Sunday, January 11, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 24th, 1903.

Push It Through!!!

 The Business Men's Association held a meeting last Monday night to take action on the proposition submitted by McKinney, the general agent of the Emigration Bureau of the Southern Pacific and Illinois Central railroads, that his bureau would distribute free of charge fifty thousand booklets or folders describing the natural resources and advantages and educational facilities of Lafayette town and parish. There is to be no expense whatever attached to the service rendered by the bureau, but the community, is expected to furnish the advertising matter, which can be obtained at the trifling cost of one cent per copy for a 24 leaf folder or pamphlet, provided not less than 50,000 copies be ordered at one time.

 The bureau in question operates through nearly 700 agencies scattered throughout the north and, east and middle west and each agency is in command of the very best facilities for distributing advertising matter in a thorough and effective manner. Through the personal efforts of President Stephens of the Industrial Institute, Mr. McKinney, the chief of this Emigration Bureau, was induced to spend a short while in Lafayette last Saturday and explain to a number of our citizens who were able to meet him on the short notice given, the best means by which Lafayette town and parish might reap some of the advantages of the general emigration movement southward being stirred up by the united efforts of the Southern Pacific and Illinois Central railroad companies. Mr. McKinney's suggestion that we adopt the plan of Iberia and other parishes in Southwest Louisiana which have entered in this movement, met with the approbation of those who happened to be present when the plan was explained, and it was decided to bring the matter before the Business Men's Association for final action. Recognizing the advantage it would be to the town and parish to present to the people of North, East, and West, in a practical and effective way, the vast undeveloped resources of this section and extending to these same people a cordial invitation to come and join hands with us in development of these resources, the Business Men's Association endorsed the movement on behalf of the community and appointed committees to raise the required amount of $500 by popular subscription, and the expectation of reasonable appropriations by both the City council and Police Jury, inasmuch as the establishment of a cotton mill, furniture factory or similar industry in our midst, for which we have an abundance of raw material, would redound to the great and general good of the town and parish. And the Business Men's Association is convinced that if the subject is presented in the intelligent and forceful manner now contemplated, to 50,000 people interested in buying homes and making investment in the South, that the $500 it is proposed to spend in the effort, will bring certain and handsome returns.

 The Advertiser is thoroughly in accord with this movement for the upbuilding of Lafayette town and parish, and concurs in the opinion that good results will follow the plan it is proposed to carry out for advertising in a special way the advantages and the needs of our section of country, at a time when the railroad companies we have already named are busily engaged in arousing an active interest in Louisiana and Texas among many thousands of good people of intelligence and capital who are desirous of changing their homes to a milder climate, or who wish to invest their money in the development of the boundless idle resources of the country.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1903.   

We Like Caffery.

We like him because he is man of character.
 We like him because he is ever found fighting on the side of right and principle.

 We like him because of the great services he has rendered the public as Mayor, and for his earnest and self-sacrificing and persevering labors as a citizen to advance the general good.

 We like him for the enemies he makes in the faithful and fearless discharge of his duties as an officer of the law safeguarding the interests of home and country. Yes, Caffery has his faults (JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE), but he is known to be a man among men - one who never shirks duty. The community feels indebted to him for past services and his fellow citizens will testify their appreciation of his worth by endorsing his administration at the polls.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1903.

Coming to Falk's Opera House. - After a night with "A Wise Member" an enthusiastic writer for the Cincinnati Enquirer says: "A Wise Member" not only tells a story which keeps the average auditor in constant anticipation but is filled with crispy, snappy, bright and witty lines, the cleverest up-to-date topical songs and catchiest "Coon" melodies ridiculously funny scenes and situations, vaudeville features that are absolutely new and startling girls, costumes that are gorgeous, yet in keeping and in good taste, scenery and stage accessories that appeal to the eye, terpsichorean achievements that cannot be excelled, a fund of humor that holds one in constant merriment from the rise to the fall of the curtain, and best of all, a case of unusually clever people. The second season of this play will undoubtedly be even a greater success than the first.

 This attraction will be at Lafayette Opera House one night, Saturday Jan. 24. 

