Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of March 29th, 1905:

Mad Dog.

 A mad dog, which started from or near Carencro about three weeks ago, succeeded in doing over $1,000 damage before he was killed near Maurice. On his course westward he bit horses cattle and hogs, some of which were shot at once; and others have subsequently gone mad. Several citizens have lost valuable mules and cows. The dog fortunately did not attack people. He went into Mr. Lastie Roy's house but was driven out with out injuring any of the inmates. He however bit some of Mr. Roy's stock, which he lost. Dr. F. R. Tolson also had a valuable cow to become rabid as the result of the dog's bite and she had to be killed. 

Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

Charged With Shooting Into House. - Sheriff Lacoste arrested Felicien Thibodaux Monday charged with shooting into the home of Mr. Mucha, a neighbor. Mr. Mucha states that the ball narrowly missed his daughter. Thibodaux was released on bond. 
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

Post Office. - Beginning with April 1, Lafayette parish will have a new post office. It is to be located four miles north of Scott, will have the euphonious name of Ossun, and Mr. M. Hebert will be the postmaster. The establishment of this post office will be a great convenience to a large number of people. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

School Entertainment. - 
The town public schools will give an entertainment on the new school lot, corner Main and Jefferson streets, Friday, April 28, to raise money to pay off some debts owing.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

Steel Bridge Completed. -
The D. O. Broussard steel bridge has been completed and accepted by the parishes of Vermilion, represented by J. N. Williams, and Lafayette, represented by M. Billeaud, Jr., P. R. Landry, A. Theall, and C. Spell. The bridge cost $5500, and its construction was supervised by J. E. Kee. 
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for in the Lafayette post-office of the week ending March 25, 1905.

Gilbert, Adam
Perrodun, Gaston
Washington, Arthur
Weman, J. L.

Fenard, Mary, Miss
Johnson, Lucy
Landry, Lela, Miss
Mouton, Florence
Rita, Misse
Washington, Pukie, Miss

These letters will be sent to the dead letter office April 8, 1905, if not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say, "Advertised," giving date of list.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

                                                     Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

Resolutions Passed Requesting Cooperation of Citizens.

Lafayette, La., March 20, 1905.

At the annual meeting of the Fire Department of the city of Lafayette, Louisiana, held at the Court House of said city, the undersigned committee was appointed to draft the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by the said Fire Dept. of Lafayette.

Resolved, by the Fire Department of the city of Lafayette, Louisiana, that for the purpose of aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department, that a call be made on every male citizen within the corporate limits of the city of Lafayette, La., owning real estate, and also every non-resident of corporation also owning real estate within said corporative limits, and who are not members of said Fire Department, to subscribe an annual fee of not less than five dollars, and that said amount when paid be turned over to the Treasurer of the department and to be used in aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department for the purpose of fighting fires.

Be it further resolved, that said resolution be printed in the city papers, The Lafayette Advertiser and The Gazette for a space of sixty days.

Be it also further resolved, that a copy of said resolution be mailed to each male citizen of the city of Lafayette who are not members of the Fire Department, and also to all non-residents and corporations owning real estate within the city of Lafayette, Louisiana.

Respectfully submitted,
Committee. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

Adopted by State Board For Use in Public Schools.

The following is the list of books adopted by the State Board at its meeting last week, for use in public schools:

Spellers - Hunt's Progressive Speller, parts 1 and 2. American Book Company ; Benson & Glenn's Definer, D. C. Heath & Co.

Primers - Wheeler's Graded Primer, W. H. Wheeler & Co.

Readers - Judson & Bender's Graded Literature Readers (eight book series) in blue binding, Maynard, Merrills & Co.

United States History - Estelle's Beginner's History of Our Country, Southern Publishing Company; Hansell's Higher History of the United States, University Publishing Company.

Arithmetic - Nicholson's New Primary, Intermediate and Advanced Arithmetic, University Publishing Company; Smith's Grammar School Arithmetic, Ginn * Co.; Brook's New Mental Arithmetic, Christopher Sower Company.

Algebra - Wentworth's First Steps in Algebra, Ginn & Co,; Nicholson's Elementary Algebra, University Publishing Company.

Physiology - Overton's Advanced, American Book Company; Krohn's Graded Lessons in Hygiene, Appleton & Co.

Agriculture - Burkett, Stevens and Hill, Ginn & Co.

Writing - New Era Series, Eaton & Co,

Singing - Modern Music Series, Silver, Burdett & Co.; Harmonic Music Series, American Book Company.

Book-keeping - Moore & Miner's Accounting and Business Practice, Ginn & Co.; Teller & Brown's First Book in Business Methods, Rand, Mcnally & Co.

History - Meyer's General History, Ginn * Co.; Montgomery's English History, Ginn & Co.

Civics - Boynton's School Civics, Ginn & Co.

Latin - Collar & Daniell's First Year Latin, and Allen & Grenough's New Latin Grammar, Ginn & Co.

French - Fortier;s Precis de I'Histoire de France, Macmillan Company; Super's French Readers, D. C. Heath & Co.; French Daily Life, D. C. Heath & Co.; Chardenal's Complete French Course, Allyn & Bacon.

English Literature - Moody & Lovett's History of Literature, Charles Scibner;s Sons; Hawthorne & Lemin's American Literature, D. C. Heath & Co.; Smith-Thomas Rhetoric, Bent F. Sanborn & Co.

Geometry - Wentworth's Plane, Wentworth's Plane and Solid, Ginn & Co.

Science - Williams' Elementary Chemistry, Ginn & Co.; Brigham's Elementary Geology, D. Appleton & Co.; (Unreadable name)'s School Zoology, American Book Company; Young;s Lessons in Astronomy, Ginn & Co.; Bailey's Botany, Macmillan Company.

Physics - Hoadley's School Physics, American Book Company; Higgin's Lessons in Physics, Ginn & Co.

Dictionaries - Webster's High School American Book Company; Worcestor's New Academic Dictionary, J. B. Lippincott & Co.

Drawing - Prang's Educational System of Art, Prang Educational Company.

Long's Language Lessons allowed to be used in New Orleans' schools for first three grades only.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

The Cane Crop.
From the Sugar Planters' Journal.

The very general and heavy rain of last Sunday put a stop to cane field operations for three of four days, but as no rain has since occurred up to this writing, work is being again actively prosecuted in our cane fields. In reality, the benefit to be derived from the downpour that was recorded the first of the week more than offsets the embarrassment of the little added delay in completing cane planting, for it is helpful to the seed lately planted, and also hastens germination of the stubble crop now undergoing off-barring.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

The Stage

 "Shore Acres" at the Jefferson (first performed in 1892) last Wednesday night was greeted by one of the largest audiences of the season, and deserved it, for it was one of the very best, if not the best, productions which have been given here.

