Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Gazette of August 8th, 1903:

Too Much Fighting.

The fighting which has been allowed to interfere with the sport at the Baseball Park should be stopped. The Gazette appreciates the fact that occasional difficulties among men are unavoidable and will occur at baseball parks as well as everywhere else, but there is no excuse for the belligerent spirit which has broken out at the park. If the fighting is permitted to continue, baseball will be at an end in Lafayette. Already a number of ladies have refused to go to the park because of the fighting which has recently taken place there. Ladies like to see a good game of baseball, but as a rule they don't enjoy a fight. The thing ought to be stopped. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.


Lafayette vs. Berlucheau - Each Wins one Game.

This has been baseball week in Lafayette. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday games were played at the park. On the first two days the Lafayette boys tackled the crack team from Berlucheau. On Wednesday Berlucheau had an easy time of it, owing to the absence of some of Lafayette's best players. Thursday Lafayette was better prepared to meet the boys from the cove. The team was strengthened where it was shown to be weak the day before, and the men from the country were shorn of their freshly won laurels. Lafayette realized they had to be equipped to go up against the real thing, and they they secured the help of Shows, Donohoe and Martin. Of course, this did the work and the hard-hitting, fleet-footed players from Berlucheau went down in defeat. The score was 5 to 1 in favor of Lafayette.

The Gazette, in common with all the local devotees of the diamond, wishes to congratulate Hinz on his good work. The Lafayette team has been fortunate indeed in securing the services of this splendid player. He has made the local sport forty times and more interesting. He is ever the same earnest, watchful, player. But Hinz is not only a good ball player. He is a fine fellow. A machinist by trade, he carries with him evidences of his industry, sobriety and reliability. It was a lucky day for the Lafayette team when Hinz struck town. He has been a source of encouragement to the boys ever since his arrival.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.


 Adherents of the Lacoste-Voorhies ticket held a meeting at Beausejour Springs last Sunday. There were a large number of people present and the advocates were afforded an excellent opportunity to present their arguments to the voters of the parish. A feature which showed that the voters are willing to hear what is to be said on both sides of the question was the presence of a considerable number of people who are known to be supporters of what may be called the Broussard-Scranton ticket. We repeat for the partisans of the Lacoste-Voorhies ticket to give their reasons why they should receive popular endorsement. But we believe that if any attended the Beausejour meeting confidently expecting that the speakers on that occasion would give any valid reason why the opposing ticket should not receive the support of the people parish, they have been sorely disappointed. At the outset the writer desires to state that two speeches which he had occasion to hear were unexceptionable from the standpoint of legitimate political discussion. They were well within the bounds which should not be transgressed by gentlemen engaged in a political controversy. The Gazette desires now to state that in discussing the issues of the present campaign it will endeavor to do so without indulging in personalities of any kind. Quoting the words of a speaker at the Beausejour meeting, The Gazette, "prefers to win on its own merits than by proclaiming the demerits of others."

But let us come to our mutton. The movement sought to be advanced by the Beausejour meeting seems to be directed against Sheriff Broussard. The defeat of that officer would appear to be "the consummation most devoutly to be wished." The whole strength of the movement must be employed to retire that gentleman to private life. Why?
Is it because he has not been a good officer? That is not the reason, as it is conceded that Sheriff Broussard's record as an officer has been an exemplary one. It is merely, as one of the speakers of the opposition has said, because the sheriff has been in office too long and that his re-election would be a violation of the principle of rotation in office. That appears to be the only argument offered why the people of Lafayette parish should not elect Sheriff Broussard to another term.

It is well-known that the Democratic party has endorsed this principle, but is has been deemed advisable to apply it only to offices where the distribution of much patronage and the exercise of great power were involved. When the father of his country refused to serve three terms as president, it is hardly probable that he considered it necessary to the perpetuation of the republic that sheriff and other parish officers should do likewise. A sheriff has the appointment of a number of deputies and it is clear that with this enormous patronage he could not in a thousand years shatter the frailest government in the world even if he possessed the genius of Napoleon.

But conceding that the re-election of Sheriff Broussard would be a violation of the principle laid down by Washington when he would not serve a third term, are not our friends demolishing their own stock argument by supporting Mr. Voorhies, who is a candidate for clerk of court for the third time?

Admitting that the principle of rotation in office applies to parish offices, it is not fair to use it as an argument against the sheriff and ignore it as to the clerk in office, we should be willing to "rotate" at the time indicated by the illustrious patriotic of Mount Vernon. It is not good politics nor wise statemanship to try to improve on such eminent authority. If it is intended to make a partial application of the principle through expediency, it would be interesting to know in what particulars the principle is to be amended, enlarged or restricted. If the tenure of office should be extended beyond two terms fixed by the unselfish act of the first president and accepted by succeeding generations, to avoid confusion in the future it would be well to know just how many terms a Democrat can hold office without violating this tenet of the Democratic faith.

It is a great tribute to Sheriff Broussard's worth as an officer that after his long tenure of office his leading opponents can find but one reason why he should be defeated and that reason is that he has been too long in office.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

A Personal Difficulty.

 Last Tuesday morning a difficulty occurred between Sheriff Broussard and Mr. R. W. Elliott. The trouble grew out of a political controversy. The Gazette is pleased to state that the difference between Messrs. Broussard and Elliott has been adjusted satisfactorily to both gentlemen.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

The Martin Well.

 Work has been resumed at the Martin well. The intention is to substitute the 4-inch pipe with a six-inch pipe after which a strainer will be used and the well will be thoroughly tested. We are informed that the showing of oil continues to be very encouraging.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

 To Bore for Oil.

 After making several unsuccessful attempts to develop the holdings of the Lafayette Oil and Mineral Company, the directors have lately taken action which it is believed will lead to the sinking of a number of test wells on the company's property in this parish and at Jennings. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.


 One of the most beneficial effects of the special school tax recently voted in the parish of Lafayette is the strongest interest that is now being manifested by patrons of the rural schools toward securing larger and better school houses. Within one month of the passage of the tax five different school communities have applied to the School Board for aid in that direction, and the special tax just levied has been made the basis of the request in each instance.

 After ascertaining that the new school tax would not be available before the end of next year, because payment of the tax will not begin until the year 1904, the representative citizens in these various school communities have readily acceded to the proposition of the School Board that they (the patrons) provide the necessary funds to defray the costs of erecting the school buildings now, on condition that the School Board pay back these amounts out of the back these amounts out of the special tax when collected. Under this arrangement a whole year and a half will be gained in time, and this no small consideration in view of the fact that the new school accommodations are greatly needed at present.