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1903.

S. L. I.

 The event that has called for the most interest on the part of the students at the Institute during this month has been the organization of a third literary society. The movement was led in part by a majority of the Fourth Year class, and seems to be very popular. The faculty has welcomed the appearance of the new society in the hop that a healthy rivalry in matters literary will result in greater and more substantial benefit to the students.

  The preliminary contest for the Julian Mouton medal, which is to take place before a committee of the faculty will be held in the near future. The successful competitors in this contest will then be permitted to compete for the medal at the annual debate which takes place during commencement week in May. Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1903.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of January 24th, 1903:

The B. M. A's. Public Spirit.

 The movement that is being taken up by the Business Men's Association of Lafayette for the purpose of having literature concerning the agricultural and industrial opportunities of our town and parish printed in proper form and distributed through the immigration agencies of the Southern Pacific Railroad, is an enterprise deserving the attention and interest of all our citizens.

 The exodus of population from the regions of the North and middle West into this section is no longer a rumor, a report, or mere boom cry for speculating purposes; it is a plain indisputable fact, substantiated by trainload after trainload daily passing through our city. And there is good reason for it besides. That section of our country is already over populated, relatively speaking, the climate is cold to the extent of great inconvenience and suffering, and the industries are so thoroughly worked up, that profits have dwindled to the minimum per capita. It is therefore a paying investment for a man to sell there and buy here. All the more intelligent classes are perceiving this, and are looking for literature concerning this newly discovered El Dorado of the Southwest.

 Our citizens, therefore, should not neglect to have the merits of our town and parish thoroughly and accurately presented to the minds of prospective immigrants. We ought to describe our soil and its productiveness, list our lands that are for sale, write up our industries and suggest the half a dozen new ones that we ought to have, exhibit the progress that we are making education both in our public school system and in our splendid new State Industrial Institute, and invite those seeking homes and investment to come and see us.

 After a conference last Saturday with G. M. McKinney, general immigration agent of the Southern Pacific Railway, followed by a called meeting Monday night, the Business Men's Association resolved to have prepared a twenty-four page pamphlet upon Lafayette, town and parish, and to give fifty thousand copies of this for general distribution in the North and middle West by the railroad's Immigration Bureau of Chicago. The cost of the pamphlets will be five hundred dollars of which one hundred and fifty dollars was immediately subscribed by only the few members present; and a committee was appointed to wait upon our citizens and raise the balance.

 We heartily endorse the plan, and feel sure that its execution will result in a most valuable progress for our community and parish.

 Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.


 A railroad between Lafayette and Baton Rouge would result in the greatest possible good to both communities. That a survey has been made is no doubt. The railroad people are, as is always the case, very reticent. When asked to speak they say they know nothing about it. But no importance should be attached to the silence of the representatives of the railroad companies. They never tell what they know about railroad matters. That a road will be built between these points seems reasonably sure. The great advantages of such a road cannot be ignored much longer by the people who build railroads.

 It is not in the power of Lafayette and Baton rouge to build this line, but they can do a great deal toward hastening its construction. If both towns will only pull together in this matter effective work can be done. The combined efforts of the two communities, intelligently directed, would no doubt be productive of good results.

 The distance between Lafayette and baton Rouge is fifty-two miles, thus placing this town within a two-hours' ride of the capital and affording a shorter route to New Orleans. We need not speak of the vast benefits that this town would derive from direct rail communication with the Mississippi Valley and the Shreveport and Red River Valley at Baton Rouge. The last named road has not yet been built to Baton Rouge, but its extension to that is only a question of a few months at the most. There is every reason to believe that the great Frisco system will before long make its way through that city.
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903. 

A Negro Killed.

 Saul Babineaux shot and killed a negro by the name of Jim Andrus. Alias Lomonte, near the town of Carencro last Tuesday. Mr. Babineaux, who is constable in that ward, had a warrant for the arrest of of Andrus. Anticipating trouble in the arrest, he sought and obtained the assistance of Laurent Arceneaux. They met Andrus on the public road near the plantation of Romain Francez, and the officer told him he was a prisoner.

