Sunday, January 11, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of February 9th, 1901:


Necessitates More Room and New Machinery - Small Factories Indicate Municipal Growth.

 Geo. DeBlanc is on the eve of increasing the capacity of his grist mill and adding a lot of new machinery. A large building is being erected to receive the new machinery which is expected to be here within the next few days.

 Mr. DeBlanc was the pioneer in the grit and meal business in Lafayette and the improvements that he is now making prove that he has made a success of it. Heretofore he has dealt only in what are known as Creole corn products, but in the future he will grind and sell the commercial grits, made of white corn. Mr. DeBlanc will try to buy the corn required for commercial grits from local farmers, but should that be impossible he can easily procure it elsewhere. It is his intention to supply the retail dealers of this and adjoining towns with this commodity. He has bought the best and most improved machinery, as he is determined to send out corn products that will compare favorably with those ground at any other mill North or South. He will also supply the trade with meal, white or yellow. As the Creole hominy is very popular he will continue to handle it, as in the past. The increased power of his new machinery will enable him to provide the people with the wood for fuel as he has done heretofore.

 The Gazette is pleased to note the success of this industry. It is an evidence of the growth of the town. Small factories of this character are great factors in the upbuilding of a town and the way to encourage them is to patronize them. They help to keep the money in local circulation. They employ home labor and nearly every cent that they make finds its way back into circulation.

 Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

600 Rail Cars at Lafayette.
 Conductor Bright, who was arrested yesterday morning at Crowley for blockading a public crossing, informed a Signal representative that the report that the Southern Pacific has six hundred cars of freight in the yards at Lafayette was perfectly correct. Agent Porter was asked how this could be accounted for and he replied that it was due to the prosperity of the country and nothing else.

 From the Lake Charles Press and in the Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.


Inflicted With a Bottle - Placide Cormier Dies From the Effects of His Wound.

 Placide Cormier, who was struck with a bottle by Elo Comeau on the 24th of January, at Ophe Melancon's, near Carencro, died last Monday.

 The coroner, Dr. J. F. Mouton, held an inquest Monday afternoon, the verdict of the jury being that the death of Cormier was caused by the injuries inflicted by Comeau on the night of jan 24.

 The testimony of the witnesses at the coroner's inquest proved little beyond the fact that Cormier and Comeau became involved in a difficulty and that Comeau knocked his adversary on the forehead with a bottle, the blow causing injuries which resulted in his death.

 From what The Gazette is able to learn both men enjoyed a good reputation. Cormier was a married man and had a wife and several children. Comeau is not married and is quite a young man.

 Comeau, who had been released on bail, was re-arrested and placed in jail by Sheriff Broussard.  Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.


J. W. Bailey, a Farmer, Mourns the Loss of a Son Who Was the Victim of a Very Strange Accident.

 Grady Bailey, aged 11 years, son of J. W. Bailey, a farmer living near Mouton's Switch, was the victim of a most inexplicable accident last Wednesday. It appears that the little fellow was riding a mule and that the animal fell into a ditch, completely covering the body of the rider. Some one passing along noticed the boy's hat in the road and a few steps aside saw the mule stretched out as if dead. Further investigation revealed the fact that the unfortunate little fellow was underneath the mule. When the mule was made to move away, it was soon evident from the condition of the boy that his life had been crushed out by the heavy weight of the animal.

 His body was taken home, short distance away. Coroner Mouton, who was called to make an investigation, soon ascertained that the death of young Bailey was purely accidental.

 The parents of the boy have the sympathy of the community in their misfortune. 
Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

An Oyster Supper. - The local gourmets will be delighted to learn that next Thursday night at Falk's hall, there will be an oyster supper of unsurpassed excellence. The supper will be prepared and served under the personal supervision of the Ladies' Episcopal Guild, which is a guarantee that it will be lacking in nothing. The proceeds to be turned over to the new church fund. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

 New Blacksmith Shop. - Louis Butcher has opened a blacksmith and wheelwright shop near the Catholic church in Lafayette. He will make a specialty of of horseshoeing. Mr. Butcher requests us to state that all his work is guaranteed to give satisfaction.  Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

Notice to Firemen.
 The annual meeting of the Fire Department will take place at Falk's Opera House, Monday, March 11, 1901, 8 p. m., for the election of officers.
   F. V. MOUTON,
 Secretary Fire Department.
 Laf. Gazette 2/9/1901.

 Board Holds a Special Meeting
Important Resolutions Adopted.

LAFAYETTE, LA. Feb. 2, 1901.
 Pursuant to a call issued by the president the School Board met to-day in special session. The following members were present: A. Olivier, president; N. P. Moss, Sam. J. Montgomery, Alex Delhomme, Pierre Landry, A. C. Guilbeau. Absent: R. O. Young, H. Theall.

 Owing to the unavoidable absence of Superintendent Wallis, Homer Mouton was requested to act as secretary of the meeting.

 The reading of the minutes of last meeting was deferred on account of the absence of the superintendent.

 President Olivier stated that the meeting was called to reconsider the matter relative to the complaints made concerning the Whittington School, and to attend to the charges made in reference to the Verrot school.

 By motion of Mr. Landry it was resolved, that the superintendent be authorized to inform Mr. A. C. Always, teacher of the Verrot school, that his resignation is requested on account of certain charges made and sustained before the board by patrons of the school.

 When the matter relative to the Whittington School was taken up, Mr. Montgomery, director of the eighth ward, explained to the Board that his statement, upon which the allegation of incompetency had been made against the teacher of the Whittington School, was erroneously interpreted, as it was not his intention to charge the teacher with being incompetent.

 It was therefore agreed by the board to revoke the action taken at a previous meeting ordering an examination of the teacher.

 The president stated that he had appointed Dr. N. P. Moss, member of the examining committee, vice O. P. Guilbeau resigned and that his appointment was made subject to the approval of the Board.

 On motion of Mr. Landry the Board confirmed the appointment of Dr. Moss.

 Janitor Hirsch was authorized to sell the table formerly used by the Board.

 It was resolved that parents patronizing more than one school be required to pay the one-dollar assessment to each of the schools attended by their children.

