The Gazette has always taken a lively interest in all matters connected with the electric light and water works plant now in course of erection, because it is believed that it was to the interest of the people that they should own and control them to the best advantage.
Now that it is nearing completion The Gazette takes occasion to call the attention of our city fathers that as this is a public institution paid for the by the people, things should be worked in such a manner as to bring about the greatest good to the greatest number possible at the least cost and expense to those who desire to use lights for private purposes.
The first step should be in the matter of wiring private residences and business houses. We understand that an electric light contractor has been going the rounds asking those who desire any wiring for the contract of putting it up. We have nothing to say about this, but only advert to it to suggest to the city council the propriety of getting the necessary material for that purpose and have the town electrician, who will be permanently employed to attend to the electric plant, to superintend and cause the wiring of all houses.
By this action, the council can have the work done at cost price and knowing this, the people would naturally be benefitted to the extent of the profit realized by a private contractor; and it would encourage the taking of lights by the people and thereby increase the revenues of the plant to, it is to be hoped, a sufficient sum to pay running expenses.
The same remarks can equally be applied to the water supply.
The city council will, no doubt, do this, and we would advise the people to wait until these arrangements are made before acting.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Electric Light Rates.
The prevailing bad weather has retarded the work on the electric light plant considerably, and on that account, the plant will not be in full operation before about thirty working days. But those in charge of the construction are doing their utmost to expedite business and complete the work as soon as possible.
Mr. D. L. Caffery, the secretary of both plants, has already begun the work of soliciting for the placing of lights in residences and places of business. The rates proposed are lower than those of any other neighboring town, a schedule of which we give below:
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Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898 |
Wonder of 19th Century.
Displayed in New Iberia:
Another wonder of the nineteenth century is acetylene gas as an illuminant, generated by the simplest form of machine from calcium carbide, made from powdered chalk and coal in the electric furnace. The exhibition made of this new during the week at Lee's drug store, has attracted much attention and developed great interest. It is a pure white light of most intense brilliancy, a jet not much larger than that of an ordinary coal oil lamp developing 250 candle power, burns perfectly motionless and throws out less heat than any gas known, and is comparatively inexpensive. Messrs. Jeff Arnandez and Geo. Pellerin are introducing the new new illuminant in these parts and have already placed several machines in town for the lighting of places of business. To-morrow night they will light up the Opera house with the eight light machine they have, though this will not be a fair test, as the the machine is not of sufficient power for so large an area.
From the New Iberia Enterprise and in the Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
A Rare Treat.
The amusement loving members of the community should not forget that Mr. Chas. F. Underhill will give his Recital of the great play "Rip Van Winkle" at Falk's opera house, February 2. The necessary guarantee for his presence here has been given by our public-spirited citizens, and thanks to them, Lafayette has a rare treat in store.
An idea of what the entertainment is can be gotten from the following:
"It is neither a reading nor a lecture nor a mere elocutionary programme. It is more. It is the complete story of the greatest and most popular drama of modern times told by one person, but one who has the rare gift of being able to appear like several. With none of the aids that changes of scenery and costume lend to dramatic expression Mr. Underhill gives the old legend of "Rip Van Winkle" in its dramatized form, depending on changes of vocal and facial expressions for individualizing the different personages, and they tell the story themselves, the characteristics of each one being brought out so vividly that after the first introduction there is no need of naming them, so easy it to recognize them on each re-appearance. Before the Recital is half finished, the audience has been made to feel as though actually in the presence of many people and shifting scenery owing to the gift of interpretation that goes with a really great Impersonator."
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Home Minstrelry. - Mr. Geo. Wilson, a clever comedian, is in town, and is endeavoring to organize a local theatrical company. A rehearsal was held Thursday night, and everything points to a success in his venture. He comes well recommended and The Gazette hopes that he and our home boys will meet with nothing but success.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Opera House. The Krause-Stout Big Company will present the great new York sensational play, "The Police Inspector" at Falk's Opera-house, Sunday night, January 23. You can not afford to miss this, as it is a strictly first class company in every respect and will positively appear only one night. Don't forget the date.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Lafayette Gun Club. - At a meeting held in the town hall Thursday, a gun club was organized. The following are the members: D. L. Caffery, Felix Mouton, Ulysse Himel, Alpha Patin, J. A. Landry. D. J. Veazey, Gaston Veazey, C. M. Parkerson, J. C. Nickerson, Julian Mouton and Jerome Mouton. Felix Mouton was elected president and Jerome Mouton, secretary and treasurer. The club purposes to compete with all neighboring towns. The necessary trap, shells, clay-pigeons have been received and the members will soon begin to practice. Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
A. O. U. W. Officers.
At a meeting of Ideal Lodge No. 25 A. O. U. W., last Monday, the following officers were elected: C. O. Mouton, master-workman; H. A. Van der Cruyssen, foreman; J. E. Weigle, Jr., overseer; Ben Falk, guide; J. T. Allingham, financier; Thomas Rogers, inside watchman; Joseph Rogers, outside watchman; J. J. Davidson, Sidney Mouton, H. A. Van der Cruyssen, trustees, C. O. Mouton, reporter to grand lodge; Dr. F. R. Tolson, medical examiner.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Ladies' Tea Club.
