Sunday, January 11, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of February 25th, 1899:


 Mr. J. D. Mouton caused the remains of his father, Gen. Alfred Mouton, to be moved from where they were placed when brought here from Mansfield after the war, as the grave in which they rested had been partially covered by an annex which was made to the Catholic church some years ago. While it will serve no purpose at this late date to speak of the lack of respect for the memory of the gallant general shown by those who placed this annex over his grave. The Gazette is pleased to note the change as it was eminently proper to inter the mortal remains of the brave soldier in a more suitable spot. 

Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.   

An Important Decision.
 In the suit of Col. Breaux vs. Galbert Bienvenue the Supreme Court, through Chief Justice Nicholls, has affirmed the judgment of the District Court. This decision decides a very important question. It defines the force of act No. 54 of 1896, under which Col. Breaux claimed the right of passing over Mr. Bienvenu's property with the tramrod which is used in carrying cane to the refinery. The case was hotly contested by both sides. Col. Breaux was assisted by Judge O. C. Mouton while the defendant was represented by Messrs. Caffery, Campbell and Girard. The following taken from the opinion of the court: "Act No. 54 of 1896, authorizing owners of property situated as described therein to acquire by the expropriation proceedings fixed in the second and third sections of the act the right to construct a road, tramway, ditches or canal, as the exigencies of the case might require, over the lands of his neighbors to the nearest public road, railroad or water course, if constitutional, is in derogation of general right, and calls for very strict interpretation. The law does not apply to parties whose lands border upon a public road or stream by which the products of his plantation can reach the market under feasible, though difficult, conditions. The law does not take into account the inconvenience of the situation nor the greater or less cost of reaching the railroad, the refineries or public centers of business or trade, but contemplates an absolute impossibility of doing so without the right of way being granted. Judgement affirmed."
Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.



 The Gazette is informed that there is a disposition on the part of our police jurors to use the money derived from the special tax in the different wards independently of one another. We regret to note this inclination of our parish legislators.

Heretofore every police juror has acted as a sort of superintendent of road work in his ward. He has had the selection of the road overseer of his ward, and through him was expended the money appropriated for bridges and drainage. It is needless to speak of the utter failure of that system. The condition of the roads not only for this year, but all preceding years, is the most eloquent condemnation of the methods employed by the Police Jury.

Even though the members of the Police Jury are both competent and willing to attend to the work of repairing and building roads, to expect them to do so would be asking to much. They have their own affairs to look after and they can ill-afford to neglect their personal interest to attend to the public business. As members of the Police Jury they have certain duties to perform. If they undertake more, they will be simply biting off more than they can chew and the public business will suffer just as sure as fate.

If we are going to have good roads we have got to pay for them. Somebody, who knows this business, must be paid to do the work. Otherwise nothing will be done and the money will be spent just the same. The parish must administer this department of the government - the road department - just as it does with other departments. It must do in this matter just as it does in other matters. We had hopes that the jurors had taken this view of it when they made up their minds to collect a special road-tax. In every well-regulated government there are several departments. In each department there is a head who is placed there because he is believed to be fitted for the duties which he will have to fulfill. In order to keep the machinery of our parish government in operation the services of a judge is needed. A man, qualified by experience and education is selected. He does his work and he is paid for it. A district attorney, a clerk, a sheriff are required. If the machinery is impeded by the neglect or incompetency of one of these agents the people know where to kick and who to kick against. In this way if the people are not themselves derelict in the discharge of their duties of citizenship the evil is rectified and the man who has failed to do his duty loses his job. In the past our public road system could have been likened to an animal with neither head nor tail, but with a splendid capacity for swallowing down everything in the way of public money appropriated for drainage, bridges and all the concomitant etceteras. A system with an interminable number of road overseers, without any head and no one to be held responsible. The result is a deplorable condition of affairs. The roads are impassable and every branch of commerce, agricultural and mercantile, is paralyzed. Unless a change is brought about no one can correctly estimate the dire consequences that will follow.

The Gazette knows very well that the funds at the disposal of the Police Jury will not be sufficient to put all roads in first-class condition in one, two or even three or four years, but it believes that if the money available is judiciously expended and the work is done along good business lines our roads will be greatly improved from the start. Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.


The Cane Plant. - Reports as to the injury done to the cane crop by the recent cold spell are very contradictory and it is impossible to say to what extent the crop has been damaged. It seems, pretty sure, however, that the injury will not prove to be as great as it was first thought. Some claim that half of the crop has been destroyed and a larger number of farmers are more conservative in their estimates of the loss and do not think that over 20 per cent of the cane plant has been killed. Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.

Carnival Association.

A meeting was held at Falk's Opera-house for  the purpose of organizing a carnival association with a view of celebrating next Mardi Gras in a fitting manner. The meeting was well attended and the new organization seems to have a very good beginning. The following officers were elected: Dr. F. E. Girard, president; C. O. Mouton, vice-president; F. E. Moss, secretary; Wm. Campbell, treasurer; H. A. VanderCruyssen, artist. The following board of directors were selected: J. T. Allingham, E. Pellerin, Gus Lacoste, Paul Castel, Ben Falk, Victor Levy and Homer Mouton. A small monthly fee will be collected from members which will create a nucleus of the fund necessary to defray the expenses to be incurred by the association in carrying out successfully its project. There is no reason why Lafayette should not have a Mardi Gras parade of its own and we hope the association will meet with the encouragement that it deserves. Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.

Special Road Tax.