 This is in striking contrast with the attitude of the public in this particular, before the adoption of the school tax. Then there was a conspicuous indifference to such matters, and the reason for this radical change in sentiment is to be found in the fact that the people of the parish having decided to pay a direct tax toward the support of the schools, at once feel an active personal interest in the proper employment of such funds; and it is this direct personal interest which is such a powerful factor in building up the schools and extending the benefits of education. And this wholesome, popular interest in schools, which always comes as the natural result of any direct support given to the schooks by the people, is one of the strongest arguments to be made in favor of a special school tax. The tax secures the active interest and co-operation of parents and patrons, and this constitutes a very essential element in successful school work, exerting an influence for good which can hardly be overestimated. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.   


 The Gazette believes that the following editorial from its local contemporary, The Advertiser, will meet with the endorsement of the entire community: 

 "The two public school buildings now in use in Lafayette  is inadequate in capacity and equipment, and they are otherwise unsuited to satisfy the requirements of an enlightened and progressive people. The present buildings have no excuse for their existence at this time and are a standing reproach to the wealth and intelligence of this community.

 "A spacious and modern school building surrounded by attractive grounds is one of Lafayette's most pressing needs, and valuable time is being lost and by delaying action in this regard. The education of our children under the most advantageous conditions is a duty and a responsibility we should meet and discharge willingly and in a deeply earnest spirit, and let posterity enjoy the resulting fruits of good citizenship and enlarged life. Could money be put to a better use than this, or invested in a way which would bring more valuable and more enduring results? "A building specially constructed and arranged and equipped for school work is secondary in importance only to the teaching itself, because it affords the same beneficent aid to the teacher and pupil that vegetation receives from sunshine and rain, or that the workman obtains from his hands and his tools. The child must go to school in his own interest, but if he is attracted to his class rooms and not driven to them, and his work is made agreeable and interesting instead of monotonous and irksome, he will assuredly derive greater and more lasting benefit from his course of instruction.

 "A building of pleasing architectural design and intelligently planned for school work, not only positively and distinctly contributes to the well-being and the intellectual growth of the school-child, but it honors the community whose thrift and enterprise and civic pride it reflects. "Let the people of Lafayette move in this matter as did, nobly, the people of the parish one month ago. Little hands are knocking and little feet are patting at the door for admittance into the new school building, and they can not wait any longer. This is a question that concerns the whole people, and is the leading issue and must take precedence of all other local or factional questions now before the public."

 From the Lafayette Advertiser and in The Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

The Band Concerts. - Few towns of the size of Lafayette are privileged to boast of a musical organization like the Sontag Band. The concert at Parkerson's grove on the 7th of August was unquestionably one of the finest musical entertainments presented in this section of the country. The rendition of Miserere by Messrs. Scott Heywood and Elie Billeaud, one performing on the cornet and the other on the baritone, was the kind of music seldom heard outside of a great city. The entire program was rendered with classical taste, not a single number falling below the standard of true artistic merit. It is no doubt a source of encouragement to the members of the band to see the large crowds who are attending the concerts, as it is an evidence popular appreciation of their disinterested efforts to give the community music of a high order. To those of our citizens who do not go to the seashore or the mountains on account of domestic responsibilities or for pecuniary reasons these delightful concerts help powerfully to break the monotony of the dog-days. Those who remain in their carriages instead of paying the small admission fee should be willing to stand a little discomfort. While they are seated in their vehicles, enjoying the concert, they should remember that they are contributing nothing to help the thing along. The music has to be paid for, the instruments must be bought and there are other expenses that are to be met.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

Fair at Charenton Beach.

 Father Baulard was in Lafayette Wednesday to make arrangements for a big fair, which will be given on Sunday, August 23, at Charenton Beach. An excursion will be given on Joe Burg's boat from New Iberia to the beach. People from this town who wish to attend will leave here at 5:30 in the morning, reaching New Iberia in time for the departure of the boat. Returning, the boat will leave Charenton at 6 p. m., enabling passengers to make connection with the west bound train which leaves New Iberia at about 9 o'clock. The Sontag Band will head from the excursion from Lafayette. Elaborate preparations are being made to entertain the people at the beach. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903. 

Death of Pierre Bourgeois.

 Pierre Bourgeois, aged 19 years, died at his home in Lafayette Wednesday morning after a long illness. The deceased was an industrious, affable young man and enjoyed the esteem of all who know him. He had endeared himself to a large circle of friends who were greatly pained to hear of his death. He was buried Thursday in the Catholic cemetery, his remains being followed to the grave by a numerous concourse of relatives and friends who sympathize sincerely with the bereaved family. Young Bourgeois was one of the most estimable young men in town and his death is universally deplored. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

Let Us Know.

 Readers of The Gazette who know of any items of interest will confer a favor upon us by communicating with this office through the telephone or the post office. Weddings, deaths, improvements, visits of friends, real estate transfers, and other items of local interest will not fail to find space in our columns. Call us by phone 17 or write to us and tell us what you know.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

Public Roads.
[To the Lafayette Gazette.]

 I do not think the plan advocated by Mr. J. Nickerson to work the public roads will give satisfaction to the farmers. Practically the same has been tried and it has failed utterly to give us good roads. The present method is much better as is shown by the improved condition of the roads.
  (Signed) TAX-PAYER.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

Rayne is Growing.

 Dr. R. C. Webb, of Rayne, was in Lafayette yesterday. Dr. Webb says that Rayne is experiencing an unprecedented growth. Among the recent improvements are a number of fine brick buildings and a modern water and light plant, owned by the town. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

Biographical Sketch of the New Head of the Church.

 Cardinal Guiseppe Sarto was born at Riese, Province of Venice, July 2, 1835. He was created Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice June 12, 1903. He was very learned in the ecclesiastical doctrines, is modest, energetic, a good administrator and organizer, a patron of the arts, and his seriousness always have been proverbial.

 Early in April, Pope Leo, in a conversation with Father Perosi, the Italian composer, said, in speaking of Cardinal Sarto;

 "Hold him very dear, Perosi, as in the future he will be able to do much for you. We firmly believe he will be our successor."

 He has been known for many years as one of the greatest preachers in the church.

 Cardinal Sarto belonged to the Ecclesiastic Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, Sacred Rights, Indulgences and Sacred Relics. He enjoyed great popularity in his diocese. He is honored by all for his purity, for the street uprightness of his life and for liberal ideas. He is a modest and agreeable man, highly cultivated, very kind-hearted and still strong and robust in spite of his 68 years.

 He has never taken great part in the political and public life of the church, but divided his time between study and good works. Although most faithful to the Holy See, he was presented to the king and queen of Italy in Venice. He was considered among the more liberal members of the Italian Episcopate and Sacred College. It is said that Leo XIII sided with him on one occasion when Sarto disapproved of Rampolia's policy. Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

Salaries Fixed for Next Session, Principals of Graded Schools to Receive More Pay.

      Lafayette, La., Aug. 6, 1903.
  At a special meeting of the School Board, held on the above date, there were present: A. Olivier, president; Alex. Delhomme, Sr., Jasper Spell, Dr. N. P. Moss, A. D. Verot.  Absent: Dr. R. O. Young, H. Theall, A. C. Guilbeau and S. J. Montgomery.