It is a play dealing with farm life in New England, and the portrayal of the different characters by every member of the company was strictly in character and done with art that created the impression of actual reality. The "Shore Acre" children are gems; they really and truly acted like natural children, and fitted into the reality of the play as they should have fitted. There was enough of the lighter and sober emotions to make the play well balanced from the viewpoint of the audience, which gave emphatic evidence of their thorough approval.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

The Home Charity Association.
 The lower animals have feeling, but no sympathy - it belongs to man only to "weep with them that weep," and by sympathy to divide another's sorrow and double another's joys.

The blessings of health and plenty do not fall to the lot of the world, and all communities have their share of poor and sick ones struggling bravely under trying and discouraging conditions. These are not paupers preying upon the benevolence of the public, but good men and women courageously fighting the battle of life against insurmountable difficulties, and who are in every way worthy of the sympathy and entitled to the help of their fellow-beings.

One of the most practical ways of providing assistance and relief for persons in need or distress is through the medium of organized charity, and it was to provide a ready means of meeting this requirement in our midst that a number of benevolent citizens of Lafayette banded themselves together several years ago under the name of the Home Charity Association.

Not to the sound of trumpet, but in a quiet, and systematic way this Association has been engaged in lightening the burdens of widows and orphans, and answering every worthy call for help as far as the means of the Association would allow.

The usefulness of the Home Charity Association in the community would be greatly enlarged if its membership would be increased to the extent it deserves to be in view of the commendable character of the work being carried on by the association. The Association derives its support from the membership dues of twenty five cents a month, which are collected bi-monthly by the secretary, Miss Marie Josse. The other officers of the association are Dr. N. P. Moss, president; Mrs. F. Demanade, vice-president; Mrs. J. O. Mouton, treasurer.
In Faith and Hope the world will

But all mankind's concern is charity.
- Alexander The Great 356 to 323 BC.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905

Women's Club.
 One of the pleasantest meetings held this season by the Woman's Club was that at the home of Mrs. Baxter Clegg last Saturday.

 The attention of the meeting previous to the rendition of the program was occupied by some interesting "new business" consisting of appointments for the ensuing year, and the hearing of reports. The President, Mrs. Davis, selected as members of the Governing Board, Mrs. Hulse, chairman, Mrs. Judice, Mrs. Denbo and Miss Riis. Miss Gladu was appointed reporter for The Gazette and Mrs. LeRosen for The Advertiser, and Mrs. Blake as librarian. Reports were heard also from the treasurer and secretary for the year past.

 The Club, which takes a great deal of interest in the schools and likes to do things for them, decided to frame one of the handsome pictures which were purchased some time ago from the art exhibition here. Which school will get it, hasn't yet been decided; but the Club has a warm feeling for the little tots at the kindergarten and it looks "mighty like" they will be winners.

 After disposing of this highly interesting business the following entertaining program was carried out much to the profit and entertainment of those present:

 At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Clegg served delightful refreshments which completed the pleasures of the evening.

 The next meeting will be with Misses Dupre and McLaurin in the library of the Industrial Institute. It was to be on a Saturday, but as the Parish Teachers Association will meet on that day at the Institute, it was decided to have the Club meet Friday, the day before, March 31. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.  


Institute vs. Marksville.
[From The Vermilion.]

 On Friday, March 24, the Institute team met the Marksville ballplayers on the diamond and defeated them by the score of 18 to 7. The Marksville boys were tired and worn out by the loss of sleep and by the long trip from Marksville, part of which had to be made by hack.

 The game was characterized by many errors on both sides. In the first part of the game, the visitors were unable to connect with Talbot's twisters and at the end of the third inning the score stood 7 to 0, favor Institute.

 In the fourth inning, Dutsch, the Varsity catcher, was struck on the knee by the ball and was forced to retire from the game.

 McNeese took his place behind the bat. It was not a sensational game from any point of view, but served to give our boys practice and to show to each man his weak points.

 The line up for both games was as follows:

The Second Game.

 The second game between Marksville and the Varsity was much more interesting and showed that with practice our team will continue to uphold the baseball record that has been established in previous years. Twice did Landry catch his man at second, which pretty work was highly complimented by the Rooters' club. At the close of the game the score stood at 8 to 3 in favor of the Institute, and the manager of the Marksville boys remarked that he enjoyed the songs of the Rooter's club more than he did the games. 
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.  

Terrible Accident.
 Saturday Alcibiade David, a young man about twenty-four years of age, met death in a most painful way at Sibille's gin in Carencro. Reaching over a rapidly revolving horizontal shaft to hand another man something he had asked for, his clothes in some manner caught and he was drawn up and whirled about, his legs striking heavy timbers beneath and being fairly mashed and torn to pieces before the machinery could be stopped. He immediately received every attention, but after lingering in great agony an hour and half, he passed away. He leaves a wife and young child.   Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.   

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 3/29/1905.

Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Pellerin have moved into their handsome new residence on Johnston St.

Have your buggy tires set by E. T. McBride.

Misses Lucy Judice and Ida Mathieu and Messrs. A. Robichaux and H. Judice, spent Sunday in St. Martinville.

Sunday night about twelve o'clock Dr. J. F. Mouton's barn burned. The fire department has as usual turned out promptly and extinguished the flames.

Miss Callie Alpha left Saturday for Franklin on account of the illness of her little nephew, Blaine Cotter.

Groceries. - Every intelligent housewife will appreciate our groceries. We have solved the problem of catering to the wants of those who appreciate good things. - Morgan & Debaillon.

Henry Young has accepted a position in the post office to succeed Frank Domengeaux, who has been forced to resign, because of ill health. Jefferson street between Main and Vermilion, which has been obstructed so long on account of the building of the hotel, opera house and bank, has been cleaned and graded.

Mrs. E. R. Kennedy and Mrs. Crow Girard, who have been spending some time at Sour Lake, are expected home this week.

Mrs. H. Ducroq after a short visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Trahan, returned home Friday.

Don't make a martyr of yourself by shaving with a dull razor. Let me sharpen it for you. A. J. Bonnet, the Bicycle Doctor.

Miss Florence Gaudet, after spending several months with her aunt, Mrs. C. W. Campbell, left for her home in Schriever, Sunday.

Dr. T. B. Hopkins returned from Greenville, Texas, Monday afternoon where he had been called on account of the serious illness of Dr. R. M. Delaney. He left Dr. Delaney greatly improved.

