Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 5th, 1905:


On Preliminary Examination Judge Miller Decides Evidence Was Insufficient to Hold S. P. Trainmen and They Were Released.

[Lake Charles Press, April 1.]

 At 2:45 o'clock this afternoon Conductor Baldwin and brakemen Haney and Harris, of the extra freight train No. 677, from which it is alleged that A. G. Gatlin was shot and killed, walked out the district court room free men, after being in jail here since March 26, the day after the killing occurred. Engineer John Carroll and Fireman Frank Green, who were held as material witnesses, were also released.

 In rendering his decision Judge Miller said:

 "After carefully listening to all the evidence in this case it is the opinion of the court that the evidence is insufficient to warrant holding the accused and they are therefore ordered released."

 The preliminary examination of Conductor J. S. Baldwin, Brakeman Mike Haney and Brakeman E. G. Harris, train crew of extra freight No. 677, from which the shot is supposed to have been fired which killed A. G. Gatlin on the afternoon of March 25, was begun before His Honor District Judge E. D. Miller this morning at 9 o'clock.

 District Attorney Moss is represented the State and Mitchell & Young are representing the defendants.

 The first witness called by the State was Ed Griffin, the young Englishman, who was coming from Sulphur to Lake Charles with Gatlin when the latter was killed. Griffin told the story of the shooting and said that he and Gatlin had boarded the freight train to come to Lake Charles at Sulphur. He said that when the train pulled in on the siding at Lockmoore's switch, just west of section house 36 he was ordered off the train and jumped off on the north side of the track while Gatlin got off a few car lengths back on the south side. He said he walked back toward the caboose and when at a point just opposite Gatlin two shots rang out and he saw Gatlin fall. He further told how Gatlin was wounded and said he remained with him at the section house until he died some hours later and that he never regained consciousness. He was cross examined by Attorney Mitchell on minor points of his testimony. He stated that a strange man had been on the car with him when he was ordered off and that he never saw him after he got off the train.

 Coroner W. L. Fisher was next called and described the nature of the wound which killed Gatlin.

 Mrs. Kate Dearmon and her husband, M. A. Dearmon, testified that they were respectively keeper of the section house and foreman of section 36 and described the scene of the shooting, which neither of them saw. Their testimony was unimportant, except in so far as concerned the relative distance of the section house from the point where the shot was alleged to have been fired from.

 John Carroll, engineer of the freight train, and Frank Green, the fireman, testified as to the time they passed the point where the shooting occurred, both stating that they heard no shots. The principal thing about their testimony was that it clearly established the fact that brakeman Haney was on the forward end of the train and could not have fired the shot which killed Gatlin without them having seen him do so.

 The state then attempted to put Haney on the stand, but Attorney Mitchell raised objections to this unless the charge against him was withdrawn. After an exchange of verbal courtesies between the attorneys for the State and defense, the State withdrew Haney as a witness and recalled Griffin to the stand. He testified that to the best of his belief the shot was fired from the rear of the train.

 The noon hour having arrived, court took a recess until 1:30.

 Immediately after dinner the State dismissed the charge against Haney and he was placed on the stand. His testimony as to the two men being put off the train was substantially the same as that of Griffin.

 Conductor Baldwin testified that he had no revolver on the day of the killing, heard no shots fired and did not shoot Gatlin. Brakeman Harris testified the same and further stated that he closed the switch after the train cleared in and immediately went inside the caboose.

 Conductor Guillemet of the passenger train stated that he saw several tramps riding on the truss rods of the freight when it passed him.

 Traveling Engineer Clark and Deputy sheriff Perkins testified to the fact that none of the train crew were armed.

 The evidence closed at 2:45 and the case was submitted without argument and Judge Miller handed down the opinion acquitting the accused immediately afterward. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.

 In another column we are publishing resolutions by the Fire Department requesting all property owners of Lafayette who are not members of the Department to contribute to its support. This is a most reasonable request and should meet with a prompt response. The Fire Department is a voluntary organization organized for the purpose or protecting everyone's property, and has proven itself again and again to be prompt, efficient and reliable.

 In order to provide funds the members have heretofore taxed themselves dues, and expect to continue to do so; but the amount so raised is not sufficient, and besides, it is not right that the members should both do the work and furnish the funds. The least a property owner who is not a member can do, is to pay the same amount of dues as the members. If he is able he should pay more. The splendid record our Fire Department has made in the past and will no doubt make in the future, should be a matter of pride with us, and we should let our pride manifest itself in a practical way by promptly and cheerfully responding to the reasonable request made by the Department. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.      

Resolutions Passed Requesting Cooperation of Citizens.
 Lafayette, La., March 20, 1905.

 At the annual meeting of the Fire Department of the City of Lafayette, Louisiana, held at the Court House of said city, the undersigned Committee was appointed to draft the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by the said Fire Department of Lafayette, La.

 Resolved, by the Fire Department of the city of Lafayette, Louisiana, that for the purpose of aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department, that a call be made on every male citizen within the corporate limits of the city of Lafayette, La., owning real estate, and also every non-resident and corporation also owning real estate within said corporate limits, and who are not members of said fire department, to subscribe an annual fee of not less than five dollars, and that said amount when paid to be turned over to the Treasurer of the department, and to be used in the aiding, equipping and maintaining the said Fire Department for the purpose of fighting fires.

