Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Gazette of August 20th, 1898:

Beautiful Tribute.

 The patriotic school children of America propose to pay a most beautiful tribute to Lafayette, the French hero who crossed the sea and helped our forefathers to gain their liberty. It is announced that President McKinley will issue a proclamation designating a date, presumably Oct. 19, as "Lafayette Day" for general observance in every school in the United States, and a move will be made to raise $250,000 to purchase a monument to mark the grave of America's great friend. It is proposed to unveil the monument at the Paris exposition on the Fourth of July, 1900.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.


 The Gazette may take an optimistic view of the dim and misty future, but it can not fail to think that the approaching season will be one of the busiest in the history of Lafayette.

Every indication points to a prosperous season and unless we are greatly mistaken our business men will have every reason to be satisfied when the time will arrive to count the profits and losses of the next business season.
For years we have suffered in a commercial way from the lack of a cotton market. Almost any little town on the Southern Pacific road offered superior advantages to the cotton farmers and the consequence was that a comparatively small amount of cotton was shipped from this place. Buyers visited the different gins to buy cotton and in many instances the cotton was shipped through some of the neighboring towns. This, it is clear, did no good to our local trade.

 This year it will be different. The building of the compress insures to the cotton seller a live, reliable market, where the very highest prices will always be obtainable. We understand that the compress company guarantees to pay one dollar more per bale for cotton sold in Lafayette then when purchased elsewhere. This dollar the company saves on transportation and it will go on to the farmer. This inducement, we are sure, will be readily recognized and taken advantage of. Aside from the good resulting from the establishment of a market the compress has brought to Lafayette a large number of people who will live in our town. Already several houses have been rented for the families of the men engaged in this business and the registries of our hotels contain a number of the names of gentlemen in the employ of the company.

 Not only have we first class cotton market, but the cane-grower will find a purchaser for his wares. S. Gumbel & Co., are now engaged in building right at our doors one of the largest refineries in the State, and all who have cane for sale will not find it necessary to ship to distant points. The fact that the company operating the refinery will raise no cane, but instead will buy all the cane it needs, should be a source of much satisfaction to our people. Large sugar plantations on the Teche and Mississippi raise the cane necessary to run their mills, have their plantation stores and do very little good to the neighboring towns. Not so with the Gumbel refinery. The money, or at least a portion of the money, paid to laborers is sure to find its way to our town, and the same can be said of the money paid for cane hauled to the refinery by the farmers.

 It is only reasonable to expect that these two new industries will give a decided advantage to the local trade over that of previous years. The building of several business houses, the establishment of a new bank, the appreciation of the value of town property and a number of straws which show which way the wind of prosperity is blowing, are unmistakable evidences that the people of Lafayette - and we believe they are right.

Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

Will Soon Be Home. - Among the volunteers to be mustered out of service are included the three batteries of light artillery now at the Jackson Barracks near New Orleans. Therefore it is safe to say that the Lafayette boys, who enlisted with the Donaldsonville Cannoneers, will be home shortly, probably before the 1st of next month. The boys will doubtless be glad to return home. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898. 

At the Jail. - Seventeen prisoners are now in the parish jail. Among them are only two white men, all others being of African extraction. The next session of the criminal court will convene on the 1st Monday of next month when the jail will doubtless be relieved of its boarders. Since a hydrant has been procured for the use of the jail it is possible to supply all the cells with a sufficient quantity of pure water and ablutionary exercises is now one of the luxuries of prison life not formerly enjoyed by the prisoners. With plenty of water and the electric lights which have been placed in the corridor of the jail the only thing needed is some method of the refuse. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898. 

 Road to Scott.Thanks to the energy of Mr. Alcide Judice, and the assistance of public spirited citizens, the road to Scott will be put in a good condition. Mr. Biossat has succeeded in collecting $50 from citizens of this town, which will be used to partially defray the expenses.  Laf. Gazette 8/20/1898. 

A Man Dies on the Train.

 A body of a man was brought to Lafayette on the east-bound passenger train yesterday morning and turned over to the local authorities. The man died on the train, it is believed, between Rayne and this place. When the body was searched it was learned from papers that his name was pretended to be James Berna and that he had been working as a section hand at Welsh. Letters found on him gave the information that he was traveling under an assumed name and that he had been a fugitive from justice. The letters were written at North Warren, Pa., by his mother, sister and brother who made pathetic appeals to him to return home stating that all had been fixed and he would not be molested by the officers. His real name was Slaven as was inferred from the fact that his brother signed "J. F. Slaven." The man was apparently about 35 years of age. He was buried in Potter's field by the town.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898. 