On Thursday, January thirteenth, the Ladies' Five O'clock Tea Club was very pleasantly entertained at the cozy home of Mrs. Eugene Trahan, whose hospitality has so often been enjoyed. Despite the inclemency of the weather a goodly crowd was in attendance and a merry afternoon ensued. Miss Bessie Cornay was awarded a lovely prize for having given the prettiest definition of "home." A tempting menu of sandwiches, tea, chocolate, cakes and ice-cream was served from a table and buffet bedecked with exquisite flowers, cheifly the white and crimson camelia, whose rich colors blending with the delicately tinted china and snowy nappery presented a most inviting aspect. Mrs. Trahan was assisted in her duties as hostess by three of our charming girls, Misses B. Cornay, Adele and Bulah Young. The next meeting of the club will be at "Idelwylde", the woodland home of Mr. Baxter Clegg.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Opera House.
The Krauss-Stout Big Company will present the great New York sensational play, "The Police Inspector" at Falk's Opera-house, Sunday night, January 23. You cannot afford to miss this, as it is a strictly first class company in every respect and will positively appear only one night. Don't forget the date. Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
A Crowded House.
The opening performance of the Krause-Stout Company at the opera house last night was witnessed by one of the largest audiences ever assembled in Cleburne. Mr. Krause has with him this season probably the best repertoire company ever brought to this city, and the enthusiasm of the audience last night gave evidence of general satisfaction.
One of the most pleasing features of the evening's performance was the character singing by Miss Marie Fellows, illustrated with beautiful stereopticon views. This was something entirely new in Cleburne, and was vociferously applauded. --- Ex.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 1/22/1898.
The Pellerin Brothers saloon is now very nicely fitted up and is one of the prettiest in this section. Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
The building to be occupied by the Hoggsett telephone line as a central office is about completed and ready for occupation. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1898.
Mr. Leopold Lacoste is having the old Hebert stable building thoroughly repaired to be used as a hardware store. Graser Bros., will construct an imitation stone front and the building will be one of the handsomest in town. Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
On account of the prevailing inclement weather, the roads throughout the parish and the streets in the town are in a very bad condition. The road overseers and the town authorities are doing their best to improve them. Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
For fresh oysters, delicious oyster loaves, excellent cooking, and in fact everything pertaining to a first-class restaurant, call on Bagarry, near the court-house. He keeps fish and oysters at all times, and his cooking cannot be surpassed. Lafayette Gazette 1/21/1898.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 22nd 1898:
Going from my work to my home, my eyes casting furtive glance about have discovered a satchel attached to the baluster of the piazza of one of our scientists bearing in large black letters the inscription "I WANT GOOD ROADS," and this quotation has so buried itself in my mind that I have concluded to take up the cry and repeat loud enough to be heard "I WANT GOOD ROADS."
From time immemorial, nations states and communities have prided themselves in having good roads. No one will deny, specially my country friends, that good roads are a scarcity in this section. The reasons for the non-abundance of this "necessity" are quite numerous. First, we have too many roads to be worked and kept in passable condition by the working contingent.
Though all roads lead to Rome, still it would be quite foolish for us to go around Australia to pay a visit to the capital of sun-shiny Italy, and yet, in a small scale, this is exactly what we are doing here. Through interested kindness, a citizen donates a part of his land for road purposes and taking him up we open a road for his own benefit, then, a few days later another citizen throws out the same bait and here goes the opening of another road. It has come to the point that we don't know where the roads are. As said before, "I want good roads, but, I want to know where to find them. Then the system of working our roads is defective.
Knowing many portions of this Continent as I do, I fear no contradiction in saying that we are behind the times in our road system, and yet if this Parish would consider how important and convenient to the farming class, good roads are, there could be a marked improvement in the management of this branch of the public service.
Let us have one road from one point to another conveniently located for the good of the greater number, and then let us put our whole working force to grade it, to drain it, to ditch it, and make it in a travelling passable condition; and by doing so, we will not only reap the thanks of our fellow citizens, but we will show care of our poor dumb beasts.You may say that my suggestions are impossible to perform, but I reply is that this old word is not to be found in my vocabulary.
