noble organization are doing much good, and we are pleased top be able to place a limited amount of our space at their disposal. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1895.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 20th, 1899:


 Died at his residence in the town of Lafayette, La., on Monday, the 15th day of April, 1889, at 4:20 o'clock, p. m., MICHEL ELOI GIRARD, Born at Baignes, France, September 4th, 1828, aged 60 years, 7 months and 11 days.

 His mother is a native of this parish and is still living in France at the old homestead of her deceases husband. He came to this parish when 18 months old. He attended school at Grand Coteau three years. At the age of 10 years he returned to France, remaining until he was 18 years of age, at which time he graduated in the Royal College of Angouleme. He returned to this parish and entered the law office of Basic C. Crow. From here he mastered law and the language together. He was admitted to the bar at Opelousas and entered a law partnership with Mr. Crow, and afterward married Mr. Crow's youngest daughter, Miss Maxine, who survives the deceased.

 He was a zealous and earnest Free-Mason, and the activity and value of his Masonic life and services is shown best by the statement of some of the chief official stations he has filled:

 He was made a Mason at Franklin, La., in July, 1855. In 1856 he was appointed Senior Warden of Hope Lodge, at this place, and in the year following was its Worshipful Master, and was continuously re-elected to the office to 1868; and was again Master from 1869 to 1873 inclusive, and again at various times. Was High Priest of Gordy Chapter, at Opelousas, in 1868 and 1869. Organized Hope Chapter at this place in 1870, and was High Priest till his death - nineteen years. Was eminent Commander of Girard Commandery for six consecutive years. Was created a life member of Orleans Commandery by resolution. Was Senior Warden and Deputy Grand Commander; was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter in 1871 and 1872; was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in 1873 and 1874. Held various offices in other Masonic Grand Bodies. Was Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Law and Jurisprudence of the Grand Lodge from 1867 to 1887. Was Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Work in the same body from 1876 till his death. On June 12th, 1879, he reached the highest rank of Masonry, that of A. M. S. C. 33 ° S. J. U. S. A.

 His opinions and his counsel were sought and respected by his brethren everywhere, and his knowledge was exact and his decisions prompt and clear. Throughout his Masonic career he was as modest as he was learned, and was characterized by the same dislike of mere display, the same love of justice and truth, the same persistency of purpose and force of will, coupled with the same gentleness of manner, that he illustrated in his other dealings with men.

 He was a successful advocate, combining with his wide knowledge of the civil law a patient earnestness and pertinacity. His skill is evidenced by the rarity of finding his name in the report of the many cases he conducted before the Supreme Court of the State associated with the losing side of the cause. For many years he declined all retainers that would take him outside of his own parish for the trial of a cause in the courts of first instance. The perfect confidence of his clients was the tribute to his faithfulness as a counselor. He rarely sought political preferment. He was District Attorney for four years. He was chosen presidential elector in 1884, voting for Cleveland. Twice (in the Convention of 1861 and the Constitutional Convention of 1879) he was called to the service of the State when the best talent in it was needed. Here, too, his retiring disposition prevented him from making a pretense of mere show; but those who served with him all testify to his faithfulness to duty, to the value of his wisdom, and to the effective usefulness of his services.

 His patriotism was not of frothy kind. He brought the service of the State the same courageous endeavor, the same high moral purpose, the same patient, quiet earnestness and modest unselfishness that characterized him in the performance of other duties of life.

 As a friend he was frank, loyal; exhibiting here in the highest degree patience with faults and a generous, but truthful, tenderness to errors. No friend, whatever the nature of trouble, whether of material or social, whether of mind or body, who sought the aid of Mr. Girard ever went away unsatisfied if money, or pains, or advice, or counsel, or sympathy, could help.

 His life in his family was beautiful. Indeed, he seemed jealous of any influence or call that might take him away from the sweet influences of home for a moment. One has said that as a friend and father of a family Mr. Girard's character was flower-like - it was tinted with the sweetest, rarest of graces, and redolent with the perfumes of the loveliest virtues.

 One meeting Mr. Girard casually could have but little knowledge of his real character. To some he might appear light and given to jest;  but those who knew him well, who were admitted to intimacy with him, felt his noble seriousness and yielded to the influences of rare judgement. His manners, though always gentle, though he was ever considerate of others, were widely different when meeting mere acquaintances and when dealing with friends.

