From the Lafayette Advertiser of September the 16th, 1903:
Death of Homer Mouton.
It is with feeling sorrow that the Advertiser chronicles the death of Homer Mouton, one of the brightest and noblest young men of Lafayette, which sad event occurred on Tuesday morning at eight o'clock at the residence of his father, Judge C. H. Mouton.
He was taken ill about ten days ago with typhoid fever but no apprehension of a fatal ending was felt until Sunday when alarming symptoms appeared, which continued to grow worse until yesterday when he passed away Mr. Mouton was a splendid young man, full of promise, generous, noble and high minded, and his untimely death is a distinct loss to the entire community. He was ever foremost in everything that would conduce to the welfare of his home town and parish, and his heart and purse were ever ready to respond to every appeal of distress. He was true and loyal to his friends, and never failed them when they needed him. In his daily life he was conscientious and upright, and in his acts always strove to follow the right as he saw it. He was of a modest and unassuming disposition and the true gold of his character was only known to those whose privilege and pleasure it was to know him intimately. Lafayette and even the State can ill afford to lose such a high minded, generous, splendid young man.
Mr. Mouton was born in St. Martinville in 1870 and passed his youth there. About ten years ago he founded the Lafayette Gazette and has made a fine success of it. He was an earnest, forcible writer, and his editorial utterances ranked high over the State. He was recognized as one of the ablest of the country editors, and his loss to the press of the State will be felt greatly.
At 5:30 p. m., Tuesday an immense concourse of friends assembled at the residence of Judge Mouton to escort the remains to St. John's Catholic church, were funeral services were held. The funeral procession was one of the largest ever known in this city. It was led by the Sontag Military Band, every member of which was his personal friend, who in this manner wished to testify to their esteem for the dead. Following came the school children of the town, for whom he has worked at all times, valiantly fighting for the cause of education. This was indeed a beautiful tribute and well-merited. Next in line was the entire fire department of which the deceased was a valued member, then came the hearse and a large number of carriages following. As the funeral cortege passed through town every store was closed and all business suspended. At the church the beautiful and impressive ceremony of the dead was conducted by Father Crorier, after which his remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
The Advertiser Changes from a Four Page Paper to an Eight Page Paper.
Last Wednesday The Advertiser began its thirty-ninth year, and it was our intention to mark the event by the enlargement of the paper from a six column folio to a five column quarto, but owing to delay in getting our new press in shape, we were compelled to defer it until this issue.
We have decided upon this increase in the size of the paper, which will be all home print, for two reasons. One is that when we took charge of The Advertiser, it was with intention of publishing a live, progressive and strictly home paper, whose mission and purpose should be to do all in its power in the development, upbuilding and general welfare of the parish, and we believe that by enlarging the paper, it will add to its usefulness along those lines.
Another reason that helped us determine us upon taking this step, is the fact that we have received such hearty and substantial encouragement since taking charge of The Advertiser. We have been liberally patronized by the business men of the town in the way of advertisements, and our subscription list has fully doubled. We highly appreciate this, and we desire to show our appreciation by getting out as good a paper as the support we receive will justify.
The improvements we have maid, which includes a thorough equipping of our job-work department, so that we can do all kinds of printing, has entailed a heavy expense, and we ask the people of Lafayette their continued support, and assure them that we shall always endeavor to give them a first class paper, which will thoroughly cover the field of home news and the questions that concern us directly and particularly. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Will Re-Open Thursday. - Mr. John Bunt, who has for many years served the people of Lafayette with fresh fish, oysters and vegetables, will reopen the season the season to-morrow, Thursday, the 17th, with a full stock, and will always be prepared to serve customers with oysters, fish, crabs, celery and all kinds of vegetables. His prompt and satisfactory service in the past are a guarantee for the future. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Increased Capital. - The stockholders of the Bank of Lafayette met at their office last Wednesday, Sept. 9, and unanimously voted to increase the capital stock to $50,000. This bank has been very successful from the beginning and has rapidly increased its business, so much that an increase in capitalization became imperative. The bank has been well-managed and is in fine shape. It has a surplus of $6,000, and undivided profits amounting to $2,000, way and its stock is held way above par.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
U. D. C. Entertainment. - The Mouton-Gardiner Chapter U. D. C. will give a progressive euchre on next Wednesday evening, Sept. 23, in Pellerin & DeClouet's new store building for the purpose of raising funds for the Soldier's Home. Handsome prizes will be awarded, music by a band furnished, and refreshments served at reasonable prices. The small fee of 10 cents for admission and 25 extra for those participating in the euchre game will be charged. No admission fee for children under 10 years of age. Doors will be opened and refreshments served from 7 p. m. Game to begin at 8:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend and lend a helping hand to the noble work the daughters have undertaken. A pleasant evening is assured to all. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Holiness Tent Meeting. - A protracted meeting, conducted by Revs. J. A. Carruth and Wm. Hebert is in progress on J. E. Trahan's lot on Madison st. near Congress, and will continue one week longer.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Started for the Season. - Gerac Bros., who have a round bale press, started their gin for the season's work last Saturday. Mr. Baxter Clegg who has been with them several years, is with them again this year.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Being Repaired and Renovated. -J. A. Landry's store across the railroad on Lincoln avenue is being repaired and renovated for occupancy by L. Prudhomme & Co., who will open business there about Oct. 1 under the name of the People's Drug Store. Laf. Advertiser 9/16/1903.
The City Council at its last meeting took a step in the right direction when it passed the ordinance in regard to sidewalks; for the unsightly plank walks which are at present serving for sidewalks, have outlived their usefulness. There was a time when they did well enough; but now that Lafayette is on the upward move and growing right along, it is time to displace them with something more modern and in keeping with the wide awake spirit of the town. And this the Council proposes to do, and will at once make a beginning by laying a Shillinger walk six feet wide with curbing, from the depot up Lincoln Avenue to Vermilion street, two thirds to be borne by the abutting property owners and one third by the Council.
The move is praiseworthy for a number of reasons, not least among them being that of health, for there is no doubt but that plank walks are unsanitary, and the saving in doctor's bills will more than offset the extra expense. Then, too, on the score of economy Shillinger walks are much to be preferred. The plank walks are a continual expense to the city, and it is necessary to make a change in order to save this recurrent drain on the treasury. By properly putting down a Shillinger walk, the work will be sufficiently permanent to relieve the Council from repairs and allow them to gradually extend the walks all over the city. And what a difference it will make in the looks of the town! The appearance of the town will be bettered one hundred per cent, and property values along the Shillinger walks will increase much beyond the small outlay on the part of the abutting owners.
The Advertiser heartily endorses any step that will in any way add to the prosperity of Lafayette, or make it a more desirable place to live, and it takes great pleasure in commending the Council upon this move.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
There may possibly be plenty of time left yet before the primaries on Jan. 19, for the gentlemen wishing to serve the people on the police jury the people on the police jury to announce themselves still if they would make themselves known now it would not be a bit too early. This body is of the greatest importance and should most certainly receive very careful attention. The people want the very best of men possible to compose it, men who are progressive, fully awake on the subject of education, and willing to conscientiously give of their time to the proper administration of the public business. To do their full duty it will require some sacrifice on their part, it may often conflict with their private business; but we want men who feel their responsibility so truly that they will willingly sacrifice their personal affairs when they hinder the proper discharge of public duties. It means something to be a member of the police jury. It is a responsible position, and should be desired as a worthy object of ambition. Every man owes a duty to the community in which he lives. He has no right to shirk responsibility entailed by service to his fellow citizens and for the good of all. Rather it should be one's highest pleasure to render whatever duty he feels he can render well, and those who feel competent, should not hesitate in stating their candidates. It is not at all too soon to announce yourselves, gentlemen, so let us know who you are. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Baseball Sunday. - The baseball game last Sunday between the Lafayette team and the New Iberia Wonders was not so very exciting. The local team soon demonstrated that they were too hefty for the visitors and that diminished interest. The score stood 6 to 2 in favor of the home boys.
