Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 5th, 1903:


 Friends of the Lacoste-Voorhies Ticket Present in Large Crowds. 

 All the Candidates Endorsed Unanimously and Strong Resolutions Adopted. 

 One of the largest political meetings ever held in the parish took place at Beausejour Park last Sunday. An immense crowd from various parts of the parish, estimated at between 2,000 and 2,500 people were present, the occasion being a mass meeting and barbecue advertised to be held for the purpose of submitting the candidacies on the Lacoste-Voorhies ticket to the people for ratification. About 10 a. m. a procession formed in the front of the Catholic church and led by the Sontag Military Band started for the park, with over 600 vehicles in and many horsemen. At 11 o'clock the meeting was called to order by Gilbert St. Julien, who explained the object and purpose of the meeting. Numa Breaux, of Carencro, was elected chairman, and J. J. Mouton, secretary. The following vice-presidents occupied seats upon the platform: John Begnaud, Jean Hebert, Louis Ancelet, Ben Avant, Norbert Simon, Philosie Trouvay, J. Aymar Labbe, Numa Martin, Sosthene Breaux, Francois Hebert, Jean Bourque, John Landry, J. O. Girouard, R. U. Bernard, Ozeme DuBois, Clemile Cormier, Moise Brasseaux, S. E. Guilbeau, J. O. Broussard, Ben Benoit, Aymar Comeaux, Jules Meaux, Lastie Roy and Gustave Trahan.

 The first business of the meeting was the report of the committee on nominations appointed at the last meeting of ward delegates which was as follows:

 To the Democratic voters of the parish of Lafayette in mass meeting assembled.

 The undersigned committee appointed by the mass meeting of the 14th day of June 1903 for the purpose of selecting candidates for parish officers to be submitted to white Democratic primaries, beg leave to report the following selections:

 For Sheriff, Louis Lacoste; for Clerk of court, Ed. G. Voorhies, J. Gilbert St. Julien and P. L. DeClouet were then appointed to draft suitable resolutions, and a recess taken to allow them time. When the meeting was called to order again the committee submitted the following resolutions, which were adopted enthusiastically.

 Be it resolved that we, the Democrats of the parish of Lafayette in mass meeting assembled, ratify the selections of the candidates of the Lacoste-Voorhies ticket, chosen on the 19th day of June 1903, by convention composed of delegates from the different wards of the parish; and that we pledge our support to them subject to the result of the white Democratic primaries to be held in the parish.

 2nd. Be it resolved, that having the appointed power of the Governor as a denial of the right of the people to choose their own officers, we favor the election of all State, parochial and municipal officers, executive, judiciary and legislative in this State, including assessors, members of the school board by popular vote.

 3rd. That being opposed to the method of nominating State, parochial and municipal officers by conventions, we favor direct primaries for that purpose.

4th. Considering that the law which requires the payment of a poll tax as a prerequisite to the right of voting, obnoxious to the people and not in accord with the spirit of popular government, we therefore favor its repeal. 

 5th. We favor all laws fostering public education, and disseminating it among the masses, so as to place it within reach of every child in the State.

 6th. We favor liberal legislation and appropriations regarding the opening and maintenance of our public roads.

 7th. We ask that the Democratic Executive Committee of this parish order a primary election for the nomination of parish and ward officers, that at said primary election all white male persons of twenty-one years and upward, belonging to the party, be allowed to register and vote.


 The following gentlemen addressed the meeting in the order named, beginning immediately after the adoption of the resolutions: P. L. DeClouet, Jno. L. Kennedy, J. Gilbert St. Julien, R. W. Elliott, Alcibiades Broussard, and J. O. Broussard. Owing to the lack of space, we can not give a synopsis of their remarks. At the close of the speaking about 2 p. m. a bountiful and appetizing barbecue dinner was served to which all present did full justice.

 A noticeable feature of the occasion was the presence of a large number of ladies, showing that the fair sex are very much interested in the present election.

 Another noticeable feature was the presence of a large number of friends and sympathizers of the I. A. Broussard, took no active part in the meeting.

 Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

Believes Primaries to be the Democratic Way.

 The Times-Democrat correspondent called upon Judge Julian Mouton, member of the Democratic State Central Committee from Lafayette parish, for an expression of views on the proper method of nominating a State ticket. Judge Mouton said:

 "I have always been in favor of primaries for the nomination of Democratic candidates. I believe that a primary is the best method to secure an honest and free expression of the popular will.

 "In my opinion a direct primary is the most Democratic method  to select a State ticket, as the citizen votes directly for the candidate of his choice. In a convention he must express his will through a delegate. I fail to see the wisdom or necessary of employing a political agent when the voter is competent to act for himself. I believe that the Democrats can be fully trusted to select their district and parochial tickets. In this State a Democratic nomination is equivalent to an election, and I, therefore, think that candidates for Governor and other State officers can very well undergo the trouble of a campaign before the Democracy." Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.   

The Barbecue at Beausejour.

 To The Advertiser: - It was evident from the size of the crowd at Beausejour Park last Sunday that brass bands and barbecues have lost none of their old time popularity. Free music, free lunch and free Sunday form a strong combination and an unfailing attraction, and so it was not surprising to see so many people from town and parish taking interest in "politics" on such an occasion.

 Both, the Lacoste-Voorhies faction and the I. A. Broussard faction, were there in full force, and a republican contingent was on hand also, to enjoy a "good thing" together; and many of the men-folk brought along their wives and babies to listen to the always excellent music of the Sontag Military Band.

 The crowd was truly representative in character, and orderly, and it acquiesced in a respectful and good natured manner in the speeches and resolutions prepared beforehand by the political leaders in charge of the meeting and to whom the crowd felt indebted for the pleasures of the day.

 Such is life, and such is politics; and one of the natural effects of the Lacoste-Voorhies barbecue will be to enliven interest in the political campaign now fairly launched in Lafayette observer.
   (Signed)  OBSERVER.
Lafayette, La., Aug. 3, 1903.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

An Open Letter to the Republicans of Lafayette. 

Gentlemen - The recently published advice signed by Messrs. G. A. Breaux, Jos. A. Chargois and J. R. Domengeaux, advising the Republican electorate of this parish not to "participate in any manner in the Democratic primaries, soon to be ordered," on the ground that "a full State of parochial Republican ticket will be submitted to the voters of Louisiana at the general election of April, 1904 is before you, and calls for an expression of opinion from me as a member of the executive committee from the first ward.

 There comes a time in history of all parties when they must rise above party, when the principles of a party are violated, and the machinery is hopelessly placed in the hands  of the violator, then a direct respect for those principles calls for a severance of party ties until such time as the party returns to its moorings.

 I earnestly advise the Republican electorate of the first ward and of the parish of Lafayette, to participate in the next Democratic primaries, and to loyally stand by the nominees in the ensuing general election for the following reasons to wit :

 The Republican party which, under the late lamented and martyred McKinley, was making every effort to break down sectional prejudice, and build up a respectable white party in Louisiana, which would have commanded the same degree of respect that the Whig party did in ante bellum days; a party which would be true to the principles of protection, and would have earnestly desired to protect Southern agricultural interests from foreign slave, has now also, fallen into the hands of a violent reactionary, whose idea of statesmanship is to subvert the policy of his predecessor, and whose consuming vanity and egotism will soon earn for him the title of "party buster" as well as "broncho buster."

 Roosevelt's influence with the party through the cohesive power of public "pap," is driving into him the party leaders, and conventions, to be the agents of his imperial will, as evidenced by the recent action of the Ohio Republican convention is strongly condemning the limitations placed on negro suffrage in the South, and calling for reduction of Southern representation in Congress (and of course in the nominating conventions;) the Northern Republican papers are unanimous in their condemnation of this restriction, and the New York Commercial Advertiser (Rep.) declares "that it is an utter subversion of the principles upon which popular government is based, and as a means of keeping the negroes in subjection can hardly be tolerated any longer."

 It is manifest to all who are willfully blind that the negrophilism of the President, whose social equality dinings with Booker Washington; whose appointment of the negro Crum to the collectorship of the ancient Southern port of Charleston, where there were a score of white Republicans who would have been acceptable to the business element, simply because he was a negro, and this right after partaking the whole-souled hospitality of the leading citizens of Charleston his arbitrary closure of the Indianola post office, where he was trying to force a negress on the people as post mistress, although she did not want it and voluntarily resigned, because, as she said, she knew she was not wanted, and being a woman of sense and wealth, did not care to remain in a position where she was persona non  grata; his hysterical and petty malice in this affair, stamp Roosevelt either as a negrophile fanatic, whose views are repugnant to every free born American, and a deadly insult to every Southern-born man, or as a demagogic politician playing for the negro vote that holds the balance of power in Ohio, Indiana, and New York. In either case the results are the same, and are having the effect, North and South, of inciting negroes to crime, with the consequent lynchings and daily occurrences, and leading them to aspire to an equality that the Almighty never intended them to have, and which in the end is going to result in a train of evils that it will take a generation to rectify. Under McKinley there was no negro question, under Roosevelt it is a black cloud that looms up ominously and is daily assuming the deadly funnel shape of an approaching cyclone.

 No self respecting Southern Republican who loves his race, his home or the principles of his party, can longer affiliate with a party that stands for social equality with the negroes, it matters not what his views on economic questions may be. But when we consider that Roosevelt has betrayed, not only his race, but the economic principles of his party, except in so far as protection of his party, except in so far as protection to the trusts is concerned, by his policy of imperialism and colonial expansion adding nonadjacent territory in direct violation of the spirit of the Constitution, the products of which comes in direct competition with those of Louisiana and other Southern States.

 When we remember that Roosevelt stood with a whip in hand and lashed the party into unwilling acceptance of reciprocity with Cuba, and aims a deadly blow at the sugar industry of Louisiana and the tobacco industry of the South, then it behooves all decent, self-respecting Southern Republicans, who love their homes and principles of the party more than the organization itself, to cut loose from the latter because of its violation of its most cherished traditions, at least until such time when it returns to the high plane where Mckinley left it, and from whence it has been dragged by the "associated accident of an assassin's bullet."

 For the reasons herein set forth I advise participation in the coming primaries and affirmation with the Democrats in the coming campaign, and until the Republican party's purged of Roosevelt-ism.

 A Democratic primary in Louisiana is equivalent to an election. A parochial and State Republican ticket under the management of Roosevelt's lieutenants in Louisiana simply means a straw ticket put up to bolster a Roosevelt delegation and a continuation of the same policy of negrophilism and destruction to the sugar and other material interests of Louisiana.
      Respectfully submitted,
         H. D. G
, M. D.,
Member Republican Parish Executive Committee, First Ward Lafayette, La.
Scott, La., July 28, 1903.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.



