Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of April 14th, 1900:


 Next Tuesday the voters of this parish will be called upon to vote for State, senatorial, judicial, parochial and ward officers.

 The Gazette believes that the Democratic ticket which is printed in this paper should receive the support of all fair-minded and right-thinking citizens. This ticket was nominated by the primary held last December. Every man who cast his vote at that election assumed a moral obligation to abide by the decision of the majority as registered at the ballot box. Hence, if you voted at the primary you are morally bound to vote for every candidate on the Democratic ticket. By no kind of reasoning can you honorably shirk that duty which you have voluntarily pledged yourself to perform. Throughout the parishes of North Louisiana where primaries were held the people gracefully accepted the verdict as expressed at the polls. In that section at the polls. In that section the peoples have shown the proper spirit. With them the primary election settled the contest. The Gazette regrets to see that in several parishes in Southwestern Louisiana the voters have allowed themselves to be deluded by designing men who appear to have  been made mad by an irrepressible desire to hold office.

 It is to be hoped for the good name of our parish that the vote next Tuesday will establish the fact beyond all dispute that in Lafayette at least the pledge of a man is more than a mere meaningless ceremony.

 The election of the Democratic ticket is assured. But it should be elected by a very large majority, not only because it possesses merit, but on account of the character of the opposition. The prosperity of the State and parish demands that the incongruous elements which oppose the Democracy should be turned down.

 We need not dwell extensively upon the importance of electing the district and parish candidates nominated by the Democratic party. We believe that the cause of law and order in our parish would suffer by the defeat of these gentlemen.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900.

Democratic Meeting.

 There will be a grand Democratic rally at the court house to-day. All are cordially invited to come and hear sound Democratic doctrine expounded by the following speakers: Hon. T. J. Labbe, Dr. A. O. Clark, Hon. C. Debaillon, Wm. Campbell, E. G. Voorhies, Julian Mouton and I. A. Broussard. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900. 

All Bids Rejected.

 The building committee of the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute School to receive bids for the main structure of that institution. A notice to that effect has been published, and in response to it a number of bids were submitted for the consideration of the committee. The members of the committee are: Hon. Robert Martin, Prof. Brown Ayers, Dr. J. A. Lee and Capt. J. C. Buchanan. They were all present. The committee received the various bids, but, after consideration, rejected all. It was decided to advertise for new bids and to extend the time until May 1, when the committee will hold another meeting in this city. Prof. E. L. Stephens, president of the institute and Mr. Favrot, architect, were in attendance. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900.

Lawn Party.

 The Ladies Auxiliary Society of the Presbyterian church will give a lawn party Friday, April 20, beginning  at 6 p. m., on the lawn opposite the Presbyterian church. Should the weather be inclement the house adjoining this lot will be used, so don't let bad weather keep you away. Come out and bring your friends, and help in a good cause. Refreshments will be served, the proceeds of which will be used for the improvement of the church building. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900.

Negro Boy Killed By Train.

 A little negro boy while attempting to board a moving train near the power house was thrown under the wheels of the cars. One of his legs was completely cut off while the other was so badly crushed that amputation will be necessary. The chances are that the boy will not recover. There seems to be a practice made by both, small white boys and negroes to board moving trains. It is miraculous that such accidents happen so infrequently. The proper authorities should put a stop to such a dangerous practice. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900.

Police Jury Proceedings.
Lafayette La., April 5, 1900.

 Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: R. C. Landry, C. C. Brown, Ben Avant, M. Billeaud, Jr., Alfred Hebert, Alonzo Lacy, Jno. Whittington and Jno. E. Primeaux.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. Primeaux explained that the resignation of Arthur Comeau, supervisor of elections was erroneous and moved the reconsideration of the resolutions accepting said resignation and appointing J. R. Domengeaux to said office. Carried.

 By motion of Mr. Primeaux, duly seconded, Mr. Arthur Comeau was reinstated and declared to be supervisor of elections for the parish of Lafayette.

 Messrs. Primeaux and Kee appointed to examine the condition of OIidon Broussard's bridge reported same, collapsed entirely and beyond repair. Mr. Landis Broussard was appointed to act in conjunction with authorities of Vermilion in saving the lumber and iron in the bridge.

 L. Arceneaux, road overseer of the 1st ward, was authorized to open the natural drain, running through the property Felix Benoit, Felix Malapart, Widow Aymar Mouton and succession of J. A. LeBesque.