 The reading of the minutes was dispensed with.

 On the motion of Dr. Moss, seconded by Mr. Delhomme, the Board decided to run the schools forty weeks for the next session and to pay teachers now receiving $45 per month $450 for the session's work, and teachers receiving $35 $350 for the session's work. It was further moved and carried that the teachers be paid by the calendar month instead of by the school month, as heretofore.

 On the motion of Dr. Moss, seconded by Mr. Spell, the following resolution was adopted:

 Whereas, The special school tax levied in the parish June 18, 1903, will not begin to be paid into the treasury of the School Board until the end of the year 1904, and
   Whereas, The patrons of several different schools in the parish have agreed to raise the funds to build and equip school houses that are greatly needed now, on condition that the amount of money thus provided be reimbursed out of the first school tax money collected.

 Be it resolved, That the School Board accept the aid thus offered to gain time, and that the Board protects all claims of this character upon the school funds by adopting in due time a resolution specially recognizing the validity of such claims.

 Mr. Jasper Spell presented a petition from the community in the neighborhood of the Hutchinson school, asking that the School Board reconsider the action it had taken previously in closing this school, promising that if the Board gave them another trial and a good teacher, the required average would be maintained. The citizens of the community held a meeting for the purpose of appointing a committee to appear before the School Board. Mr. William Harson appeared before the Board in behalf of the community and asked that they be given one more trial, and at the same time promising that the required average of sixteen would be maintained.

 On the motion of Mr. Spell, seconded by Dr. Moss, the Board decided to reopen the school recently closed on the condition that the community maintain the average of sixteen as required by the rules and regulations of the Board.

 Mr. M. Billeaud, Jr., appeared before the Board on behalf of the people of the Fifth ward. Mr. Billeaud stated that the school at Broussard had been an excellent one during the past session, and that he had no complaints whatever to lodge against the work done. He argued, however, in making it still better by appointing a first class man principal and at the same time to elevate the grade of the school. Mr. Billeaud stated that the people of Broussard were ready to further tax themselves in order to accomplish that end, but that as the people of the parish had voted a special school tax for the amelioration of the public school system and for furnishing better school facilities, he urged upon the School Board that they have take this matter in hand and not call upon the citizens for any further aid unless it was absolutely necessary. He stated that he believed in economy in the administration of school matters as well as in anything else, but that he believed in the right sort of economy. In the selection of teachers he stated that his opinion was that the best teachers were the cheapest in the end. However, he stated that the fixing of salaries for the Board to decide, and earnestly requested that the people of Broussard and those of the rest of the parish be given schools of the kind he thought the Board would be in a position to give during the coming session.

 Before retiring Mr. Billeaud complimented the School Board on the magnificent showing it had made in the administration of its schools.

 After some discussion of the matter laid before the Board by Mr. Billeaud, it was moved by Dr. Moss and seconded by Mr.  Spell that the principals of the graded Central schools receive salaries as follow: For principals in schools where only one teacher is employed, $60; principals of schools where two teachers are employed, $70; principals of schools where three or more teachers are employed, $75, and that the principal of the Lafayette High School be paid $100 per month.

 A proposition was received from the Lafayette Advertiser to publish the official proceedings of the Board for the legal rate of public printing as established by Act 138 of 1894. On motion of Mr. Spell, seconded by Dr. Moss, the proposition of The Advertiser was accepted.

 Joseph Saul Cormier presented two poll tax receipts for the year 1901 and was refunded $1 by the Board.

 There being no further business the Board adjourned.
A. OLIVIER, President.
L. J. ALLEMAN, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1903.

Hold  Meeting and Attend to Important Business.

        Lafayette, La., Aug. 6, 1902. - The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present:  M. Billeaud, Jr., J. C. Buchanan, F. G. Mouton, Jno. Whittington, J. O. Blanchet, Alonzo Lacy, Alex M. Broussard, and Saul Broussard. Absent: P. R. Landry.

 The minutes of the previous meeting, after amendment of school tax ordinance to show that said ordinance was not introduced by Mr. Buchanan, were approved as read.

 The committee appointed to settle with the parish treasurer, cancel his vouchers and grant him a quietus submitted the following report which was adopted:
       Lafayette, La., July 18, 1903.
  To the Honorable Police Jury: - Your undersigned committee appointed to settle with the parish treasurer and grant him quietus would respectfully report having examined the books and accounts of said officer and verified all vouchers held by him. The following general statement shows the condition of the treasury on the different fund from March 28, 1903, to date:

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 The cash balance in bank covering the above amounts to the credit of the parish and all records found correct your committee has granted unto the treasurer a quietus up to date.

 The secretary was authorized to collect from Vermilion parish the amount, $80.00, due for keeping prisoners in parish jail.

 Mr. Mouton of the committee appointed to make final settlement with the sheriff and tax-collector for taxes and licenses of 1901 and 1902, reported that the committee had been unable to effect said settlement owing to the failure of the sheriff to publish delinquent lists as required by law. Sheriff Broussard was called and gave assurance that said publication would be made immediately.

 Mr. Mouton tendered his resignation as member of the committee on settlement with the sheriff and by motion of Mr. Whittington, same was accepted.

 President Billeaud, appointed Mr. Saul Broussard on the committee for settlement with the sheriff, vice F. G. Mouton, resigned.

 The committee on dams in 2d ward reported as follows:

  To the Honorable Police Jury: - We, the undersigned committee, appointed by your honorable body to investigate the dams across Bayou Quetortue and Indian Bayou find the dams across bayous an injury to the public roads according to the sentiment of the neighboring people.
Respectfully submitted,

 The report was accepted and the committee authorized to carry out the resolutions of April 2, 1903, respecting said dams, subject however to the advice and counsel of the attorney.

 The following petition was read and by motion, Mr. F. G. Mouton was appointed and authorized to accept for the parish the donations for a public road as set forth:

 State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafayette - To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury in and for the Parish of Lafayette: -

 We, the undersigned property holders, do hereby petition your honorable body to accept the donation of the quantity of lad sufficient to open a public road leading from the public road now opened Between Carencro and Breaux Bridge to the public road leading from the public road now opened between Carencro and Breaux Bridge to the public road opened between Lafayette and Bayou Carencro. Respectfully submitted :  Louis J. Breaux, Joseph Stemmanns, Augustin Benoit, Rosemond Benoit, Mme. Rosaimond Broussard, Ogeusteun Failix, Frank Gilbert, Alces Dupuis, Esteve Breaux, Alexandre F. Arceneaux, Francois Arceneaux, Vve. A. E. Martin, Simon Breaux, Alfonce Pominge, Mme. Bernadet Dupuis, J. H. Martin, Rogist Cannaz, Mouton Bros., E. Begnaud.