Laf. Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Prospects for the Year's Attendance Excellent - Public Invited to Attend Opening.
At nine o'clock this morning begins the third session of the Industrial Institute. Every prospect seems favorable for a large and increased attendance and for a successful year. The farmers of our section have been prosperous, the desire for education has made unprecedented progress among our people, the facilities for good, solid, and practical instruction in all department have been greatly increased and improved, and it is a foregone conclusion that these facilities will be fully put to use by the parents of our boys and girls throughout this section.
President E. L. Stephens and Mrs. Stephens have returned during the week, and will shortly go into their residence on the grounds, which is now complete.
It is learned with regret by her many pupils and friends that Miss Gertrude Mayfield, the very efficient and well loved teacher of sewing and cooking, has been compelled recently to give up her position here by reason of ill health. Miss Mayfield is not only an accomplished teacher, but is of a most charming personality. She will be succeeded by Miss Christine Riis, of New York, a graduate of Pratt Institute of Brooklyn.
It had been known already with like regret that Misses Montgomery and Huger and Prof. E. B. Smith could not return into the Institute faculty this year. Miss Montgomery resumes work in the faculty of the State Normal School; Prof. Smith re-enters the educational field of his old home in Nova Scotia; while Miss Huger takes up art work in New Orleans in order that she may be with her mother who would be otherwise alone. The losing of each of these teachers is a source of regret and disappointment to all at the Institute, where they have done excellent work during the past year, and to all in the community where they have made many friends.
The work in music will now be now resumed by Prof. Florent Sontag, of this place, whose ability and success in his department are so well known and so marked. Prof. Smith's former with in Latin and Mathematics will be taken up by Miss Mabel Wharton Leftwich, of Virginia, a graduate of the Mary Baldwin Seminary at Staunton, who comes with the highest commendations of Miss Weimar, the principal of that well known institution. The art work will be in charge of Miss Frances Ware Blocker, of Marshall, Texas, a graduate of several years standing from Newcomb College in New Orleans, where she proved a creditable pupil in art of Prof. Elsworth Woodward. The rest of the regular faculty will return, resuming their former work. Mrs. Baker, the matron, in charge of the dormitory for young ladies returned last week and everything in readiness to receive the incoming pupils and teachers. She is expecting to have the house full before the end of the present session.
The boys must be provided for next. Undoubtedly they also ought to have a big dormitory on the Institute grounds. It is worthy of note for the present, however, that a large private boarding house is being erected immediately adjoining the Institute grounds, and this will help to accommodate many young men from a distance who would not otherwise be able to attend.
The opening of the Institute today will consist of receiving and enrolling students, examination, classification, and organization. The formal exercises celebrating the beginning of the new session will occur next Monday morning, the 21st inst., at nine o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend - not only at the formal exercises on Monday, but at the informal exercises on other week days - and at the class recitations at any time and at all other times.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
The Fall term of Court convened last Monday, Judge C. Debaillon, presiding. District-attorney Gordy was at his post ready to prosecute to the utmost the violators of the law. The following grand jury was empanelled. Foreman, J. M. Jones, Gilbert St. Julien, Chas. A. Mouton, W. B. Torian, Albert Guidry, John O. Mouton, A. A. Mouchette, Sidney Martin, Albert Landry, Jacques D. Mouton and P. Ambroise Chiasson.
The following true bills were found and cases assigned for trial.
Elie Reau, sexual intercourse with girl under 16 years, case fixed for Sept. 19th.
James Daily, assault and battery.
Tommee Galofee, stabbing with intent to murder and carrying concealed weapon case fixed Sept. 18th.
Armaud Francois, assault with intent to murder, case fixed Sept. 19.
Davey Whitney, concealed weapon.
Batomoa Valentin, assault and battery, case fixed for Sept. 18th.
Jean Baptiste, alias grant, larceny, case fixed for Sept. 18th.
Jules Figaro, larceny, case fixed for Sept. 18th.
Andre Louis, assault with a dangerous weapon, case fixed for Sept. 20th.
Henri Broussard and Joseph Hudson, horse stealing, case fixed for Sept. 20th.
Villier Simon, burglary, case fixed for Sept. 20th.
Joseph Sythe, larceny, case fixed for Sept. 21st.
Homer LeBlanc, assault and battery.
Grant Amos, rape, case fixed for Sept. 25th.
J. B. Duplechin, assault with intent to murder, case fixed for Sept. 25th.
J. A. Delhomme, violation of Sunday law, case fixed for Sept. 27th.
Homer Guidry, shooting with intent to murder, case fixed for Sept. 28th.
John E. Primeaux, obtaining money under false pretenses, case for Sept. 28th. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
City Council.
Lafayette, La., Sept 8, 1903.
A regular meeting of the City Council was this day held, Mayor C. D. Caffery, presiding. Members present: J. O. Mouton, A. E. Mouton, F. Demanade, H. L. Fontenot, M. Rosenfield, G. A. DeBlanc. Absent: D. V. Gardebled.
The chairman of the Water and Light Committee reported progress in the matter of the new work at the plant, the reservoir being nearly completed, and also that of the pump. And everything in readiness for the pump which is due to arrive by September 15th, that the latest information from the builders of the pump is that same was completed and same was now in the test shop.
The chairman of this committee also reported an accident to one of the dynamos, which had been sent to the Johnson's shop for repairs at a cost of $173.00, and the foundry promised to return same as soon as possible.
Petition of Mr. L. Domingeaux by Mr. J. A. Van Dyke was refused.
Dr. F. Mayer asked for an appropriation for the reception of the State Medical Association, during the month of May next. Action on the matter was deferred to next regular meeting.
Bill of Dr. F. E. Girard for $46.00 for wire bought for street fair and turned over to town, was referred to Water and Light committee for adjustment.
Communication of P. L. Breaux, principal of colored school, requesting an appropriation for erecting a public school in Mills addition was accepted. On motion of A. E. Mouton, seconded by M. Rosenfield and carried, the sum of $100.00 was appropriated for that purpose.
It was moved by G. A. DeBlanc and duly seconded, and carried that the following ordinance be adopted:
An Ordinance, providing for the construction and paving of sidewalks along the streets of the town of Lafayette, La., and for keeping same in repair.
Section 1 - Be it ordained that the City Council shall hereafter, whenever in its judgment the public interest requires it, build and construct along the streets of said town, side walks and curbing, concrete, brick or plank, as said Council may determine, and same shall be built according to plans and specifications be adopted by said Council.
Section 2 - Be it further ordained, that said walks may be built under the direct supervision of the Council, or by contract, and in the event the same is to be built by contract, this said work shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder from whom there shall be exacted satisfactory security for the faithful execution of said contracts, the said work shall be given in an official journal of said town: provided in the event that no satisfactory bid is received, then that said Council shall have the right to reject any and all such bids, and thereupon to exercise its original rights to cause said work to be done under the supervision of the Street Committee of said town.
