Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 14th, 1904:


It has been suggested by a number of people that the Bank of Lafayette building would make an excellent city hall, and that, if the bank, which will erect a new building soon, would sell at a reasonable figure, the city should acquire it.

 We think the suggestion a good one; the building is sufficiently large for the present and for years to come, is handsome enough to be a credit to the town, and will answer the purpose admirably. The ground floor is just suited for offices and the large vault would protect the city records in case of fire. The second floor would serve well for a court room or for meetings of the Council.

 It would be decidedly to the advantage of the Bank to sell it, and we have been informed that the Board of Directors are willing to be very reasonable. The matter should be taken up by the Council at its next meeting and arranged if possible.
 Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

To Meet in Lafayette Dec. 27-30. - Special Trains to be Run.

 Prof. T. H. Harris, president of the Louisiana State Public Teachers' Association, has issued a circular calling attention to the thirteenth meeting of the Association, which will be held at Lafayette Dec. 27-30, and giving a general outline of the program. A large attendance is expected, larger than ever before in the history of the Association. Arrangements are being made for a special rate of one fare for the round trip on all railroads. Efforts are being made to arrange for a T. & P. special leaving Shreveport Tuesday morning, Dec. 27, to combine at Alexandria with a special from Monroe over the Iron Mountain, so as to reach Lafayette about noon the same day. A special will also leave New Orleans over the Southern Pacific reaching Lafayette Tuesday.

 A number of prominent educators, among them Dr. Chas. D. McIver, of North Carolina, will deliver addresses. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

Appointed Assessor to Fill Unexpired Term of A. M. Martin, Resigned.

 Friday Gov. Blanchard appointed Marcel Melancon assessor to fill the unexpired term of A. M. Martin, who resigned, which will expire next January. In reply to a letter of inquiry, Gov. Blanchard stated that he would not appoint an assessor for the full term until December, at which time he said he would give careful consideration to any recommendation made by the people. Lafayette Advertiser 9/13/1904.


 The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give an entertainment at Parkerson's Grove on Friday, Sept. 16, to raise funds for the benefit of the church. A fine program, consisting of several interesting little plays by children, has been prepared and will be very entertaining. A suitable stage will be erected and the curtain will rise at 8:30 sharp. The Sontag Band has kindly consented to give their services and will render a number of beautiful selections.

 To add to the pleasure and also assist the finances, handkerchief, sofa pillow and fancy work sales have been devised. For those who like the sweet things, candy booths will offer an attraction, and nearby cozy tables will invite all who have fondness for delicious ice-cream and cake.

 Everybody is cordially invited. A small admission fee of 10 cents will be charged. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

 A Flattering Opening.

 Mt. Carmel Convent began the session of 1904-05 Sept. 4, with the largest enrollment for a number of years. The school is under the management of Mother Zita and corps of earnest teachers, whose good work last year has brought recognition is a greatly increased patronage. Mt. Carmel Convent for many years has been serving the cause of education, and it is gratifying to all friends of the institution to know that its power for usefulness is increasing as it grows older. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

For Judge of Court of Appeals and J. J. Mouton for Assessor.

 A very light vote was cast in the primary Saturday in this parish and also the parishes composing the first district of the first circuit of the court of appeals.

 Judge Julian Mouton was nominated for Judge of the court of appeals by a majority of 1,200 over Fournet of Calcasieu.

 J. J. Mouton had no opposition for the assessorship. He received 461 votes. Judge Mouton received 495 votes in the parish; Fournet, 94. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.


 The developments at Anse la Butte have now reached a stage that make the field commercially valuable and determines to a fair certainty that later explorations will locate the large reservoir of oil which the finds so far indicate undoubtedly underlie that section. Meantime oil in sufficient quantities has been obtained to warrant the wells placing their product on the market and arranging facilities for that purpose both for present and future accomodation. A move to this end is now in contemplation by the construction of a pipe line either to Lafayette or Breaux Bridge.

 No positive decision has been made as yet, and there is still time for Lafayette to get the pipe line; but prompt action is necessary and this should be taken at once. This is a case where the recently organized Progressive League comes in, and it should lose no time in meeting and acting. This pipe line is a bigger thing than at first appears and if secured will mean much to Lafayette.

 To let it go elsewhere is folly. Our town is growing, but it can not continue go grow without new industries and new capital, and now that we have a chance to add an already considerable industry, which promises large developments, we should the opportunity. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.


 Elsewhere in this issue will be found a communication from Messrs. A. Judice & Son, prominent merchants of Scott, under the caption, "Suggestions for Good Roads." The suggestions should receive careful attention and while many may not agree with all the details, we are sure that the main idea conveyed will receive full endorsement. Lafayette needs good roads, every part of the parish should have good highways, and can have them if all the people make it their business to see that the roads have attention.

 The subject of good roads is very important and we invite our readers who have suggestions or recommendations to make, to use our columns for that purpose. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

 Suggestion for Good Roads and Their Maintenance.

 1. The establishment of a "Road Commission," similar in its intent and workings to the School Board, making a specialty of good roads and putting the system on a practical, business like footing.

 2. The abolishment of a ridiculous system of taxation, based on wagons and buggies, which is about as effective and reasonable as taxing the buttons on a man's coat.

 3. The raising of funds by a direct tax on all assessable property, and the one dollar poll tax, now in effect. By these means of taxation, poor and rich, individuals and properties benefitting by roads are all reached proportionately, whereas, under the prevailing system, every road tax payer is aware of the injustice of the tax, which falls on the least able to pay, at a higher rate than on those that are the most benefited. Example, the firm of A. Judice & Son, are taxed at $1.70, for two individuals and two buggies, while a hired colored man in their employ, who has nothing but the clothes he wears, pays ONE DOLLAR. A direct tax of say two mills would wipe out this dispropriation.

 4. The ownership by the Parish of ten road machines and the employment of a competent ROAD SUPERVISOR at a salary of not less than one thousand dollars per year, whose duty it would be to build and repair bridges and superintend road work, classifying and sectioning the roads in small lengths and reporting on all necessary drainage and supervising all work in a general way.

 5. The abolishment of the Road Overseer and giving road work on bids, in sections not less than one and not more than five miles in length, so as to permit of a number of contractors.

 6. The forming of one general parish fund instead of funding each ward as is now the case, and using these funds on all road building where necessary throughout the parish, starting on the leading roads out of Lafayette, clean to the limit of the parish.

 On such lines, the following revenues should accrue to the Road and Drainage Commission.

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 With the amount, well administered, after twelve months the roads of the parish would all be in first class shape and the benefits that ensue are to numerous to mention.
       A. JUDICE & SON.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.


 Plumbing Work of all Kinds Done.

 We will do your plumbing or tin work and guarantee satisfaction. Our shop is on Buchanan street next to the Lafayette Mattress Factory and our phone is 198. Call on us or ring us up. Your order will be promptly attended to. - B. Negrotta & Co.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.


 Caterpillars have made their appearance in various parts of the parish and are doing considerable damage. Paris Green is being used freely and we are informed that the pests are rapidly being exterminated. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

Progressive Euchre.
Mouton-Gardner Chapter U. D. C. will give another of their delightful euchre parties at Falk's Hall Thursday, Sept. 29 to which the public is cordially invited. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

 Died. - The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nickerson will learn with deep regret of the loss of their little baby, Cameron, 9 months old, which occurred yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Funeral services will be held at the Scott Catholic Church to-day at 5 p. m.

 They the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
  Laf. Advertiser 9/13/1904.

 Moved Into New Store. S. E. Yandle moved into his handsome new brick store Saturday. It is beautifully finished inside and would be a credit even to New Orleans.   Laf. Advertiser 9/14/1904.

Ice-Cream Festival. - The Ladies Auxilliary, B. R. T. will give an ice-cream festival at Parkerson's Grove Wednesday, Sept. 21. It will be a pleasant social affair and all those who attend will spend an enjoyable evening. The public is cordially invited to attend.   Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.


 Southwest Louisiana Developed Wonderfully and Rapidly.

 Prof. Stephens Tells of Growth of Public Schools and Southwestern Industrial Institute.

 [From the N. O. Daily Picayune.]

  Southwest Louisiana consists of thirteen parishes, among which Lafayette is very near the center, and among which Lafourche and Avoyelles are included, these later reaching farthest east and north. Examining statistics for these thirteen parishes in the report of the Census Bureau, I find that they are rated as having the largest percentage in the State of native white men over the age of twenty-one who cannot read and write, I believe that a considerable part of this percentage should not be classed as "illiterate," for the reason that there are undoubtedly very many in this section who can read and write French, but not English. These, very probably, have been listed by the census takers as being unable to read and write. And if this is true, there ought to be a very large percentage reported as being unable either to read or write or speak, for there is certainly a vast multitude of good people in Southwest Louisiana who speak French but not English. If it were admissible to class those citizens who do not read and write English as "illiterates," then those who do not speak English might as well be classed as "inarticulates." However this may be, and to whatever extent the reports of the census may be imperfect, there is no doubt in the minds of those who have studied the educational conditions of the State that during the past several decades - or the period in which the great American common school movement should have had its opportunity to take firm root in Southern soil - there was relatively very little progress made in this direction in the parishes of southwest Louisiana.

 It is for this reason that events which have been occurring in these parishes for the past several years, and which are continuing to occur with increasing regularity, should be hailed as an awakening, a reaching out after better things, a movement. And if, incidentally, this movement should tend to show that it is so much in earnest that what it is doing is proving an example worthy of emulation by others, it is so much the more deserving of attention and assistance. Such a movement is that which is so rapidly building up the schools of southwest Louisiana, voting special taxation for their buildings and equipments, making larger appropriations for their support, bringing expert and professional supervision to direct them, employing trained teachers in them, paying better salaries for these trained services, and promoting higher educational ideals among the masses of the people. This is an actual, substantial movement, not merely on paper, but in brick and mortar. In dollars and cents, in industries and activities, in material, intellectual, and moral development among a people. The evidences are all there to be seen by the visitor, who is always cordially invited and hospitably received.

 Mr. George W. Cable is not a popular idol among the people of this section, and would not have the remotest showing in the coming election for the Circuit Judgeship, for the reason that he is thought to have made capital of them unkindly in some of his books. But if he should have occasion to visit to revisit within a decade the scenes of some of his pen pictures in New Acadia, no doubt a re-writing of the Acadian story by his hand would do a delayed justice and give pleasure and satisfaction to himself, the people of whom he wrote, and all readers who rejoice in good report. For in the field of industry, of progress, of education, or immigration, in this particular section from now on there is no doubt that "the market will be strong."

 The credit of what has been done in effecting this progressive tendency in southwest Louisiana is not due to any one man, nor scarcely to any dozen or any hundred leaders that could be named, but rather to


 Their growing conscientiousness of the relatively unfavorable conditions in which they were placed and of their power to improve these conditions by united effort has been the psychic force, merely using a number of devoted men and women as its agents. It forms a fair illustration of the power of the idea as described by Hegel in his "Philosophy of History," in which he defined history as "the progress of the consciousness of freedom." The consciousness that education makes free is taking strong hold is making history in this section of country.