 The Southern Pacific six months ago made the proposition, that would the people of Lafayette donate $500 in cash and furnish the reading matter, they would print at their own expense 50,000 copies of a pamphlet, containing as many as 28 pages, illustrated with cuts, advertising the resources, advantages, etc., of Lafayette parish, and would further distribute them among the farmers of the Northern Mississippi valley and northwest. Nothing has ever been done in regard to this generous offer; but it is not too late, even now, as the offer still stands. 

 This is certainly a great opportunity to thoroughly advertise the parish, and considering the immense benefit that must accrue, it is strange indeed that such a chance should be neglected.

 There are thousands of sturdy, independent farmers every year immigrating from the northwestern States into Canada, who could easily be induced to come to Southwest Louisiana were its delightful climate and fertile soil truly known; and just think for a moment what an advantage it would be to have those thrifty, industrious men settle among us, and occupy our spare lands. They belong to a class who have learned the secret of striving with a rigorous climate and poor soil, yet wrestling from both comfortable even fine homes, and laying up money in the bank. Such a class would be an object lesson to us. Their work and industry have raised the value of those northern lands to $125 and $150 an acre, and it is safe to say that a few hundred desirable immigrants of that sort will cause our land, which is many times intrinsically more valuable, to jump from the present low prices of $30 and $35 an arpent to $150, and more.

 These people also believe in schools. There are none more liberal in taxing themselves for educational purposes than are these, and in our efforts to make Lafayette's schools the best to be had, their hearty cooperation is assured.

 Money given to advertise the parish is not money spent, it is money sensibly invested. Our neighbor Crowley knows this and is liberal with printer's ink. It has made Crowley. A few years ago Crowley was a barren prairie, to-day it is a bustling, wide awake little city of over 5,000 inhabitants. And they never quit advertising. Only a few days ago Crowley appointed a delegate to the Trans Mississippi Commercial Congress which meets this month Seattle. We want to do likewise, if we are to grow. The proper course is to spend freely and judiciously, and we can rest assured that the returns will be large indeed.

 We have a Business Men's League whose purpose and object is to benefit the town. Let them take up the Southern Pacific's proposition and move it straight through, and also if possible see that Lafayette, too, has a representative at Seattle when the Trans-Mississippi Convention meets August 18th.

Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

New Buildings.  

 Otto Wishand is building a nice little cottage on the corner of Chestnut and Eighth street.

 Edwin Chargois has let out the contract for a residence to be built on his lot opposite the post office.

 The Rosenfield brick store is nearing completion and will be ready for occupancy in a short while.

 Pellerin & DeClouet's handsome three-story building is moving rapidly to completion.
   Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.


 Its schools are a fair index of the social, moral and intellectual states of a community. This is a truth that is self-demonstrating and requires no argument.

 No community can be better than the average individual composing it, because it is the individual members of the community acting collectively, who determine all questions of public policy in the end.

 In the matter of schools Lafayette has made notable advancement of late, but there is an important deficiency yet to be supplied, and for the lack of that integral part of our public school system the educational interests of our children are being seriously retarded.

 School children should be comfortably housed and school work should be carried on under unfavorable conditions, to obtain the highest results; and this principle has come to e so well recognized among educators that special and careful attention is given to this phase of school work because of the essential part played by beauty, symmetry and pleasant environments in the progress and well-rounded development of the child-mind.

 The two public school buildings now in use in Lafayette are inadequate in capacity and equipment, and they are otherwise unsuited to satisfy the requirements of an enlightened and progressive people. The present buildings have no excuse for their existence at this time and are a standing reproach to the wealth and intelligence of this community.

 A spacious modern school building surrounded by attractive grounds is one of Lafayette's most pressing needs, and valuable time is being lost by delaying action in this regard. The education of our children under the most advantageous conditions is a duty and a responsibility we should meet and discharge willingly and in a deeply earnest spirit, and let posterity enjoy the resulting fruits of good citizenship and enlarged life. Could money be put to a better use than this, or invested in a way which would bring more valuable and more enduring results?

 A building specially constructed and arrange and equipped for school work is secondary in importance only to the teaching itself, because it affords the same beneficent aid to the teacher and pupil that vegetation receives from the sunshine and rain, or that the workman obtains from his hands and his tools. The child must go to school in his own interest, but if he is attracted to his class-rooms and not driven to them, and his work is made agreeable and interesting instead of monotonous and irksome, he will assuredly derive greater and more lasting benefit from his course of instruction.

 A building of pleasing architectural design and intelligently planned for school work, not only positively and distinctly contributes to the well-being and the intellectual growth of the schoolchild, but it honors the community whose thrift and enterprise and civic pride it reflects.

 Let the people of Lafayette more in this matter as did, nobly, the people of the parish one month ago. Little hands are knocking and little feet are patting at the door for admittance into the new school building, and they can not wait any longer. This is a question that concerns the whole people, and is the leading issue and must take precedence of all other local or factional questions now before the public.

 Dilatoriness and inaction in the presence of such a plain and pressing duty is to be unfaithful to our children and to posterity, and unworthy of the priceless heritage of American citizenship. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.


W. J. Avery Elected Principal of the High School.

 The School Board committee for the selection of teachers met last Thursday and elected Mr. W. J. Avery as principal of the High School. Mr. Avery is a graduate of the State Normal college, and has taken a two years post graduate course at Chicago University. He has taught in different parts of the state successfully, and is at present instructor in the model school at Natchitoches which is a part of the Normal college. Prof. B. C. Caldwell gives him a strong recommendation, and coming men in educational affairs in the State. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903. 

Friday Night Largely Attended and Unusually Fine.

 The largest crowd of the season was present at the open air concert Friday night, there were over 250 paid admission, while outside the sidewalk and streets were blocked with people. The music was all that was expected and proved highly pleasing as repeated and enthusiastic applause demonstrated. The beautiful cornet solo by Mr. Scott Heywood and Mr. Billeaud's baritone in the distance were the hits of the evening, and evoked tremendous applause. Evidently the people of Lafayette have a natural, if not well cultivated musical taste, and are thoroughly proud of their splendid band.

 Hiawatha and the Bamboo Queen were two beautiful selections which followed the Miserere, the star piece of the evening, and received a hearty encore.

 The same program will be repeated Friday evening and it is certain that not one was present will miss it and those who lost the enjoyment last week will not let the treat pass, especially as Mr. Heywood has kindly consented to play an extra solo. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

Fair at Broussard.

 A fair will be held at Broussard Sunday, Aug. 9, for the benefit of the Catholic church there. A theatrical entertainment tournament and ball game will be some of the attractions. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903. 

A Central Location.

 A bid has been submitted by Mr. Leo Doucet for the Post office, the building to be located between his store and the Candy Kitchen. This is   will be highly satisfactory to the business men and as convenient to the people as any place. We wish Mr. Doucet success to his bid.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

Will Bore for Oil.

 The Lafayette Oil and Mineral Company held a special meeting Thursday night and empowered their president, Leo Judice, to close out a deal by which they will have two wells put down, one of their holdings at Jennings and one at Anse la Butte. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903. 

Ball Items.

 Since our last issue there have been three good games played on the local diamond. Thursday the Lafayette team crossed bats with the New Iberia professionals who were members of the Sugar Belt League. The game was a close one, being 3 to 2 in favor of the home boys, and aroused intense interest from the first. There was some splendid playing on both sides, and the game was as evenly matched as any which have taken place this season.

 Friday the Jeanerette team were the opponents of Lafayette and they came pretty near having a walk over. Two of the New Iberia team stayed over and played with Lafayette, but did not play the game that was expected. The home team did not put up nearly as strong a game as the day before and let the visitors take them easy with a score of 6 to 2.

 In Sunday's game with Pilette it was different. Lafayette did some excellent playing and soon showed that Pilette was much outclassed. The score by innings was:

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 Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

Destructive Winds.

 Saturday a high wind, almost a cyclone, passed over Mr. L. S. Broussard's place near Milton, and demolished two cabins on his place, besides doing considerable harm to crops in the neighborhood. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

 Mobile and Ohio Personally Conducted Excursions.

 The Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company takes great pleasure in calling your attention to its extremely low rate personally conducted excursion to Chicago and St. Louis, Saturday, August 15.

 Dates of sale. Tickets are now on sale, but will only be good for use on our fast mail and regular trains leaving New Orleans on August 15.

 Final limit: - Passengers can return on any train at any time up to and including trains leaving Chicago or St. Louis on August 31.

 Personally conducted: - Each section of the Mobile and Ohio trains will be accompanied by a responsible representative of the passenger department, whose duty and pleasure will be to look after the passengers, furnish them with all needed information, point out objects of interest and make himself generally agreeable. Family parties or ladies traveling without escorts will be well looked after; special arrangements will be made for their comfort.

 Not excursion trains: - The trains that will accommodate our patrons on the 15th will not be excursion trains in any sense. They will consist of solid wide vestibuled coaches, pullman sleeping cars, dining cars, etc., which are used on our trains every day. They will be run as "specials."

 Extra trains will be run to accommodate those who do not find room on our regular trains. No crowding. Ample accommodations for all.

 As to meals en route: - Our excellent dining car service will be supplemented by first class meals at well known meal stations.

 Chicago and St. Louis only: - Passengers going to Chicago and St. Louis will act wisely in selecting our road. We will sell tickets to those points only. You will not be crowded out and inconvenienced.

 Our route is direct from New Orleans to St. Louis and Chicago without change of cars and with no delays whatsoever. Leaving New Orleans the following cities are passed. Hattiesburg, Ellisville, Laurel, Vossburg, Meridian (no change of cars or delay), Artesia, Tupelo, the home of Private John Allen, made famous for his speech for its fish hatchery, Corinth, the scene of a desperate conflict in the late civil war, Jackson, Humbolt, Rives, Union City and Cairo.

 Crossing the high bridge at Cairo, the States of Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas an Kentucky can be seen at one glance from the observation and off the train.

 The scenery of Alto Pass: - Daylight ride from St. Louis to Chicago can be had by leaving New Orleans on the morning train, passing many important Illinois towns and viewing the gathering of cereal crops.

 Worlds Fair route to St. Louise: - A chance to see the stupendous work now in progress at the St. Louis World's Fair Grounds. Buildings are nearly completed. You can get the lay of the land and know what you are doing when you visit the fair next year.

 Strictly first class: - Our day coaches are provided with separate toilets and laboratories for ladies and gentlemen, soap, towels and other conveniences of the Pullman sleepers.