Section 3 - Be it further ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall also apply to all repairs to be hereafter made upon the side walks of said town.
Be it further ordained that the cost of all work done under the provisions of this ordinance shall be borne as follows: two-thirds by the owners of the lot abutting the side-walk, curbing or portion thereof to be paved, improved or repaired, and one third by said town.
Section 4 - Be it further ordained that whenever said Council shall determine to enter upon the construction of any work under this ordinance, the cost thereof shall be determined as soon as practicable, and thereupon said Council shall provide by ordinance for the assessment of all real estate abutting the side walk or curbing to be built or repaired to cover two of said cost; said assessment to be upon the basis of the respective frontage of said properties on said walk.
Section 5 - Be it further ordained that the sum assessed against the lot or real estate abutting shall be due and collectable within ten days after the completion of the work and its acceptance by the Council, and if not paid within that time, the City Council shall have the power to proceed by suit against the said owners and said real estate to collect the delinquent assessment, and the municipality shall have a special privilege on said property or prosperities to secure the sum assessed against it, with six per cent per annum interest thereon from the expiration of the said ten days until paid, which lien shall be the first privilege over all other claims except taxes; said privilege shall effect third persons from the date of the registry of the assessment in the mortgage book of the parish in which said real estate is situated, provided that the town Council, instead of enforcing the said assessment as above fixed, upon the payment in cash by the property owner of twenty five per cent of the amount due by the said property owner, may in their discretion, authorize the mayor to to approve notes or certificates signed by said owner, showing the amount respectively due by the persons and properties on said side walks or curbing so paved or improved, which shall be payable in one, two and three years, or sooner at the option of the property owner, with six per cent interest per annum, interest payable annually, which said notes or certificates (when a copy of the same is recorded with the assessment aforesaid) duly paragraphed as being recorded by the recorder of mortgages shall be secured by privileges, on the property, prior to all other charges, except taxes, and may be transferred carrying the lien, and privilege herein above provided for, to any contractor or other person provided that the town Council, instead of enforcing the said assessment as above fixed, upon the payment in cash by the property owner of twenty-five per cent of the amount due by the said property owner, may in their discretion, authorize the mayor to approve notes or certificates signed by said owner, showing the amount respectfully due by the persons and properties on said side walks or curbing so paved or improved, which shall be payable in one, two and three years, or sooner at the option of the property owner, with six percent interest per annum, interest payable annually, which said notes or certificates (when a copy of the same is recorded with the assessment aforesaid) duly paragraphed as being recorded by the recorder of mortgages, shall be secured by privilege, on the property, prior to all other charges, except taxes, and may be transferred, carrying the lien, and privilege herein above provided for, to any contractor or other person provided that when the work is done by the town, said certificates may be made to bearer or any person who may desire the same, and they shall enjoy the lien and privilege aforesaid.
Section 6 - Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect forthwith.
Be it further ordained that in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance this day adopted relative to side walks, that Shillinger pavement 6 feet wide including the curbing be built, starting on Grant avenue at the center line of Crescent News Hotel, running to the corner of Lincoln Avenue to Pierce street, thence along the south east side of Pierce street to Vermilion street to Lafayette street, thence along the east side of Lafayette street to north Main st.
Be it further ordained that the street committee be and is hereby instructed and empowered to have specifications prepared for said walk, and thereon to call for bids for said work to be submitted within 15 days notice, contractor to furnish bond in the sum to be hereafter determined, for the faithful compliance of his contract unanimously.
Moved and duly seconded that the City Council meetings be held hereafter on first Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Carried.
There being no further business, Council adjourned.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
Personals of 9/16/1903.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Van der Cruysen Friday, a girl.
Jacob's fine candies, ice cream, soda water and home made candies at Yandle's.
Mrs. P. D. Beraud, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Maxim and little son, Paul, left for Brookhavem, Miss. Monday, where Miss Maxim will enter Whitworth Female College. Mrs. Beraud and Paul will remain in Brookhaven during the school year with her daughter.
F. F. Carter enlarges pictures, his work guaranteed. No need to have your work done elsewhere when it can be done as well and as cheap as at home.
Miss Ida Theriot, of New Orleans, is the charming guest of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mouton.
A. J. Bonnet, the bicycle doctor, spent Sunday with friends in Opelousas.
Mike Crouchet has accepted a position with the Moss Pharmacy.
Anything in up-to-date groceries at Morgan & Debaillon's.
Quite a large number of young men have arrived to enter the Industrial.
One hundred girls' jackets from 3 years to 10 years at fifty cents on the dollar. They are something elegant. Lafayette Clothing Store.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1903.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 16th, 1899:
[To the Editor]
At the session before the last of the city council there was a committee appointed to investigate and report upon the necessity of building a public market. At the last session of the city council the last session of the city council the chairman of the committee Mr. Geo. A. DeBlanc reported that a private citizen had offered to build a market at its own expense. We take it for granted that this private citizen intends to build it where it will most benefit himself and run it to suit himself. If this is what is called a public marker I must say I don't think we want any public market. I call it an individual market in every sense of the word, and twenty-five years behind the times. If we are going to have a public market let us have an up-to-date market, one that will be a credit to the town and one that the people will be proud of. We don't want a little, dago, nickel and gallon market run by private speculation. We want a merchants - bushel, barrel, wagon and car-load market, built, owned, managed, and run by the public or its representatives elected for that purpose. We want a market squarely located by the voice of the people in the most convenient and central part of the town, accessible on both sides for teams loaded with hay, oats, corn, fat hogs, etc., to drive on the market scales and out without being compelled to turn around to get out. We want market scales put up for that purpose with room to drive on and off over them, we want a market house at least forty feet wide with an eight or ten foot walk through the center with stalls on each side to rent, we want an open shed the same width as the market house with a walk through the center for teams that have fruit, vegetables, poultry, and other products of the farm for sale to turn around and back up against under shelter. We want a good road all around the market house and open shed, there are many other wants too numerous to mention in this short article which we must have if we ever expect to establish a good successful public market. The funds for establishing a public market can be easily raised if properly managed as it can be made more than self sustaining.
(Signed) FARMER.
...the Advertiser's response...
We think that "Farmer" is a little too premature on the above, unless he has information that we don't know.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
GRAND MASS MEETING. - A grand rally of democrats will be held today Saturday, Sept. 16, at 3 o'clock p. m. at Falk's Hall.Several speakers will discuss the questions of the present day. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
Last Tuesday at about 2 p. m., the cry of fire was heard. The destroyer was located in the Western part of the town, a small dwelling house belonging to Wm. Green having become the prey to the flames. When the alarm was sounded, the fire had already made rapid progress and when the firemen reached the spot there was nothing to be done but to save the neighboring houses which was promptly done. The origin of the fire is unknown. Both William and his wife were away from home which was left in the keeping of two small children.
Green lost nearly all the contents of his house, besides $450 (nearly $12,000 in today's money) that he, for safe keeping had securely placed in a jar in the pantry near the kitchen.
Special mention must be made of engineer Melchert of the Waterworks and Light Plant, who as soon as the alarm of fire was sounded, raised in twenty minutes a pressure of thirty pounds. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
On Friday, the 8th, inst., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins, Jr., received their many friends at home, with an up-to-date reception. Various games were indulged in ; the principal one being "around the United States in 80 minutes," for which a prize - a lovely silver bracelet - was given. This game, which, was a novel one, consisted of pictures hung around the rooms representing noted men after whom towns and cities were named. Miss Coronna, won the prize, she having associated the pictures with the towns in the time allowed. One and all had a delightful evening. Mrs. Hopkins looked lovely in a dress of white organdy, and received all, with her usual sweet and winning manners. Mr. Hopkins did honor also, to the occasion. With a kind word of welcome to one and all.