 It is because this progressiveness movement is to be attributed to the people as a whole and not solely to leaders from without that we think it would be a poetic justice for the story of "The Progress" to be well and faithfully written. But a few of the names of the most active agents and agencies would probably appear. The "unspeakable" Tarbox of Cable's story would have to add a few more names to his list of subscribers for the Cyclopedic Universal of Information. It would be worthy of being related that one Robert Martin, of St. Martinville, representing his district in the State Senate in 1896 and 1898, while visiting the educational institutions of the State in 1896 as a member of the Legislative Committee appointed for that purpose, saw the possibilities ahead for his own section of the State in the establishment of an industrial institution of learning within his own senatorial district, composed of the parishes of Lafayette, St. Martin and Iberia. He immediately set himself to the task of securing such an act in the General Assembly of that year. And though he failed to secure it, though he was repeatedly rebuffed by the strong men in power in the State, he tenaciously held out in his purpose, and obtained from  many who denied him at that time the promise that they would support his bill in the session of 1898. But even in 1898 he had a great struggle to win. The argument that the State already had more institutions than she could fairly support was a powerful hindrance  to the passage of the bill creating the new State Industrial School, and would have been sufficient to defeat it it it had not been shown that were State institutions of learning in every other section of the State except this one - notwithstanding the fact that this section paid nearly half the taxes of the entire State, "the parish of Orleans excepted." In fact, Mr. Martin finally carried the bill through both houses with scarcely a vote to spare - but he carried it off!

 One of the provisions of the bill establishing the Industrial Institute was that it should be located in that parish of the Thirteenth Senatorial District which should offer the greatest inducement therefor to the Board of Trustees, and another provision was that no locality should be selected where there were not offered at least $5,000 and twenty-five acres of land for the School. The famous struggle between the towns of Lafayette and New Iberia for the securing of the School resulted, as the State well remembers, in offers amounting to nearly $100,000 and fifty acres of land instead of the prescribed $5,000 and twenty-five acres, Lafayette finally winning after most careful consideration by the Board.

 The new institution, thus happily inaugurated, was favored by the General Assembly in the session of 1900, with supplementary means to build and equip itself for the most thorough and modern educational work of the time in which we live. It built one of the most excellent and


 ever erected in the State at a total cost of near $50,000, a large, well-equipped workshop and forge shop for manual training work in wood and iron, and a splendid brick dormitory for young ladies, leaving the young men, for the time, to board in private families. And since that time successive session of the Legislature have provided the School with additional equipment, with a residence of the President on the grounds, and now, at this session of 1904, with means for the erection and equipment of a large brick dormitory for the young men. The main building was completed in the summer of 1901 and the School began its first year's work in September of that year, completing its third session successfully in May, 1904, with 200 students in attendance and twelve teachers. Courses of study are given in manual training, domestic science, sewing and cooking, commercial subjects, stenography, typewriting, telegraphy, agriculture and the regular academic subjects besides. Athletics and physical education have been encouraged, and a thoroughly equipped gymnasium for the young ladies is provided in the main building.

 All these things look like a "movement" of themselves, but they are really only a beginning of what is in the minds of the people. The greatest thing is the stimulus that has been given. The men that fought so valiantly to get all political parties and factions together for the stroke that won the establishment of the Industrial Institute and its location are now working has just has hard to develop the primary and elementary schools - both in their own parishes and in the neighboring parishes. The first step after getting the Industrial Institute schoolman for Superintendent of the public schools of the parish. This was done. The schools have improved. The Police Jury gives more money. The citizens subscribe liberally. They take interest, in their schools. The teachers are well trained and full of energy. They continually strive to improve their teaching. The Board has improved their pay. Both will do still better in the future. The next large thing to be done to Lafayette will probably be the erection somehow of a splendid modern brick structure for a city high school. The need for it is seen and it will be done. In ten years, in fact, all the towns of southwest Louisiana will have done the same thing, and thereby the most powerful nucleus for continued growth will have been established.

 One of the most important functions the Industrial Institute has hitherto performed has been that of serving as a factor in this great popular movement. It stands a rallying point for the educational forces of the surrounding country, a challenge to those who fear self taxation for education, an objective point for the children of all the lower schools to look forward to. Four times within the present year the Institute received great public gatherings in the interest of education: First in January, a meeting of five neighboring schools, Broussard, Scott, Pilette, Carencro, and Lafayette was held for the opportunity of holding joint exercises incidental to the opening of the new school term. Second in March, the Louisiana Agricultural Society and Stock Breeders' Association held their annual convention in the Institute Auditorium; and the lectures and discussions which they had during three days were so instructive and helpful to all who attended, whether farmers or laymen, that the meeting would be rightly considered part of an educational course in agriculture and industrial development. Thirdly, on April 16, the athletic track meet and oratorical contest of the high schools of southwest Louisiana was held, resulting in one of the most important organizations among the schools of the State. Schools were represented from Leesville, Marksville, Franklin, Crowley, Lake Charles, Lafayette, and others besides the Institute, and the Lake Charles High School actually brought ninety-eight students over to Lafayette to attend the events. Fourthly, on April 30 there was held at the Institute probably the largest gathering of school children ever assembled in the State - called the first annual convention of all the schools of Lafayette Parish.


 marched in a column a mile long, passing in review of the Governor of the State and then assembled and sang "America" together, and afterwards joined in a most interesting programme, concluding with a strong address on education by the Governor. And finally the school teachers of the town and parish hold meetings at the Institute every month to discuss their own professional improvement, and during the next Christmas holidays there will be held in the auditorium the great Convention of the Public School Teachers of the entire State. Thus in various ways besides the work of direct instruction can earnest and effectual efforts be made in a central established nucleus, such a large high school, for the carrying forward of that larger movement of educational forces which makes for the uplifting of a whole people.

 The course which events are taking in neighboring parishes and the whole State is very encouraging to this movement among the parishes of southwest Louisiana. Only last week the neighboring Parish of Avoyelles has spoken strongly for improved conditions by setting up $2,000 a year as the new standard in the State for the salary of the Parish Superintendent of Schools. The Constitution of 1879 rather negatively rated this office by stating that "the Parish Superintendent of Public Education shall not receive more than $200 per annum."

 And $2,000 was fixed as the salary of the State Superintendent. It so happened that the man chosen in Avoyelles to receive this new salary as Superintendent was taken from the Faculty of the Industrial Institute, which could ill-spare his valuable services, but the work that will thus be accomplished and the standard that will thus be set among the schools of the State are regarded as being so worthy, that the Industrial Institute may feel that this is only another way in which it can serve the educational interests of the State and keep the movement moving.

 Then the really great and important work that is being done through the State Department of Education by Superintendent Aswell, the State Board of Education and Governor Blanchard are encouraging to the movement.

 The teachers' institutes that now, for the first time, are being extended to every parish in the State are doing a world of good, not only in actual instruction and technical education of the teachers for the pedagogical work of their schools, but also especially in the solidifying of public school sentiment, in the bringing together of public school interests and in the development of greater popular interest in the schools. And it is very gratifying to the friends of education throughout the State to observe that the occasional objections that have been from time to time suggested against the proposed million-dollar bond issue are being withdrawn as being almost insignificant in comparison with the multitude of benefits that would necessarily flow from so excellent a provision for the material structures and equipments needed for our country schools. Let the people remember that no great work has been accomplished by them without their mutually sacrificing individual preferences as to who would should be in the chair, and let them remember that in this particular instance the State Superintendent of the Public Education, who has the disposing of affair educational in the State in the largest measure, was the resolutely unanimous choice of the whole State for the office he holds. When the fight was made for the location of the Southwestern Industrial Institute at Lafayette everybody was together. Neither creed, nor party, nor position, non candidacy for office, nor any other creature stood in the way of the one, single, high, honorable goal - the school. So let it be now for the sake of the schools.
         (Signed)  E. L. STEPHENS.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

 Southern Pacific Steamship Lines.

 Within the next twelve months there will have been completed on the river front of New Orleans 2,000 feet of the finest wharfage and steel sheds to be found on the coast line of the United States. Covering six blocks of river frontage, from Conti to St. Philip street, the wharf space of the Southern Pacific Atlantic Steamship Lines will add immensely increased value to and facilities for handling freight and passengers at the port of New Orleans, the space concession recently having been granted by the New Orleans Board of Dock Commissioners, and the Southern Pacific, to expedite the work, has advanced to the Dock Board the sum of $175,000 for the purpose of paying for this enterprise.

 The wharf proper will be raised three feet higher than at present, placing the surface 23 feet above low water mark. On August 9, the proposition of the Southern Pacific to advance the money was accepted by the Dock Board, and on August 16, the contract was let, the cost of the new wharf work to be $22,940.

 Imposed upon this raised wharf will be erected an immense steel shed, 1,300 feet long, 22 feet high, 70 feet wide at its narrowest point, and 140 feet at its widest point. The office space allotted to Mr. E. A. Cole, steamship agent, probably will be 40 by 140 feet, and beneath this great shed the Southern Pacific will install the most modern electric appliances for handling freight in and out of ships, while double railroad tracks will run the entire length of the wharf directly along the river side edge, so that ships may load and unload immediately to and from cars.

 Some idea of the big increase in wharf room may be gained from the knowledge that some two years ago the old Cromwell Line wharfage measured but 450 feet. When the Southern Pacific took over the line it was increased by 800 feet, making a total of 1,250 feet, and now 750 feet have been added, bringing the total up to 2,000 feet, or sufficient room to accomodate four of the Southern Pacific's big steamships, together with tugs and barges.

 One of the most remarkable features of the Southern Pacific's operation of steamships between New Orleans and New York and New Orleans and Havana is the avalanche-like increase in the passenger traffic, due to several causes; the lowering of the rates, the elegance and comfort of the ships themselves, and the widespread and systematic advertising, until now, ships, which a year ago carried big passenger lists only according to the season, and only one way, now have their staterooms filled going and coming. There are no finer ships in the Atlantic coastwise service than the Proteus and Comus - both practically new ships - and within a year it has been found necessary to almost double their passenger capacity, while the Havana ship, the Louisiana, has been filled to the limit, despite increased capacity, and there is a possibility that it may be necessary either to put in an additional ship in the Havana service or to secure a much larger vessel to accommodate both the increased freight and passenger traffic.

 The operating head of the Southern Pacific Steamship Lines is Mr. W. C. Farrington, manager, with offices in New York, Mr. A. E. Cole being his very active and efficient agent at New Orleans. Mr. W. H. Masters is the general southern agent, and Mr. F. E. Batturs, southern passenger agent. The general passenger offices are located in Houston, Texas, the general headquarters of the Southern Pacific Atlantic system, Mr. T. J. Anderson being general passenger agent, and Mr. Joseph Heilen assistant general passenger agent.

 With its combined New Orleans and New York, New Orleans and Havana, and Galveston and New York services, the Southern Pacific has the largest fleet of coastwise vessels flying the United States flag. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.  

 City Council Proceedings.

               Lafayette, La., Sept. 5, 1904.
   A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day with Mayor Chas. D. Caffery, presiding:

 Members present: A. E. Mouton, Hy. Fontenot, Geo. A. DeBlanc, M. Rosenfield, John O. Mouton, D. V. Gardebled. Absent: Felix Demanade.

 Moved and seconded that minutes of last regular meeting of August 1, 1904, and special meeting held August 22, 1904, be approved as read. Carried.

 Moved and seconded that Finance Committee be granted further time for their report on quarter ending July 31, 1904.

 The following bills were approved:

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 The secretary reported the following warrants drawn and during the month of August and up to date, and same was ordered spread on the minutes.

