Sunday, January 11, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 15th, 1905:

An Icy Time.

 Monday ice was in evidence everywhere. The plank walks were all covered with ice and walking was very precarious. The weather was so severe that many people left their horses in the stable and took it afoot. In the case of some few who found the use of their teams needed, the work of their horses was hampered by the frozen streets and slippery crossings. A number of instances occurred where horses slipped, getting bad falls, but fortunately none were crippled. And some people were no surer footed than the horses, for they, too, sat down at most unexpected times and in undesirable places. No serious accidents happened, but the cold was no joke, and a sigh of relief went up when Old Sol showed his face yesterday morning. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.

February Was A Record Breaker.

February 1905 has been a record breaker for bad weather in all parts of the United States Cold wave has followed cold wave, each increasing in intensity and developing last week the severest known in many sections for years, especially the northwest and middle north, where snow-fall after snow-fall upon frozen ground has caused, with the wind howling out of the north, great suffering to man and beast. Temporary thaws have resulted in ice gorges in northern rivers, particularly the Ohio and Missouri, entailing tremendous property losses, with the prospect that when the rise in temperature comes with the consequent melting of the ice and snow, floods will add further to the suffering and destruction of property.

The "Sunny South," too, has been in the grip of the blizzards. Telephone and telegraph wires down with railroads hampered by snow and wash-outs from the heavy and protracted rains have brought discomfort and pain, while icy Boreas from his northern lair, embracing the fair South, with biting breath kissed her cheeks, and drove away the warm blush of healthy color, leaving her trembling with cold.

In Lafayette, with her green prairies stretching away to the gulf, over which the gentle breezes fan away the blistering heat of summer and temper the wintry air. February has reigned with rain and cold, finding none prepared for such severity. The swish of the northern ice queen's garments, too, has wafted freezing air over this land of Magnolias and Cape Jessamine's and twice within the week coated the ground with ice and sleet, while Monday snow dust from her flying sleigh told of her royal passage across her realms. Yesterday his majesty, the sun, again mounted in his glowing chariot and traveled his beautiful skies, beaming upon his happy subjects.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.


Summer Normals.
A conference of school officers was held in the parlors of the Gordon Hotel last Wednesday for the purpose of deciding the location of Summer Normal Schools in this section of the State. There were present at the meeting State Supt. J. B. Aswell and Prof. J. E. Keeney, representing the State Institute Board; Supt. McNeese of Calcasieu parish, Supt. Barry of Acadia parish, Supt. Murray of Cameron parish, Supt. Thompson of St. Landry parish, J. M. Booze, member of School Board of Calcasieu parish, and Dr. Moss, who represented the School Board of Lafayette parish in the absence of Supt. Alleman.

After explaining in detail the plan of work mapped out for the Summer Normal Schools by the State Institute Board and the good results which would follow this systematic work, Supt. Aswell invited a free and frank discussion of local conditions and needs by the school officers present, to enable the conference to decide upon a line of action that would best meet these requirements. The conference lasted two hours and reached an agreement to hold Summer Normal Schools lasting 4 weeks at Lake Charles and Crowley beginning June 12, at Opelousas, beginning July 10, and at Central Parish Institute of two weeks at Lafayette in August.

State Supt. Aswell expressed his pleasure that every parish invited to participate in the conference at Lafayette was represented at this meeting, and commented favorably upon the fact that the same interest and spirit was being manifested at all the points visited in the State thus far.

The public schools of the town were visited by the members of the conference in a body under the escort of President Moss, of the local School Board, and a visit was paid to the Industrial Institute by those remaining over for the five o'clock train going west.

The visitors from Lake Charles, Crowley and Opelousas, all three of which places are provided with substantial, commodious, modern school buildings, were impressed by the contrast with our buildings and expressed the hope that it might not be long before Lafayette also would be able to boast of a school building in keeping with its present needs and prominent position in educational affairs.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.

Needed Text Books. Supt. Alleman naturally felt very much honored in being selected to represent the parish superintendents on the committee to examine and recommend text books for use in the public schools of the State the next four years, and his friends and fellow citizens are also gratified at the distinction shown Lafayette. But Mr. Alleman is just beginning to fully realize the large amount of good hard work he is up against.

Books up in front of him.
Books back behind him.
Books all round him.
Pile up and threaten him,
While all his friends wonder if he can ever wade through.

And in addition, he is now beginning to reap the perquisites of the honor conferred on him, which are namely, the entertaining between times of various representatives of publishing houses. Yesterday he had the pleasure of being called upon by W. L. Lemmons, of the Southern Publishing Co., Sherman, Tex.; H. D. Newson, of Newson & Co., New York; and H. C. Cheney, of Scribner & Sons, New York.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 

At The Institute.On Friday night, Feb. 24, an entertainment will be given at the Institute by the students for the benefit of the Athletic Association. Admission 25 cents. Everybody come and help a good Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 

District Court.  The two weeks' criminal term of court adjourned Saturday and Judge Pugh left on the afternoon train for Crowley, where he is holding this week a civil term of court.

A considerable number of cases were acted upon, but owing to the large list, not more than half could be reached, not withstanding Judge Pugh, ably assisted by District Attorney Campbell, made every effort to try as many as possible. The cases of the prisoners in jail, with the exception of one, were all brought up and disposed of. In the case of McBride Mouton, charged with attempted arson, the jury at the suggestion of District Attorney Campbell, instead of rendering a verdict upon the charge ordered that, because of his mental condition, be consigned to the asylum for treatment.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 

Had Jail Cleaned. - News items around the sheriff's office have been exceedingly scarce the past week, in fact yesterday the office was so quiet that Deputy Sheriff Saul Broussard thought it a fine opportunity to give the jail a thorough cleaning, especially as the bright sun-shiny weather just suited for the work, and he did. There are only two inmates in the jail now.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 
Was Hungry. - It was pretty cold Sunday night and the cold weather must have been responsible for an irrepressible hunger about the waist line of somebody, for C. A. Miller's butcher shop was broken into some time between suns and about six or seven pounds of meat appropriated. The hungry man also seemed to have an inclination for cash money or legal tender, evidenced by his smashing the money drawer, but his inclination is still inclining, for he got $0. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 


Our Answer.  - In our advocacy of the principles for which the young men's movement stands in the pending municipal campaign, we are entirely sincere, and in our discussion of those principles we shall not engage in any argument with our esteemed confrere of the Gazette over a matter of individual opinion, or because he may not be able the consistency of our position. We shall merely confine ourselves to the simple statement that we are distinctly and positively advocating the entrusting at this particular time (which we consider a critical time in the history of the town) the direction of municipal affairs in the hands of the young men. The Advertiser, as an independent journal, and exercising its undoubted right, without intending any disparagement or disrespect whatever to any candidate or candidates, has selected its own individual ticket, appearing in another column under the caption Our Ticket, which is composed entirely of young men, whom we feel confident will give Lafayette a splendid administration, and we earnestly hope and have very strong reasons to believe that a majority of the voters will agree with us.