Much taste was displayed by the girls, in their beautiful costume.
Ice-cream and cakes and charming music added to the evening's enjoyment.
(Signed) A. GUEST.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
Lafayette Public Schools.
First Grade.
10-Reading, McGuffings Primer, First Reader.
5-Language Lessons, Oral.
5-Numbers to 20, Ora!
10-Busy work.
Second Grade.
5-Reading, McGuffings Second Reader, Supplementary Reader.
5-Language Lessons, Long's Part 1.
5-Sprelling, Handell's Primary.
5-Numbers to 50, Oral.
10-Busy work.
Third Grade.
5-Reading. McGuffings Third Reader Supplementary Reader.
5-Language Lessons, Longs Part 2.
5-Spelling, McGuffey to Page 92.
5-Arithmetic, Nicholson's Intermediate to Fractions.
5-Geography, Mitchell's First Lessons.
Fourth Grade.
5-Reading, McGuffey's Fourth Reader, Supplementary Reader.
5-Graded Lessons, Reed & Kellogg.
5-Spelling, McGuffey's Speller completed.
5-Arithmetic, Nicholson's Intermediate completed.
5-Geography, Mitchell's Primary.
5-History, Hansell's School of the U. S.
Fifth Grade.
5-Reading, McGuffey's Fifth Reader, King's History of Louisiana.
5-Graded Lessons in Eng., Reed & Kellogg.
5-Spelling, Reed's Word Lessons first-half.
5-Arithmetic, Nicholson's Complete to Percentage.
5-Geography, Mitchell's Intermediate to S. A.
5-History of U. S., Handell's Advanced first-half.
Sixth Grade.
5-Reading, McGuffey's Sixth Reader.
5-Grammar, Reed & Kellog, Higher Lessons in English, first-half.
5-Spelling, Reed Word Lessons, Complete.
5-Arithmetic, Nicholson's Complete Completed.
5-Geography, Mitchell's Intermediate completed.
5-History of U. S., Handell's advanced completed.
2-Science Lesson's, Paul Bert.
5-Physiology, Tracy.
Seventh Grade.
2-English Classics
5-Grammar, Reed & Kellogg's Higher Lesson's in English, completed.
5-Spelling, Webster's School dictionary.
5-Arithmetic, Nicholson's Advanced.
5-Algebra, Nicholson's Elementary.
3-Physical Geography, Maury.
5-General History, Myer's first-half.
5-Latin, Gildensleeve's Primer.
2-Manners and Morals, Gow.\
3-Physics, Steele's.
Eighth Grade.
5-Retoric, Harris'
5-Spelling, Webster's School Dictionary.
2-Arithmetic, Nicholson's Advanced.
3-Algebra, Nicholson's Elementary.
5-Geometry, Mentworths 5 Books.
5-Latinp Eutropius, Ceaser.
5-Chemistry, Steele.
3-Civil Government, Young's Writing in all the grades during the year. Weekly compositions in all grades above the third.
NOTE. - Figures on the right indicate the number of recitations per week.
Parents are urged to send their children regularly or regular attendance is absolutely necessary in order to complete the course thoroughly and satisfactorily. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
By virtue of the powers in us vested by law, and by virtue of the adoption of an ordinance by the police jury of the parish of Lafayette, and the proclamation of the president of said body, notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the parish of Lafayette, La. on Tuesday, the 26th, day of September A. D., 1899: submitting to the tax payers of the parish of Lafayette, entitled to vote under the General Election Laws of this State, the proposition to levy a special tax of two mills on every dollars of the assessed value of the property situated in said parish and subject to taxation therein, in excess of the time limited by law for a period and term of ten years, beginning January 1st, A. D. 1900, for the purpose of securing the location of the State Industrial Institute provided for by Act 162 of the General Assembly of 1898. The election shall be held in the different precincts and polls therein established before the 1st, Election: the polls shall be opened from six a. m. to seven p. m.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
To the Public.
I have just opened a dry goods and grocery store in the new building adjoining Delahoussaye's baker.
All my good are new and fresh and having bought for cash I am selling at the very lowest prices.
I have bought my groceries with the view of meeting the demands of the family trade and will try to please those who will give me their patronage.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
Police Jury Proceedings.
Lafayette, La., Sept. 7, 1899.
The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: R. C. Landry, Ben Avant, C. C. Brown, Alfred Hebert, Jno. Whittington, J. E. Primeaux and Alonzo Lacey. Absent: M. Billeaud Jr.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
A communication from the Soldier's Home U. C. V. of New Orleans asking aid was presented by Mr. D. A. Cochrane.
By request Judge Debaillon spoke of the Home giving the institution his unqualified endorsement. By motion the sum of $100.00 was appropriated and ordered paid to the proper authorities in aid of the Home.
Mr. Hebert was authorities to repair the bridge over Coulee Platte.
Mr. Jno. Landry of the 4th ward here appeared and asked for an appropriation to build a public schoolhouse on land to be donated by himself. By motion the sum of $100.00 was appropriated for said purpose and Mr. Landry appointed to supervise the construction of said building.
Mr. Primeaux reported sale of old lumber from Olidon Bridge and exhibited receipt therefor in the sum of $18.00. Approved.
Assessor Martin asked and was granted $25,000 on account of commission on tax rolls.
The sum of $12.50 each was granted unto the following indigents: Jean M. Vincent, L. Judice.
President Hopkins, J. O. Broussard and Supt. Latiolais representing the School Board appeared and asked, when the Jury could pay the amount due on account of public education. The Jury decided that payment could not be made before Jan. 1st, prox, but on motion of Mr. Avant, resolved to pay the Board the first money collected.
By motion the following amounts were ordered paid out of the Special Road tax funds: K. Blanchet, $2,49, L. Arceneaux, $7.26.
Assessor Martin submitted a list of license tax-payers for the current year.
To the President and members of Police Jury, Parish Lafayette, La.
Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of Special Road Rax since my last report.
To bal. on hand last report ... $232.21
To Amt. from B. Avant for 2 w ... $151.50
To Amt. from Tax Coll'r for 6 w ... $145.75.
Total $529.46.
By Com. Tax Coll'r ... $7.28.
By App'd orders ... $460.68.
Total ... $467.96.
By Bal. on hand $61.50.
As follows by wards
To bal. on hand for 1st ward ... $726,
3rd ward .78, 4th ward $2.49, 5th ward $1.90, 6th ward $1.32, 7th ward $4.34, 8th ward $43.41
Total $61.50.
J. E. MARTIN, Treas.
Lafayette, La. Sept. 7th, 1899.
To The President and members of Police Jury, Parish Lafayette, La.
Following statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report.
To bal. on hand last report ... $187.83
To Amt. Tax Coll'r Tax Coll. July ... $17.70.
To Amt. Tax Coll'r Tax Coll. Aug. $126.73
Total receipts $33,226.00.
By Com. Tax Coll'r ... $.88
By App'd orders ... $323.90
Witness certificate ... $6.00
Total Disbursements ... $33,078.
By bal. on hand ... $1.48.
Lafayette, La. Sept 7th, 1899.
Respectfully submitted, J. E. MARTIN Parish Treasurer.