----------------p. 5--------------------

 There being no further business Council adjourned.
J. P. COLOMB, Assistant Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/14/1904.

 M. Heymann, formerly employed at the Blue Store, was in town Saturday greeting friends. He is merchandising at Tallieu, La.

 Frank Mouton, who is now in Jeanerette, visited home Saturday.

 Mr. T. M. Biossat and family, who have been spending several weeks at Mississippi City, returned Friday night.

 Ernest Mouisset of the Lacoste Hardware Co., returned Wednesday from a visit to the World's Fair. He reports have had a grand time, and says the Fair is immense.

 The Lafayette Bottling Works, G. W. Stanley, proprietor, formerly located on the corner of Lincoln ave. and Vine st., has been moved to Main street, west of the court house square.

 J. W. Falk, who has just finished at the Natchitoches Normal, is back again, and will have charge of the Broussard School next year.

 S. Levy of Grand Coteau, spent Saturday with Vic Levy.

 The cement walk around the court house is very nearly completed.

 The Public Schools of Lafayette, Broussard, Carencro and Youngsville will open Monday, September 19. L. J. Alleman, Parish Supt.

 Mr. Alfred Mouton and family have returned from Boerne, Texas and The Advertiser is glad to state that Mr. Mouton's health is much improved and that he feels much better than when he left here.

 Dr. F. E. Girard left Friday to be gone about a month visiting places of interest in Colorado, California and Utah. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1904.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of September 14th, 1901:


 Just as The Gazette was getting ready to print to-day's edition the sad intelligence was received that President McKinley had breathed his last at 5:45 Friday afternoon.

 Had President McKinley possessed a less charming personality, his death at the hands of an assassin would have been nothing short of a national calamity, but his splendid qualities of head and heart which have endeared him to the American people, regardless of political affiliations, render his assassination inexpressibly sad. The bread Christian spirit which characterized his act in private life and the uniform kindness with which he treated his fellows in high or humble station made him exceedingly popular, and it is safe to say that his ruthless taking-0ff will bring sincere sorrow to the heart of every patriotic American. In the South, where his policies may have been unpopular, evidences of confidence in, and affection for, the dead executive were not lacking.

 To the bereaved widow of the deceased president the heart of the American people goes out with feelings of profoundest sympathy. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.


To Open its Doors Next Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 9 o'clock a. m.

 Before the time of our next issue the Industrial Institute will have entered upon the first year of its work. The first annual session begins next Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. The first exercise of the first day is to consist of an interesting and appropriate musical and literary program, which the people of our town and parish, and of the State at large, are cordially invited to attend.

 President Stephens states that the faculty, the buildings, and the equipments of the Institute are in readiness, and that he has every reason to expect a large attendance of students on the opening day. And in this expectation he is cordially joined by the people of Lafayette, town and parish, with the earnest support of which they have done so much, may have a most successful career - and that it may really prove to be a beacon light or education and advancement in the history of our people.

 During the present week Miss Getrude Mayfield, the teacher of domestic science, and Mrs. E. F. Baker, the matron of the dormitory, have arrived and reported for duty. Miss Mayfield is to be located at the home of Mrs. T. N. Blake in Johnston street. Mrs. Baker is being entertained for a few days at the home of Mrs. P. D. Beraud, while awaiting the completion of her quarters in the dormitory Miss Randolph is expected to-day, and will be entertained till the opening of school by Mrs. William Clegg. Miss Dupre and Miss Mayer will arrive early next week from Opelousas.

 Improvements on the grounds and the finishing of the buildings are being very rapidly advanced - and very little will remain undone by the morning of the opening. The dormitory is all but finished and will be ready for occupation before the end of the week - in fact, on the very day of opening, if there are no further unforeseen delays in the getting of material from the factory. The furniture and equipments have all reached the building this week, and are being quickly set up and put into place. The work of laying pipe to connect with the city waterworks is successfully completed. The machine shop is framed and ready for covering, and the boiler and engine are on the grounds. The lawn has been freshly mowed in front of the building; the fence is fast enclosing the grounds, adding to their appearance and dignity; and all manner of industry is being persued to make the Institute ready for its session's work.

 It is stated that the opening exercises will begin promptly at 9 o'clock and will occupy from an hour to an hour and a half, after which the examinations for entrance will begin in the several class-rooms.

 All candidates for admission, their parents and friends, and the audience in general, are requested to assemble in the auditorium at the sounding of the gong, five minutes before nine o'clock. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

To the Industrial Institute - One From the Court-House and One in Johnston Street.

 With the approach of the opening day of the Industrial Institute it becomes more and more apparent that at least two plank-walks from the town to the school are needed at once. One walk should be built from the court-house square out Lafayette street and the other from Judge Julian Mouton's corner out of Johnston street. Without these walks it will be almost impossible for pedestrians to reach the Institute in rainy weather. And there is no time to lose. The work should be begun immediately.

 Fall weather will soon set it and unless the plank-walks are built without unnecessary delay students living in town - and most of the students living in town - will not be able to walk to the Institute. The same can be said of the members of the faculty.

 Estimating it at 18 cents a foot the walk in Johnston street will cost $360 and the one from the court-house square $432. The City Council will in all probability be called upon to make the appropriation, but the success of the movement depends in a large measure upon the generosity of the people of the town.

 We understand that two petitions will be circulated for contributions. Let us hope that the people will realize the necessity of these public improvements and that each will give his share. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.       

The Well-known Musical Artists to Appear in the Auditorium of the Industrial Institute Sept. 27.

 Someone has happily conceived the idea to have a concert in the Auditorium of the Industrial Institute, on Friday, Sept. 27. And a musical treat of un-excelled merit it will be, for it is almost certain that Prof. Mayer, the distinguished violoncellist of Opelousas, will be there to join his great talents to those of Hayden and Sontag, making the entertainment of the 27th of September one of unsurpassed brilliancy. It is doubtful if three musicians of equal ability have ever entertained an audience in Southwest Louisiana. And that will not be all of the concert, either. A new numbers will be played by the Lafayette Orchestra and the Lafayette Brass Band, under the direction of Prof. Sontag.

 The proceeds of the concert will go to the plankwalk fund. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Will Open Monday, Sept. 16 - An Able Corps of Teachers.

 The public schools in Lafayette will open next Monday. The Board has been fortunate in the selection of teachers for the town schools. At the High School the principal, Prof. W. A. LeRosen, will be ably assisted by Miss Charlotte Devall and Miss Zelia Christian. Miss Kate Trichel will be the principal at the Primary School and will have Miss Maggie Bagnal and Miss Virgie Younger as assistants. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Loathe to Believe.

 The Gazette is loathe to believe that no effort has been made to improve the environments of the Lafayette High School before the beginning of another term. The old charred fence ought to be removed and new one built. A new fence is needed all around the property and several other improvements should be made at once. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

 At the Convent.

 The Mount Carmel Convent began the scholastic term last Monday with a good attendance. Eighty-eight pupils presented themselves on the first day of the term and there has been a steady increase since the opening. The boarding department is well patronized and the town is also well represented. The sisters have every reason to believe that this term will be a most successful one. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.


First Step Taken by Citizens of Carencro to Raise Money for Public Education.

 Supt. Alleman went to Carencro this week and joined in an informal meeting with a number of citizens of Carencro for the purpose of raising funds to increase the salary of an assistant teacher in the public school of that town. The monthly allowance of the Board for the services of an assistant teacher is $30. This, it appears, was not sufficient to secure the services of a trained teacher for the very important position of teaching young children. It was decided to make the difference by solicited subscriptions from the citizens of the town. In a very short while the following donations had been made by the public-spirited friends of public education in Carencro:

 -----------------------p. 1-------------------

 Other donations have been made and the total amount of money subscribed will enable the superintendent to secure a lady teacher especially trained at the State Normal for the kind of work that will will be required of her.

 The Council of Carencro has taken the matter in hand and Mayor Breaux has telephoned that the town guarantees the payment of the supplemental salary, Mr. Guidry, the treasurer, having been authorized to pay the amount at the end of each scholastic month. Carencro has set an example worthy of emulation. This movement on the part of the citizens, carried to its legitimate conclusion, will give Carencro a high school within the next few years.

 It is the opinion of all experienced educators that the mind of a child in the primary classes needs scientific training more than at any other time, and in taking the necessary steps to secure a competent and trained teacher for the younger children of the Carencro school the people of that town have shown a most commendable spirit of progress.

 Let the good work go on.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Of the Episcopal Church Laid With Appropriate Ceremony.

 Quite a large number of people witnesses the laying of the corner-stone of the new Episcopal church which is being built in Lincoln avenue. Owing to the absence from the State of Bishop Sessums, Bishop Garrett, of Dallas, Texas, was present to conduct the ceremonies. He was assisted by Rev. C. C. Kramer, of New Iberia, who has from the beginning, taken a most active interest in the movement to build the church. After the usual prayer, the formalities of laying the corner-stone were observed. Dr. Kramer made a brief address, paying a tribute to the generosity of the citizens who had contributed to the success of the movement to build the church. The reverend gentleman then stated that the following articles would be put into the corner-stone: A copy of The Times-Democrat copies of the local payers and of the Diocesan and Council journals, the act of donation of Judge and Mrs. J. G. Parkerson of the lot upon which the church is built and a list of subscribers to the building fund. On the stone are engraved these words: "Church of the Ascension, 1901."

 Bishop Garrett then delivered a short address to the people present. Bishop Garrett is among the most gifted preachers in the South and his address was highly instructive and interesting. he preached at the Presbyterian church at night. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.


 The laying of the corner-stone of the Church of the Ascension, which ceremony took place last Wednesday under the direction of Bishop Garrett, of Dallas, and Dr. Kramer, of New Iberia, was an event of much importance in the life of this community. The building of this church, with funds contributed by members of the Episcopalian denomination and other citizens, is an evidence of wholesome municipal growth. That Lafayette is large enough to support four churches is an indication of progress of a most healthful character, which should be a source of satisfaction to all citizens regardless of creedal differences. A broad-gauged community should encourage the building of churches representing the various sects, so that the citizen may exercise his choice in selecting his house of worship. Now that Lafayette is inviting the youth of the State to share in the educational facilities afforded by the splendid institution of learning which is about to open its doors, the necessity of churches becomes more apparent. The parents who will send their boys and girls to be educated at the Industrial Institute will be interested to know what opportunities are here for religious culture.

 It is not necessary that one should be a churchman to feel the salutary influence of the church and to know its power for good. Churches and school-houses are unmistakable signs that the forces of civilization are not inactive. The Gazette therefore views with unfeigned satisfaction the construction of the new Episcopal church, making the fourth house of worship in Lafayette. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901.

  Street Fair.

 Dr. F. E. Girard requests The Gazette to state that a meeting will be held in Falk's hall, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, for the purpose of organizing for the street fair. All citizens of the town are invited to attend. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

 Health for the Dumb.

 In another portion of this paper appears the advertisement of Edward P. Halstead, veterinary surgeon, now located at New Iberia. Dr. Halstead offers his services to the people of Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901. 

Doctor In a Bad Fix - Too Much Whiskey is the Cause.

 Alexis Latour, a physician hailing from Calcasieu, was confined in the town jail several days this week. The doctor was afflicted with a pronounced case of delirium tremens.