 With the former he might chat and smile and continually jest;  towards the latter he was equally playful, but just underneath the playful manner one plainly saw and loved and trusted the purity and justness of the friend. It was this that compelled him to share with others so much of their burdens of life-sorrows. It was this that so often filled his ears with the stories of others' griefs and wrongs.

 This paradoxical statement will recommend itself only to those who knew him best, and who have profited by his views of life and duty.

 It is difficult to write about him as it should be done. As time passes the space he left unfulfilled will be even more sorrowful appreciated, and what might now seem words of fulsome eulogy will come to be recognized as inadequate wholly to express the true character of the grand man and the inexpressible loss in his death.

 Deceased leaves surviving him four children: Dr. P. M. Girard, Esq., and Felix Girard, the youngest, 19 years of age.

 His funeral Tuesday was conducted by the Masonic fraternity with the beautiful and impressive ceremonies of their ritual, the Rev. Herman C. Duncan, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge, and Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Louisiana, officiating. Representatives from Lodges at New Iberia, Opelousas, Abbeville, and other points, were in attendance. The funeral cortege was the largest ever seen in Lafayette, attesting the universal regard and high esteem in which he was held by the people of this and adjoining parishes. 

Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1899.

Death of Ida Butcher.
Died, IDA BUTCHER, eldest daughter of William G. Butcher and Berthe Mouton, aged 18 years.
 How deceitful is this life, and how fleeting its consolations! They are yours for a moment, and another moment bears them away; yet they say to die young is a gift of God, that he bears His loved ones away to a blessed eternity in which all our days will end.

 Oh! IDA, your loving parents and affectionate friends drop bitter tears for you; we know you are in heaven crowned with lilies, in the enjoyment of ineffable delights; and we would like to dry the tears of your papa and mama, but it is not possible. May God send consolation into their souls! The wound is terrible, but is not the hand of the Counselor all powerful to heal? God knows the value of a mother's tears. So He will not refuse to send of a feint voice from the shade of your dark tomb to say, "Be consoled, dear ones, until our meeting in heaven; courage and confidence! A few more years and we shall never more be parted."
                              (Signed)  A. FRIEND.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1899.

Good Soaking Rain.

We had a glorious rain last Saturday, just at the right time and about the right quantity. Its beneficent effects can be seen on every feature of nature. We have never seen the country look more inviting and refreshing, nor the crop prospects brighter, than just at this present time. Our farmers are using more improved agricultural implements and are displaying more energy in farming operations this year than usual. All of which will be seen and appreciated in an increased production, when the returns from the harvest come in. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1889.

Perfect Strawberries.
 During the week we saw a cluster of magnificent strawberries, raised by Maj. Sosthene Mouton on his place just across Bayou Vermilion. The perfect and even development of these berries proved that our soil and climate is peculiarly adapted for the culture of strawberries. It is to be regretted that so few citizens take an interest in this delicious and healthful fruit. It is a rare instance to find them for sale in our market. It requires but a small outlay of money and labor to start a bed, and then you have a luxury, enduring for years, which adds much to the attractions and pleasure of your home. Besides, a ready purchaser can always be found for your surplus. We will guarantee that if you will try the experiment of cultivating a patch you will never regret it. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1889.

 Falk's Opera House, Saturday and Sunday nights, April 20th and 21st, the Kennard, Brandon & Kennard Novelty Combination will commence a two nights engagement as above. The Company comprises some of the most expert performers on the Vaudeville stage, notably Mr. Harry Brandon, the aerial performer on the flying rings, and the Kennard Bros. in their Novelty entitled the "Trunk Mystery." The entertainment throughout is perfectly chased, and is patronized by the best people everywhere. Prof. Frederick, the well-known Pianist, is also with the company. They are playing at popular prices, viz: 35 and 50 cents, and reserved seats can be secured for Saturday night without extra charge. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1889.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 20th, 1878:

[From the Franklin Enterprise.]

 It is still reported that the railroad will soon be completed between this place and Morgan City. The news is too good to be true, yet we cannot refrain from pleas and hopes whenever it is mentioned. It does seem hard that the railroad bed which has been thrown up between Berwick Bay and Opelousas, and which has been there for the last twenty years, should remain there forever, while its completion would result in untold good to this section of country. If Mr. Morgan will not finish that road to Texas, is is to be hoped that circumstances will force the control out of his power. Let us have a railroad. From the Franklin Enterprise and in the Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.