By motion the president appointed the following committee to examine Treasurer's office, cancel his vouchers and grand him a quietus; C. C. Brown, Alfred Hebert.
The following account was laid over:
Jos. Billeaud grading road ... $7.00.
The following accounts were approved.
Dupliex & Roy, nails etc ... $15.85
J. E. Primeax, committee work ... $3.00
Geo. A. DeBlanc, coal ... $9.00
Antoine Broussard, road work ... $74.50
Dr. J. F. Mouton, Acting coroner ... $104.00
C. F. Melchert, repair of jail pipes ... $7.50
Waters Pierce Oil Co., oil ... $6.06
Elay Daniel, nursing Jos. Martin ... $15.00
I. A. Broussard, feeding prisoners ... $140.40
Chas. Webb, work on road ... $1.59
E. G. Voorhies, Clerks fees ... $10.00
E. G. Voorhies, Jury commission ... $5.00
A. Greig, Jury commission $5.00
J. E. Mouton, Jury commission ... $5.00
Gus. Lacoste, Jury commission ... $5.00
L. L. Judice, Jury commission ... $5.00
Ed. L. Estorge, Jury commission ... $5.00
J. A. Robichaux, witness ... $2.50
Alfred Chargois, witness ... $2.50
A. R. Trahan, Coroner's fees ... $5.00
There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/16/1899.
Lafayette Laundry is fully equipped with the latest up-to-date machines for doing First Class Work. We also have a thoroughly experienced crew. Give Us A Trial. Phone No. 40, C. G. Borne.
Mr. B. Falk who returned from New York, a few days ago will boom his business next Fall and Winter. He will offer many new attraction that must and will be sold at Hard-Time prices. It will require no head to see the bargains in his great stock of high grade good.
Last Thursday, the Day of Atonement, all places of business of our Jewish friends were closed.
There will be interesting races at E. Primeaux's track in Youngsville, on Sunday, October 1st, 1899.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
From the Lafayette Gazette of September 16th, 1899:
Be Careful, Bentley.
[From the Donaldsonville Chief.]
The town of Lafayette has voted a special tax of two mills for ten year in favor of the Southwestern Industrial School, and the parish election on the same question is to be held Sept. 26. It is thought the contest for the location of the school lies between Iberia and Lafayette, with chances in favor or the latter parish, and that St. Martin is virtually out of the race. - Donaldsonville Chief.
...the Gazette's Reply...
So far as Lafayette is concerned the Chief is eminently correct. Lafayette is ahead in the race and has every chance to win. But we are not prepared to say that St. Martin is out of it. That parish is making a plucky fight for the school. When Bentley says that St. Martin is virtually out of the race he is treading on dangerous grounds. As there are about 50 miles of impenetrable swamps between himself and Bros. Bienvenu and Greig is safe for the time being, but he had better not get too near and say such things, unless he wants to come in contact with divers and sundry editorial tomahawks which have recently been sharpened to detach the scalp from the worthy head of a certain estimable New Iberia bachelor by the name of Weeks. Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
But a short time remains for you to decide whether you are for progress and education, or not. It is only a few days until the tax for the Industrial School to be submitted to you. The town of Lafayette has placed itself on record as almost overwhelmingly in favor of the school. The tax was almost unanimously voted. Now, it is for you, citizens of Lafayette parish, to decide whether you will join hands with the town of Lafayette and secure the whole parish an advanced blessing as the years roll round. It is for you to say whether you will have an institution at your doors that will spread its good influences throughout the parish and stimulate your children to higher attainments. We cannot say what child in the parish will secure the most benefit from the school. It is the unexpected that always happens, and it may be that be who thinks there is no possible chance for his child to attend the Industrial Institute, may be the proud father of distinguished son, simply because he helped to make the Industrial School a lasting monument of the progressive citizens of the finest parishes in the State of Louisiana.
We are not to think of the Industrial School as a temporary thing, for it is not. It is an institution for all time. A hundred years from now it will be amongst our descendants, a hundred times better equipped, a hundred times for efficient. Its influence will have spread, and the parish of Lafayette will point with pride to the school, and honor the memory of those whose public spirit built it.
The school is to be a counterpart of the Ruston school. The Ruston school is not only giving thorough instruction in mechanics, blacksmithing, carpentering, engineering, electricity, chemistry, biology, scientific farming, cooking, sewing, printing, etc., but a collegiate course in addition. Four studies and one industrial study is required of each pupil per day. The work is thorough and when the pupil finishes, he is not half way proficient, but is a complete, all around master of his trade.
The tuition is free. It will never cost one cent of tuition to attend this school, and such a school will give every child in the parish a chance to fit himself for life with a chance to fit himself for life with a trade or vocation which he can not lose. Money may be lost, but knowledge remains; as long a man has knowledge he is in a position to rise.
Now we have the opportunity that comes but once, to secure a school, and if we allow our neighbors to get it we will regret it a thousand times.
We should not forget, too, that every cent we donate to the school will be spent right here in the parish. It does not go off to some other State, but is put right back in circulation, so that it will help us by making money more plentiful. Beside the State will spend from $500 to $10,000 every year in its support. That too will be placed in circulation here, and the State will spend additional sums in enlarging and supplying the school with necessary equipments.
By all means do not lay idle, but come out on the 26th and vote for the tax and persuade your neighbors to do likewise. We positively can't afford to let the school go elsewhere. Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
Meeting of the School Board - Opening of the Schools - Teachers Appointed.
Lafayette, La., Sept. 11, 1899. - The School Board met this day with the following members present: Messrs. Delhomme, Spell, Dr. Hopkins, Billeaud, Olivier, Dupuis, Broussard and Durke. Absent: None.
The same teachers were appointed for next session in the fifth ward.
In the sixth ward Mr. Dupuis appointed the same teachers except for the Roger Sixth Ward School, Miss. G. Francez was appointed, vice. Miss M. E. Olivier, resigned.
On motion, Miss M. E. Olivier was appointed teacher of the Whittington School in the Eighth ward.
Miss Mary Webb was retained as teacher of the Bertand Eighth Ward School.
On motion of Mr. Broussard, seconded by Mr. Durke, the schools were ordered to open on Monday, Sept. 16, 1899. Ayes: Billeaud, Broussard, Durke, Delhomme. Nays: Olivier, Dupuis, Spell.
On motion of Mr. Durke, Mr. Martin's report 7.665 educable children in the parish of Lafayette, was accepted and his bill for $306.60 for said work was approved. One hundred and fifty being ordered paid at once on same.
Mr. Olivier brought up the question of granting a passage way to Mr. Alphe Dubois, one the parties renting land from the School Board near Royville, La., passage being refused him by other parties renting school land. Mr. Caffery, the Board's attorney, was called before the Board and stated that as no right of way was reserved in renting the land, and the Board could take no action.
The Board adjourned. Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
Takes Action to the Prevalence of Yellow Fever in New Orleans.
The Lafayette Board of Health met yesterday and decided to establish quarantine against New Orleans, where a few cases of fever are officially reported to exist. This quarantine, however, will not interfere with the transportation of express or freight matter. It only effects the passenger traffic between New Orleans and this place and will not be attended with any of the hardships incident to the foolish quarantine a few years ago.