 Mr. Billeaud was authorized to exchange part of the public road leading from Broussard to Duchamp, for land belonging to A. D. Girouard.

 The sum of $12.50 each was allowed Azeleia LeBlanc, Ettienne Bernard and Julie Breaux, indigents.

 Messrs. Avant and Greig were appointed to ascertain the approximate amount of licenses and taxes collected and now overdue. The committee reported some $1,500 licenses uncollected and some $700 taxes in the hands of the collector ready to be turned into the treasury.

 The School Board waited upon the Jury in a body and through its President, Dr. Hopkins, urged the payment of $1,500 due on the appropriation for the public schools. If said amount was available the Board would be justified in continuing the session, otherwise the schools would be closed immediately. The collection of licenses was urged in aid of the schools.

 By motion duly made the sum of $500 was ordered paid into the school treasury and the president authorized to issue a warrant for $1,000 out any funds available from the collection of licenses. President Landry was authorized further, to institute suit against all delinquent license tax-payers for the recovery of all licenses due, together with all penalties and costs provided by law.

 By motion the sum of $200 was appropriated to Jean Meaux on account of drainage fund the 2d ward.

 The sum of $233 was ordered paid into the school nursery on account of polls collected by clerk.

 The sum of $45.55 was ordered paid to L. Allemand on account of special tax 3rd ward.

 The treasurer submitted the following reports:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Lafayette Parish, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report:

---------------------p. 3------------

 Respectfully submitted,
                  J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.

Lafayette, La., April 5, 1900.

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Lafayette Parish, La. Following is a statement of receipts and disbursement of the special road tax since my last report:

----------------p. 3----------------

 Respectfully submitted,
                 J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.

 Lafayette, La. April 5, 1900.

 The following accounts were laid over:

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 The following accounts were approved:

 --------------p. 3------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900. 

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 4/14/1900.

 There will be a Democratic meeting at Whittington's school house to-morrow, where the campaign will come to a close, addresses will be made by the nominees of the local Democratic ticket.

 A grand ball will be given at Landry's hall at Broussard, by the Broussard Brass Band Saturday April 28, 1900.

 The Lafayette Building Association will loan money to its shareholders at its next regular meeting, on Wednesday, April 18, at 8 p. m. Office First National Bank.

 Judge C. Debaillon and Sheriff Broussard were circulating among friends in Crowley this week.

 Mrs. Callie Howe, organizer of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, delivered an interesting lecture at the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening.

 There will be Easter Services at the Presbyterian church to-morrow at 11 a. m., also services at 7:30 p. m. Everybody is cordially invited.

 Frank Moss and little daughter who have been seriously ill with pneumonia, are much improved. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1900.







 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 14th, 1894:

Sudden Death of Edmond Pellerin.

 At about 6 o'clock yesterday evening this community was shocked to hear of the unexpected and sudden death of Mr. Edmond Pellerin who was found dead near Mr. Herpin's plantation a short distance from the bayou where he had been fishing.
 A colored man, who brought the sad news to town, stated that Mr. Pellerin was found lying on the ground a few steps from his house. A number of people went out to meet the body, but at the time of going to press, 8'o'clock, had not yet returned. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

Apparently The Gazette saw fit to put out an "extra" edition to include a more thorough tribute to the late Mr. Pellerin.

Death of Edmond Pellerin.
 Last Friday in the afternoon occurred the death of Mr. Edmond Pellerin of this town.

 As usual with him, he had just gone fishing in the Vermilion bayou. He was found dead on its banks. Mr. Pellerin was man of simple tastes and was an ardent worshiper at nature's shrine. He loved the broad, expanding prairies, the murmuring streams and gentle woods of his native land, and though sad it to be, he died amidst those peaceful, picturesque and delightful scenes of the beautiful Vermilion.

 Mr. Pellerin was born in the parish of St. Martin a little over fifty-one years ago. His father died when he was a mere lad and he was left to his own resources for the support of a widowed mother who found in her boy the filial care and devotion of a noble soul. When he barely reached the age of 17 years the great evil conflict between the States began and he enlisted as a volunteer in Company C., Attakapas Guards, 8th Louisiana Regiment, with the gallant Aleibiade DeBlanc as captain and marched with his comrades in arms to Virginia in the defense of his his country's flag. In the greatest battles fought on the soil of the old Dominion the young Creole bore himself with the daring and bravery of a Roman soldier. No one returned from that war with a better record and though in after years he passed through the corrupting days which followed the trail of that memorable conflict, he never tarnished that spotless record of perfect honor and gallantry which had shed such resplendent lustre on the arms of the Southern Confederacy.