As to the Young Men's Ticket, the claim is advanced, and it is the declaration made over the names of the candidates themselves as men of veracity, in a signed statement published in both the local papers, that the movement did not have its origin among partisan politicians, and does not represent the interest of any political faction. And, we submit, that it is not a disproof of this claim, but rather a flattering and valuable endorsement of the movement, if the Young Men's Ticket includes in its following a large body of representative citizens, who for reasons of their own, have declined in the past political leadership of the promoters of the mass meeting which nominated the C. O. Mouton ticket.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.

 A Hopeful Sign. -  We wish to reiterate the views expressed in our last issue regarding the commendable disposition shown by a group of the younger men of the town to take an active part in public affairs. The young men's movement in the present municipal campaign should receive the glad hand, and it may be turned to a good account with the proper kind of encouragement. It is the testimony of history that the progress of the human race is under heavy tribute to the energy and enthusiasm of the young men of every generation.

In public service there is an unbounded field of usefulness open to worthy young men imbued with the spirit of liberty and independence, and who have a fine sense of their obligations to their country and to society in general, and it is to the public interest to encourage and induce young men to bear a full share in the councils and government of their country. 

Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905. 

City Council Proceedings.

Fire Hose Defective.
Lafayette, La., Feb. 8, 1905.

A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day with Mayor Chas. D. Caffery, presiding; members present, A. E. Mouton, John O. Mouton, M. Rosefield, Felix Demanade, Geo. A. Deblanc, D. V. Gardebled, H. H. Fontenot.

Moved and seconded that minutes of last regular meeting be approved as read. Carried.

Mr. Gus Schmulen, Doctor H. P. Beeler, committee from Home Fire Co., reported that the rubber hose in possession of said Company, purchased from the Lacoste Hardware Store, being 200 feet, had proven defective, and satisfied the council that said hose was in fact not such as had been contracted for thereupon the following was adopted:

Resolved, that The Lacoste Hardware Store be formally notified that said hose purchased of them has proven defective and not up to specifications under which the same was sold and that this council will look to them to make good their guarantee without delay.

Resolved further that the hose in the possession of the other Fire Company purchased from said Lacoste Hardware store be examined and if found with the same defective condition that the same be also condemned, and the attention of said Lacoste Hardware Store be called thereto and then be required to replace the same; and that the President and Foreman of said companies make said examinations and report on the same without delay to the Mayor. Carried.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.


Locations of Lafayette Schools-1905.

South West Louisiana Industrial Institute, Dr. E. L. Stephens, President, corner Johnston avenue and Industrial street.

Lafayette High School, public, W. J. Avery, principal, Buchanan street between second street and Hopkins avenue.

Lafayette Primary School, public, Miss Fadra Holmes, principal, Main street between Johnston and Lee avenues.

Home Institute, R. C. Greig, principal, St. John street, near Vermilion.

Mt. Carmel Convent, Mother Zita, superior, square bounded by Lafayette, Convent and Madison streets.

Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/15/1905.  

The friends of Mrs. Adolph Dejean, who has been dangerously ill with pneumonia at Duson, will be gratified to learn that she is much better.

See Parkerson & Mouton for any kind of insurance. Eight years' experience.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

 Saws filed and razors, knives and scissors sharpened by an expert specially employed for that purpose. - J. C. Broussard, the cabinet and cistern maker.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.  

Ramsey & Upton can supply you with meal grits, seed oats and feed oats, timothy and alfalfa hay, wheat bran and other feed stuffs. Phone `192.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Let me be your Tailor - Buquor.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

The Falk Mercantile Co., want to dispose of the scenery, fixtures, chairs, etc., of their opera house, and will sell at a big bargain.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Miss Clara Harper has been at home sick for several days, but her friends are rejoicing now that she will soon be out again.
It's between seasons, but we have lots of goods you can use. Call and see us. - Levy Bros. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

We have a full stock of canned goods. - Prudhomme & McFaddin.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Mr. Vic Levy and family are visiting relatives in Hot Springs.Have you tried our elegant cakes? No? Then you have a treat in in store. - Wischan & Domegeaux. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Ladies can find just what they need in between seasons dress goods at Schmulen's. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.
Try a shave in the Shaving Parlor in the Gordon Hotel. - R. Landry, proprietor.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Mrs. J. E. Declas, a railroad employee, stated to the Advertiser reporter, that notwithstanding the severe weather he had a fine patch of strawberry vines and expected to have the ripe strawberries in about a month.
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Mr. P. Blanchard has resigned his position with the Blue Store and will leave Sunday with his wife for his old home, Whitecastle, La., where he will take charge of the post office. During their stay here Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard have made many friends, who regret to see them leave. Mr. Blanchard's place at the Blue Store will be filled by Mr. Drew Castille. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Phone 239-2 and hear a funny story. That's Buquor, Fashionable Tailor. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Hamilton Riu is out again after a very disagreeable experience with lagrippe.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Voorhies was gladdened Friday by the arrival of a sweet baby girl.

Mrs. Ella Berry, president of the E. R. Berry Chemical Co., of St. Louis, makers of the celebrated Berry's Creole Tea and Berry's Toilet Requisites, was a charming caller at this office Saturday. Mrs. Berry is an energetic business woman and never hesitates, when any of the Company's representatives on the road are sick, to step in, as in the case of Louisiana territory at present, and ably fill their places. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

The Louisiana School Review comes to our office much improved in appearance this week, and with the addition of Dr. E. L. Stephens to the editorial staff. It contains a number of very readable articles, and the matter is fuller and better than usual. May it live long and prosper!
Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

LOST - On Vermilion street between Gordon Hotel and Johnston street, a gold stick pin, top maple leaf. Finder will receive reward by bringing to this office. Laf. Adv. 2/15/1905.