 Be it further resolved, that said resolution be printed in the city papers, The Lafayette Advertiser and The Gazette for a space of sixty days.

 Be it also further resolved, that a copy of said resolution be mailed to each male citizen of the city of Lafayette who are not members of the Fire Department, and also to all non-residents and corporations owning real estate within the city of Lafayette, Louisiana.
                     Respectfully submitted,
                              P. L. DECLOUET,
                              WM. CAMPBELL,
                              A. E. MOUTON,
                              C. O. MOUTON,

 Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.


Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.

To Be Given by Jewish Ladies' Aid Society May 4.
On May 4 the Jewish Ladies' Aid Society will give a Fair at A. M. Martin's grove to raise funds to repair the synagogue. The congregation is a very small one and, owing to the expense, the Jewish ladies find it necessary to ask the public to assist by patronizing the Fair, which no doubt they will most liberally, for the purpose is a worthy one. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.


Lafayette Teachers' Club.
 The Lafayette Teachers' Club met Saturday with the following members present: Misses Annie Bell, Isabel Stephens, Rose DeBlanc, Zelia C. Christian, Nora Cockerham, Fadra R. Holmes, Leta Oliver, Chizona O'Quin, Dupre, LeSaine Avery, Christine Riis, Hugh Duncan McLaurin; Messrs. Alcibades Broussard, W. W. Tison, J. L. Cook, E. F. Gayle, Ashby Woodson, E. L. Stephens, L. J. Alleman, W. J. Avery, L. W. Mayer, J. W. S. Lillibridge, C. J. McNaspy, E. O. Payne and John W. Faulk. Visitor, Mr. Luke LeBlanc.

 The meeting was one of the most important the Club has ever held, for the reason that there was something definitely accomplished in the way of extending the League for Literacy, or rather projecting it on a safe and sound basis. The purposes of the League were pretty definitely outlined by Dr. Stephens and Mr. Gayle. Each gave some practical reasons for the existence of such a league, and Mr. Gayle cited the work being done at Scott and at Milton by the teachers in those communities. Too, he gave some of his experience in that line in the Philippines, saying that the mayor and councilmen of the town went about the streets with first readers in their pockets and would bail him on the street to ask for information and help. Mr. Gayle believes that those teachers who give such of their time to the good work of instructing the people who cannot read or write, and even those who can, are doing not only an inestimable work for the people but that they are gaining strength for themselves among those people.

 The regular program was given as follows:

 1. Account of the meeting of the Department of Superintendent of the National Educational Association held at Milwaukee, by Dr. E. L. Stephens.

 2. A talk on school gardening by Mr. W. W. Tison, of the Martin school.

 All the members of the Club except two declared their intention of attending the Alexandria meeting of the State Teachers' Association next week, and Superintendent Alleman announced that more than eighty per cent of the teachers of the parish are to attend.

 It is hoped that the next meeting of the Club will be the largest since its organization, especially since it is the last of the present year.
            Very truly,
                W. J. AVERY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.  

 The Woman's Club.
 Misses Dupre and McLaurin entertained The Woman's Club March 31 in the parlor of the girls' new dormitory.

 After a good deal of business was transacted, part of which was the decision of the club to take up Shakespeare as next year's study, the following interesting program was rendered: Civil Government, The General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, Mrs. Blake.

 Work of St. Gaudens, Mrs. Davis.

 News of the day, Mrs. Stephens.

 After the club adjourned Miss Dupre and Miss McLaurin served a dainty two course luncheon.

 The guests of the evening were, Mrs. Baker and Miss Anna Fowles.

 The club will meet April 15 with Mrs. Martin as hostess.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.  


Headquarters Here. - The central location of Lafayette and the fine hotel facilities, since the opening of the Gordon, has been the cause of a number of traveling men making this their headquarters. Most of them are married men and have brought their families here and are located at the Gordon. Also many of the drummers like to spend Sunday here, and when convenient never fail to do so.   Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905.

Robbery at Grand Coteau. - Saturday night burglars entered the store of Barry & Co., at Grand Coteau, blew open the safe and secured $1,200. A number of burglaries have occurred lately in this section and it seems evident that the same gang is responsible for all of them. Notwithstanding the officers in this and neighboring parishes have been exerting every effort to find a clue to work on, they have so far failed.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905. 

Home Mission Notes.
[By Local Superintendent.]

 A school of domestic science was recently organized in Richmond, Va., and although undenominational it will be under the supervision of the Woman's Home Mission societies. All denominations seem much interested in this work and have contributed largely to the equipment of the school. The object of the school is to train girls in house work of every description, not for the sole purpose of turning out cooks and housekeepers, but especially to train them for "home makers."  Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905. 

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/5/1905.
 The many friends of Conductor Baldwin and Brakeman Haney and Harris will be delighted to learn of their prompt acquittal of the charge of shooting A. G. Gatlin who was killed at Lock-Moore's switch March 26.

 Stolen. - From my shop one 1 1/4 inch black Horse Halter, nose, chin, and head doubled and riveted with rings and buckle black. If apprehended will prosecute to full extent of the law. J. S. GABRIEL.

 Judge Pugh began a term of civil court Monday. There are some thirty cases on the docket and it may possibly require two weeks to dispose of them.