After the cessation of hostilities he came to this parish poor, as were all those who had worn the grey. Finding employment in this town as clerk, he served several years as such, subsequently moving to Galveston where he married a most estimable lady and finally returned and settled permanently among us, for it seemed that his heart was set on this spot which he loved so well. He soon became a successful and prominent merchant. He was not ambitious of amassing wealth, for such was not his nature, but he was always considered a reliable and progressive business man.

 In politics Mr. Pellerin was a Democrat and though he never sought political preferment he was elected a member of the city council in which capacity he served several years with honor to himself and credit to the community.

 Edmond Pellerin was a devout Catholic, a man of liberal views and of genuine Christian feelings. The natural kindness of his heart was refined by the elevating sentiments and principles of that faith.

 Although not brilliant, he was a man of sound sense and practical judgement; he was a pleasant conversationalist, speaking his mother tongue with rare purity and correctness. An extremist in nothing, he seemed to possess that equipoise of moral and intellectual qualities so uncommon in men. His heart flowed with the milk of human kindness and the urbanity of his manners and the gentleness of his nature made him a favorite wherever he was known. He was born with a noble soul and he has lived an honorable and irreproachable life. He has gone to join the immortal band who have preceded him to the shady side of the river where he will meet the souls of the good, the brave and the just, for the portals of the blessed must have opened with joy to the one who had lived the life of a true son, brave soldier, devoted husband, affectionate brother, good citizen, sincere Christian and honest man.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

 Monday morning the session of the jury term of court commenced and the Grand Jury being organized, Judge Allen delivered his charge reviewing the important part the grand jurors were called upon to take in the administration of the criminal laws of the State and in the investigation, which it was their duty to make in the condition of the public schools, of the public roads and in the disbursement of the public moneys, and in the financial condition of the parish, in clear forcible and impressive words the judge showed how futile the efforts of the state attorney and of the court would be to bring the violators of the law to trial and of those charged with the exercise of public trusts to the bar of public opinion for neglect of duty or for violation of their trusts, if the grand jurors were derelict in their in the discharge of important duties, which under their oath they are called upon to perform.

 We regret that we can not publish in extenso the charge of the judge to the grand jury. Those who heard it were impressed with the idea that this government was intended to be a government of law, and the safest way to maintain it, and secure the liberty and the right of property of the citizen was to uphold obedience to the mandates of the written law of the land.

 We were much pleased with the comments of Judge Allen on the semi-barbarous habit of some men have of carrying on or about their persons concealed weapons, out of which springs most of the homicides which annually occur in the State.

 The constitution of the United States guarantees to every man the right to carry weapons but let him do so openly. In the carrying of a concealed weapon on one's person there is something that smacks of cowardice and treachery.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

The Post Office.
Charles O. Mouton has been appointed postmaster for this town.

 No appointment could have been better. The appointee is a business man of ability and is in every respect peculiarly fitted for the position. He is a staunch and consistent Democrat and from a party standpoint it is indeed a happy choice, and one that meets with the approval of people representing all branches of trade.

 The outgoing post-master, Mr. Paul Demanade, who has so faithfully looked after the interests of Uncle Sam, during the last four years, leaves the office with the pleasing satisfaction of knowing that he has done his duty well, possessing in an eminent degree, the confidence and esteem of the people with whom he came in contact while in the performance of his official duties. It may be truly said that no post-master has ever been more punctual and painstaking than Mr. Demanade. To Mr. Simpson, the experienced and able assistant post-master, is also due much credit for the systematic and satisfactory manner in which the office has been conducted under its present language.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

Mind Reading. - Paul Alexandre Johnstone, the eminent mind reader, will give a performance at Falk's Opera House on Wednesday night April 25. To prove his proficiency in the art of thought-reading. Mr. Johnstone will during the day perform some of his extraordinary feats in the presence of the following well-known gentlemen: Judge C. Debaillon, Alf. Hebert, Crow Girard, and Mayor Wm. Campbell. He will also give a free entertainment at the Opera House at 1 p. m. Mr. Falk has guaranteed to the company a $100 house and it is to be hoped the people will approve of his  action in having secured this first class attraction.  Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