Sheriff Lacoste left Saturday for Baton Rouge with the following convicts: Will Brown, 6 months; Charles Thompson, alias Simon, 15 years;  Zack Veazey, 2 years; Ben Young, 5 years; Frank O'Smalley, 3 years; A. P. Richard, 1 year; Eraste Damon, 3 years; Geo. Lester, 3 years; C. A. Lloyd and N. A. Walton,  2 years; Thad Cantine and Erastus Contier, each 3 years. 
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of February 15th, 1902:

On another page of this paper will be found the proceedings of the City Council containing the ordinance ordering the special election to be held on April 3, 1902, to take the sense of the tax-payers of the town relative to the proposition to levy a five-mill tax for a term of twenty-five years. Those who wish to familiarize themselves with the proposition should read that part of the Council proceedings referring to the subject. Briefly stated it is proposed:

1. To levy a special tax of one and half mills on the dollar to procure grounds and a high school building, to cost $24,000.
2. To levy a tax of one mill on the dollar to enlarge the water and light plant, to cost $14,000.
3. To levy a tax of half a mill on the dollar to procure a public market and grounds, to cost $12,000.
4. To levy a tax of two mills on the dollar with which to call in the outstanding bonds amounting to $30,000.
Proposition No. 4 must first be carried before any one of the others can become operative. Its failure to receive a majority of the votes would mean the defeat of all.
The success of this plan for municipal improvements will not increase the present rate of taxation. It is practically an extension of a part or whole of the present 5-mill special tax with the benefits derived from it largely multiplied.
Barring the proposition for a public market, The Gazette thinks this plan to secure much needed improvements should receive the endorsement of every progressive citizen. The question is now submitted for the thoughtful consideration of the tax-payers. It is for them to say if they want their town to move along with the other progressive communities of the South.
Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1902.

For Parish Teachers Conducted by President Caldwell of the State Normal.
 The teachers of Lafayette will be better men and women ;  they will be better teachers for having come in contact with President B. C. Caldwell, of the State Normal School, in this parish institute during the past week. Mr. Caldwell is an inspiring teacher and lecturer, and a man of considerable magnetic force.

 Mr. Caldwell was introduced to this State as institute conductor, in which position he did so much for the cause of public education in this State. While it conceded that he is eminently fit for the presidency of the State Normal and that his promotion was merited, we cannot help but believe that for the present his power is much greater as institute conductor than as president of that institution. What Louisiana needs to-day is missionary work, and Mr. Caldwell is an educational evangelist among ten thousand. An institute conductor, he came in contact with every man and woman in the State, and he has never failed to impress communities with the sacred duty of educating the masses.

 The Gazette believes that a very large portion of the credit is due Mr. Caldwell for the condition of our school system to-day, and we are firmly convinced that ten years more of missionary work would result in an improvement in the public school system as noticeable as that of past decade. The Gazette believes that the most important office in the State should be the State superintendent and next the State institute conductor, and that these two positions should be filled by men large enough to fill them.

 The institute opened at ten,  and closed at two, with an intervening recess of fifteen minutes. Mr. Caldwell planned his work in such a way as to practically cover the subjects taught in the class-room. In each recitation he was the teacher and the parish teachers were the pupils. Each lesson was a skillful presentation by a master-hand and our teachers literally drank in the inspiration with open mouths. The teaching of the rest of the session in this parish will be of a higher order as a direct result of the institute. The sacred character of the work of teaching has been indelibly impressed upon the teachers and they have been given the fundamental principles that underlie scientific teaching as it is understood to-day.

 The conductor gave lessons in psychology, reading, geography, writing, music, and one period to a discussion of local problems. Each presentation was skillfully made and the teachers are now in possession of matter which if assiduously worked upon by them the clue to modern methods.

 Superintendent Alleman attended the whole session. Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1902.

 This community owes its thanks to the Industrial Institute for several splendid entertainments. Its debt of gratitude was largely increased on the night of the 7th instant by an opportunity to entertained by Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, the eminent scholar who occupies the chair of English literature in the Louisiana State University. The faculty of the Institute, the student body and  a number of people from the town gathered in the Auditorium Friday night and listened to one of the most interesting talks that it has ever been the good fortune of any audience to hear. Dr. Smith spoke about his European travels, and to those who know the speaker it is needless to say that he held the eager attention of the audience from beginning to end. He spoke in a conversational tone and told his hearers many things which generally escape the eye of the ordinary traveler but which mean so much when seen by the scholar and a man of the world. Dr. Smith has the distinctive faculty of making himself understood by his hearers, and it is safe to say that his address was thoroughly appreciated, not only by the older and well-matured minds, but by every boy and girl present.

 Dr. Smith's account of his trip to the old world, given in that simple and unaffected style which characterizes the man of scholarly attainments ;  his description of places of historical interest, the vein of genuine humor which kept the audience in a happy mood, the spirit o broad Americanism with which he treated European institutions, and the truly eloquent tribute which showed an inborn love for his native land, combined to make Friday night's lecture an intellectual treat of rare excellence. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

Weights and Measures.
 Lafayette is fast stepping up among the progressive cities of the State. If it keeps up the pace it has struck in the last year or two, it will surely get there.

 We hope that every man that lives in the parish will put his shoulder to the wheel, and help it along, especially the business men of the city.

 There are still some things in which we are fifty years behind the times yet, and there is no reason why we should be, especially our trade with the truck dealers. For example. The standard weight of Irish potatoes is 60 lbs. to the bushel, sweet potatoes, 56 lbs; onions, 54 lbs; beans, 60 lbs; cow-peas, 60 lbs; corn, 56 lbs; turnips, 58 lbs; a barrel or sack of potatoes 180 lbs.

 What are the facts? The truck and Dago dealers come around and pretend to sell all the above articles by the gallon, but when they measure them out to you they have a little long-necked measure that will hold but a trifle over half a gallon in weight, especially irish potatoes, onions, tomatoes and turnips.

 These dealers all buy by weight. Why should they not be compelled to sell by weight the same as they do in other cities and towns?

 Their present system is a perfect swindle upon the public and should be stopped.

 We spoke to some of our City council about it and asked them why they did not pass an ordinance compelling all these trucksters to have a measure that would hold weight according to measure?

 They said they knew the system was wrong, but there are so many merchants in the council that deal in truck, that it would be voted down, and if it did pass it would never be enforced. We advised them to try it, and if it was voted down, published the names of those who voted against it, then the public would know who to deal with.

 It is certainly a disgrace to our city that such a system of swindling the public should be allowed.
   (Signed.) CITIZEN.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

The Coming Cane Crop.
 The spring planting of cane that has been occupying the attention of our sugar planters quite generally of our sugar planters for the past few weeks, has been interrupted several times by rains of varying intensity in different parts of the State. It was started, if anything, even earlier than usual this year, due, perhaps to the belief that our coldest weather of the winter had been experienced in the disastrous December freezes.