 The town public schools will give an entertainment on the new school lot, corner Main and Jefferson streets, Friday, April 28, to raise money to pay off some debts owing.

 Dr. J. D. Trahan spent a few days in New Orleans last week.

 Dr. F. E. Girard was a visitor to New Iberia Sunday.

 J. T. Hughes, formerly manager of the Brown-News Hotel, is now representing the Mutual Life Insurance Co., with headquarters at Lafayette.

 Lafayette street from Vermilion to South Main has been widened and the concrete walks on both sides have been completed.

 Following rain Monday evening and night it was pretty cool yesterday, being a decided change from the summer weather preceding. The change in temperature was an effect of the blizzard conditions existing in the West Saturday.

 The hens are all attending strictly to business these days, and as a result, eggs are now selling at 12 cents a dozen. Broussard Bros. have plenty of them.

 Mizpah Lodge, No. 300, L. A. to B. of R. T. will give an Easter Monday Ball at the Gordon Hotel. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1905. 

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 5th, 1902:

School and Water & Light Tax Carried.
Another Victory for Progress.
 The people of Lafayette have again demonstrated to the world that they believe in progress, push and public spirit. When two years ago the parish voted the enormous sum of $70,000, for the Industrial School, it attracted the wondering attention of the entire State and its fame was spread abroad. The appointment of a school superintendent, purely because of his fitness and experience as a practical educator, increased the wonder and won for our people both compliments and admiration. Thursday, the town of Lafayette sustained the enviable reputation it has already achieved. The propositions submitted to the people for their decision on that day were all carried with a safe majority with the exception of the public market. It means that within the near future the waterworks will be extended to all parts of town, and that every home will be given fire protection, that plenty of electric lights will be placed over the town to give the citizens the benefit of light, and best of all, it means that Lafayette will have a fine modern school building, that educationally Lafayette will be the peer of any town in the State.

 We will have every inducement to offer investors seeking a location, whether it be people desiring to educate their children, or establish factories.

 Lafayette with its growing reputation for progress, for being wide awake and alive, will attract capital; will bring others here to help us develop, and increase our values. We are proud of Lafayette and see a great future for her.

 One of the prettiest and most interesting parade of the children bearing banners and singing. There were nearly 300 children in line and each and every child was heartily, earnestly, and deeply in favor of the school. They took this method of asking the generous people of Lafayette to "Remember the Children To-Day" and the people did remember them. They were certainly a pleasing sight and their singing was sweet and musical. We can take pride in the fine showing of our schools and congratulate ourselves that we are going to do still greater things for our "little citizens of the future".

 Judge Julian Mouton and Mayor Caffery addressed the children, before the Court House.

 The election passed off very quietly with nothing to mar the harmony and peace of the town. What opposition there was showed only in the quiet work of the opposers. It was simply to ascertain the will of the people, and when the vote was counted, the defeated side accepted the verdict. The vote in detail was as follows:

 Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.


 Easter services at St. John Catholic Church this year were unusually solemn and impressive. High mass was celebrated with full ceremonials and with all the force of the beautiful catholic ritual, Father Mattern of Grand Coteau officiated and was assisted by Rev. Father Forge, Baulard and Rogen, which added greatly to the importance and impressiveness of the service. The musical program under the direction of Prog. Sontag was very elaborate and executed in a most artistic style. To the fine local talent for which Lafayette is noted, the members of the Mozart Symphony Club which was filling a date here, lent their assistance. Gounod's mass, which, as sung, was rendered in a most beautiful and feeling manner. Unquestionably Easter services were the finest ever held in St. John's church and the musical program, the grandest in the history of Lafayette. The church was crowded to its limit, with the largest number of people that ever before stood within its walls. Easter this year is an occasion that will long remain in the memory of those whose good fortune it was to attend. At the close of the services the annual sale of pews took place, realizing over $3,200, which is $800 more than last year.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.  

Death of Leopold Lacoste.
 The people of Lafayette, were greatly shocked to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Leopold Lacoste in New Orleans on Monday last. He had gone to the city for treatment, but none of his many friends anticipated for a moment that there would be a fatal termination to his illness. Mr. Lacoste was one of Lafayette's best and most respected citizens. During a business experience of more than thirty years he became widely known throughout this adjoining parishes. His career as a business man is marked by sterling honesty and upright dealing. By his many good qualities of heart and mind, he endeared to himself to a host of friends as was testified by the immense concourse of friends and neighbors who accompanied his remains to their last resting place. In the loss of Mr. Lacoste, Lafayette is deprived of one of her best citizens, whose earnest wishes and endeavor were always in the direction or progress, and the upbuilding of his home town. The whole community extend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones in the irreparable loss.

 The funeral took place from the family residence Tuesday evening last at 4 o'clock, and was the largest ever seen in Lafayette. The remains were borne to St. John's Catholic church were services for the dead where held. The body was then laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.    

The Little Gypsy Camp
A. M. Martin Building.
 Success has followed these wonderful people who have visited the principal cities of the United States, and who have told thousands of people their fortunes.

 Prof. Zola, the world renonwned fortune teller; Madam Zooe, clairvoyant, one of the most celebrated palmists of the day. Also Madam Dearhurst.