Where "there is a will there is a way" and all we lack is the will to have good roads; and if we can bend our will on the road question, we shall certainly have good ones. Let us hope the gentlemen in charge of this service will take the heretofore advice and give the Parish a system of roads that will be a convenience to the farming population at large, and a lasting monument to their public service. Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898
The Event Of The Season. - Manager Falk announces the coming of the ever popular Krause Stout Big Company for a special one night engagement at the Opera House, Sunday Jan. in the Great New York sensational play "The Police Inspector."
"This season there has been a lavish expenditure of money in selecting actors of recognized ability and plays that will meet the approval of the theatre going public. The recognized standing in the theatrical profession of this company is excellent and this season they have outdone all previous efforts in securing new plays, people, scenery, up-to-date singing, and carry a $1,000 stereoptician outfit for illustrated songs and calcium light effects. Extra engagement of Marie Fellows, the phenomenal contralto, illustrating all the best songs including "I Love Her Just the Same," "Just Behind the Times," "My Mother Was a Lady," "In the Baggage Coach Ahead," "The Rector's Daughter Neil," "The Organ Grinder's Serenade," "If I Could Only Blot Out the Past," and "When the Lights Went Out." All illustrated with beautiful life size colored pictures.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Lafayette's First Drag-Show? - Mr. Geo. Wilson, an organizer of Lady Minstrels is in the city for the purpose of putting on an amateur entertainment with the young ladies here, but as so many of them are out of town, he will put the show on with the boys, it will be something of a novelty as he is going to put them all in short dresses making it a burlesque right. Mr. Wilson comes to us well recommended both as to character and ability.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 1/22/1898.
Quite a new idea was ventilated in our sanctum, while we had a flood in miniature. To require the Water works to lay a net of suction pipes from the streets into their resorvoir so as to take up the surplus water that our sewers are unable to carry off.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Rain! Rain! Rain! we had it. Some of the streets were transformed into Bayous, street-crossing bridges were floating at the mercy of the waves, and we just lacked boats and gondolas to remind us that Lafayette had been moved to Venice.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Moss Bros. & Co. sell first class flour at the lowest price.
Mr. Geo. Manotte, lately of Columbia, S. C., is now on the general staff of the "Advertiser."
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
The "Hello" of the telephone is not as sweet as common, owing to Miss Cora Desbrest being on the sick list. Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Miss Bessie Cunningham of Rayne visited the family of Dr. F. R. Tolson during the week. Laf. Adv. 1/22/1898.
An accident which could have resulted in loss of animal life happened on our main thoroughfare last Tuesday night about eleven o'clock. A party of gentlemen returning in a hack from a musical rehearsal enjoyed quite a muddy experience. The hack bogged to the axle and it took strenuous efforts to free the horses from the mud. The musicians worked like Trojans until late in the night to prevent the disappearance of the horses under the street. Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
Where is our firemen's company? Is it organized? Or, do we need such an organization.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1898.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 22nd, 1909:
Plans Being Matured by Father Teurlings for a Large Edifice in a Cental Park Part of Town.
Rev. Father Teurlings, pastor of St. John's Catholic Church, has matured plans for building a new edifice of worship, to cost approximately $50,000 and to be situated in some more central part of town. It is understood that the present plans supercede the original project to build a chapel north of the railroad track, as the necessity for this will be obviated by the erection of a church conveniently located to all the people in town. The present church is only on one extreme of the city limits and very inconvenient to many church attendants, but is totally inadequate in every respect for its object and purpose. The structure has been frequently enlarged to afford capacity for the growth and development of the congregation, and consequently architectural effect as well as comfort has been lost in the effort to secure more space. The building in merely an old hull and entirely too small and unsuitable for the large congregations that weekly attend services. As a matter of pride, if not of religious pride and devotion, the good people of St. John's Church should bestir themselves in upholding the arms of their zealous and faithful spiritual leader.
Other smaller towns are moving upward along this line, as instanced by Abbeville's letting a contract recently for a new Catholic church, to cost $50,000. Now, how does this compare with the ability and progressive spirit of the people of Lafayette. Surely if Abbeville puts up this sum, Lafayette should be able and willing to do even more. As in indication of definite progress, Father Tuerlings has received a number of plans for the new church, and says he already has in mind just how and where the necessary funds may be secured to carry out the measure in hand. Father Teurlings vaguely hints that there is reason for suspecting something doing, and that very soon. During the last few days a number of distinguished prelates have visited the presbytery and conferred with the pastor, and these visits no doubt have had some connection with the proposed new church. The following were the guests: Rev. McCarthy, of Baltimore; Deleng and Height of Quincy, Ill.; Constantine, of San Antonio, Tex.; Rochard, of Breaux Bridge; Douter, of Rayne; Mailluchet, of China; two priests from Maurice, and Espitalier of Lake Charles. Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1909.
Now Under Management of Improvement Co., W. E. Lester & Co. Having Surrendered Lease.
