Sunday, January 11, 2015


 From the Lafayette Gazette of February 7th, 1903:


 Manager Bendel of Falk's opera-house wishes to announce to the theatre going people of the town and parish that on February 13, one of the best and largest minstrels on the road, Harverley's Mastadon Minstrels will give a performance at this theatre. Judging from notices in different newspapers, Mr. Bendel personally recommends this attraction as being one of the best in the minstrel line. Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903. 

Decision in the Cooper Case.

The State Supreme Court has affirmed Judge Lewis' decision in the land suit of John R. Cooper and others against the estate of B. Falk and others. A tract of land, situated in the second ward, containing 645 acres, was involved. Too late, B. Falk and Martin Weber has purchased it a tax sale, and subsequently sold to different persons.

 Judge C. Debaillon recused himself, and Judge E. T. Lewis of St. Landry replaced him. The attorneys for the plaintiffs were Mr. Crow Girard and Judge Orther C. Mouton and the defendants were represented by Col. G. A. Breaux, Mr. William Campbell and Mr. Thomas Lewis of Opelousas. The decision of the court awards ownership of the whole tract to the plaintiffs.

 Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

The New Opera-house. - There was a conference held Thursday between Mr. Sam Stone, Jr., and Mr. Frank R. Moss and his associates in the new brick opera-house enterprise, looking to an early beginning of work. Mr. Stone is a member of the architect firm of Stone Bros. of New Orleans who planned and directed the erection of the Crescent and Tulane theaters in New Orleans. Mr. Stone inspected the Industrial School building whilst in Lafayette and called on Mr. A. E. Mouton, the contractor, to obtain certain information with reference to building material and brick structure in this locality. The cost of the proposed new opera-house will exceed $20,000.
Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.  


The second term of the second session of the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute was opened on last Monday week under conditions and with promises highly encouraging to every one that is interested in the success of this institution.

 In matters of attendance, of diligent work by students and teachers, of spirit in the literary societies, the school is steadily advancing, keeping abreast of the great wave of educational progress now rolling over the State.
The new term found over twenty young ladies and young gentlemen seeking admission into the Institute, nearly all of whom were sufficiently advanced to be admitted unconditionally, several entering the higher classes. The enrollment is now between one hundred seventy-five and one-hundred-eighty.
The increase in attendance made it necessary for the authorities of the Institute to employ another teacher, and the services of Prof. E. B. Smith have been secured. Mr. Smith is a native of Nova Scotia, a graduate of Dalhousie College and of Harvard University, where he took the degrees of A. B. and M. A. His professional experience extends over fifteen years. Of these five were spent in the splendid common schools of Nova Scotia, and the remaining ten in high school and academic work. Prof. Smith therefore enters upon the duties of his new position, endowed with a broad college training and an extensive experience; and hailing from "Acadie," the land whence the ancestors of Louisiana's Acadian population were driven into exile, Mr. Smith begins his work in Louisiana with broad sympathies and a clear understanding, borne of life-long association with a people similar to ours, a people in whom the same traits and characteristics prevail as are found among our own, a people among whom the names "Broussard," and "Thibodeaux" are found. Mr. Smith has been given charge of the classes in Latin and part of the classes in mathematics.
Officers have been elected in each of the two literary societies. The new officers of the Rules of Order Club are Mr. J. W. S. Lillebridge, president; Mr. Ashby Woodwon, vice-president; and Mr. L. W. Mayer, secretary. Those of the Attakapas Literary Society are Mr. Frederic Voorhies, president; Mr. Longanecker, vice-president; and Miss Annie Bell, secretary.
Many of the recent meetings of these organizations have been of great interest and benefit to all persons in attendance. Among such meetings may be unmentioned the court trial held under the auspices of the club during the past month. Members of the faculty and learned jurists took part in the suit. President Stephens was chief justice; his associates were Hon. O. C. Mouton and Dr. N. P. Moss; the attorneys for the plaintiff, Miss E. G. Dupre, were Hon. C. D. Caffery and Mr. V. L. Roy; and the defendant,  Miss Gertrude Mayfield, the attorneys were Judge Julian Mouton and Prof. L. W. Mayer. The trial was conducted strictly in accordance with court usages in Louisiana, this exemplifying before the entire student body the operation of one of the most important mechanisms in the government machinery of our State.
The meeting of the Literary Society which is to be held in the Auditorium to-night at 7:30 will be open to the public. Some numbers on the program will be rendered by members of the society, but the chief attraction will be an address by Mr. H. H. Ahrens, a distinguished representative of the New Orleans Picayune. The society is fortunate in having secured the services of Mr. Ahrens; and the officers extend an invitation on behalf of the society to all the friends of the Institute to be present at its session this evening to hear Mr. Ahrens.
A new feature has been introduced into the domestic science course by the instructor in charge. This consists in a weekly luncheon to be served in the dining room of the domestic science department. These luncheons are intended to afford a valuable practice to the students of cookery, and at the same time to be practical applications of the scientific principles inculcated in the domestic science department; incidentally they are very conclusive and pleasing demonstrations to the guests, of the high eminence attained in the art of cooking by these young ladies pursuing the course. The instructor's plan for these luncheons provides for an allowance of one dollar to each student; with this amount each young lady is to entertain four guests at luncheon. The meal is to be planned, prepared, and served by the student entertaining, and must be scientifically correct; that is the necessary amount of every food ingredient must appear in the aggregate of the dishes to be served, the dietetic value of the food being calculated beforehand. Miss Annie Bell served the first of the series of luncheons on Thursday, the 29th. The guests were members of the faculty. Miss Bell received gracefully, escorting her guests to the table which was tastefully decorated with an abundance of fresh violets. The menu consisted of four courses as follows:
1. Oyster soup and Crackers.
2. Hamburg steak, beaten biscuit, creamed potatoes, celery, green peas, and pickles.
3. Shrimp Salad.
4. Apple gelatin and orange tea.
On March 12 the management of the Institute Lyceum Course will present to the public one of the Wendling lectures. Mr. Wendling is one of the most popular lecturers on the American platform and never fails to please his audience. His lectures do not consist merely of entertaining fragments; they are consistent, thoughtful, and elevating presentations of dignified subjects. Mr. Wendling's lectures always result in a permanent good to his hearers, and are the type of lectures which make for the upbuilding of the communities where presented. The subjects of some of Mr. Mendling's lectures are as follows: "Unseen Realities," "The Man of Galilee," "Saul of Tarsus," "The Imperial Book," and "Stonewall Jackson."
Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