 Burglars at Work. - One of Bennet's houses was broken into by burglars Thursday night between 12 and 1 0'clock. They were discovered just in the act of walking out of the house with a bundle of clothes. Two shots were fired at them, but it is not known if any of them was at his home sleeping, was on the scene immediately after the shooting, but the culprits were already out of sight. The sheriff worked the balance of the night trying to catch the thieves. He raided a box-car near the oil house and pulled four negroes who were sleeping there. One of them was subsequently identified as one of the thieves by one of the inmates of the house which was burglarized.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898. 

 An Ideal Place. - Judge Julian Mouton, who returned a few days ago from High Island, Texas, speaks in most complimentary terms of that new summer resort which is fast growing in public favor. The hotel, which is under the efficient management of Col. and Mrs. Geo. M. Robertson, is all that can be desired. The fare is splendid, the service is excellent and the rates are such as to suit the pocket of the man with moderate means. The surf bathing can not be excelled and everything else at High Island is calculated to make this the ideal place for health and pleasure seekers. Laf. Gazette 8/20/1898. 

The Compress Office.

 Messrs. B. N. Coronna and David Schwartz, of the Compress Company, are now comfortably located in one of the coziest offices in the State. The upper story of Gus. Lacoste's building is now thoroughly fitted up with all that is needed for a rushing business this season. A visit to the office gives one an idea of the vast amount of business that Lehman, Stern & Co., expect to do as soon as the cotton season opens. Jno. W. Howell and Lem Gustine, of Shreveport, arrived the other day and will be employed by the company, the former as street buyer and the latter as assistant classer. Alley Steele, the office boy, who was with Mr. Coronna at Opelousas last year, has already entered upon the discharge of his onerous duties. Alley is a hustler and has no superior as an office-boy.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

 The Veterans.

 Members of Camp Frank Gardner No. 580 of United Confederate Veterans, held a meeting at the court-house last Tuesday and elected the following officers to serve during the ensuing year:  Judge A. J. Moss, captain commander; Ambroise Mouton, adjutant; T. D. Weir, 1st lieutenant; J. King Grer, 2d lieutenant; J. A. Laneuville, quarter master; Dr. J. D. Trahan, surgeon; Jno. Rand, chaplain; P. L. DeClouet, treasurer; J. W. Broussard, color-bearer; J. B. Benoit, sergeant-major.

 A committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions expressive of the thanks of the camp for the appointment of Judge Debaillon as major on the staff of Gen. Tunard of the Louisiana division of United Confederate Veterans. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

For Blind Staggers Given to the Police Jury by Judge A. T. McFADDIN.

 Recent report from different portions of the parish show a condition of affairs, which, if not checked, will cause great losses to stock-owners in this parish. In the second ward it seems that the disease has been very fatal to stock. It is estimated that several thousand dollars worth of horses and cattle have already died from the dread malady and unless some efficacious remedy is found it is feared that the death rate will reach alarming proportions.

 At the last meeting of the Police Jury Judge A. T. McFaddin gave a remedy which, he said, experience had proved to be almost infallible. At the request of the Jury Secretary Greig caused, 1,000 circulars containing the remedy to be printed and spread throughout the parish.

 The following is the remedy:

 Bleed each side of nose by making incision with sharp knife blade on inch above point of nose (outside) until blood spurts freely from large veins - incision may be three-fourths of an inch deep if necessary to produce profuse bleeding. Take one half pint of ammonia in a bottle and apply with long feathers well up in nostrils and keep up this treatment until discharge of matter from nose is free and copious.

 2nd. Apply equal parts of turpentine and coal oil over each lobe of the brain (under forelock) and rub well, after which apply flannel rag, and over it apply sad-iron moderately heated. As soon as the animal shows signs of relief, give one-fourth pound Epsom salts or other purgative sufficient to move bowels freely. The above treatment will almost invariably produce instant relief, but if it does not and there is not a free and copious discharge of matter from the nose, or if the discharge of matter from the nose, or if the discharge from any cause becomes lessened and the animal does not seem to be sufficiently relieved, continue the ammonia treatment until the discharge is super-induced and the animal permanently relieved. Animals should be kept in shade as much as possible.