 Daylight arrival in St. Louis and Chicago: - Our morning train arrives in St. Louis the next morning at 7:36, making the trip in 22 hours and 26 minutes.  Chicago is reached in the afternoon in time for dinner. Our evening trains arrive in St. Louis the following evening at 7:04 p. m., and Chicago the next morning for breakfast. Only one night to Chicago on our morning train.

 Side trips to Milwaukee, Waukesha, Grand Haven, Sheboygan and other great lake resorts can be made at small cost.

 Whale back steamers. Take a ride on one of them on Lake Michigan.

 Baggage to the amount of 150 pounds can be checked on each ticket.

 Pullman sleeping car rates: - For double lower berth, New Orleans to St. Louis, $5.00; New Orleans to Chicago, $5.00; for the night, $2.00.

 Double lower berths can be occupied by two persons, man and wife or two friends, without extra charge. Reservations should be made as far in advance as possible so as to secure choice space.

 Dining cars on all trains (meals a la carte) you simply pay for what you order and no more. Finest service in the South.

 Trains leave New Orleans from depot foot of Press street at 9:10 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Take Carondelet or Bourbon streets which will take you direct to the depot or take any car to Canal and Carondelet, thence via Carondelet car.
F. E. GUEDRY, D. P. A.
Cumberland phone 3639-11.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.


Selected News Notes 8/5/1903.

Miss Cora Desbrest returned home Thursday from Tenn.

 Prof. V. R. Roy and family are visiting in Marksville.

 Miss Nella Alpha, on of the Blue Store;s efficient sales ladies, is taking a short vacation.

 Willie Price, of Crowley, was in town Sunday.

 Mrs. Albert Delahoussaye went to Opelousas Saturday on a short visit.

 Edward Broussard, of the firm of Prejean & Co., took in the excursion to Beaumont Saturday.

 Dr. Raoul Olivier, of St. Martinville, visited friends and relatives here Sunday.

 Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Comstock and son Creighton left Monday night for New Orleans.

 Herbert Billeaud, one of Broussard's prominent citizens, was in town Saturday.

  Misses Bessie Cornay, Mayre Littell, Mrs. F. E. Davis and little daughter, Dorothy, left yesterday for a sojourn at Ocean Springs, Miss. They were joined at New Orleans by Mrs. Devlin and children, all bound for the same summer resort.

 Rev. S. S. Keene was a guest at the home of Mrs. P. D. Beraud this week.

 A. L. Dyer, Youngsville, left yesterday for New York to buy his fall and winter stock of general merchandise.

 Misses Irion and Everett spent Wednesday in town as the guest of Mrs. F. R. Tolson.

 Miss Ruby Scranton, one of Lafayette's most charming young ladies, is visiting friends in Carencro.

 Mrs. Leon Billeaud and her three sons, Arthur, Landry and Joe, have returned from a delightful visit to relatives at Bayou Tigre.

 Miss Antonia Campbell, who has been employed at the telephone exchange, has resigned and accepted a position with The Advertiser.

 T. M. Biossat Jr., and Willie P. Mills returned Monday after a pleasant stay of three weeks in Rapides and Avoyelles parishes, looking in splendid health.

 Friday Mr. G. M. Snodgrass sold to Mr. McNaspy a piece of ground just north of his residence for $600. Mr. McNaspy will erect a two-story dwelling on the land shortly.

 The Lafayette Base Ball team are in excellent humor, for they have just received their handsome new suits, and are ready to tackle a few more professionals.

 Misses Irion Everett spent Wednesday on town as the guest of Mrs. F. R. Tolson.

 Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Smith and children returned home Friday after spending a delightful outing at Biloxi.

 Misses McGuiley and Martha Andrus were the guests of Mrs. Frank Hopkins Wednesday.

 Butcher and Voorhies the real estate men, have moved their office into the building next to Carter's studio. See their new ad in another column.

 We regret to state that Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsay are both quite sick.

 Agnor Broussard, Blake Theall and Louis Butcher returned Saturday night from a pleasant vacation at the seashore.

 Miss Gabriel Guchereau has accepted a position at the Blue Store, in place of Miss Philomene Doucet who has resigned.

 Jules Poinboeuf has returned home, having been pardoned by the Governor. 

 Mrs. B. J. Pellerin and son Clayton, went with Mrs. Davis and party to Ocean Springs yesterday.

 While Mrs. Louis Lacoste was out driving Sunday, her horse became frightened and ran away, but fortunately he was stopped before causing any injury.

 Dr. H. P. Beeler accompanied by Prof. Alcidiades Broussard left Monday for Louisville, Ky., to visit Dr. Beeler's parents. Mr. Broussard will also spend a short time in Bardstown.

 B. G. Hoeck, a thoroughly qualified pharmacist, with ten years experience in New Olreans, has accepted a position at the Moss Pharmacy. He takes the place of Felix Dantin who returned to Morgan City Tuesday. The Advertiser extends him a cordial welcome to Lafayette.

 Messrs. Aymar Broussard of Breaux Bridge, Clemile Trahan, and Arthur Trahan took advantage of the excursion to Beaumont Saturday to visit the oil fields.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

From the Lafayette Gazette of August 5th, 1899:


 The people of Carencro turned out en masse on Monday evening to greet Bishop Rouxel who came over land from Grand Coteau to administer the sacrament of confirmation on St. Peter's church.

 This outpouring of the population in spite of the extreme heat and disagreeable dust was almost unanimous, very few being absent from the parade, as men, women and children seemed to consider it a pleasure as well as a duty to evince their politeness and their Catholic spirit in welcoming to their midst this esteemed dignitary of the church, who, in years gone by, had administered to many of them in marriage, death or first communion.

 The eminent prelates in his touching address to the assembly appreciated this, for he paid a just tribute to the devotion of the people and complimented them to the fullest extent for their advancement in matters, civil and religious, since his ministry among them in years past, dwelling particularly upon the mutual good fortune of Pastor and flock - the latter happy in so able and so exemplary a rector - the former in having parishioners too ready to co-operate with him.

 The decorations of the church and of the outside throne for the bishop's use, evinced the usual tasteful touch of Mr. Geo. E. Brown, while flags, aches and other decorations exhibited by different residences and store-buildings along the line of march added to the gala appearance of the scene.

 The fifteen or twenty little tots arrayed as angels and wearing their insignia of wings and crowns formed a lovely groupe, and having been so faithfully trained by Mother Mary Joseph, the efficient principal of St. Ann's Convent, most gracefully performed their office of casting flowers at the feet of their distinguished guest.

 The brilliantly lit altar, the artistic decorations of the church, the good music, the numerous priests surrounding the honored celebrants when he bestowed the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament upon the hushed multitude, formed a grand picture and one likely to impress all beholders. Eloquent addresses breathing a true spirit of welcome, were delivered by E. L. Estilette, mayor of Carencro, and by Mr. Louis G. Stelly.

 Confirmation was conferred upon five hundred and forty applicants on Tuesday morning, Monseigneur being attended by the following visiting priests who lent their presence for the occasion: Fathers Widman and Leantier, S. J. Bollard, of Lafayette, Mallechet of Leonville, Vanderbilt of Delcambre, Peters of Jennings, Teurlings of Washington, Morin of Arnaudville, and Smith of Opelousas.

 Mr. Brown was assisted in his work of decoration by the Misses Hermina and Fanalie Prejean and Master Julien Champagne.

 Mr. Alphonse Guilbeau acted as Grand Marshall of the parade, assisted by the following aides:  Drs. Prejean, Francez, Courtney, Lessley, and Messrs. Albert Guidry, C. C. Brown, Louis Stelly, Numa Arceneaux, A. C. Guilbeau, Judge Toll, L. H. Prejean and Jean Jacque Coussan.

 Father Laforest has cause once more to congratulate himself and his people upon a great success which is all the more to be admired since this magnificent reception was the work of a few, but was really a popular movement in which all lent assistance and in which all took pride. The following is the program of the exercises:

 Procession, cross and acolytes, altar boys, Banner of the Holy Angels, carried by Mr. Adam Sonnier and two little girls; girls' confirmation class, white; girls' confirmation class, colored; boys' confirmation class, white; boys' confirmation class colored; Banner of St. Ann, carried by Madam Victor Dupuis and Mesdames Alfred Delorme and Edgar Martin, Jr., married ladies of the parish, Banner of Children of Mary, carried by Miss Selina Couvillon and Misses Alida Arceneaux and Celeste Dupuis, young ladies of the parish, Banner, young men of the parish, Carencro Band, cavalry, escorting the bishop's carriage; banner of N. D. de Douleur, carried by Jules Washington and two little girls, colored; Banner of St. Joseph, carried by Laurent Landry and two little boys, colored. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899. 



 A gentleman engaged in farming a short distance from this town has informed us that the greatest difficulty with which he has to contend is the scarcity and unreliability of the labor that he must employ to work in his field. In view of the fact that this town is filled with idle negroes this condition of affairs is, to say the least, deplorable. While farmers are unable to find laborers for farm work, the town is tolerating gangs of lazy and worthless negroes who no doubt live upon the earnings or booty of their women. Those who have no female providers must get a living by hook or crook. Anyone may see at all times of the day well-dressed and sleek-looking bucks congregated about their favorite haunts, discussing the probable effect of McKinley's last anti-civil service proclamation or the price of Southern delegations at the next Republican nominating convention.

 For the hard working, honest negro The Gazette bears no ill-will. He should be given a chance to make a living and afforded every protection, but it thinks that the thriftless negroes who move into town because they will not work, ought to be made to get away. The other day one of our farmers had some work which had to be done at once. He sent one of his hands to town to see about getting some laborers. The messenger returned to his employer with an answer which illustrates the situation better than anything else we have yet heard: "De town," said he, "is full of darkies, boss, but dey all says it's too hot to work in de field." And the work was not done and the farmer was compelled to stand the loss, which a failure to secure labor entailed.

 What is true in this case we know is true in many other cases of a like nature.
It is a notorious fact that a vast number of negro men are satisfied to depend upon the "basket" for their daily rations. It is one of the time-honored customs which have flourished since abolition. The negro woman who cooks for a white family carries home a well filled basket out of which she feeds those upon whom she bestows her affections. And to this basket more than any other cause can be attributed the unwillingness of the negro to work.

 The Gazette believes that the farmers who are made to suffer for want of hands to work their fields have the right to complain. The municipal authorities should give this matter their earnest attention.