Although The Gazette is free to admit that it does not believe the present type of yellow fever a quarantinable disease it does not wish to criticize the action of the local board whose decision in this matter has no doubt been prompted by a desire to protect the health and lives of the community, and while we think that it were wiser not to quarantine on account of the prevailing fever we cheerfully yield to the opinion of those who are better judges of this question and who doubtless feel that they have a certain duty to perform.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
We are in trouble, and we want the shopping public to know it. With the bright prospects for a large business this Fall and Winter we have contracted, and we are still placing orders, for heavy stocks of dry goods, dress goods, millinery goods, shoes, blankets and comforts, and the various lines of comforts, and the various lines of commodities belonging to the different "departments" of our store. We have sought the best markets for making our purchases, and with ready cash we have been able to buy at inside prices. We are going to sell the whole of this immense stock in the same way we have bought it - cheap for cash. Now, we would be glad to see everybody come in for a share of the big values to be found in our store, but the trouble is there won't be enough room for everybody.
When we make this announcement we feel that we have done all that depends of us in the matter, and the blame for not taking advantage of the style, quality and low prices of our fall and winter stock will rest on those who will not take the trouble to come and see for themselves.
All prices are marked in plain figures, and we have but one price. A poor man's dollar is worth just as much as the rich man's dollar, at our store.
MOSS & Co.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
To Be Wed. - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peck of this town have sent out invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Marie to Honore Boulet, which will take place at the Catholic church in Lafayette on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 6 0'clock p. m. Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
B. M. A. - Owing to the apathy of its members the Business Men's Association did not hold its regular meeting this week. This organization has done a great deal of good to this town. It has been an important factor in the material advancement of this community and it ought to receive the encouragement of all the public-spirited citizens of the town.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
At the political meeting held at Falk's hall on Sept. 2nd a petition was presented for circulation among the voters of this parish. In this petition is embodies a request that the Democratic executive committee order a white primary "for the selection of all candidates for district and local offices." It is also recommended that the qualification of the voter shall be a pledge to vote for the candidates chosen at the primary.
The Democratic executive committee of this parish is the accredited agent of the Democracy and has nothing to do with the wishes, expressed or implied, of anyone outside of the party. We infer from the wording of the petition that the committee will be called upon to order a primary in which all voters, irrespective of their politics, will participate. Anything of this sort is clearly untenable. A ticket nominated by such a non-descript affair would be neither fish nor fowl and not even an inferior brand of red herring.
The only kind of primary that the executive committee can call is a Democratic primary at which Democrats will vote. The Democrats will nominate their ticket in the good old Democratic way and they will elect it with an old-fashioned Democratic majority. There is no question about that.
If our friends, the Republicans, choose to nominate a ticket, they may have the primary of their own. That's the privilege and no one will or can deny it to them. But this proposition to have a white primary to be participated in by Democrats, Republicans and Populists will find no advocates among those who wish to see the success of the Democratic party, and we are sure it will receive no encouragement at the hands of the executive committee, the members of which are true and tried Democrats.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
Clean Up.
The Gazette would respectfully call the attention of the local authorities to the unhealthful condition of the city. A number of citizens complain of the failure of a majority of our people to comply with the ordinance regarding the proper care of their premises. A simple regard for the ordinary laws of health and sanitation would cause the people to keep their properties in a cleanly and healthful condition, but if they fail to take the sanitary measures that common prudence dictates, the authorities into whose hands such matters have been placed should see to it.
Since the yellow fever scare of a few years ago, the sanitation of this town has been most sadly neglected. The panic of that year, was, in one respect, a blessing in disguise. It caused the town to take some steps toward the enforcement of the sanitary laws. Since that time it is safe to say that the town has done nothing to induce or compel the citizens to put their premises in a healthful state. People are not only not made to observe everyday laws of sanitation, but they are permitted to pike up in the yards all kinds of offal and refuse which are left there to go through the different stages of decomposition, scattering germs of disease and sending out foul odors to pollute the atmosphere.
It is the intelligent judgement of scientific sanitarians that such things as we have referred to are directly responsible for the propagation of disease. Leading sanitarians all agree that the the deadly microbe originates in these cesspools of filth and that a large number of the fatal diseases which prevail throughout the country are traceable to them. The Gazette thinks that the health of the community demands that the proper authorities give their attention to this matter. If there is a sanitary committee The Gazette would respectfully suggest that its members stroll about the streets where the evening zephyrs gently blow from the west. The will scent no flowery gust, but they will be furnished with proof, convincing and irrefutable proof, proof strong and odorous, that the town needs a thorough cleaning up.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
All of These Songs Free.
Announcement was made last week of a Sunday World Music Album of ten songs to be issued weekly. Following it the complete list.
"In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills," by George Taggart and Max S. Witt, authors of "The Moth and the Flame."
"If all the Girls Were Like You," by Charles Graham, author of "Two Little Girls in Blue."
"I'm Nothing but a Big Wax Doll," by Malcolm Williams, author of "My Ann Elizer."
"You'll Have to Transfer," by Abe Holzmann, composer of "Smoky Mokes," the greatest cakewalk hit of the season.
"Sweet Norine," by Gussie L. Davis, author of "The Baggage Coach Ahead."
"Snap-Sal," by Williams and Walker, the two real "coons," authors of "I Don't Like No Cheap Man."
"Tell Mother Not to Worry," by Louis Myll, composer of "Coontown Carnival Cakewalk."
"Prancing Pickaninnies," by Max Dretyfus, composer of "A Carolina Cakewalk."
"My Georgia Lady Love," by Sterling Howard and Emerson, authors of "Hallo, Ma Baby."
"There Ain't No Use to Keep on Hanging 'Round," by Irving Jones, author of "Get Your Money's Worth."
One song each week for ten weeks. First song published Sept. 3, "In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills."
The entire set is to be given away with ten Sunday Worlds, and will be sent postpaid, including ten Sunday World Magazines, Art Portfolio and Comic Weeklies for 50 cents. Send 50 cents to-day, to-morrow or next week. Don't wait later than one week. This is a most exceptional offer and is only put forth to advertise the great Sunday World. Address, Music Editor, New York.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 9/16/1899.
Supt. Owen and party of railroad officials were in town Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Moss and children and Mrs. Mills and son, Willie, returned to Lafayette yesterday after spending two months very pleasantly at Charlevoix, Michigan.
For Rent. - A dwelling house in about the center of the corporation of Lafayette. Apply to Mrs. C. P. Alpha.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1899.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 16th, 1893:
Some time last fall, while burning weeds on the place of Mrs. Pelletier, a widow lady living in the parish of St. Martin, about five to six miles northeast of the town of Lafayette, the fire communicated to a slough of water at the foot of an elevation of land about fifteen acres in superficial area, and the entire water surface was one mass of flames. Examination and experiments made, showed that the phenomenon existed on three sides of the land elevation. Little has since been said of the matter. Last Wednesday, F. E. Darby, who resides near the town of Lafayette, and who had been interesting himself in the matter, brought a jar of the water at the drugstore of Jas. A. Lee, and an examination and test was made by Chas. H. Lee, who pronounced it natural gas. To what extent it exists remains to be determined, and Mr. Darby holds himself in readiness to afford all the facilities to any person who would feel a sufficient interest in making an examination. Chas. Lee has long been of the opinion that there exists a vein of natural gas extending from Avery's Island or vicinity north. There never has been a geological survey made of this section of the country and until it is done in the bowels of mother earth. From the New Iberia Enterprise and in the Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
Orange Blossoms.
Last Thursday evening at St. John's Catholic church were joined in holy wedlock Mr. Ernest L. Mouisset and Miss Louise Lacoste.
Hosts of friends and well-wishers awaited the arrival of the bridal party at the church and by their presence added to the beauty and solemnity of the occasion.