 Mr. Mouton reported final settlement of the Auguste Domingue road controversy by the abandonment of the old road running through the property of said Domingue as per notarial act this day indentured. By motion the report was accepted and the act ordered recorded.

 Messrs. Whittington and Alex Broussard were authorized to repair or renew the bridge between Julien Hebert and Simeon Cormier.

 By motion of Mr.Buchanan the attorney was requested report at next meeting what authority right to warrant on parish funds in hands of the treasurer.

 The following was received from the State railroad commission and ordered published:

ORDER NO. 249.
Ramps at Public Highways.

 ORDERED, That all places where a railroad crosses a public highway it shall be the duty of the railroad company to construct a ramp with an easy grade not greater than five to one, and not less then fifteen feet wide, to be kept in good condition at all times by the railroad company.

 When made of dirt, the dirt used in the construction of the ramp must be taken from at least ten feet on either side of the ramp.

 By "public highways" is meant such highways as are under the control of the Police Juries of the different parishes.

 The ramps must be built before July 1, 1903.


 "17. No trains shall obstruct a public road crossing for a greater length of time than ten minutes.

 "18. At all public road crossings or streets where vehicles cross same (outside of incorporated towns or cities), the space between the rails and a space of eighteen inches on the outside of each rail shall be raised to the level of the top of the rails by a filling of plank, rock or gravel, and shall be kept in that condition at all times. Where crossings are located under the track they shall also be kept in thorough repair, and drained."

 The treasurer submitted his monthly report, as follows:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury Parish Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the parish funds since my last report:

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 Respectively submitted,
J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.

 Lafayette, La., August 6, 1903:
To the President and Members of Police Jury Parish Lafayette, La. - Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the special road funds my last report.

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 Respectfully submitted, 
J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.

   Lafayette, La., August 6, 1903.
 The account of Pellerin & DeClouet for one cot $1.75, was rejected:

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 There being no further business the Jury adjourned.
M. BILLEAUD, JR., President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

City Council Proceedings.

      Lafayette, La., Aug. 3, 1903.
  A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day, Mayor C. D. Caffery, presiding. Members present: M. Rosenfield, A. E. Mouton, J. O. Mouton, G. A. DeBlanc, F. Demanade, D. V. Gardebled.  Absent: H. L. Fontenot.

 Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.

 The finance committee's report was accepted as follows:

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 The collector has collected and paid into the treasury in taxes, licenses, light, water, material, etc., $3,002.70; his commission at 30 per cent $191.88 for which amount the Council should issue warrant to date.

 The mayor's report for collections for July was accepted as follows:

page 4 column 2

There being no further business the Council adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 8/8/1903.

 Louis Broussard of Carencro was in town this week.

 Mr. B. N. Coronna went to Beaumont Sunday.

 To-morrow will be a big day at Broussard. Among the attractions will be a tournament, a base ball game and a theatrical entertainment. Dinner and refreshments will be served on the fair grounds.  

 Regular services will be held in the Episcopal church to-morrow evening at 5:30 o'clock.

 Fred Voorhies has accepted a position at the Bank of Lafayette. Fred completed the commercial course at the Industrial Institute last June, and is one of Lafayette's most deserving young men. Competent, industrious and affable, he will doubtless fill his new duties acceptably to the patrons of the bank and to his employers.

 Paul Boudreaux, who, has a farm near Scott, informed The Gazette that he found two caterpillars in his cotton field.

 Dr. Rene Martin, of Crowley, visited Lafayette this week.

 Miss Louise Durand has accepted a position at Levy Bros'.

 Mr. Leo Doucet made a short visit to relatives in New Iberia Sunday.

 Miss Marie Louise LeBlanc, of St. James, is visiting the Misses Revillon.

 Mrs. A. Delahoussaye spent the week visiting relatives in Opelousas, La.

 Mrs. Hector Prejean left Tuesday for Carencro to spend a few days with relatives.

 Robert Tierney left Tuesday for New where he has accepted a position.

 Atistide Francez of Carencro, was in town Thursday on his way to New Orleans.

 Ike Bendel and Galbert Comeaux are spending a few weeks at Hot Springs, Ark.

 Miss Monique Lacoste left Tuesday for Opelousas, to spend some time with friends.

 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Comstock and son Creighton are spending some time in New Orleans.

 Miss Edna Sprole returned from New Iberia, Wednesday, after spending a few days with friends.

 Judge Debaillon, Simeon Begnaud and P. Krauss visited Father Bollard at Charenton this week.

 Aristide Mestayer of Sunset, passed through Lafayette Tuesday, on his way home from Beaumont.

 Miss Cora Desbrest, returned to Lafayette last week after spending quite a while with relatives in Tennessee.

 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davidson and Mrs. Kennedy returned home this week, after spending a month at Monteagle, Tenn.

 Butcher & Voorhies have moved their real estate office from the Bank of Lafayette to a part of the building occupied by F. F. Carter.

 Jack Howell, who is employed at the Moss Pharmacy, left Tuesday for Haasville, La., to spend two weeks with relatives and friends.

 A. L. Dyer, of Youngsville, left during the week for New York, where he will buy his fall and winter stock of general merchandise.

 H. A. Van der Cruyssen returned home after spending three weeks at Boerne, Texas, for his health. We are pleased to hear that he is feeling much better.

 Mr. T. N. Blake and three sons, Bernard, Thomas and David, left Friday morning for New Orleans. From there the boys will continue to Tennessee, where they are attending school.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 8th, 1896:

Battle Abbey.

At the special request of Camp Gen. Frank Gardner A. C. S., The Lafayette Minstrel Company under the auspices of the ladies' of Lafayette will give their performance on Aug. 21st at Falk's Opera House, for the benefit of the Confederate Battle Abbey.

The ladies of Lafayette by a series of entertainments hope to be able to help raise the necessary amount, which will secure for this state this noble monument to patriotism, and beautiful repository for emblems and memorials which have been battled for by our sons and brothers.

New Orleans has nobly left the van in this endeavor, and many other towns in the state are coming forward with pleasingly large contributions, and now to us is given the opportunity to demonstrate the practical side of our sympathy, and let every one respond with a cheerful generosity which will place Lafayette well to the front in the roll of honor.

Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.

Guilty or not Guilty.

 After a thorough and painstaking investigation of the case of constable Hymel the City Council found him guilty of the charge preferred, and suspended him from the force for ten days - "Behold the mountain labored and brought forth a mouse."

 If Hymel was guilty he deserves the full penalty for such cases which the public by a petition signed and present, to consider to be permanent suspension from the force. If not guilty then why impose even a conciliatory punishment on an innocent man.