  The farmer, particularly the one who raises cane, can not have his work done without laborers and so long as the town permits this abuse to continue unchecked he will be confronted with the same difficulty. This is an abuse which has already been suffered to take deep root in our community and unless attended to by the proper authorities is calculated to result in no little injury to both the town and country.
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899. 

Notice of Registration.

 To the voters of the Parish of Lafayette, La. - The registration office for the purpose of registering will be opened on Monday, August 7, 1899, and will remain open until August 25, 1899. Take further notice that I will be at the following polling places, to-wit:

 Mouton Switch, Thursday, Aug. 10, 1899; Scott, 1st ward, Friday, Aug. 11, 1899; Ben Avant, Saturday, Aug. 12, 1899; Pilette School House, Monday, Aug. 14, 1899; Broussard, Tuesday, Aug 15, 1899; Youngsville, Wednesday, August 16th, 1899; Simoneau's Hall, Friday, Aug. 18, 1899; Guilbeaux's Hall, Saturday, Aug. 19, 1899; Jno. Whittington's Store, Monday, Aug. 21, 1899; and thereafter until the 25th of August, 1899, at my office in the court-house.

 Those wishing to avail themselves of the privilege of voting at said special election according to the ordinance of the Police Jury, to be held on Tuesday, Sept. 26, will have to apply and register within the limited time to be registered. Said office will be closed 30 days before said election.
   (Signed)  A. M. MARTIN, Registrar.
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.


 By virtue of the powers in me vested by law, and by virtue of the adoption of an ordinance by the City Council of the town of Lafayette for that purpose, notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the town of Lafayette, parish of Lafayette, La., on Saturday August 26, A. D. 1899, submitting to the property tax-payers of said town, entitled to vote under the election laws of this State, the proposition to levy a special tax of two mills on every dollar to levy a special tax of two mills on every dollar of the assessed value of all property situated in said town and subject to taxation therein, in excess of the limit allowed by law, for a term of ten years beginning January 1, A. D. 1900, for the purpose of securing the location of the State Industrial Institute provided for by Act No. 162 of the General Assembly approved July 14 A. D. 1898, in the parish of Lafayette, Louisiana, the title thereof to be in the public, in conformity to Article No. 232 of the Constitution of 1898 and Act No. 131 of the General Assembly of 1898.

 The election shall be held at the court-house of this parish, located in said town and being the poll or precinct established by law before the last election; the polls shall be opened from six o'clock a. m., until seven o'clock p.m., the ballots to be used at said election shall be printed as follows:


 FOR the special tax of two mills for ten years to be devoted for the purpose of securing the location of the State Industrial Institute, provided for by Act No. 162 of the General Assembly approved July 14, 1898, in the parish of Lafayette, La., the title thereof to be in the public under the terms and conditions set forth in the property tax-payers' petition.

 AGAINST the special tax of two mills for ten years to be devoted for the purpose of securing the location of the State Industrial Institute provided for by Act No. 162 of the General Assembly approved July 14, 1898, in the parish of Lafayette, La., the title thereof to be in the public under the terms and conditions set forth in the propery tax payers' petition.

 That the commissioners of election shall receive the ballots of all property tax payers of the town of Lafayette, entitled to vote at said election under the laws of the State of Louisiana, and before depositing their votes in the ballot box, the commissioners shall endorse on the official ballot to be cast by each voter, the amount of such assessment, but not the name of the voter, as will be shown by the official rolls for the year 1899; and said commissioners shall make returns of the number of votes and the amounts of the assessed value of the property voted, for and against, the levy of said special tax, and otherwise, according to law.

 The following commissioners will hold said election:  R. C. Greig, Joseph Ducote, H. A. Eastin; clerk of election, D. V. Gardebled.

 In testimony whereof I have affixed by official signature at Lafayette, La., on this 12th, day of July A. D. 1899.
Mayor of Lafayette.
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.


 The Iberian has regaled us with several editorials dwelling exhaustingly and exhaustively upon the unparalleled advantages of New Iberia, endeavoring to show that progressive town was by reason of its undisputed superiority the proper place to locate the Industrial School.

 The Gazette takes a pardonable pride in the growth of this section of Louisiana and the rapid strides made by New Iberia toward attaining metropolitan proportions afforded us no little gratification. But in its zeal to lay before the world the great advantages that New Iberia possess the Iberian has failed to note one thing which was entitled to at least a few words of praise. We will not mention it ourselves, but will quote what John Watts of the Jeanerette Herald says:

 The associate editor of the Herald has followed with a charmed interest the reminiscent letters of Col. Burke in the Enterprise. But in his delightful review of the old associations and historic landmarks of New Iberia, Col. Burke omits the mention of a prominent landmark that was most forcibly impressed on our youthful mind. We refer to the old time water works of New Iberia. How distinctly and vividly does the mind's eye conjure up this ancient and primitive water tower. It was built by our grandfather and stood near the little shop he kept, by the old ferry crossing. The tower was built from a large, hollow cypress log, about 60 feet high, sawed off square and a bottom nailed on, and mounted on a platform. Long years have elapsed since we wandered from the beloved city of our nativity and sought fields more green and pastures new, and we would like to know if the old water tower is still standing. However, cypress is a lasting wood, and it may be possible be that the reason the historian of New Iberia makes no mention of this ancient water works system is because it is still used by the city and Col. Burke regards it as being too modern for a place in his charming reminiscences of the historic city. 
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.

To editor of Lafayette Gazette.

 Mr. Editor: - I feel constrained to ask for space in the columns of your valuable paper, in which to say a word in behalf of the wheelmen, who alternately ride and walk the streets and sidewalks of the city of Lafayette. There are many persons, whom we frequently meet, who seem to feel that we are intruders; and if their fiery steeds would permit, would force us into the ditch, or cause us to dismount - not once thinking of, or respecting our legal rights. These persons are not wheelmen. The difference between them and those who are the machine-horse -- as manifested in meeting -- is so marked, that one can readily decide whom he is approaching -- "a friend or a foe." The wheel can be used only in dry weather. When there is the least mud, wheel-riding is both unpleasant and very fatiguing. Hence, we would respectfully ask those, who so frequently use the "moistening element," that they would leave a narrow path -- say 12 or 18 inches in width, on each side of the street, so that we would not be compelled to submit to the mortification of dismounting in the center of our fair city, and to ascend the banquet, rolling our wheels for the distance of one or two blocks. Persons frequently leave unsprinkled, a passage to their homes, when they happen to be across the street. Why not be as considerate in reference to our comfort? Not only is it unpleasant to ride a watered street, but it also quite dangerous. We have respectfully asked a small favor. May we not hope that it will be granted?
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.

Cumberland Telephone. -  The Gazette has it from an authentic source that the Cumberland Exchange just established here is thoroughly modern in every particular. In fact more so than any other exchange in the State. It was put up under the personal surveillance of Mr. C. G. Davidson, a man of much experience in the telephone business. An efficient telephone service can not be too highly appreciated.
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899. 

 Burglars at Work.

 Last Tuesday night a gang of very bold thieves attempted to burglarize the homes of Judge Debaillon, Dr. F. E. Girard, Messrs. Alf. Mouton and Leo Doucet. In the homes of the two latter the thieves did not effect an entrance, but contented themselves with remaining at the windows and fishing out some clothes by means of a hook. Dr. Girard and Judg Debaillon's houses were entered into, but the thieves found very little booty which amounted to 90 cents in cash. As Messrs. Doucet and Mouton had not left any money in their pockets the thieves were sorely disappointed.

 Thursday night Assessor Martin fired a few shots at a thief who was seen prowling in the yard.

 Burglaries are getting to be entirely too frequent. Should one of the culprits be caught it will not be surprising to see him dangling at the end of a rope. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.

N. O. Runaway Arrested.

 Last Tuesday Marshal Peck arrested a young boy named Riza who had run away from home. Riza hailed from New Orleans. His mother telegraphed Marshal Peck to hold him until her arrival. Riza was placed in jail. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.


 Mr. John S. Whittington, who died last Sunday morning, was a splendid man. He was born in this parish 75 years ago of humble, but honest parents. His was a busy life, for it may be truthfully said that not a day of his long and useful career was spent in idleness. His success was due to his industry and integrity supported by his good business sense which seldom erred. His methods were strictly honorable, and though he attained considerable prominence in the business world, he was always a generous in his dealing with men and never profited by the misfortunes of others to enrich himself. He was jealous of his rights but equally solicitous for the rights of others. His success is a fruitful lesson to the younger generation. It illustrates that a man may acquire a large portion of this world's goods without traveling out of the path of rectitude. In their ambition to succeed men too often forget the golden rule and upon the altar of greed sacrifice their self-respect.

 Mr. Whittington accumulated more wealth than come to the average citizen, but he retained the good-opinion of those with whom he dealt and enjoyed their esteem to the time of this death. When a man lives three quarters of a century and manages to preserve unsullied the good name with which he came into the world, he has fulfilled his mission well, he has fought the good fight and leaves for the "unknown and silent shore" with the satisfaction of knowing that he has done his duty while on earth.

 Mr. Whittington was essentially a self-made man; by his own efforts he acquired a fair business education which he put to good use in the management of his affairs. Although he never neglected to attend to his individual interests, he gave some of his time to the public service. For a number of years he was a member of the Police Jury and at the time of his death represented his ward in the School Board. In public, as in private life, he was ever true to his duty.

 At the outbreak of the civil war he was one of the first to offer his services to the Confederacy, but was not accepted owing to an ailment of the heart from which he suffered throughout his life and which finally caused his death.

 Mr. Whittington leave a widow and two children to mourn for him. His son, John Whittington, Jr., is the member of the Police Jury from the eighth ward. His other child is a girl of tender years. He was buried Monday morning. His remains were interred on his plantation. By his grave lie the ashes of his first wife and a child who died many years ago. The grave-yard is one of the loveliest spots to be found on the beautiful banks of Vermilion river. The funeral was very largely attended, hundreds of people being in the procession. Among the mourners there were some who had received of his charity which was genuine, not ostentatious. He gave to do good and not to make a show of his liberality.

 In the death of Mr. Whittington many have lost a friend, and the community an honored and useful member. Those near and dear to him should not mourn, for -

       Death's but a path that must be trod
       If man would ever pass to God.
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.

Of News from Broussard and Vicinity Written for Our Readers.

 Messrs. C. I. Young and P. R. Roy of Youngsville were seen in town the early part of the week.

 Dr. N. D. Young and son, Chas. S., were seen driving around Broussard during the week.

 Prof. L. F. St. Julien rode to Lafayette last Saturday.

 Our friend, Ed. J. Comeaux, visited Lafayette again last Sunday. Wonder what the attraction is, Ed?