 There has been a decided tendency shown of late years, to effect spring planting as early as the first part of January, it being argued by many that the seed is no more liable to be touche by the cold when it is planted in the cane row than when it lies in the window. The chief thing to be avoided in such planting is to have it covered not too thickly, so as to prevent its liability to deterioration from either excessive, wet or dry weather. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

Sparks' Railroad Show.
 John H. Sparks' new railroad show and trained animal exhibition will exhibit in Lafayette on Saturday, Feb. 15, afternoon and evening. Admission only 10 and 25 cents. This show is known the world over as the largest, grandest and best 25 cent show on the road, with all new, startling and up-t0-date features. The finest performing lions, wolves and elephants are to be seen with Sparks' big one-ring shows, together with a troupe of highly educated horses, ponies, mules, dogs, goats, and monkeys. See our grand free balloon ascension with a parachute jump, also a free thrilling high tower dive from a ladder 80 feet high into a net. This is given free to all from the show ground at 1 and 7 p. m., rain or shine. It alone is worth going many miles to see and it costs you nothing. Mr. Sparks offers a handsome bedroom suite to any couple that will take a trip in his big bridal balloon and get married. Now is your chance for a big novel wedding and a handsome present, and no danger of any accident at all. There have been hundreds of successful marriages in this big balloon and not a single accident. Now is the chance of a life time. Don't miss it.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.


Married at the Catholic Church Monday evening at 5:30, Miss Marthe Mouton and Mr. Rodolphe Domengeaux, Rev. Father Baulard officiating. Miss Mouton is one of Lafayette's most charming young ladies, and possesses all those admirable traits that adorn womanhood, and make home happy. Mr. Domengeaux is an enterprising young business man. The great popularity of the young couple was shown by the large attendance of friends and well wishers. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

Woman's Literary Club.
  The Woman's Literary Club met at the residence of Mrs. B. J. Pellerin on Saturday. The following was the interesting program:

 Anecdotes in the Lives of Eminent Englishmen.
 Character Sketch, James I ... Miss Christian.
 Character Sketch, William of Orange ... Miss Devall.
 English History, 1869-1702, ... Mrs. Davis.
 The Pan American ... Mrs. Denbo.

 At the close of the program delicious refreshments were served, and the club adjourned to meet Feb. 22nd.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

New Stores. 
Ralph Voorhies and Ammick Courtney will open a store in the Bacquet building, formerly occupied by the Lafayette Shoe Store. They will be dealing in clothing.

Arthur J. LeBlanc and Hector Prejean have rented the store which has been used by the Lafayette Clothing House, and announce that they will keep a line of men's furnishings. Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1902.

Found Unconscious. - Last Saturday morning a man was found on the pavement in front of Meyer Bros.' saloon. From all appearances he had been exposed to the cold part of the night and was in an unconscious condition. He was taken in by the police and provided with lodgment and medical aid, but he died Sunday night. It was ascertained that the man had been drinking freely which accounts for his failure to secure a place to sleep, as he had some $14.00 in his possession. His identity is not positively known, but it is believed that his name was Donovan and that he was a railroad man.
Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1902.

Gladu Visiting Gladu. Father P. Gladu, of Welston, O., is visiting the family of his brother, Dr. A. Gladu, of Lafayette. Father Gladu has just returned from a trip in Mexico. He will remain here about one month.
Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1902.

Lafayette, La. Feb. 3, 1901.

Among other business....
 The waterworks and electric light committee reported that the pipes for work ordered at last meeting were on the ground and work would be started as soon as weather permitted, also poles for extension of lights had been ordered.

A petition signed by more than one-third of the property tax-payers of this town, asking that a special election be ordered to take the sense of the property tax-payers of this town upon a proposition to levy special taxes for public improvements therein named, was presented to the Council and read, and thereupon the following ordinance was unanimously adopted:

 AN ORDINANCE, Ordering a special election in accordance with Act 131 of the Acts of the Legislature of this State of the year 1898, and Article 232 of the Constitution, at which there shall be submitted to the property tax-payer of the incorporated town of Lafayette, La., entitled to vote under the general election laws of said State, the question of levying special aggregating five mills on the dollar per annum on the assessed valuation of property therein for a period of twenty-five years beginning with the first day of January 1902, and the issuance of bonds thereon for the following purposes to-wit:

1. To procure grounds and buildings for a first-class, modern High School.

 2. The extension of the water mains of said town, and for the extension of the electric light system therein.

 3. To procure ground and building for a first-class public market house.

 4. To call in and redeem outstanding bonds for the sum of thirty thousand dollars bearing six per cent annual interest issued under Act 90 of the Acts of the Legislature of this  State of 1896, to obtain a present water and light system of this town, said outstanding bonds to be replaced by five per cent bonds with greater length of time for redemption ;  said tax being set forth in detail in the body of this ordinance, and said election being ordered in conformity with the petition of more than one-third of the property tax-payers of said town, same being hereto annexed and made part hereof; and providing further for the mode of holding said election, making returns thereof, etc.

 Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Lafayette, La., in regular session convened that a special election is hereby ordered and shall be held in said town of Lafayette, La., on Thursday, April 3, 1902, at which election there shall be held in said town of Lafayette, La., on Thursday, April 3, 1902, at which election there shall be submitted to the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette entitled to vote under the general election laws of the State, the question of levying the following special taxes to-wit:

 1. To procure grounds and buildings for a first-class modern High School for white children in said town, a special tax of one mill and half on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property in said town, on which tax bonds shall be issued for the sum of $24,000.

 2. For the extension of the water  mains and electric light system of said town, a special tax of one mill on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property in said town, upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $14,000.

 3. To procure the ground and building for a first-class public market-house a special tax of one-half of one mill on the dollar upon the valuation of property aforesaid shall be levied and collected, and upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $12,000.

 4. To retire and replace the outstanding bonds issued under Act 90 of 1896 for the present water and light system and special tax of two mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of property in said town and upon which bond shall be issued for the sum of $30,000; there being submitted at one and the same time to said tax-payers the question of issuing bonds for the amounts hereinabove set forth in order to render said special taxes available by obtaining the money for immediate use; said election being ordered in conformity in all respects with the petition of more than one-third of the property tax-payers of said town hereto annexed and made part of this ordinance; said taxes are to be levied and collected according to law and the terms of this ordinance, and said petition of property tax-payers being in words and figures as follows, to-wit:

 To the Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council of Lafayette, La.

 We, the undersigned property tax-payers of the corporation of Lafayette, Louisiana, being and constituting one-third of the total number of property tax-payers of said town, entitled to vote under the provisions of the State constitution, respectfully show that the following described public improvements are urgent public necessities in said town, to-wit:

 1. Grounds and buildings for a first-class modern High School (for white children), requiring not less than $24,000.

 2. The extension of the water mains of said town, for the extinguishing of fire and other purposes, and also the extension of the electric light system for additional street lights and for private lighting, requiring not less than $14,000.