 Four years ago a deputy constable by the name of Salonion, was arrested on a similar charge of "assault with intent to kill" C. H. Bradley; Wm. Campbell then acting mayor discharged Soloman at once from the force, which action the City Council in called session fully approved. Hymel under a 750 dollar bond to appear before the District Court to answer to a similar charge, after due consideration by the Police Board is given the laughable sentence of ten days suspension, which owing to the existing conditions of the weather we are inclined to view as a very pleasant summer vacation. We do not publish the council proceedings including the testimony of witness in this case, although we appreciate the public right to demand such; first, because under our existing contract we are only called on to publish the executive proceedings of all closed sessions having been omitted. This is the offence of a public officer acted on by a public body for the people, and these same people have a right to demand a full report of the same. Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.

City Council Special Meeting.
July 31, 1896.

 Council met this evening in special session, members present; Messrs. Biossat, Ducote, Falk, Doucet, Mouton, LeBlanc, and Dr. Trahan.
Absent none.

 The Mayor stated this special meeting was called for the purpose of hearing a report from the police board.

 The following petition was submitted to the Council.

 To the Hon. Mayor and Police Board of the town of Lafayette, La.

 We the undersigned citizens and residents of said town, voicing by far the sentiments of the people of said town, would respectfully submit, that on the morning of the 27th, day of July A. D. 1896, one Jacques Delhomme made charges against Ulysse Hymel, a Police Officer of said town, charging him with conduct not becoming to an officer, and on the evening of the same day the said Ulysse Hymel did commit an assault upon the person of George Scherer, and that an affidavit was made against the said Ulysse Hymel charging him with striking and beating with a club with intent to kill and murder said Geo. Scherer; and we now in the name of the people of said town ask that the said Ulysse Hymel be forewith suspended until due and final investigation of said charges.

Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.

In Memoriam..
When court met Wednesday morning July 29, Hon. Wm. Campbell a arose and stated that as chairman of the committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions upon the death of Mr. W. B. Bailey he was ready to make a report. After the reading of the resolutions Judge Debaillon spoke feelingly of the deceased. He said:

 "The last tribute which friends can pay to a departed brother, is to unite in the expression of their common sympathy and recall to memory the virtues of him they will see no more. Such is the position at present. One of us with whom we have been familiar for years has left us forever.

The affliction to his family and friends was not alleviated by the soul consolation of ministering to his last wants on the quiet bed of death, but he has been torn from them, by a sudden, terrible and ruthless blow, which overwhelms even grief, and leaves nothing but blank despair.

After such a calamity, it becomes a solemn and mournful duty of the friends of the departed, to offer a public testimony of their appreciation of his high qualities, not only as a just tribute to his worth, but in the hope that such an expression of their sympathy may, in some slight degree, console the grief of his family.

The life of our departed friend, W. B. Bailey, from his birth has been passed among us." Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.

Mr. Editor:

 Under the above caption, I shall offer a few words, the oppositeness of which to some folks at least, living not 1000 miles from your office, they will not have to read between the lines to see who I mean.

 "That abominable tittle-tattle,

The end eschewed by human cattle."

 Human insects and reptiles live and fulfill the ends of their existence by tormenting others. Criminal, and yet to be undeceived, who builds his pleasure over my pain and discomfiture of earthly hopes, and false his glory, who thinks he may rear it over my misfortune.

 The atmosphere of society is ever hazy and laden with the loathsome habit some people have, of pandering to the morbid instinct of a goodly portion of nearly all communities, i. e. of slandering their neighbors. These carrion eaters gloat over the discomfiture of men, always their superiors in every way, but who may be overtaken by misfortunes not of their own making.

 These cormorants and vultures have often classical mouths and musical voices, who do this work, but their souls are too deeply stained for he'll use even.

 Much of the premature extinction of family peace, and life even, are coeval with the work of these vultures, who do nothing but hover over society and peaceful homes, to discover whose peace and reputation they may devour. We all know it ---, next may be your turn; of all the great host of pilgrims on earth, who are now on their way through life, many among us there be, whose journey lies through a valley of tears, this is no wail, it's only to say, that I believe each unfortunate of us, should be allowed by his more fortunate brother in arms, to trudge along, as best he can without others offering to beset him with new burdens and difficulties while on his way to the land, where "Those who are weary and heavy laden now, shall be weary and heavy laden no more, who have trusted in Him who alone can give rest, and in Whom alone we can trust.

 Many of us, our faces are scarred by years of toil and suffering, and still the slanderer goes on plying his wicked avocation, and with remorseless persistence, and with pity for none.

After all, the only sure and certain way of peace on this side the grave is the consciousness of one's own rectitude of purpose.

 "Trust not a horse's heel, or a mad dog's tooth," they are almost as dangerous as the slanderer's tongue.

B. T. P.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.


 A regular meeting of Gen. Frank Gardner Camp 580 U. C. V. was held at the Court House at Lafayette on Aug. 1st, 1896, the Captain ordered  call of the roll, and 12 member answered to their names; the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

 The committee on the Battle Abbey fund reported through canvassers Laneuville and Mouton that they had waited on Mrs. Gardner the Sponsor of our Camp to co-operate with us in raising what funds possible for the same, she answered that she had already enlisted the co-operation of several ladies in the cause, and that they had decided in giving an entertainment Aug. 21, 1896 and that the Lafayette Minstrel Co. had volunteered their services for the occasion.

 A committee composed of A. Lisbony, M. T. Martin, A. Mouton and D. A. Cochrane was appointed to have posters printed and distributed announcing the entertainment for Aug. 21st.

 The annual election of officers of the Camp was fixed for the same day as the entertainment, to be held at 4 o'clock p. m. Every member is requested to be present. (Unreadable words) that every member shall wear the badge of the Camp on all occasions.

 Comrade Laneuville patriotically offered the necessary amount to secure them, and the Adjutant was asked to have them made.

 The Camp then broke ranks until Aug. 21, 1896 at 4 o'clock p. m. requesting all members not to fail.
   By order of the Capt.
      D. A. COCHRANE,
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.

Cases Decided.

 No. 3952 - Dr. F. S. Mudd vs. Mrs. Emma K. Gardner judgment for plaintiff confirming title to lot.

 No. 3958 - Maxim A. Crow vs. Felecien Domingues. Dismissed.

 No. 3960 - Union Oil Co. vs. Norbert Reaux, account Judgement Plaintiff.

 No. 3966 - Amelia Chevallier vs. Isaac Mayfield, suit for divorce plaintiff demand dismissed as in case of non-suit.

 No. 3967 - Mousin and Tebbet Improvement Co. vs. H. D. Engelmann, suit on note $128, judgment for plaintiff.

 No. 3968 - Rice, Born & Co. vs. Olivier Blanchet, account $105.00, judgment for plaintiff.

 No. 3971 - Philomene Bernard wife vs. Dominique Cayret, suit for separation of property, judgment for plaintiff.

 No. 3972 - Charles N. Ealer etals vs. P. A. Delhomme, notes, $640, judgment for plaintiff.