Robt. Gosser, of Alexandria, has rented one of the Roy cottages, and will move his family to Lafayette, where he will represent the New York Life Insurance Co.

Dr. A. R. Trahan and H. Jagou left for the city yesterday for a short visit.

 Mizpah Lodge, No. 300, L. A. to B. of R. T. will give an Easter Monday Ball at the Gordon Hotel.W. A. Dunnahoe, the genial drummer who talks carriages for Moon Bros. of St. Louis, was calling on the trade here yesterday.

Fair After Easter - The Ladies of the Jewish Aid Society will give a Fair right after Easter.

 Look out for the spot and remember the Jewish Fair. Rev. Forge after several weeks spent in New Orleans for the benefit of his health, returned Wednesday much improved.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of March 29th, 1902:

Corn-ering the Market.

 The establishment of a corn market in Lafayette means a great deal towards its prosperity. Every new crop that can be marketed aids in developing the parish, and in making the land more valuable. Three staple crops that have a ready sale give the farmers three chances to make farming pay, and lessen the chances of a crop failure. For these reasons the Advertiser gladly welcomes Mr. Thos. McMillan, who has settled here for the purpose of opening a corn market and paying the highest market price for corn. Corn will be his specialty, and it will be to his interest and the farmers as well to assist each other in every way. The farmers will find it to their advantage to plant corn extensively, and Mr. McMillen to his advantage to pay as liberal prices as possible. Corn is a valuable food product and grows well here.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902.

A Most Important Day in The History of Lafayette.

Next Thursday, April 3, is the day for the election to decide whether we will vote to issue bonds for the purpose of building a modern public school, extend the water-work and electric lights, erect a public market, and redeem our present outstanding water-works bonds. Each of these is to be voted upon separately. This election means a great deal in the history of Lafayette. If carried, and we have every reason to believe that it will be carried almost unanimously, it is another forward step on the road to great things. Lafayette is indeed fortunate in its location, railroad facilities, and splendid agricultural territory. All that is needed for growth is wise action, progressiveness, and liberality, and with these the return will be a hundred fold. People seeking in (unreadable portions) will come to us. We want them too, for foreign capital is required to develop our resources, to build us more railroads, and especially to establish factories here. Now that fuel can be secured at the oil wells of Beaumont in unlimited quantities, and cheap as the cheapest, cotton factories will soon be looking for sites. We must be in a position to offer inducements, and one of the strongest is a fine public school system. We have the Industrial School, that is the top. Next we must have the foundation to complete it. We have good public schools considering the poor quarters and accommodations ; but (unreadable) them better and in line with the best in the state, we need a suitable building to furnish full scope to the teachers and complete facilities to the children. Our children are certainly our most priceless possessions. Is there anything a loving father or mother would deny them if they knew it was for the children's welfare. An education, and the best possible, is what every parent owes his child, and we believe there is not a true father or mother in Lafayette who would for one moment hesitate to do all in his or her power to give their children the priceless boon of an education, and the best to be had, if it lay in their power.


 From a material point of view, good schools enhance property, brings in desirable citizens, make land salable at good prices, and exerts a powerful social influences for good. Schools are foes of ignorance and the friends of virtue. They lessen crime by making good citizens. They uphold the law and render property and life more secure. They save expense by reducing the number of law breakers. They produce happiness by assisting parents to make true men and women of their precious children. Many a boy and girl has found in school the stimulus that caused them to grow up into noble men and women, the just pride of father and mother. Schools have made towns famous, and attracted a fine citizen and good families. Schools have decided the location of enterprises and factories. Schools have increased the population and wealth of towns. They have made land quadruple in value. Add a complete public school system, and property will still increase. Water-works, fire protection to every part of town, electric light making every street safe in the darkest nights, still further added, and we have a town second to none in Louisiana. We will have something to offer the stranger who comes to our gate knocking. We can bid him enter, share with us and help us to take up our loyal work in keeping our beautiful, fortunate little city in the van of twentieth century progress.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902. 

Anse la Butte Oil Rumblings.
 [From the Valley of Teche.]

 We still seem to be as far away from getting a "Gusher" in Anse la Butte, as we were nearly twelve months ago, and notwithstanding various rumors which have spread around the fact still remains that, this commodity so much wished for has yet to be found.

 We understand that a great oil expert, sent her by Messrs. Guffey and Galey, has declared that in the course of 35 years experience in oil matters in Pennsylvania, California, and Texas he has never set his foot on ground which showed such splendid oil indication on the surface as right here, not even in Beaumont itself, and he is reported to have said that there is no reason for despair, as with such splendid surface indication oil MUST be there, on the difficulty lies in falling on it, and as to whether it is there in the form of a subterranean stream or lake remains to be seen.

 Messrs. Moresi found some oil a few says since, and still are working regularly night and day and should at time of going to press be somewhere about 1,600 feet deep.

 Since our last article on oil affairs, a derrick has gone up on the Base Ball ground at Anse la Butte, in Mr. Honore Breaux's pasture, another is in course of construction a little further away from these two at Mr. Eugene Breaux.

 Now it has come to our knowledge that  certain company which made a contract with a certain well known gentleman in Anse la Butte, has been paying that same gentleman for the last ten months a large sum of money monthly, in order that their current contract may still hold good. Now as this company is a bona-fide company, not oil speculators, but are oil experts, and have experts' opinion, does it stand to reason that they would go on month after month paying out large sums of money unless they knew something definite, which the public knows not. Oil will be found we are sure, for it is all over Anse la Butte, or should we say all under, but there is some little mystery, which perhaps Messrs. Guffey and Galey, could explain, if they chose, which just at present prevents us anticipating our "only" desires. Of course this is only a suggestion, and perhaps we are entirely wrong, but we believe we are not alone in holding to this belief, that some who know could enlighten us if they chose, as to why no "Gusher" has yet been brought in at Anse la Butte. Perhaps when oil gets short in Beaumont, we shall see things managed differently. It may be next weak, next month or next year, or in ten years, before oil is struck, but struck it will be. So in the meantime it behooves us, the poor uninitiated public, to sleep calmly and wait patiently for that happy and longed for moment. In the meantime, we believe that several more derricks are to come right soon accompanied with regular drilling outfits, and so before long we may expect to see not only the three derricks previously mentioned, and that of Messrs. Moresi, but a right goodly array of others, and we shall expect to hear the clang of the machinery, and see the smoke curling skywards from several points at once, but what most of all we wish to see, is that odoriferous compound called oil, so very common in Beaumont, and so very smelly, but notwithstanding the somewhat overpowering smell of the oil, I think we all would willingly put up with the odor if only we could have a Gusher.