 The Police Jury is collecting the special road tax from persons living in this and the other incorporated towns of the parish. As the municipal authorities work the streets with money collected from the taxpayers living in town it is questionable if the parish has the right to enforce  the collection of the road  tax from those who already paying from those who are already paying their share of taxes. It seems to us that if the Police Jury can collect a tax from people living in town to work the roads in the parish the City Council ought to be vested with the authority to collect a tax from people living in the parish for the purpose of the working the streets of the town. The Gazette does not know what the law is in this case, but it has serious doubts as to the right of the parish authorities to collect this tax from the property-owners in the town. If however the Jury is in earnest and means to work the roads no one ought to object to the payment of the road tax as every cent available is badly needed. Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.

At Falk's- The Emma Warren Company will appear at Falk's Opera House in the great comedy, "Married in Haste."
Laf. Gazette 2/25/1899.


Lafayette, La., Feb. 20.
 In reading your editorial criticizing Senator McEnery's vote on the ratification of the treaty with Spain, I am reminded like you that "Senator McEnery has saved the Democratic party and the sugar industry so often that we are inclined to think he is overdoing his job." I am also reminded of a good story apropos of that vote. It was told during the session of the last constitutional convention illustrative of the claims put forward the Tensas members. Every time an attempt was made to reform the rotten borough system of representation by which that parish enjoyed almost ten times the strength she should have rightfully had in State conventions, the Tensas members would fall back upon the services of Tensas Democrats in saving the party. An old Creole, so the story goes, somewhere in Southwest Louisiana, on the classic banks of the Vermilion, passing along one summer day happened to be able to save a from drowning a fisherman who had fallen into the stream. This service the rescued man acknowledged with profuse thanks and with an invitation to a drink for himself and friends whenever they would go to town. The gallant old Creole accepted the invitation and not long after bobbed up in company with his numerous friends. The drinks were served, for the whilom fisherman was a man of his word. It did not end here, however. The old man continued to show up with painful regularity. He had found a good thing and had made up his mind to push it along. But, like Senator McEnery, he didn't know when he had enough and he overdid his job. One fine Christmas morning with the spirit of "peace on earth, good will to man," and reminded the townsman that the time for giving presents had come he was sorely in need of a new suit of clothes. This was the hair that broke the camel's back. The reply was : "All right, old man. Come into this store and select the best suit on the shelves, but, hereafter, when you see me about to drown, damn you, let me drown!"

 The reader may make the application of the story.
Laf. Gazette 2/25/1899.

LAFAYETTE, LA., Feb. 4, '99

 Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between us under the firm name of Clegg & Givens, doing business in the town of Lafayette as manufacturers of ice, selling same at retail and wholesale, is this day dissolved. Baxter Clegg has sold all his interests in said partnership, including machinery, etc., and all  movables, as well as his interest in all accounts due said firm, to John S. Givens, who will continue as the successor of the firm.
                          J. S. GIVENS,
                          BAXTER CLEGG.

      Witnesses :
Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.

Have Taken an Appeal.Last Thursday the Consolidated Engineering Company perfected it appeal and the case which was decided against the company the district court goes to the Circuit. The Circuit court convenes here in March. Laf. Gazette 2/25/1899.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 25th, 1899:


 A large number of our citizens met last Tuesday night at Falk's Opera House to organize an association having in view to celebrate hereafter Mardi-gras in Lafayette.

All those who were in attendance manifested the greatest desire to see the enterprise succeed, and consequently the association was organized on a sound and safe basis.

Until now 42 members have joined the association and it is expected that very soon it will have 200 members or more.

After some discussion as to the various plans to follow for the raising of funds the association voted a monthly due of 50 cents to each member payable in advance.

The following officers have been appointed:
President, Dr. F. E. Girard
Vice President, C. O. Mouton
Secretary, F. E. Moss
Treasurer artist, H. A. Van der Cruyssen.

Governing Board.
J. T. Allingham, E. Pellerin, Gus. Lacoste, Paul Castel, B. Falk, Victor Levy, Homer Mouton.

All those who wish to become members of the association are requested to hand in their names to the secretary F. F. Moss or to a committee consisting of E. Mouisset and H. A. Van der Cruyssen.

It us unnecessary for us to point out the many advantages that are to be derived by a Mardi-Gras celebration.

With the push and energy of the citizens of Lafayette there is not a valid excuse for not entertaining the crowds who seek pleasure and amusement at that particular time of the year.

As to the financial benefits, any business man will readily acknowledge that they are many, and therefore the business men will be backing the enterprise.

With the set of officers at the (unreadable word) the association, it is bound and will succeed.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday next, March 1st, at Falk's Opera House and all those who have the intention to join the Association are respectfully invited to be present at this meeting.

 Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1899.



Now that the festivities incidental to the Carnival have been disposed of attention is being energetically directed to the preparation of rates for the forthcoming Industrial Exposition. The passenger representatives of the various railroad companies held a meeting on the subject during the past week and discussed the matter in an informal way. The rates will be arranged and decided upon sixty days before the Fair but the rates have not yet been positively fixed. All of the railroads are are in thorough accord with the movement for the Industrial Fair and as they will be materially benefited by the bringing to the city of as large an attendance as possible, they can be depended upon to their utmost to establish as low rate such as will attract the greatest numbers of visitors. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1899.



 Of the Hispan0-American War at Gus. Lacoste's store.

 T. A. Bagnal, 1st. Sergeant U. S. V. Inf., son of Mr. J. Bagnal, of Lafayette, has sent a quantity of war relics which are exhibited at the store of Mr. Gus. Lacoste.

 We examined the following:

-Block of the cell where Hobson was confined in Morro Castle.

-Fragment of the bowsprit's statue of the Maria Theresa wrecked at Santiago by the American fleet.

-Piece of mast of the Merrimac sunk by Hobson.