 MADAM ZOOE. - It will pay you to consult here. Do you want to know how long you will live? If you will travel? If you will be successful in business? If you will marry and whom? These and many more things are plainly written in the lines of the hand and are accurately revealed. Open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Don't fail to have the lines of your hand read. Fortunes told 10 cents. We will attend private socials and receptions. Come one, come all.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.       

Auction Sale. - The auction sale in Crowley on last Friday proved to be a great success. Mr. Harris of New York the auctioneer, who had charge of the sale is a good one. A letter received by the Advertiser from Duson Bros., states that $25,800. Property in Crowley is valuable and this sale demonstrates that people are full aware of it, and want to get hold of a good thing when they have the opportunity.   Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/5/1902.

 The railroad bridge connecting Alexandria and Pineville across Red River will soon be completed and opened for traffic.

 An excursion will be run from Lafayette to Thibodaux and return April 6th, 1902, with return limit date of sale at a rate of $1.50 on account of Mt. Carmel Convent Festival and base ball game. For additional particulars apply to local agent or to C. B. Ellis, D. P. A.

 Lovers of good eating will find the restaurant supplied with plenty of good things at Carencro Fair, April 5 and 6.

 Mr. Alcide Judice and Dr. F. Mayer, of Scott, returned from the Charleston Exposition and reported having a pleasant trip.

 Mr. J. R. Domengeaux was elected foreman of Hook and Ladder Co., vice J. Radcliff, resigned.

 Mr. Thos. H. Mc Milian is ready to contract for all the corn that will be planted this year no matter what quantity. Call on him and he will explain you further particulars.

 The Sontag Military Band have received their new suits. They are very neat as well as ornamental and we congratulate the Band upon their good taste.

 "Breezy Time" at Falk's Opera House April 7.

 The performance of the Mozart Symphony Club at Falk's Opera House last week, was excellent in every particular. This Club is undoubtedly the best musical organization that has ever appeared in Lafayette. It is to be regretted that so few people attended as they missed a most decided treat. These artists kindly assisted our local talent at mass Easter morning.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1902.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of April 5th, 1902:

   The Tax-payers Vote For New School-house and Improved Water and Light Service.

 The Gazette's battle-scarred rooster salutes the progressive people of Lafayette. It is the only on occasions of the greatest importance that this gay king of the barnyard exposes his few remaining feathers and his shattered frame to the elements. When Lafayette won the Industrial Institute his well-earned rest was disturbed to greet the dawn of a new day, and this morning he appears to celebrate a victory equally grand and glorious.

 As will be seen by the figures which are printed below there was considerable opposition to all four propositions submitted to the tax-payers of the town. It was evident on the day of the election that the opponents of the tax had been actively and systematically at work as was shown by the strength which they unexpectedly developed. The advocates of the plan made no organized effort to bring out the full strength of their side. They relied too much on the intrinsic merit of their cause, which accounts for the small numerical majority of the school. In valuation, it will be noted, the vote for the school is much larger than that cast against it.

 The results of this election mean a great deal to this town. Increased water and light facilities and a modern school-house will place Lafayette in the vanguard of progressive communities. The Gazette is satisfied that the majority of those who voted against the tax will, before long, realize that they were in error. As intelligent and well-thinking people they were amenable to reason, and we have no doubt when they will have seen the benefits derived from an improved water and light service and better school facilities, they will rejoice over the victory or Thursday's election.

 The vote is as follows:

Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

Bread & Butter.
 Our versatile friend of the Baton Rouge Advocate has kindly enlightened us as to the meaning of a recent allusion to the Industrial Schools. Col. Jones tells us that he spoke of the Industrial Institutes as "bread and butter affairs" because they "equip the pupils for special lines of work," enabling them to earn their "bread and butter."  "We look," says the colonel, "for book-keepers and stenographers and such like from the industrials, and lawyers, poets, orators, etc., from the colleges."

 The explanation of our contemporary is eminently satisfactory. While the academic course of the Industrial is thorough and is no doubt sufficiently advanced to equip the intelligent and industrious student for the learned professions, its mission is rather to make book-keepers and stenographers than lawyers and physicians. But, if we are not mistaken, many of the great lights of the medical and legal professions have not even had the advantage of a high school education. As to poets and orators, they are not made by industrial institutes and universities. The little 2x4 school house may produce the greatest poet or orator of the twentieth century.
 Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

 The Death of Leopold Lacoste.
 Mr. Leopold Lacoste died last Monday in the city of New Orleans where he had gone a few days before for medical treatment. He was a very sick man when he left here and to those who were familiar with the nature of the disease which had so greatly impaired his once robust constitution the sad intelligence of his death was not unexpected. Mr. Lacoste had been a sufferer for quite a long time, though few persons were aware of his condition. Being a man of stout frame and accustomed to a very active life he fought manfully against the inroads of an institution disease. A few days before his death he was seen at his place of business attending to his daily work. His had been a very busy life, and it may be truly said of him that he ceased to work when the lengthening shadows announced the near approach of death. Not only did the deceased obey the commandment to toil that God gave to all his children, but he worked for a good purpose - to rear a large family in the fear of God and the love of their fellow-beings. Mr. Lacoste was a big-hearted man and his kindness was not restricted to his domestic circles. He extended the glad hand of fellowship to all who needed help and during a long and well-lived life did much by word and act to lighten the burdens of those who seemed stricken by an adverse fate. Intimate business and social relations during thirty years with a large number of people of this town and parish served to bring out the good qualities of the man. The large concourse of people who followed his remains to the grave and paid to his memory their last earthly tribute spoke eloquently of the esteem in which he was held in this community. Mr. Lacoste came here when he was a small boy. At an early age he learned the blacksmith's trade in his father's shop and followed this line of work until about five years ago when he engaged in mercantile business, achieving a large measure of success. At the time of this death he was at the head of one of the most prosperous firms in this parish.

