Monday, January 12, 2015


 From the Lafayette Gazette of July 9th, 1898:

Grand Popular Demonstration Veterans, Firemen and Children Unite to Celebrate the Day.

 Patriotic sentiment has ever been the theme of the noblest and most eloquent expressions of human thought, voiced by poets, orators, historians and popular demonstrations. But the patriotic inspiration of the American people stands apart and aloof in history altogether unique in its conceptions embodying as it does all the hopes and aspirations of the ages for human happiness, liberty and enlightenment. Other nations may feel to some extent the throb of this diving sentiment, but the American people may justly boast its full realization and a country upon whose fair bosom, tyranny and oppression has never fastened its foul and desolating hand - "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

 Actuated by a spontaneous desire to give expression to their patriotic feeling the people of Lafayette united last Monday evening in a grand and enthusiastic demonstration to commemorate the natal day of the republic. Under the auspices of the fire department, a very imposing exhibition or patriotism was carried out. About 5 o'clock the firemen attired in their new uniforms assembled at the court-house and there formed in ranks with the members of Camp Frank Gardner United Confederate Veterans. Upon the firemen's truck which was beautifully decorated, sat dainty little Marguerite Allingham, daughter of the chief, under a canopy of national colors, the personification of queenly beauty and grace. Headed by a brass band with flags and banners flying the procession marched through the principal streets and halted in front of Falk's opera house where two hundred children in charge of Prof. Greig, joined the parade. The little girls and boys all wearing the national colors and bearing flags and banners presented a most beautiful spectacle, long to be cherished in the memories of all. Amid the boom of cannon the inspiring strains of the band and the cheers of 2,000 people the procession moved up Main street to the court house, and around the square. Here the great concourse was addressed by Mayor Caffery who made a brief but eloquent speech, abounding in sentiments appropriate to the occasion. Calls being made for Judge Debaillon, that popular gentleman responded, and delivered a forcible and characteristic address. The judge stated that though most of the veterans were now old and feeble, yet if the necessity arose, he felt confident every one would respond, in defense of their country, even the two oldest members of the camp, Judge A. J. Moss and Mr. J. A. Laneuville. Allusions made by the judge to Lieut. Jas. A. Moss, now in the foremost ranks at Santiago, elicited vociferous applause and cheers. Master Harold Demanade, recited most admirably Charles Summer's, tribute to the country's ensign, entitled, "The National Flag." After salutation of the flag by the children and several patriotic songs, a magnificent flag was hoisted in front of the court building by Miss Emma Falk, sponsor to Fire Company No. 1. Miss Falk delivered an eloquent apostrophe to the beautiful emblem of our country and at the conclusion three lusty cheers were given, for "Old Glory" as she floated proudly at the head of the flag-staff. A number of small flags concealed in the folds of the large one, and entitling the fortunate finder to different prizes offered by the business men, were eagerly sought for by the little folks. Special mention must be made of Miss Medora Lindsay who represented Columbia and Gonzague Gladu who acted the part of Uncle Sam. The two young people were typical representations of the characters personified and deserve credit for the manner in which they performed their respective parts. Mention must also be made of Miss Bertha Richard who so ably assisted in the musical program for the children. After the ceremonies refreshments were served, and the young people tripped the light fantastic until a late hour at night. The Gazette sincerely compliments the good people of Lafayette for the patriotic enthusiasm displayed on the occasion and confidently predicts the repetition of many more pleasant and enjoyable demonstrations in years to come.
Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

The Century Club Celebrates.

 A very imposing ceremony took place in the rooms of the Century Club last Wednesday night. A beautiful flag donated to the club by Misses Stella and Hayda Trahan and Lea Gladu was hoisted from the front gallery of the club-house, and now waves at the head of a staff which had been placed there for that purpose. Mr. R. W. Elliot presented the flag on behalf of the donors, and Mr. C. D. Caffery responded for the club.

 Mr. John L. Kennedy, being requested to speak, concluded the speech-making by delivering a short address on the issues which now engross the attention of the people of the United States.

 Miss White, of New Iberia, entertained the audience with an appropriate recitation.

 The members of the club had very tastefully decorated the headquarters and had provided some excellent refreshments for their guests. The celebration was very successfully carried out. Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

 From Camp Jumel.

 July 5, 1898. - A few incidents of the trip and story here of the boys who have volunteered from Lafayette, Rayne and St. Martinville may be of some interest to your readers. We reached Donaldsonville about 7:30 o'clock Friday morning, and were taken in charge by Lieut. E. N. Pugh of the Donaldsonville Light Artillery. After a wash and some rest we appeared before the surgeon of the battery, Dr. Hanson, and all passed favorable examinations, except three.

 Saturday morning we were transferred to this place which is just across the river from Donaldsonville. We are lodged in a large store building and now number some 125.

 It was a novel experience to some of us when, on arriving here, we were furnished with large cotton-duct socks in shape of mattresses, and required to fill some with beds; also each with a tin plate and knife that we are to have an eye to.

 The boys are all in the best of spirits, in fact boisterous; the Lafayette boys are the life of the camp, with Tom Behan, Henry Judice and Mike Hollander, alias Schwartz in the lead. Schwartz did not pass the examination but has remained unofficially with the battery and says he's a killer and means to stay.

 The officers of the battery, Capt. R. McCulloh, 1st Lieut. E. N. Pugh and the sergeants are all nice gentlemen, and have the respect, esteem and confidence of the battery.