 -Carbine Mauser belonging to the Spanish Army.

-Winchester and Springfield rifles belonging to the American Army and found in the trenches after the battle of El Caney.

-Cuban hand-made bridle from leaves of palm trees.

- Belt full of cartridges worn by private Jos. Brown of the Rough Riders who was killed.

 -Belt found in the trenches of the American Army at San Juan, Aug. 4, 1893.

 -Stick from a post of a block house at San Juan.

-Spurs, revolver and sword taken from Major Domingo Romero shot by Bagnal at Santiago de Cuba.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1899.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/25/1899.

 Home Fire Co., will elect its officers on March 2nd. After the election a supper at Louis Domengeaux's restaurant will be the attraction.
Laf. 2/25/1899

Dr. G. A. Martin, after suffering with Lagrippe for three weeks is well again and ready to attend LaGrippe's sufferers. Laf. Adv. 2/25/1899

A child of Mr. Jacques Mouton died last Sunday after a lingering illness of several weeks. It was buried last Sunday afternoon. The Advertiser extends its condolences to the bereaved family.



Mrs. Antoine Hebert, a boy.
Mrs. Gaston Toussel, a boy.
Mrs. Felix Voorhies, a boy.

 The last performance of the Emma Warren Co., to-morrow night at Falk's Opera House.
Laf. Adv. 2/25/1899.

A full line of grocery goods at Peck and Broussard.

Laf. Adv. 2/25/1899

Complaints were heard about the road overseer of the Third Ward not doing his duty. Laf. Adv. 2/25/1899

O. B. Hopkins has returned from Houston, Texas.

Messrs. Numa Broussard and Alfred Bonnet have added a gasoline steam engine to their well equipped shop.

Laf. Adv. 2/25/1899
 What about your shoes this muddy weather? Give a call to J. Canatella and let him fix your soles or get him to make you the latest Dewey shoes.
Laf. Adv. 2/25/1899.

It is predicted that the end of the World will occur on March 31st, 1902. Only two more years, one month and three days. You better come and pay your subscription. L
afayette Advertiser 2/25/1899.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 25th, 1893:


Which the Police Jury Should at Once Have  Removed.

 We wish to call the attention of the Police Jury to the filthy conditions of the jail surroundings. When the jail was built, a complete system of sewerage was provided, which led to the bayou, but it has been allowed to become stopped up, and at the present time it is useless, and in consequence the sanitary condition of the jail could not be worse. A couple of holes have been dug in the jail yard, between the jail and city Marshall's office, into which all the offal and refuse is dumped, from the jail, which as soon as warm weather sun beats down upon them cannot fail to become pest of corruption that will breed disease and pestilence.

Besides this, refuse from the jail has been dumped in the corner of the jail until a large mound of decaying matter is now built up against the city building. It seems to us that the Police Jury are very neglectful of their duty in allowing matters to continue, as they are endangering the health of our city.

The force pump in the yard is out of order and should be repaired at once and the system of sewerage put in good order and used; the holes in the yard should be filled up at once and the refuse matter that has accumulated in the yard should be hauled outside the city limits.

If the Police Jury will not act out of their own accord, then the City Council should take the matter up, and see if they cannot be compelled to remove the source of danger which at all times threatens the health of our city. Many fear that the United States will be visited with an epidemic of cholera the coming summer, and if it should be, we could hardly escape the siege of with such inviting inducements held out as is offered by the pest holes mentioned.

We trust that at its next meeting, the members of the Police Jury will look into this matter and take speedy action. If they do not, they will deserve the censure of the public generally. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

A Good Move. - The preliminary steps were taken this week to organize a Gentleman's Club and establish a club house in Lafayette. We can heartily endorse the movement and sincerely hope that it will prove a success. The intention is to furnish up a suite of rooms in some central location, having a reading and smoking room, and a toilet or bedroom. All the leading papers and magazines will be kept on file for the use of the members and their friends. It will prove a great convenience to those who live in the country, for it will furnish them some place to pass their time when in the city. It is not the intention of to make it an expensive club, but on the contrary the initiation fee and monthly dues will be moderate, thus enabling all who wish to join. Further particulars will be given in our next issue.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.


Governor Foster has made known his intention of calling a State immigration convention to meet on March 18th, in New Orleans. While Lafayette would have been well pleased if the Governor had selected it as the meeting place for the convention, and naturally feels somewhat disappointed that he could not see his way to do so, yet on the whole we believe the Governor has made a wise selection, and Lafayette parish will do her share in making the convention a success.

In view of the short time, less than a month, before the convention meets, we believe that each parish should select their delegates at once, that they may devote some time to the study of the question which is a vital one to our State, and prepare themselves to discuss the matter understandingly. The World's Fair, opening in a few months, offers a better opportunity for advertising our state, and making known the great natural advantages to be found here, than will again be in many years, and if we would take advantage of it we would take advantage of it we have no time to lose. Every delegate who attends the Convention should study the question of immigration and the best means of inducing it to Louisiana beforehand, and be prepared to act when the convention meets.

Let every paper in the State discuss this matter as thoroughly as possible before the time of meeting arrives. Very few of our people have had much practical experience in this branch of public service, and the more thoroughly the matter is discussed beforehand, the better will be the work done by the delegates when they assemble.

The future prosperity of our State depends largely on the amount of desirable immigration that can be induced to come here ; our material interests have been too long neglected and it will need good hard work, intelligent work to place our State in the position she is fitted to occupy by her natural advantages. Let everyone take an interest in the matter, and send only such delegates to the convention as will do good work.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.