A Joyous Birthday.
 The house of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Trahan presented a beautiful and lively appearance Friday evening on the occasion of the birthday of their daughter, Miss Stella. Miss Stella being a general favorite among the young society people, quite a number of them had assembled to wish her "many happy returns of the day." The house had been decorated for the occasion with ivy and roses most artistically arranged, and which filled the rooms with loveliness and fragrance. The guests were entertained at a delightful "progressive euchre." The prizes were very pretty and appropriate and played for with much animation. Mrs. Trahan assisted by her charming daughters, Misses Stella and Haydee, proved as usual a most gracious hostess. Among those present were: Mrs. Alfred Mouton, Misses Ettie Conniff of New Orleans, Mattie, Jinnie and Sallie Torian, Liza Hopkins, Lea Gladu, Mary Toms, Lizzie Parkerson, Viola Kelly, Nellie Bailey, Izaure Guidry, Louise Givens, and Messrs. J. Alfred Mouton, Magrath and Ducroc of New Orleans, R. S. Parkerson, Edwin Givens, Tom Hopkins, J. J. Davidson, Jack Nickerson, J. C. King, Leo Judice, Baxter Clegg, Dr. A. R. Trahan, Pink Torian. 
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

We'll Have a Sprinkler. - A number of gentlemen met last Wednesday and decided to purchase a wind mill which will be used to furnish water for the street sprinkler. The well at the old canning factory has been rented from Mr. Alfred Hebert. Let all who are able to do so pay the small sum asked, and have their streets sprinkled.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

Ice !  Ice !   - Messrs. Harnisch & Pefferkorn have opened the ice depot opposite Mr. Pellerin's store where they will handle ice manufactured by the Opelousas Ice and Bottling Works. If you desire, ice will be delivered at your domicile two or three times a day. Orders left with the above named gentleman at their depot will be promptly attended to.
Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

An Old Story. - The New Iberia papers say that there is a rumor afloat that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company is negotiating for the purchase of a thirty-acre tract of land in the vicinity of the depot with a view of removing the shops and roundhouse from this place to that town. This is the same old story, it is old enough to wear whiskers and is fairly tottering with age. It has been told and retold a hundred times. We are really surprised to see our enterprising neighbors of New Iberia give credence to such a idle rumors. They know better; they are not so credulous. It has become to be second nature with them and it would be cruel of us to deny them the pleasure of cherishing this sweet delusion. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

The Dog Ordinance. - Several cases of hydrophobia have been reported throughout the State, and as Lafayette is afflicted with a large number of worthless curs the officers would earn the thanks of the community by a rigid enforcement of the "dog ordinance." Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 14th, 1894:


Another Substantial Improvement to be Added to Lafayette.

 We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and readers that negotiations were closed with Mr. P.B. Roy the 11th, instant, for the erection of a substantial and capacious building for the special use of THE ADVERTISER, on Mr. Roy's lot on Vermilion street contiguous to the store of Moss Bros, (unreadable words) Whilst it is intended that the Editor and Manager of this paper will occupy the second story, with his family, the ground floor will be designed specially for a newspaper office and printing establishment.
Situated in a more central locality with greater facilities than ever for conducting our vocation we hope to further extend our business interests and usefulness, and in this effect we shall welcome and highly value every helping hand.

 Notice of our removal will be given in due time. The contractor, Mr. Fred Mouton, will complete the new building as quickly as possible, probably about June 15th., and until that time we will continue to entertain all friends at our present location. Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

 Pursuant to a writ or order of election issued by His Excellency, Murphy J. Foster, dated at the city of Baton Rouge, the 13th day of March, 1894, and directed to me, undersigned authority, the qualified voters of the parish of Lafayette, La., are hereby notified that an election will be held throughout the parish, on Saturday the 21st day of April, 1894, from seven o'clock in the forenoon, until six o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing one representative from the parish of Lafayette, La., to fill the vacancy in the General Assembly of Louisiana, caused by the resignation of Hon. Overton Cade, representative of the parish of Lafayette.

 The following polls will be opened in election precinct from the hours of 7 o'clock p. m. on the day mentioned for the purpose of receiving the votes of the qualified electors of the parish of Lafayette, to-wit:

Ward 1, Poll 2. - At Jules Guidry's Hall, Commissioners: A. A. Delhomme, Felix Bernard and C. A. Boudreaux.

 Ward 2. Poll 3. - At Ford Hoffpauir's. Commissioners, Hugh Wagner and Ford Hoffpauir.