 Say, people, we remember having seen in The Gazette sometime ago a refutal of the argument of a New Iberia writer. The refutal contained the statement that the said writer must have gotten drunk on Broussardville, whiskey, and waking up at Pilette he thought he was in Lafayette. How true that may be, we care not. But we must say that Broussardville has no soda-water fountain, and one of our Broussardville friends went to Lafayette lately, got drunk on soda water, though he won't own up to to it. Furthermore, Broussardville never sold water in the unadulterated form. But we are told that Lafayette stained her record last Sunday by selling pond water at the rate of five cents a glass. We are indeed sorry to have heard that, and we trust that Lafayette will make reparation.

 What about the Industrial School?

 We hear this and nothing more about it; that Scott is ahead of Lafayette and therefore Scott people are grinning in their mustaches. Is this true?

 Prof. Julien has been rather ill since last Sunday.
   (Signed) HORATIUS.
(The Gazette's Broussard Correspondent)
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.    

 Meeting of the Police Jury.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday with all the members present.

 The resolutions levying a tax of $1 per mile per annum, on all lines of the Cumberland Telephone Company was rescinded and the right of way over the public roads granted free, subject to any future regulations deemed necessary.

 The proposition of Mr. W. F. Owens to construct a crossing at Broussardville for $100 was accepted provided said crossing be completed by Sept. 15, prox.

 The petition of over one thousand property tax payers of the parish praying for the levy of a two mill tax for ten years, to secure the location of the Industrial School in Lafayette parish was read and ordinances adopted ordering an election to test the question for Sept. 26. prox. The Jury was unanimous.

 Hon. Wm. Campbell appeared and asked that a certain street in the Boudreaux addition be changed in order to accommodate the Gerac succession. The change was recognized.

 The appropriations in favor of the State University Cadets McBride and Herpin was renewed.

 Messrs. Leo Doucet and Alfred Mouton appeared before the body and complained of the unjust operation of the license law, permitting peddlers to exchange goods for products, without payment of the tax, to the detriment of those merchants who had paid. The Jury recognized the justice of the complaint and assured the gentlemen that efforts had been made and would still be made to remedy the wrong imposed by the State law.

 After approval of accounts the Jury adjourned. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.


 Selected News Notes (Gazette) 8/5/1899.

 The jury commissioners, Messrs. Gus Lacoste, Leo Judice, Arthur Greig, Edmond Mouton, Edward Estorge and Clerk Ed. G. Voorhies met last Thursday and drew a venire for the September term of court.

 Capt. A. F. Lucas went to New Iberia on business this week.

 It is given on good authority that the gold Democrats will not nominate presidential candidates for the next election, but will fall in line and support the nominees of the Democratic party.

 Mrs. A. B. Denbo and children left this week for Corydon, Ind., to visit relatives.

 On application of the bar the Jury re-appointed Aby Demanade court-stenographer for the ensuing fiscal years at a salary of $25 per month. The appointment was made by a unanimous vote.

 Prof. J. T. Barrett, president of the Acadia College paid The Gazette a pleasant visit last Wednesday.

 The boss peach of the season was brought to The Gazette office by Wm. Graser. It weighed eight ounces and was ripe and sound. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1899.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 5, 1899:


 At Carencro. -  Bishop Rouxel was welcomed by the grandest demonstration ever witnessed in that sociable town.

 The bishop, coming overland from Grand Coteau, was met by several hundred horsemen, with a brass band about three miles north of Carencro, and accompanied to the town limits amidst the firing of rifles and cannons.  The Hon. E. L. Estilette, mayor of Carencro, welcomed the bishop as he entered the town. 

 Fully two thousand men, women  and children were in the line of procession to receive and escort the bishop to the church, where L. G. Stelly delivered  an address of welcome which was responded to by the bishop. On Tuesday, Bishop Rouxel administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 508 children. He was assisted by Father Teurling, of Washington; Wildman, S. J., of Grand Coteau; Bollard, of Lafayette; Peters, of Jennings; Maluchet, of Leonville; Leautier, S. J. of New Orleans; Schmidt, of Opelousas and Vanderbilt of Delcambre.

  Bishop Rouxel expressed to Father Laforest, the zealous priest of the parish, and his parishioners, his full appreciation for the grand welcome tendered him on his initial visit to Carencro since his ordination.

   Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899. 

Cumberland Telephone.

 The Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., will begins its business in Lafayette with the following force: W. A. Broussard, local manager; Edward Mouton, night operator; Miss Lucie Judice, day operator; and Eddie Chargois, messenger boy.  We return thanks to Mr. Edward Lehman, for a case of his "pop." It is a good beverage and is universally commended by its numerous customers. Mr. Lehman is doing a thriving business. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.

Regular Session.

 The Police Jury held their regular session last Thursday and passed the ordinance ordering an election to be held on Monday, September 26th, to allow the voters to cast their ballots for or against the raising of the taxes for the Industrial School. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.

Jeanerette Approves Tax for Industrial.
(But how much?)

 A special to the N. O. Times-Democrat reported that Jeanerette voted a five mill tax for ten years ($45,000) and had $20,000 subscribed for the Industrial School. In the official paper of Jeanerette, we noticed that the tax is reported at $30,000 instead of $45,000. We therefore concluded that the more we will see of it, and less the amount will increase. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899. 

Water Analysis.

 Mr. Coronna gave us the analysis of the water to be found at the Cotton Compress which shows the following ingredients: Silica, Iron Oxides, Chloride of Sodium, Carbonate of Calcium, Carbonate of Soda, Sulphate, of Calcium and Carbonate of Magnesium.

 The proportions being held by request.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.  

Birthday Fun.

 On Friday afternoon July 28th., Miss Martha Pellerin, charming little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pellerin entertained a crowd of young friends at her birthday party.

 Miss Martha, is in her fifth year and few young ladies are more advanced, bright or interesting.

 "Lovely" refreshments were served and after a delightful evening all left thanking Mrs. Pellerin, who in her pleasant way joined herself with the little folks in their games of amusements and threw open her house to them.

 Many elegant and useful presents Miss Martha received.

 Bye bye Martha, jolly and good wishes are tendered you for "happy returns."
     (Signed) One of the little folks,
            C. NEBLET CARTER.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.


 To the Editor of the Lafayette Advertiser -
    DEAR SIR: -
 You will remember publishing about three years ago a communication about what was then very appropriately called our obnoxious roads or street crossings. They were certainly horrid. The city council took action in the matter and passed an ordinance compelling everybody to take up their crossings or to put them down a level with the streets on either side. It was done according to law.

 For over a year the public could take some pleasure in driving through the town. Since that time there has been no attention paid to the crossings and they have now become nearly if not quite as bad as ever. These crossings nearly all belong to private individuals and are put in for their benefit, and should be kept in repair at their expense. On some of our streets they are certainly a disgrace to the town. You can't drive faster than a walk without running the risk of being throw out of your buggy or having the springs broken under it.

 And you can't walk on the side walks in some parts of the town without playing hop, skip and jump every rod or two to get over the ditches cut across them from one to two feet deep.

 On Lincoln Avenue there is no less than four of these obnoxious ditches cut across the side-walk in front of one man's premises.

 We have a law against both of these evils. I think the law should be enforced or struck off from our statute books.
    (Signed) TAXPAYER.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.

Death of Mrs. Henrietta Weir.

 Died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Louis Meyer of Eunice, La., on last Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, Mrs. Henrietta Weir, born in Plaquemine, La., aged 49 years and some months.

 Her body was brought to Lafayette on the night's train and her funeral took place from the Jewish Synagogue, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.

 She was laid to rest in the Jewish Cemetery which of late has been very beautified by the Jewish colony.

 The deceased was a woman of excellent qualities, always ready to help and do charitable acts, well known and esteemed by everybody who came in contact with her.

 Two children survive her.

 Amongst those present were: Messrs. Louis Meyer and S. Weil of Eunice, La., Messrs. J. Franklin Schmulen and C. Kaplan of Crowley, La., Messrs. Melville Kahn, Albert Kahn, S. Solomon and Louis Char of Rayne, La., and the whole Jewish colony of Lafayette.
 Plaquemine and New Orleans papers please copy.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899. 

Hon. J. S. Whittington. 

Hon. John S. Whittington died at his residence in Lafayette at 6:30 a. m. He had been sick for the last few months, had rallied several times, but the grim monster of death came at last to claim his life.

 The deceased was a man well known and liked all over the parish. He had the fullest confidence of the people, having represented the fourth ward on the Police Jury and being a member of the School Board.

 Since a number of years he was closely connected with the political and commercial affair of the parish, and was already ready to help a struggling farmer to tide over the hard times.

 His funeral took place last Monday morning at 6 o'clock and his body was laid to rest on his plantation near Bayou Vermilion.

 Friends and acquaintances to the number of three hundred, visibly affected, followed the remains to their last resting place.

 His widow and two children survive him.

 In this sad hour of bereavement, consolation is to be found only at the feet of Him who suffered so intensely for us.

Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.


 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of The First National Bank on the first instant, the following proceedings were had: -

 We the undersigned appointed to draft memorial expressive of the sense of this Board on the death of John S. Whittington, one of our directors, beg leave to report the following:  Whereas it has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the universe to remove from our midst John S. Whittington, who has been a member of the Board of the Directors of this Bank from its organization
   Therefore, be it resolved: That, by his death, we recognize a loss to the community of a law-abiding and exemplary citizen, and an upright and honorable man; one indeed who by his walk in life exemplified the finer traits of elevated manhood, and the attributes of a true and genuine Christian. He was a native of this parish, always lived here, and we knew him long and well. Now that his work is ended, we cheerfully bear testimony to the well defined traits of his character, that he was honest; that he was singularly kind and charitable; that, as a public official, he discharged his duties with an eye single to the public welfare; that he was loyal as a friend, and a most devoted husband and father. He was such a man that, though we lose by his death, we are the gainers by his life.

 Resolved further, That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this Board, and that copies be furnished the local papers with the request to publish; also, that a certified copy of the same be furnished the family of the deceased.
     Respectfully submitted,
        CHAS. D. CAFFERY,
        A. J. MOSS,
        CHAS. O. MOUTON,
 A true copy of the original,
        S. R. PARKERSON,
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.