 3. Ground and building for a first-class public market-house, requiring not less than $12,000.

 And petitioners further show that there are outstanding $30,000 of six per cent bonds issued under Act number 90 of the acts of the Legislature of 1896, to obtain the present water and light system of this town, and that it is to the best interest of said town that the said bonds should be called in and replaced by five per cent bonds with a greater length of time for redemption;

 Wherefore, we respectfully petition your honorable body to order a special election in said town of Lafayette, Louisiana, under the constitution and laws of the State, for the purpose of a ascertaining and determining whether or not it is the sense and desire of the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette, that special taxes based upon the assessed valuation of property of said town according to the official rolls, be assessed, levied and collected for twenty-five years, beginning with the year 1902, at the rates and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, upon which tax, and the public faith and credit of said town, negotiable bonds shall be issued by the City Council of said town, in such denominations as may be found convenient, bearing five per cent, per annum interest (interest payable annually) payable in twenty-five years with right to call in the same as said tax is collected. And the rates of said taxes and the purposes of which they are levied and intended, and said bonds issued, are now declared to be as follows:

 1. To procure grounds and buildings for a first-class, modern public High School in said town, a special tax of one and one-half (1-1/2) mills on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property aforesaid shall be levied and collected, on which tax bonds shall be issued for the sum of $24,000.

 2. For the extension of the water mains and electric light system as herein set forth, a special tax of one (1) mill on the dollar upon the assessed valuation of property aforesaid, shall  be levied and collected, upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $14,o00.

 3. To procure the ground and building for a first-class, public market-house, a special tax of one-half (1/2) of one mill on the dollar upon the valuation of property aforesaid, shall be levied and collected, and upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $12,000.

 4. To retire and replace the outstanding bonds issued under Act. 90 of 1896 for the present water and light system, a special tax of two (2) mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation aforesaid, shall be levied and collected, and upon which bonds shall be issued for the sum of $30,000.

 All of which taxes shall be levied and collected and said bonds issued for the time and in the manner as hereinabove set forth, and the title to said improvements shall lie in said municipality, and subject to the control of the City Council, and said bonds shall not be sold for less than par.

 Moreover the net revenue derived from the operation of said public market shall be used to pay said $12,000 of bonds, which shall be distinguished from the other bonds described in this petition; and in case of necessity that the City Council shall have the power to expropriate ground for said improvements, upon the payment of just and reasonable compensation to the owner.

 And we further petition that said propositions be submitted to the qualified voters at said election, in such manner that the voter may vote separately on each "for" or "against," as he may desire.

 (Signed):  Wm. Campbell, Wm. Clegg, Orther C. Mouton, Chas. O. Mouton, F. Demanade, Chas. D. Caffery, J. G. Parkerson, S. R. Parkerson, Jno. Whittington, N. P. Moss, F. V. Mouton, J. C. Nickerson, Julien Mouton, Louis Lacoste, Homer Mouton, F. E. Davis, Victor Levy, Frank F. Moss, D. L. Caffery, Albert Delahoussaye, H. H. Hohorst, Sidney J. Veazey, E. Mouisset, John Vigneaux, Geo. A. DeBlanc, B. J. Pellerin, R. C. Greig, A. T. Caillouet, John O. Mouton, W. J. Mouton, L. F. Rigues, J. Alfred Mouton, Sidney Mouton, C. M. Parkerson, H. C. Salles, J. A. Roy, Jules J. Mouton, J. A. Landry, F. R. Tolson, B. Falk, F. E. Girard, F. H. Mouton, F. K. Hopkins, J. J. Davidson, Isaac Plonsky, A. J. LeBlanc, Mrs. E. Constantin, Gaston Veazey,  J. B. Vandergriff, F. C. Triay, L. J. Serrett, People's Cotton Oil Co. per T. M. B. G. M., Leopold Lacoste, Anaize Courquet, Marte Courquet, Minor Meriwether, J. F. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, Levy Bros., V. Levy & Co., Wm. and Mose Levy,  W. A. Broussard, T. B. Hopkins Jr., for Lafayette Drug Co., C. H. Melchert, J. R. Domengeaux, Mrs. J. S. Whittington, Miss Mary Whittington per Mrs. J. S. Whittington, Miss Mary Whittington per Mrs. J. S. W., Crow Girard, Mrs. M. E. Girard per C. D. B., Mrs. Beraud, Felix O. Broussard, B. F. Anderson, Mrs. L. M. Creighton X her mark; witness C. D. C., B. Miller, L. Hirsch, Chas. Debaillon, Thomas Mouton, Frank H. Clark, Alfred A. Bonnet, M. Rosenfield, E. Pefferkorn, A. Prudhomme & Co. per A. Prudhomme,  T. A. McFaddin, Mrs. W. D. Huff, O. B. Hopkins, G. A. Martin M. D., S. E. Yandle, P. Krauss, F. Schmulen, H. Van der Cruyssen, P. M. Girard, Joseph Dauriac, A. B. Denbo, F. E. Voorhies, A. A. Mouton, James Hannen, Miss Ida Mouton, Mrs. Estelle Monnier, Suc. of A. J. Moss per N. P. Moss, G. Joseph, T. D. Coleman, P. H. Bailey, C. Debaillon, (reserving the right to vote against the public market.) A. and M. Debaillon, per M. Debaillon, J. T. Allingham, Mrs. Ant. Guidry, Thos. B. Hopkins, Mrs. Odeide Mouton, Paul Demanade, Levi O. Emes, Abraham Amuny, C. S. Babin, Louis Chopin, I. A. Brousssard, William Hane, Mrs. C. Homer Mouton, Mrs. J. G. Parkerson, Philip Mouton, F. H. Gregory, Aug. Bourgeois, Joseph C. Breaux, Jos. A.  Lacoste,  Mrs. T. Hebert Jr., Arthur Bonnet, Moss & Co. per A. R. M. L. Monnier, Mrs. James Higginbotham, Mrs. W. Tanner, Miss Nydia Campbell, W. J. Shows, Voorhies & Hopkins, F. B. Thompson, J. W. Clifford, C. C. Mabry, Chas. C. Weir, Marie Julie Mouton, Hyman Plonsky, D. V. Gardebled, Dr. J. L. Duhart, Miss Amelie Guyot, C. H. Lusted, J. M. Cunningham, Raoul Guidry, C. D. Boudreaux, (Mrs.) L. Domengeaux, W. V. Nicholson, J. Nickerson, Mrs. Geo. Babcock (Mrs. M. P. Young), Mrs. Adele Cornay, Mrs. H. Landry, Mrs. S. B. Kahn, (Rose), R. J. Tanner, Paul Castel, A. Mouton, J. B. Coumes, E. P. Broussard, Pierre Guchereau, H. Gankendorff, A. Courtnay, B. J. Donlon, Jules O. Dugas, Mathilde Gardner, C. C. Higginbotham, Jacob Bachert, W. J. Riu, Mouton Bros., R. B. Raney, Mrs. L. F. Rigues, Arthur Couret, O. J. Mouton, L. Turpin, Hector Prejean, Leonce Gladu, Couret & Patin Fur. Co., M. Patin, Mrs. J. Alfred Mouton, A. Degrez, Alicia Dugas, (Mrs. Horace Broussard) Mrs. C. P. Alpha, (Mrs. Alcee) Celimene Mouton, Mrs. Clet LeBlanc, Ed. G. Voorhies, Mme. Paul Castel, C. Trahan, Mrs. O. C. Mouton, M. Mouton.