 No. 3978 - Alcidiades Foreman vs. Gerard (unreadable last name), open account $24.75, appeal from 2nd J. P. C. Judgment of lower court avoided, reversed and judgment for plaintiff.

 No. 3975 - Marie Adele Sonnier vs. Jacques C. Latiolais, suit for divorce, plaintiff's demand rejected and dismissed as in case of non-suit.

 No. 3976 - Dr. A. O. Clark or Sydney Debaige, notes $64.00, judgment for plaintiff.

 No. 2074 - Succession of Ursule Blonevet died wife of D. Roy, judgment homologating partition.

 No. 2050 - Succession of Charles Richard, judgment homologating Tableau of debts and ordering sale of property.

 A. Raoul Trahan vs. G. A. Martin, It is ordered that the injunction heretofore issued be now perpetuated, reserving the right of the defendant, Dr. G. A. Martin, to proceed judicially for the establishment of his claims; said injunction to endure only until said judicial determination in his favor. Costs to be borne by defendant. By consent the diploma of Dr. A. R. Trahan to be withdrawn from the fie by leaving a receipt therefore.

 Succession Vallery Breaux, Case resumed, submitted and judgment or prayed for closing the estate discharging the administration and canceling his bond. Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896. 



 We wish to inform the planters that we have thoroughly overhauled our gin preparatory to handling the cotton crop of the coming season, and are prepared to turn out from 45 to 50 bales per day. We have 48 wagons and teams which are at the disposal of our patrons for hauling their cotton to our gin, and the services will not cost them a cent. We have lately added special storage sheds to our gin where customers can keep their cotton stored as long as long as they please after it is ginned. These sheds have been carefully constructed with a view of affording protection from the weather, and no extra charge is made for their use. It is to be remembered that cotton ginned by us brings from 1/8 to 3/16 a cent more per pound than cotton ginned by the old system.

 We have also made special arrangements with leading brokers for disposing of cotton ginned at our mill at the highest market prices and without delay.

 Cotton brought to us will receive careful attention and early service.

 We respectfully solicit your patronage.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.


 Mr Editor:
  In regard to the effusion of our goo friend and neighbor, Mr. Nickerson, whose ideas like his language, are somewhat mixed, we managed to gather one lucid statement which he endeavors to falsify the assertion by X, Y, Z, in a previous article, that he was trying to buy cane for shipping purposes, is the immediately neighborhood. His statement is as follows:

 "I have no agents, never bought a ton of cane in the State of Louisiana for shipping purposes, never tried to do so directly, or indirectly." Whilst I do not deny the truth of his statement, as regard to himself, I state positively, that Mr. Nickerson, Jr., his son, who resides with him, has tried to do so, repeatedly. We have this statement from reliable sources some, of whom are our near neighbors and friends. The special inducements held out by him, were, that he would pay them tip-top prices, more they they could get at the Lafayette Refinery, and they would be sure to get cane ground, which they could not be sure of here, carefully omitting to mention the fact that they would have to pay 65 cts. more for the privilege if selling cane to him. This statement, he does not deny, as the veracity of those who who told us cannot be questioned, if he so wished, he can be brought face to face, with those who made the statement directly to us. This, certainly was not done, without the knowledge and presumed approval of Mr. Nickerson himself, who thus endeavors, in vulgar language, "to crawl out" of his undesirable position. Col. Breaux deems the whole article, with its author, as entirely unworthy of his notice, he is too well known and respected in this community where he was born and reared and his (unreadable word) ancestors before him, for any villifying remarks of Mr. Nickerson to injure him in the least. People will consider the source and estimate them accordingly. Mr. Nickerson will learn that the attempted insults of a new-comer like himself, will fall harmless, when cast at a man so generally well-known and beloved, and will recoil on his own head. I have done, with the only part of his article (unreadable words). As in the remainder (unreadable words) patiently and laboriously (unreadable words) is, I came to the conclusion (unreadable words) reminded me, forcibly of the lines of a celebrated poet, in describing a storm tossed barque, on a raging canal.

    "She heaved, and pitched and pitched and heaved.
    And up her rudder flung.
    And every time she heaved and pitched
    A worser leak she sprang."

 I would advise our good friend to confine his efforts to buying and selling real estate, to posing, as a capitalist and public spirited citizen and trying to instruct the poor, benighted planters down here, how to raise cane, as he is a better planter, "in his own estimation" than the planters around Lafayette, which he doubtless learned in the lumber business, on the shores of Lake Erie. He actually tries to be funny, in an attempted analogy, which falls perfectly flat, wherein he speaks of a Porpoise -- Whale, or a Whale Porpoise, I have forgotten which, as it is perfectly immaterial, though, I must confess I have been in some wonderment as to what sort o bird, fish or beast is a Whale-Porpoise, whose playful antics he so graphically describes. I must confess my zoological knowledge is at fault, as to whether it belongs to the cetacious or crustaceous order of mammals; whether it is ante-deluvian or post-deluvian. We all know, there are porpoises and whales which inhabit the briny deep, but as for a Whale-Porpoise, which must be some new-found wonderful monster, as it is written with capital letters, I plead ignorance. Possibly, it is a fish which disports itself in the mad waters of Lake Erie, or a vegetable productionn of Canada, hitherto unknown to scientific research, my learned friend only knows what he meant. I will say in conclusion that this is my last effort, for the nonce, in newspaper correspondence, the heat and mosquitoes having exhausted my energies, I, therefore gracefully salute. "The Knight of Sterling Grove", make by bow to the public, whom, possibly, we have served to amuse for un quart d'heure, and leave the field to the warrior, who will, doubtless sally forth, to win fresh victories, in other fields, unless like a veritable Don Quixote he will fancy, he is dealing the most terrible blows at an imaginary foe and finds himself charging only at wind-mills for we announce ourselves hors de combat so far as he is concerned.
   (Signed) X, Y, Z.
Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1896.

 City Council Proceedings.

 Special Meeting.
 July 31, 1896.

 Council met this evening in special session, members present: Messrs. Biossat. Ducote, Falk, Doucet, Mouton, LeBlanc and Dr. Trahan.  Absent: None.

 The Mayor stated this special meeting was called for the purpose of hearing  report from the police board.

 Following petition was submitted to the Council.

 To the Hon. Mayor and Police Board of the town of Lafayette, La.