 He became very boisterous and had to be arrested by the police. His condition was of such a character that Mayor Caffery requested Dr. Mouton to treat him. As he seemed to be bent upon self-destruction, the town authorities were put to much trouble to protect him. Though he has considerably improved under Dr. Mouton's treatment, when he left Thursday for his home at Welsh, he was still in a precarious condition.

 Dr. Latour is a graduate of the Louisville Medical College. At one time is said to have enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. He is yet a young man and has time to reform.
 Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Found Dead.
A negro was found dead near Landry's Switch yesterday morning. Dr. Mouton held an inquest, ascertaining that the man's name was R. Richards and that he had been accidentally killed by a train. It is believed that he was from Mississippi. Laf. Gazette 9/14/1901.

Base Ball. - The Lafayette base ball team will cross bats with the Whittington base ball team on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 3 p. m., at Oak Avenue Park, for a purse of $25. A good game is expected and all are invited to attend. The player of the home team knocking a home run will be presented with a silk umbrella by the members of that team. The line up of the Lafayette team will be as follows: J. Tierney, catcher; S. Mudd, pitcher' C. Guidry, 1st base; D. Mudd, 2nd base; A. Otto, 3rd base; A. Swarez, C. Field; N. Hebert, R. Field.
 Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

 Killed by the Gas.

 A sad accident happened at the power-house of the electric light plant last Saturday, causing the death of Arthur Dugas, a laborer in the service of the town. The tank, in which the fuel oil is kept, has a partition in the centre. One side was filled with oil and the other was empty. A leak was found to be in the partition and Dugas went down into the empty side of the tank to stop the leak, but the poor fellow is believed to have lived only a few seconds after entering the tank, being instantly suffocated with gas. Mr. Pierre Guchereau, who was working at the power-house, being told of what had happened, tried to go to the rescue of Dugas, but nothing could be done for the unfortunate colored man. Mr. Guchereau attempted to enter the tank, but had he not been helped out by a man on the outside, he would have met the fate of the poor fellow whose life he was trying to save. Dugas was a hard-working negro and was liked by the people at the power-house. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

A Negro Killed.

 Last Saturday afternoon Walter Williams, Jr., colored, killed Joe Albarado, a member of the same race, in a negro saloon near the depot. Williams shot Albarado once, the bullet piercing the heart and causing instant death. There are several conflicting versions of the affair, while Williams claims the killing was accidental. Sheriff Broussard arrested Williams ans placed him in jail. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Crowley: A Mere Bubble?
 The Vindicator-News will not be persuaded by the Signal of that Crowley is not a mere bubble, but a town with strong, substantial support. The V. N. wanted to know some time ago what "Crowley lived on." The Signal told its inquisitive contemporary the character of its sustenance, but the V. N. retorts that it isn't so, and that Crowley is making such rapid progress merely to deceive itself. In the meantime it is safe to say that Crowley will continue to grow, regardless of the V. N.'s skepticism. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Base Ball.
         LAFAYETTE, La., Sept. 12, 1901.
 To the Lafayette Gazette:
     Would you please be so kind as to publish the following in your paper of Sept. 14th.

 The Lafayette base ball team will cross bats with the Whittington base ball team on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 3 p. m., at Oak Avenue Park, for a purse of $25. A good game is expected and all are invited to attend. The player of the home team knocking a home run will be presented with a silk umbrella by the members of that team. The line up of the Lafayette team will be as follows: J. Tierney, catcher; S. Mudd, pitcher; C. Guidry, 1st base; D. Mudd, 2nd base; A. Otto, 3rd base; A. Swarez, short stop; L. Cunningham, L. field; F. Swarez, C. field; N. Hebert, R. field.
                A BALL PLAYER.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.


Lamenting the Old South.

 "Glories of the Southland" was the theme of a lecture delivered at Falk's hall last Thursday night. The lecturer was the distinguished Jesuit orator, the Rev. E. de la Moriniere of New Orleans. The glories of the South have never been told by a more gifted tongue. Father de la Moriniere's tribute to Southern valor is a master-piece, filled with sublime thoughts and expressed in the pure diction of the scholar. This lecture should be delivered in every Southern community. Every boy and girl in the South ought to hear it. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.


 I had an occasion a few days ago to drive over to Scott on the celebrated road built by a few enterprising gentlemen two or three years ago who deserve a great deal of credit for it. I was very much surprised when I came within two or three miles of Scott to see what a horrid state of repair the road was in. I came to a short turn in the road. A few feet ahead of me there was a dangerous mud hole with a culvert in the middle of it 12 or 15 feet wide with deep mud holes on either end. I managed to drive up on the culvert then plunge down into the mud about two feet deep which splashed all over my horse, buggy and clothes. The hole is certainly dangerous to man and beast about a mile of Scott where there had been a very good road to drive only a few days before. But the road overseer had been there and broken up the road on the sides in great clods and chunks from six inches to a foot square and had scraped them in some place into the middle of the road and left them in great humps and hollows so that no man can drive over them loaded or empty. In other places he has left them scattered all over the road so that you have to drive into the ditches to get around them. I say that any man who will create such a nuisance to the public travel be indicted. Why don't he take a heavy double harrow and break the clods and lumps and then put on a smoother to scrape down the high places and fill up the low places so that the public can travel in the middle of the road with pleasure. I day that any man who will leave our public roads in such a condition and leave a mud hole from one to two feet deep to the great danger and displeasure of the public travel (nearly in sight of where he is spoiling the goods roads) for two or three months is not to be fit to be road overseer. If any man doubts what I say about the bad roads let him ask Mr. Biossat, Judge Debaillon or Leo Judice or anybody living in Scott who has driven over them.
           (Signed)   RATE PAYER.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.


City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., Sept. 2, 1901.

 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor C. D. Caffery presiding. The following members were present: A. E. Mouton, B. Falk, G. A. DeBlanc, F. E. Girard, F. Demanade, H. Hohorst.

 The minutes of last regular meeting were approved as read.

 Moved and seconded that the finance committee's report be accepted as follows. Motion carried.

             LAFAYETTE, LA., Aug. 27, 1901.
  To the Hon. Mayor and Councilmen of the town of Lafayette.

 Gentlemen - Your finance committee respectfully report that they have this day examined and checked off the assessment roll book of the year 1899 finding all correct and as follows:

 ----------------p. 3-------------------

 We recommend that a question in full for all collections to May 1, be given to Ex-Collector Jos. Ducote,
       Respectfully submitted,
                GEORGE A. DEBLANC, A. E. MOUTON, H. HOHORST.


 -----------------p. 3--------------------

 Respectfully submitted,
                  F. V. MOUTON,

 The waterworks and electric light committee reported progress in matter of laying pipes to Industrial Institute and that the tank for oil storage had arrived and committee further reported that they had been compelled to purchase six inch pipes, instead of four inch pipes as was originally intended owing to absolute impossibility of getting four inch pipes.

 Moved and duly seconded that pending consideration of the contract made with the Higgins Oil Co., by the waterworks and electric light committee for oil under resolutions adopted at last meeting that committee order one tank car of oil for use at the plant at lowest possible price.

 Resolved further that said contract be laid over to next regular meeting for consideration at next meeting of City Council. Motion adopted.

 The following bills were approved:

 ------------------p. 3-------------------

 Moved and duly seconded that warrant for $5 be drawn for funeral of Mary Jackson, colored, in favor of Rev. F. Ham. Carried.

 Moved and duly seconded that the collector, collect $20 according to law from Wells, Fargo & Co's. Express, for licences. Carried.

 Moved and duly seconded that Attorney Elliot's report on collections be accepted and spread on minutes. Carried.

 Moved and duly seconded the City Council accepts dedication to public use of street offered by Dr. T. B. Hopkins, extending from the waterworks and electric light plant to Compress street same to be not less than 50 feet wide, and street committee is instructed and authorized to have the lines of said street marked out and have the same graded. Adopted.

 Moved by G. A. DeBlanc, seconded by B. Falk, that the Council buy another plant same to be a duplicate of the boiler purchased in 1899 upon specifications to be furnished by the Hartford Steam Boiler and Inspection Co., Resolved, further that the waterworks and electric light committee be authorized to make purchase and to obtain delivery of same at earliest possible date and upon the same terms as the first boiler was acquired. Resolved further, that the contract for same be closed by the committee with Mr. Gustave Maas, for the sum of $1,83o. Carried.

 Moved and duly seconded that the mayor be authorized to notify superintendent of the S. P. R. R. Co., at once that the City Council will within five days proceed to fix the R. R. crossing at second street. Carried.

 Moved and duly seconded that minimum, charge of $1 be made against all persons using light meters. There being no further business the Council Adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

Police Jury Proceedings.
 Lafayette, La., Sept. 5, 1901. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: M. Billeaud, Jr., F. G. Mouton, J. C. Buchanan, Jno. Whittington, Alonzo Lacy, J. O. Blanchet, J. A. Labbe, Saul Broussard and Alex M. Broussard.

  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Judge O. C. Mouton, representing the Lafayette Refining Company, and Hon. C. Brown, representing the Carencro Refinery, appeared and asked that the ordinance adopted at last meeting relative to discharging acids, etc., into the streams of the parish be amended in order to permit the discharge of sweet or pure water used in the manufacture of sugar. This water contained only an infinitesimal quantity of foreign substances and could not possibly destroy the fish which the ordinance designed to preserve. In this connection the proceedings of the Carencro Board of Health were read sustaining the position taken.

 By motion of Mr. Buchanan the following amendment to section one of the ordinance prohibiting the discharge of skimmings, molasses, sweetened or acidulated waters, into the streams of the parish was adopted; Resolved, that this ordinance shall not apply to water known as sweet water used in the manufacture of sugar provided however that said water contains no deleterious ingredients for fish. Messrs. Mouton and Whittington voted nay.

 District Attorney Campbell appeared and urged the reappointment of Cadet Ovey Herpin to the State University in order to complete his course of study. A motion by Mr. Mouton to postpone the matter until next meeting to give all the candidates opportunity to file applications was lost.

 By motion of Mr Buchanan the Jury resolved to reappoint Cadet Herpin provided that satisfactory assurance be received from President Boyd that said beneficiary student shall complete his course of study next scholastic year. The secretary was authorized to correspond and secure information and submit same to President Billeaud for determination. Nays: Blanchet and Mouton. Mr. Mouton explained that he voted nay in view of the fact that other applications for appointments as beneficiary students have been denied and therefore any appointment now would be an injustice to candidates rejected.

 Sheriff Broussard submitted statement of taxes collected for the year 1900 and asked for quietus. Messrs. Labbe, Blanchet, Mouton and Greig were appointed to settle with the collector and grant him a quietus. The same committee was authorized to examine the treasurer's office, cancel his vouchers and grant him a quietus.

 President Billeaud was authorized to accept donations for the following public roads: Boulet road, 5th ward; Joseph Girouard road, leading to Bayou Tortue, 5th ward; Mallet and Bourque road, beginning at Royville and Cade public road and running north to Paul Landry's lane as per plet filed in 4th and 5th wards.

 Jules Dugas was refunded $1.35 special road tax, 3rd ward, overpaid.

 Treasurer Martin was authorized to borrow $1,000 to pay court expenses and assessor's commission.

 Messrs. Mouton and Greig were appointed to repair the clerk's office and drain the court square.

 Mr. Buchanan offered the following:

 Resolved that in the interest of public health all public balls, bazaars and entertainments be and are hereby prohibited til further notice. Lost.