 Lafayette, La., Feb. 3, 1902. - I, the undersigned, Assessor M. Martin, Assessor of the parish of Lafayette, La., after a careful examination of the assessment rolls of the town of Lafayette, La., of the year 1901, do herby certify that the property tax-payers of said town of Lafayette whose names are signed to the foregoing petition constitute more than one third of the property tax-payers of said town.

 Witness my official signature this Feb. 3, 1902.
                       A. M. MARTIN,

 Section II. Be it further ordained by the City Council of Lafayette, La., that said election shall be held under the general election laws of the State of Louisiana at the court-house in the town of Lafayette, La., the polling place established in said town, and the ballots to be used at said election shall be prepared according to the laws of the State on that subject.

 Section III.  Be it further ordained, That the Board of supervisors of election for the parish of Lafayette are hereby authorized to appoint commissioners to serve at said polling place; to give due notice of said appointments and the time and place of holding said election as required by law in such cases.

 Section IV. Be it further ordained, That the assessor of the parish of Lafayette shall furnish to the commissioners of election appointed to hold said special election a complete list of the tax-payers of said town with the amount of their assessments respectively, duly certified, and shall also furnish a list of the property tax-payers who have registered as required by law.

 Section V.  Be it further ordained, That in the event of a majority of the tax-payers of said town voting in favor of said taxes and for the issuance of said bonds, or of any part thereof then that said tax shall be assessed, levied and collected and said bonds issued for the term of twenty-five (25) years beginning with the year 1902, and that said taxes thus voted and the public faith and credit of said town of Lafayette, La., shall be  pledged to the payment of said bonds thus issued; and same to be issued in the said denominations to be herein after determined by this Council and to bear five per cent per annum interest from the issuance thereof and shall be payable in twenty-five years with the right in this Council to call in the same as said taxes collected. That said bonds shall not be sold for less than par.

 Section VI.  Be it further ordained, That the net revenue derived from the said public market and from the operation of the water and light plant of said town shall be used and is hereby pledged to the payment of the bonds in principal and interest issued for said works respectively; and in the event of the people voting in favor of said taxes and bonds, that in case of necessity of the City Council of said town of Lafayette, La., shall have power to expropriate ground for said improvements upon the payment of just and reasonable compensation to the owner.

 Section VII.  Be it further ordained, That such propositions as set forth in said petition in this ordinance shall be submitted to the qualified voters at said election in such manner (and the ballots shall be so prepared) that the voter may vote separately on each proposition "for" or "against" as he may desire.

 Section VIII.  Be it further ordained, That the ballots of all property tax-payers of the town of Lafayette entitled to vote at said election under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and before depositing the same in the ballot box shall endorse thereon in the presence of the elector, unless the ballots shall have already been so endorsed, the name of the voter and the amount of his assessed property, and the commissioners shall make returns of the number of votes and the amounts of the assessed value of the property voted "for" and "against" the levy of said special taxes separately and in the manner contemplated by said petition and this ordinance.

 Section IX.  Be it further ordained by the said City Council of the town of Lafayette, La., that this ordinance and the said petition of property tax-payers as set forth herein be published in the "Lafayette Gazette" and the Lafayette Advertiser" official newspapers of said town of Lafayette, La., for thirty days prior to said election, in the same manner as provided by law for judicial advertisements, and that this ordinance shall take effect from and after this passage.

 Section X.  Be it further ordained, That in addition to the announcement of said election to be made by the Board of Supervisors of Election of said parish and the publication of this ordinance, the mayor of said town of Lafayette, La., is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation calling said special election and stating the rate and the purpose of special taxation and the purpose for which it is intended according to the terms of this ordinance.

 A vote on the foregoing was as follows:

 Yeas - J. O. Mouton, A. E. Mouton, H. H. Hohorst, F. Demanade, G. A. DeBlanc, F. E. Girard. Nays -- None.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 2/15/1902.
 Miss Aimee and Estelle Mouton and Louisa Tolson are among the visitors to New Orleans to attend the carnival.

 The Mardi Gras Ball was  a great success. Those who participated expressed themselves as having enjoyed it very much.

 The silk quilt donated by Miss Aimee Mouton to the Home Fire Co., was ratified last Tuesday at the Mardi Gras Ball and Mr. Sidney Mouton, brother of Miss Aimee Mouton was the lucky winner.

Mr. Edwin Mouton and Miss Georgie McBride were married Monday at St. John's Catholic church. Rev. Father Baulard officiating. The Advertiser extends wishes for their future happiness. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1902.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of February 15th, 1896: 


A Large Meeting Held at Falk's Hall - Waterworks and Electric Lights Discussed. 

About 300 persons, among whom were many ladies, assembled at Falk's Opera-house last Monday night to hear discussions by local speakers upon the question of water-works and electric lights. The meeting was not as large as expected, but the 'earnestness visible on all hands and the enthusiasm which prevailed gave unmistakable signs of the popularity of the movement. The audience was of a representative character, a feature which may always be taken as a good omen for the success of any undertaking of this kind.
C. O. Mouton, Esq., president of the Business Men's Association, in a brief talk explained the object of meeting and introduced to the audience the Rev. Father E. Forge, who was the first speaker. The reverend gentleman delivered a very sensible address. He dealt at length upon the great necessity of protection from fire. He said that any further procrastination in this matter was little short of criminal on the part of the people of this town. He said he would support the measure with all his energy and would use his influence toward the success of the move just inaugurated. At the conclusion of his address Father Forge handed to the president of the B. M. A. a one hundred-dollar bill to be used for the proposed plant. Short addresses were then made by Messrs. Wm. Campbell, Chas. D. Caffery and Julian Mouton.
The speakers explained that petitions would be presented to the tax-payers for their signatures for the purpose of asking the City Council to call an election to see if the required number of people are willing to be taxed 5-mills on the dollar to raise the necessary amount to build the water-works and electric light plant. A number of signatures were obtained before leaving the hall. Well-informed persons are of the opinion that the opponents to the tax will not be sufficiently numerous to defeat the measure and it is hoped when the question will be thoroughly explained there will not be any opposition worth mentioning. Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1896.