 On motion of Dr. Moss it was resolved that the teachers of the parish be notified by the superintendent to register their teachers' certificates with the director of the third ward within the next thirty days.

 It was resolved that the attention of teachers be called to the following school regulation:

 "No teacher shall resign without giving two weeks notice to the local superintendent, else he way be made to forfeit one half month's pay."

        The meeting adjourned.
A. OLIVIER, President.
HOMER MOUTON, Secretary pro tem.
Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

 New Grocery. - Agnon and Theodule Broussard have opened a grocery near the Catholic church. They have filled their store with a fine assortment of fancy and family groceries and are in a position to supply the public with the best goods. Read their advertisement in this paper.
Laf. Gaz. 2/9/1901.

 Fifty Cases. - Fifty cases of Old Murray Hill Whiskey just received at Pellerin Bros'., near the Southern Pacific station. This brand of whiskey is famous for its purity. It is absolutely free from any unhealthy ingredients. For a drink of Murray Hill call at Pellerin's saloon, or if you want a bottle or more call up phone 37. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.

A Columbia bicycle as good as new (1900 model) will be sold at a bargain for cash or on monthly payments. Apply to N. P. Moss at First National Bank.
Laf. Gazette 2/9/1901.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 9th, 1901:


 Will cure everything [including the blues.] He treats the entire system through the eye and ear. Throats examined while you laugh. No pain, except in the side. You yell; but it don't hurt. You cry, but it is from laughing. Heywood is supported by a company of artists, all the best in their line. Not a dull moment, but a merry-go-round of fun. To appear here on the evening of February 12th.

Laf. Advertiser 2/9/1901.


 Heywood and his clever artists entertained a small but appreciative audience at Falk's Opera Hall Tuesday night. Alba Heywood is a comedian of high character, his acting from the sublime to the ridiculous was proof of his great talent. The Advertiser would like to have Heywood visit Lafayette again as such clever performances are both entertaining and instructive.
Laf. Advertiser 2/9/1901.
Alba Heywood, "a first class concert company, at Falk's Opera House, Monday, March 11th, 1901, at 8 p. m. Election of officers.
     F. V. MOUTON, Sec., F. D.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.

 Buy your tickets now for Alba Heywood's concert.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.

At Falk's.

 E. J. Carpenter's production of "Quo Vadis" will be a revelation to all who will go to Falk's Opera House, Wednesday February 22nd. The scenery is by Thos. Nelville, and every set is a gem of the painter's art. The costumes are designed by Descalschi, the famous London costumer, and are rich and elegant. The furniture and draperies are perfect copies of those preserved in the British Museum. Mr. Carpenter's Company is a large and expensive one, and gives a fine representation of Sienkiewicz's masterpiece. The date is fixed for Friday, February 22nd. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

 The scenery displayed in the production of E. J. Carpenter's production of "Quo Vadis" consists principally of the of the Peristyle in the House of Petronius, the Statue Scene, the Garden of Aulus Plautius, Nero's Palace, Rome; interior of the Marmertine Prison, the Coliseum, the Roman Ampitheatre and Arena; the Burning and Destruction of Rome, and the Death of Nero, the Sign of the Cross and the Dawn of Christianity. While the theme of the play deals principally without somber subject, the wit of Petronius and Chilo, the Greek philosopher, together with the overweening vanity of Nero, cause much amusement. This remarkable play will be seen at Falk's Opera House Tuesday Feb. 22nd. The stage will be cleaned to make room for the special scenery. It will be a great treat, and a packed house is reasonably expected. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

Shelled Corn for sale at Tanner's.
 Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.

MARRIED. -Price was married to Mr. John Broussard Tuesday last at the Catholic Church. Rev. Father Baulard officiating. The Advertiser is pleased to extend congratulations. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.

CANE PLANTERS. - Lafayette Sugar Refinery Co. Ltd., are now ready to contract for cane. In addition to market prices, they are paying a bonus of 25cts., per ton cane delivered by wagons. Advances are made on cane.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901


 Bad bug holes at different places, on the Carencro and Scott roads, which have been forming and never were attended to and now are in a dangerous condition. Why not attend and have them fixed at once? The tax-payers are now complaining very bitterly against those in charge of the public roads, as a certain sum of money has been set aside for the purpose of road works, and practically nothing has been done in that way. Thanks to kind Providence if things are not in worse shape, for it is due to no one's efforts if we had good roads since last summer, but only a providential blessing. Hence, we look upon our Police Jurors of the 3rd ward to go and see for themselves and remedy the much needed places in order that the public may reach town without peril of life.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La. Jan. 17th, 1901.
A Special meeting of the City Council was held this day. Mayor Chas. D. Caffery presiding, members present, C. O. Mouton, J. E. Martin, F. E. Girard, G. A. DeBlanc, F. Demanade, absent J. O. Mouton.

 The Resignation of Dr. F. E. Girard,  as health officer and member of Municipal Board of Health was read.

 Moved by G. A. DeBlanc seconded by J. E. Martin, that said resignation be accepted, carried.

 Moved by F. E. Girard seconded by H. Hohorst, that the Mayor appoint a committee of three to take care of a small pox case, adopted.

 Committee appointed by Mayor H. Hohorst, F. E. Girard and F. Demanade.

 Moved by C. O. Mouton seconded by G. A. DeBlanc that said committee be authorized to appoint a Physician to treat said small pox case, and have full power to act, in order to prevent the spread of infection, adopted.

 Moved by C. O. Mouton, seconded by G. A. DeBlanc, that the Council appoint a City Board of Health, adopted.

 The following named gentlemen, were appointed on said Board.

 Messrs. Wm. Clegg, Dr. J. D. Trahan, Dr. G. A. Martin, Dr. F. R. Tolson and Dr. N. P. Moss.

 Moved and duly seconded that a committee of two be appointed to notify the above Board of their appointment, adopted.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
   CHAS. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
   LOUIS LACOSTE, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

Lafayette City Council.
Feb. 4th, 1901.

 A regular meeting of the City council was held this day.....

and among other business...