 Ward 3. Poll 6. - At Court House. Commissioners: J. Louis Mouton, D. A. Cochrane and Robert C. Creig.

 Ward 3. Poll 10. - At Mouton's Switch. Commissioners: J. Edmond Mouton, Horace Martin and Paul L. DeClouet.

 Ward 4. Poll 7. - At H. Theall's Warehouse. Commissioners: Octave Theriot, E. Pellerin and A. Mouchet.

 Ward 5. Poll 9. - Farmer's Alliance Hall. Commissioners: Aurelien Olivier, Lucien St. Julien and A. A. Labbe.

 Ward 6. Poll. - At H. Simomeaux'. Commissioners: F. A. Broussard, Alfred Cormier and Adolphe Guilbeau.

 Ward 6. Poll 5. - At Guilbeau's Hall. Commissioners: Ignace Bernard, A. C. Guilbeau and Alcide Broussard.

 Ward 7. Poll 8. - At Isle Pilette Public School-house. Commissioners: Eloi Bouin, J. S. Broussard and H. Aymar Labbe.

 Ward 8. Poll 4. At Public School House, near Louis Rhoee. Commissioners: L. G. Breaux, Cleobule Doucet and Robert Thomas.

 The above named commissioners will made due return to me, the undersigned, according to law.
Returning officer of the parish of Lafayette, La., March 19, 1894.


 The subject of good public roads is such an all-important one to the comfort and welfare of the people that THE ADVERTISER apprehends no fear of tiring its readers with an agitation of the question that shall last as long as occasion will demand. Good roads must be obtained by one means or another and at any cost, for without them no country can prosper, and when it is considered that in case of the parish of Lafayette only proper drainage is needed to ensure satisfactory roads there can be no excuse for their present shameful condition. The public thoroughfares would require little attention besides through drainage. This is admitted on all sides, then why lose further time in employing a competent surveyor to make known definitely the natural lay of the different sections of the parish and proceed immediately to applying that knowledge. All this will cost money, but, at least the expense will be incurred to some purpose. Unless they possess special qualifications for determining such a matter citizen committee cannot make recommendations based on certainty. We lay this down as a general proposition that can not be reasonably disputed, and we believe that although every act of our police jury has been characterized by the best of intentions, the present policy of that body to erroneous in effect. We do not doubt that every member of the Lafayette police jury is well meaning and is anxious for the welfare of the people, and the only purpose we have in submitting our views on this subject is to render them assistance, as we believe, in solving a question that seems to be occasioning them so much vexation.

 Feeling unable to wait any longer on the dilatoriness of the public of the public authorities the citizens and property holders whose residences are contiguous to the parish road connecting the towns of Breaux Bridge and Lafayette, have determined to improve its present dangerous condition at their personal expense aided by money contributions from merchants and others in this town. It is no credit to those persons charged with the caring of the public roads that individuals should feel compelled to thus help themselves. A few hundred dollars of the public money expended in repairing the worst places in the roads when first needed would have been regarded as not an improper expenditure by the contributors to this public fund, especially as the money could have been spared so easily. If we are mistaken in our presentation of this phase of the question we shall take no offense at being shown why.

 The example set by the residents along the road to Breaux Bridge will, no doubt, be followed by citizens living alongside of other bog holes and other problems that have become rather the rule than the exception in this parish, and thus it will come to pass that the usefulness of a police jury in Lafayette will be almost entirely destroyed.

 Let us "shake off" this lethargy of action and do something more than talk. To talk is a good thing in its way, but it in never so useful as when backed by energy. We respectfully submit that the most essential requirement for a system of public roads in this parish is drainage. To enjoy the most beneficial effects of drainage at a minimum expense it should correspond with the natural lay of the land. Only competent authority is capable of establishing such knowledge and the office of doing this should devolve on no other kind of person. Then the services of an efficient surveyor is demanded and must be paid for, naturally. When a reliable survey will have been made, then, and only then will we be in a position to drain the roads with ease and economy. It will be found much more advantageous to spend $5,000 intelligently than to waste $1,000 or lesser amount by working contrary to reason. The trial should be made. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.

The Crescent News Hotel.