Governor, MURPHY J. FOSTER, of St. Mary.

Lieut. Governor, ROBT. S. SNYDER.

Secretary of State, JOHN T. MICHEL, of Orleans.

State Treasurer, A. V. FOURNET, of St. Martins.

State Auditor, W. W. HEARD, of Union.

Attorney General, M. J. CUNNINGHAM, of Natchitoches.

Supt. of Public Educ., PROF. J. V. CALHOUN, of Orleans.



Dist. Attorney, MINOS T. GORDY.


Representative, J. O. BROUSSARD.

Clerk of Court, E. G. VOORHIES.

Sheriff, I. A. BROUSSARD.

Coroner, DR. A. R. TRAHAN.
Lafayette Gazette 2/15/1890.


Mr. Sidney J. Veazey and Miss Rosa Martin were married Wednesday evening at the Catholic church by the Rev. Father Maltrait. The popularity of the young couple had attracted a large number of people who were interested spectators of the nuptial ceremonies. At about half-past five o'clock the bridal party entered the church. The bride, who looked unusually charming in her beautiful dress, was escorted to the altar by Dr. G. A. Martin, her brother-in-law, Mr. Sidney Veazey, the groom followed by the side of his mother, Mrs. A. Veazey. After a few words of admonition, Father Maltrait performed the holy rite of marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Veazey then drove to their cozy home in McComb's Addition. They were accompanied by members of the families and a number offered their earnest felicitations and best wishes.
Laf. Gazette 2/15/1896.

Notice is hereby given that all licenses levied under the ordinances of the Town Council of Lafayette for the year 1896 are now due and will be delinquent on March 1, 1896, and if not paid within that period I will after that date place the matter in the hands of the attorney, to be collected according to law.
A. BOURG, Constable and Ex-officio Tax-Collector. Laf. Gazette 2/15/1896.

Selected News Notes (Gazette) 2/15/1896.

There will be some horse races at Theall's track, near Royville, on Sunday, March 1. Laf. Gazette 2/15/1896.

Prof. L. James is now principal of the High School. He has been in charge since Monday. Laf. Gaz. 2/15/1896.
Martin Begnaud passed through here Wednesday, returning from St. Martinville where he had gone on business. Laf. Gaz. 2/15/1896.
Mr. Crouchet has placed a new walk in front of his place of business. It is a decided improvement and should be extended to the end of the block. Laf. Gaz. 2/15/1896.

The material to be used for the erection of the telephone lines of the Hogsett exchange has been received and within a few days Lafayette will have a first-class telephone service. Laf. Gaz. 2/15/1896.

For the benefit of those who wish to witness the fight between Maher near El Paso, the Southern Pacific will sell tickets to that point at one fare rate. For further information apply to Agent Davidson at the depot. Laf. Gaz. 2/15/1896.

 The Southern Pacific announces one-half fare rate for the round trip to New Orleans and return for the Mardi Gras celebration which will take place on the 18th of February. Tickets will be sold February 15, 16, 17 and 18, good for return until February 28, inclusive. Laf. Gaz. 2/15/1896.

From a letter received by our fellow-townsman, Mr. B. A. Salles we learn that the telegraph office will soon be removed to the Clegg building. Mr. Salles was the first to move in this matter and it is due to him principally to his efforts that the location of the office has been changed. Laf. Gazette 2/15/1896.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 15th 1890:

A Heavy Rain, East Wind Sets in; and the Robins are Here.

Last Wednesday night a heavy rain and East winds set in, which lasted throughout Thursday. It was warm, however, and vegetation is developing rapidly. This is probably the opening of Spring, as it was predicted that we would have an open Spring. We have wondered how we could have a stopped up one.

Robins are here now, and engage the attention and appetite of our sportsmen. They are plentiful. Last Sunday five or six of Lafayette's crack sportsmen went out and bought fifty-four from a couple of negroes. But we are not going to tell who they are. One singular incident of the hunt is that a couple of quail slipped up behind one of the party and bit him, and died.

We have had four frosts this week, the heaviest Friday morning. Some of our friends tell us they saw a little ice. We learn that a good deal of corn is up in the parish, but owing to the damp weather it was not materially injured.

Mrs. Rigues has added much to the attraction and comfort of her hotel by the addition of a handsome parlor. The further addition of a sample room, corresponding with the front of the parlor, at the West end of the building, will be made shortly, and will make her grounds the most beautiful upon Lincoln Avenue.

MARRIED. - At the residence of the bride's mother, near the town of Lafayette, on Thursday, February 6th, 1890, by Rev. Robert Harry, Dr. Milton Cushman to Miss Lizzie Pharr, both of Lafayette Parish. A large number of friends were gathered to celebrate the ceremony, and a sumptuous supper was served. The young couple have our congratulations and best wishes.

What has become of "Oberon:" the poor fellow has probably wasted away to a shadow. We know that "Plough Horse" is busy ploughing and that he is too tired to write; but we have two or three other correspondents in that section of the parish who might spare time to let us know how things are going on in their neighborhood. Probably Major Bogtrotter has got Stuck-in-the-Mud, and Little Hatch. It is just setting out.

We note that Mr. W. W. Well has been appointed signal observer at Cheneyville, and Mr. J. J. Davidson, our railroad agent, has been appointed for Lafayette. These are good appointments, and we know that these gentlemen will thoroughly discharge their duty. A signal observer has to be accurate, or his work is worth nothing.

We acknowledge the receipt of a piece of music, composed by Miss Alix Judice, of Lafayette, entitled "A Toi Ma Pensee," a waltz, dedicated to her mother, published by Philip Werlein, New Orleans. Those who understand music say that it is a beautiful production, and has been received in musical circles with high appreciation. We have recognized Miss. Alix's superior merits as a musical performer; but now we wish to do her deserved honor, and say that Lafayette is proud of her talent.

That most desirable tract of land known as the Hawley land, containing about 280 acres, situated south of the S. P. Railroad and within a quarter of mile of Scott Station. Upon this land is the well known grove of Live Oaks, Isle Navarre. For further information apply to the undersigned or to Chas. D. Caffery, Attorney, Lafayette, La.
   THOS. F. WEBB, Agent.
Laf. Advertiser 2/15/1890. 

Remember the Knights of Labor ball at Falk's Hall, to-night. They have made elaborate preparation, and as they always do, give a most hospitable entertainment, where every facility in afforded for mirth and enjoyment. They give these entertainments every season, and they are always liberally patronized. Go and enjoy it.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1890.