 The treasurer submitted the following reports:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of parish funds since my last report.

 -----------------p. 4-----------------

 Respectfully submitted,
          J. E. MARTIN,
    Lafayette, La., Sept. 5, 1901.

  To the President and members of Police Jury Parish of Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of special road funds since my last report.

 ---------------------p. 4--------------------

              J. E. MARTIN,

 The following accounts were laid over:

  A. M. Martin, assessor's comm. ... $172.71.
  A. M. Martin, list license tax payers ... $50.00

 The following accounts were approved:

 ---------------------p. 4--------------

 There being no further business the Jury adjourned.
M. BILLEAUD, JR., President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 9/14/1901.

 Deputy Sheriff Albert Trahan arrested a Mexican named Machias Charles, charged with breaking into Pierre Mouton's saloon at Scott.

 H. M. Durke has some fine mules for sale. See or write him about them.

 For Sale. - One second hand wagon, cheap for cash. Chas. D. Caffery.

 W. S. Torian returned to Lafayette Thursday.

 Wanted. - All men desiring positions at refinery coming season. Apply Lafayette Sugar Refining Co., Limited.

 Mr. Sidney Patin and Miss Bella Bonin were married Tuesday evening at the Catholic church in Lafayette. After the religious ceremony a reception was given at the home of Mr. Eraste Bonin, the father of the bride.

 Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Darling, of Simcoe, Canada, have returned to make their home in Lafayette.

 Miss Florine Kahn and daughter, Hilda, of Rayne have returned home, after spending several days as guests of Gus Schmulen's family.

 B. A. Salles left Thursday on a business trip to St. Louis and other Western cities.

 I. A. Broussard and J. A. Weber went to Abbeville Sunday.

 Mrs. B. N. Coronna and daughters, Misses, Ula, Gertrude and Rosalie, arrived home Thursday after spending some time in Colorado.

 Miss Gertrude Mayfield, of Ruston, who will teach in the Industrial Institute, arrived in Lafayette Tuesday.

 Moses Levy, of Orange, Tex., is visiting relatives in Lafayette.

 Mother Patrick, of Mount Carmel convent, accompanied Misses Clara Martin and Laurence Crouchet to New Orleans last Saturday, where Miss Martin will enter the Mount Carmel convent to become a nun, while Miss Crouchet will enter as a student.

 Mrs. C. Gardebled, of Bay St. Louis, is on a visit to her son, D. V. Gardebled.

 Mr. John Whittington has made a handsome present to the Sontag Band, in the shape of a splendid bass drum. It is useless to say that the boys appreciate Mr. Whittington's generosity.

 Buy your shelled corn, oats and mixed feed at Geo. A. DeBlanc's at the old stand near the depot. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 14th, 1901:

Beginning of First Session.

 Industrial Institute to open next Wednesday the 18th, at 9 a. m.

 Public Invited to Opening Exercises.

 It is with very great interest and pleasure that we announce the opening of the first session of the Industrial Institute on next Wednesday morning at 9  o'clock. We are authorized to extend the most cordial invitation of the Institute to the people of our community and parish and to the people of the State. And we feel assured that the attendance of the school on the opening day will be in every way gratifying to all those who have taken part in bringing so important an educational factor into existence.

 We are pleased to note the continued and redoubled energy with which the buildings and equipments of the Institute are being got ready for the opening; and we are assured that the regular exercises of the school will be in satisfactory operation within a very short time.

 Mrs. E. F. Baker, the Matron, has arrived during the week, and is superintending the preparations for the work of her department. Miss Mayfield, of the department of Domestic Science is also here and the rest of the faculty are expected within the next two days.

 The connection of the water-system of the buildings with the mains of the town is now complete. The fence is rapidly going up, the machine shop equipment is arriving, and the dormitory furniture is being set up. Everything gives promise of being fully ready for the opening day.

 The opening exercises next Wednesday morning will begin promptly at nine o'clock, and will last for about an hour or more, after which the audience will be dismissed and candidates for admission as students will be conducted to the several classrooms for examination.

 We are requested to invite all who attend to assemble in the Auditorium at five minutes before nine o'clock, at the ringing of the gong.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/1/1901.

The Well-Known Musical Artists to Appear in the Auditorium of the Institute of the Industrial Institute Sept. 27.

Some one has happily conceived the idea to have a concert in the Auditorium of the Industrial Institute, on Friday, Sept. 27. And a musical treat of unexcelled merit it will be, for it is almost certain that Prof. Mayer, the distinguished violincellist of Opelousas, will be there to join his great talents to those of Hayden and Sontag, making the entertainment of the 27th of September one of unsurpassed brilliancy. It is doubtful if three musicians of equal ability have ever entertained an audience in Southwest Louisiana. And that will not all the of the concert, either. A few numbers will be played by the Lafayette Orchestra and the Lafayette Brass Band, under the direction of Prof. Sontag.

 The proceeds of the concert will go to the plank walk fund.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1901.

The Blue Store. - The building of the Blue Store, now occupied by Mr. Abramson has certainly improved Jefferson street. Great credit is due the contractors, Alexander and Emes for the rapidity of their work and the taste displayed. Mr. C. E. Carey, the up-to-date painter also deserves his share of credit for the artistic manner in which the painting was done. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901.

 Plank Walk Needed. - Now that the Industrial School will open in a few days, the necessity of a plank walk to the school presents itself. There are two ways by which the walk could be laid, one from Judge Mouton's corner out Johnson street, about 2000 feet estimated to cost $360, and one from the Court House square out Lafayette street, about 2,400 feet, estimated to cost $432. An effort is being made to secure funds for the purpose of building along both routes, by asking for subscriptions. Should the required amount fail to be raised, the city council will be asked to supplement the amount prescribed. It is to be hoped that all citizens will respond liberally, as it is very important for the success of the school that the attendance should be regular, which during bad weather could not be the case without a good walk; besides the children's health should be considered. Sitting with wet feet all day long is very liable to create doctor bills that will pay for several plank walks, not counting the worry to parents, if nothing worse should happen. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901.

 Laying of the Corner Stone. - The corner stone of Ascension Episcopal church was laid last Wednesday evening at 5 p. m. by Bishop Garret of Dallas, assisted by Rev. C. C. Kramer. A large crowd  was present to witness the ceremonies. The day was bright and pleasant. The ceremonies were simple yet very impressive, and were begun by the reading of the 132md psalm. The recitation of the Lord's prayer followed, then reading by the Bishop and responses from the audience, after which came the recital of the 136th psalm, Rev. Kramer, after a few remarks thanking the Presbyterians for their kindness in tending the use of their church, and also acknowledging the generous support given them by the people of Lafayette in their efforts to raise funds to build the church, announced the deposits to be laid in the stone. They were the deed of gift of the ground by Judge and Mrs. J. G. Parkerson, a copy of the Advertiser, the Gazettte, and the Times-Democrat of September 7th, and a list of the contributions for building the church.

 Also a copy of the Diocesan paper giving a history of the Lafayette church works.

 After a short address by Bishop Garret, and a song by the choir, the ceremonies were closed with a brief prayer.

 The Episopalian church is rapidly nearing completion, and when finished will be an ornament to the town, Mr. W. E. Phillips of New Iberia was the architect and contractor.
  Lafayette Advertisr 9/14/1901.

 Illuminate Your Store Windows.

 Large show windows and handsome displays add very much to the appearance of a store, but their chief value lies in the advertising they do. An attractive window arrests the attention of passers by and draws customers. Besides people naturally talk about the displays in the windows and in this way widely advertise the store. However, to get the best results from a novel or attractive display, it is necessary that the windows should be well lighted, and particularly in the evening from 6 to 9, as that is the most pleasant part of the day to go out for a walk, and at that time there are a great many people on the streets. These remarks are caused by noticing that the handsome displays in the show windows of some of our merchants are insufficiently lighted of evenings. 
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901.

 Death at the Power-Plant. - Early Sunday morning Arthur Dugas, a negro employed at the power-house, lost his life from asphyxiation. He was engaged in repairing a leak in the large oil tank recently purchased to hold fuel oil for the plant, when he was overcome by the gas and fell in. Pierre Guchereau attempted to rescue him, but was himself overcome. When Dugas was finally taken from the tank he was dead.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901.

 Shot and Killed. - Last Saturday about five o'clock in the afternoon, Walter Williams shot and instantly killed another negro by the name of J. Albarado in a negro saloon. There are conflicting statements as to the cause of the killing. Williams claims that it was accidental. Williams surrendered and is now in jail.
 Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901. 

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/14/1901.

 Look-out for a big gusher at Anse la Butte to-morrow.

 Remember the date of the Street Fair, Oct. 22, 23, 24, and 25.

 Willie and Moses Levy made a flying trip to Washington, Tuesday.

 Sidney Veazey is building a large shed for his buggies next to his stable.

 Services were held by Bishop Garret at the Presbyterian church Wednesday night.

 The Power-house has been using fuel oil instead of coal now for a week, and it has proven an unqualified success.

 Mr. T. M. Biossat, the jeweler, is making a handsome addition to his store in the way of two large show windows.

 School teachers and the public are hereby informed that all the new text books adopted for use in the public schools can be obtained in Lafayette at Clegg's drug store.

 Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Darling and children have returned to Lafayette after an absence in Canada of several years, and will reside here permanently.

 Lafayette has a number of idle boys whose sole business seems to be that of loafing on the streets. They should be made either to go to school or else made stay at home. At any rate they ought to be kept off the streets.

 Chief Martin is to be highly commended for his kindness and forethought in sprinkling the street around the Episcopal church with the fire-hose the night before the laying of the corner-stone. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1901.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of September, 14th, 1895:

Annexation of Mills', Mouton's & McComb's Additions Approved

 The following ordinance was offered by O. C. Mouton:

"An ordinance proclaiming the result of the election held at the court-house in the town of Lafayette on the second day of September, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, at which was submitted to the electors qualified to vote under the general election of the laws of the State, and residing within the corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, whether they concurred in, consented and acceded to the proposed annexation to the corporate limits of said town, certain lots or land contiguous and adjacent thereto, under provisions of acts 105 of 1892."

 Wheras the returns of the election held at the court-house in the town of Lafayette on the second day of September, eighteen hundred and ninety-five mitting to the electors qualified to vote under the general election laws of the State and who resided in the territorial limits of said town, whether they concurred in, consented and acceded to the proposed annexation to the territorial corporate limits of the town of Lafayette, certain lots or land contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of said town, and described in the proclamation or notice of said election as follows: Starting at the bridge on the coulee west of said town between the properties of Henry Hohorst and Dame Anita Hohorst, wife of Dr. Franklin J. Mouton, and running from thence along said coulee, north 86 1/2 west, a small ash, 33 feet; north 67 east, a small ash, 36 feet thence N. 1/2 east, 300 feet in Hohort's pasture; thence N. 27 1/2 E. 300 feet; thence N. 12 1/2 E., 179 feet in cemetery 200 feet; thence N. 15 E., 389 feet; thence N. 18 1/2 E., 110 feet; going from cemetery to Mrs. Judice's place, 470 feet; thence N. 7 1/2 W. 800 feet; thence N. 20 E., 300 feet to southeast corner of Arthur Greig's property; thence N. 1/2 E., 623 feet to the big ditch, 1000 feet to public road leading to Scott, 2553 feet on the Louisiana Western railroad, 2653 feet to the north side of said railroad; thence E. 1024; thence south 77 E., 660 feet to the Morgan railroad (L. W. division) 1250 to center of Morgan road, 1760 to the public road leading to Breaux Bridge, 1810 feet into Dr. F. S. Mudd's field, 3820 feet to the southwest corner of his garden, 3900 feet S. about 75 feet beyond Dr. Mudd's residence, 4300 feet in Dr. Mudd's back lot. Thence S. 33 1/2 E. from Dr. Mudd's to the public road leading to Breaux Bridge, 940 feet to Mentor Richard's lot, 1050 feet into Crow Girard's property, 1790 to stake.