Democratic Executive Committee Meeting
Lafayette, La., January 30, 1903.
  Pursuant to a call the Democratic Executive Committee of the town of Lafayette, La., met his day for the purpose of devising method for the selection of candidates for mayor and councilmen of said town; absent I. A. Broussard, and Henry Church.

 The committee was duly organized by the selection of Hon. Judge Julian Mouton as chairman, and Ed. G. Voorhies as secretary.

 The following resolution was unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, that a Democratic Primary Election be and is hereby called for the nomination of candidates by direct vote for a Mayor and seven Councilmen for the town of Lafayette. The primary shall be held at the court-house in the said town of Lafayette, on Wednesday the fourth day of March, 1903, and shall be conducted according to law.

 The polls shall be opened at seven o'clock a. m. and shall be closed at five o'clock p. m.

 The following named persons are hereby appointed as Commissioners of election for said primary, viz: R. C. Greig, Jos. Ducote and D. V. Gardebled, and Galbert Comeau, clerk of election.

 None but qualified electors under the constitution and election laws of the State, and who are white Democrats, shall be entitled to vote at said primary.

 Notice of the voting of this primary election shall contain a copy of this resolution, and be signed by the secretary of this committee, and shall be published in a newspaper of this town, at least two weeks prior to the time fixed herein for the primary.

 The returns of this primary election shall be made in sealed packages to the chairman of this committee, in accordance with provisions of Act 133 of 1900.

 At said primary five Democrats shall be elected to constitute the Democratic Executive Committee of this town.

 JULIAN MOUTON, chairman; A. R. TRAHAN, M. D; ED. G. VOORHIES, secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

Public School Visitors.
 A delegation of farmers from various parts of the parish, accompanied by by Mr. Alcide Judice of Scott, visited the Lafayette primary school Thursday of this week, to make observations on the methods and discipline of a model school. Miss Holmes, the principal of the primary school, who is always pleased to receive visitors, welcomed the delegation of citizens and conducted a number of exercises with her pupils illustrating the most approved method for instructing children in geography, history, arithmetic and other branches. A very favorable impression was made on the visitors, and Dr. Moss, who was present declared that it was the desire and intention of the School Board to establish first class primary schools and central schools in every section of the parish just as fast as circumstances would permit, and he expressed satisfaction at the great interest the people of the parish were now taking in educational matters, and said that this was one of the most hopeful signs of the times, as education was was indispensable to the highest welfare of the people. Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.