 Moved by G. A. DeBlanc, seconded by F. Demanade that the City employ at the rate of $20.00 per month subject to be used for whatever work there may be at hand, carried.

 Mr. C. O. Mouton reported having notified the members of the Board of Health of their appointments and all have refused to act as members of said Board.

 A communication from citizens and Taxpayers asking for an appropriation for a Colored school was presented to the Council.

 Moved and duly seconded that action on above communication be deferred to next regular meeting, carried.

 Moved by G. A. DeBlanc seconded by F. E. Girard, that action of the Council in rejecting Mr. J. C. Nickerson's bill for lumber be reconsidered, and that same be approved and warrant drawn for same Motion carried.

 There being no further business the Council adjourned.
  CHAS. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
  LOUIS LACOSTE, Secretary.
  Laf. Advertiser 2/9/1901.


 The Southern Pacific "Sunset Route" has created an innovation in the matter of rates to California points.

 Commencing Tuesday, February 12th., and every Tuesday, thereafter, to and including April 30th, 1901, the "Sunset Route" will put into effect second class tickets from New Orleans, Alexandria and intermediate points in the main line, to and including Beaumont, $27.50.

 From other points on the T. & N. O. R. R., and from stations on the G. H. & N. Ry., the rate will be $25.00.

 These colonists rates are so low as to enable persons contemplating a visit to California, to make it under circumstances unparalleled in the matter of cheap transportation.

 Excursion sleeping cars leave New Orleans six days of the week, through without change to California, the berth rate therein being less than one-third of the standard charge.

 For additional particulars, see your agent, or address,

 S. F. B. MORSE, A. P.T. N.,
 Southern Pacific, "Sunset Route",
 P. T. M., :-- G. H. & S. A. Ry.,
 T. & N. O. R. R.
 G. H. & N. Ry.

 G. P. & T. A.
 Houston, Texas.
 Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

Mouton - Guidry. - Mr. Joe E. Mouton was married Saturday to Miss Hortense Guidry. Only close relatives were present. The Advertiser extends congratulations.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.

 Barousse - McBride. - Mr. Felix Barousse of Church Point was married Tuesday to Miss Inez McBride of Lafayette. The Advertiser wishes the happy couple much happiness and prosperity. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1901.


 The death of Mr. Ambroise Mouton has excited the most profound and wide spread sorrow and regret. Born in this parish Mr. Mouton was known by almost the entire community. His conscientious sense of duty made him a man of force and power. Lovable in his private life, indulgent father and loyal friend, in public zealous, conscientious and charitable, his memory will always remain fresh in the hearts of not only his family, but his large circle of friends. The Advertiser offers its sympathies to the heart-broken widow and children. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.


 For a large number of years a resident of Lafayette and well known throughout the State, Mr. Eli McDaniel died Sunday of pneumonia. Mack was a man of generous nature and his hand was ever ready to give when charity was needed. For years he was in easy circumstances, and his jovial nature always predominated whether he was "flush or broke." Eli McDaniel will long be remembered in Lafayette and his friends will often drop a sigh for old Mack. To the family the Advertiser offers its condolences. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

Castle Hall Lafayette Lodge 37.

 Whereas by decree of the Almighty God Supreme Chancellor of the Universe, our late brother, Eli McDaniel has been taken from this earthly life and it is meet that we should put upon record an expression of our appreciation of his virtue and our sorrow for his loss, therefore be it.

 Resolved that the death of Bro. Eli McDaniel struck from the roll of the Knights of Pythias and Lafayette Lodge 37 the name of one whose kindly disposition an genial manner, won him the fraternal regard of his brother knights and the good opinion of his friends and fellow citizens generally

 Resolved our heart-felt sympathies are extended to his bereaved wife and sorrowing children bereft by his untimely taking off and that in token of our condolences and regard copies of this memorial be forwarded to the family by the keeper record, and seals and entered in the minutes of the Lodge.
         W. H. ALEXANDER,
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.


At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, of the People's Cotton Oil Co., held Feb. 5th, 1901, the following was offered and adopted:

 RESOLVED: That in accordance with article 7 of the Charter, a special meeting of the stockholders of this Association be called April 2nd., at 3 p. m., at office, to consider the following amendment to Article 3rd, of this Company, to wit:

 Article 3 shall be amended to read as follows:

 "This Corporation is organized for the purpose of erecting and operating a Cotton Oil Mill for the manufacture of Oil and all other products from cotton seed, and conducting and operating all business incidental thereto, also to manufacture ice and to operate a cold storage business.

 Said corporation shall also have power to acquire, hold, receive, purchase and convey by and under their corporate name real and personal property. Said Corporation shall have power through its Board of Directors to pledge mortgage or hypothecate its real and personal property for the purposes of its business."
     C. M. PARKERSON, Sec'y
     Feb. 9th, 1901.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

We call the attention of our readers to the business card of Mr. J. C. Nickerson in this issue of The Advertiser. Mr. Nickerson is one of Lafayette's most active and enterprising business man and we take pleasure in commending him to the public in his new field of work. A live real estate agency plays an important part in the upbuilding of a community, and we do not doubt that Mr. Nickerson will do full justice to all business entrusted to him in this line.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.

NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given that the Street Committee of the City Council are ready to receive bids for the grading of Johnston Street to the Industrial School. Bids will be opened Wednesday, 20th., inst. 4 p. m.
   F. DEMANADE, Chairman.
   Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1901.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 9th, 1895:


There was the beginning of a fire at Dr. Mudd's house, Friday of last week; but fortunately the flames were extinguished before they were able to pass beyond control of the present to combat them. Master Armand and Iphis Deffez, Don Greig and Allen Sprole deserve special mention for the valuable services they rendered on this occasion, and Dr. Mudd is very lavish in his praise of the young men. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Fire communicated to the clothing of the little son of Mr. John Bowen, Olivier, yesterday morning, and before extinguishment inflict painful burning of the lower half of the body. The child had been left alone in the room but a few moments later when the mother was attracted to the scene by its agonizing screams and was horrified to see its clothing ablaze, Mrs. Bowen quickly carried the child out of the house into the snow and succeeded in thus smothering the fire. Dr. A. R. Trahan administered to the wants of the little patient.  Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Guest of Father Forge. - Archbishop Janssens was the honored guest of Rev. Father Forge, last Monday. In tones of glee the big bell of St. John's Catholic Church announced thrr arrival of the his eminence in our little city. The archbishop remained in town from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., having taken passage for New Orleans, on the east bound train at that hour. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Performing in Lafayette: - The Humpty Dumpty Comedy Company billed to play here last Sunday night not only became stranded on striking our town, but were snow-bound, as well. The treasurer of the company "skipped out," leaving the members without money that prevailed here following the arrival of the company made a most miserable failure of the most heroic efforts of the boys to raise a fund with which to leave town. The stranded company succeeded in patching up some kind of an arrangement that enabled them to "pull out" Thursday afternoon, after having been our unwilling guests for nearly an entire week. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.  


 One of the most prominent factors in the Southern sash and door trade is the Orleans Manufacturing and Lumber Company, of this city. It is not only the most extensive woodworking establishment in the South, but has been one of the pioneers as well in the manufacture and distribution of cypress stock goods.

 About October 1st of this year, Mr. Vordenbaumen removed from Lafayette to New Orleans, where he invested in the stock of the Orleans Manufacturing and Lumber Company of which he is now director and the president. There is little doubt but that the qualities that have so far contributed to his success will shine brighter in the broader field that is now before him. Though young in years, Mr. Vordenbaumen is old in practical business experience; is ambitious, tireless in energy, modest, and a man of abominable will. Such men seldom if ever fail in what they undertake. (Source unknown, presumably a New Orleans publication. Printed in the Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895. 

 Coming Sunday (matinee and night) Feb. 10th, the New York Humpy Dumpty Company in the latest sensation of "Humpty Dumpty on a Farm." This is the original cast and company that played a four month engagement at Viblos Garden in New York City. Mons. Viblo the funny clown of the company, is a son of the famous proprietor of Viblo's Garden and is the original "Humpty Dumpty" clown. Don't fail to see him to-morrow.

 The gifted actress, Emma Warren, and her talented company will render "Henrietta" at Falk's Opera House Sunday the 17th inst. The play is an interesting one so do not forget the date and make your arrangements, accordingly.

 A grand ball will be given Mardi Gras night, at Falk's Opera House. The arrangements contemplated for the occasion will ensure an enjoyable time to all who will participate.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.   

WEDDING BELLS. - Formal announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Aulore Dubernard to Mr. Jacques Doucet, Feb. 14th. 1895. The nuptial ceremony will take place at St. John's Catholic Church, at 3:30 o'clock p. m.

 The Advertiser has received an invitation to the marriage of Miss Martha Aaron to Mr. Hilbert L. Falk, at New Orleans Feb (unreadable) inst. 1895.

Died. - Died at his home in Lafayette parish, on Friday the 1rst. instant. NARCISSE DUGAS, at the age of 70 years. Deceased was one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens and left a large number of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. His remains were followed to their last resting place by a great concourse of people. The Advertiser extends its sympathies to the members of the afflicted family.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.


Captured. - Mr. Horace Broussard of this parish delivered to the sheriff, last Wednesday, a negro man whom he accused of having burglarized his residence during the night of the 1st instant, whilst he, Mr. Broussard, and family were absent from home in attendance at the bedside of Mr. Narcisse Dugas. Several articles of clothing were stolen, and among these was a certain cost that Mr. Broussard promptly recognized on the person of the negro in question when passing the latter on the public road whilst on his way to town on the date named. The negro stoutly denied this completely and refused to give himself up as prisoner until Mr. Broussard threatened to shoot him unless he surrendered.  Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.  

Destructive Conflagration. - The town of  Rayne, La., was visited be a destructive conflagration, the 7th. instant. Fire broke out in a small grog shop and under the stimulus of the strong wind blowing spread rapidly and raged furiously from 7 o'clock a. m., until 11 o'clock, consuming 16 buildings and contents, mostly business houses. Mr. David Levy was the heaviest loser. A good portion of the property destroyed was covered by insurance. The following are the losers. P. F. Besse, 4 buildings; E. O. Bruner, 2; Henry McBride, 1; Deputy, 1; Paul Hebert, 1; David Levy, 6.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895. 

HE IS HERE! - Prof. W. A. Bonnet, the well known artist and photographer, is now permanently located in Lafayette. He is at his former stand in the second story of Moss Bros. & Co.'s store building. He regular price for a dozen extra finish cabinet photographs is &8.00, but for a limited time he will charge ONLY $2.00 A DOZEN. No doubt many persons will want to take advantage of this special offer which is good only UNTIL FEB. 15th. So don't all wait until the last day and run the risk of being shout out by a crowd.
 Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.

Police Jury Meeting.
Lafayette, La. Feb., 2nd. 1895.

 Pursuant to a call the Police Jury met this day in special session with the following members present : R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, H. M. Durke, Alf. A. Delhomme and Alfred Hebert. Absent: J. G. St. Julien, C. C. Brown.

 Among other business....

 Mr. Delhomme reported not adjustment in regard to the public road across the property of Mr. Theovic Trahan, and asked to be discharged from further service in the matter granted.

 Mr. Broussard was authorized to purchase a car of lumber for the 2d ward.

 The secretary was authorized to have printed 10,000 road notices.

 By motion the report of the fury of freeholders appointed to trace a public road from Duson Station to the land of Messrs. Thos. W. Floyd and J. G. Parkerson was referred back to the jury through the member from the 2nd ward, the said report not being acceptable. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/9/1895

 To-day is the last quarter of the moon. New moon next Sunday.

Local news was completely "snowed under" this week hence its scarcity in these columns.
HOGS FOR SALE. - At Alfred Hebert.

Valentines of all kinds at D. V. Gardebled's drug store.

Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895. 

 Don't fail to see Emma Warren and her accomplished company at Falk's Opera house to-morrow night. The plat was to be presented in an interesting one.
La. Adv. 2/9/1895. 