 Died, On Monday, February 20th, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. at her residence, Lydia E. Green, wife of Albert F. Cayard, aged 20 years and 6 months. The remains were taken to Morgan City for interment, on Tuesday. Mr. Cayard has the sympathy of the entire community in his sad bereavement.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Letter from Mr. T. H. Leslie of the Southern Pacific to the editor of the Laf. Advertiser.  

The following letter, received Thursday, explains itself, and it will be seen that it rests entirely with ourselves how soon we will have a railroad and sugar refinery:

      STUTTGART, ARK., Feb. 21, 1893.
A. C. ORDWAY, Esq.,
        Sec'y R. M. A., Lafayette.

   DEAR SIR. - I read with much interest the proceedings of your association, and I am glad to notice the large list of your representative citizens in the organization. You have started right, and if you will continue to push forward you will be greatly surprised at the results. The agreement came to hand to-day and am much obliged at promptness of same. How soon can you secure a vote on the matter? and do you consider it certain the people will ratify it.

 Upon receipt of your answer, if favorable, I will look to my financial arrangement and immediately upon ratification, organize the R. R. Co., and very shortly get at work. I am encouraged to believe that Abbeville and Vermilion parish will come up to the requirements.

 Will you please to have your Collector or the proper officer send me a certified statement of the valuation of the city, also the parish, for my use in financial arrangements. Tender my thanks and most grateful acknowledgement to your association for their evident deep determination to have a railroad and other valuable industries established; and I am free to acknowledge it is a great satisfaction to become identified with such active and liberal people.

 I will shortly visit you, and if your end is hurried up, I will take up your matter before any other, and if I find the field I believe is there I will make Lafayette my at least the greater part of the year.       Yours truly,
                                        T. H. LESLIE.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.


To secure the proposed railroad to Abbeville, it will be necessary for the people of the parish as well as the corporation of Lafayette to vote a tax to assist the promoters of the road. Let us see what such a tax would amount to, and what proportion of the amount so voted would be paid by actual residents. The total assessed valuation of property in the parish is $1,894,572.00 and in the corporation $392,435.00; a 3-mill tax in the parish would amount to $5,683.71 per annum and a 5-mill tax in the corporation would amount to $1,962.17, giving us a total of $7,645.88 annually for ten years. The resident tax-payers own only 76 1/4 per cent of the total property in the parish, therefore non-residents, if the tax be voted, will pay 23 3/4 per cent, of the amount given to the railroad, which would amount to about $1,365.00, leaving only $4,318.00 for the resident property-owner to pay in the parish. In the corporation, resident's own 63 1/2 per cent of the property, therefore, non-residents would be compelled to pay 36 1/2 per cent of the tax voted, which would amount to about $491.00, leaving only $873.00 that the resident property holders would be called upon to pay.

The amount that the resident taxpayers of the parish would pay in ten years of the parish would pay in ten years would, therefore, be $43,187.10 and in the corporation $8,730.00, making a total of $51,917.10.

Of this amount the promoters of the railroad agree to return $30,000 in a bonus offered for a cotton factory and a sugar refinery, which would have to be paid within two years at the outside, for both industries would be built within that time. It will be seen therefore, that the railroad proper will only receive $21,917.10 from the home tax-payers of town and parish.

When the above facts are taken into consideration, together with the great benefits to be derived from a central refinery and a cotton factory employing 200 or more hands, and disbursing thousands of dollars each month to our people in wages, we cannot help but believe that the tax will be supported by every person in both town and parish.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Railroad and Agricultural Development.
 Say what you may about the monopolistic tendencies of the railroads, they are the greatest aids to the development of the country that any section  can have. We have striking examples of this in Louisiana: Southwest Louisiana, beyond Lafayette, was always regarded as a country unfit for farming, but when the great Southern Pacific railroad was built through it, presto! what a change. First it was proven to be GOOD GRASS COUNTRY, and its natural product per acre exceeded that of cotton, which cost so much to cultivate. Next, it was found to be THE BEST RICE REGION in the world, producing that valuable grain cheaper than any where else, now it promises to become A SUGAR COUNTRY, and the central sugar factory at Lake Charles will soon be offered from that section alone more cane than it can handle.

 Coming further east, the vast prairie county between New Iberia and Abbeville, while very fertile, has for a hundred years made but little progress, simply because of the lack of transportation facilities. That section, long so idle, will ere long become one VAST FIELD OF CANE, and the prospects of the people will be great. The growth of the country will add greatly to the prosperity of the towns, and all this prosperity comes from railroad extension. This very fact has led the good people of Lafayette to move towards the building of a new from their town, on the west side of Bayou Vermilion, and we have no doubt it will be done. In fact Mr. T. H. Leslie, a Northern rail man, "who represents considerable railroad capital, proposes in effect that in consideration of the 3-mill parish tax for ten years and a 5-mill city tax for the same time his company will construct the proposed road and besides give A BONUS OF $20,000 for the establishment of a cotton factory of freight $10,000 for the establishment for the erection of A SUGAR REFINERY AT LAFAYETTE. A reduction of freight rates to and from Lafayette is also guaranteed." This offer will undoubtedly be accepted, and within a year from the road will be built, thus doubling the value of property there at once, and soon quadrupling the agricultural product of that section.

 The Kansas City, Watkins & Gulf railroad, extending northward from Lake Charles through Alexandria, is also developing another section long wholly without population, and the same is the case all over North Louisiana, where a half-dozen lines of railroads are in course of construction. All this demonstrates the fact that in the next ten years, Louisiana will double her agricultural productions, which means an equal increase in commerce and population. The tidal wave of prosperity has struck our State at last and the result will surprise everybody -  From publication Sugar Bowl and in the Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.