 In conclusion we would remark that Rome was not built in a day, and though we have no Gusher to-day, yet although somewhat tardy in putting in an apperance "T" is BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.
                                  L. C. K. W.
Anse la Butte, March 12, 1902.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902.


 In accordance with the ordinance of the City Council of Lafayette, Louisiana, proclamation is hereby made that an election will be held in said town of Lafayette, La., on Thursday April 8, 1902, to take the sense of the property taxpayers of said town on the proposition to levy and collect the special taxes hereinafter set forth aggregating five mills on the dollars annually for twenty-five years, on the assessed value of property therein, for the following purposes, to-wit:

 First - One and one half mills, to procure grounds and building for a modern high school.

 Second - One mill, to extend the water and light system of said town.

 Third - One half mill, to procure ground and building for a public market.

 Fourth - Two mills to retire and replace the outstanding water and light bonds.

 And that each voter shall have to vote for or against such of said several taxas as he may desire.

 Witness my official signature at Lafayette, La, this March 26th, 1902.
CHAS. D. CAFFERY, Mayor of Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902. 

A Breezy Time. - "A Breezy Time" has one of the very best bands and orchestra it is possible for money to obtain; with special arrangements made for this band only. This organization has what no other band in connection with a farce comedy has, and that is, every man has been engaged as a specialist for his particular instrument, thus making a complete band of soloists.
   Opera House April 7th.  Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902.


 Judge Debaillon passed sentence upon eight negroes convicted at the present term, principal of which sentences are: B. Girouard, criminal assault, 20 years in the penitentiary; Jeff Williams, shooting to murder; Frank Ruban, horse stealing, 8 years; Pierre Sylvester and Chare Leffort, each 1 year.

 The case of Jim Harrison, negro, for the murder of John Landry, last November, was tried to-day, the court appointing Attorneys Jerome Mouton, R. W. Elliot and John Kennedy to defend the second. Harrison was found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902.  

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 3/29/1902.
 To-morrow is Easter Sunday and special services will be held at the Catholic church. The choir under the direction of Prof. Sontag will render Gounad's mass. At the conclusion of the service, the pews will be auctioned.

 Messrs. Emes and Alexander have secured the contract for covering the Catholic church with corrugated iron, and will begin as soon as material can be secured. This is another improvement to the credit of Rev. Father Forge.

 Mr. J. B. Hull, representing L. Grunwald of New Orleans, is repairing and tuning the organ at the Catholic Church. Mr. Hull is an expert tuner and all those wishing to have their piano in good order may apply to him and will receive full satisfaction.

 Mozart Symphony Club, at Falk's Opera House, to-night. This musicians are some of the best on the road, and every one will enjoy their entertainment. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1902.  

 From the Lafayette Gazette of March 29th, 1902:


The tax-payers of the town will be called upon next Thursday to say if they are willing to tax themselves for a new school house, adequate water and light facilities and a public market. Briefly stated it is proposed:

   1. To levy a special tax of one and a half mills on the dollar to procure grounds and a high school building, to cost $24,000.

  2. To levy a tax of one mill on the dollar to enlarge the water and light plant, to cost $14,000.

   3. To levy a tax of half a mill on the dollar to procure a public market and grounds, to cost $12,000.

   4. To levy a tax of two mills on the dollar with which to call in the outstanding bonds amounting to $80,000.

 As clearly explained in the ordinance each proposition it to be voted upon separately.

 Proposition No. 4 must first be carried before any one of the others can become operative. Its failure to receive a majority of affirmative vote's would mean the defeat of all.

 The tax is to be collected during twenty-five years. Should all four propositions be carried the present rate of taxation will not be increased, but practically the life of the special tax will be prolonged.

 The Gazette believes that the endorsement by the voters of the plan, with the exception of the market proposition, will be a great victory for progress. The tax-payers have had ample time to look into the merits of the plan, and we have no doubt that the results of Thursday's election will show that they have taken an enlightened view of the situation.

 Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.


Gavin Spence and Flora MacDonald to Appear Tuesday Night - Prof. Fortier Lectures on April 19.

 Next Tuesday Gavin Spence and Flora McDonald will appear in the auditorium of the Institute. They are noted Scottish entertainers and it is expected that the people of the town will attend in large numbers.

 The Institute is pleased to announce that Prof. Alcee Fortier, the distinguished historian of Tulane University, has accepted an invitation to deliver a lecture in the auditorium on April 19. Professor Fortier's lecture is entitled "The First Declaration of Independence in America."

 Dr. Stephens and Prof. Sontag visited Natchitoches this week.

 As the result of an agreement entered into by President Caldwell and Prof. Sontag, the Lafayette Brass Band and the Orchestra will fill an engagement at the next commencement of the Normal. The commencement begins on the 31st of May, after the closing exercises at the Institute.

 Misses Randolph and Dupre left Thursday to spend the Easter holidays at home.

 Miss Cleavie Dupre, who is a student at Sophie Newcomb in New Orleans, visited her sister, Miss Edith Dupre, this week. Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.

 Entertains a Large Audience in the Auditorium of the Institute. - A Medal Offered by Judge Julian Mouton to the Best Debater.

 In response to an invitation extended to the Attakapas Literary Society a large number of people gathered in the auditorium of the Industrial Institute last Saturday and were highly entertained. The society which is composed of students at the Institute, had prepared a most interesting program for the entertainment of those who would avail themselves of the invitation to be present.

 The first number of the program was a selection on the piano by Miss Edith Trahan, a young who possesses musical talent of a high order. This was followed by the "morning inspection" in which members of the faculty were impersonated by the students. The impersonation was so good that many people in the audience believed that the members of the faculty were on the stage and going through a part of the day's exercises. The society deserves a great deal of credit for this splendid piece of acting. The applause which greeted this initial effort of the literary society afforded ample evidence that it was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the audience.

 After the singing of a college song by Messrs. V. L. Roy, Mayeaux, Young, Broussard, C. W. Roy and Voorhies, the audience was treated to an interesting debate on Chinese immigration. Miss Irma Voorhies and Harold Demanade argued with ability and eloquence for the exclusion of the celestials and told all about which the "heathen Chinee is peculiar." Miss Annie Bell and Newty Normand pleaded ingeniously and with great earnestness for the downtrodden children of the Orient. It was a pity that Minister Wu wasn't there to hear the young debaters praise the civic and domestic virtues of his countrymen. The subject was handled with ability by both sides and conducted in a most creditable manner. After the close of the debate Judge Mouton, Sheriff Broussard and Prof. L. W. Mayer, who had been appointed judges, announced that they had decided in favor of the affirmative.