 The death of Mr. Lacoste removes from this community a man whose influence was always exerted toward the up-building of the town; a citizen who performed his civic duties; a father and husband whose home life was characterized by an unselfish devotion to his wife and children.

 A good man is gone. Peace to his ashes.
      Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

Adding On. - Dr. G. A. Martin is adding considerably to the value and appearance of his property in Lincoln avenue by building a substantial paved-walk in front of his house. This kind of walk is rather expensive, but it looks well and is very durable. In the long run it is cheaper than an inferior quality. Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

To the Pen. - Sheriff Broussard left Tuesday to take a batch of prisoners to the penitentiary. Among the prisoners was Jimmie Harrison who goes for a life sentence. Two were going for twenty years and the others for shorter terms.
  Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

 To Corn Growers. - T. H. McMillan, who has located here with his family, will pay the highest market prices for corn, and will always be ready to buy all the corn that the farmers may wish to sell. As Mr. McMillan guarantees a good local market for corn, the acreage in this cereal will no doubt be increased.  Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

New Suits. - The members of the Sontag Military Band turned out in their new suits Tuesday night. The suits are very neat and, we are informed, gave entire satisfaction to the boys. The band treated the audience at the Industrial Institute last Tuesday to several selections, and, it is needless to say, everyone present was delighted to hear such excellent music.
 Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

A Splendid Parade. - The pupils of the town schools, under the direction of the teachers, made a splendid demonstration last Thursday. They paraded through the streets of the town, singing appropriate songs as they marched along. They met on the court-house square and merely by their presence made a most eloquent appeal for the school tax. They were addressed by Judge Julian Mouton and Mayor Caffery who made short impromptu talks, dwelling upon the school tax question which was them being voted upon. The Gazette has no doubt that this very commendable interest in public education shown by the teachers and pupils on this occasion made several votes for the tax.   Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.  

School Board. - The School Board met Thursday in regular session. As there was no means of ascertaining what funds would be available, the question of closing the schools was not decided. The schools will remain open so long as there will be any money left, and it safe to say that the session will not be less than eight months. A committee was appointed to call on the City Council next Monday with a view of securing some financial assistance from that body. The Gazette believes that something should be done to enable this town to continue the local session of the schools at least nine months.
 Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.  

Pupils for Summer School.
 The following pupils have been accepted and enrolled for the summer school.

 The demand for admission has been so pressing that a few names beyond the required number have been admitted. The second grade, and the kindergarten department will each admit a few more names. Should application be made for admission to the third or fourth grade, or be taken provisionally and will be admitted only in case there is a vacancy caused by the withdrawal of some of the pupils already enrolled.

 Parents are requested, therefore, to present the children promptly on the opening day, and a special favor will be conferred on the management by paying the admission fee in advance, either on the day of opening or before.
Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

To Corn Growers. - T. H. McMillan, who has located here with his family, will pay the highest market prices for corn, and will always be ready to buy all the corn that the farmers may wish to sell. As Mr. McMillan guarantees a good local market for corn, the acreage in this cereal will no doubt be increased.    Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902. 

Building Paved Walk. - Dr. G. A. Martin is adding considerably to the value and appearance of his property in Lincoln avenue by building a substantial paved-walk in front of his house. This kind of walk is rather expensive, but it looks well and is very durable. In the long run it is cheaper than an inferior quality.  Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

To Members Fire Co. #1. - By resolution of the fire department you are notified to report in full uniform at the railroad depot at 8 a. m., Sunday April 6, 1902. It is the wish of the department that we go to Carencro on the above date and participate in their program. FELIX MOUTON, Secretary Fire Co. No. 1.  Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902. 


Action Relative to Bridge at Broussard's Crossing - Decision Not to Refund Compress Tax.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday with all members present except Mr. Saul Broussard of Carencro.

 Mr. Whittington was authorized in conjunction with the authorities of Vermilion to repair the Onezime Trahan bridge.

 Messrs. Blanchet, Whittington and Case reported further conference with the committee representing Vermilion parish, relative to building a steel bridge at D. O. Broussard's crossing. The committee had renewed the propositions previously made as to location, construction and maintenance of the bridge, but as Vermilion refused to accept any proposition the conference had resulted in failure. The Vermilion committee insisted on rebuilding at the old site and pay half cost of bridge and approaches on Lafayette side. The Lafayette committee proposed to build the bridge at any point selected by the Vermilion committee, provided Vermilion agreed to pay half of the cost of construction and approaches and also half of the cost of maintenance. Lafayette parish has been compelled for a long time to maintain the approaches on her side while Vermilion has had the advantage of a high bluff and no approaches to build and maintain on her side. The propositions submitted by the Lafayette committee hinge upon the fairness of each parish assuming half of the burden of expense incurred in building the bridge and maintaining the crossing. If the bridge be located at a point where the levee or low side falls upon Vermilion then Lafayette agrees to bear half of the expense of building and maintaining the levee, but if the low side falls on the Lafayette side then Vermilion should bear half of the expense.