An editorial in last Sunday's Picayune calls attention to the unusually large number of railroad wrecks which have occurred recently in the United States. Mention is made of the wreck on the New Hersey road which called twenty persons and injured double that number, and the Southern Pacific catastrophe in California where the loss of life was still greater, the death list exceeding thirty. In both instances the accidents are attributed to the neglect or obedience of employes. In one case the engineer ignored the signals, and in the other an operator failed to deliver an order to the engineer and conductor of train. The appalling results in both accidents have awakened the authorities to a realization of their duty and it is reported that rigid investigations will be made with a view of finding out who is responsible for this terrible loss of human life. Further than fixing the blame upon the derelict employes, the judicial investigations will not accomplish much. The men whose negligence or disobedience caused the awful sacrifice of human life are not criminals and a prosecution can not be expected to result in their conviction on either the charge of murder or manslaughter. But is nevertheless a move in the right direction.

 According to the bulletin issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission 240 persons were killed and 2,339 injured in railway accidents occurring during the months of July, August and September. It is safe to say that these figures do not include all the railroad in which people were killed and injured during the three months mentioned. The unwillingness of the railroad companies to give any information on this subject is well known. In many instances the fatalities do not find their way into the newspapers. Railroad men are under strict orders not to speak of accidents and when they occur at remote points it is almost impossible to find anything out anything about them. 

 The people have become so accustomed to hearing that some one has been killed by a railroad accident that unless the number of deaths is very large the occurrence causes no comment and the authorities pay no attention to it.

 While The Picayune bemoans this awful record of death, it offers no remedy to stop this cruel waste of Lafayette. It merely suggests "that the best inventive thought of the present generation ought to be applied to the task."

 Though The Gazette frankly confesses its inability to deal with this very vital problem, as it should be dealt with, it believes that some good will result from an investigation by the authorities of every accident which is accompanied by loss of life.

 Every time a person is killed in a railway accident his death should be made the subject of a full judicial inquiry. Railroad companies should be held to a stricter accountability when they or their agents cause the death of a human being. Investigations by the officers of the law may not put an end to these death-dealing accidents, but they will at least show that society has yet some regard for the sacredness of human life. Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

Proceeds of the Street Fair.
 The Gazette has been favored with the report of Mr. F. V. Mouton and Dr. F. E. Girard, respectively, of the merchants' organization in charge of the street fair given here last week for the benefit of the Sontag Band. It shows net profits amounting to $619.30. The total gross receipts of the attractions were $2292.90, the receipts at the main entrance being $728.

 It is a source of pleasure to notice the flattering results of the fair. With this money, the band boys will be able to provide themselves with improved musical instrument. Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

New Studio.
F. F. carter's new studio is fitted up on latest principles, the skylight being all of glass. Soft, artistic pictures will be the result. Being on the main street and on the ground floor, it is easy to get at, and we predict a good run of business for him. Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

A very pleasant and profitable meeting of the Women's Literary Club was held with Mrs. T. M. Biossat on Saturday, January 31. A paper on the "Geography of Louisiana" by Mrs. F. E. Davis proved very interesting and instructive. It included questions on the area, population, soil, and various other features of our State and the answers obtained manifested careful study on the part of the club members. A carefully prepared paper on "Parish Government" by Mrs. A. B. Denbo also elicited intelligent answers regarding the laws and lawmakers of our parish. Miss Anna Hopkins read a sweet selection from the lamented Mary Townsend whose recent decree removed from Louisiana one of her best known lyric writers.

 A very beautiful piano solo was well rendered by Miss Lea Gladu, which fittingly closed an already delightful  program.

 A committee composed of Mrs. E. L. Stephens, Misses Edith Dupre and Alicia Dickson was appointed to arrange for a lecture by Prof. John R. Ficklin of Tulane, and a rare treat is anticipated for the near future.

 During the afternoon sweet melodies from a music box added to the pleasure of the program, and after the adjournment of the club dainty refreshments were served in the dining room.

 The guests at this meeting were: Mmes. C. M. Parkerson, Farley of New Iberia, and Miss Jennie Torian.
One of the most elegant receptions of the season was given on Friday Jan. 30 by Mrs. F. R. Tolson in honor of Miss Mattie Wier of Houston, Texas.

