Sunday, January 11, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of January 8th, 1898:


      Bishop R. E. Hendrix, Officiating.
          What Energy and Self-Denial Will Do.

 On last Wednesday, at 1 p. m. the above church was dedicated by Bishop E. R. Hendrix.

 The church was well filled by the elite of the town and the Pastor Rev. Isaac T. Reams may well feel proud of his popularity.

 The present church was built in 1896 and is quite an ornament to the town. Its seating capacity is about 300 and cost about $1,800.00.

 It was built upon the plans of Mr. Daily, architect of New Iberia.

 Though the membership of this church is quite small, it is a consecrated little band of christians, having at heart the interests of the Master's Kingdom here on earth, and the result of the offerings and self-denial is seen in the beautiful structure of which they may feel well satisfied.

 It is also noticeable that few outsiders go out of their means help this little band of christian Methodists in the erection of this church, but the bulk of the burden was borne loyally and devotedly by very few of the membership which numbers amongst its members, names who are recognized in this part of Louisiana, for their integrity, honesty and uprightedness.

 Girard, Beraud, Tolson, Beadle, Singleton, Wallace, etc., etc., are household names in this part of Louisiana. Through the efforts of these, aided by their devoted, laborious, energetic and consecrated pastor, the Rev. I. T. Reams, the town ought to be grateful for the erection of such house of worship.

 On the commodious rostrum of the church, were seated around the Bishop, Revs. B. F. White, R. A. Davis, J. M. Johnson, H. Armstrong, T. S. Randle, A. M. Brown, M. C. Manly, all former pastors of the church.

 The Bishop, who is about 52 years old, is a man of imposing and commanding appearance, who speaks justly and fluently and who has the power to convince his hearers of the truths as found in the word of God. He preached a strong, forcible sermon from the Epistle of James, 2nd. Chapter, 23rd verse. "And he was called the friend of God."

 We wish we could give a complete analysis of the beautiful discourse as delivered by the eminent diving of the Methodist Church, but we shall only attempt to give our readers the salient points.

 Defining friendship the Bishop said, that common purposes in words, deeds or actions between two beings constituted true friendship. So was Abraham a friend to God. That unswerving faith to God as well as to man was the test of true friendship. That no friendships were formed in this world unless there was perfect faith between the parties. True friendship consisted also in being able of transplanting the faith, in other words to be as true and good friend to God abroad as we are at home. Abraham went North, East, West, South and in each place his faith was the same. The Bishop most emphatically asserted the need of men like Abraham, not only for the good of the Church, but also for the good and elevation of the human race. Obedience also was one of the requisites of true friendship. And then revelations from God to man in direct answers from prayers was the climax of true friendship. And then in God revealing Himself to men, a better knowledge of God could be had; and men had a greater power with the world, says the preacher, when they are were intimately acquainted with God. A great desire for anyone, and to be sought would be to have inscribed on our tombstone 'And he was called the friend of God.'

 At the conclusion of the sermon the following Trustees of the Church viz: Rev. T. F. Webb, F. H. Gregory, Geo. Beadle, William Beadle and W. B. Torian presented the church to the Bishop for dedication. Then in a most impressive manner, the Bishop, read the simple service of dedication as contained in the Discipline of the M. E. Church, South, and the large congregation, was dismissed by Rev. B. F. White, Presiding Elder of the Debli District, who pronounced the benediction. Quite a number of visiting ministers, en route to Crowley to attend the Annual Conference were present to attend the services, amongst whom were Rev. H. O. White, the genial Presiding Elder of the Opelousas District in which this church is located.

 This memento to the Methodist population of our City, would be incomplete without mentioning that last year the same band of plucky christians built a commodious parsonage for their pastor.

 Here, the standby of the denomination in this section, Mrs. Girard, made a donation of a lot 100 x 200 feet, and with a part of the lumber from the old parsonage and new material, the pastor, Rev. Isaac T. Reams, imitating the example of His Master, who He himself was a carpenter, rolled up his sleeves and assisted by two other workmen, erected the residence which add to the beauty of our City.

 This is what, pluck, energy, consecration, self-denial guided by a proper leader will accomplish in two years. Lafayette Advertiser 1/8/1898.