The pretty bride was very tastily dressed and was the subject of much admiration. The groom, like all grooms, looked quite happy.
After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. Leopold Lacoste, where joy and pleasantry reigned until a late hour.
Mr. Mouisset is a young man held in the highest esteem in this community where he has lived for several years holding positions of trust.
Miss Lacoste is a representative of one of our oldest and best families and possesses many charming qualities.
To the contracting parties The Advertiser wishes a life both long and happy. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
Father Forge Back Safely.
The Advertiser is pleased to announce that Rev. Father Forge and companions returned safely from their trip to the Pacific coast, on Monday last 11th instant. They were gone over three weeks and while away spent several days in San Francisco and made the round of the Chinese quarter, afterwards took in the ancient cities of Los Angeles and San Jose. Father Forge appears not to have been favorably impressed with the fertility and generally productiveness of the State of California, except for fruit growing for which it seems to be specifically adapted. He also spent some time in viewing the wonderful sights of the Yosemite Valley and made a trip through the State of Colorado and Utah. Father Forge also viewed some of the nated big trees of California which he says are well worthy of their reputation. He is much pleased with his visit and exhibits mementos in the shape of gold and silver quartz from Colorado, a silk hand kerchief from Salt Lake City with a picture of the Mormon Temple worked upon it and bark from the big trees of California.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
Railroad: Carencro to Teche?
Our neighbors and friends in Breaux Bridge are in a most jubilant state of mind and from what we hear they have every reason to be. We have lately received reliable information that Prof. Knapp, the promoter of the narrow gauge road from Carencro to the Teche, has assured the good people of Breaux Bridge that for a very slight consideration he will extend his road to that point with the view of building a sugar refinery there. The consideration is said to be one hundred arpents of land near the town of Breaux Bridge, and this the people have guaranteed without hesitation. It is also said a branch road will be run from Breaux Bridge to the DeClouet place. We congratulate the people of that section upon their prospect but at the same time we cannot but lament that so much rightfully belongs to Lafayette is being directed to other points.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
Map Omissions.
Our attention has been directed to the remarks of the Carencro correspondent of the Gazette regarding the omission of the towns of Carencro and Royville on the map The Advertiser has had engraved for the purpose of showing the present and prospective railroad facilities of Lafayette town and parish. We beg to explain that as the map in question was intended to show railways only, and as Royville is removed several miles from the railroad line traversing its section of the parish, it was not thought necessary to have that town appear on the map. This was not done with any view of detracting from the sterling worth of our sister town with which Lafayette is bound by the closest ties. Now, as to Carencro, which is directly connected with us by rail and poses as our most powerful rival (we doff our hat to Bro. Totidem Verbis) the same excuse cannot apply. The absence of that town from the map was due to a gross and most unpardonable oversight, but not on our part. The copy furnished the engraver by The Advertiser plainly designated and "saucy" neighbor, and its location does appear on the map, the name only being omitted. We noticed this omission in the beginning and were on the point of correcting the deficiency when we remembered that the natural importance of Carencro would make any other attempt to locate its site entirely superfluous.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
Crop Damage.
It seems to be generally believed that the damage to crops by the storm of the 7th inst., is not as great as was at first estimated, and in the event of ordinary dry weather in this month and October, the loss in the cane and cotton crops, will, in the end, be comparatively slight. Rice is the great sufferer, especially in those places where there are no means of controlling the water supply. This crop is always planted in low places where rain water is likely to stand, and it is because of this that much loss will ensue. The stalks were broken by the wind and the heads lie in the water. Much of it will be good only as food for stock. It appears that the western limit of the storm was about the Mermentau river, and the people of Calcasieu therefore are much more fortunate than their neighbors. Unfortunate it is for the good people of Acadia, that rice is so damaged except in one corner of this parish, their only crop. The prospect was poor enough before the storm. A natural sequence of the general condition of the rice is seen in market quotations. The movement is decidedly upward. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
To Benefit High School. - On Saturday October 7th, the Dramatic Association of Scott will give a grand representation in their hall for the benefit of the High School of Lafayette. A grand ball will follow. Friends of education in our midst, will, we are sure, give unstinted praise to the members of the enterprising Association for the work which they thus have in hand. It is safe to say that the entertainment will be liberally patronized by residents of the town of Lafayette. We will give next week a program in detail of the different features of the entertainment. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
Thrown From Carriage. - Mrs. William Kelly and Misses Ellie Young and Bessie Cornay were violently thrown from a barouche on the street at the corner of the Moss Building while out pleasure driving last Tuesday evening but fortunately escaped unhurt with the exception of Miss Cornay, who sustained painful but not serious injuries. Miss Cornay held in her arms the infant of Mr. J. E. Trahan, and fell to the ground clinging to the child which, however, emerged from the melee uninjured. The accident was due to the fall of one of the horses drawing the vehicle. In struggling to disengage himself the horse overturned the barouche. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
MARRIED. - Mr. Sidney Mouton of Lafayette, and Miss Gadrat Mouton of Lake Arthur, La. Miss Sodo Mouton and Mr. Alfred Mouton as bride's maid and groomsman. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Peters. It was one of those beautiful social events that are the occasion of so much pleasure and happiness to all who are fortunate enough to be participants, and, reflecting the sentiments of the large circle of friends of the groom and bride, The Advertiser hopes their life may be one long, uninterrupted season of joy and prosperity. Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/16/1893.
A number of young men of our town will give a ball at Falk's opera house this evening.
Dr. E. J. Chachere has been absent the entire week doing professional work in Abbeville.
Messrs. Henry and Isaac Bendel of Morgan City visited relatives in our town last Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. S. T. Givens took possession of her and elegant home in the Sterling Oak Grove, this week.
Cupid has been drawing a very good bow around here of late. In fact it is said he has at last brought to earth one or two cases who "many a time and oft" have proven utterly impervious to sharp and swift playing arrows.
Judge G. G. Parkerson and wife Mrs. E. P. Mills and son, Misses Lizzie Parkerson and Ada Moss and Dr. N. P. Moss, returned from the World's Fair on the 10th inst., all well pleased with their visit to the great exposition.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1893.
From the Lafayette Gazette of September 16th, 1893:
One of the largest, as well as one of the most striking, architecturally speaking, buildings in the town of Lafayette is the Convent. Besides the main structure, there are several outbuildings, including a large class room devoted to the exclusive use of a boys school, and, a fine chapel where religious services are held every Friday morning. Contractor Fred Mouton has just completed the erection of an extension rendered necessary by want of additional room, which will be used principally as a class room for girls in the first and second grades. Heretofore the commencement exercises were witnessed by only a limited number of people because there was no available room to accommodate them, but now this new hall will give ample room, and hereafter the class exhibitions will be opened to the public.
All the buildings have been erected with the single view to compass the best results. This is noticeable in the main building where spacious galleries afford the girls ample play room during rainy weather. The class rooms are large and airy, furnished with automatic desks and other accessories necessary to a thorough course of instruction.
The buildings are nearly surrounded by huge and magnificent oaks casting a perennial shade over the neat and attractive playground. This well kept lawn forms a fine re-creative spot which is fully appreciated by the children, and it is indeed a pleasure to the passer-by, during recess hour, to hear the peals of merry laughter, and so hearty and happy it rings out, that it becomes contagious, clearly indicating the existence of the most cordial relations between teachers and pupils.
For the pleasure of the boarders, during evening recreation hours, there is a large play room in which are several pianos, where the time can be most profitably and enjoyably spent until the retiring hour.