 The debate was followed by a vocal duet by Misses Alma Gully and Mabel Alford. These young ladies possess voices of exquisite sweetness and it is needless to say that this number was one of the most enjoyable on the program.

 As it was a "Mark Twain evening" the great author furnished several features of the entertainment. A sketch of the humorist's life by Miss Gully was followed by a recitation by Miss Lessly and a reading by Fred Voorhies.

 Then came a song by Misses Mabel Alford, Alma Gully, Gertrude Layne and Rena Boudreaux and Messrs. Roy, Young, Voorhies and Domengeaux.

 The musical part of the program was brought to a close by Miss Alford whose splendid voice again filled the auditorium with strains of perfect melody.

 A tableau by Miss Nora Darby concluded the evening's entertainment.

 Before the adjournment of the meeting Judge Julian Mouton addressed the society. Judge Mouton congratulated the society upon its success and said he would present a medal to that member of the association proving himself to be the best debater. The society thanked Judge Mouton and adopted a resolution accepting his offer. The medal will be presented at the close of the session. Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.       

Will Give Two Months' Teaching.
 Mr. Notley Arcenaux, teacher of the J. C. Broussard school in the first ward, called on The Gazette last Saturday and requested this paper to state that he will keep his school open two months without any pay from the Board. Mr. Arcenaux says that he wants his pupils to have the benefit of as long a term as that of the two other schools in the ward whose session has been prolonged two months through the munificence of Mr. Alcide Judice. The teachers of the parish should not be expected to follow the example of Mr. Arcenaux. The teachers of the parish should not be expected to follow the example of Mr. Arcenaux. They are too poorly paid for their work as it is, and The Gazette does not believe that they are called upon to give so much of their time without compensation. However, Mr. Arcenaux is to be commended for his unselfish contribution to the cause of public education. Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.  

Easter Sunday at Episcopal Church. - The Easter services at the Episcopal church to-morrow will consist of Evening Prayer, sermon and celebration of Holy Communion. At the opening of the services, at half past four o'clock, there will be singing and marching through the aisles of the church by the Sunday school children. The interior of the church is to be tastily decorated for the occasion.  Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902. 

Egg Rolling. - The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will give an "egg rolling" on Easter Monday, March 31, on Judge Parkerson's lawn. The contest will begin at 4:30 o'clock. The public are cordially invited. Admission, ten cents. Refreshments will be served. Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.

City Council Proceedings.
 Lafayette, La., March 27, 1902.

 A special meeting was held this day with Mayor C. D. Caffery, presiding. Members present: A. E. Mouton, J. O. Mouton, F. Demanade, G. A. DeBlanc, F. E. Girard. Absent: H. Hohorst.

 The purpose of the meeting was for appointing commissioners and clerk for the election to be held Thursday, April 3.

 On motion of A. E. Mouton, seconded by F. Demanade, the following commissioners were appointed. F. H. Mouton, Jos. Ducote, G. Comeau. Clerk: Baxter  Clegg.

 There being  no further business the Council adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 3/29/1902.
 The fire department of Lafayette will hold a special meeting at 8 o'clock Monday night in Falk's hall. All members are urged to be present. A. E. MOUTON, President. B. J. PELLERIN, Secretary.

 Vote to build your town. Cast your vote for the new school house and the extension of the water and light system.

 Miss Hazel Conniff, of New Orleans, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Hahn, at the Crescent Hotel.

 Mr. W. A. Mair, national organizer of the Catholic Knights of America, will lecture in the opera-house in Lafayette, at 7:30 p. m., Sunday, April 13, under the auspices of St. John branch, No. 792. The public are invited to be present.

 Miss Linnie Mosely, of Eola, was the guest of the Misses Alpha this week.
Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1902.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of March 29th, 1893:


EASED ASSESSMENTS. We know that there are quite a number of tax-payers in this parish who are opposed to voting a tax in interest of the railroad, and that they honestly believe that they are right in their conviction that it will not be for the best interests of the people to vote the tax.

While we have the greatest respect for a man's honest convictions, yet we cannot but think that in forming their opinion they have been influenced by their prejudice against taxation has been a bugbear to the people of all countries and all ages, and yet no other method has ever been discovered to replace it.

In the present case it is simply a business proposition, and should so be considered. We should lay aside, as far as possible our natural prejudice against taxation, and weigh the facts with an unbiased mind. We firmly and conscientiously believe that if this is done the great bulk of evidence will be found on the side of voting the tax, and against the refusal to accept Mr. Leslie's proposition.

We wish to speak of but one argument that the opponents of the tax are using, in one article, that of increased assessment.

The claim is being put forth that the mere building of the railroad will increase the value of the land and consequently raise the assessment. This does not necessarily follow. The simple fact that a railroad runs across a piece of land does not enhance its value unless the railroad enables the owner of the land to dispose of the products of his farm at an advanced price; the value of farm land is regulated entirely by its earning power. That it, the more money a farmer can make from his land or crops, the greater will become the value of the land. Land values will not increase unless their productiveness increases. Therefore we believe it to be a good argument, and one that will stand undisputed, to say, that if the building of this road will enable a farmer to sell his crop at an advanced price and thus realize more for his labor than is now possible, he could well afford to have his land assessed at an advanced price.

Unless the income producing power of the land is made greater, its value will not advance even were a dozen railroads to be built, but if the building of the railroad opened new markets and reduced freight rates rates through competition, thus enabling the farmer to sell his crop for $1,000 where he formerly received only $500 for the same quantity, then he could well afford to pay taxes on an increased assessment.

One can not come without the other. If your land assessment increases your income from that land will also have increased in a proportionate degree. Therefore we ask you with all respect, to consider this tax question with an unprejudiced mind, which shall be open to conviction, if you find, after investigation, that the weight of evidence is on the side of voting the tax.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1893.

Now For the Railroad Tax.

:To Advertiser Editor A. C. Ordway:

 Your great interest in the march of improvement of our parish, emboldens one to trespass upon your columns.

In the existing condition of things, I am in favor for building a railroad from Abbeville to Lafayette. Every railroad built in a country improves every acre of land within almost any possible radius from it. It facilitates and cheapens the transportation of every pound of freight, and therefore adds to the value of the product of the soil that is for sale, and diminishes the cost of every article, brought into the community for its consumption.

Railroads are the great modern civilizer of the world. Wherever they have penetrated, especially as competing lines, they have developed the intelligence of the masses of people; they have brought them that contact of thought; that opportunity for comparison and observations which is the supreme educator of our race.