 The spell of weather that lasted from the 8th to the 15th instants, was one of the bitterest and most disagreeable experienced in this section for many years.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 The Advertiser has had an unbroken run or orders for several months past. The reason for this is that we do satisfactory work at satisfactory prices. Try us just once and see.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Col. G. W. Hall's United Rail Road Shows, European Menagerie, World's Museum and Arenic Carnival will exhibit in Lafayette on the 20th instant. There will be a grand balloon procession and parachute leap from the show grounds, and a magnificent street parade at 11 o'clock a. m. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Never mind the weather but come right along and have your picture made in finished style, by W. A. Bonnet, in the Moss Building. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895. 

 Dr. F. R. Tolson was placed under the necessity of "taking a little of his own medicine" lately, having been confined to the house for several days by an attack of la grippe.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Valentines! Valentines!! Valentines!!! at Moss Bros. & Co.

Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

And still the good work goes on - we mean the work of grading the streets of the town.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Orleans Hotel - First Class Room and Meals at all hours.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895. 

 Railroad Engineer Cordinar met with a painful accident the night of the 14th instant. Whilst walking through the main hall of the Olivier hotel he slipped and fell dislocating the right shoulder joint. Dr. Martin attended the patient.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

The Lenton season is near at hand and we have been requested to announce that it is quite probable a French sermon will be delivered at 7:30 o'clock every Wednesday evening by the Rev. Father D'Homme, of Washington; We will be able to say positively in another issue if such transpires. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 We learn from the printed proceedings of the police jury of the Parish of St. Martin that Mr. Albert Martin, a member of that body, has been authorized to begin work on the public road leading from Breaux Bridge to Lafayette. It is fortunate that this work has been placed in the hands of Mr. Martin, as we know it will have the proper and will be carried on to the satisfaction of all parties interested. Now that St. Martin parish has taken the initiative in this important matter, especially to us of Lafayette, we hope to see our own police jury fall promptly into line to do its share toward putting the entire distance between the towns in a prime condition for travelling. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Thursday night was a complete "record breaker" as regards cold weather in this latitude. The government thermometer at Lafayette registered 11 1/2 degrees above zero, the mercury having made the remarkable fall of 67 degrees in about 36 hours.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

Messrs. Armand Deffez and Jules Poinboeuf have opened an oyster stand opposite Mr. A. M. Martin's store. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 The prospect of receiving the bounty on the sugar crop of 1894, although still shrouded in doubt, is better that at any previous time. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Assistant Postmaster Joseph Mouton was on the sick list this week, but not for long, we are glad to say. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 The barn of Mr. W. D. Huff was discovered to be on fire the 4th instant, but before much damage had been done the flames were promptly extinguished with the valuable assistance of a switch engine crew that went to the rescue.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Next Thursday is St. Valentine's day and we know postmaster Mouton and his deputy greatly dread its coming. It always means a pile of extra work for post office officials.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Operator Serret, of the Western Union Telegraph office, has been confined to bed by an attack of la grippe, for several days past. He is reported better, at this writing, and the Advertiser hopes or his early recovery.
 Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1895.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of February 9th, 1895:


 In another column of this paper will be seen resolutions adopted by the citizens of the first and second wards at a meeting held at Scott on Saturday last. These resolutions set forth that owing to the low prices of farm products which prevail and the poor prospects of enhancement the assessment for parochial and State taxation, although previously satisfactory, should be lowered so as to allow a reduction of taxes in proportion to the general depression of values. This to our thinking, is fair, and we may add, imperative, under the present conditions. After all, values of land and other taxable property, "rise and fall" according to the financial fluctuations of the hour, and the prices of landed estate are, in a great measure, if not exclusively, dependent upon what its fruits will yield in the market. No one will invest in it unless the revenues assure a reasonable interest on the capital.

 At the present time it takes two and a half bales of cotton to realize what one bale would have sold for two years ago and still the same amount of capital and labor is required to produce one bale now than it did then.

 The same may be said of the values of all things used on the farm such as horses, mules, etc. To-day these necessities of the farm are at least 50 per cent lower than last year. Indeed it would be crying injustice should the assessments be kept at their present figures.

 We note with pleasure that the expenses of the parish for this year, as appears in the report of the budget committee in the Police Jury proceedings published in this paper, have been reduced and are over two thousand dollars less than last year. This shows that our police jurors appreciate the present condition of affairs and are bent upon relieving the people as much as possible. We hope that when they will sit as a board of reviewers after the taking of the assessment, they will act, as is their won't, with equity and justice. We may add, however that we believe the Police Jury will not have occasion to reduce the assessments as the assessor will willingly do so.
Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

Reasons Why You Should Locate In Southwest Louisiana.

 1st. It's healthy; not subject to epidemics; has the lowest death rate in the state (8 to 1,000); more old people to population than elsewhere; nine tenth population white; northern people almost invariably gain increased vigor, recover from catarrh, are relieved of kidney diseases. They are out of doors more. It helps rheumatism and strengthens the lungs. A radical change like this will add ten years to the average life.

  2d. Good rainfall, evenly distributed, 55 to 60 inches annually.

 3d. The evenest, the best climate in the United States.

 4th. Prairie and timber in best proportion. Good clay soil with hard pan sub soil. Good water 10 to 20 feet through clay. No stones, stumps, roots or other obstructions. Well covered with an excellent sod of wild grasses of (facdium?) quality which can be replaced with Bermuda or Lespedeza (Japan clover), best grasses known.

 5th. Crops are more valuable here. Louisiana grows on an average, by census, $20 per acre to the northern States $8. Sugar cane yields 20 tons per acre, each ton as valuable as wild bay North yielding only 1 1/2 tons average. Rice is grown on new sod before rotting and yields 10 barrels per acre, valued at $2 a barrel, gives an income of $30 an acre and costs $10 to grow it. Such land can be bought at $5 to $10 an acre; improved, $10 to $20 per acre.

 6th. The nearer the gulf the healthier the climate and earlier the season.

 7th. All hardy vegetables, such as radishes, turnips, lettuce and cabbage, grow all winter.