 Possibly not many of our home people have given more than a passing thought to what a truly valuable acquisition to Lafayette is the stately and very commodious hotel at our railroad station, controlled by the Crescent News and Hotel Company. This hostelry of imposing mien with its spacious grounds rendered doubly attractive by perennial flower beds and pretty evergreens and its elaborate furnishings, can leave none other than favorable impressions of the locality on travelers and guests alike. It has been our pleasure to hear on many occasions strangers testify to the praiseworthiness of the Crescent Hotel, and much of the credit for this is due to the accomodating and genial manager, Mr. John Hahn, and his worthy wife, whose greatest delight seems to be in securing pleasure and enjoyment to others.

 It may be, also, that few of us realize the important position this enterprise fills as a contributor to the support of our town. Regular employment is given to a large number of persons who live and spend their earnings in this community, and although the principal demand for the most excellent table of this hotel is, of necessity, made on New Orleans, the butcher, the dairyman and many other local dealers receive a liberal and constant patronage for regular supplies, as is shown by the monthly payroll, the average disbursements per month in the town of Lafayette alone amounting to $900, we have learned from a responsible source.

 It is institutions of this kind - business enterprises that bring in outside money on a large scale for circulation at home - that are of the greatest advantage to a town, and when, as in the present instance, the management of these is conducted in a way to reflect credit on the entire community, such acquisitions do the greatest good to a locality. Citizens of Lafayette should have only kind words for the Crescent Hotel of this place. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.

Train Collision.

 Last Sunday evening the east bound passenger train collided with the west bound train collided with the west bound train on the switch at Raceland, but fortunately nobody was hurt, the only damage occasioned being a crushing of the cowcatchers of the two locomotives. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.

 Obtained Larger Tank.

 Mr. John Vigneaux not being satisfied with the capacity of his elevated water tank and amount of pressure obtained therefrom, replaced the first tank with a larger one raised ten feet higher than the former. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.

 At Falk's.

The Bernard Chase dramatic company will appear at Falk's Opera House, Sunday evening, the 18th instant, they will play for the benefit of the Knights of Pythias lodge of this place, presenting the well known drama of Damon and Pythias. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.


 The marriage of Mr. F. J. Hopkins of this place, eldest son of Dr. T. B. Hopkins, to Miss Maggie Andrus, at Opelousas, on the 10th instant, was a social event of unique and pleasing interest. The felicitations of scores of friends in Lafayette will attend the wedded life of the happy couple.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.

 Appointed Postmaster.

 President Cleveland appointed Mr. Chas. O. Mouton postmaster at Lafayette, on the 10th, instant, to succeed Mr. Paul Demanade, the present incumbent, whose term of office has expired. We believe the appointment to be a good one and do not doubt that Mr. Mouton will give general satisfaction as an employee of Uncle Sam.

 Giant Hog.

 Monday of this week Mr. Pierre Gerac of our town butchered a hog whose inordinate proportions makes them deserving of publication make them deserving of publication. He measured 8 feet in length, 4 feet in height and 90 inches in circumference and the different portions of the body weighed; the head, 60 pounds; the debris, 120 pounds; the two front quarters, 255; ribs, 110 pounds; making a total of 890 pounds to which must be added the weight of 6o gallons of lard yielded by the animal - 8 pounds of lard to the gallon - 420 pounds, as well as at least 50 pounds of blood, giving a grand total of 1,360 pounds. Who can beat this? Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.




 The regular spring jury term of our District Court was opened last Monday. Mr. A. C. Guilbeau was appointed Foreman of the grand jury by Judge Allen and the other fifteen "good men and true" were then drawn from the venire for the first week as follows:

----------------p. 4-------------------

  In his usual able; comprehensive and lucid manner Judge Allen charged the grand jury as to their duties and powers including the special laws that be is required to make reference to. The Grand Jury remained in session until Wednesday evening when they made their final report.

 The following not true bills were returned:

 Solomon Johnson - stabbing with intent to kill;  Theophile Mouton, larceny; D. B. Vanderwater, shooting into a dwelling house; W. B. Clark, larceny; Alphonse Damon, larceny; Marie Celina Guidroz, murder; Alexander Lacee, violation labor contract; Meance Doucet, murder.

 A number of true bills were also returned but as some of the parties were not in custody they were not made public.

 On Thursday morning pleas of guilty were entered in the following cases:

 Joseph B. Marshall, discharging fire arms in public highway; Claiborne Avant, carrying concealed weapon; Ford Hoffpauir Jr., carrying concealed weapon; Ursin Zenon, carrying concealed weapon; Mack Sellers, burglary and larceny; Henry Griffin, shooting with intent to murder; G. H. Somers assault with a dangerous weapon:

 Albert Davis, larceny; Isaac Guidry, carrying concealed weapons.