Advancement and prosperity are to be attained by a people only moving on with the world, in the great revolutions which art and sciences, and better governments are pushing forward for the benefit of mankind.

Do our people wish for any evidence of the truth of what is here written - then let them recall how little progress our section had made until railroads brought it into sympathetic touch with the broader, living world. Look at the transformations which the community west of us, coming as it did with new thoughts, wider knowledge, greater experience than our narrow and peaceful life had heretofore given us, wrought in a very short years, on a soil we had always thought ungrateful.

Think you that this new mine of agricultural wealth that unsuspected lay dormant in our soil so long, would have been discovered but for the greater facility of communication and transportation to and from the section?

So, multiplied facilities, additional railroads, will increase the number and value of products which your rich soil and genial climate will bring forth at the magic touch of broader thought and greater knowledge of your ennobling and attractive calling, because you will be able to turn them to account by pushing them upon a market. Says Mr. Wells, the great economist of our country: "He must be stupid who does not at once see that the greater the facilities afforded to him for exchange such as good roads, bridges, horses and wagons, cheap and swift railroads and steamships, low tolls, freight and taxes, the greater will be the opportunity for trade and exchange to advantage."

The statement is of universal application, and equally true everywhere.

But a specious, and unsound argument is being urged, I am advised, to some effect, it is this: "Build as many railroads as you may, it will not increase the fertility of the soil." Beware of such sophism, it simply conceals the truth. Let me admit, that the naked statement is true, but then is it not equally true that if the value of your product is increased by being nearer to a market, only having a larger brought to your door, that practically the power of producing is increased, that is that your profit from that which your land over produce a certain quantity and value is lessened, is not your profit increased by that much? There can be but one answer to these question.

Now let us think for a moment who pays for the transportation of products to market, or for the supplies purchased. In the market, cotton will say is worth eight cents per pound. A ships is cotton, pays 1/4 of a cent freight because he lives on a competing line. You ship your cotton at an expense of 1/2or 1/4 of a cent because you have but one way of shipping. Both get the same price for their product. Who does not see at a glance that the farmer who gets 1/4 or 1/2 less, because he pays that much more freight, gets in reality that much less than his more fortunate brother farmer for his cotton?

You are asked, therefore, as a simple business transaction to contribute of your own for your own advantage, to obtain the increased facilities that will save you this extra expense upon both your products and supplies.

Again, it is said, that building railroads will increase the value of property, and thus increase the value of property, and thus increase taxation. This could be true only if the increased expenses of carrying on the government, necessarily followed the increased assessments. Obviously this not the fact, why should the expense of carrying on your parish government increase because your land or mine increased in value? It is a fact that when your lands could be bought for a song, your parochial government was largely in debt, whereas in the face of the largely increased value of lands all over the parish, you are now measurably if not entirely out of debt, and if your assessment, by railroad properties, new industries and even increased value of land could be doubled, is it not certain that you could decrease the percentage of taxation?

After all, I think that even if the decrease of taxation were not obtained, then the increased profit on your crops would much more than pay the increased tax, and leave a margin of profit to your credit.

Let me illustrate my idea. A farmer has four acres of cane to sell to a factory. That factory pays him $8.50 for his cane, because it is compelled to pay the only road which carries it, 50 cents a ton. A second road is built, which reduces the freight to 25 cents a ton. The central factory is able to pay $8.75 instead of $3.50 at ton, cane being worth $4 at the mill. Does not the farmer perceive that this profit alone not only pays any possible increase on his taxes, but the whole of his taxes? And pray, what brings about this (to him) happy result? Simply multiplied and competing facilities of transportation.

I earnestly ask my fellow citizens to join our efforts and united in the way of a light tax, to procure these benefits to ourselves and to our parish.
GUS. A. BREAUX. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1893.

Railroad Tax.
Editor Advertiser:

 There seems to be an idea prevailing that those living off the route of the projected railroad will receive no benefit therefrom and they would receive no equivalent for the money they pay as railroad tax. We beg to differ with them on the following grounds to-wit:

 First. There will be a great demand for labor in building road, bridges, depots, etc. Now we know that a great many small planters just as soon as their crops are in a condition to leave for awhile, seek other employment, and could during the summer and winter get more work at better pay than they can when employed by private individuals. Then there is an opportunity to obtain steady employment on the railroad, as witness the number of young men who are working for the S. P. road, earning from $60 to $150 per month, who if it were not for the railroad would be working in the field, making a bare living, while in their present positions they in two or three months make more than they made in a year of "cropping."

 Again, should we vote for the tax we will have a sugar refinery, the building of which will create a demand for labor, and when finished furnish occupation for a great many men. The writer knows a number of farmers who every fall do down to the sugar district to work at the sugar houses. Those men could find the same work at home, saving car fare, board, etc., and at the same time be with their families. Then think of the great saving in the freight. For instance, a farmer ships five acres of cane, about 2oo tons. At present he has a long haul and has to pay from fifty to sixty-five cents per ton freight, while if we had a central factory he could get his cane to it at from twenty-five to thirty cents per ton, saving at least one half, or on 200 tons from $50 to $60. Again small mills could be put up in each neighborhood to grind the cane and by laying a pipe line could pump the juice to the factors at very small cost. Take for instance Carencro; the farmers gin at that point could put up rollers and grind the cane and pump the juice, saving to the planter of that neighborhood a large amount each year in freight and a great deal of trouble about cars.

 As I understand it, the average amount in taxes to be paid by each voter or property holder is $1.80. Of course some will pay from $25 to $30, while others will pay from fifty to sixty cents. Now those paying the first are large holders who will receive the benefit of the freights and the latter, the small farmer, who will be enabled by his labor to earn in a half day more than his tax. 
Lafayette Gazette 3/29/1893.       

Hotel Garden. - 
The garden around the depot hotel is one of the prettiest sights in town. Mrs. Kahn is a great lover of flowers, and judging from the beautiful display, they must love her as well, for, certainly they respond to her touch and bring forth their prettiest blossoms in profusion. 
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1893. 

Pharmaceutical Association. - A regular meeting of the Attakapas Pharmaceutical Association will be held in Lafayette on Tuesday, April 4th, and a full attendance is expected. Mr. W. A. Sandoz Opelousas, is president, and Mr. Robert L. Grigsby, of New Orleans, is secretary of this thriving young association that has for its chief object the mutual protection and advancement of its members as practitioners of pharmacy. 
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1893.