 The above treatment, if faithfully and intelligently applied, will prove an almost infallible remedy for a disease considered incurable. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

To Benefit Episcopal Church.

 The Gazette has been requested to announce that a public entertainment will be given at Falk's opera-house, Saturday, August 27, for the benefit of the Episcopal church building fund. A varied and interesting program will be rendered by local talent, consisting of drills, recitations and vocal and instrumental music. The price of admission is 25 cents and no reserved seats will be sold. Doors will open at 8 o'clock and curtain will rise at 8:30. Delicious refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the entertainment. An enjoyable time is promised to all who will attend. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

The Scott Church.

 The Scott is now a certainty. A contract has been made with the enterprising contractor, B. F. Anderson, and the people of Scott, will, before very many days, point with commendable pride to one of the handsomest edifices in the State. The structure will be of Gothic architecture, fifty-two feet wide and eighty feet deep, with seventeen windows and one large front door, thus affording a sufficiency of ventilation. The lumber to be used in the construction will be furnished by A. E. Mouton, the well-known lumber dealer of Lafayette. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

Sick and Tired of It.

 Col. Richie's regiment of "immunes" passed through Lafayette Thursday. A talk with some of the men elicited the information that they felt sore over the snub in being discriminated against in favor of Crane's negro regiment, and would like to be mustered out and allowed to go home. They would have cheerfully gone to Santiago, but now that they have been compelled to make way for Alger's dusky favorites they are sick and tired of the whole thing. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

Passing Through.

 Dr. W. W. Walker, brother of our young townsman, Lee Walker, passed through on the east-bound train last Sunday. Dr. Walker, who is in the army service of the United States with the rank of captain, was on his way to Santiago, where he will report to General Shafter. Dr. Walker has a son who is a lieutenant in the army. He is with one of the Nebraska regiments and was in the Santiago battle. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

Mouton & Cunningham at New Orleans.

 The Barracks Bugle is a weekly publication issued by the volunteers camped at the Jackson Barracks. Its business manger is Jerome Mouton and Robert Cunningham is editor-in-chief. The Bugle is not a very large paper, but it is well gotten up and makes a creditable appearance.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

Executive Committee.

 The Democratic Executive Committee of the 3d Congressional District met in New Iberia on the 10th instant. It was decided to hold the nominating convention at Thibodeau on the 19th of September. Wm. Campbell, Overton Cade and A. M. Martin from this parish attended the meeting. The various parishes will be entitled to the following representation in the nominating convention:

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Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

Paul Laurent Kills a Man.

 The following special from Jennings to the Times-Democrat of Aug. 16 says:

 A tragedy occurred at Lake Arthur the last of the week, ending in the death of Gustave Lacomb. A personal difficulty long existed between Lacomb and Paul Laurent, and Friday evening Laurent left his mother's place and proceeded toward the house, and was soon met by Lacomb, who was riding in a cart. Some words passed, when Lacomb, who was intoxicated, whipped out a knife and made a motion as though to stab Laurent. The latter picked up a club and struck at Lacomb, inflicting a blow to the head on a sharp splinter of a stump, butting an ugly wound, and it is claimed penetrating the skull. Lacomb died Saturday night. He has always been quarrelsome, especially when drinking. Public opinion generally exonerates Laurent. [From the N. O. Times-Democrat.]

 Laurent is well known here, where is friends will be pleased to learn that in killing Lacomb he acted in self-defence. He is known here as a very peacable man. Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898. 

Police Jury Proceedings.

     Lafayette, La., Aug. 15, 1898.
  The Jury met this day in regular session, pursuant to a call by the president with the following members present: R. C. Landry, Ben Avant, Alonzo Lacy, Alfred Hebert, M. Billeaud, Jr., J. E. Primeaux and John S. Whittington, Jr. Absent: C. C. Brown.

 The president explained the object of the meeting to be the constitution of a new Board of Health under provisions of the recent legislative enactment relative thereto.

 After consultation with Mayor Caffery as to the advisability of action the Jury resolved to postpone the organization of the new board.

 Judge T. A. McFaddin upon solicitation appeared and kindly explained the nature of the blind staggers, a disease now prevalent among stock to an alarming extent in the parish, and gave a specific remedy which was ordered printed and distributed for the benefit of the public. A vote of thanks was tendered the judge for his generous action.