 Andrus immediately showed resistance and said no man would arrest him and that he would prefer to die than to surrender. He got off his horse and made a motion to draw a weapon from the hip pocket. Babineaux thereupon fired one shot from his pistol and killed the man.

 Andrus was a brother of Petit Marie who shot at Babineaux a few months ago when the latter made an attempt to to put him under arrest. Marie is a fugitive of justice.

 Coroner Mouton made an inquest Tuesday afternoon, and the jury exonerated Mr. Babineaux, and concluded that the shooting was justifiable. The coroner's jury was composed of the following persons: F. C. Latiolais, Laurent Noel, Anatole Trahan, John C. Sonnier and Gaston Begnaud. There were several witnesses to the shooting, and the testimony of all, irrespective of color, is the same in the main.
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

The Street Fair.

The fencing near the railroad depot, in which the street fair attractions are to be enclosed has already been built, and everything is ready for the fair on Monday.

 Excursions from Lake Charles, Opelousas and New Orleans will run to Lafayette during next week. On Sunday, the first day of February, the fireman's parade will take place. Militia companies from Opelousas and New Iberia will participate in the parade.
 Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

Letter From A Citizen.
To the Editor-Laf. Gazette:

 In your last week's issue, I noticed that you have touched the question of the old pond in Mills addition. Not enough has been said about it, because you could not say too much.

 Not later than yesterday I made an eye survey of the drainage, and for hardly any cost could be done, removing a great danger to the public health. Not only the water stays in stagnation, but all garbage is dumped there, which makes it very sickly - even dead animals are seen floating on the water.

 Our City Fathers are doing good work in town; let them not stop, let them keep things going, and a little attention in the direction of that pond will make them act.

 We, citizens of that neighborhood are paying taxes for water works and electric lights, and neither we have, so for a little consideration of a few dollars in work on the drainage of that pond will satisfy every one and all in that neighborhood.

 Thanking you for the space given me in your columns.

    I am yours,
               A. CITIZEN.
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

Ice Factory. - Mrs. V. C. Walters has leased through the J. C. Nickerson Agency, the Lafayette Ice Factory plant to Carl Alexius for a term of three years. Mr. Alexius intends to engage in the manufacture of ice. 
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.


A theater party and dance were given by the young men of Lafayette last Wednesday evening. After the performance, dancing was indulged in to the strains of sweet music. The following were in the party: Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Pellerin, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin, Misses Crouchet, Cornelia Broussard of Patterson, Nydia DeBlanc of New Iberia, Rita Trahan, Corrine Guidry, Ruby Scranton, Lizzie and May Bailey, Mabel Dautrive, Mayre Littell, Ula Coronna, Ida Robichaux, Laurence Campbell, Louisa Tolson; Dr. H. P. Beeler, Messrs. A. Woodson, Amick Courtney, Frank Broussard, Frank Jeanmard, Jules Guilbeau, A. Robichaux, George and Charles Debaillon, Frank Mouton, Eben Morgan, W. A. Broussard and Jerome Mouton. Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.


Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hopkins entertained a few friends on the sixteenth inst., complimentary to Miss Mayme Duson of Crowley and Mrs. R. M. DeLaney of Texas. At seven o'clock an elegant dinner of seven courses was served and generously enjoyed. The table with its snowy damask relieved by the gleam of delicate china and silver, and soft decorations of vines and roses was very beautiful indeed and the taste displayed was the subject of much admiration. Those present were Mmes. B. Clegg and R. M. DeLaney; Misses Hopkins and Duson and Messrs. B. Clegg and W. S. Torian. Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

The Trial of McCoy.

 The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer recently printed the following choice sample of a lie. When it is considered that Lafayette Parish gave the strongest evidence of an abiding trust in the legal administration of justice in allowing the wretch McCoy to be regularly tried for the commission of a damnable crime, one can hardly understand to what limits the Northern press will go in misrepresenting the Southern people. The Gazette does not in the least desire to interfere with the cause of McCoy, which is not terminated, but we can truly say that at all times he was safeguarded by every means within the power of the court officers, executive and judicial. As soon as he was indicted by the grand jury, Judge Debaillon appointed three members of the bar to assist the accused in his defense. These gentlemen withdrew only when McCoy employed counsel.