 Mrs. Tolson's handsome new home in Johnston St. was brilliantly illuminated with myriads of electric lights and most artistically decorated with odorous roses, variegated camellias and palms.

 Little Misses Elizabeth Denbo and Alice Moss daintily attired in white organic frocks, gracefully ushered in the elegantly gowned matrons who thronged the drawing rooms and dining hall from four to six, the appointed hours.

 Mmes P. D. Beraud and A. B. Denbo greeted the guests at the entrance to the parlor, in the centre of which under a chandelier ablaze with light, the hostesses received with Miss Weir.

 Mrs. Tolson's gown was a very effective combination of black and white. Miss Tolson wore a delicate frock of canary and black with roses and Miss Wier an an exquisite white robe of diaphanous liberty silk over taffeta. Soft trimmings of tule were lavishly and suited well the petite figure of the wearer.

 In the dining room Mmes. W. M. Kelly, W. A. LeRosen, T. B. Hopkins, Jr., Misses Viola Young, Maxim Beraud, Eliza and Anna Hopkins dispensed dainty refreshments of chicken salad, sandwiches, and other delicacies with which was served the truly Southern luxury a tiny cup of cafe noir. Mmes. N. P. Moss and L. J. Alleman presided over the punch bowl and, passing into the hallway, each guest lingering sipped the sparkling fluid. Those who called during the afternoon were Mmes. J. F. Mouton,A. A. Morgan, G. Snodgrass, A. Vandiver, T. N. Blake, T. M. Biossat, J. A. Martin, E. L. Stephens, V. L. Roy, C. Girard, J. L. Kennedy, E. R. Kennedy, B. Clegg, J. C. Nickerson, C. K. Darling, W. V. Nicholson, C. D. Caffery, D. Schwartz, F. K. Hopkins, H. K. Ruger, F. Demanade, C. Whittington, E. P. Mills, C. M. Parkerson, F. B. Baker, E. F. Baker, A. Doucet, T. B. Hopkins, Sr., and S. R. Parkerson.

 Following the afternoon reception the doors of the Tolson home were thrown open at eight-thirty to the young people, and an evening to the young people, and an evening of genuine pleasure was enjoyed by all. A very amusing contest was indulged in which afforded a great deal of mirth, particularly to the young ladies present. Each young gentleman was given the name of some lady present whose dress he had to describe. Many ludicrous descriptions were read, the following being one of the very best: "Green dress trimmed with medallions and pendants, with two folds twelve inches from the floor, and lots and lots of folds near and around waist. Two green velvet shoulder covers; white front over shoulders six and one-half inches down back; velvet pads and several pins on sides and back of neck; diamond butterfly and black ribbon in hair; white puffs near hands and baggy sleeves."

 Light refreshments were served, and throughout the evening a string band discoursed sweet music.

 The guests were: Misses Mattie Wier, Anna and Elizabeth Hopkins, Zelia Christian, Alicia Dickson, Fadra Holmes, Emily Horton, Edna Close, Gertrude Mayfield, Edith Dupre, Cornelia Broussard, Lizzie and May Bailey, Mayre Littell, Ruby Scranton, Ula Coronna, Sallie and Emmie Torian, Margaret Robertson, Margaret Ruger, Maxim Beraud, Viola Young and Elizabeth Mudd ;  Messrs. P. B. and John Torian, Wm. Middlemas, Chas. and Geo. Debaillon, Ashby Woodson, J. W. S. Lillebridge, Archie and Eben Morgan, Frank Broussard, Lorne Nickerson, Jerome Mouton, John Givens, Ashton Beraud, Drs. H. B. Beeler, J. O. Duhon and John Tolson.

 One of the most enjoyable social events of the week was the progressive euchre given by Mrs. J. A. Martin on Wednesday afternoon.

 A spring like atmosphere pervaded the interior of her pretty home, for vases and bowls were filled with great purple violets, their fragrance breathing the near approach of spring.

 Contrasting with the delicate purple of the violet, gorgeous pink camellias were used  in profusion, the two flowers forming a very effective combination. Eight tables were arranged in the hallway and rooms and from four to six ten interesting games were played.

 The first prize, a handsome brass clock, was won by Mrs. T. B. Hopkins, Jr., and to Mrs. F. B. Baker was awarded the second, a lovely satin head res, embroidered in violets.