 8th. Figs and oranges are at their best here. Japan kid glove oranges commence bearing at one of two years from budding; will do well anywhere in Southwest Louisiana bring the highest price in market and are better flavored.

 9th. Pears of few varieties do well. Blackberries and dewberries (wild or tame) and strawberries do well.

 10th. Nut Bearing trees are at home here and are very profitable.

 11th. Poultry does exceedingly well.

 12th. Stock of all kinds do well; horses, mules, hogs, sheep and goats.

 13th. Altitude, 60 feet. Too flat to wash, too high to overflow.

 14th. We grow sugar cane and rice in perfection; the only field crops we import. On both crops we have a good profit, without tariff or bounty.

 15th. The climate, the conditions, the fruit (fig, orange, pomegranate, grape and persimmon; all indicate plainly that this is the long lost Eden.

 Write to nearest Southern Pacific Representative for Routes and Rates. S. F. B. Morse, G. P. & T. A., New Orleans, La.
Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

An Early Blaze.

At about 3 o'clock Tuesday morning Mr. Wm. Huff was surprised to discover his barn on fire. Though the flames had already consumed the upper portion of the building prompt and intelligent work saved the balance of it. Mr. Huff was fortunate in receiving the assistance of the "crew" from the railroad yard who worked hard to put out the fire. Mr. Huff desires to thank these gentlemen for their efficient work, especially to the old veteran railroader, Henry Church. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

 "A Double Header." - The west-bound Sunset No. 1000, reached here Thursday with nine cars, necessitating the use of a second engine. This is termed a "double header" by railroad men and is the first one run on this road. Laf. Gazette 2/9/1895.

He Carried a Gun. - One Fourcade, a negro living in the country was arrested by Sheriff Broussard Tuesday for carrying a concealed weapon. He appeared before Justice Mcfadden and furnished appearance bond. It seems that Fourcade was in the habit of coming to town armed with a pistol and gave as an excuse that some parties had threatened his life and he carried a weapon to protect himself, but Sheriff Broussard did not take the same view of the matter and placed Fourcade under arrest. It is hardly probable that he will make a walking arsenal of himself in the future. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

 Making a Record. - Ben Young, the young negro who was sent to the penitentiary last year for stealing a canary bird with the cage from Dr. Frank Mouton, will,  in all probability, spend another term in the service of his country. He was arrested by Constable Hirsch Thursday on a charge of breaking in the house of Mr. Horace Broussard and carrying away a coat and other articles, several of which were found on his person, making the chances decidedly good for a long term at Baton Rouge. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.  

News Notes (Gazette) 2/9/1895.

 Latest styles in Valentines at Gardebled's pharmacy.
 Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Neufchantel, Roquefort, Swiss, Limburg and Cream Cheese at H. H. Hohorst.
 Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Remember that Emma Warren will play "Henrietta" at Falk's Opera House on the 17th inst. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 O'Neal Bertrand has taken the place of Gilbert Bonin in the Gardebled drugstore, and the latter has accepted a position in the store of Mr. H. H. Hohorst. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Fancy and comic Valentines at Gardebled's pharmacy.
 Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 The ever-courteous conductor on the tap, Emile Pefferkorn, who was on the sick list several days, returned to work Wednesday morning.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 E. M. Thompson, the competent carpenter and builder from Duson, has been at work building a residence for Bob Richard. It is to be erected near A. E. Mouton's and promises to be a very neat house. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 Engineer Howard, of Houston, who was employed in the Lafayette yards during the rush, was relieved from duty Monday and returned to Houston. He was replaced by the popular engineer, Frank Pointboeuf.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1895.

 The principal feature of the Humpty Dumpty Co., which will appear at Falk's Opera House Sunday night, is the cloud band that will parade the streets. Matinee at 2 p. m. and night performance at 8 o'clock. Prices as usual. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

 From the Lafayette of Advertiser of February 9th, 1889:

The present quarantine station, seventy miles below New Orleans, on the Mississippi river, has done good service in its day. But as it is situated in a locality that is so thickly settled as to render isolation impossible, Dr. Holt obtained authority from the Legislature, two years ago, to remove it to a more eligible site. Want of funds, however, deferred the removal until the present year. The new location was selected by Dr. C. P. Wilkinson, President of the Board of Health, on the East bank of the river, four miles above the head of the passes, and seven miles above the Passe-a-Loutre station. A reservation of two miles river front was obtained. This site is bounded on the lower side by Cubitt's Gap, on the rear by the Gulf of Mexico, in front by the river, and on the upper side by a sea marsh and a narrow strip of uninhabited land that extends along the river. There are no neighbors, and the station can be easily and effectively isolated. The necessary buildings are well under way, and will be completed in time for next quarantine season. They consist of a disinfecting shed of 108 feet long by 60 feet wide, boiler room 30 by 12 feet boat house, officers' residence, quarters for the disinfecting crew, mess-hall, etc. A steamship wharf, 108 feet long, capable of accommodating vessels of the deepest draught, is already finished. The old station was the most thoroughly equipped in the world, but the new Quarantine will be much nearer perfection in its appointments.

 N. 0. Item. Published in the Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.

THE LAFAYETTE CANNING CO. - The Lafayette Canning Company have leased about seventy arpents of land from Mrs. Albert Judice, adjoining the town on the West, and have already commenced farming operations under the management of Mr. Chas. Clark. Forty arpents will be planted in tomatoes. Besides this, arrangements are being made with some of our farmers to cultivate vegetables for the Company.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.

 The Right Men. - The Board of Directors of the Lafayette Canning Factory held another meeting yesterday. This Board is decidedly composed of "the right men in the right place." The manner in which they have taken hold of this enterprise and steadily, resolutely and systematically developed it is indeed most gratifying. They have strengthened confidence not only with the stockholders, but with the community at large. When Lafayette makes up her mind to do anything, she is just "as good a man as ever cotched a coon," or "stole cracklins out of the old fat gourd." Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.

Bright Weather, Bright Trade. - Owing to the bright weather trade had been in town during the week. The cold wave struck us here, the first part of the week, only a glancing lick, bringing a little ice and several frosts. The fair weather which accompanied it was highly appreciated after the recent wet spell. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.