 At the trial of the case, the strongest evidence in his behalf was given by a white man, a cousin of the injured person, whose sympathies could hardly have been with the negro. McCoy was found guilty by a jury of unprejudiced men. His counsel took an appeal which is now pending before the State Supreme Court. No one can say with any degree of truth that the trial of this negro was interrupted by evidences of mob violence. Yet in spite of these facts, the Enquirer with the consummate nerve of the liar, publishes this absurd story said to have been sent from New Orleans:

 Awaiting death on the gallows in the Parish Prison here is a man who was saved from lynching, and probably from frightful torture, at the hands of a mob by so slight an incident as the accidental scratching of a match.

 William McCoy, who has been guilty of assaulting a woman in Lafayette parish, was on trial there. His victim had identified him, and the townspeople decided to lynch him. Threats of burning were openly made, and McCoy expected to be taken out and horribly used. On the last day of the trial a mob entered the courtroom with the avowed purpose of attacking the prisoner's guards as soon as the verdict was read and lynching him, whether he was found guilty or not.

 The Sheriff had extra deputies, but the mob was so large that there seemed no hope of saving McCoy. The Judge received the verdict and read it. The mob started forward. At that instant, when the fight was about to begin, some one stepped upon a match, which made a loud report, and it was mistaken for a pistol shot. Mccoy fainted, and the mob, believing he had been shot, stampeded. The Sheriff hustled him away and locked him up, putting the key of the jail in the bank vault. Later McCoy was brought to this city, and now awaits death. He has been refused a new trial.
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

Bought Mill. - Attention is called to the new advertisement of Ramsey & Upton in this paper. These gentlemen have bought Mr. G. M. Snodgrass' mill, and are prepared to accommodate the public with corn, oats, bran, and all kinds of feed. Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

An Appreciated Correction.

 In the splendid edition of the New Orleans Daily States recently issued, an inadvertent omission was made of our Industrial Institute. That it was an over-sight we are persuaded by the following editorial mention in that paper of Tuesday last:

 "Nor can we explain how it happened that the Southwest Industrial Institute at Lafayette came to be omitted from among the educational institutions of the State. That institution is the result of Louisiana's latest and ripest efforts at educational development; it is located in the midst of the richest and most progressive section of the State; its work is not excelled by any similar institution in the South, and its opportunities for doing good are practically boundless. We consider that no institution in the whole country has a more magnificent mission to perform, and certainly none are going about with more earnest and intelligent zeal than characterizes the work of President Stephens and his able faculty. In a work of such magnitude as that required in getting out the late special edition mistakes and ommisions are inevitable, but it is greatly to be regretted that such important adjunct to the State's progress the institution referred to should have been the victim."
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.


Lafayette Ice Factory. - Mrs. V. C. Walters has leased through the J. C. Nickerson Agency, the Lafayette Ice Factory plant to Carl Alexius for a term of three years. Mr. Alexius intends to engage in the manufacture of ice. Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

Lafayette Building Association. - On last Tuesday, Jan. 20, the election for Board of Directors for the Lafayette Building Association was held at the association office and the following stockholders were elected to serve for the ensuing year: C. O. Mouton, J. A. Martin, N. P. Moss, J. A. Martin, N. P. Moss, A. J. LeBlanc, L. Lacoste, R. C. Greig, C. D. Caffery. 
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.

Knights of Pythias.

 Lodge 37 of the Knights of Pythias, the local organization, met Thursday last in regular session, and the officers of the lodge lately elected were installed with the usual ceremonies. The lodge was honored by a visit from Grand Chanellor Commander W. L. Erwin, accompanied by Acting Grand V. C. Brother F. C. Marsh of St. Mary 44; Acting Grand P. Brother C. C. Kramer of New Iberia 39; Acting M. at A. W. J. Compton of Ibeia 39.