After It. - 
They are already after it. It is known that two, at least, capitalists already heavily engaged in the manufacture of sugar, are eagerly waiting to pounce on the price of $35,000 soon to be offered for the erection of a sugar refinery in this parish.   Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1893.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 3/29/1893.

 Sheriff Broussard returned home Monday.

The days for picnics have arrived, and several are in project.

Mr. C. P. Moss, of New Iberia, was on a visit to our town Monday.

Silverware sold on monthly installments at Biossat, the Jeweler.

Mr. Abe Soloman and Miss Flora Plonsky left last Monday for Alexandria. A sermon in English will be delivered at the Catholic Church next Friday evening at 8 0'clock.

Ye editor expects that after Lent he will be able to dream sweet dreams, with wedding cake under his pillow for many a day to come.

Mr. L. A. Roussel, of Patterson, a gentleman largely interested in the sugar industry, made a business tour through this section on Monday.

But for the double watchfulness of the yard men last Tuesday morning three drunken white men, two horses and surrey would have been things of the past.

The garden around the depot hotel is one of the prettiest sights in town. Mrs. Hahn is a great lover of flowers, and judging from the beautiful display, they must love her as well, for, certainly they respond to her touch and bring forth their prettiest blossoms in profusion.

We were favored with a pleasant call from Mr. Winston, of Pasadena, Ca., last Monday. Mr. W. said he could not find words to express his admiration for our beautiful country, and we would not be surprised it he returned before long to settle among us. He could not find a better country nor a finer people if he marched the world over.

 A sermon in English will be delivered at the Catholic Church next Friday evening at 8 o'clock. 

Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1893.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of March 29th, 1890:


To show the importance which Alexandria is assuming as a railroad center, and the rapid development of railroad enterprises in that section of the State, we extract the following interesting report from the Alexandria Town Talk. By way of the Morgan tap the H., C. . & N. R. R., which will no doubt be running into Alexandria inside of a year, will give Lafayette the most direct line to St. Louis:

Major C. G. Woodbridge, Chief Engineer of the Houston, Central Arkansas and Northern Railroad, arrived at Alexandria early in the week, a meeting of the citizens of Alexandria and surrounding country was held at the city hall, March 12th. Judge J. R. Thornton stated that Major Woodbridge was of the opinion that it would be best for a citizen of Alexandria to explain the meeting what the railroad company asked for, and what the company proposed to do in return. He then stated what was expected of Alexandria, and what the Company would do in return.

He said that the road had passed into the hands of Jay Gould, and it was well known that when Mr. Gould ordered a road built it was done. A short line from St. Louis to New Orleans was what Mr. Gould wanted, and the extension of the Houston, Central Arkansas and Northern Railroad from Columbia, La.m, to Alexandria would give him a short line to St. Louis. This road has already been located to the head of Catahoula lake. From this point two routes have been selected - one crossing the Red river near Experiment plantation, running through Avoyelles parish and connecting with the Texas & Pacific at Rosa Station; the other route comes direct through Rapides parish, for about eight miles, crossing the Red river at Alexandria. Mr. Woodbridge, the speaker said, was in favor of the Alexandria route. Mr. Gould, some weeks ago, preferred the Avoyelles Route, because it would shorten the route from New Orleans to St. Louis at least 20 miles. The grade by the Avoyelles route was less also than that to Alexandria.

The chairman said he had seen proof from Mr. Gould stating positively that if the City of Alexandria would give what was asked of it through Major Woodridge, that the road would be completed to Alexandria as fast as money and men could do it. The chair emphasized the fact that this was the best offer that Alexandria had yet had, because the gentleman at the head of the Company had the means to carry out his statements and contracts, and would do so.

Judge Thornton informed the meeting that if this railroad was built to Alexandria that we would be only 526 miles from St. Louis instead of 772 miles, the distance via the T. & P. and Iron Mountain roads. The distance from Alexandria to Kansas City by this new road would be 809 miles instead of 1055 miles as by the present nearest mail route.

If the people of Alexandria secure the Il, C. A. & N. R. R., the chairman stated that it would prove a great lever in securing other projected railroads. He spoke of the Aransas Pass Railway Company now building to Alexandria, and surveyed to Anno Coco Bayou. That if we secure the H., C. A. & N. R. R. that we were certain of getting other roads. The following is what is asked of Alexandria by the H., C. A. & N. R. R.:

Right of way through the parish for about 8 miles.

Thirty acres of land for depot and terminal facilites.

Exemption from parish taxation for ten years.

A 5 mill tax for 10 years time.

The property owners have already voted a 5 mill tax for 10 years to this company, arrangements have already been made to give the 30 acres of land, and the parish authorities have already passed an ordinance remitting taxation for 10 years to the first railroad company building into Alexandria from the North.

A committee of six prominent and influential citizens was appointed to carry out the sense of the meeting, which endorsed all the propositions made by the Company.

The people of Alexandria are alive to their interests, and their city is bound to grow rapidly under such spirit and enterprise. Mr. Woodbridge stated that he could have the road completed and cars running into Alexandria in 11 months; then Lafayette will be 246 miles nearer St. Louis and 246 miles nearer Kansas City (by railroad) then at present. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1890.


 A sudden gloom was cast over our community, by the sad death of Willie Andrus, one of our most popular and estimable young men. On Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock, March 19th, he breathed his last, having just attained the age of 21 years. Just in the bloom of life, he was snatched away from his living family and dear friends. One week ago, he looked the picture of health, but, lo! he was suddenly taken ill and death with its mortal sting had done its work. The deceased had been attending medical lectures in New Orleans when he was stricken with pneumonia. His parents learning of his illness hastened to his bedside, and all of their endeavors to save him were frustrated by death's cruel hand.

 Willie Andrus was a good and practical Catholic and God in His goodness and mercy gave him the happiness of dying the death of a Christian. His remains were brought to Grand Coteau, his natal village, where the funeral, the Rev. Father Kennelly, S. J., spoke in glowing terms of the many qualities and piety of the deceased. Many were the tears that moistened the checks of his bereaved friends as the Rev. Father so feelingly spoke to them of those eyes, now closed forever, which but a few days ago gazed with love and fondness on his friends; of that voice, now hushed in death, which ever spoke words of truthfulness and affection. He offered them, however, one consoling thought, that the death of Willie Andrus should inspire them to serve their God justly and then, they would some day see those eyes and hear that voice in the Land where weeping are unknown. As the funeral cortege wended its way, the church bell with its doleful tone told the tale - that one dear to us was no more. When the cemetery was reached, at last, long, lingering look was cast on all that was mortal of Willie Andrus, and his body was laid away to await that great day when glorious, the just shall rise to receive their reward.
                          A. FRIEND,
                             Grand Coteau, March 21st, 1890.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1890.   