 Backbone Broken. -  We believe we can safely predict that the "backbone of Winter is broken," although we tried to break the old fellow's back last month with thunder, and failed most signally.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.

Police Jury Meeting.
Lafayette, La. Feb. 4th, 1889.

Among other business.....

 On motion of Mr. St. Julien the following was adopted.

 Be it resolved, That the President is hereby authorized to purchase two Sanborn Road Machines, one for the East and the other for the West side of Bayou Vermilion. He is further authorized to draw a warrant for the purchase price of said machines if they prove satisfactory.

 The following introduced by Mr. Delhomme was adopted:

 Be it resolved, That a jury of six freeholders be appointed to lay out and trace a public road and assess the damages to the 1st ward. This road to run north from Scott Station in accordance with the recommendation of the committee appointed at a previous meeting.

 The President appointed the aforesaid jury as follows: Jules Guidry, Bazile Sonnier, Jos. C. Broussard, Silvian Richard, Jean Hebert and P. A. Delhomme.

 It was resolved, That the President be empowered to employ the Parish Surveyor to locate the public road from the land of Pellerin to bayou Vermilion between the properties of Arthur and Aurelien Dugas. The said road having been donated to the parish by the above seven parties. It was also resolved to survey the road commencing at a point near J. S. Whittington's and running to Coulee des Noix bridge.

 The bill introduced by Mr. St. Julien in reference to hogs was rejected, and Mr. Huffpauir offered as a substitute a resolution in effect: That all hogs found running at large be impounded, the owner to pay damages inflicted, provided such does not exceed value of animal. That 50cts. per head be paid to party arresting animal which if not claimed with three days shall be sold by a Justice to the highest bidder. The Justice shall receive 10 per cent commission on gross sales and ten cents per day for each head for keeping. Laid over.

 Mr. St. Julien in the chair the following by Mr. Alpha was adopted.

 Be it resolved, that J. C. Buchanan Esq. be appointed as one of the Board of Assessors for Railroad, Telegraph and Telephone lines, in accordance with act 92 of the regular session of the State Legislature of  1888.

 A petition from M. T. Martin and Jean Bte Magloire asking remuneration for removing the archives from the old to the new Clerk's office, was read and the sum of $5.00 ordered paid to Magloire.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889,


Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/9/1889.

The Police Jury have greatly improved the court house square by building plank walks and new steps over the fence at the front entrance.

Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous, for its prompt effectual cures of coughs and colds. The most severe cold may be loosened and relieved by a few doses of this valuable remedy. For sale at the Moss Pharmacy.

Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

Messrs. W. W. Duson and A. R. Burkdoll, of the Crowley signal, were here Wednesday, and gave us a pleasant fraternal call.

Mrs. Raymond Clark and Mrs. W. W. Duson, of Crowley, and Mrs. Dr. Webb, of Rayne, were among the visitors to our town this week.

The ball and supper and raffle of a velvet quilt, to be given away by Mrs. A. V. Jeffers, at Falk's Hall, has been fixed for Friday, the 22nd inst., instead of Saturday, the 23rd.

The Lafayette Building and Loan Association have accepted the neat cottage built by Mr. Fred Mouton and turned it over to Mr. E. Mayfield, who has moved into it. It is an ornament to the Mouton addition.

Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

Mr. C. C. Farrington, advertising agent, has executed a remarkably neat and artistic piece of work, consisting of a large frame containing about twenty-four cards of our business men in town. It is on exhibition at the post office, and is well worth an inspection. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

With the rapid increase in the population of Lafayette, there are constantly occurring cases of needy distress for which an organized society could render timely and much needed relief. All ladies interested in this matter are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs. W. W. Wall on Monday evening, Feb. 11th, at 4 0'clock, to consider the advisability of forming a "Ladies nonsectarian Aid Society." Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

Our friend Wall. at the depot, now wears a smile of his countenance which even a question as to the whereabouts of a delayed train fails to dissipate. He is now living in his own house, instead of paying rent; that is the Building and Loan association have purchased the cottage on Pierce street which he occupies, and his payments - installments and interest - to the Association are but little in excess of the rent paid by him.  We advise others of our citizens to avail themselves of the benefits of this Association and become owners of their dwellings. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

Mr. Alcide A. Mouton's livery stable, on Lincoln avenue, is finished and in full operation. It is quite an addition to the many improvements made in that portion of our town.  Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

 We learn that a number of the members of the old Attakapas Guards Co. C, 8th La. Regiment, of St. Martin and Lafayette, propose to have a meeting of the surviving members of the company at Lafayette at an early date.

Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

We notice that our lumber yards have received a lot of shingles and lumber in the past few days. This indicates that we are to have more buildings and further improvements in our fast growing town. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889. 

 The Mouton Bros. have just had their store, on Pierce street, neatly painted. This, together with the show window front and extension they have added it it, vastly improve its appearance. Laf. Adv. 2/9/1889.

The first of the new series of vestibule trains, to be run by the Southern Pacific railroad from New Orleans through to the City of Mexico three times a month, passed through Lafayette Thursday afternoon. The vestibule arrangement makes one continuous car of the whole train. The trains is composed of sleeping cars, barber shop - in fact, is a rolling first-class hotel.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 9th, 1878.


 Alarm of Fire. - An alarm of fire, a few days ago, created a momentary excitement in our town. The kitchen of Mr. V. Sonnier was discovered on fire, and was fortunately extinguished in its incipiency and before the arrival of the firemen. The cause of the accident is attributed to the carelessness of a servant, who after sweeping the ashes and fire from the hearth, placed the broom in a corner, from which the fire communicated to the building. The damage was very slight. Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1878.

Police Jury Meeting.
Parish of Lafayette, Jan. 7th.

 Among other business....

 The committee appointed to trace and open a road from Olidon's ferry to Royville made their report, and on motion, said report was adopted.

 On motion resolved, that a committee of five be and is hereby appointed and that full power be and is hereby given to said committee to confer with the members of or a committee appointed by the Police Jury for the Parish of St. Landry for the purpose of making all repairs and other work which in their estimation they deem necessary to put in traveling order the bridge over bayou Carencro.