 The Judge, for peculiar reasons passed sentence on Jos. B. Marshall and G. H. Somers at the time of plea, and the sentence expiring same day prisoners were set at liberty. Other prisoners were ordered to return Saturday 21st inst. for sentencing.

 The following cases were fixed for trial on Monday 16th inst:

 Aristide Carruthers, abduction; John Senegal, stabbing with intent to kill; Edward Davis, assault and battery.

 For Tuesday; Baptiste Martin, larceny; Louis Stafford, cutting with intent to kill; Alcee Andrus, assault with intent to commit robbery; Alphonse Peck, violating Sunday law.

 Court adjourned from Thursday until Monday. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.


To the Hon. A. C. Allen, Judge.

  We the Grand Jurors of the Parish of Lafayette impaneled for this term of your honorable Court beg leave to submit the following report:

 After careful examination of the Parish Jail we found it in good condition and the prisoners well treated and cared for.

 The sheriff's office is well kept. The sheriff has made settlements with the state and parish for which he holds receipts in full.

 We commend this officer for his zeal in the discharge of his duties and for his prompt settlements with the government for all public funds entrusted to him in his official capacity.

 The public records and archives of the Clerk's Office are well arranged and preserved and we find everything belonging to his office well kept and in good condition as becomes a faithful officer.

 However we would call the attention of the Hon. Police Jury to the building in which we consider to need some repairs. There are leaks in the windows which should be attended to and a new coat of paint on the outside would improve the appearance of the building and contribute to its preservation.

 We would also call the attention to the plank walk leading to the Court House and Clerk's Office which is in very bad condition which should be immediately repaired and to the fence around the Court House square, and would suggest that it be taken off entirely.

 After actual count we found in the Parish Treasury, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine dollars and thirty-four cents. ($1,939.34) to the credit of the school fund and four thousand, nine hundred and forty-four dollars and fourteen cents. ($4,944.14) to the credit of the Parish which shows an honest and economical administration of the public affairs and should be gratifying to the people.

 To the zeal and method of the Dist. Atty. in procuring the presence of witnesses the Parish is largely indebted for the rapidity with which we have investigated the numerous cases which were brought back to our knowledge and we must say that we were much assisted in the performance of our duties by the lucid and able charge of the Court.

 We further call the attention of our Police Jury to the general appearance of the Court House and suggest that that body take the necessary steps to have same painted.

 We have taken a special interest and have made thorough examination of the causes which make our public roads in such an impassable condition we find that the people as a general rule are in favor of road work and do not refuse to go when called upon to do road duty, but we find the fault that be in the road overseers, who are ignorant as to their powers to force the people to work the roads and ignorant as to the law.

 We have called the road overseers before us and our investigation shows beyond question that there has been no wanton neglect in the performance of their duty but the fault lies chiefly as stated above from absolute ignorance of the duties incumbent upon them.

 We took the occasion to have the Dist. Atty. to explain to them the law governing road work and etc.

 And we now believe that we can assure the people that in the near future we will have much better roads, the District Attorney promising to furnish the road overseers with the law applicable to road work and to the end that the roads will be in safe and traveling condition we suggest that the police jury make all necessary appropriations for bridges, etc.

 We herewith attach report of the Supt. of Public Education of the parish and make some part of our report. The differences now existing as to the balance on hand as shown in his report and that as shown in the report of Parish Treasurer is explained by the fact that the Treasurer is explained by the fact that the Treasurer's report is up to date and the report of the superintendent is dated April, the 11th, 1894, showing that there has been some disbursement since that time.

 Having fully completed all the duties given us in charge by your honor, which served as guide to us in our tedious deliberations, and believing as your honor does that only careful and rigid enforcement of the law will secure to the citizens all the rights guaranteed to them by the constitution and laws of the State we respectfully submit this our final report and ask to be discharged.
A. C. GUILBEAU, Foreman.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.


 Lafayette, La., April 11, 1894.

 To the Honorable Foreman and Members of the Grand Jury:

 Gentlemen - I most respectfully submit to your honorable body the following report of the public schools of this parish:

 We have twenty schools in the parish and twenty-three teachers employed.