 There being no further business the Jury adjourned.
R. C. LANDRY, President.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898. 

Lafayette News Notes (Gazette) 8/20/1898.

 Miss Maude Boas will open a private school on Monday, Sept. 5th, in the house next to the Presbyterian church. After school hours she will give lessons in vocal and instrumental music and at residence of desired.

We are authorized to announce that
is a candidat for the Democratic nomination for railroad commission for this district.

 Mr. Crow Girard's law office has been hauled to the lot in the rear of Clegg's drugstore to make room for the new bank building which will be a two-story brick structure.
With the new bank, Begnaud's two-story building and a new coat of paint on the court-house the square will be decidedly in the swim this fall. That portion of town is not dead by any means.

 Judge Julian Mouton and family and Miss Marie Mouton returned home Thursday morning after spending some time at High Island and Galveston, Texas.

 With the new bank, Begnaud's two-story building and a new coat of paint on the court-house the square will be decidedly in the swim this fall. That portion of town is not dead by any means.

 Judge Debaillon and son, Dan, are visiting relatives in St. Martinville.

 Lieut. James A. Moss wired his father that he arrived at Montauk, N. Y., last Thursday afternoon.

 We are requested to announce that the High School will open on Monday, Sept. 5. Other schools throughout the parish, with the exception of those known as the "summer schools," will also be opened on that day.

 Police Juror Martial Billeaud, from Broussard, was in Lafayette attending a special meeting of the Police Jury. Mr. Billeaud says that neither charbon nor the blind staggers has made its appearance in his section.

 W. E. Bland, the hustling representative of the Atlanta Building and Loan Association, registered at the Cottage Hotel Wednesday.

 The road running from the refinery to Beausejour Spring has been repaired in a manner that reflects no little credit upon those who did the work. We understand that the thanks of the traveling public are due to Messrs. C. A. Mouton, J. D. Mouton, A. Cayard, W. V. Nicholson, Singleton and Landry for this road.

Miss Maud Boas will open a private school on Monday, Sept. 5, in the house next to the Presbyterian church. After school hours she will give lessons in vocal and instrumental music and at residence of desired.

Died.  Yesterday morning in this parish, at 1 o'clock, Mrs. Edmond Martin, nee Cecilia Acadie Mouton, aged 34 years and 5 months.

 Hon. Overton Cade, ex-superintendent of the Mint and candidate for railroad commissioner, was shaking hands with his numerous friends around Lafayette  a few days ago. Mr. Cade is meeting with much encouragement all over the district in his candidacy for the Democratic nomination.

 Hon. T. J. Heard, of Avoyelles, candidate for railroad commissioner, was in Lafayette this week looking after his political fences.

 H. Van der Cruyssen, editor of the Advertiser, visited his cotton farm near Breaux Bridge Thursday.

 Romain Francez, the civil engineer from Carencro, visited Lafayette Wednesday.
Felix Salles, of the firm of Mouton & Salles, left last Sunday for New Orleans.
H. Vandercruyssen, editor of the Advertiser, visited his cotton farm near Breaux Bridge, this Thursday.

 Felix Salles, of the firm of Mouton & Salles, left last Sunday for New Orleans.

 Ben Falk and S. Kahn left last Sunday for New York and other eastern cities.

 Professor W. A. LeRosen, who will be principal of the Lafayette High School, will be here on the 1st of September. The school will open on the 5th.
Lieut. James A. Moss wired his father that he arrived at Montauk, N. Y., last Thursday afternoon.

 Miss May Pierce, of Bunkie, is the guest of Mrs. T.N. Blake at the Cottage Hotel.

 Judge Julian Mouton and family and Miss Marie Mouton returned home Thursday morning after spending some time at High Island and Galveston, Texas.
Lafayette Gazette 8/20/1898.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 20, 1898: 

 Our Birthday.

  With this number THE ADVERTISER enters its thirty-fourth year.

Its existence so far has been varied and a number of generations have melted away during its life.
As in the past, THE ADVERTISER will in the future be the guardians of the interests of the community, without fear, seeking no favor.

  It will try to be a newsy sheet giving all the happenings of its immediate neighborhood.

If our friends help us financially and otherwise, the thirty-fourth year of THE ADVERTISER will reach a still higher standard in the newspaperdom.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.