 We the undersigned citizens and residents of said town, voicing by far the sentiments of the people of said town, would respectfully submit, that on the morning of the 27th day of July A. D. 1896 one Jacques Delhomme made charges against Ulysse Himel a Police Officer of said town, charging him with conduct unbecoming an officer, and on the evening of the same day the said Ulysse Himel did commit an assault, unlawfully and wantonly upon the person of George Scherer, and that an affidavit was made against the said Ulysse Himel charging him with striking and beating with a club with intent to kill and murder the said George Scherer; and we now in the name of the people of said town ask that the said Ulyss Himel be forthwith suspended until due and final investigation of said charges.
    Respectfully, A. Chargois, P. Crouchet, J. O. Mouton, A. C. Gankerdoff, Walter Mouton, John Whelan, R. Guidry, J. R. Bonnet, I. Pointboeuf, R. A. Gentil, W. Campbell, L. F. Salles, B. A. Salles, H. C. Salles, H. H. Hohorst, A. Delhoussaye, J. Vigneaux, E. Judice, A. Peck, H. D. Engleman, A. L. Bourg, P. Demanade, E. Olivier, A. J. McBride, C. L. Swindler, A. R. Lisbony, F. Demanade, J. F. Bowen, R. Richard, J. D. Cotter, H. Gankendoff, C. J. Sanders, P. Castel, E. E. Riland.

 Moved and seconded that the Council now go into executive session.

 Moved by Mr. O. C. Mouton, duly seconded that additional charges he made against Mr. Himel referred to police board and they to report to council.

 Council then adjourned.
C. D. CAFFERY, Mayor.
B. CLEGG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896. 

Selected News Notes 8/8/1896.  

 The continued dry weather of the past few weeks will be the cause of a material decrease in the yield of cotton, especially.

 A. M. Martin sold his bar room Saturday to Mr. H. D. Delahoussaye.

 Rev. Mother Patrick, spent several days this week with the sisters of Mt. Carmel Convent.

 Mr. Hebert Trahan replaced Mr. Ulysse Hymel "on the force" during the latters suspension.

 The Houston Daily Post is now on sale at The Advertiser office, Miss Cora Desbrest is agent.

 Messrs. Joe Mouton and Homer Mouton are "rusticating recreating", and incidentally enjoying the water at Point-aux Loups spring for a few days.
 Many thanks for the serenade tendered us on Monday night by a few members of the Lafayette String Band.

 The regular session of the Mount Carmel Convent School for boys and girls will open on Sept. 1st.

 Ground was broken for the Cotton Oil Mill last Wednesday and work will be rapidly pushed forward under the direction of contractor Stewart.

 Many thanks for the serenade tendered us on Monday night by a Lafayette String Band.

 Dr. R. B. Raney returned on Monday night after a very pleasant two weeks spent on the Gulf coast looking well and seem burned.

 Supt.F. T. Owens passed through Lafayette on Wednesday en route to the Pacific Coast, where he will spend a much needed vacation.  
 Rev. Mother Incarnation after a pleasant visit to Sisters at New Orleans and Biloxi returned Tuesday.

 Mr. Ulysse Poinbeauf brought us an egg plant this week weighing 5 pounds, 2 and three-quarter ounces, this is the largest up to date. Who's next?

 Mr. August Degrez, manager of the new cotton gin being erected on the lot lying between the Rice Mill and High School building wishes to inform the planters that he is now ready to purchase cotton at the best market price. the proprietors of the gin will also build a saw mill at the same place. Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1896.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 8, 1874:

The crops of this parish will promise to be abundant and the dry weather has checked and delayed the cotton worm, and our farmers are cheerful.

 COME ONE, COME ALL.- It is expected that every Democrat in the parish and every friend of reform will be present at the Court House next Saturday the 15th inst. and take part in the proceedings of the meeting called for that day.


 "MURDER WILL OUT."- Last Monday Deputy Sheriff Edgar Mouton arrested Charles Simon and Eugene, they being charged with the murder of Robert Dickerson, in this parish, in the month of January 1867. The accused were incarcerated to await a preliminary examination on the 11th inst. 

 We would call the attention of our readers and especially our White League friends, to the letter of the Hon. Albert Voorhies to Gov. John McEnry, and to the telegram of R. H. Marr, Esq., and Gov. McEnry's reply thereto, to be found in another column. Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1874.

 A MAGNIFICENT PLANTATION  situated in the Parish of Lafayette, in the Southwestern part of the State of Louisiana, (in that section known as the Attakapas District), and being three miles Northwest of the flourishing town of Vermilionville, and one mile North of the New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad, containing Two Hundred and Twenty-five superficial arpents of well improved land, together with a large, commodious dwelling with three double chimneys and galleries above and below ; a kitchen with all necessary conveniences ; comfortable buildings for laborers ; a carriage house, a hen house, stables, &c. Over 125 arpents of the land is now enclosed by a cypress pieux fence and Bois d' Arc hedge.

 The Dwelling, Kitchen &c., are surrounded with good fencing and the yard is beautifully shaded by oaks, Pecans and other trees ; there are also a number of fig, peach, plum and pear trees and a vegetable and flower garden, and a lot of Beehives on the place.

 The land is generally level, it is well drained and never subject to overflow, and has natural facilities for draining. The land is rich and fertile, and well adapted to raising Cotton, Sugar cane, Rice, Potatoes, Tobacco, Vegetables of every description and fruit trees for all kinds suitable to this climate.

 There is also a fine tract of WOODLAND containing Forty-five (45) superficial acres, situated three miles from the Plantation on the west side of the Bayou Vermilion (being on the same side of said Bayou as the Plantation). This tract of land is on a high hill and is thickly covered with the different kinds of Oak with Ash, and a variety of other useful trees. It is a most desirable location for raising hogs, goats and sheep. The Railroad Line surveyed in 1872 by the N. O. Mobile and Texas R.R. Co. crosses this tract of land.

 The whole of the above property can be purchased on the following terms to wit : $5500 Cash, Or, $6000, $3000 CASH and $3000 payable in equal annual installments.
For further information.
Address A. D. MARTIN, or to the Lafayette Advertiser, Vermilionville.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1874.

 When it was charged that the White League movement would come in conflict with the democratic party, it was promptly and vehemently denied. The Champion of this parish asserted, that they were all democrats and would act with the democratic party. When the wire pullers were accused of designs upon the local offices, the same disinterested patriot, denied it most indignantly. The deceit and hypocrisy of these denials and assertions are now apparent.

 At a meeting held here on the twenty-eighth of June last, the leaders announced that there were but two parties--the white and the black--ignoring entirely the Democratic party. Although a Democratic state convention has been called, a bolting convention of White Leaguers has also been called to meet at Alexandria. In the same obstinate spirit, the intriguers of this parish are persistently increasing and perfecting their organization to the detriment of the Democratic party. Efforts are being made to induce the W. L. Clubs to nominate a ticket for parish officers, and to attend the Democratic meeting on the fifteenth inst., with the evident intention of the wire pullers, to control it's action. Now, as the White League generally, is not a political party and is acting in concert with the Democrats, the movements in this parish are more than suspicious and reprehensible.

 The friendly and generous invitation of the Democrats, extended to all persons desiring reform, to participate in their meeting, was not intended to include bolters and dis- organizers, by whatever name they may chose to call themselves. The intention and spirit of the invitation was to encourage and promote harmony and good feeling and not to afford a pretext for the smuggling in of wolves in sheep's clothing to create discord and dissension. If such impertinence be attempted, it will merit and receive its proper rebuke. All who participate in that meeting will be expected to give satisfactory assurances that they will act in good faith with the Democratic party and no other.