 God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove from our midst John B. Whittington, which sad event occurred on Sunday July 30th, 1899. The Board of Directors of the People's Cotton Oil Company, of which he was a useful and valuable member, has unanimously adopted the following resolutions, submitted by the undersigned committee appointed for the purpose of drafting the same:

 Resolved, In the death of John S. Whittington, the Board has suffered a great loss; his services always having been prompt and efficient, and intercourse with him was ever of a most pleasant and agreeable nature;
  Resolved, That we deplore, in common with this community, the loss of an upright man, a good citizen, a true friend, a genial gentleman, a kind and affectionate husband and father;
  Resolved, That we extend to the family of deceased our heartfelt sympathies and that a certified copy of these resolutions be furnished the bereaved family, and, also, a copy to each of the local papers, with request to publish same, and that the whole be spread upon the minutes of this board.
   Respectfully submitted,
       ED. L. ESTORGE,
       T. M. BIOSSAT,
       S. R. PARKERSON,

  A true copy,
      C. M. Parkerson,
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.

Local News Notes 8/5/1899. 

 The weather being rather too warm to saw off planks and driving nails, contractor L. S. Broussard left this week going to Pattersonville, La., to take a well-earned rest and visit relatives.

 The Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., will begin its business in Lafayette with the following force: W. A. Broussard, local manager; Edward Mouton, night operator; Miss Lucie Judice, day operator; and Eddie Chargois, messenger boy.

 Rev. Father Ballard went to Carencro last Monday to assist at the Confirmation ceremonies.

 Mr. Gus Scranton of Youngsville, spend Thursday and Friday in Lafayette, on business.

 Hon. C. C. Brown, of Carencro, was in Lafayette last Thursday, returning from a business trip to New Orleans.

 We visited the inside of the office of Hon. Wm. Campbell and we are compelled to pronounce it the best in Lafayette.

 Mrs. Billeaud's gin as been overhauled and is ready for the season. The interest of the farmers are well taken care of at Billeaud's gin.

 Mr. Coronna, the wide-awake manager of Lehman, Stern & Co., informs us that their new cotton gin will receive its initial trial next week.

 Miss Bertha Naquin, after spending several weeks the guest of the Misses Revillon returned to her home in Thibodeaux, last Monday, to the regret of her many admirers. Miss Naquin was accompanied home by Miss Lucille Revillon.

 We return thanks to Mr. Edward Lehman, for a case of his "pop." It is a good beverage and is universally commended by its numerous customers. Mr. Lehman is doing a thriving business.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1899.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 5th, 1893:


 The Moonlight pic-nic in the Parkerson Oak Grove last Saturday night was largely attended and proved a success, both socially and from a financial standpoint. The grounds were prettily illuminated with a variety of Japanese lanterns and were rendered attractive in other ways. The late arrival of the musicians, as also the moon, with whom engagements had been made for the occasion, may have caused some disappointment, but the general good cheer that prevailed throughout the evening was sufficiently compensatory. We hope to have repetitions of so pleasant an affair, especially for so laudable a purpose as the building of a church edifice.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.


FIRE PROTECTION.  - The numerous expressions of approval elicited by our remarks last week, on the urgent need of a good and reliable system of protection against fire in this town, is a strong evidence of the favor with which our citizens would regard any measure promising such a guarantee. The cost of securing a useful and effective system would be considerable, we know, but not beyond our reach if the means provided by special taxation, as they must. The reduction in the ruling rates of insurances at present imposed, that will obtain as a direct result of having protection against fire, will more than cover a 5 mill tax, and, property would be protected besides.

 We have reason to believe that this question will be brought up in all its seriousness, at the next sitting of the City Council, and we hope the members will consider it their solemn duty to push the matter to a rapid and satisfactory conclusion. 
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

Parish  Blessed. - It seems to be generally agreed that Lafayette parish is blessed with the finest crop in several years. It consists of cotton, corn, rice, cane, sweet potatoes, etc., and barring such things as storms and cotton worms there is going to be a magnificent harvest. We learn that cotton picking has commenced in the neighborhood of Carencro, and no doubt it will be general by the middle of the month.     Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893. 

Advertiser's Town Notes:  

 A little dust during the week, and a little rain. Variety is the spice of life.

 We notice in passing around that Judge Debaillon is having a new office erected. Well, we might have a new one sometime, if we had an old one, but faith, we have not so much as an old one.

 We called during the week to examine our new High School building, and we are much pleased with it. It is about done, and Messrs. Easton and Apesh are giving it the finishing touch. Let it be well advertised, and opened this fall by all means.

 What has become of our booms? Some months ago, our people were enthusiastic about a Lafayette and Abbeville railroad, a sugar refinery, and other things, but now all is quiet. We ask what about them, and echo answers what.

 A number of our pleasure and health seekers have returned home, and seem to be in good health and spirits. Well, we stretchy and are aching in our bones sometimes, but stay at home and soon feel as well as anybody.

 The beef man, milk man, vegetable man and woman, and bread man jingle their bells right at you. There is no trouble to get them all, if you have the wherewith, of course.

 Moss Bros. & Co.s Emporium is a hard place to pass without calling in. Since that elegant sprinkler has been running, the doors stand open and in plain view and there are ice cold drinks, of all refreshing kinds.

 On Saturday night last we attended the ice cream festival, given at Judge Parkerson's which was highly entertaining and enjoyable. During our stay, we were brought under lasting obligations to Judge Parkerson, Mr. C. D. Caffery and Miss Viola Kelly, for special favors.

 The Methodist Church is a safe place to go. We noticed there last Sunday three of Lafayette's best physicians, preaching on the first and third Sundays.

 We met with a gentleman this week from Colorado, who said this was the most beautiful and attractive country that he had ever seen. He is a good judge we think, of country at least.
                               ADIOS.  Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.


A Scott Resident's Account of the World's Fair. 

 Whilst in town last Tuesday, that accomplished raconteur of Scott, Mr. Alcide Judice related to a number of his friends a most interesting account of his recent visit to the World's F Bair, in company with Mr. Antoine Guidry and J. B. Perez. It is the Wonder Land itself, and Mr. Guidry advises all of those who can, to not fail to see the supreme grandness of the White City.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

S. W. La. Road and Immigration Association.

 The Southwest Louisiana Road and Immigration Association meets at Crowley to-day, in accordance with the resolutions adopted at the meeting held here in June. The members of the permanent association from this parish are Messrs. C. C. Brown, Wm. Campbell and W. B. Torian. We have no doubt the important movement so well started her will be given new life in the meeting to-day. Our road laws need to be changed and public opinion must be vitalized on this all-important question. The State must give us new laws. The present law is a failure. Of that there can be no doubt. Some one remarks that it is good enough "if enforced." Therein lies the difficulty. It cannot be enforced. At least such would seem to be the case in this parish. At all events we firmly believe that no such system of road ways as is hoped for will ever be built under the operation of this law. You may fill up a hole here and there or mend a piece of road, but a system of good public roads based upon thorough and intelligent drainage is to be accomplished, it would seem in some other way. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.     

Stamp Shortage in Royville.

 The postmaster at Royville request us to say in reference to the want of stamps in his office some days since, that there were in fact two days when stamps could not be had and that it was the fault of the Department at Washington, a new supply having been ordered by him many days before. Stamped envelopes were to be had at all times. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1903.

Lafayette - Breaux Bridge Rail Road.

 As we are besieged with inquiries from all sides, regarding what progress is being made in the matter of the contemplated Lafayette and Breaux Bridge R. R., we deem it proper to state, in a general way that interest in the undertaking is not flogging. There are influences in force that makes it necessary to move slowly in the premises, and the hope is that all will end well. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

Sugar Cane.

 We had the pleasure of a call during the week from Mr. T. S. Singleton, who informed us that the cane crop from the following places had recently been sold to Oxnard & Sprague's refinery in St. Mary parish, namely :  Andrew Cayard, F. Lombard, T. S. Singleton, Mrs. J. J. Revillon, Charles Mouton and others. There are about two hundred acres on these places. The price obtained was $4.75 per ton. It will be loaded at Lombard's switch. This cane is said to be in fine condition and promises a splendid yield. It is indeed a pleasure to note such items. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

People's State Bank.

 At the meeting of the directors of the People's State Bank last Tuesday, all of the former officers of that institution were unanimously re-elected, as that a continuance of the same conservative management that has characterized the operations of the bank in the past, may be expected in the future. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.  

Good Crop in Laf. Parish.

 It seems to be generally agreed that Lafayette parish is blessed with the finest crop in several years. It consists of cotton, corn, rice, cane, sweet potatoes, peas, etc., and barring such things as storms and cotton worms there is going to be a magnificent harvest. We learn that cotton picking has commenced in the neighborhood of Carencro, and no doubt it will be general by the middle of the month. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

Moonlight Pic-Nic.

 The Moonlight Pic-nic in the Parkerson Oak Grove last Saturday night was largely attended and proved a success, both socially and from a financial standpoint. The grounds were prettily illuminated with a variety of Japanese lanterns and were rendered attractive in other ways. The late arrival of the musicians, as also the moon, with whom engagements had been made for the occasion, may have caused some disappointment, but the general good cheer that prevailed throughout the evening was sufficiently compensatory. We hope to have repetitions of so pleasant an affair especially for so laudable a purpose for the building of a church edifice. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.  

 Selected News Notes 8/5/1893.

 Mrs. E. Pefferkorn visited friends in Alexandria this week.

 Mr. Leo Judice of Scott, was a visitor to our towns on Wednesday.

 Mayor Campbell returned from Grand Isle on Wednesday.

 Dr. Chacher's office will be located in the building adjoining the bank.

 Miss Irene Rushing, of Alexandria, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. M. Biossat.

 Mr. L. J. Serret, the day operator at the Western Union office in this place left Friday for Chicago.

 We here of several of our prominent citizens who intend leaving for the World's Fair about the 12th instant.

 Mr. I. N. Fields and family have moved to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Mayfield.

 Mr. Locke Neveau, now stationed at Algiers in the employ of the Southern Pacific has been spending a few days with his aged parents.

 We call the attention of our readers to the card of Dr. E. J. Chachere, in another column.

 Mr. J. K. Darling of Abbeville, and Mr. Leo Judice were "moonshiners" at the moonlight pic-nic last Saturday.

 Mr. C. K. Darling of Abbeville was a visitor to our town last Saturday.

 Mr. W. M. Cantine of New Iberia, is engaged at present in boring a well and erecting a windmill for the use of Mr. Jean Vigneaux's livery stable.

 All aboard for Lake Charles! To-morrow is the day; 9:25 a. m. is the hour; $1.50 for the round trip, is the fare. Who is going. Don't all speak at once.

 Dr. P.M. Girard of Scott, was a visitor to Lafayette on the 1st inst.

 Mr John R. Parkerson of Franklin was a visitor at his Father's house last Saturday.