 The following officers were installed: W. H. Alexander, C. C.; J. Campbell, P.; G. B. Knapp, K. R. S.; L. O. Emes, M. F.; Hyman Plonsky, M. E.; J. Colomb, M. A.; W. E. Johnson, I. G.; P. Cockerman, O. G.; J. Vigneaux, Representative to Grand Lodge; J. T. Breaux, Alternate.

 A delightful lunch was given at Domegeaux's Restaurant Thursday evening in honor of the visiting Pythians. 
Lafayette Gazette 1/24/1903.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 24th, 1891:

 The Weather. - Considering the long spell of cold weather, accompanied by blustering winds, and the fact that fires have been kept up constantly in all dwelling houses, Lafayette is particularly fortunate in not having a single conflagration; in fact, such a thing has not occurred for several years.

Tuesday night a heavy rain set in which lasted until Wednesday afternoon. Our ditches were sufficient to carry off the water, and to-day the streets are in good condition. Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.


 The Vermilion River.

 Col. P. H. Thompson, of the United States Engineering corps, came to Abbeville on the Barmore last Saturday, for the purpose of examining the Bayou, preparatory to making a report for the improvement of our river.

 He was met by a committee of reception composed of Messrs. Lastie Broussard, Jacob Isaacs, Gus Godchaux, E. Mouton and S. P. Watts, who invited him to accept the hospitalities of the town. But, the Col. refused, as he proposed to continue his trip up the river on the Steamer. At the solicitation of Capt. Saunders, the Capt. of the Barmore, Messrs. Lastie Broussard and Gus Godchaux, accompanied Col. Thompson, on the round trip to Sebastapool and back a statistical report of the products of Vermilion parish was furnished Col. Thompson. We are pleased to state that the report that Col. Thompson will make, will fully counteract the report made by Major Crosby a few years ago, which was unfavorable to the improvement of the Vermilion. All that our people ask of the United States Government is to take the logs and snags out of the river, thus opening navigation from the mouth of the river to Lafayette. With this opened up, we would have a daily boat from Abbeville to Lafayette. So mote it be!

Vermilion Star - Re-printed in the Lafayette Advertiser of January 24, 1891.

Near Fatal Accident - A few days ago, Judge L. I. Tansey met with what came near being a fatal accident. He tried to board a West bound afternoon train as it was pulling out, and moving pretty fast. He grabbed the irons and jumped for the steps. His foot slipped and he was jerked to the ground and dragged some distance hanging by the hand. Several times he was almost caught by the wheel. The train was stopped and he was rescued by bystanders. It was indeed a narrow escape, and we congratulate the judge upon the fortunate outcome.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1899.

Changes to Train Schedule. - A recent change has been made in the passenger schedule, which we give for the benefit of our readers: No. 87, East bound, leaves Lafayette at 1:29 p. m., and arrives at New Orleans 7:25 p. m. No. 19, East bound leaves Lafayette at 1:50 a. m., and arrives at New Orleans at 7:30 a. m. No. 18, West bound, leaves Lafayette at 2:15 p. m., No. 20, West bound leaves Lafayette at 10:30 p. m. On the Alexandria branch, No. 51 leaves Alexandria at 9:05 a. m., and arrives at Lafayette 1:05 p. m. No. 50 for Alexandria leaves Lafayette at 2:15 p. m.   Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1899.

Death of Uncle Coco. -   Friday, January 16th, one of the old landmarks and characters of our community was obliterated in the death of old Uncle Coco. He was an old freedman, whose history runs back into obscurity. He is said to have been born in St. Martinville parish, and to be 118 years old. He could talk readily and intelligently upon matters reaching far back of the life of the present generation, and in which he claimed to have taken part. He claimed to have been present at the battle of New Orleans, and could describe it vividly. He also claimed to have been a soldier in Gen. Jackson's army. He could relate incidents occurring in this section of the State both while it was under Spanish and French rule, and was familiar with the history of all the old families. Altogether, Coco was a wonderful man - a second "Wandering Jew." He was a Catholic, and funeral services were held at St. John's Church last Saturday. Coco's wonderful longevity is only one of many instances of the healthfulness of our country and climate. By scanning the list of mortalities recorded in our columns the past few weeks it will be seen that several had reached the age of 80, and beyond.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