Accused Lynchers Turn Selves In.
Some five or six persons, accused of being implicated in the hanging of a colored man some time ago, near Royville, surrendered themselves to Sheriff Eastin last Thursday and were taken before Judge Mouton. Considering that the affidavit made against them was from information received and their voluntary surrender, the Judge fixed the bond at five hundred and five dollars to be furnished by each, for their appearance next Thursday to undergo a preliminary examination. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.

Game Law. - The game law now in force provides that no person shall catch, kill or pursue with such intent, deer from February 1st to August 1st; quail, partridge, or pheasant from April 1st to September 15th; whippoorwill, sparrow, finch, oriole, bluebird, swallow, nighthawk or blackbird, except the same shall be destructive to the fruit or grain crop. Nest or eggs of all wild birds except those of a predatory nature shall not be robbed or destroyed. The penalty shall not exceed twenty-five dollars for each offense and should be strictly enforced.   Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.

Sunday in Abbeville.
[From the Abbeville Meridional.]

 A new era has dawned on Vermilion parish. The first Sunday ever known has been experienced in Abbeville, and it was a source of no little wonder to many. - The Police Jury of the parish wisely passed an ordinance requiring all stores and drinking houses to close doors on Sunday. Sunday came at last - the first of the kind ever seen in old Vermilion, - when all the stores and businesses houses remained closed. A solemn quiet rested over the place, as though an earthquake had smitten the town. The country people, as usual, came into town with their butter and eggs, intent on barter, but, behold, no friendly door was open to invite to trade. What was the matter ?  Was the plague in town, or had some terrible calamity happened ?  In the midst of this astonishment the church bells rang out their peals calling the people to prayer. - The old ladies put their produce back into their carriages and hastened to church. One indignant traitor tried to get up and indignation meeting over the ordinance of the Police Jury; but the people did not "Indignate" worth a cent. When church was over, people left home sober, and by 2 o'clock the streets were deserted, and as silent as midnight. - Thus passed the first Sunday in Abbeville. The adoption of the Sunday in Abbeville. The adoption of the Sunday law will be a great moral benefit to the town, and when once become familiar, will be liked by all, no doubt. Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1878.     




Following is the promulgation issued by Archbishop Janssens:

 On Easter, April 21st, the collection at all the masses will be taken up for the seminariaus of the diocese. We have had the misfortune of losing by death four priests since coming among you -- Rev. Fathers Kelly, Juhel, Le Saicherre and Raymond;  a great loss in itself, and (unreadable word) still considering the needs of the diocese. We have received four priests to replace the deceased ones. We have also eleven students, five of which are studying theology. During the summer, Deo volente, we intend going to Europe to  obtain, if possible, priest to provide for the spiritual wants of the dioces. We urgently request all pastors to expose earnestly to their congregations the nature of this collection on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

 On Tuesday, April 30th, the country will celebrate the centennial of the inauguration of Washington as first President of the United States. We have many reasons to feel grateful to God for the bountiful blessings that have been shed on this county, and it is just we should render thanks to Him who was the giver of all good. But since the clergy will be in retreat on that day, we hereby request that in all the churches where appropriate services on that day itself will be impossible, to sing or recite the Te Deum after the late mass of the following Sunday.

 May 8th, at 10 o'clock, His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons will confer the pallium on us in our cathedral. All the priests of the diocese are most cordially invited to assist at the ceremony and to partake of the dinner after the ceremony. The ceremony will commence with procession from the Archiepiscopol  Residence at 9:30 o'clock. Given on Passion Sunday, from our Archiepiscopal Residence, April 7, 1889.
      F. JANSSENS,
Archbishop of New Orleans.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1899.      


 A correspondent of the Courier Journal asks: "As Easter commemorates the resurrection of Christ, why is not an anniversary occurring on the same day of the month in each year, just as in the case of Washington's birthday?"

 Which the Courier-Journal answers as follows:  Easter is a festival, a period of whose observance is a matter of decree of church councils. It is generally believed that it was observed by the successors of the Aposties about A. D. 63. The Council of Artes, 314, decreed that the day for keeping this festival should be the Sunday after the 14th day of the March moon, and the Council of Nicen, in 325, confirmed this decision. The roman method was not established in France till 525, and in Britain and Ireland till about 800. By the alteration of the calendar by XIII, in 1582, the first Sunday after the full moon immediately following March 21 was fixed as the day for observing this festival. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1899.