Tuesday evening Manager W. E. Lester of the Gordon Hotel surrendered his lease to the Improvement Company, proprietors of the establishment, and left town. There was no interruption in the business of the hotel the services of Mr. Frank Patin, an experienced hotel man, were secured and the place will be conducted by the company. The Gordon is one of the best equipped hotels in the State, being furnished with every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot and cold baths and electric lights. Mr. Patin thoroughly understands the hotel business which assures the best of service to the patrons of the hotel, and under his management the liberal patronage which the hotel has enjoyed in the past will no doubt be increased.
The Improvement Company, which owns the Gordon Hotel is composed of the following stockholders:
J. A. Roy, A. E. Mouton, T. M. Biossat, Dr. F. E. Girard, S. R. Parkerson, P. B. Roy, L. F. Salles, F. E. Moss, Leo Judice, Dr. N. P. Moss, Dr. G. A. Martin, C. D. Caffery, Orther C. Mouton, J. C. Nickerson, C. M. Parkerson, F. Demanade. Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1909.
City Council.
Report of Supt. Muller of Electric Light Plant Recommending Changes to Improve Light System.
The City Council met in special session Tuesday evening with the following members present: Mayor C. O. Mouton, Dr. G. A. Martin, P. Krauss, Dr. A. R. Trahan, and O. E. Hopkins. Absent: A. E. Mouton, Dr. F. E. Girard and A. B. Denbo.
The mayor explained the object of the meeting to be the consideration of a report from the Waterworks and Electric Light Committee and Supt. Muller, relative to changes necessary in the lighting system. The communication was read and discussed by the Council, H. J. Meyer, of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., explained the advantages of the proposed new system and technically detailed the principles upon which it was based. It was admitted by all that the present plant is greatly overloaded, rendering the service very unsatisfactory and impossible of extension to meet new demands. The only objection, or rather the only hesitation expressed was the advisability under present circumstances of assuming a contract of such proportion. According to Supt. Muller the cost of the new installation can be met by the profits from the new system, which is imperatively necessary. The following is Supt. Muller's report, which was read and referred for further consideration to the next regular meeting, Monday, Feb. 1:
Lafayette, La., Jan. 18, 1909.
To the Mayor and Members of the City Council.
Your Water and Light Committee I beg to submit the following report pertaining to the cost of improving your Electric Light Plant, so that the service delivered will be put in first class condition.
After thoroughly studying the matter, I beg to recommend the following changes to be made:
That the plant be changed from a direct to an alternating current plant. By this means the quality of light or service rendered in all portions of the town will be equally good.
This will necessitate installing a new dynamo and prime mover, rearranging the lines on the streets, replacing all lamps, meters and fans in town with new ones, and changing the voltage from 220 to 110. To do this it will cost $24,500.00.
I further recommend that the following apparatus be installed:
One 450-Horsepower Westinghouse Steam Turbine.
One 300 Kilowatt Westinghouse Alternating Current Generator with necessary switchboard and accessories.
One 450 Horsepower Condenser and Vacuum Pump; necessary Westinghouse meters to replace all meters now in use, and place one in all customers' houses that contain more than 4 lights.
5000 16-Candlepower lamps.
25 Westinghouse Transfers.
60 Ceiling Fans.
75 Desk Fans.
By making these changes and installations the capacity of your plant will be increased 100 per cent normally and the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. guarantees the dynamo and turbine to operate continuously with a 25 per the capacity of the plant 125 per cent, making the new unit have a capacity of 7500 16-candlepower lamps.
In the operation of the above contemplated plant - the cost of operating the plant will be reduced by approximately 25 per cent. This is due to the lesser steam consumption of a turbine operating condenser over the simple non-condensing plant, which you now have.
All of the direct current apparatus now in use can be disposed of for approximately $3,500, making the net cost of the plant $21,000.
Yours very truly,
Supt. City Plant.
P. S. - In the above report I made no mention of any charges to customers of the plant for replacing their old direct current fans with the new ones. The fans mentioned above are all new, and are rather expensive, and I do not believe that the customers could expect the city to replace their fans free of charge.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/22/1909.
A New Form of Personalities.
The old style of portraying famous people through a "sketch" or "biography" is to be modernized in The Ladies' Home Journal during 1898. Five of the most prominent Americans have been chosen for the departure: President McKinley, Mrs. Cleveland, Mark Twain, Joseph Jefferson, and Thomas A. Edison. Each will have a special article, which will consist of about fifteen or twenty fresh, unpublished stories, and anecdote showing some characteristic trait or presenting a different side of the subject. The idea is to show famous personalities through their own doings and sayings, and to make these articles accurate the relatives and closest friends of the subjects have assisted and given to the Journal the best stories and anecdotes within their own knowledge. Each article will thus represent the closest view of the one sketched. No authorship will be attached to any of the articles.
Lafayette Gazette 1/22/1898.
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