 The schools had a session last year of eight and three-quarters months, and this year they have been in session since last January, making four months, and we expect to run them nine or ten months this year. We received from the police jury $1,500.00, which will enable us to keep our schools opened the desired length of time. We have 1,289 children enrolled in the public schools this year, which is an increase over former years.

 ---------------------p. 4---------------

 So you can see there has been a steady increase.

 All the teachers, with exception of two, are conscientious, upright and faithful workers, and their endeavor in the laudable purpose of building up the public school system in this parish is having the desirable effect.

 The patrons of the schools are taking much more interest in them then heretofore.

 During the last five years we have built sixteen school houses, all of which have been furnished with desks and benches; though they have the purpose very well.

 The citizens of the town and parish of Lafayette have built a handsome and commodious building for the high school, which has been in successful operation for the last three months.

 The receipts and disbursements of the school funds since January 1st, 1894, were as follows:

------------------p. 4-----------------

 Respectfully submitted,
                          H. E. Toll, Parish Supt.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.

School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, April 7th, 1894.

 The board of school directors of the parish of Lafayette met this day in regular sessions with the following members present: Julian Mouton, president; P. A. Chiasson, Jasper Spell, H. Theall, D. Bernard, A. C. Guilbeau, J. O. Broussard and J. S. Whittington. Absent: Dr. W. W. Lessley.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 The finance committee reported that they had examined the books of the treasurer and found the same correct with a balance on hand at $2,097.47.

 The treasurer submitted his quarterly report as follows:

 To the Board of School Directors.

----------------p.  5----------------

WM. CLEGG, Treasurer.

April 6th, 1894.
On motion duly made Paul Breaux, teacher of the Lafayette colored school, was authorized to employ an assistant at the salary of $15.00 per month.

 On motion duly seconded the president was authorized to select an assistant for the Royville school.

 On motion duly seconded it was unanimously resolved that the Begnaud school be removed to the land of Mrs. Guitro, provided that the land be donated and the building be removed at the expense of the patrons of said school to be accepted by the president of this board, and should the patrons of said school fail to remove it by the 15th of May, the director of said school is hereby authorized to select a suitable site for said school and have it removed.

 On motion duly seconded Mr. D. Bernard was authorized to have the Broussard school house repaired at an expense not to exceed $30.

 A petition from the citizens of Duson asking that a school be established at said place was received and on motion laid over.

 The visiting trustees of the Lafayette White school submitted their report of said school which was received and ordered filed.

 The examination committee reported that Miss Kate Rand had successfully passed an examination and was entitled to a second grade certificate.

 The following accounts were approved:

---------------p. 4---------------------

There being no further business the board adjourned.
H. E. TOLL, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894.



 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/14/1894.

 Mr. Samuel' Plonsky was in town during the week.

 Dr. Geo. W. Scranton was a pleasant caller in Lafayette last Tuesday.

 A horse was stolen from Mr. J. C. Buchanan during the night of the 10th. instant.

 Mr. James Hannen is having a fresh coat of paint applied to his dwelling house.

 A negress named Kennaway died suddenly at her home in this town, last Wednesday night.

 Mr. Henry Bendel, of Morgan City, and Mr, Isaac Bendel, of Lake Charles, visited their relatives there last Sunday.

 The Mexican Band discoursed excellent music at Falk's Opera House last Sunday, but not many persons were present to enjoy it.

 Mr. B. Falk has added improvement to his brick manufactory that greatly increases his facilities for turning out this great commodity. Lafayette Advertiser 4/14/1894. 













Interesting Experiment on the Tension of Liquid Films.

 Take a lamp chimney of conical form, that is to say, wider at the bottom than at the top, wet the interior with soapsuds, and then drain in order to get rid of the liquid in excess. Then, holding the chimney upright, dip the wide and in the soapsuds. Upon removing it, it will be found that, towards this extremity, a film of soapsuds has informed in the interior. Now place the chimney horizontally, and the liquid film will be observed to set itself in motion, and in a moment reach the narrow extremity of the glass. This phenomena is due to the elastic tension of the film, which might be compared to a distended membrane of rubber, which contracts as soon as the traction upon its edges diminishes. Now here the traction becomes feebler and feebler in proportion as the diameter of the glass diminishes. Instead of a single film, a second may be formed as soon as the first has moved a slight distance from the wide end of the chimney, and then successfully as many films as may be desired. All will be observed to set themselves in motion and travel toward the narrow end, as if they were chasing one another.

 From L'Illustration and in the Lafayette Gazette 4/14/1894.

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