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 3/29/1890.

 The weather during the week has been cloudy and sultry, with light showers. Fine growing weather for the crops, and we learn from our farmers that "everything is lovely."

 Capt. Billy Owen informs us that the "Crescent" as soon as they have gone through a course of fasting. Having laid off so long none of the boys are able to buckle their belts just now.

 Prof. L. Tapissier, who has been a resident of our town for the past two years, leaves to-day for St. Martin parish, where he expects to locate. Prof. Tapissier is a master in his profession, music, and had given eminent satisfaction in this parish. We regret to lose such a worthy citizen, and recommend him to the favorable consideration of the good people of St. Martin.

 The game of base ball last Sunday between the Camellias and the Broussards resulted in a victory for the Camellias by a score of 14 to 6; or, rather, the Broussards jumped the game in the 8th inning, when the score stood at 14 to 6. As the Broussards had an umpire of their own choosing, our boys cannot understand why "this is thusly. "

 Breaux Bridge is now furnishing Lafayette with cypress trout (common folks call them catfish). Thursday evening a large load of these toothsome siluridae appeared upon our streets and were sold rapidly at a very reasonable price. Come again neighbor!

 We have had no onions on our market for a month, and learn that they are very scarce in the city at $6.50 per barrel.

 The cold snap (ding it!) has knocked the "early Spring garden" on the head, and vegetables are scarce. Housekeepers are not having "a daisy time" this Spring.

 Mr. Andre Martin's handsome cottage is nearly completed. When neatly painted, situated as is in a fine grove of trees, it will be an attractive addition to that part of town.

DIED - On March 23rd, 1890, on the place of D. A. Cochrane, JEAN LOUIS, a colored man, at the advanced age of 89 years. He was purchased 80 years ago by the first Andre Martin from some one on the coast, and when the 2nd Andre Martin established his home, some 75 years ago, Jean Louis was his first and only slave. In after years, when he had acquired more slaves, Jean Louis was always his right hand on his plantation, serving his good master in the capacity of overseer up to the emancipation when he lost all control over the freedmen, and being crippled, having lost one arm in his younger days, he died leaving nothing behind except his good name and faithful qualities.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1890.  

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of March 29, 1873:

The Steamer Flora.

We learn that the steamer Flora commanded by Capt. Pharr, the well known and popular steamboat Captain, will make regular trips from Brashear City (now Morgan City) to the Beraud Landing (Long plantation), on the Vermilion Bayou, about five miles from Vermilionville. Mr. C. T. Patin who is at present in possession of Long plantation will take charge of all freight consigned to the Flora for Vermilionville, or for the surrounding country, left with him at the Beraud Landing.

Mr. Patin is too well known by all of our citizens, to require any recommendation from us for faithful care and prompt attention of all goods that may be entrusted to his care. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1873. 

Cold. - On Wednesday and Thursday last, the weather was very cold. Ice was formed a quarter of an inch deep in tubs and buckets exposed to the air. Cotton and other tender plants were destroyed. The fruit, on many places, were considerably injured, but we still hope for an abundant fruit crop this year.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1873.

ARRESTED. - One Vincent, a young colored man, was arrested and incarcerated last Monday, charged with the crime of rape upon the person of a white girl of twelve or thirteen years of age. A preliminary examination of the case will be laid before Judge Moss, next Wednesday. Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1873.

That Horse Case. - In the suit of Delmouly vs, Pass, a certain horse was attached as the property of defendant. H. C. Carr intervened claiming the horse. The Parish Judge decided that the sale from Pass to Carr was a sham and fraudulent one and dismissed the intervention. 
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1873. 

DIED. - At Vermilionville, on Saturday 22nd of March, A. D., 1873, at 4: o'clock A. M. - Mrs. CLARA LINDSAY, Consort of W. C. Crow, Esqr.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1873.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of March 29th, 1910:

By Young Family of Louisiana For Land on Which Washington D. C. Stands.

 Attorney J. J. Robira during his visit to Washington recently with the delegation in the interest of the Panama Exposition at New Orleans investigated a claim which the heirs of Notley Young, of Maryland, some of whom live in Kentucky and some in Vermilion, Acadia and Lafayette parishes, have to a large portion of the city of Washington, D. C. valued at between ten and fifteen million dollars. There are about twenty-five heirs, among them Mrs. Robira of Acadia, and Dr. R. O. Young, Cliff I. Young, Mrs. A. T. Young and Mrs. Geo. Babcock of this parish.

 The basis of the claim is that the land upon which Washington was laid out was orignay owned by Notley Young of Maryland who deeded it to the District of Columbia with the proviso that after reservations were made for the necessary streets and parks, each alternate lot would be deeded back to him. The retrocession of these alternate lots was never made, and for some reason unknown no claim was ever made for the land. Attorney Robira will go to Washington in June and file the claim for the land.
Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1910.

Ten Commandments.

The following commandments clipped from one of our exchanges should be a good advice to some of our people:

 Thou shalt not go away from town to do any trading. nor thy son nor thy daughter.

Thou shalt do whatever lieth in thy power to promote and encourage the welfare of thine people.

Thou shalt spend thy earnings at home, that they may return from whence they come and give nourishment to such as may come after thee.

Thou shall patronize thy home merchants and thy home printer for yea, verily, doth not thy home printer spread over the land tidings of thy goodness that the people may patronize thee.

Thou shalt not ask credit, as goods cost money, and the merchant's brain is burdened with bills; his children clamour daily for bread and his wife abideth at home for lack of such raiment as adorneth her sister. Blessed, yea, thrice blessed is the man who pays cash.

Thou shalt not suffer the vices of pride to overcome thee and if other towns entice thee, consent not. Thou mayest be deceived. Remember the fate of the calf that left its mother and followed a steer away from home and lost its supper.

Thou shalt not ask for reduced prices for thine "influence" for guile is in thine heart and the merchant readeth it like an open book; he laughs thee to scorn and shouteth to his clerk ha, ha.

Thou shall not ask printers to take two dollars for a three dollar job, because some other poor printer will do it for less money; the other printer may steal his stock and underpay his help; if thou trade with such as he thou art an accessory to his crime.

Thou shall cast thy vote in all municipal elections, for the man thou thinketh a suitable model for thy school children to follow after, and refrain from the association of all political grafters who are ready to mislead.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against the town wherein thou dwellest, but speak well of it to men, that thy home town and its home people may be proud of thee.

Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Advertiser 3/29/1905.

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