 At the Canning Factory. - Mr. Alfred Hebert one of our most enterprising citizens, has erected a large warehouse adjoining the canning factory, for the storage of corn. In connection with this is a feed grinding mill. The corn is run through this mill and comes out corn, cob and shuck all ground into a conglomerate mass like coarse meal or any degree of coarseness desired. It is claimed that this feed is very nutritious, and that stock are very fond of it. It is certainly economical, as all the cob and shuck are utilized. The mill is worth investigation. Our farmers should look in their interests in this matter.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

Pay Car. - The pay car came in Tuesday night and dropped a wad of over $5,000, consequently everybody and their friends were made happy.
 Laf. Advertiser 1/24/1891.

 Passed Through Lafayette. - One of those beautiful vestibule trains, run by the Raymond & Whitcomb Excursion company, passed through Lafayette at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. These excursions are run from Boston to points in Mexico and California. This train was composed of ten elegant coaches and two baggage cars. None but the wealthy can ride in them. They eat and sleep on the train, have drawing-room and library, and wherever they stop the excursion company pays back hire, hotel bills, etc. Fare for round trip from Boston, $685.00 each. (Nearly $17,000 in today's money.)
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

At the Opera-house. - The performance given by the "Monte Cristo" troupe Sunday and Monday nights drew extra good audiences, who loudly expressed their high appreciation of the fine acting. It is an excellent company. Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891. 

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/24/1891.

Mrs. Lyons of Sulphur Springs, is on a visit to Mrs. Isaac Broussard.

We were favored last Monday from a call by Dan W. Voorhies, Esq., of St. Martinville.

Mrs. Louis Domengeaux and little son Rex, are home again after a pleasant visit to relatives in Houma, La.

Mrs. Chas. E. Carey and son, Lee, returned Tuesday from a two weeks visit to friends and relatives in Opelousas.

An extension has been added to the rear of the Racket House in the shape of a new kitchen, to meet the increased demands upon its accommodations.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

 Mr. Joe E. Mouton's sweet smile now illuminates the rear of Col. E. McDaniel's bar.

W. B. Mulvey, Superintendent L. W., was stopping at the Crescent Hotel Monday.

W. D. West, Superintendent W. U. Telegraph, was stopping at the Crescent Hotel Monday.

Mr. Flavius Thompson has nearly completed a very neat cottage in Mills addition. He will occupy it himself.

The frame work of the new round house is now in place, but we understand it will be about two months before it is finished. It has eighteen stalls.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.


The cotton has been nearly all picked, but we learn there is much in the fields. This will in most instances be abandoned, as the season is about closed.

The man with the flying horses, down at the railroad, gave the children much amusement and pleasure during the week.

A regular meeting of Hope Lodge F. & A. M., No. 145, will be held at the Lodge room this evening at 6:00 o'clock. All members are earnestly invited to attend. Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

Hunters complain that the delicious woodcock are extremely scarce in this section this year. Formerly they were plentiful, and good bags could be made.

Louis Domengeaux has a monkey named Jake, who plays at Louis' restaurant, near the depot, and attracts much attention by his queer actions and funny sayings.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

Mrs. J. D. Trahan, and lovely daughters, Misses Stella, Haydee and Rita, left Sunday for New Orleans, where they will spend some time among relatives and friends.

Miss Blanche Fleming, a charming St. Martinville young lady, returned home last Saturday, after a visit of several weeks in town, as guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. M. Bailey.

Mr. B. Falk has erected an apparatus in the rear of his Opera House, and had made the necessary arrangements to have gasoline lights both in the Opera House and in his store. This is a big improvement over coal oil lamps.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

Eggs have been very scarce for a couple of weeks past, but are now more plentiful.

This shows that the hens are beginning to pick up, or rather, lay down.

We noticed several droves of mules passing through our town during the week. This indicates that there is a growing demand among our farmers for better work stock, and a determination on their part to do better cultivation. We may look for better results, if we have a good season next year.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

Mr. Homer J. Mouton, of St. Martinville, a practical printer, son of Judge C. H. Mouton, has been with us the past week, and has rendered valuable assistance.