 A Petition. -
The following petition, addressed to the incoming postmaster, Paul Demanade, has received the endorsement of a large number of persons:

  The undersigned residents and property-holders of Lafayette respectfully submit for your consideration the following valid reasons for making no change in the location of the post office:

  (1) The present location is about the center of the population and the business portion of the town.

  (2) Being on the principal thoroughfare it is easy and convenient of access to a large majority of the people.

  (3) The present location is so well know that any change would be a disadvantage to the public.

 For these reasons, and knowing your desire to satisfy the convenience and wishes of the public as postmaster, we request that no change be made in the location of the post office.

 It is not known what may be the intentions of the new post master with regard to the location of the post-office under his regime, but it is certain that it is impossible to improve on the present location from the standpoint of the greatest convenience to the greatest number of the patrons of the office.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.

Musical at Falk's. - A musical concert, interspersed with drills and recitations, will be given by the ladies of the Episcopal Church guild on Saturday, the 27th instant, at Falk's Opera House. An enjoyable programme is being arranged for the occasion. The doors will be open at 8 p. m. and the curtain will rise a half hour later. There will be no reserved seats, but a general admission fee of 25 cents will be charged. After the entertainment ice cream, cakes and other light refreshments will be served. The proceeds will be a contribution to the Episcopal Church building fund, and all friends of the cause are invited to lend their assistance. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.

Escaping Scott. - Whilst Scott shall have reason to regret the loss, by change of residence of one of her best and and most progressive citizen, Mr. Simeon Begnaud, certainly the town of Lafayette may well congratulate itself upon this addition of another honored name to her already long list of distinguished citizens. Mr. Begnaud, having lately acquired by purchase the corner property now occupied by Mr. A. Peck, will soon begin erection thereon of a modern two-story building, intended as Bachelor Hall got himself, combined with business. Though he goes, we know our old friend will ever look back to Scott for the sake of o'auld lang-syne. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.

Mishaps. - Last Monday, the horse of Mr. J. Vigneaux ran away and in turning the corner of the street opposite Caillouet's Drug Store threw him down, suffering no serious injury.

 Mrs. Louise Lacoste, her child, and Miss Nita Martin were taking a buggy ride, a few days ago, enjoying the cool breezes of the evening, when one of the hind wheels of the buggy got out of order and the occupants took a fall upon the street. Fortunately the horse was gentle. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.

Not Loaded.

 Last Tuesday night about 8 o'clock a young colored woman, daughter of Aurelien Mouton, was handling a revolver and in a playful manner was pointing the deadly arm towards several bystanders, while sighting her mother the gun went off with the ball striking her in the leg. Dr. Tolson was summoned at once to give his care to the wounded woman. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898. 

 A Reception.

 Miss Simonia Broussard, of Youngsville, tendered a reception to her many friends, last Sunday night, at her loving home.

 As a hostess, Miss Simonia, combined gracefulness and pleasantness to such a degree that everyone was made to feel at home.

 Songs, games and other pastime were indulged in by the great throng of young people present.

 Refreshing drinks were served and partaken by the many guests.

 The night was far advanced and gleans of the coming day were perceptible when each guest homeward bound, went along sweetly thinking about the many charms of the beautiful Miss Broussard. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.

Serving Soldiers in Texas.

 Miss Mattie Weir and Miss Susie Hopkins are visiting friends in Houston, Texas; they assisted Mrs. B. F. Bonner in serving luncheon to the soldiers of the 4th. Texas Regiment as they passed through Houston on the 19th inst. Misses Mattie and Susie will visit La Porte and Galveston before they return home. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898. 

Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 8/20/1898.

 The Lafayette High School will be opened on Monday, Sept. 5th. Prof. W. A. LeRosen, the principle, will be in Lafayette on the 1st.

Mr. E. H. Vordenbaumen, of Shreveport, arrived in Lafayette yesterday to attend to business matters connected with his lumber yard.

 Lieut. James A. Moss wired his father that he arrived at Montauk, N. Y. last Thursday afternoon.

 There will be a Grand Ball to-morrow at Sibille's Hall, Carencro, La.

 Miss Nita Lacoste is enjoying a pleasant visit in Carencro.

 Miss Isaure McDaniel returned from Patterson on last Saturday.

 Judge C. Debaillon left Thursday for St. Martinville to remain a few days.

 Coca-Cola strengthens and energizes in a wonderful way. It is served fresh every day at the Moss Pharmacy soda fountain.