Mardi Gras.

 What thoughts there are in the above line. If our ancestors could rise up from their slumbers and give us a description of their Mardi-Gras, it would put us to shame for our non-activity and carelessness in this matter.

 There is time for everything in this world. Time to do business and time to take a repose from it. And this latter can take place on Mardi Gras day.

 Let us celebrate the day as of old, and let every man, woman and child get interested in the celebration of this old french custom.

 We have enough gaiety amongst us to make the day a success, let us see to it that we celebrate the day by a masquerade, procession or any other foolishness incident to the occasion.

 Who shall take the lead. The columns of this paper are offered to anyone for suggestions, plans to celebrate fittingly this day of rejoicing. Lafayette Advertiser 1/8/1898.

 Passing Through.

 Judge Conrad Debaillon passed through town (New Iberia) last Monday on his way to Abbeville, where he is now holding Court. Speaking of the convictions secured at this term, of white native cattle thieves, he says that indications point a revelations that will implicate persons who have heretofore stood high in public estimation. The Judge, District Attorney and Sheriff are working in perfect accord to bring the gang to the bar of justice and the probabilities are are that they will soon join the first installment behind the bars of the penitentiary. 

 From the New Iberia Enterprise and in the Lafayette Advertiser 1/8/1898.


 From the Lafayette Gazette of January 8th, 1898:

Dedication Exercises Conducted by Bishop Hendricks.
Rev. I. T. Reams' Success of his Two Years' Pastorate.

 [From the N. O. Daily Picayune.]

  LAFAYETTE, LA., Jan. 5. - Bishop E. R. Hendricks to-day dedicated the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Lafayette. The bishop preached a most eloquent sermon from the text found in James 11, page 23, "And he was called the friend of God." The distinguished divine depicted the happy relation that existed between the ancient patriarch, Abraham, and God, and made a most effective application of the text to man's social, moral and intellectual relationships to-day.

 After the sermon, the interesting and impressive ceremonies, incident to the formal dedication, were conducted by the Bishop, Rev. Thos. F. Webb, president of the board of trustees, who transferred the sacred edifice to the Methodist Church of Louisiana, and Bishop Hendricks, on behalf of that body, accepted the property. A large and attentive congregation filled the church and witnessed the interesting services. A number of ministerial brethren were also present, among whom may be mentioned Revs. H. O. White, Jno. A. Miller and J. M. Johnson, former presiding elders of the church; Revs. B. F. White, R. A. Davis, J. M. Brown, H. Armstrong, T. S. Randle and M. C. Manely, former pastors. Other visiting members were: T. J. Upton, J. F. Patterson, J. L. Bronson, R. S. Isbell, Robt. Randle, S. H. Whatley, S. S. Holloday and Geo. Manotte.

 The occasion was one long to be remembered and marks an era in the history of Methodism here, fraught with most encouraging prospects.

 Rev. I. T. Reams, the pastor, was the recipient, to-day, of hearty congratulations on all sides over the success which has crowned the efforts of his two years' pastorate in Lafayette. Bishop Hendricks took occasion to express his sincere congratulations to pastor and people. Bishop Hendricks is one of the most prominent church dignitaries of his sect and has exercised his episcopal functions in many foreign countries, having held the Chine mission conference, at Shanghai, last year, the Japan conference and the Corean conference the same year. The bishop will go from here to Crowley and there preside over the annual conference of the Methodist church, to be convened to-morrow at that place.