Business in town has been brisk during the week, owing to the disbursements of the pay car.

The removal of the old building between Mrs. Young's and Mr. Point Boeuf's residences, has left a beautiful site for the erection of a neat residence which would be an ornament to that street. We hope to see this done at an early day.

The stock pen adjoining the depot warehouse at this place has been put in thorough repair, which would argue that much more stock is expected to be shipped to or from Lafayette than has been done in the past year or two.

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

Mr. F. Otto, butcher, recently returned from Texas with a drove of cattle for this market. They are the finest animals we have seen in this section at this season of the year.

The performances given by the "Monte Cristo" troupe Sunday and Monday nights drew extra good audiences, who loudly expressed their high appreciation of the fine acting. It is an excellent company. 

Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 24th, 1908:


 The fire Wednesday again emphasized the urgent need for an electric fire alarm system. Immediately upon the alarm being given everybody began to ask where is the fire. People stood uncertain which way to go. Some firemen ran to the hose & cart house and started with a horse pulling the cart - for the depot. Why? Because the wild cat whistle blew and they guessed the fire was down towards the railroad. They hoped by the time they reached the railroad to find out the direction of the fire. All along Jefferson and Lincoln avenues the people stood on the sidewalks or in their doors and yelled to the onrushing hose cart men, "Where is the fire". "Don't know" and on they went rushing to the depot.

 This was a striking illustration of the delay which can not be avoided where there is no fire alarm system. And delay, in case of fire is a very important matter. A question of a very few minutes often decides whether a house and contents shall be a total loss or not. If you happen to be insured (being one of the fortunate ones who can pay the exorbitant and robber rates of the insurance companies), you can possibly stand being burned out, but if you are not insured and lose all you have, you will find it hard that the Council did not provide the town with an alarm system that would have prevented the delay that cost you your all.

 Lafayette is now too large to depend on guess work to locate fires and it covers too much territory to permit delay in locating them. This fact should be realized and a unanimous demand made upon the Council for an electric fire system.

 An electric fire alarm system may be somewhat costly in installing but the cost will be more than saved to the tax payer in reduced insurance rates and the certain saving of property from burning because eliminating the delay in fighting fire.

 The time has come for us to make an improvement in our method of handling fires. Lafayette covers too much ground and the houses are too numerous to longer risk delay. A fire that might be extinguished if reached in time many now easily on a windy night not alone burn the building first caught, but sweep on the other buildings and destroy thousands of dollars of property. Without a certain system of fire alarms, the kind to have with an electric fire alarm system, the delay is sure to exist and every day such conditions exist is a menace to property.

 To save this unnecessary risk and to reduce the high rate of insurance at the same time, a general demand should be made by the people on the Council to put in an electric fire alarm system.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1908.     

(Smoked Ducks)

GREENSPORT, December, 19. - A fire broke out in the large stone mansion of at Arshamogue, belonging to the estate of the late Richard B. Conklin, the former owner of Rarus. The fire originated in the chimney and the destruction on the building seemed certain, as there was no way to reach the flames.

 At this point young R. B. Conklin ran to the duck pen, and, startling the sleeping occupants with the suddenness of his appearance among them, proceeded to seize a number of the largest.

 Despite their vigorous protests the ducks were hurried off towards the burning building.

 A ladder was secured, and almost before any one could realize what the young man was about to do he had mounted to the top of the house and had made his way to the chimney.

 The fire and smoke was still pouring from the shaft. Young Conklin, with a quick motion, tossed one of the ducks into the chimney.

 The flame in an instant seemed checked, and the volume of smoke became more dense. Then another was offered as sacrifice to save the house, and quacking and fluttering was hurled in the chimney.

 The cloud of soot raised by the flapping wings of the duck as it sank into the fiery crater through the narrow stone shaft effectually smothered the fire, and although the life of the duck went out in a few minutes, the novel expedient was found to have worked to good effect. Before the smothered flames could regain their lost ground the advantage gained was followed up and the fire was subdued.

 Source unknown. In the Lafayette Advertiser 1/24/1891.

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