 Miss Gabriel Guchereau is now employed in the Real Estate office of Mr. Ambroise Mouton.

 The dinner set offered by Schmulen of the Racket Store has been awarded to Mr. F. Siadoux.

 Dr. R. B. Raney returned last Thursday from the North where he spent about a month.

 Mr. Alfred Bonnet, Jr., left yesterday on a short visit to his grandparents in Opelousas, La.

 Mrs. J. Nickerson and son Jack returned last Thursday from Canada after one month's absence.

 Mrs. Ed. Martin, nee Cecilia Mouton, died yesterday morning at her residence, at the age of 34. She leaves eight children.

 Postmaster Mouton, left for Little Rock, Ark., as a delegate to the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W.

 Miss Henriette Doucet, returned last Monday, from New Iberia, where she had spent a few weeks with her sister.

 Constructors are seen every day in Lafayette. Daily and Philips from New Iberia, and Thompson from Duson were in our town. Anderson told us that he has 3 or 4 new building on hand. Who says Lafayette is not on a boom?

The Catholic Association of Scott has awarded to Mr. B. F. Anderson the contract for building the church. Mr. Emile Mouton is to furnish the lumber. Price $2,800. Work will commence next week.

 Mr. Arcade Gauthier, of St. Martinville, was in Lafayette this week, visiting friends and acquaintances. He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Lucia, who will spend a few days with Misses Ella and Suzanne Bienvenue.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1898.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of August 20th, 187o.


 On Monday last, 15th instant, at about 8 o'clock P. M., the splendid residence of Mrs. Desire Roy, near Royville was destroyed by fire; all the household furniture, clothing etc., were destroyed, the inmates saving on the the clothing they had about their person. The fire originated in one of the rooms of the second story; we have not been able to learn whether the fire was accidental, or the work of an incendiary. Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1870.

Police Jury.

    Special Meeting - July 16th, 1870.
 Members present: J. J. Caffery, President, and Messrs. O. Broussard, Caruthers, Landry, Hebert and Leblanc.
Absent: M. G. Broussard.

 On motion, W. B. Bailey was appointed Clerk, pro tem.

 The minutes of the last meeting were road and approved.

 The committee on the Carencro Bridge, reported that a new bridge was necessary.

 On motion, The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

 Resolved, That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars be and is hereby appropriated for the building of a bridge on Bayou Carencro.

 Resolved, That Messrs. O.Broussard, Caruthers and Valery Guilbeau are appointed a committee to confer with the committee of the parish of St. Landry, concerning the building of said bridge, and said committee are also authorized to contract for the building of the same with the lowest bidder by using the old lumber.

 Whereas, Official notice having been received from D. F. Boyd, Superintendent of Louisiana State University, dated July 1st, 1870, that there are two vacancies of beneficiary cadets from this parish, caused by the resignation of G. W. Scranton and the operation of the new law, which gives the parish two cadets, therefore, be it
   Resolved, That John C. Mills and Charles D. Caffery be and they are hereby appointed Beneficiary Cadets to the Louisiana State University, from the Parish of Lafayette.

 Resolved, That the Treasurer pay the board of prisoners upon warrants issued for the same, which are hereby authorized to be drawn monthly upon the Jailer's account, approved by the Sheriff and Finance Committee.

 Resolved, That the Clerk be authorized to purchase a suitable Minute Book, and a warrant is hereby ordered to be drawn for the amount.

 The following accounts were approved and warrants ordered to be drawn for the same: Treville Bernard, $24.40; Albert Judice $5; Dr. Mudd $20; S. J. Montgomery $44.10; A. J. Moss $17.

 On motion the Police Jury adjourned.
J. J. CAFFERY, President.
W. B. BAILEY, Clerk, pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1870.

 City Council of Vermilionville.

 Special meeting of July 18th, 1870.
 Present: W. O. Smith, Mayor; Members: A. Monnier, H. Landry, J. H. Wise, R. L. McBride, Wm. Brandt.
Absent: B. A. Salles, and R. Gagneaux.

 The meeting was called to order and the object explained by the Mayor.

 On motion, it was resolved. that a committee of two be and are hereby empowered and authorized to borrow money for the use and benefit of the corporation. The Mayor appointed Messrs. Monnier and Wise on said committee.