(Letter to Editor of Advertiser from Gus. A. Breaux)

 I have read with keen interest and hopeful interest the proposition made by Mr. Leslie, and your comments.

 I am decidedly in favor of securing the contemplated improvements; and as a tax-payer of the town and parish, I am in favor of taxing my property to for forward the object.

 I approve of the organized means which my fellow parishioners are taking to "boom the coming road and the factories." I shall not, therefore, I trust, render myself amenable to the charge of throwing water on the project in what I have to say.

 If I understand the proposition of Mr. Leslie correctly, he proposes that we insure him a tax, which in the appointed time, at present assessments, would give him about $75,000. For this he is to build a railroad from Abbeville to Lafayette, which is, to my notion, entirely acceptable, because this road must necessarily seek extended connection in time and possibly give us competition in freights.

 Besides he is to give $20,000 for a cotton factory and $10,000 for a sugar refinery, to be built in this parish. But by whom ?  and when ?

 In the proposition, I see no guaranteed that either will be built, Mr. Leslie don't propose to build either, nor does he undertake that any capitalists whom he controls or influences shall build either.

 I think it absolutely certain that no practical man will say that a cotton factory is likely to be built in an interior town of Louisiana for many obvious reasons, within any period in reason, to this extent, therefore, I deem the proposition mere bruteme falmen; and I fancy that the men at the head of the local movement to encourage the building of the railroad are too sagacious to be misled by this part of the offer; of course I don't mean to suggest that the offer is made with intent to mislead, I am considering it practically. I may assume as considering it practically. I may assume, as a premise that the great, the pressing, the t0-day want of our parish is that institution, that concern that will enable the owner of the soil to cultivate it at a profit, by the ready and remunerative sale of their product. However desirable a cotton factory would employ only trained labor, which is not there, and which would have to be imported, and of course give some trade to the town.

 But I submit to an intelligent public, that the development of our land, profitable cultivation, and that is the main dependence of vastly the greater portion of our population, demands, before anything else, a good sufficient central sugar factory; indeed this seems to be conceded in the public mind. Of course a railroad line, which brought more land into immediate relation with this factory, would be a help to both the farmer and to the factory, and hence it is that I advocate it.

 We do know that, for want of capital, our people are unable to build this factory, and we know that if the $10,000 now offered to be contributed out of the contemplated tax, were added to the voluntary subscription recently made, still the amount would be inadequate to the purpose of securing the one thing most needed.

 Now, what does practical judgment suggest ?  If you levy the tax contemplated, the recipient tells you that he can afford to give $30,000 (out of it practically) in bonus to secure two things, a cotton and a central sugar factory; and it strikes one as somewhat odd that the largest bonus should be offered to secure the less needed, and the less likely to be secured object.

 Why not have the proposition modified as a condition to levying and granting the tax, so that a refinery must be built, and that the $30,000 bonus shall all go to secure it? By concentrating means we may, and probably will, secure one object ;  by dividing them, it is certain we will secure neither.

 I wish to see the tax levied and paid to Mr. Leslie, but I also wish to have him pay, for the benefit of the parish the $30,000 bonus he names. In no other way, in my judgment, will he ever be called on to pay it, but by the above, or similar practical suggestion.

 And, fellow citizens, when we have secured what you, and I, and everybody most urgently need, it will pave the way for obtaining what we surely need less, and that too, when we will have a surplus population which factories are needed to support and convert from consumers into producers of wealth.

 My apology for these views are that I am a tax-payer of the parish, and one of you by birth and affection. Very Respectfully,     GUS. A. BREAUX.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.     



Advertiser Assesses Gus. A. Breaux's View on Railroad.  On the local page will be found a communication from Gus. A. Breaux, of New Orleans, in which he discusses the proposed tax in aid of the Abbeville railroad. Mr. Breaux seems to misunderstand the offer made by Mr. Leslie, as he treats the $10,000 offered, as a stock subscription, when in fact it is a free gift, for which no equivalent is asked in stock or otherwise, except that a factory be built and operated. Furthermore, the Business Men's Association have corresponded with prominent sugar refinery men of this State, and have been assured that the inducement offered - a $10,000 bonus, free land and a certain amount of the capital stock subscribed for by citizens of this parish, will be accepted by capitalists as soon as the tax is voted, and a central refinery erected at once. Therefore, why give $30,000 when $10,000 is sufficient to ensure the desired end. Would it not be very poor business policy, to say the least.

 Now, regarding the cotton factory, we cannot agree with Mr. Breaux's view on the matter. We know a strong feeling exists among cotton manufacturers in the East to locate factories in the South have made much larger dividends for the stockholders that those located in Eastern states.

 Lafayette is centrally located, and is undoubtedly a good location for a cotton factory, and no good reason exists why a mill here should not  be made to pay most handsomely and return large dividends on the capital. Some skilled labor would, of course, be needed and would have to be imported, but a majority of the labor could and would be performed by home people. We consider the location of a cotton factory here a perfectly sound and feasible business undertaking, and if the tax is voted, we believe that the $20,000 offered by Mr. Leslie will prove sufficient to induce capitalists to build a factory here, where the raw material can be bought for so much less than in the New England states where the large cotton factories are now located. The proposition of Mr. Leslie has been carefully considered by sound businessmen, and it has been accepted as meeting the approval of their mature judgment.