 The booby went to Mrs. Victor Levy.

 During the afternoon punch and bonbons were passed, and at the termination of the games, delicious refreshments were served. The guests were: Mmes. Geo. Comstock, T. N. Blake, B. J. Pellerin, A. B. Denbo, T. B. Hopkins, Jr., C. D. Caffery, C. M. Parkerson, F. B. Baker, F. V. Mouton, Lionel Mayer, G. H. DeClouet, E. Constantin, H. Prejean, A. LeBlanc, J. C. Nickerson, T. M. Biossat, Alf. Mouton, J. A. Roy, A. Doucet, B. Clegg, V. L. Roy, Victor Levy, H. K. Ruger, B. N. Coronna, J. L. Cunningham, Alex Mouton, W. A. LeRosen ;  Misses Lea Gladu, Lizzie Parkerson, Gertrude Mayfield, Edith Dupre, Margaret Robertson and Elizabeth Mudd. Lafayette Gazette 2/7/1903.

Illiterate, Not Unpatriotic.
To the Lafayette Gazette:
 In commenting upon the large number of white voters (nearly one-half) of St. Martin parish, who became disfranchised through a failure to pay their poll tax in 1902, the St. Martin Review attributes such failure to a "lack of patriotism, lack of appreciation of the great importance of being a suffragan, and shameful lack of the sense of one's civic duty."

 One can well understand the feelings of The Review at being obliged to make such a humiliating confession, and the keenness of the humiliation is not lessened on account of the same conditions prevailing in neighboring parishes. But, it is not erroneous and unjust to charge the neglect of such voters to qualify as suffragists to a want of patriotism? An investigation of the apathy and indifference complained of, on the part of the people, will make it only too evident that ignorance and illiteracy is the active underlying cause of the evil. The great majority of the adult population in what is known as the Attakapas parishes, are uneducated and unenlightened and, consequently, are no more capable of understanding the principles of government and the significance of suffrage than a man is able to discern the form, size and color of objects in the darkness without the aid of light.

 The capacity of the beknighted, uncultivated mind for apprehending facts, and its power of reasoning, are limited in the same way that a horse can not draw a heavier load than he has the strength to move. Ignorance and illiteracy are incompatible with patriotism and a sense of civic duty. One represents darkness, the other is a symbol of light. When the army of Galerius sacked the camp of the routed Persians a bag of shining leather, filled with pearls, fell in the hands of a private soldier; he carefully preserved the bag, but he threw away the contents, judging that whatever was of no use could not possibly be of any value. How could be expected to place a higher estimate on the pearls than on the bag, when he was unacquainted with the properties to which a pearl owes its value as a gem. He knew the use of the leather bag, however, and made sure of that; and, so it is with the voter in his estimate of the electorate. he is informed as to the value of a dollar and keeps it, but his intellect never having reached that stage of development which would enable him to comprehend, enjoy and exercise the supreme privilege secured to him by the ballot box, like the soldier in the army of Galerius, he throws away through ignorance, the thing of greatest value to him.

 The picture just drawn depicts a most deplorable condition, and it is a false pride that would cause us to deny or disguise its truthfulness, and no good could result from such a course. It is better and more manly to recognize the evil in all its hideousness and proceed to eradicate the disease, branch and root, by destroying the cause. An education, solid education, broadminded education, is the remedy and great panacea for all our social and economic ills. The kind of education that turns knowledge into power and elevates men and women far above the plane of sordidness and rank commercialism. The manner of education which causes men and women to realize that they are intended to be more than mere automatons, something of greater usefulness than mechanical appliances for the exploitation of fashion and the display of millinery. That quality of education and training of the mind and heart which incites men and women to deeds of heroism and nobleness, and enables them to drink deeply of the joys and beauties of this life, because conscious of its higher duties and graver responsibilities eternal in their workings.

 There are earnest men and women among our own people laboring for the improvement and extension of our educational facilities. Let these join hands in the grand work of obliterating the ignorance and illiteracy that is a blotch on one fair Southland. Let them wage an unceasing crusade against incompetency in school officers and school teachers. Only the best talent and the highest ability must be allowed to govern the school system and direct the moral and mental training of our children. And in all worthy and practical efforts to foster the blessings of education among the unlettered masses, we should feel a great satisfaction and encouragement in knowing that we can at all times depend upon the active sympathy and support of our chief magistrate, Gov. Heard, whose utterances and actions afford convincing proof of the great importance he attaches to the subject of public education in Louisiana.