 A large party of gay young picnicers from town spent last Sunday pleasantly at Chargois Springs.

 All aboard for Lake Charles! To-morrow is the day, 9:25 a. m. is the hour; $1.50 for the round trip, is the fare. Who is going. Don't all speak at once.

 Mr. C. C. Brown of Carencro, and Mr. Alcide Judice of Scott were in town last Thursday to attend a regular meeting of the directors of the People's State Bank.

 Mr. John Hahn and wife left for Biloxi last Thursday, where they will spend one month on vacation. Mr. Thos. L. Freeland will be in charge of the Crescent Hotel, in the mean time. Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

 From the Lafayette Gazette of August 5th, 1893:


The hope is fervent and general that the waiting rooms in the new depot - one for the white, and the other for the colored people - be thrown open at the earliest possible time, because as it is now it is a source of great aggravation to the white people. 

 Last Monday a party of colored people, male and female, invaded the waiting room, and a number of them made themselves so decidedly obnoxious by the smoking of the most vile smelling tobacco, that three white ladies and children were compelled to leave the room. At present there is but one waiting room for the use of the general public, and the darkey with his well known predilection to grab for all when given an inch, in such kindred matters, is not slow in making his odorous presence felt. For the condition of affairs which makes possible such outrageous incidents no blame can be attached to the local official. The opening of the doors of the waiting rooms will prevent the recurrence of such scenes in the future.

Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.


 The Gazette has many times called attention to the certain profit that would accrue to capital in the operation of a refinery near this town. We showed that it would not only enrich the farmers contiguous to, but would place a large amount of money in circulation, in town, instead of a good part of it being engulfed in the capacious maws of the city commission merchant. The amount included in freight, commission, brokerage, and other charges taken out of the produce shipped to the city, which in the aggregate amounts to a considerable sum, would be kept at home, and all would participate in the benefits that a larger volume of money would bring.

 That The Gazette had grasped the situation in its expressed views that a refinery would pay a handsome return on the amount invested is evidenced by the fact that Messrs. F. Lombard, C. A. Mouton, J. B. Dupuis, S. Soigne, A. Cayard, T. S. Singleton, and Mesdames J. J. Revillon, and S. R. Wallis, have contracted to deliver and sell their cane, representing some 5,000 tons, (and all cultivated in the Creighton switch neighborhood) to a refinery in Cypremort for $4.25 cents a ton at the switch, of $4.75 a ton delivered at the refinery. The highest price paid last season was $3.75 a ton. At $4.75 a ton there is big money to be made in the cultivation of the sugar cane, and if the Cypremort refinery can pay that price, one right at our doors could pay as much if not more. These figures appeal to our people to take steps to invite capital to come and help us build a refinery, and take part in the profits that will surely result.

 For a purpose of this kind the people of Lafayette can and should put up at least $20,000 which need not necessarily given as a bonus but can be invested in stock, and it should not be a difficult matter to get the remaining amount necessary to build the refinery.

 There is plenty of money in the country, but with the known timidity of holders to invest without gilt-edge assurances of safety, it will not come, but an offer to subscribe in stock the amount we have mentioned, would tend to allay any fears capital could have, and thus assure the active cooperation of the people.

 It is in the power of the people to have a refinery here if they really want it. But it is not going to come uninvited and unaided. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893. 

FAIR ELECTIONS. - Several of our State exchanges have, of late, touched upon the question of elections, and have advanced the request that the committee appointed recently and soon to convene to revise the constitution, take up the subject, alleging that in the past twenty-five years there had not once been a fair election in the State.

 With this sweeping declaration The Gazette does not agree, but is free to confess its belief that there has been some illegal voting in a few parishes. For such cases the laws on our statute books sufficiently provides to prevent their recurrence. If a man presents himself at the ballot box and deposits his vote, of which some person knows that he has no right, under the laws, to do, and would report the fact - as his duty of citizenship demands - to the law officers that respect their oaths, will see that the illegal voter is brought up before the legal tribunals, and it is further incumbent that the knowledge held be given before a jury. If the evidence is clear, then upon the shoulders of the jurymen will lay the responsibility to place an effective check upon the illegal voter. And no mock sentiment, or high and extended family connections should be allowed to intervene to cheat the laws.

 If this be done, we feel that the certain that the cry of unfair elections shall never more be heard. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Should Be Removed. - A vice is flaunted with impunity and coarse boldness in the face of a community must be curbed and restricted to limits whereby its presence cannot contaminate either the sight, or permit the birth of thoughts that can have but ill results. While some vices are passed upon lightly, because it is though to be a necessary one, in no wise gives that vice the power to render itself offensive - when it reaches that stage it must be suppressed. We have in view a vice that has found a lodgment in a variegated house, within a Brobdingnag enclosure. It should be removed to more isolated quarters. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Beausejour Springs. - A well known citizen of Lafayette who has been in the habit of visiting Grand Isle and other summer resorts decided to stay at home this year and try the waters of Beausejour Springs. In conversation with a Gazette man this gentleman stated that he was delighted with his experiment and was more than pleased with his change as his avoirdupois had increased ten pounds and half in one month and his health was better than it has been for years. With such results it is no wonder that Beausejour Springs is gaining so much popularity.  Lafayette Gazzette 8/5/1893. 


 The visitor to our sister town of Breaux Bridge cannot fail to notice the spirit of enterprise that pervades the community. The very air is filled with an earnestness that promises much for the future. A single instance will suffice to establish this conclusive fact.

 Mr. Knapp offered to extend his narrow gauge to the town if the people would guarantee to furnish his refinery the product of 200 acres of cane, and should they be able to guarantee to plant fourteen hundred acres, he would put up a refinery in or near the town.

 A gentleman started out with a list Monday evening and by Tuesday (the next day) morning he had secured signed pledges, by twenty-one small land owners adjoining the town, for over 350 acres, and this without leaving the town. Not one person who was approached but what felt it his duty towards the upbuilding of the town, as well as to his personal interest, to promise and mean to change from cotton to cane.

 The gentlemen who are at the head of the movement not only feel confident that they will secure enough pledges to plant the number of acres asked, but say in a few years enough will be planted to tax the utmost capacity of a mill of the largest size.

 With the esprit de corps now controlling their actions they are bound to realize their most cherished wishes, for the goal is in sight. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

West of Breaux Bridge.

 The Gazette was afforded the opportunity to visit that section of the country west of Breaux Bridge covering an area of many miles, and was pleased to notice the magnificent condition of the crops. Some fields were more intelligently cultivated than others, consequently some crops were more promising than others, but there was not a patch along the whole route that can be called poor. With anything like fair prices for their products our farmers ought to have a good sized lump of the "coin of the realm," a commodity heretofore decidedly scarce. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.


 [From our Regular Correspondent.]

 St. Peter's Church celebrated on July 26th the Feast of St. Ann. Rev. Father Laforest had been preparing for some time for this celebration. An association has been formed among the ladies of the ecclesiastical parish, to be known as "The Congregation of the Ladies of St. Ann," and on Wednesday there were 112 members enrolled which is certainly a good number in so short a time. The visiting clergy whom Father Laforest invited to his assistance were Rev. Father Beau Valet the renowned French Missionary. During the high mass, made so impressive by the solemn ceremonies of the Catholic church, a most beautiful panegyric to St. Ann, was preached by Father Beau Valet.

 The officers elected by the members of the society are, Mrs. Esteve Breaux, President; Mrs. Gaston Blot, Mrs. F. Comeaux, Mrs. A. Cheffer and Mrs. L. H. Prejean, Vice Presidents; Mrs. D. A. Dimitry, Secretary; and Mrs. J. D. Breaux Treasurer. There is no doubt it will prove a powerful and influential organization.

 Mr. Maurice Francez, and Miss Mettie Martin, were married in Lafayette Wednesday July 23rd, Rev. Father Healy officiating. Mr. Francez is a son of the late Dr. R. J. Francez. Miss Martin is the daughter of Martial Martin, a prominent citizen of Lafayette. The people of Carencro extend to the happy couple, their most sincere congratulations.

 The new extension to the main building of the Carencro Union Ginnery is nearly completed. It is to be used as a meeting hall.

 The ball at Crouchet's Hall on the night of July 27th was a social and financial success.

 Sheriff I. A. Broussard and a party of friends, with Mr. A. C. Guilbeau as pilot, spent the day fishing at the bayou near the Carencro Springs, a few days ago. They seemed to have had a fine time of it. Isaac knows where to go when he wants to have real old fashion fun.

 Mr. and Mrs. Marc. Lazaro and children were in Carencro attending the Francez-Martin wedding.

 Dr. F. W. Courtney has returned from the World's Fair.

 There was a very large gathering of people made up of the friends and relatives of the contracting party, present at St. Peter's Catholic church on Saturday evening July 19th to witness the marriage of Mr. Ludovick Guilbeau and Miss Ida Crouchet. After the bride and groom with attendants had descended from their carriages, they were preceded by the Carencro Band to the Church, playing a very pretty wedding march. Rev. Father Laforest received the bridal couple at the altar, and there performed those rites of the church always so solemn and impressive. The bride was attired in a cream white silk. A beautiful bride and a handsome groom, always for a picture lovely to look upon, so it is not remarkable that this happy pair was the recipient of so many hearty congratulations. After the ceremony at the church the bridal party went to the "Hall" of Mr. Henry Crouchet the brother of the bride, where refreshments were partaken of, and several hours passed in happy dancing. Mr. Ludovic Guilbeau, the son of Hon. A. I. Guilbeau, is one of the most popular men of our town, and admired by all for his many sterling qualities. Miss Crouchet is a lovely young lady, who has always occupied an enviable position in our little social circle. Your correspondent extends to the newly married couple, his sincere wishes for their future prosperity and happiness.

 Mr. J. R. Jeanmard had charge of the store of Mr. Geo. E. Brown, during that gentleman's absence in Chicago.

 There appears to be a certain halo of mystery surrounding the identity of "On dit" the correspondent of The Advertiser.

 Marriages seem epidemic this summer. Who next?

 Cotton is opening.

 Mr. P. D. Alpha was in town this week.

 Have C. C. Brown that prince of wits, to tell you how the old gentleman succeeded in getting to sleep.
     (Signed) TOTIDEM VERBIS.
(The Gazette's Carencro Correspondent.)
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.


A Pleasant Evening.