School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., April 6, 1889.

 A regular meeting of the Parish School Board of Directors was held this day with following members present: Dr. J. D. Trahan, President; T. Begnaud, Dr. J. P. Francez, Martial Billaud, Jasper Spell, O. C. Mouton and J. S. Whittington. Absent: Dupre Hulin and S. LeBlanc.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 The following accounts were approved at the last meeting and paid, to-wit:

------------------------p. 8---------------

 The committee appointed to have the Greig school house in Lafayette, ward 3, repaired, submitted the following report, which was approved and the committee discharged.
          Lafayette, La., April 6th, 1889.
 To the Hon. President and members of the Parish School Board:

  We, the undersigned committee, appointed by your Hon. Body to have the Greig School house in the town of Lafayette, 3rd ward, repaired, beg leave to report that we have had the school house ceiled and the gable ends braced, said work being done in a workmanlike manner and to our satisfaction, and at a cost of $57.50.  (Signed) J. D. Trahan, R. C. Greig.

 The following report from the committee appointed to examine the books of the Treasurer was read, and on motion of Mr. Mouton, was accepted and the committee discharged.
                Lafayette, La., Feb. 2, 1889.
 To the Hon. President and members of the Parish School Board:

 Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned committee, appointed by your Hon. Body to examine the books and money of the Treasurer, most respectfully submit the following:  We examined the books and counted the money, which we found correct. The following is a statement of the Treasurer's books:

-------------------p. 8-----------------

 Respectfully submitted,
   The Treasurer submitted the following statement which was accepted.
            Lafayette, La., April 6th, 1889.
 To the Hon. President and members of the School Board for the Parish of Lafayette:

 I submit the following statement of receipts and disbursements of school funds since last report and for quarter ending March 31st, 1889:

----------------------p. 8-------------------

       WM. CLEGG, Treasurer.

 On Motion of Mr. Whittington, duly seconded, the sum of $500 was ordered to be retained in the contingent fund, and the balance thereof be transferred to the general fund.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, seconded by Mr. Whittington, the Treasurer was instructed to apportion the money on hand to the several wards of the parish according to law.

 On motion, duly seconded, the Parish Superintendent was requested to attend the Convention of Parish Superintendents to be held at Tulane Hall in New Orleans on the 15th day of May next, and that his expenses be paid by the School Board, as authorized by law.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, the following was adopted:  Whereas, Mr. George K. Bradford has paid a poll tax unlawfully, and as the same has been turned over to the school fund, be it resolved, that a warrant issue to Mr. Bradford for $1.00.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, duly seconded, the President was requested to appoint a committee of two to examine the records, and to obtain from Mr. Chas. D. Caffery a detailed statement of all school lands leased by him.

 Agreeable to the foregoing motion, the President appointed on said committee Messrs. Whittington and Mouton.

 On motion of Dr. Francez, the following resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote:

 Resolved. that the Guilbeau school located at Hernandez in the 6th ward, be removed to Jules Rogers, in same ward.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, the sum of $50 was appropriated to buy the building offered by Louis Roger for $35, and to repair same, and move it to Jules Rogers.

 Mr. Mouton offered the following motion: That the Webb school at Hoffpauir's in the 2nd ward, be moved to some other place in the same ward, and that the President appoint Messrs. Whittington and Spell as a committee to select the location of said school, and that said committee to report to the Parish Superintendent.

 The vote being taken by yeas and nays on said motion the result was as follows:

 Yeas - Billaud, Mouton, Whittington.
 Nays - Francez, Spell, Begnaud.

 On motion of T. Begnaud, it was resolved, that a school house be erected at John Begnaud's in the 1st ward on a certain piece of land to be donated by John Begnaud to the School Board for that purpose, and that the sum of $183.88 be appropriated for the building of said school house and that a committee of two be appointed to accept bids for same after due advertising according to law; said committee to report at next meeting.

 (Unreadable words) to the foregoing President appointed on said committee Messrs. T. Begnaud and John Begnaud.