 If the tax is voted, we are certain of having the railroad and the sugar refinery, and a strong probability exists that the cotton factory bonus will not long go begging. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mardi Gras Ball. - A grand masquerade and calico ball will  be at St. John's night, Sunday March 19th, in Falk's opera house, under the direction of the employes of the Southern Pacific railroad. A general committee consisting of Messrs. F. C. Tuay, H. J. Church, J. B. Coumers, R. Coffey, and W. E. Bowen have charge of the arrangements, and it is needless to say they will be perfect. The proceeds will be turned over to the high school fund. The object is a worthy one and should meet with a hearty support from everyone.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893. 


Doc Returns. - It is with great pleasure that we chronicle the return to our city of Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins, who arrived yesterday. He expects his family to join him here about April 1st. Dr. Hopkins' return is a direct result of the impetus given our town and school by recent agitation. Every reader of the Advertiser will join us in extending a hearty welcome to the Doctor and his family.  Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.


The following from the Louisville Post will prove of interest to the many friends of our former townsman, Mr. Wm. Clegg, son of our popular druggist, Mr. Wm. Clegg:

 "On the evening of June 1, will occur the marriage of Miss Helen Gifford, of this city, and Mr. William Clegg, of Denver, Col. This announcement will doubtless be a surprise to the many friends of the young lady. Miss Gifford is the only daughter of Capt. H. N. Gifford, general manager of the O. V. Telephone Company, and since she made her debut in society several seasons ago, she has had a brilliant social career. She was one of the maids of honor at the Satellite's ball two years ago, and her petite, brunette beauty and vivacity drew around her scores of admirers. She is highly cultivated and possesses graces of mind and heart which endear her to a large circle. Mr. Clegg belongs to one of the fine old Creole families of Lafayette, La., and is a nephew of Judge John Clegg, of New Orleans. He is now interested in large mining interests out in Denver, Col., whither he moved about five years ago. Miss Gifford and Mr. Clegg met some years ago while sojourning in Asheville, N. C., and their marriage is the culmination of an ardent courtship. Mr. Clegg is certainly to be congratulated on obtaining so lovely a bride. The wedding will be solemnized at Christ Episcopal church and the nuptials will be as brilliantly celebrated as any ever previously witnessed in the city."

 From the Louisville Post - reprinted in the Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Bought Property. - Judge C. Debaillon purchased last Thursday the property of Jean Breaux, fronting on Madison St., between the properties of Mr. Gus. A. Breaux and Mrs. Homer Bailey. The Judge is to be congratulated on the acquisition of this property which is one of the most desirable residence properties in Lafayette.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Made by our Railroad Reporter for the Readers of the Advertiser.

It is rumored that work on the new depot building will soon commence.

Mr. Andrew Burkholder has returned to Houston to resume his duties with the electric road of that city.

Mrs. J. A. Burkholder will leave to-morrow for her home in Canada, and Mac will again become a "lone widower."

Mrs. Judge Bowen and children returned from New Orleans this week after viewing Rex and the minor royalties.

All the boys are buying tickets for the ball to be given on St. John's night at Falk's Hall in interests of the high school.

We are glad to state that Mr. F. V. Mouton, of the Southern Pacific road, has fully recovered from his severe illness, and is again at work.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly returned home after an absence of a month which was spent most pleasantly at Mr. Kelly's home in Alabama.

The pay car on the Southern Pacific made the many employees of that road happy this week. We hope it will not be many moons before the pay wagon of the Lafayette, Abbeville & Gulf railroad will be performing a similar duty in Lafayette.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Improvements the year 1893 will give Lafayette:

  A New Railroad,
  A Sugar Refinery,
  A Cotton Factory,
  A Street Car Line,
  A Graded School,
  A Rice Mill,
  A Cotton Seed Oil Mill,
  An Ice Factory,
and a dozen minor industries.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Meeting Held.

On last Monday evening a meeting was held by the car repairers employed by the Southern Pacific road at this place, for the purpose of organizing a branch of the Car Inspectors Protective Association.

 Supreme Chief Louis G. Earnest was present and assisted in the organization. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year. J. A. Burkholder, Past Chief Inspector; John T. Allingham, Secretary and Treasurer ; Sohn D. Ducharma, Junior Inspector; E. Ledet, Inside Watch. The following preamble will explain the objects of the association :
Pretermitting all reference to nationality, political opinions or denominational distinctions or preferences, but believing in the existence of a God, the creator and preserver of the Universe, and recognizing as a fundamental principle that usefulness to our selves and others is a duty which should be the constant aim and care of all, the following are submitted as the aims and purposes of the "Car Inspectors Protective Association of North America."

1st. To unite fraternally all Our Inspectors and Car Repairmen, strive earnestly to improve the moral, intellectual and social conditions of its members, to endeavor by wholesome precepts and fraternal admonitions and substantial aid to inspire a due appreciation of the stern realities and responsibilities of life.

2nd. To create a fund for the benefit of its members during sickness or other disability, and in case of death, to assist his widows and orphans against want.

3d. To hold lectures, read essays, discuss new inventions, encourage research into the best and most economical and safest method of performing labor.

4th. Recognizing the great responsibility devolving on this branch of the railway, we believe that in the adoption of the foregoing principles the employer, as well as the employee, will be benefited. It will be the constant endeavor of this organization to establish mutual confidence and create and maintain harmonious relations between the tw0.  

Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Gathered and Arranged for the Benefit of Our Readers.  
 The weather the past week has been most delightful, both day and night. Verily this is an earthly paradise.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Workmen have been engaged during the week putting up lightning rods on the steeple of the Catholic church. Many have watched the workers with interest in their position at the top of the high steeple.

Laf. Adv. 2/25/1893.