 And the Press! who can estimate the usefulness and influence in forwarding the new century campaign for a universal education of the people? And it is earnestly to be hoped that The St. Martinville Review and all other newspapers engaged in the up-building of a country now deeply feeling the burden and disadvantages of ignorance and illiteracy, will fully realize the grave responsibility resting on them as publicists and moulders of thought, and lend their powerful influence to the cause by agitating and advocating unremittingly all reasonable and necessary measures for the rapid and effective dissemination of knowledge through education, to the end that our people may attain to the proud and influential position to which they are rightfully entitled by birth and tradition. And as our school work is being so seriously hampered by a lack of school funds, and as money invested in education brings the very largest returns, a liberal local school tax is the foremost one of the public measures to be carried into effect in the higher interest of the people; and such a tax will afford the most reliable and the most effective means for extending the benefits of education to all the people of this and future generations, and assure them the fullest measure of prosperity and happiness.
                                       N. P. MOSS.
 Lafayette, La., Jan. 29, 1903.


  From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 7th, 1874:

 The weather during the past week has been most disagreeable; on Thursday night the rain fell in torrents flooding our streets and overflowing the coulees in different sections of the parish.
 Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1874.

Remember that Tuesday the 17th instant is the day on which the grand masked and fancy dress ball is to come off at Hebert's Hall in Vermilionville. Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1874.

Pardoned: Darzia M. Broussard who was convicted at the last term of the District Court, of larceny, and sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary, has been pardoned by Gov. Kellogg, and was set at liberty on Thursday. Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1874.

Last Monday the case of the State vs. Martin, charged with rape came up before Judge Moss, and after hearing of the testimony and the law. the Judge remanded the accused to jail, without benefit of bail, to answer to the said charge at the time of the next term of the District Court. Laf. Adv. 2/7/1874. 

From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 7th, 1907:


Thomas A. Edison's latest invention is a concrete house. Writing to the Chicago Tribune he says:

 "I am in receipt of many letters regarding newspaper articles describing a cement house which I am about to erect. The writers of most of the letters have misread the articles, and I take this occasion to explain just what I purpose to do. I now have a model, one fourth the size of the house, designed by the New York architects. This winter I shall construct the iron molds and devise machinery, whereby a full sized house can be cast in twelves hours after the molds are in position. At the end of six days the iron molds are removed and the house will be complete, including stairs, partitions, mantels, bath, etc., and after drying six days will probably be ready for occupancy. To build this house for $1,000 it is essential that it be erected on sandy soils, as the material excavated for the cellar is all that is required to build the house, except, of course, the cement. The cost of the iron molds will be about $25,000, the cost of the other machinery about $15,000. From this outfit an unlimited number of houses can be erected."

 The cement house invention above seems attractive, but the people of Lafayette will regretfully have to pass it up, unless Mr. Edison will now bend his great inventive powers to the task of inventing a way to persuade the insurance octopus to give a reasonable rate on cement houses and not class them as wood. Lafayette now has a row of three cement stores, each rated 8.55, and should the people here become enthused with Mr. Edison's new invention and build a lot of cement houses, the chances are it would frighten the timid insurance trust into cold feet and a rate of 20 per cent.

 If Lafayette is to benefit from Mr. Edison's cement house invention, we must implore him to invent an attachment to go with it, warranted to work a reasonable rate of the insurance trust. Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1907.  


A darky in Natchez was boasting to a grocer of the cheapness of ten pounds of sugar he had purchased at a rival store. "Let me weigh the package," said the grocer. The darky assented, and it was found two pounds short. The colored gentleman looked perplexed for a moment, and then said: "Guess he didn't cheat dis' child much ; while he was gittin' the sugar I stole two pair ob shoes."
Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1874:

 The Railway gate-keeper of an important crossing not many miles from Boston is an inveterate checker player. A short time since he became so absorbed in a game with a friend that he took no note of time, until his visitor, hurriedly jumping to his feet, said "Cars coming ; better be moving, Jim." Glancing at the clock, Jim accepted the hopelessness of the situation, and as the train thundered by the open gates at forty miles an hour calmly remarked without rising from his seat, "That's the New York Express. It's your move, Mr. Jones. --
Boston Bulletin- reprinted in Laf. Adver. 2/7/1874:

Kisses on Interest.
 A father talking to his careless daughter, said: "I want to speak to you about your mother. It may be that you have not noticed a careworn look on her lately. Of course it has not been brought there by any action of yours, still it is your duty to chase it away. I want you to get up tomorrow morning and get the breakfast and when your mother comes and begins to express her surprise go right up to her and kiss her. You can't imagine how it will brighten her face. Besides you owe her a kiss or two. Away back you were a little girl and she kissed you when no one else was tempted by your fever tainted breath and swollen face. You were not as attractive then as now. And through those childish years of sunshine and shadow she was always ready to cure, by the magic of a mother's kiss, the dirty, chubby hands whenever they were injured in the first skirmishes with the rough world. And then the midnight kiss with which she routed so many bad dreams as she leaned over your restless pillow, have all been on interest these long, long years. The contrast would not be so marked. Her face has more wrinkles than yours and yet if you were sick that face would appear more beautiful than an angel's, as it hovered over you, watching every opportunity to administer to your comfort, and everyone of those wrinkles would seem to be bright wavelets of sunshine chasing each other over the dear face. She will leave you one of these days. These burdens, if not lifted from her shoulders, will break her down. Those rough hands which have done so many necessary things for you will be crossed upon her lifeless breast. Those neglected lips which gave you your first baby kiss will be forever closed and those ad, tired eyes will have to appreciate your mother; but it will be too late.

(Original source unknown.) In the Lafayette Advertiser 1/8/1905.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 7th, 1908:


Thomas A. Edison's latest invention is a concrete house. Writing in the Chicago Tribune he says:

 "I am in receipt of many letters regarding newspaper articles describing a cement house which I am about to erect. The writers of most of the letters have misread the articles, and I take this occasion to explain just what I purpose to do. I now have a model, one-fourth the size of the house, designed by the New York architects. This winter I shall construct the iron molds and devise machinery, whereby a full sized house can be cast in twelve hours after the molds are in position. At the end of the six days the iron molds are removed and the house will be complete including stairs, partitions, mantels, bath, etc., and after drying six days will probably be ready for occupancy. To build this house for $1,000 is essential that it be erected on sandy soils, as the material excavated for the cellar is all that is required to build the house, except, or course, the cement. The cost of the iron molds will be about $25,000, the cost of the other machinery about $15,000. From this outfit an unlimited number of houses can be erected."

 The cement house invention above seems attractive, but the people of Louisiana will regretfully have to pass it up, unless Mr. Edison will not bend his great inventive powers to the task of inventing a way to persuade the insurance octopus to give a reasonable rate on cement houses and not class them as wood. Lafayette now has a row of three cement stores, each rated 8.55, and should the people here become enthused with Mr. Edison's new invention and build a lot of cement houses, the chances are it would frighten the timid insurance trust into cold fact and a rate of 20 per cent.

 If Lafayette is to benefit from Mr. Edison's cement house invention, we must implore him to invent as attachment to go with it, warranted to work a reasonable rate out of the insurance trust. Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1908.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 7th, 1906:


 To the Editor of the Lafayette Advertiser:

 At our meeting of the Youngsville Literary Society we adopted the name of "Youngsville Advertiser" for our society paper, the substance of which we wish you would give space to in your next edition, which is as follows:

 Mr. H. M. Henshaw, of New Iberia who spent a few days at Bellview Plantation this week for a hunt, returned Thursday.

 The new school of Youngsville is showing up nicely with the second coat of paint and finishing touches.

 The report is that Youngsville will have another teacher soon.

 Among the visitors during the week was Mr. L. J. Alleman, who spent quite a while looking after school interests.

 Clarence and Travis Aillet, of New Orleans, are now enrolled in this school.

 When we move into our new school we will give an entertainment for the benefit of fixtures for the school.

 Mr. Harry Durk, who resides a few miles from Youngsville had the misfortune of losing his house last week, caused by fire.

 Among other improvements is the painting of Mrs. Langlinais' home.

 The country is lively with cane planters.

 Mr. Edmond Decou is building a new home near town.

 Miss Alzina Landry was enrolled in school last week.

 Mr. Chas. and Harold Henshaw, of Iberia, spent Sunday at Bellview.

 Correspondents of the "Youngsville Advertiser" are Nicholas Bodoin, Eraste Landry, Hamilton Cade and Chas. Pellerin. Editor, Henry Reaux.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/7/1906.

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