 On said committee were appointed Messrs Theodule Hebert, jr., M. G. Broussard, Jean Vigneaux, Ernest Potier and Alfred Peck.

 Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the president of the Police Jury of the parish of St. Landry for action thereon by that honorable body.

 On motion resolved, that a committee be appointed to make an estimate of the probable expenses of the parish for the current year, said committee to be guided by report of the committee appointed to draft rules to attain an equitable distribution of the funds of this parish. On said committee were appointed Messrs. Ed. E. Mouton, M. F. Rigues and M. E. Girard.

 On motion resolved, that the president of this Police Jury be and is hereby authorized to draw on the treasurer of this parish, the sum of sixty dollars as as much thereof necessary, for the purchase of three record books for the Recorder's office.

 On motion resolved, that a committee be appointed to lay out and trace a road leading from the new bridge built on Mine's coulee to the old bridge on Isles des Canes lying near Wm. Guidry's plantation.

 On said committee were appointed Messrs. John S. Whittington, Jules Guidry, Jules Duhon, Antoine Guidry and Cleobule Doucet.

 On motion resolved, that a committee be appointed to trace a road from the bridge lying near Montgomery's plantation leading to the Mermentau river.

 On said committee were appointed Messrs. Jules Guidry, Ed. Louviere, Dr. Cunningham and Theophile Breaux.

 On motion resolved, a committee be appointed to consider the possibility and to advise the proper means of opening and tracing a public road leading from Vermilionville to Isle Pilette, and said to join the public road southwest of the town near Messrs. H. Eastin and McBride's plantations.
On said committee were appointed Messrs. Lessin Guidry, Drozin I. Broussard, Valory Breaux, H. Eastin, Alcide Judice, Arelien Primeaux and Adolphe Comeaux.

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
J. N. JUDICE, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1878.


News Notes (Advertiser) 2/9/1878.

We had quite a long spell of cold weather and it still continues.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1878.

 M. E. Girard, Esq., left for New Orleans yesterday, to attend the annual convocation of the Grand Masonic bodies of the State, in which he occupies important positions.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1878.

Romain Francez, lately appointed and qualified as Surveyor for this parish, offers his services to the public. He is an intelligent and accomplished gentleman and his appointment will give general satisfaction. See his card in another column.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1878.

 Now is the time for those of our farmers who have not plowed up their lands, to do so. There is nothing that pays better than deep and early ploughing. A good crop this year will dispel the prevailing depression in all branches of business and make the farmers easy and happy.
 We learn that there is an individual here, engaged in enticing laborers from the employment of our farmers and sending them to the parish of St. Mary. If there is not now a law to punish such interference with labor, which is already bad enough, one such should be enacted without delay.

The Helen D' Este Troupe did not arrive in time to play on Monday night, as announced. The company performed on Tuesday, but as it was not generally known, the spectators were not very numerous. We hope that Mr. W. B. Gray, the Manager, will have better luck next time and receive the patronage which that excellent combination so richly deserves.
Laf. Adv. 2/9/1878.


$175.00 f. o. b. Factory - Magneto Included of Course.

Has Them All on the Run.

WHAT AN UPSETTING of prices the arrival of the Flanders "4" Motorcycle has occasioned. Why, the other makers seem to be in a panic.

IT'S FUNNY TOO, when you recall the unkind things said about the Flanders "4" when we first advertised it and stated the price.

OF COURSE THEY SAID a first-class four horsepower 



 They are trying to establish a negro industrial colony in New Jersey. Each member of the colony is to have a farm of his own. It is to be operated on the socialistic plan. The average negro is a socialist by instinct, but there is a strong possibility that his inherent fondness for chicken and other products of the farm will cause him to abuse of his privileges. At any rate, it will not be advisable for the colony to engage too extensively in the poultry business. Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1901.  

Tobacco Use.
In an experimental observation of 38 boys of all classes of society, and an average health, who had been using tobacco for periods ranging from two months to two years, 27 showed severe injury to the constitution and insufficient growth; 32 showed the existence of irregularity of the heart's action, disordered stomachs, cough and a craving for alcohol; 13 had intermittency of the pulse, and 1 had consumption. After they had abandoned the use of tobacco, within six months' time one half were free from all their former symptoms, and the remainder had recovered by the end of the year.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/9/1889.


 The Brooklyn strike has terminated, and has resulted -- in failure. It was a fight on the part of the street-car employees for more reasonable hours or more pay, on the part of the street-car magnates against organized labor to its will. It was not a question of money with the employers for they preferred losing $55,000 , as has been shown positively, to yielding to demands which would not involve one-fourth the amount. Moreover, they chose rather to call the power of the State costing the taxpayers $40,000 or $50,000 for protection rather than to submit to the dictation of their employers, as they put it. In other words, the capitalists take refuge behind the principle that a man has the right to pay what he chooses and it rests with the laborers to take it or leave it. The strikers, on the hand claim that a day's work should be paid for in value. In one respect the capitalists were right; but since conditions are such that labor now can not "leave it," but must accept what the employer offers, it becomes necessary that labor make some effort to secure full value for its work, since justice no longer dictates the course of the employer class. The strikers acted upon that basis; they had the sympathy of all good men ;  but sympathy does not avail much before the bayonets of the State.
Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Gazette 2/9/1895.

The tough is a product peculiar to American city life. In other countries, of course, you will find the rough and the cad and the brutal coster, but it is only in an American city that you will find the tough. In other lands the man who comes nearest to the tough is but a subject, and a very poor one a that, and he is constantly more or less in dread of a superior governing power. In America is a citizen, or at least claims to be one, and he feels not only the equal of everybody else and he has a profound scorn and contempt for all process of law. The tough is a terror, and there is no reason why he should escape whipping. Arrest or imprisonment he fears not, but a good dose of the cat-o'-nine-tails might bring him to reflect on the error of his ways.

  From the Boston Home Journal, printed in the Lafayette Advertiser on 2/9/1889.


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