 Thence south, 55 degrees west, 70 feet between Nicholson and Cockrane, 846 feet to Dowdell, 864 feet to stake. Thence S. 27 W., 890 feet to Chargois, 950 feet to red oak (2 feet in diameter) thence 46 W., 1050 feet to N. E. corner of Roundhouse yard, 1520 feet to main line Morgan R. Ry., 1820 to Mouton addition; thence S. 29 W. 1414 feet to oak lane, 2650 feet to public road leading to Pinhook. Thence N. 49 W. following the public road 1900 feet to a coulee in front of M. E. Girard. S. 54 W. to southeast corner of Mr. Girard's pasture, 1000 feet in Dr. F. Mouton's field. Thence N. 85 W., 462 feet an oak (2 feet in diameter) south of Dr. Mouton's barn, 500 feet to a coulee. Thence following the coulee to the bridge, starting point, N. 1/2 E. 586 feet have been made to the municipal authorities within forty-eight hours after the closing of the polls at said election of Sept. 2d. 1895; And whereas, said returns of the election have been recorded and transcribed in the public record book wherein the ordinances or official proceedings of the corporation of Lafayette are usually kept and also being permanently preserved among the official records of said town.
 Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.

 Old Zenon is Dead. - Zenon, one of the oldest negroes in this parish, died Tuesday on the plantation of the venerable Mrs. Zephyrin Martin. Old Zenon was purchased by the Martin family in the year 1845. After the war he refused to leave his masters, to whom he was a faithful servant until his death. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.

Wanted his Home Papers. - Mr. Crow Girard has a good joke on Mr. Ben Falk. When they reached Havre and set foot on European soil it seems that Mr. Falk was accosted by a newsboy. Of course he wanted to buy a paper and as he is thorough home man who believes in patronizing home industries under all circumstances, he very naturally asked for a copy of The Advertiser, but when informed that that famous Democratic organ, was not known over there despite its French department, he was very much disappointed; he then addressed the newsboy in Parisian French and with extreme politeness French and with extreme politeness requested a copy of the last edition of The Lafayette Gazette be furnished him; one can easily imagine how surprised he was upon being told that the greatest expounder of Jeffersonian Democracy in the parish of Lafayette was unknown to the French news-vendor. His next effort was to obtain a copy of The Creole-American. (As a matter of explanation we will state that this was before the editorial of this paper about the removal of the bawdy houses had been cabled to the European press.) When he was informed that the great moral and non-political weekly was also an unknown factor in the French republic, he turned to Mr. Girard, but said no more.

 Mr. Falk positively refuses to be interviewed on the above incident.
     Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.

Unfortunate Accident.

 While stowing hay last Tuesday an old negro fell from the loft at the Hebert stable. He sustained serious injuries and was unconscious several hours. Dr. Raney was called and unkindly consented to give medical aid to the unfortunate old man. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.

 Completed His Library.

 Judge C. Debaillon was circulated around this week among his friends. His announcement appears elsewhere offering his services as an attorney to all who may stand in need thereof. He tells us that he has just completed his library at a cost of upwards of $2,500, with the exception of few French works which could not be obtained. This addition to his ample fund of legal lore and ripened experience for business. - From the Abbeville Meridional and in the Lafayette Gazette of 9/14/1895.

Leon Plonsky.

 Those who wonder at the success of the well-known merchant, Leon Plonsky, should not fail to visit his store. The reason why so many people go to his store is explained by the large, varies and well selected stock of goods. Mr. Plonsky has paid much attention to the selection of an unusually fine line of capes and cloaks for ladies. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.

No Ticket Yet.

 The committee appointed by the meeting held at Falk's hall on Sept. 2, met at the office of Wm. Campbell, Esq., last Monday. As the conference was private we are not able to say what took place, but it is evident that there was no ticket formed. The gentlemen composing the committee remained closeted about a couple of hours, but it appears that no agreement was reached. It is understood that a committee was appointed to consult parties in Vermilion for the purpose of forming a district ticket. From all appearances the gentlemen whose mission it is to form a ticket are not having as smooth a job of it as might have been anticipated after reading The Advertiser's report of the Falk's hall meeting. After an agreement has been arrived at by the committee, which is by no means assured if straws tell correctly which way the political wind is blowing, the campaign will begin in earnest. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.    

 Bimetallic Meeting.

                       Lafayette La., Sept. 16.
  The Democratic Executive Bimetallic committee of the parish of Lafayette met this day at the court-house. Those present were:  Alex Delhomme, Homer Durio, Simeon Begnaud, J. A. Labbe, A. Olivier and Orther C. Mouton.  Absent: Benj. P. Breaux, A. D. Verrot, Dr. R. O. Young, Dr. A. O. Clark and Simeon Cormier.

 On motion Mr. Alex Delhomme was unanimously elected chairman and O. C. Mouton secretary of this committee.

 Resolved, that each member of this committee is requested to do his utmost in his respective ward, to further the cause of the free and unlimited coinage of silver within the Democratic party and in accordance with resolution of the mass meeting of July 13, 1895.

 The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the chairman.

O. C. MOUTON, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.

    Pilette Wins Again.

 When we predicted that the Union club would make mince meat of the Butte Rougeans we knew what we were speaking about. To give substantial proof of the "faith that was in us" we offered to bet a box of cigars and published the challenge in the columns of The Gazette. The paper had just made its appearance when a postal card was received from Oscar Pipes of The Star stating that he would take us up. The Gazette knew something about the record of the Pilette boys. They had entered the arena against some of the most celebrated clubs of this section and always came out easy victors, and it could not be possible that anything in the parish of Vermilion would have the slightest show when pitted against them. Well, the game came off in due time, and we hope Bro. Pipes wasn't there to see his box of "Cotton Exchanges" knocked out of sight by the immortals from the historic plains of Pilette. The game which took place at Butte Rouge, the home of a majority of the players, consisted of five innings and resulted in a score of 13 to 6 in favor of Pilette's Unions. The victory is still more creditable when it is known that the victors and only played five innings while their opponents had six innings in which to make their six runs. Leonce Labbe pitched for the Unions and Robert Broussard and Jim Marsh did the catching.

 There were eight or nine hundred people who witnessed the game which was warmly contested and very interesting.

 We understand that the Pilette boys will play one or two more games after which they will go into winter quarters. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.


Police Jury Proceedings.
 Lafayette, La., Sept. 7, 1895.

 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: R. C. Landry, A. D. Landry, J. G. St. Julien, C. C. Brown, Alf. A. Delhomme, Alfred Hebert and H. M. Durke.  Absent: Jos. W. Broussard.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 Mr. A. D. Landry reported that in conjunction with the road overseer of his ward, he had investigated the proposed change of public road near the property of Chas. Hernandez and recommended the purchase of a certain strip of land across the property of said Chas. Hernandez in consideration of the sum of $25. By motion the report was approved and the amount required for said purchase appropriated therefore.

 Acts of sale from Dame Eugenie Seignes and Adam Sonnier, for certain strips of land purchased by Hon. C. C. Brown in the name of the parish for the purpose of drainage in the 6th ward, were read and ordered recorded. The said purchases being necessary by reason of cutting a canal where no natural drainage existed.

 Mr. Webb, road overseer for the 3d ward, appeared and asked for instruction in cases where able bodied men produced physician's certificates of inability to perform road duty. Mr. Webb was directed to require a new certificate for each call made.

 Further time was granted for the presentation of the petitions for an election on the prohibition of the liquor traffic.

 The sum of $12.50 each was granted unto Lucien Cormier and Wm. Dupuis in lignents.

 Mr. A. D. Landry was authorized to purchase additional bridge lumber.

 The jury of freeholders appointed to trace and lay out a public road in the 6th ward, made the following report which was accepted, the road declared a public highway, and the sum of $8 appropriated for damages assessed:

     State of Louisiana, parish of Lafayette.
   We, John Johnson, Alphonse Roger, Antoine Hernandez, Alcide Mouton, Omer Dugas and John Roger do solemnly swear that I will lay out the road non directed to be laid out by the Police Jury of the parish of Lafayette, to the greatest ease and advantage of the inhabitants, and with us little prejudice to enclosures as may be - without - favor or affection, malice or hatred, and to the best of my skill and abilities. So help me God. And furthermore, that I will truly assess all damages to proprietors caused by said road, to my best judgment and ability. John Johnson, Alphonse Roger, Antoine Hernandez, Alcide Mouton, Omer Dugas, John Roger. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of August 1895. Octave P. Guilbeau, Notary Public.


 We, the undersigned jury of freeholders of the parish of Lafayette duly appointed by the Police Jury of said parish, to trace and lay out a public road leading from John Roger to public road leading from Carencro to Lafayette, through the lands of the following proprietors to-wit:  Dorneville Broussard, Victor Prejean, John Roger, Widow Lucien Cormier, John Roger, Aurelien Credeur, Zenon Arceneaux, Felix Benoit, C. C. Brown, John Johnson, Hypolite Hebert, Alcee Prejean, Andre Broussard, Mrs. Jules Broussard to the above public road from Carencro to Lafayette having been notified of our appointment and of the time and place of meeting by the person first named in said order of appointment and having severally taken and subscribed the foregoing oath and having given notice to each and every one of the aforesaid proprietors in writing at least three days previous of the time and place of meeting and of the intended laying out of said road through the lands of said proprietors, which notices were duly served on said proprietors did meet on the 3d day of September 1895, at Hypolite Hebert's residence in the parish of Lafayette, the place designated in said notices and did then and there in the presence of the following named of said proprietors to-wit: Felix Benoit, Hypolite Hebert, John Johnson, John Roger, C. C. Brown, Victor Prejean, Mrs. Lucien Cormier, proceed to trace and lay out said public road as follows:  Beginning at Dorneville Broussard, Victor Prejean and Jean Roger, and running thence through the lands of the parties named on the reverse side of this document for the distance of five miles taking a strip of fifteen wide, or as much as in actual use as a road, off of the land of each one along their common boundary line, which boundary was mutually agreed upon and shown us by said proprietors and by them designated to us by setting stakes and plowing furrows so as to be easily visible and recognizable and thence through the land of John Roger 14 arpents, Dorneville Broussard 8 1/4 arpents, Victor Prejean 7 3/4 arpents, Jean Roger 11 arpents, Mrs. Lucien Cormier 11 arpents, Jean Arceneaux 9 arpents, Felix Benoit four arpents, C. C. Brown 14 arpents, Hypolite Hebert 3 arpents, Alcee Prejean 7 arpents, Mrs. Jules Broussard 7 arpents, Andre Broussard 7 arpents, C. C. Brown 21 arpents, Aurelien Credeur 11 arpents, John Johnson 3 3/4 arpents, to termination of said road is thirty feet wide or as much as is now used as a road throughout its entire length, and was so traced and staked out as to be plainly visible throughout its entire course, and we have caused to be made a plat of said road showing the location and course of said road and the location of the lands of the different proprietors through which said road runs and the distance and quantity of land expropriated from each owner for said road which plat is annexed to this report of said road for reference. And we further report that the said jury of freeholders did on our oaths aforesaid assess the following damages to proprietors in compensation for their land so taken and expropriated for said road as follows to-wit:  To Aurelien Credeur $6, Andre Broussard, $1, Mrs. Jules Broussard $1, and to the other proprietors no damages were assessed, as in our opinion the benefit of said road fully compensates the value the land taken: Done at the parish of Lafayette this 3d day of September 1895. Signed: Alcide Mouton, John Roger, Alphonse Roger, Omer Dugas, Antoine Hernandez, John Johnson. Witnesses: O. P. Guilbeau, C. C. Brown.