 The committee appointed to secure files for Clerk Voorhies' office is reported having contracted for same at an expense of $567.50.

 General complaint being made as to farmers' draining streams and natural drains, the road overseers were instructed to remove all obstructions to the natural flow of water at the expense of proprietors after ten days' notice.

 Mr. Buchanan moved to refund the taxes of the Lafayette Compress Company for 1901.

 Mr. Mouton moved as a substitute that the question be referred to the parish attorney for opinion as to the legal right or power of the Jury to remit said taxes. Carried.  Attorney C. H. Mouton in due time submitted the following opinion which was accepted and adopted:

 "Police Juries have no power to exempt any property from taxation when legally assessed by the State assessor of the parish. If the Police Juries have no right to exempt any property from taxation it follows that they have no power to remit or to reimburse the amount of a tax, levied legally, if already paid.
             C. H. MOUTON, attorney."

 Mr. Jos. C. Broussard of the first ward appeared and asked for an appropriation to supply a public school with desks, but the Jury could not grant it.

 The following committee was appointed to examine the treasurer;s office: Messrs. Buchanan, Whittington and Greig.

 The Jury decided that road machines could be rented but not loaned for private uses.

 Mrs. S. Mathieu, indigent, was granted $12.50.

 Mr. Alex Broussard was allowed lumber for the repair of Dr. Lyon's bridge.

 Complaint of citizens relative to water from the Cotton Oil Mill was referred to Mr. Mouton for investigation and rectification.

 Supt. Alleman and Dr. R. O. Young representing the School Board appeared in behalf of Prof. Ed. Parent and the Jury granted $13.50 for nine day's attendance at the Summer Normal.

 The treasurer's reports showed cash balances; general fund, $4,098.00; special tax, $1,363.43.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned. Lafayette Gazette 4/5/19o2.

 Off To Prison. - Sheriff Broussard left Tuesday to take a batch of prisoners to the penitentiary. Among the prisoners was Jimmie Harrison who goes for a life sentence. Two were going for twenty years and the others for shorter terms. Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 5th, 1890:

 Monday our community as much surprised to learn that Mr. Martial Billaud had shot and killed a colored man on his place, near Broussardville, the evening before. Mr. Billaud is one of the most substantial farmers in that section, very quiet and peaceable, and just and upright in all his dealings - and has the respect and confidence of the colored population. Sunday night, about 8 o'clock, a negro named Lewis Green, who was under influence of whiskey, in company with other negroes, was creating a disturbance in a cabin quite near Mauriceville in a cabin quite near Mr. Billaud's residence, much to the annoyance of himself and family. Mr. Billaud went out and ordered them to cease and disperse, when he was threatened by Green with a drawn revolver. Mr. B. procured his shotgun, when Green again threatened and leveled his revolver, and Mrs. Alphonse Landry. Mr. Billaud's daughter, sprang between them. Upon Green's attempting to get around her in order to fire Mr. Billaud shot him, causing his death in a few hours. The coroner's jury, in accordance with the above facts, returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
 Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1890.     

Shocking Accident. - A shocking accident occurred Tuesday afternoon on the place of Mr. Antoine Guidry, about eight miles Southwest of Lafayette, causing the death of Azemie Duhon. Her husband, who had been hunting, came to the field where she and her sister were planting corn. He handed his gun to her sister to hold, and took a turn at planting the corn. In handling the gun clumsily her sister discharged it, the load tearing away Azemie's head and scattering her brains about the field. Coroner Gladu viewed the body and made a return of accidental death. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1890.


 Last Tuesday, in company with our friend Arthur Greig, we took a little jaunt into the country about Scott. Arriving at Scott, we pulled up at the store of that enterprising merchant Mr. Alcide Judice. He is doing a brisk business and is surrounded by evidences of prosperity. We noticed that he has a splendid lot of bronze turkeys of the finest breed, also a fine lot of Polish and other fancy breeds of chickens. Mrs. Judice has a beautifully and tastefully arranged flower garden in front of her residence. Last Saturday Messrs. Richard Frotscher and Albert Nells, of New Orleans, guests of Mr. Judice, enjoyed a hunt for the festive snipe and papabots that infest that neighborhood. We had a few pleasant words with Dr. P. M. Girard (who lives with Mr. J.) just as he was leaving to see a patient.

 From there we crossed over to Mr. Jules Guidry's, who keeps a general store and is postmaster at Scott. He is doing an excellent business. He has just put up a large building which is used as a hotel, with a large and well finished hall above.

 That jovial disciple of Escupapius, Dr. Fred Mayer, had just returned from a professional visit when we entered his office, and looked as happy as a clam.

 "Dull Care" finds no seat in his sanctum.

 We were much pleased to note the solid growth and air of general prosperity pervading the little village of Scott. We noticed that several new buildings have been erected recently, and a neat cottage is now being built by Messrs. Clemille Bernard and H. Blanchard.