On last Wednesday the first trees were set out on the new school grounds by Mr. Julian Mouton. If any one is interested in the high school has extra trees which they can spare. of suitable age for transplanting, Mr. Mouton would be glad to have them.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

The business of the Lisbony hotel has increased to such an extent as to compel Mr. Lisbony to secure more commodious quarters afforded by the Vezay building, formerly occupied as a hotel by Mr. J. C. Clark.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

After serving those for whom coins were ordered by request, Messrs. Moss Bros. & Co. have a limited number of the World's Fair Souvenir coins left over that they will be glad to furnish to persons desiring them. Five millions of these Columbian exposition half-dollar coins have been issued by the United States government, as well as many foreigners who will care to possess this beautiful and convenient commemoration of one the greatest events in the history of the world.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mr. J. E. Trahan is having his dwelling and drug store painted.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

The civil term of the District Court has been in session this week.

Just ask Sheriff Broussard to tell you his experience in beating a train.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893,

The funniest Clowns in the business with W. H. Harris' Nickle Plate Shows. Laf. Adv. 2/25/1893.

Marshal C. H. Bradley deserves credit for the condition in which he keeps the city jail. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

We had a pleasant call last Tuesday from Justice John E. Primeaux, of Royville.

Mrs. John O. Mouton left this week for a business and pleasure trip to the Crescent City. Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mrs. Judge Parkerson has been suffering with a slight indisposition for several days the past week.

The owners of good dogs should protect them with corporation collars, for in a few days dog killing will commence.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mrs. M. P. Young is having an addition built to her handsome and commodious residence, which will be used for a dining room.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

"Our Boys" have organized an Amateur Minstrel Troupe to play for the benefit of the high school, and have commenced rehearsing.

Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mr. Thomas Rogers is having a neat family residence built in the Northen portion of McComb addition and thus "The work goes bravely on." Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mr. Henry Church was the first merchant in Lafayette to pay his corporation license, and Moss Bros. & Co. pay the highest license of any firm in town. Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Mr. Henry Bendel left this week for Orange, Texas, where he will assume the management of a large general store. Mr. Bendel has, for the past year, been connected with the Berwick Bay Lumber Co., at Berwick bay.

 Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

Why is Southwest Louisiana so Healthful?

 We frequently meet men from the North who seem to be incredulous when we tell them of the healthfulness of our climate, and who want some reasons for it.

 We think there are three things that account for this condition of healthfulness. First, the salt air ;  this tends to purify all things, especially the atmosphere. Second, the pine woods, from which the hair gets healing balsam for throat, lung and bronchial diseases. Third, the water ;  the water being purified by the salt in the air, does not become putrid like water in the North. A barrel or cistern of rain water will become putrid and offensive if left to stand in the open air in Kansas. Not so here, however. It may remain here a month and be as pure and sweet as at the beginning. Then there is no lime in our water, and for this  reason, kidney and bladder troubles are relieved by residing here.

 We do not pretend to be scientific on these points, but simply use common sense. -- Ex.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1893.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 25th, 1882.


 We can say without contradiction, that the ball last Saturday evening was a success - even beyond the expectations of its managers, - and surely we can say again, that much of the beauty and chivalry of Attakapas was gathered here. The spacious and tastily adorned hall of the La. W. Hotel was soon comfortably filled, - including young ladies and gentlemen of this community and many from Opelousas, New Iberia, Abbeville, and other places.

There were also among this gay assembly many of maturer years, who though not being adept in the Terpsichorean art, are far from being unknown in some other spheres.

Promptly at a signal from one of the floor managers, the Breaux Bridge string band sent strains of delightful music vibrating through the hall, and many who, till then, stood listlessly around or were otherwise engaged, proceeded hastily to secure partners for the first waltz, and thus it went, - from the fascinating waltz to the elegant lancers, - from the sedate quadrille to the rather more lively "heel and toe." There were several among the "trippers" who danced gracefully and with ease, and were much admired. In this connection we may state that we heard of complaints from two quarters, - one from those on the floor to the effect that the music did not last long enough, and another from a few young men not dancing who seemed to think the dances tediously long. The latter might be made to think otherwise by means of a proper course of treatment.

The refreshments were abundant and nicely arranged. The table presided over by Mrs. J. O. Mouton, assisted by Mrs. F. K. Phillips, was well patronized, in fact the returns show that numbers made engagements on this part of the programme "early and often." We learn also, that the confectionery department under the management of Mrs. Jos. Plonsky and Mrs. L. Levy was satisfactorily remunerative.

In an adjoining room, where among other things, the institution of a post office department in connection with the ball. This was superintended by Miss F. Bendel assisted by Mrs. J. Frank. Several young ladies were organized as a corps of letter carriers, and these bore epistles of the most amatory order, with a slight advance up on U. S. postage, to those they thought likely to expect communications of that character.

We are glad to be able to say that the ball was a financial success; but leaving that view out of sight, think that an entertainment of the kind once in a while would do the whole community good.

 Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1882.

 VERMILIONVILLE, Feb. 11th, 1882.

 Pursuant to adjournment the Parish School Board met this day, and was called to order by Chas. D. Caffery, President, with the following members present :  Dr. F. S. Mudd, R. Dugat and Preston Huffpauir. Messrs. Comeau, Hulin, and Debaillon being absent.

 The Treasurer being present reported as having the sum of three thousand, one hundred dollars and eighty dollars on hand to be apportioned among the several wards of the parish, - in connection therewith the following was adopted :

 Ordered, that the Treasurer set aside of said funds to the credit of the contingent fund, the sum of one thousand and eighty dollars and to distribute the balance as required by law.

 On motion, it was ordered, that all schools now suspended he opened on the first Monday of March next, in the localities and with the teachers heretofore designated by the Board.