 I, one of the proprietors named in the written report do hereby consent to the location and direction of the road as described in the written report and accompanying plat, and hereby agree to accept the amount of the damages allowed me by said jury of freeholders as by the written report set forth in full compensation of all damages by me sustained by reason of the expropriation of may land for the use of said road. Signed and dated this 3d day of September 1895.  John Johnson, Dorneville Broussard, Victor Prejean, Hypolite Hebert, John Roger, Mrs. Lueien Cormier, Felix Benoit, C C. Brown, Aurelien Credeur, Alcee Prejean, Zenon Arceneaux, Andre Broussard, Emetilde Comeau. Witnesses: O. P. Guilbeau, Alcide Mouton.

 The following accounts were approved:

-------------------p. 4-------------------------

 There being no further business the Police Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.


Selected News Notes (Gazette) 9/14/1895.

 The public schools throughout this parish were opened last Monday. A good attendance is reported in all the schools.

 If the Advertiser is correct, our friends of the opposition may be dubbed the "cremators."

 The esteemed editor of our hyphenated contemporary compares himself to a buzz-saw. Bad man, Goolsby, bad man.

 Our highly esteemed friend, Van der Cruyssen, of The Advertiser, turned himself loose in last Saturday's issue and told how it is proposed to reduce the present State and parish administrations and all their supporters "to dust." When the time comes for the general cremation we sincerely hope out usually humane neighbor will spare us, if simply through a fraternal sentiment. 

 Mr. Fred Mouton is making some repairs to his residence.

 John Greig has entered the Gardebled pharmacy.

 Messrs. Crow Girard, Ben Falk and Leo Judice have returned from their visit it relatives in Europe.

 The veterans of General Frank Gardner Camp, No. 580, will meet at the court-house the first Saturday in October.

 The homes of T. A. McFadden, Fred Mouton and M. Bourgeois were entered by burglars during the past week.

 Mrs. Marx Neuhauser, wife of the popular railroad conductor, was a guest at the Crescent Hotel this week.

 E. Pellerin, the popular clerk at John O. Mouton's, has returned from Galveston, where he had gone in search of much-needed rest.

 Gilbert Durant, the champion bicyclist of St. Martinville, has sent us a ticket to the bicycle races which will take place in that town on the 19th instant.

 Raoul Jeanmard, a prosperous druggist of Thibodaux, was in Lafayette this week. He was the guest of his brother, Charles Jeanmard, of The Advertiser. Lafayette Gazette 9/14/1895.





 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 14th, 1889:


 Last Tuesday morning intelligence reached our town of the occurrence of a horrible tragedy at the home of a negro named Rosemond Cormier, living about eight miles southwest of town in the "L'anse Berluchuax neighborhood, on Monday night. Sheriff Broussard and Coroner A. Gladu immediately repaired to the scene, where they found the dead bodies of Rosemond Cormier and Rosalie, his daughter. Rosemond was shot in the body, the back of his head was blown away, and the front of his head was mashed and heated in. Rosalie's throat was cut from ear to ear, the vertebrae being severed. The cabin and furniture was riddled with bullets, and a number of cartridge shells were found scattered about the place. Inquests were held upon the bodies; and also upon the body of Mr. John Judice, lying at the residence, about four miles further West. Following are the inquests, as they appear on file:

      State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette.
  An inquisition taken for the State of Louisiana at the residence of Rosemond Cormier in the parish of Lafayette, on the 10th day of September, in the year 1889, before A. Gladu, Coroner of said parish of Lafayette, upon view of the bodies of Rosemond Cormier and Coselia Cormier there lying dead, the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed having been duly sworn to inquire on behalf of the State when, how and by what means the said Rosemond Cormier and Roselia Cormier came to the their deaths, upon their oath do say; that said Rosemond Cormier came to his death by the hands of a crowd of masked men, who feloniously shot him several times in his body and his head; and Roselia Cormier come to her death by the hand of the same crowd of masked men, who feloniously cut her neck and throat with a knife or other sharp instrument.

 In testimony whereof the said Coroner and jurors of this inquest have hereunto subscribed their names the day and year aforesaid.  (Signed.) A. D. Landry, Athanas Broussard, Marcel Hebert, Frank Hamiliton.

 Cleobule Doucet being duly sworn, deposes and says: Between eleven and twelve o'clock last night, I was awakened by the barking of my dogs. I rose and went to my front door, but did not see anything there; then I heard some noise in my back yard. I went to my back door and saw three men harnessing a horse to my hack, - I asked them who they were, but they didn't answer, but stated that one of their men had been killed. I did not recognize neither their voices or their faces as they were masked. I do not know whether they were white or black; they spoke French. When the party informed me that one of their number had been killed - did not give me his name and I did not ascertain it till my hack was returned at about 3 o'clock this morning.
            (Signed) C. DOUCET.

 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of September A. D., 1889.
   A. GLADU, Coroner.

 Sarah Jones being sworn deposes and says: Last night at about 10 o'clock a crowd of men knocked at my husband's door and asked admittance; I asked them who they were; they answered, none of your business. Then they broke open the door and entered the house, then my husband shot with his gun twice. Immediately after having shot he went away by the back door running; a few minutes after my husband went away, I too, went away running in a direction opposite to the one taken by my husband; two unknown men overtook me, I begged them not to hurt me. I told them that my husband was gone in another direction. It is only this morning at sun rise that I came back to my house and found my daughter killed.
      (Signed) SARAH JONES.
  Sworn to and subscribed, etc.
        A. GLADU, Coroner.
 State of Louisiana, Parish of Treasurer:

 An inquisition, taken to the State of Louisiana, at the residence of Charles Judice, in the Parish of Lafayette, on the 10th day of September, A. D. 1889, before A. Gladu, Coroner of said Parish of Lafayette, upon view of the body of John Judice, there lying dead. The jurors, whose names are hereunto subscribed, having been duly sworn to inquire on behalf of the State when, how and by what means the said John Judice came to his death, do state upon their oath that the said John Judice came to his death by means of a gunshot wound in the face, inflicted by some unknown party or parties at about midnight last.

 In testimony whereof the said coroner and jurors of this inquest have hereunto subscribed their names the day and year aforesaid.

 (Signed) A. Gladu, R. C. Greig, C. H. Bradley, Leondry Guidry, William Guidry, Oculi Hernandez.

 Charles Judice, being duly sworn, declares and says: This morning about 1 o'clock, I was called by some one in English telling me that my brother had been killed. When I gout up I saw three masked men at my yard gate: Immediately they turned back and I called after them, but they made no reply. Albert Stutes, Edgar Guidry and I went to the back at the mouth of the lane, about 200 yards from my yard; when I arrived at the back I saw that the body was covered with sheets and clothing; we three brought the body on the gallery; I left the body on the gallery till morning; I saw three men, but only two horses with saddles; one of the men had a long, white, artificial beard; I recognized the hack but not the horse; I returned the horse and hack to my uncle, Cleobule Douect; I did not deliver the hack to him in person, but simply left it in his yard and told him that my brother had been killed.
       (Signed) CHARLES JUDICE.
 Sworn to and subscribed, etc.,
         A. GLADU, Coroner.

 John Judice was a young man about thirty years old, a farmer, and lived about two miles from town. He leaves a wife and two small children. He was well connected, and has borne the reputation of an industrious and useful citizen. His family have the sympathy of the community.

 The fact concerning the killings are stated to be as follows: About 10 o'clock Monday night a party of masked men rode up to Cormier's cabin and demanded admittance, which was refused them. They then broke down the door, when Cormier fired upon the crowd both barrels of his shot gun, and fled through a back way. One of the shots struck John Judice, tearing away the right side of his face and head. Rosemond was pursued by the party, shot and captured and mutilated in a field about 200 yards from his cabin. The party then returned to the cabin and caught the young girl Rosalie (who was 14 or 15 years of age), as she was endeavoring to escape and cut her throat. Her body was found in front of the cabin near the doorway.

 Some two months ago Cormier was whipped unmercifully by a party of maskers. He is about 60 years of age and owns the place where he lives.

 It transpires that on Monday night, just prior to the tragedy mentioned, a party of masked men, (presumably, the same party), called at the residence of a negro named Toby Cobb, broke in the door, took from the house Cobb and another negro named Lucien Montgomery and beat them into insensibility with an instrument made from a piece of buggy trace. They informed Montgomery that he was whipped for voting for Minor; but Cobb says he was not informed why he was whipped.

 The above recital is a sad commentary upon a civilized community in a Christian country, and the acts cannot be too severely condemned. It has cast a gloom over our beautiful parish. It seems to us that if experience is to teach anything, by now the people of Lafayette should have learned that there is no safety, prosperity or happiness for any people save in peace and a strict observance of the laws of your country.

 Up to press (Friday morning) the sheriff had effected the arrest of one Alcede Landry, upon charge of complicity in the above crime. Other arrests are expected to follow immediately. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1899.


 The Abbeville arrived last Sunday and appeared to be in excellent condition and eager to play. The "Crescents" and "Red Stockings" both developed strong teams, and the large number of spectators were rejoicing in the prospect of a fine game; but they were doomed to disappointment. After playing one or two innings the Captain of the "Red Stockings" objected to a decision of the umpire, and failing to get the decision reversed withdrew his team from the field. As this was to be a friendly game, with nothing at stake, the "Red Stockings" might have made protest and played the game out. If such had been done, there is no doubt but that our citizens would have enjoyed a fine exhibited of ball playing, and if defeated the Abbeville's would have received the thanks of the audience. We trust that yet a game may be arranged between these two nines, both of which we are satisfied contain as good material as is to be found in Southwest Louisiana.

 Manager Bowen informs us that he has no regular game on for to-morrow, but that there is an exhibition game in the afternoon.

 A few evenings since a lot of the younger members of the Crescents withdrew and organized a club to be called the "Quicksteps." We believe they have not yet formally organized by the election of officers. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.

 Requested to Meet at Presbytery.

 The Catholics of Lafayette parish requested to meet at the Catholic presbytery Sunday after high mass, for the purpose of organizing a branch of the Catholic Knights of America. St. Martinville has already organized a branch; New Iberia is forming one, Abbeville, Lake Charles, Rayne, and in fact the whole Southwest will soon have flourishing branches. Rev. E. J. Lavaquery, president of the Branch of C. K. of A. of St. Martinville, will explain the object and aim of the association and will show that as an insurance on the life of its members, it is cheaper than any other association. This meeting is called at the request of Rev. E. Forge. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.  