The course of study is broad and liberal and the constant aim is to employ the means best adapted to enable a steady advancement in all departments. The faculty embraces eight sisters of the order of Mt. Carmel, with Mother Patrick as superiors. The present attendance is about 30 boys, and 100 girls of which the latter number 32 boarders, the boarders being mostly from the adjoining parishes, and a few from New Orleans.
A writer in Current Topics, who visited the place not long since, expresses the subjoined impression:
"The convent, a fine educational institution is as picturesque as it is deserving of note. It covers with its several buildings and wide lawns and gardens a large area of ground and is presided over by Mother St. Patrick and the sweet sisters and nuns who hold such a loving place in the hearts of all Louisianians."
In as hasty newspaper article it is possible to mention only a few of the main features of an institution of this kind, therefore necessarily very incomplete. However this we wish to impress upon the mind of the reader : This splendid educational institution is located in a most healthful locality, and the rates of tuition and board are decidedly low.
The people of Lafayette are, and have every reason to be, proud of this noble institution.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
Runaway Lands in Lafayette. - A young man named Robert Burrow aged about 16, ran away from his home in New Orleans, enticed by, and in company with a tramp, and on reaching this town was apprised of a telegram from his parents, stating that arrangements have been mad with the railroad people to give him transportation home, and would also provide for his immediate needs. Notwithstanding the urgent request of the tramp that they should continue journeying together, Robert very wisely decided to return home to his parents. His short experience no doubt convinced him that to see the world a la tramp did not hold the comforts anticipated. Lafayette Gazette. 9/16/1893.
Lucky Escape. - In driving across the bridge near Moss store the planking gave way, and one of the horse's feet got caught in the break and he fell, while the other horse kept on pulling until the carriage was over the prostrate horse, when the latter made a struggle to get up, and did succeed so far as to throw the carriage over, precipitating the occupants to the ground. In the carriage were Mrs. Kelly, Miss Effie Young, Miss Zaza Cornay, and in the arms of one of the ladies was the baby of Mr. E. J. Trahan, and the driver. Except some slight bruises to Miss Cornay, no injuries were sustained by the parties. It was a very lucky escape. Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
A Murderous Assault. - A murderous assault was made on Ed. Brown, a brakeman, Wednesday night about 9:30, in the railroad yards at this place. It appears that two Mexicans, who were on their way to New Orleans, arrived here Wednesday morning and spent the day around the depot. They made the acquaintance of Brown who invited them to take a drink which they accepted. Brown says that after taking their drinks they walked back to the yards, apparently on friendly terms, when one of the Mexicans knocked him over the right eye with a piece of stone, inflicting a painful and serious wound. it is not known what their motive was, but the assault was most cowardly. The Mexicans made their escape, but Sherriff Broussard is after them, and is doing all in his powers to effect their arrest.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
Must Have Refinery. - It is said that the payroll of the Southern Pacific railroad represents $144,000 a year at this point a good part of it spent in town. A central refinery would in a year or two add, perhaps, $200,000 more. The total in circulation would make many enterprises possible. Lafayette must have the refinery. Laf. Gazette 9/16/1893.
Repairing Bridges. - In regard to the complaint of our correspondence "Cherokee" in regard to bridges, we will state that the Police Jury at its last sitting, authorized the purchase of several car loads of lumber. When received, we have no doubt the proper authorities will attend to the bridge in question. We think the Police Jury is disposed to do their best, and will give attention to, and correct all causes of complaints. L
afayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
At Lake Arthur, Tuesday the 12th instant, by the Rev. J. Peters, Mr. Sidney Mouton, of Lafayette, and Miss Marie Gadrat Mouton, of Lake Arthur.
Sidney is one of the most popular young men in Lafayette, and has a host of friends who are happy in the tender of congratulations on the new ties he has assumed; and the bride, a fair and accomplished maiden, is the daughter of Hon. Ambroise Mouton, of Lake Arthur. The many friends of the young couple unite in wishing them heaven's choicest blessings, and express the hope that not a shadow will fall athwart their path on life's journey to mar the perpetual sunshine. And to which The Gazette adds so mote it be. Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
At the Catholic church, Thursday, the 13th instant, by Rev. P. J. Healey, Mr. Ernest Mouisset to Miss Louise Lacoste.
The groom is a popular salesman at the store of Moss Bros. & Co., and the bride is the charming daughter of Mr. Leopold Lacoste. A large number of friends and acquaintances were present to see them joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, and to wish - and The Gazette begs to join in the wish - that they may have "their lives tinged with roseate hues of happiness, and that a full share of earth's prosperity may attend their union."
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 9/16/1893.
The dust is beginning to grow annoying.
The mosquito still abideth with us in all his glory and viciousness.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vordenbaumen left this week for the World's Fair and will be gone for several weeks.
Aladin Robichaud has gone to St. Martinville to help Fred Mouton build a residence in that town.
The court-house square could be made a thing of beauty by the judicious use of a little money.
Next Wednesday the stores of our Jewish fellow-citizens will be closed, being the day of atonement.
Messrs. S. Kahn, Henry Bendel and J. Colitz spent some days this week in the city the guests of Mr. B. Falk and family.
Sheriff Ike Broussard reports having had quite a time with the poor unfortunate man that he was taking to the asylum.
The many friends of Rev. Father Forge will be pleased to learn that he has returned from his trip to the Pacific coast.
Dr. G. A. Martin left Wednesday morning for the Fair. The doctor requested us to state that Dr. F. R. Martin, of Breaux Bridge, will replace him during his absence.
Mr. F. E. Voorhies has leased the residence occupied by Mr. J. J. Mouton, and has moved therein. Mr. Voorhies and family are now permanent residents of Lafayette.
Judge Parkerson, Dr. N. P. Moss, Mrs. Mills and Misses Lizzie Parkerson and Ada Moss, after quite a stay in Chicago visiting the World's Fair, returned home Sunday.
The Gazette entertains the belief that the organization of a Chataqua circle among the young people of Lafayette would be the means of affording much enjoyment and instruction during the coming winter evenings.
Mr. B. J. Pellerin, relief agent of the Southern Pacific Railroad is in charge of affairs at the station here during the absence of the regular agent, Mr. J. J. Davidson, who is off on a recreative and pleasure trip.
We are informed that the management have left nothing undone to make the ball to-night at Falk's hall a decided pleasurable and social success. Those attending may safely anticipate a most enjoyable evening.
Lafayette Gazette 9/16/1893.
The people of Louisiana should forever hold in reverence the memory of the gallant men who rebelled against the radical oppression and who on the 14th of September, 1874, dethroned the usurper, Kellogg, and his venal hordes of carpet-baggers and scalawags, who were oppressing and robbing the white people of Louisiana with impunity. The history of that memorable speech is well-known and its fearful culmination on Sept. 14, 1874, when some of the best blood in all Louisiana was shed in the streets of New Orleans is still fresh in the memories of the people of this State. The Gazette would like to give an account of that now famous battle and a history of the causes which led to it, but it has not the space to do so. It will, however, print the names of the heroes who were killed and wounded resisting the tyranny and oppression of Kellogg, the execrable monster who was backed by Federal bayonets. The anniversary of the 14th of September should be celebrated throughout Louisiana; the names of the heroes of that day should be revered in every patriotic home in the State. They should be printed in every Louisiana journal so that they may be read by those who have yet in hearts the lofty sentiments of patriotism. Here they are:
Lafayette Advertiser 9/16/1899.
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