 On motion of Dr. Francez, the sum of $183.33 was appropriated for the purpose of erecting a school house in the town of Carencro, 6th ward, on  certain piece of land to be donated by C. C. Brown, and that a committee be appointed to accept bids for the building of said school house.

 Agreeable to the above motion the President appointed on said committee Messrs. Francez and Chas. Brown.

 On motion of Mr. Billaud, seconded by O. Mouton, it was resolved, that the school house at Broussardville be sold and the proceeds be turned over to the school fund, and that the sum of $183.33 be appropriated to build a new school house in Broussardville, and that the President appoint a committee of three to accept bids for same, and that said committee is hereby authorized to sell the old building and to exchange the lot in Broussardville owned by the School Board for a more desirable lot in the same town.

 Agreeable to the foregoing motion the President appointed on said committee M. Billaud, J. G. St. Julien and Joseph O. Girouard.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, the building committees are hereby requested to proceed at once and accept bids for the building of said school houses after due advertising as required by law, and to report at the next meeting of this Board.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, it was resolved, that the money to buy the building of Louis Roger, i. e. $50, as well as the money to build the school houses in the 1st, 5th and 6th wards be taken from the money appropriated by the Police Jury for building school houses.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, seconded by J. S. Whittington, it was resolved, that a committee be appointed for each ward to examine all claims against the Board for repairs and all sundry expenses, said committee to be composed of the members of this Board, who shall report all claims against the Board in their several wards.

 A petition praying that a school be established in the Eastern portion of the 3rd Ward, and that Mrs. Alice A. Hannah be appointed teacher of said school, was read; action upon which was postponed.

 A letter from the colored people of Royville, asking that the colored school in the 4th ward be closed on account of the immoral conduct of the teacher, was received.

 On motion of Mr. Mouton, duly seconded, the President was authorized to appoint a committee to examine into the report made against Paul Breaux, teacher of the 4th Ward colored school, and to report to the Parish Superintendent.

 The President appointed on said committee Messrs. LeBlanc and Hulin.

 On motion of Dr. Francez the following was adopted:

 Resolved, That the public schools in the 1st and 6th Wards be opened on Monday, the 15th day of April.

 D. C. Clark was assigned to the colored school in the 2nd Ward, at New Hill Church.

 Dr. Trahan introduced the following rules for the better government of the Board, which were adopted.

 1st.  Roll call.
 2nd. Reading of the minutes.
 3rd. Report of standing committees.
 4th. Report of special committees.
 5th. Unfinished business.
 6th. New Business.

 The President by authority appointed Messrs. Mouton, LeBlanc and Toll as a standing committee to examine the books of the Treasurer, and to report at every quarterly meeting.

 The following account was laid over:

 Alex Meauc, for benches, desks, etc., ... $15.00.

 The following accounts were approved:

 ---------------------p. 8-------------------

 There being no further business, the Board adjourned.
J. D. TRAHAN, President.
H. E. TOLL, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1889.


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/20/1889.

 Our streets committee have been busy, and our streets and ditches are now in splendid condition. We are all ready for another good rain.

 To-morrow is Easter, and the Lenten season will have closed. We hear rumors of any number of marriages to follow in quick succession. "Hear the mellow wedding bell; golden bells."

 The canning company's building looms up with an air of dignity and pride, as if it was conscious of being "some pumpkins." The lots have been neatly fenced, and the directors are now sinking a 12 x 12 feet well, which will doubtless give them an abundant supply of water at all seasons.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/20/1889.


A Relic of Napoleon.

 Mr. Felix Demanade has in his possession a very old relic. It was found by an old negro who was plowing his field near the Vermilion river. It is a medal made of a very durable metal, as shown by the inscriptions which are yet clearly marked and easily read with the naked eye. On one side is a splendid bust picture of Napoleon. On the other side an excellent reproduction of a statue - representing what, we are not able to say. The following inscriptions would indicate that the medal was issued in honor of the great Corsican, possibly by authority of the French government in commemoration of his victorious campaigns:

 "Buonaparte, General en Chef de l'Armee d'Italie;"  "A Buonaparte l'Italique, le 26 Vre., l'An VI:"  "Il ne combattit que pour la paix et les droits de l'homme."

 The date engraved on the medal was according to the calendar of the republic which was then used in France. The picture and lettering on the medal show workmanship of a high order.
Lafayette Gazette 4/20/1901.

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