 There exists no material difference of opinion between us and our honest and intelligent White League friends. We wish to accomplish the same objects, but by different means. If we are divided, neither of us will succeed. Designing and intriguing persons are magnifying our little differences of opinion and it is for you to decide whether you will be humbugged by and become the tools of such men. We can all stand on the Democratic platform. The people of the parish are competent to select their parish officers as heretofore, without trickery or dictation from any quarter. therefore, we again earnestly appeal to every voter, to discard all minor differences and unite in working out our political redemption.  Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1874.

Police Jury Proceedings.

         Vermilionville, La., July 13, 1874.
  The Police Jury of the Parish of Lafayette, met pursuant to adjournment.

 Present: G. Dubau, President; Rosemond Landry, R. C. Landry, Jean Bernard and S. J. Montgomery.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 On motion of G. Dubau, Resolved, that the Tax Collector of the parish of Lafayette, proceed to the collection of the parish taxes of 1873, according to the parish Roll upon his giving bond in the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars and in default of furnishing said bond, the District Attorney pro tem, is hereby ordered to proceed against the Tax Collector to compel him to furnish said bond and to desist from the collection of said parish taxes, until he complies with this resolution.

 The Finance Committee reported that they had made arrangements with the Lafayette Advertiser to continue the publication of the proceedings of the Police Jury and all parochial printing upon same contract that was made with J. Y. Gilmore of the Cotton Boll, deducting the time during which the Cotton Boll acted as official journal of this body, which report was, upon motion of S. J. Montgomery, adopted.

 On motion of G. Dubau, the District Attorney pro tem was allowed until the next regular meeting to make his report upon the progress of the collection of the Parish Tax.

 The following petition of the citizens of the fifth ward of the Parish of Lafayette, praying for a public road from Broussardville to the parish of Iberia was presented and read:

page 1 column 6

 On motion of R. C. Landry, Resolved, that the following persons J. G. St. Julien, Marcel Melancon, Joseph Levime Landry, Martial Billeaud, Florentin Bourq, Valsin Broussard, E. D. Pellerin and Martial Fabre, be appointed a committee to examine into the property of establishing a public road as prayed for in the petition of Valsin Broussard and others, and to report at the next meeting of this body.

 On motion of G. Dubau, Resolved that hereafter no warrants shall be issued for witnesses and jurors fees in criminal cases, before the same be ordered by the Police Jury.

 The delegates from Royville appeared and prayed for the establishment of a public road from Royville to Iberia Parish. And upon motion of G. Dubau, Resolved that the people of Royville are required to make their request by petition accompanied with a plot showing the road they ask for.

 On motion of Jean Bernard, Resolved that the sum of sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents amount of parish taxes of 1866 paid by Wm. Brandt, for taxes wrongfully assessed, he being a resident of the Corporation of Vermilionville, be refunded to said Wm. Brandt and that a warrant issue in favor of said Brandt for said sum.

 On motion of Jean Bernard, Resolved that the Sheriff of the Parish of Lafayette be and is hereby authorized to purchase for the use of said Parish, handcuffs and leg irons, provided the costs of the same do not exceed sixty dollars.

 On motion of Jean Bernard, Resolved that the following accounts be and they are hereby allowed, and that parish warrants issue for the same: W. B. Lindsay, $5.70; L. Hirsch, constable fees $4; A. J. Moss, Parish Judge, costs in criminal cases $33.50; F. E. Piquette, M. D., costs in criminal cases $45; H. Eastin, Sheriff $100; H. M. Bailey, $3.50; F. E. Piquette $3; John S. Rand, for work on public road $41.20.

 And the following accounts were rejected: C. M. Moss $2.10; J. B. Lyles $2.10; H. Hawkins, $2.31; Paul Lalande $15.

 On motion of R. Leblanc, the Police Jury adjourned sine die.
G. DUBAU, President.
C. H. MOUTON, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1874.


 City Council of Vermilionville.

 On this 6th day of July 1874, the City Council met at the Court House in regular session.

 Present:  A. Monnier, Mayor and Councilmen Mouton, Revillon, Bourges and McBride. Absent: Chargois, Landry and Salles.

 The Council was called to order, an on motion, the reading of the minutes were dispensed with.

 On motion it was resolved, That the Collector be and is hereby ordered to proceed to the collection of all taxes and licenses due this Corporation.

 Resolved further, That ten days after the publication of this resolution, the Collector is hereby authorized to bring suit against all parties failing or neglecting to pay their taxes and licenses.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
A. MONNIER, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1874.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 8th, 1906:

 Plans for New School Building.

 The plans adopted for the new school building calls for a building two stories high with a basement, 174 feet by 110 feet, containing 12 class rooms and a large auditorium besides library reception room, principal's office and cloak rooms. The basement contains four rooms that might be available for class rooms when the attendance should demand extra class rooms, and also play rooms, etc. The building is to be of St. Louis pressed brick with stone trimmings and steps. The height of the first floor ceiling is to be 12 feet and that of the second 18 feet, the height of the building to the cornice will be about forty-five feet.

 For protection against fire, there are four steel enclosed stairways leading from the first to the second floor and at each each end of the building by the main stairways automatic fireproof doors are provide. The cost of the building as given by the architect is $41,500.

 The building to be place on the east side of the railway is to be two stories in height, of rough brick with stone trimmings, and contain eight rooms, the price given is $8,000. Lafayette Advertiser 8/8/1906.  

Biographical Sketch of the  New Head of the Church.

 Cardinal Guiseppe Sarto was born at Riese, Province of Venice, July 2, 1835. He was created Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice June 12, 1803. He was very learned in the ecclesiastical doctrines, is modest, energetic, a good administrator and organizer, a patron of the arts, and his seriousness always has been proverbial.

 Early in April, Pope Leo, in a conversation with Father Perosi, the Italian composer, said, in speaking of Cardinal Sarto:

 "Hold him very dear, Perosi, as in the future he will be able to do much for you. We firmly believe he will be our successor."

 He has been known for many years as one of the greatest preachers in the church.

 Cardinal Sarto belonged to the Ecclesiastic Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, Sacred Rights, Indulgences and Sacred Relics. He enjoyed great popularity in his diocese. He is honored by all for his purity, for the strict uprightedness of his life and for liberal ideas. He is a modest and agreeable man, highly cultivated, very kindhearted and still strong and robust in spite of his 89 years. He has never taken great part in the political and public life of the church, but divided his time between study and good works. Although most faithful to the Holy See, he was presented to the king and queen of Italy in Venice. He was considered among the more liberal members of the Italian Episcopate and Sacred College. It is said that Leo XIII sided with him on one occasion when Sarto disapproved of Rampolla's policy.

Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Gazette 8/8/1903.

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