 Last Saturday a very pleasant "soirie causaunte" took place at the residence of Mrs. Edmond Landry. The hours passed but too swiftly by, and it was with general regret that the young people bid for each other "au revoir." The ladies of the party were the Misses Laure Guilbeau of Carencro; Pauline Baquet, Idea, Elodie and Adriene Landry, of New Iberia; Irma and Angele Landry, of Cote Gelee; Emelia and Marie Breaux, Cleophine and Irma Couvillon, Pauline and Edmonia Landry; and Messrs. Andre Billaud of Broussardville; Ulysses and Gabe Landry of New Iberia; Herastus Delhomme, of Scott; Leonce Louviere, of Royville; Galbert Comeau, Leon Couvillon, Lucien and Eraste Landry, Paul Doucet, Raoul Pellerin, Luc Langlinais; and B. Colgin, of New Iberia. Delicious iced refreshments were served. The young folks are looking forward with joyous expectancy for another such enjoyable reunion. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

On the Farm with No Regrets.

 Some years ago Mr. A. Brower resigned a position as engineer on the Southern Pacific railroad, and returned to his farm three miles from town, and Mr. Brower has no reason to regret the change, inasmuch as he has demonstrated the fact that The Gazette has repeatedly advanced, that it is impossible to live on a farm not only contentedly but have the best of every thing in the line of wholesome food. Mr. Brower cures his own hams, without the least trouble, making the family provision and selling some as well as lard to his neighbors. He cans his own peaches taken from his orchard, and he also makes a nice palatable wine In short he raises everything he uses on his farm, except flour and coffee and all this goes to show that so conducted farming pays in this parish. What he is doing can be done by any farmer in this highly favored parish. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Bad Stretch of Road.

 That stretch of road starting from the Mouton bridge over Bayou Vermilion and extending out a mile or so is in terrible condition, and should be attended to at once, else it is likely to be in an impassable condition as soon as the rainy season sets in, if neglected. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Delegates to Farmers' Alliance.

 Messrs. Louis G. Stelly and Hugh Hutchinson took the train at this point Monday bound for Lake Charles where they go as delegates from this parish to attend the meeting of the State Farmer's Alliance which convened this week in that city. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

 Young Peoples' Social Organizations.

 We notice from our exchanges that in every town neighboring Lafayette, the young people have social organizations for the purpose of amusement and social recreation, and from the frequency of their entertainments we should judge that they are traversing life's path over a road strewn with roses. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

On to Chicago.

 Messrs. George Melchoir, H. Mestayer and G. E. Brown passed through Lafayette Tuesday on their return trip from Chicago, where they spent some time taking in the exposition. Mr. Melchoir reports the party having had a very pleasant trip, and says the exposition is an immense sight which should be seen by every one. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

St. Martinville Rail Road.

 On August 1 a new schedule went into effect on the St. Martinville branch railroad. Instead of making the run end at Cade station the train will hereafter go to New Iberia where exchange of passengers, baggage and express for St. Martinsville will be made. Persons holding tickets for St. Martinsville will not be charged any extra fare by going to New Iberia. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Real Estate in Lafayette.

 Real estate is looking up some in Lafayette, and holders are not over anxious to part with their holdings. Buildings continue to go up, and notwithstanding the stringency of the money market, which tends to render business somewhat dull, still considering the situation and comparing with our sister towns. Lafayette is fairly holding its own. With the excellent crops in sight that will soon be moving, business will shortly open brisk. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Ethiopian Woman Passes Through Lafayette.

 It was a long-to-be-remembered sight that presented itself to the view of the onlooker, at the depot the other day, when a fair, warm, glowing, bouncing and gushing daughter of Africa complacently lit a horrid smelling old pipe. This lovely lily of Ethiopia was determined that the perfumes from the pipe should not be lost in the sweet odors of her person. But no one remained long enough to note which was more striking to the olfactories. In fact she was monarch of all she surveyed, with none to dispute her sway. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Hoe Cake Soap.

 G. R. Wilson, of Houston, Texas, representing the old firm of P. C. Tomson & Co., Philadelphia, Penn., had been in our city selling the famous Hoe Cake Soap. A laundry soap that softens hard water, and washes the clothes whiter, cleaner and in one third the time required when using yellow soaps. It is said to please every one. Give Hoe Cake a trial and you will use no other laundry soap. Call on your grocer for it. The merchants we understand will have it on sale in twenty days. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.  


 The Stock Law.

 Inasmuch as there has been some discussion in regard to the true intent of the stock law, to settle the controversy The Gazette called on the Mayor and asked his opinion on the following questions:

 1. If a halter is put on, and a person takes out an animal to graze on the streets, remaining with it, would it be violating the town stock law?

 2. If an animal is picketed or staked out on the streets, and its grazing limited to the length of a ten foot rope, would it be violating the law.

 3. If a few animals are driven on the streets to graze, and a keeper remains with them to se that they commit no depredations or cause inconvenience, would it be violating the law?

 To the first question the Mayor stated it would not be violating the law, providing no damage is done.

 To the second question the Mayor answered that it would be violating the law. But an animal could be staked out on a vacant lot without coming under the penalty of the law.

 Now, then, there need be no further misunderstanding as to the meaning and intent of the law, the above being clear and explicit. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Plonsky to the Mint.

 Mr. Samuel Plonsky is one of the lucky ones who plucked a plum at the mint. His position is assistant weigher and the emoluments are $1,250 a year. Sam had excellent backing in the parish. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Dr. Chachere Neighbors with Gazette.

 Dr. E. J. Chachere has moved his family into the house opposite The Gazette office. The Doctor has also secured the building next to the bank and will use it as an office. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

Excursion Works Up a Thirst.

 While the excursion train on its return from Galveston made a stop at this point of 20 minutes, the crowd demonstrated a burning thirst that took two kegs and a half of beer at Mr. Jno. O. Mouton's saloon to quench. Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.

To the Public.

 For seventeen years I have been in Lafayette engaged in the jewelry and watch repairing business. I have tried to attend strictly to my business, to give satisfaction, and not to interfere illegitimately with others. It has come to my knowledge, that interested parties have circulated a rumor that I intended to quit business selling all my goods preparatory to leaving. This is to say, there is no foundation to the rumor and parties knowing me will place no confidence in the report put in circulation for my injury.
       E. PRIOLLAUD.
Clegg Building, Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Gazette 8/5/1893.
  Selected News Notes (Gazette) 8/5/1893:

 Ice-cream at Mrs. Miller's on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

 Mayor Wm. Campbell returned Wednesday after a few week's sojourn at Grand Isle.

 Mrs. Alex. Mouton, of New Orleans, is visiting the family of Major J. S. Mouton.

 Henry Crouchet, of Carencro, was in Lafayette Wednesday.

 Constables Graser and Romero had up to Wednesday killed over twenty dogs and still the good work goes on.

 Sidney Veazey returned Saturday from Mamou prairies with a drove of cattle.

 Mr. A. C. Guilbeau of Carencro paid The Gazette an appreciative visit Wednesday.

 Miss Alice Lallane, of Washington, is on a short visit to the family of Mr. James Hannen.

 Mr. Priollaud has a notice in another part of this issue to which the attention of the reader is called.

 Mr. L. E. Nollive a first class jeweler and watchmaker has an advertisement in this issue.

 The Gazette was pleased to receive a call Monday from Police Juror H. M. Durke.

 Albert Delhomme, one of The Gazette's old reliables gave us a call Monday.

 Supt. Mulvey of the Southern Pacific company, was in Lafayette in the interest of his company Monday.

 Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Broussard returned Monday from a short visit to relatives in St. Martinville.

 Locke Nevue, who is employed in the railroad shops at Algiers, is in Lafayette on a visit to friends and relatives.

 Mr. Aurelien Olivier, of the 5th ward, and Maurice Mouton, of St. Martinville, were in Lafayette Wednesday on business.

 Mrs. Felix Mestayer and children of New Iberia, were on a visit this week to the family of Col. C. H. Bradley.

 Mrs. M. M. Hayes, the principal of the Opelousas Female Institute spent a few days in town this week with her niece Mrs. C. H. Bradley.

 Miss Inez Rushing, a charming young lady from Alexandria is spending some days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Biossat.

 Leon Bagarry has put in his barber shop a fine set of the latest furniture, which tends to make his shop decidedly attractive.

 Mr. Rosemond Benoit, a wide-awake planter near Carencro began picking cotton on August 1, and will soon market a bale.

 Miss Laure Guilbeau, of Carencro, has been spending the week with the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Couvillon.

 Mervine Kahn, a prominent merchant in our sister town Rayne was in Lafayette Monday visiting Mr. B. Falk and family.

 The Gazette received a pleasant call Tuesday from its friends Messrs. Edward Pellerin and Leseur, of Royville.

 That hustling drummer Arthur Voorhies gave The Gazette a pleasant call last week, and requested that the paper be sent to his address in New Orleans.

 Mr. C. C. Mabry, the affable assistant agent at the depot, returned Monday from a two week's outing in Georgia, much benefited in health, and pleased with his trip.

 Mr. F. E. Voorhies, who is presently employed as consulting engineer at a refinery near Franklin, was in town Sunday and left next morning.

 Jury commissioners Edvard Pellerin, Antoine Guidry, Alf. Hebert and V. E. Dupuis, drew the regular venire for the October criminal term of the District Court last Tuesday.

 We learn that Mr. Horace Martin, a farmer in the Carencro section, has sufficient cotton picked to make a bale. Mr. Martin has a chance to earn the credit of marketing the first bale in Louisiana.

 Mr. Alexandre Lemaire, of Avoyelles parish spending some days in the parish of Lafayette alternating between Carencro and Lafayette the guest of the Couvillon.





July 3, Thos. Clark, fine $2.00 and costs of five days.

July 4, John Watson Will Casimer and F. Dickerson, fine $2.00 each or five days work on the streets. C. D. Stewart and H. D. Harrison ordered out of town.

July 5, Wm. Flornay, fine $2.50 and costs or five days.

July 7, Richard Dunkins ordered out of town. Samuel Peltier ordered out town.

July 10, Herman Marshal ordered out of town.

July 12, J. P. Phillips, fine $1.00 or five days.

July 18, Ben Vanderwaters, fine $1.00 or five days.

July 22, Wm. Allony, fine $2.50 or five days. Julia Arceneux, discharged, no case against her.

July 24, J. B. Jones and Palmire, fine $20.00 as to B. Jones, $5.00 to Palmire and costs of each or 20 days in jail. Loomas Jones, $2.50 or five days. John F. Caffery, 48 hours in jail. John Comea, Oscar Ackman, fine $2.00 each or five days in jail. Henry Griffin, fine $1.00 and costs or 3 days.'

 Lafayette Advertiser 8/5/1893.

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