At Falk's.

 The "Irish Hearts of Old" dramatic company will give an entertainment at Falk's Hall on the night of Wednesday, the 18th inst. This is an excellent company and an exciting drama, and everybody should go to hear it. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.

Gin Destroyed.

 Last Tuesday evening at about 6 o'clock the large cotton gin belonging to Mr. Aurelien Olivier, at Broussardville, was entirely destroyed by fire. The gin had been placed in perfect order preparatory to ginning and baling the present crop, and the first cotton was run through the gin and baled the same evening. This is a heavy loss to Mr. Olivier, as we understand there was no insurance. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.


 Last Wednesday we were shown some beautiful stalks of ramie, grown by Gen. Sewell on the Gus. A. Breaux place. The General has in this year one hundred arpents of ramie, averaging nine feet in height and beautifully and evenly developed. It is now being harvested. Heretofore the cutting has been done by hand, which is tedious and heavy work. Messrs. L. Lacoste & Bro. were of the opinion that one of the heavy No. 7 Osborn mowers would do the job, and induced Gen. Sewell to let then make the experiment. About three arpents were cut, and the No. 7 worked like a charm. Gen. Sewell was delighted, and immediately adopted the No. 7 Osborne for harvesting the crop. This is a valuable discovery, and will save much time and labor. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.      


 DUSON, LA., Sept. 11th, 1889.

 Editor Lafayette Advertiser:
   Dear Sir, - A short time since we had a fine Picnic in the woods on Queue Tortue Bayou, with a large company and among the rest Plough Horse. On arriving on the grounds he inquired if any one had brought water. I told him I had, - there was a five-gallon jug in my hack. He took a drink therefrom. The rest sent to the house near by and got some while Plough Horse kept visiting the jug. After a while some one called for a speech and up jumps P. H. who made a speech, sung a loud song, then sat down near a large tree; the rest were busy fixing for dinner and when it was ready we tried to wake him up, would could not; we had to leave him there. Late in the evening we went back to see about him and found that he had crawled into the gully. On my return, the lady I borrowed the jug from said that she had forget to tell me there was a pint of whiskey in the jug. So Plough Horse drank five gallons of water to get one pint of whiskey.

 Mr. Frank Foreman's field lies on a hill above Plough Horse's field. Plough Horse's land is low and flat and all his melons were scalded, but he kept inviting friends to visit him and eat melons. Mr. Foreman came to find out that his melons as they got ripe kept breaking off and rolling down into Plough Horse's field. Foreman having raised a large crop this accounted for P. H.'s supply of melons.
                    (Signed) OBERON.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.      

 Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/14/1889.

 The Lafayette public school, in charge of Prof. R. C. Greig, will open its regular Fall session next Monday.

 Mr. Charlie Ross, of Algiers, an experienced barber and a clever gentleman, is now associated with Col. John Vandergriff in the Racke House barber shop.

 Miss Ida, daughter of our esteemed fellow-citizen Dr. T. B. Hopkins, left last Sunday for Asheville, N. C., where she will enter the Female College of that place.

 Judge A. J. Moss now has a switch track from the Morgan railroad running into his lumber yard, which will add greatly to his facilities for handling his stock.

 Stockholders of the Lafayette Building and Loan Association are requested to meet in the office up stairs over Moss Pharmacy this Saturday evening, Sept. 14th, at 8 o'clock. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1889.   



 From the Lafayette Advertiser of September 14th, 1878:

In Vermilionville;

Burglary, Fire - Lynching.

 Early last Saturday morning, smoke was seen issuing from the two story building of Mr. L. Levy, occupied as a store and family residence. An alarm of fire was raised and our firemen responded promptly.

 A large lot of woolen goods was found burning on one of the counters and the fire was extinguished. If the alarm had been delayed a short time, it is probable that the building and contents would have been consumed and several neighboring houses, besides placing the family of Mr. Levy, who occupied the second story, in imminent peril. It was discovered that the store had been burglariously entered by boring auger holes around the lock of a back door, and the burglar had added to his fiendishness the crime of arson. Suspicion at once attached to a stranger, a colored man, who had been seen prowling around town the day and night before. Squads of men went out in different directions and his trail was struck, he was captured and lodged in prison before 11 o'clock a. m. The money and goods he had stolen, were found in his possession and identified, he made a full confession and the next morning, he was found hung to the limb of a tree near the market house.

 We deprecate illegal acts of all kinds, but if a resort to lynch law is ever justifiable, this seems to be one of them. This depraved fiend, it was ascertained, went by the name of George and was a fugitive and an outlaw. He had escaped from the St. Landry prison, had attempted to murder his father and not long since, had been burning and robbing in the northern portion of this parish and other places. He certainly merited death and we are only sorry that it was not done in due form of the law.  Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1874.        

        Special to Lafayette Advertiser.
  NEW ORLEANS, 3 P. M., Sept. 7, 1878.

 The Board of Health reports 236 new cases and 77 deaths to noon to-day.

 Reports from Memphis show further increase of fever; 94 new cases and 101 deaths in last 24 hours.

 In Canton, Miss., 16 new cases and 6 deaths.

 In Granada the fever seems to have exhausted itself; 6 new cases and 3 deaths; the sick are doing well.

 The fever has reached Hickman, Ky.; 30 cases reported there; no deaths.

 Reports from Vicksburg show 186 new cases and 37 deaths in last 24 hours.

 In Greenville, Miss., 125 cases and 10 deaths in last 24 hours.

 Private dispatches from Morgan City, report 26 new cases and 7 deaths.

 The fever has made its appearance at Ocean Springs.

 The condition in Dalibi is appalling; almost every one down; those well on the point of starvation.

 In Baton Rouge, 116 cases and 15 deaths, 16 new ones in last 12 hours.

 Private dispatches from Plaquemine, reports 75 cases and 19 deaths.

 No fever on the Teche above Morgan City, nor from any other new points in the State.

 Rumors of fever in Pattersonville and on the Teche positively false.      M.

       NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 11, 1878.
  Fifty nine deaths reported in Memphis up to noon; making 115 deaths since yesterday.

 In Grenada there were two deaths and eight new cases in the last 24 hours.

 In Holly Springs, Miss., there were 14 deaths in the last 24 hours, but only four new cases reported.

 In Canton, Miss., the total number of cases reported to date 248, deaths 38; new cases in last 24 hours 35; number of cases daily increasing.

 From Mobile - there was one fatal case of yellow fever here last evening. Board of Health report it imported.

 In Port Gibson, there were 465 cases and 82 deaths to date.

 In Morgan City 30 new cases and 13 deaths reported.

 Private advices from Plaquemine report 103 cases and 50 death up to the 7th inst.

 In Baton Rouge, 30 deaths to date, and 88 new cases in last three days.

 The Yellow Fever has not made its appearance on the Teche anywhere between Morgan City and New Iberia.

 Reports from New Orleans Board of Health.

 Sunday, new cases 261, deaths 81.
 Monday, new cases 144, death 87.
 To noon to-day, Wednesday, new cases 253, deaths 90. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1878.

 The Fever: Associated Press Dispatches.

 THIBODAUX, La., Sept. 4. - Reports from Labadieville annouce 30 cases, no deaths, and only one dangerous.

 A sister in Mount Carmel Convent, just outside and in the suburbs of Thibodaux, has just died. Three sisters more died in the Convent within fifteen days - two from yellow fever, and all cases (three only) in town here originated in that building, the victims having been visiting therein. The two cases outside are getting well.

 The wife of Shericc L. A. Webre was taken last night, but is doing well.

 A case is reported on the Lorio Plantation, 2 miles above here.

 A Howard Association was formed here yesterday. The citizens are fumigating the town by burning sulphur every evening in front of the houses, and pine tar in various places.
Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1878.

Quarantine Halts Mail Deliveries.

Some kind friends at Royville, sent us a few days ago, two New Orleans papers, received there several days previous, which had been opened, aired, fumigated and disinfected for several days, but they were stopped by our town quarantine guards and soon after burned by order of a distinguished member of the volunteer police force. It is true, these papers were old, but they would have been new to us, as we had received none at all since our regulations excluded all mail matter.

 The wording of the quarantine ordinance on this subject is "That the U. S. mail stages, the contents thereof and the drivers of said stages, be and are hereby prohibited from entering or being carried through the limits of this corporation." We favor a strict construction and enforcement of all laws, but considering the object and intention of this law, we deem the act of confiscating and destroying those papers, on the pretense of their being mail matter within the meaning of the ordinance, as supremely absurd. We recommend to the authorities, the propriety off confiding the construction of the laws to competent persons, and to forbid the exercise of such a power by any policeman or guard, who may choose to assume it. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1878.

Show Your Hands.

 As the canvass begins to warm up and candidates are moving around among the voters, it reminds us of the issues before the people and the importance of their being met fairly and squarely. Aside from the necessity of placing men in office who are honest and competent and Democrats besides, their views must be made known upon the all-important question of a constitutional convention. There must be no dodging or equivocation in this matter. The Democrats of the State, in convention assembled at Baton Rouge, almost unanimously favored a remodeling of the constitution. It is therefore, a policy adopted by the party and is one of its articles of faith. In accord with the policy, the Democrats of this parish have formally and emphatically expressed themselves, without a dissenting voice. It consequently follows that that nominees of the party stand pledged on this question, and our legislators will be in honor and duty bound to favor the call for a constitutional convention at an early a day as possible.

 Candidates for the Legislature who are not the nominees of the Democratic party, in soliciting the support of Democrats, must be required to define their positions on the only great question at issue. No evasion of any kind will be permitted by the Democratic voters of this parish. Those candidates not already pledged, must come forward over their signatures and make a record at once, of their views upon this vital question. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1878.       



 Telegraph Office Moved. - In consequence of a recent change, the Telegraph office is removed to the room adjoining Mr. John Vigneaux's residence. The office will be open from 8 o'clock A. M. to 8 P. M., and business promptly dispatched. 
      WILL G. ROGAN, Operator. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1878.

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 9/14/1878.

 Cold north winds have been prevailing since last Tuesday and the mornings feel quite frosty.

 Judge M.F. Rigues, the present incumbent is announced in the proper column, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Parish Judge.

 The news in The Advertiser is not as extensive or varied as usual, owing as our readers are awarer to the blockade of the mails. We will endeavor however, to furnish as much interesting matter as circumstances will permit. Lafayette Advertiser 9/14/1878.


   With the opening of the doors of St. Charles Theatre last night not only the amusement season began, but what is more important, the Dudenheffer high hat bill went into effect and hundreds of persons attended the performance just to see how the ladies behaved themselves. It was expected by some that they would rebel and defy the high hat and show their contempt for it by marching into the theatre with towers of feathers and ribbons resting on their heads, but in justice to the fair sex it must be said that they submitted to the inevitable with charming grace and seemed to enjoy the novelty of the thing. It did not take the ladies long to realize that with their hats off they form an audience far more attractive than if they wore their bulging headgear. It is quite safe to say that the fair ones who go to the theatres this fall and winter will give more time to dressing their hair becomingly than to decorating loud and flamboyant half and the result will be eminently satisfactory to themselves and the public at large. The first performance of the season last night demonstrated that the high hat law is a success and has come to stay, and in the future every person who buys a seat in a theatre will be able to see play.

 From the N. O. States and in the Lafayette Advertiser 9/13/1896.

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