 On motion of Dr. Mudd, the following was adopted :

 Ordered, that Messrs. Debaillon, Caffery and Martin, secretary, constitute a committee to examine the books of the School Board Treasurer and report the condition of same at the next regular meeting of the Board.

 The Superintendent having reported that section 16 T. 9. S. R. 5. E., belonging to the public schools of this parish was un-surveyed, he was ordered to have the same surveyed by a competent surveyor, for the lowest cash figure.

 The following was also ordered and adopted :

 Ordered that one-third of the amount coming to the schools of the 3rd ward, of the funds undistributed, be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of building a school house at Vermilionville in the 3rd ward ; also the balance on hand to the credit of the Vermilionville white school, said amounts to be added to the amount heretofore set apart for the same purpose.

 Ordered further, that Messrs. Mudd, Debaillon and Caffery be and are hereby appointed a committee to make the preliminary arrangements for the building of said school house and that the same be done without delay.

 The committee appointed to obtain a settlement with Mr. R. L. McBride for the claim held by the board against him reported that they had accepted and obtained sale for a half lot of ground in Mills addition in full settlement of said claim, -- which was approved of and the committee discharged.

 There being no further business, the Board adjourned to time of next regular meeting.
   CHAS. D. CAFFERY, President; A. E. MARTIN, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1882


Vermilionville Post Office.

 Opens from 6 o'clock a. m. to 7 p. m. On Sundays from 6 a. m. to 12m. and from 4 to 5 p. m. for distribution of evening mail.

 Money Orders and Registry business from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Positively no Money Orders or Registry business on Sundays, or before or after regular hours.

 Mails going East close at 8 to 8:15 for local train, 9 to 9:15 for Texas or through train. Going North at 3 to 3:25 p. m. West at 6:30 p. m.

 Mails arrive from East at 4 and 7:30 p. m. North at 8:30 a. m. West at 9:30 a. m. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1882.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/25/1882.

 The proceedings of the last session of City Council will be found on the French page.

 Work on the new Catholic church seems to progress satisfactorily. The dimensions of the building will be 53 feet in width by a depth of 110 feet. Messrs. Guapo, Brun & Marie are the contractors and if the weather continues favorable their work will soon  be completed. Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1882.

Killed by Brickbat. - (unreadable words) ... which resulted fatally to one them. They were throwing clods of dirt at each other, when one resorted to a brickbat for better effect, perhaps, and with this struck the other in the stomach. The blow was of such force that death came shorty after.  
Laf. Advertiser 2/25/1882

lagniappe: #1
A Brilliant Legal Victory.

Our distinguished friend, Judge Edward Simon, has just won a victory which does him credit both as a lawyer and a man. Some two or three years ago John Read, a negro, was brought before the court of St. Martin for having committed a most heinous murder. As is usually the case the negro had no means to employ counsel and it devolved upon Judge Voorhies to appoint a lawyer who would be charitable enough to defend the wretched murderer. Judge Simon kindly consented to do his best for the friendless negro, who seemed, from all accounts, to have no other choice but an ignoble death upon the gallows. Judge Simon soon ascertained the fact that the negro's case was almost hopeless. He mustered up his old-time vigor, rolled up his sleeves and worked with an energy that would have done honor to a younger man. The case was tried, but despite the herculean efforts of the judge Read was condemned to death. Without hope of pecuniary reward Judge Simon appealed to the Supreme Court to give his client a new trial. On the ground of some irregularity in the lower court a new trial was granted and Read was tried for his life for the second time, but the proofs were against him and the jury again decreed that he should expiate his awful crime at the end of a rope. Judge Simon, however, didn't throw up the sponge. Though a little disfigured, as the sporting fraternity would say it, he stayed in the arena and got ready for another round. He again took his case to the Supreme Court where he pleaded in person and so well did he plead that the tribunal again ordered a new trial. Upon the third trial Judge Simon persuaded his client to plead guilty, feeling confident that the jury would take in consideration the fact that the prisoner had actually suffered death and the ends of justice would be accomplished if he were sent to the penitentiary for life. The jury so considered it and Read will escape the gallows.


The Gazette felicitates the judge upon this splendid legal victory which not only shows that our honored friend possesses in an eminent degree that sense of professionalism devotion to duty so often found among the disciples of Blackstone, but furnishes a most eloquent refutation of the charge that used to be made by the enemies of the South that the Southerner delighted in persecuting the negro, for here we have an old Southerner to the manor born who has spent his life in the study of the law and who gives his best efforts to save from the gallows a wretched and penniless negro. It is doubtful if the abolitionists who prated of their love for the African slaves would have done as much for this friendless brute as did this ex-slave-holder who was actuated solely by a sense of duty.

Lafayette Gazette 2/25/1899.


lagniappe: #2

A young man visits his sweetheart. He soon perceives that she is becoming pale, feeble, lifeless, cross, fretful, and unfit for anything. She can't eat a hearty meal, she can't sleep soundly, she can't laugh heartily, she has become rather melancholy and dull, she has lost her brilliant wit and sparkling eye, she complains of headache, fluttering of the heart, etc. His visits soon become few and far between. Poor girl. A married gentleman's wife is always down with some complaint ;  she growls and scolds and frets ;  she can't walk up a hill, nor ascend a flight of steps ;  she is suffering every day ;  she is thin, weak and feeble, and half of the time unable to attend to her household duties. The husband fails in his duty. Poor woman. There is a remedy for all cases similar to the above, which assists nature in toning and building up the feeble and flagging energies, it imparts vitality, adds lustre to the eye, brilliancy to the intellect, gladdens the heart and restores women to strength and happiness. The remedy is known as ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS which is making wonderful cures.
 Lafayette Advertiser 2/25/1882.

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