 We next visited the fine plantation of our old friend Mr. Alexander Delhomme, Sr., but were sorry to find him confined to his bed with fever. We hope soon to learn of his recovery to his usual good health. His son, Mr. Alfred Delhomme, was in the field superintending and directing the work, and has made rapid headway in planting, the ground having been thoroughly prepared.

 Leaving Mr. Delhomme's we next arrived at Mr. Hugh Hutchinson's farm, about five miles west of Scott, where we were welcomed by our host and his amiable wife, who soon gave us a good, substantial dinner which just exactly fitted our whetted appetites though it did seem to take Arthur a long time to fill up and round off the chinks in his'n). We then visited their poultry yard, or yards, as Mr. Hutchinson has a number of fine breeds of chickens, among them the Golden Polish, Plymouth Rock, white faced Black Spanish and the Houdan. Mr. Hutchinson contends his poultry yards according to the most approved methods and reaps a rich reward for his trouble.

 We next "lit" at the residence of our esteemed correspondent "Oberon," but found only Mrs. Oberon and the children at home, informed us that Oberon, who is quite puny and sickly, for the benefit of his health had accompanied Mr. Ben Avant, Esq., Notary Public, out into the country toi pass some sales. Evidently taking us for the sheriff and his deputy, she at once began to explain that those pigs in the pen were raised by Mr. Oberon right there on his place, and were lineal descendants of hogs taken by Mr. Oberon for subscription to the West Louisiana Bowie Knife years ago; which fact she offered to prove by Mr. Little Hatchet, a neighbor of unimpeachable integrity and veracity. Quickly disabusing the good woman's suspicions as to the object of our visit, we departed leaving a friendly message for our suffering friend.

 We last called upon our young friend Mr. H. P. Koch and his charming wife. He has a very neat and pretty home, and in a few years will have one of the neatest farms on the prairie.

 We regret that we did not have time to extend our travels, but we had stolen that day from our duties for a little recreation, and had to hasten back. During the summer, when we have more leisure, we will make another "raid" among our friends in the West.

 We noted along the different roads that the lands are in a fine state of cultivation, corn is up and shows a good stand, and farmers generally are through planting corn. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1890.

Fresh Coat at the Crescent. - The ever attractive appearance of the Crescent and News Hotel dining room has been greatly enhanced by a brand new suit of glossy white paint. This hotel, noted as being one of the most comfortable and inviting on the line of the Southern Pacific, is being renovated and made more attractive than ever. 
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1890.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 4/5/1890.
 Wednesday a heavy, blustering wind prevailed until midnight, when it succeeded in blowing up a soaking rain which lasted until 10 o'clock Thursday. This is just what the crops needed.

 The street committee had made some progress cleaning out the ditches when the heavy rain called a halt. Now the ditch diggers will have "a soft job."

 Last week a change in the schedule of the mixed train on the Morgan tap went into effect. It leaves for Cheneyville now at 8:20 o'clock a. m., and returning arrives at 7:45 p. m.

 Sheriff Broussard left here last Wednesday for Jackson,La., having in charge ______ Hebert, white, and Alfred Anthony alias Biscuit, colored, interdicted recently by the District Judge.

 Our lumber merchants are constantly receiving large shipments of lumber and are rapidly disposing of the same. As this regular unloading of stock can be only partially accounted for by the improvements going on here in town.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1890.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 5th, 1879:

 The prospect of an immediate railroad connection with the rest of the world has turned the eyes of thousands upon the Attakapas country and particularly upon its most beautiful portion - its very heart - the Parish of Lafayette. Those who will come to seek homes among our people will, of course, more readily seek business connections with those whose names have already become familiar in the public prints.

 It is an accepted idea throughout the business world that a man invests in printer's ink "means business."
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1890.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 5th, 1873:

 The preliminary examination of the case of Vincent, a young colored man, eighteen or nineteen years old, charged with rape upon the person of a white girl of twelve or thirteen years of age, was held before the Hon. A. J. Moss, Parish Judge, on last Wednesday and Thursday, and after a patient and thorough examination, the Judge decided that the evidence amply justified the holding of the accused for trial before the District Court.

 An incident occurred during the proceedings which was highly creditable to our community and evidencing their invariable respect and obedience to law and authority. Upon the suggestion of the Attorney representing the State and the Attorney for the defence waiving any right to the contrary, the Judge through motives of striving at truth and justice and (unreadable word) of sound policy, informed the large assembly present, that the principal witness being a timid girl of tender age, who would likely be greatly awed and confused by their presence, requested withdrawal from the court room during the taking of her testimony, which was promptly done. The evidence being taken in the presence of the accused, the Attorneys and officers of the Court. The public returned and the Judge remarked that the community have the right and very properly feel a deep interest to see the laws faithfully executed, directed the reading of the testimony, after which the case was proceeded with.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1873.

New Store. - Mr. C. Kahn, has opened a new store on St. John street, between Main and Vermilion streets, to the building lately occupied by Mr. V. Sonnier. Mr. Kahn has on hand a stock of goods of all kinds. The public is respectfully invited to give him a call. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1873. 

City Council of Vermilionville.
 Regular Meeting of March 3d, 1873.

 Present: Wm. O. Smith, Mayor, and Messrs. R. L. McBride, H. Landry, Aug. Monnier, B. A. Salles, J. J. Revillon and J. N. Judice. Absent: R. Gagneaux.