On Feb. 3rd, Police Jury Rejects Olidon Bridge. 
Gentlemen: The Olidon bridge committee met this day by call of C. D. Stewart, contractor, at the bridge built over Vermilion Bayou, and for the purpose of examining said bridge. After examining the same, we found it to be about three feet too low, and also that the piling for the turn-table was not in the proper place as designated by your committee. We therefore refuse to receive the bridge, and refer the same in your Honorable Body for further action in the matter. Signed O. Cade, Chmn.  Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1890.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 15th, 1879:


A late dispatch from New York conveys the welcome intelligence that arrangements for pushing forward the link of the Houston road connecting Orange in Texas with Vermilionville in Louisiana have been concluded. The part of the road between Vermilionville and Morgan City being taken in charge by the Morgan Railway and Steamship Company, will, of course, be pushed to completion as fast as possible. The road between Orange and Houston is to be improved and put in first class order. There can be no doubt, now, that we shall have railway connection with Houston and the whole railroad system of Texas perhaps during the summer of 1879.

From the N. O. Picayune and re-printed in the Lafayette Advertiser on February 15, 1879:


For the Convention In the Senatorial District;
EDWARD SIMON, of St. Martin.
For the Convention, For the Parish of Lafayette, M. E. GIRARD.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1879.

February 8th, 1879.

 Among other business....

 On motion resolved that any person who shall shoot, kill or disable, any horned cattle, mule or horse found roaming in his field or his premises shall be fined in the sum of fifty dollars. The amount to be recovered by the owner before any court or competent jurisdiction. Any law in conflict with the above is hereby repealed.

 On motion resolved that the use  of the court house shall be tendered the (unreadable word) Hook & Ladder Co. for the purpose of giving a ball on the 25th of February or on the 4th of March. Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1879.  


Buffalo Bill on French Courtesy.

In a letter to the Chicago Inter-Ocean, Buffalo Bill writes concerning French politeness:

"It is genuine courtesy, and while the forms of conduct may appear extravagant to some Americans, it seems to me that they are genuine expressions of regard.

"I cannot help feeling that the French are extremely hospitable and generous. That is, they do not condemn a man before he is proved guilty. They willingly take his word for what he is, and do what they can to promote his interests.

"A great deal has been written in the past about the Frenchman's fickleness, his love of display, etc. I have not found this judgement justified by my experience. I have been concerned here in giving an entertainment characteristic of certain features of American life. We do not parade in spangled clothing, we have no grand scenery, no spectacle of the ordinary kind; in fact, nothing has been done to give any artificial effect to our performance. We appear in exactly the same costume in which we rode about the plains, and every feature of our properties, to use a theatrical term, is of the plainest description. Do the Frenchmen dislike it, accustomed as they are to seeing a wealth of splendor in their public entertainments? Not at all. They are deeply impressed with the plain genuineness of the exhibition we give. In all our experience I have not known a people who came more repeatedly than the French to see our representation. They take pains to inform me and my associates of their appreciation of the homely features which we bring into the foreground.

"All this would seem to show that the French are anything but superficial in their observations. They care more for the plain, rough representation of the pioneer's life that for the gaudy glitter of the circus. Further than that, they correctly appreciate the individual features of the Wild West. They understand what we are about when we endeavor to illustrate the life on the plains of years ago, a manner of life, indeed, that has not yet entirely gone out of existence."

Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1890.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of February 15th, 1910:


 Decision of Court of Appeals Against Government Official.
    [Washington, D. C. Times, Feb. 5.]

 The Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia settled a question that has been raging throughout the country when after a hard contested legal battle, it rendered a final decision in favor of the New Iberia Extract of Tabasco Pepper Company, C. P. Moss, president, against the McIlhenny Company, of which Civil Service Commissioner John A. McIlhenny is a member and was at one time manager.

 The decision was handed down Tuesday and the transcript of the record has been delivered to Mr. Moss.

 The controversy involved a question of the validity of McIlhenny's trade-mark registered in the United States Patent Office.

 The decision of the Commissioner of Patents was sustained by the Court of Appeals and the McIlhenny Company trade-mark was ordered finally cancelled. In this connection a damage suit by the New Iberia Extract of Tabasco Pepper Company for $30,000 is now pending in the district court at New Iberia, La., which is the domicile of the two competitive concerns.

 These two concerns practically supply the world with tabasco pepper sauce.
From the Washington, D. C. Times and in the Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1910. 


A Romantic Wedding. 

 There was a romantic wedding in town Thursday and this is the way a lady friend told an Advertiser reporter how it happened.

While Miss Estelle Mouton was out visiting Thursday afternoon, she received a telephone message from her sister, Miss Ida, saying to come to the store as some one wanted to see her immediately. Before she had time to get to the store, Mr. Geo. Connif met her in a carriage (she was surprised to see him as he had been confined several days with lagrippe). On getting out of the carriage he said,

"Miss Estelle, are you a friend of mine?"

She replied, "Well, I guess I am."

He said, "Then get in this carriage and go with me."

Miss Estelle could not imagine what the excitement was. They drove to Mouton Sisters' store where Mr. Coniff introduced her to Miss Sanders of Jeanerette. Still Miss Estelle could not solve the mystery as she had never met this young lady before. When she saw how nervous and excited Miss Sanders looked, she thought perhaps there was a wedding on docket, but when she looked at Mr. Connif with beard all over his face, and wearing a sweater, still she wondered. When Miss Saunders kept asking,

"Is my hat on straight? Is my hair combed well? Must I wear gloves?"

Miss Estelle wondered more. On arriving at the church Miss Estelle peeped in and spied Rev. Harper and Mr. Henry Young. Turning to Mr. Coniff she said,

"What does this mean? Is Mr. Young to be married?"

He replied, "No."

Then, "Is it it -------"

"No; it is Reuben Brown who is going to marry Miss Sanders."

 After the ceremony was performed the bridal party drove to Mouton Sisters' store, where they waited until time for the bride and groom to take the west bound train. While waiting Mr. Brown telegraphed to his parents and the bride's parents that they were married and gone on their wedding trip. Mr. Brown and Miss Sanders' wedding invitations for the second of March had already been printed and while Miss Sanders' parents were in New Orleans buying the remainder of trousseau, Mr. Brown called her and said that he was compelled to leave for an extended trip through the west and persuaded her to go with him and not wait for the second of March. She agreed and he left. That evening Miss Sanders left home with a small hand grip telling the servants that she had decided to go to Franklin on a short visit to her cousins. The only regret Miss Sanders had was that she had to leave her lovely trousseau behind her and wear old clothes to keep from arousing the servants suspicions.
Lafayette Advertiser 2/15/1905.


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