 The Methodist church dedicated to-day is probably one of the handsomest and most substantial edifices of its kind in Southwest Louisiana. The structure is of Gothic design throughout, presenting an artistic appearance in its exterior aspects. Several beautiful memorial windows add very much to the effect of the ornamental work and harmonize with the stained glass of other openings. Finished throughout, the building has a seating capacity of over three hundred, and is designed to accommodate the Sunday school classes as well as to afford a convenient study for the pastor. For many years the congregation occupied a small frame building erected about the year 1860, through the liberality of the late Gideon Stephens and others, but as time grew apace the need of a larger and more artistic house of worship was felt, and so last year, under the able and zealous administration of their pastor, Rev. I. T. Reams, the membership succeeded, after much labor and sacrifice, in completing the object of their heart's desire. The energy displayed by pastor and people certainly reflect much credit, and too much praise cannot be accorded Rev. Reams, who labored with hand and brain to push the enterprise to a successful issue. The ladies, under the style of the Ladies' Aid Society, did heroic work for the cause, and in fact, inaugurated the movement under the leadership of Mrs. T. S. Randle, who, in connection with her devoted husband, Rev. T. S. Randle, did so much to stimulate church work in Lafayette. The church is free of debt and the hearts of its members may justly swell with pride over the auspicious event this day recorded. Besides the completion of the church, Rev. Reams, the pastor has built and finished a neat and commodious parsonage, grounds for which were donated by Mrs. M. E. Girard, a faithful and life-long member of the church. During a comparatively short pastorate of two years, Rev. Reams has therefore accomplished material results worthy of note, and besides has administered to the spiritual welfare of his congregation in a most satisfactory manner. Under his zealous ministry the membership has been largely increased, and the cause of religion advanced along general lines. It is safe to say that the people of Lafayette and the congregation in particular will gladly welcome the re-apportionment of a pastor under whose efficient management so much good has been accomplished.

 From the N. O. Daily Picayune and in the Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.



Gov. Foster ought to be a very contented man when he is surrounded by his family or when he is occupied with his official duties. He has by his course in affairs won the confidence and applause of the good people of this State and by his firm and unflinching management of the convention affair he has evoked wrath and abuse of every nigger lover; every advocate of a debased suffrage, every advocate of a rabble government; every man who hates Democracy and good government.

That he has done this latter is perhaps more glorious than the former. There are men and there are elements in society whose hate and abuse it is infinitely honorable to secure. All these people and all these elements he has antagonized and, we sincerely trust, will continue to antagonize them.

The convention is an assured success, and it will be a glorious gift of the Governor of Louisiana to his people, for we freely concede that he is responsible for it and has largely secured its personnel.

To every negro and every carpet-bagger that he has killed in Louisiana engaged perniciously in politics, we cordially say amen. To every ballot box that has been stuffed to secure immunity from negro rule, we cordially say, Glory, Hallelujah! In this country we want liberty, not license; we want the people but not the rabble to rule. If it be that the blood of the negro must water the roots of the tree of white Christian civilization, so be it, that is the only service the poor, ignorant and deluded negro do good government in this country.

It is idle to talk of correcting the evils of negro suffrage by legislation and the courts; it cannot be done. It is in itself a deadly poison, and civil institutions, all standards of honor and morality will wither under its virus. Can we destroy the poisonous shades of the deadly upas tree by trimming its branches? Nay; we must cut it up root and branch; we must destroy it. And so must we deal with negro suffrage. It is foolish; it is cruel and criminal to disguise the facts. An experience of more than twenty-five years ought to have shown the negroes that they cannot rule; nay, that they cannot influence government in Louisiana in the least. They have been met at every point in their mad attempt by violent death and midnight riders; then by ballot box stuffers. Of all this the white people are sick and tired. We want and demand a free and untrammeled ballot and an honest count. If the negro cannot be eliminate -- and here let our deluded negro bear in mind; lt  sceare his eyeballs; ballot box stuffing has got to go; and if the negro does not go with it, then there will be revolution in every neighborhood in the State. This may strike women and timid men with horror. But death is better than debauchery. It is better far, it is infinitely more humane, to kill ten thousand negroes or ten thousand white men thousand white men than the that ballot box stuffing and fraud should become crystallized in our politics and elections.

Perhaps it were more prudent not to talk thus frankly. But in very truth we have a very kindly feeling for the negroes who have been thrust upon us from some inscrutable motive by the Creator; and we do not want them to be left in blindness of what is before them. They are as a general thing a docile race; they are useful laborers; many of them are excellent mechanics, and under proper influences. Panderers and demagogues will debauch them for greed and position, and they in their simple mindedness will believe and follow their worst enemies flatter and pander to them.

Then let them know the facts. The white people whipped and killed them up to 1878 to suppress their political power; after that they carried the elections by fraud. All this is true, for we shall not seek to hide the truth. But the fraud and ballot box stuffer have got to go. But when they are gone the shotgun, the shotgun, the bull whip and the midnight rider will again come to the front. Mark it, colored men! There will be a bloody revolution and every poll at which the negro attempts to vote will be a slaughter pen.