 The reading of the minutes were dispensed with, and
   On motion, It was resolved, That the proposal of Albert Judice, to put and keep the streets in repair for twelve months, from date signing contract be and is hereby accepted ;  provided the said Judice furnish bond with security as required by the Committee on Streets and bridges, which said committee is authorized to receive is the name of the Mayor of the Corporation, and provided further the said Judice signs a contract for said work with all the specifications required by said Committee.

 On motion, it was resolved That the resolution passed by the City Council at their meeting of Feb. 26th, 1873, accepting the proposal of J. S. Rand, for repairing the streets, &c, be and the same is hereby repealed.

 On motion, It was resolved, That the resolution passed May 13th, 1872, in regard to other shows, be and the same is hereby amended, so as to read, and all other shows Ten Dollars, for one or more performances, at the discretion of the Mayor.

 On motion, the Council adjourned to the next regular meeting.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
W. O. SMITH, Mayor.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1873.

The Police Jury.
 Our Police Jury held a session last Tuesday and took measures to maintain their status, the details of which are published officially in this issue. Their proceedings to that end are firm and dignified. This action was taken in view of the announcement a fe days ago, in the N. O. Republican that "Gov. Kellogg had appointed P. K. Rice, (Rin ?), Alexandre Comeaux, J. J. Caffery, Dupre Hulin and Terance Girior, police jurors" for this parish.

 "Governor" Kellogg ignores entirely the Police Jury returned elected by the almost unanimous vote of all parties. Mr. Kellogg nor any other person acting as Governor de facto or otherwise, can usurp powers and trample upon the rights of the people if there is honesty and independence in our judiciary. The people of this parish feel a deep and serious interest in this question and are watching closely the movements of the day. Let them keep screwing down - the end will come.

 Under all circumstances, we do not believe that the gentlemen lately appointed are so hungry for a small portion or so shameless as to degrade themselves in the estimation of their neighbors and parishioners by accepting the offices offered them and becoming the pliant tools of the oppressors and enemies of the people. A man of integrity and honor would shrink from and abhor the very thought of forging himself upon a community unbidden and against his will. Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1873.


March 3d, 1873.

 The Police Jury met this day, pursuant to adjournment.

 All the members were present.

 On motion, The minutes of the last meeting was corrected, as follows :

 That the office of the Court House keeper is abolished, instead of the salary ;

 That the license of S. Babineaux be issued gratis instead of being remitted.

 The Constable reported that he had notified the Collector of taxes as required by this body at the last meeting.

 On a motion to adjourn, subject to a call for a special meeting by the President, the yeas and nays were demanded with the following result :  Messrs. Leblanc, Landry and Montgomery voted yea and Messrs. Dubau and Bernard voted nay.

 The President thereupon declared the Police Jury adjourned.
A. J. MOSS, Clerk.
G. DUBAU, President.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1873.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of April 5th, 1912:


 Did you ever send a message by wireless? Do you know how it works? A few years ago we laughed at the idea of telegraphing without connecting wires, but within a generation we see the earth circled by wireless stations. Those who wish to understand and see experiments and demonstrations will have an opportunity by going to the Jefferson Theatre on April 18. Rev. P. J. Philippe will lecture on and illustrate "Wireless" with a receiving  and sending station in plain view. The lecturer has been Professor or Science for many years at Springhill, Ala., Augusta, Ga., Galveston, Texas, and is now connected with St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, La. Much of his time and study has been given to this branch of modern research and he is prepared to solve the mystery of the ethereal wave by a lucid and popular explanation, devoid of technicalities.

 Practical applications of wireless that will in the near future be considered indispensable, form of a very important part of the lecture. Ringing of bells, turning of railroad signals, blowing a foghorn, signaling by electric lights, sounding a fire alarm, starting a fan motor, exploding a mine and a cannon, are some of the experiments.
Lafayette Advertiser 4/5/1912.  

Won Governor at Craps.
[Chicago Tribune.]

 Ex-Governor Hogg's large interests in the Texas oil fields frequently take him to Beaumont, where he puts up at the principal hotel and makes himself generally popular with the employees because he is so liberal with his tips. He had one favorite waiter at the hotel who never received a gratuity smaller than a dollar;  consequently George, as the waiter was named, was generally envied by his less fortunate associates. One day the oil magnate entered the hotel dining room and was disagreeably surprised to see a strange waiter behind his chair.  "Where is George?" demanded Mr. Hogg, somewhat testily.  "I 'se yo' waituh now, sah," replied the usurper.  "But where's George?" repeated Mr. Hogg, somewhat testily.  "I'se yo' waituh now, softly replied the usurper.  "But where is George?" repeated the disappointed diner. Again the waiter reiterated his previous unsatisfying assertion of change. The governor was annoyed. Turning sharply upon the purring individual at his elbow he insisted on knowing what had become of George.  "Well, sah," began the waiter, "yo' see Gawge and I was shootin' craps las' night. Gawge got busted an' when his pile was gone he staked yo' agin three dollars, an' I won.  So I'se yo' waituh now, sah."  Governor Hogg was so amused he accepted the new condition of affair without a murmur.

From the Chicago Tribune and in the Lafayette Gazette 4/5/1902.

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