 Resolved, That any and all persons who shall disturb the peace and quiet of the citizens within the corporate in any manner whatever, shall arrested by the Constable and lodged in the parish prison there to remain not less than twelve nor more than twenty-four hours, and fined five dollars besides all other (unreadable word).

 Resolved, That all laws contrary to the above be and the same are hereby repealed.

 On motion the Council adjourned.
W. O. SMITH, Mayor.
W. B. BAILEY, Secretary pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 8/20/1870.

 From the Lafayette Daily Advertiser of August 20th, 1918:


 Loss of Building and Stock About $3,500 - Partially Covered By Insurance.

 The usual peaceful slumbers of Lafayette citizens were rudely disturbed this morning at about 5 o'clock by the blowing of the fire whistle followed by shrieks from locomotives in the railroad yards. From the bright light which loomed in the eastern part of the city the scene of the fire was quickly located, being the large two-story, frame building owned by A. Comeaux and Son, located at the corner of West Convent and Johnston streets.

 The fire department responded but before their arrival the flames had gained such headway, that efforts to save the building were futile, and the structure was soon reduced to ashes. On account of the rapidity in which the flames spread throughout the building it was but heroic work that considerable of its contents - household goods, furniture, flour, etc., -were saved by the proprietors, assisted by nearby friends and others.

 Origin of the fire is not definitely known but it is supposed to have caught by flying sparks from the flue of the bakery oven, as the rear roof of the building over which the cooking department is located, was first discovered on fire.

 Rene J. Comeaux, who was in charge of the cooking this morning, stepped into his residence only a few feet away and was absent but a few minutes when the fire was discovered by neighbors who gave the alarm. The first act of Rene was to awaken his brother Charles who was sleeping up stairs, and then he rushed down to the bakery to attempt to save some of the contents. Chas. who was slow in awakening and the room being dark, was badly burned about the hands and neck before he made his exit. He was soon given medical attention, and though suffering greatly, his condition is not considered dangerous. When seen by an Advertiser reporter this evening he was resting fairly well.

 When asked whether he would rebuild and resume business soon, Mr. Arthur Comeaux was undecided.

 On the building, though the agency of Mouton & Marshall Co., $1,000 insurance was carried, and with the F. W. Meyer agency $750, on contents.
Lafayette Daily Advertiser 8/21/1918.

The Old Mossback Mower.
To the Lafayette Gazette:

Does our honorable Council expect by going back to the old mossback days to reconvert these old mowers into ditch, sidewalk and street cleaners?

 Do they think they can teach these herds of cows, horses and mules to eat the old, dead, dry weeds and grass in the ditches, streets and sidewalks, instead of the nice, tender, young grass to be found everywhere, to say nothing about the fine fields of corn, oats, peas and cane lying open on every side of them? If they can, I have no doubt they will think it a very wise stroke of economy, and the councilmen who voted for it should be presented with leather medals having their names inscribed in full on each side; for there is no doubt the people of Lafayette will feel proud of them.

Strangers, when they come into town stop and look and wonder if this is the city of Lafayette of which they have read so much as regards its spirit of enterprise and goaheadiveness. The old mossbacks, as they walk through the streets, take off their hats and bow, glad to see so many of their old acquaintances roaming at large up and down the streets and sidewalks, while the officers walk with their hands in their pockets and dare not touch them.
You will hear old Mossy muttering to himself, "I told you so." I told you that proud Lafayette would have to come down and back to old times again.

 Some of our Council, the proposers and introducers of this old time mower, can be seen on the streets every day watching the good work and rapid progress made by this machine in cleaning up our streets and sidewalks within the past four or five weeks that it has to be used as a "political voting machine" at our next municipal election.

 What is the matter with our local press? It is as silent as the grave on this very important question. Is it possible that its members intend to be candidates for municipal honors at our next election, or are they waiting to see which way the cat is going jump? I can't think so. I think an important question like this should be thoroughly discussed through the press so that every person would intelligently understand it. We would like to know if we have any stock law or not. The first man we asked said: "No! the stock law had been repealed and the stock is running at large all over the town." The next man we asked said: "Yes, we have a good stock law, but no one can be found who is willing to enforce it."

 The next man says: "Yes; we have a stock law, but the Council has suspended it for three months until the field crops and gardens are gone."

 What a supreme, legislative act! They certainly should be promoted.

Laf. Gazette 8/20/1898 

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