Let those intelligent negroes who aim at being something better than the tool of a white or a negro politician; who have aim for their votes than to sell it, and who are anxious for the good, the peace and quiet, and happiness and prosperity of their race, bear all this in mind, for it is the truth, if the truth was ever spoken, and advise their people for their own good.

From the N. O. Daily States and in the Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898

Water Works and Electric Lights.
 Work on the electric light and water-work plants is progressing nicely. The stand-pipe is now about 60 feet high and the steel building is nearing completion. The stringing of wires is now finished and the arc lights have been placed. At a meeting of the City Council last Monday, Mr. Don L. Caffery was appointed secretary of both plants, with instructions to make a thorough canvass of the town and ascertain the number of lights and water hydrants that will be placed in residences, stores, etc. We are glad to learn that the gentleman appointed for that purpose is meeting with success. The rates that the town purpose to adopt are in our opinion very reasonable and we hope that the people will now subscribe for water and lights and be "up-to-date".
Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.

Married. - Mr. Samuel L. Plonsky, of this town, was married to Miss Sara Strauss, of New Orleans, in the latter city, Tuesday January 4, 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Plonsky arrived in Lafayette Wednesday. Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.

A Woman Thief.
 A colored damsel by the name of Therese Watson, charged with the stealing of some thirty dollars from Mrs. Degrez, was brought to Lafayette from Iberia Sunday by Sheriff Broussard. She managed to escape from the authorities, who misled by her seeming helplessness, did not think she would take advantage of any lack of extra vigilance. Deputy Mouton went in search of her and will probably have her in charge very soon. Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.

School Board Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., Jan. 3, 1898.

The local board of school directors met to-day with following members present: Messrs. Alex Delhomme, W. G. Bailey, T. B. Hopkins, V. E. Dupuis, and J. O. Broussard. Absent: Messrs. B. Clegg, H. M. Durke, A. Olivier and J. S. Whittington.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 The committee appointed to examine the sheriff's collection of poll taxes was extended time.

 The committee appointed to the building of a new schoolhouse in Carencro was also extended time.

 The treasurer's report was duty accepted as follows:

 To the President and Members of School Board, Lafayette, Parish, Louisiana - Gentlemen: Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish school funds since my last report.
Respectfully submitted,
           J. E. MARTIN, Treasury.
Lafayette, La., Jan. 3, 1898.
     On motion, duly carried, the petition from the patrons of the Joe C. Broussard school asking for a heater, etc., was granted and Mr. Delhomme authorized to purchase same.

 The secretary was instructed to pay Mr. Martin one's week's salary, said week having been taught in excess of the summer term.

 Mr. Delhomme's action appointing Mr. Philip Martin to the Guidroz school, vice E. M. Heath resigned, was approved by the board.

 The superintendent was instructed to confer with Mr. Whittington concerning the appointment of a teacher for the Whittington school.

 On motion of Mr. Dupuis duly seconded and carried the principal of the Lafayette public school was granted $5.00 a month more for the session '97'98.

 The following accounts were approved:
 On motion of Mr. Dupuis the board adjourned to the first Monday in February.
                       C. F. LATIOLAIS.
Lafayette Gazette 1/8/1898.


 Chicago, January 4. - The eastbound fast mail train on the Burlington road which left Council Bluff's Monday night and arrived in Chicago's yesterday morning, broke, according to the Burlington officials, all fast records between the two cities. The distance between Council Bluff's and Chicago yesterday morning, broke, according to the Burlington officials, all fast records between the two cities. The distance between Council Bluff's and Chicago by the Burlington road is 500.6 miles; the train covered this distance, including stops which amounted to 39 1-2 minutes, in 563 minutes. The actual running time, excluding the stops, was 523 1-2 minutes. The schedule shows some unusually fast bursts of speed. From Burlington to Chicago, a distance of 206 miles, the run was made in 213 minutes, including all stops. Thirteen minutes were required for stops, and taking these out the showing is that the actual  running time for the 203 miles was 200 minutes, an average of considerable over a mile a minute.

 Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Gazette 1/7/1899.

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