 We have but one cloud to mar the full measure of our contentment, that is our disappointment in not getting our gallant young soldier boy from Lafayette, Jerome Mouton, for 2nd lieutenant. All the boys from Donaldsonville as well as from Lafayette, St. Martin and Rayne were unanimous in the choice.

 We had a meeting of the squad commanders of whom there are nine, Sunday evening and all were present except one; all present were unanimous for Jerome for 2nd lieutenant, and a committee of three was appointed to wait on Capt. McCulloh and inform him of the fact, but to our chagrin and regret, he informed them that he was previously pledged to Henry Fuqua of Baton Rouge and that if we insisted on electing Mouton he would resign the command.

 He afterwards had all the Lafayette, Rayne and St. Martin's boys called into his office and stated that he was so circumstanced that he must insist on Mr. Fuqua's selection, however painful the circumstances made and asked the intention of the boys. With Jerome for spokesman, we answered that we had come to stay. Many of the Donaldsonville boys, as well as those that came from Lafayette were ready to break loose, but were persuaded by Jerome and others to stick.

 Capt. McCulloh then thanked us for our decision and after a shake of hands all around, promised that Jerome and the Lafayette boys would be provided for.

 We have crossed the cannon over, and yesterday celebrated the Fourth by firing off few guns. The news of the destruction of Cevera's fleet and his capture was received by the boys yesterday afternoon with three hurrahs and a tiger for "old Glory."

 We expect the U. S. Army surgeon and mustering officer momentarily and the battery expects to leave for Jackson Barracks in New Orleans.

 All the boys are in perfect, good health and eat their hash and grits with relish. The boys that passed examination of the battery sergeant have enrolled for two years, and expect to be mustered into Uncle Sam's service for the same length of time if not sooner discharged.
   (Signed) B.
Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.


Lieut. Moss at Santiago.

 When the battle near Santiago was raging there were many people in Lafayette who were anxious to know how young James A. Moss, 2d. Lieut. in the 25th Infantry, would fare. Of course no one could find out anything concerning the fate of Lieut. Moss. Even his relatives had to wait for the arrival of the papers and scan the lists of the killed and wounded for information. Fortunately his name was not among those who had fallen under the hot fire of Spaniards. Although nothing has yet been received from him, it is safe to say that he has gone through it all uninjured, for were it otherwise his relatives here would have been informed of it before this time.

 His mother, Mrs. A. J. Moss, received a letter from him dated at Santiago, but written before the now famous battle had taken place. We publish below a few extracts from this letter, which, though containing no news, will, we are sure, be read with much pleasure by the friends of the young soldier:

 We landed last Wednesday (June 22) without any trouble, the Spaniard being conspicuous by their absence. The country is very mountainous and the roads are mere trails, winding through very dense woods. We are now camped about five miles from Santiago, and from a peak about a mile from our camp, a part of the city is plainly visible. So far we have met with but little resistance. Day-before-yesterday some of our troops had a pretty lively brush with a superior force of Spaniards, who were unusually well entrenched in a commanding position. After two or three hours of pretty hard fighting the enemy was routed completely.

*   *   *   *   *   *

 Our boys did some gallant work and showed unusual bravery. So far we have had only one rainy day and the health of our troops is excellent. It is expected that a general attack will be made on Santiago within the next four or five days. The Insurgents have come to the front much better than we expected, and will likely aid us considerably in our attack on Santiago.
    (Signed) JAMES A. MOSS.
Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

 Lafayette Boys at Donaldsonville.
[From the Donaldsonville Chief.]

 There are already between 115 to 120 members enrolled, and no difficulty will be experienced in raising more than the number required to form an artillery company. According to Capt. McCulloh's memorandum there were 128 men present or in sight on Wednesday, of whom 68 were from Ascension or vicinity, 30 from Lafayette, 9 from Baton Rouge, 8 from Natchitoches, 6 from Rayne and 2 from Shreveport. The Lafayette and Rayne contingent arrived by the early train yesterday morning, under the leadership of Messrs. Jerome Mouton of Lafayette and R. E. Cunningham of Rayne. There are thirty-one young men in the party, and they will form a valuable addition to the ranks of the cannoneers. They are said to be a unit in favor of the selection of Mr. Mouton as second lieutenant of the command, and the fact that he heads such a large band of desirable recruits would seem to entitle him to generous consideration in the allotment of the official positions. He possesses the additional advantage of being well versed in military tactics, and there can be little doubt that he would make an excellent lieutenant. We take it for granted that Capt. R. McCulloh and First Lieut. E. N. Pugh will retain their present places, as they certainly deserve to do so.

 From the Donaldsonville Chief and in the Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.


Hobson Club.

 This young and enthusiastic social organization gave a most enjoyable party last Wednesday evening in the grove of Mr. A. M. Martin. The young folks had decorated the spacious yard with a large number of Chinese lanterns, and the sight was most attractive. Amusements of various kinds whiled away the happy hours and afforded much enjoyment to all. Miss Isaure McDaniel entertained by singing the Dewey Song, to the delight of every one present. Recitations by Miss Cecile Fortune and Mr. Lee Walker were highly appreciated. Miss Cecile Fortune and Elmira Cochrane were the guests of the evening. Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

Is the Condition of the Machinery in the Electric Light Plant - Report of the Expert.

 The City Council met Thursday last, and considered the report of Mr. C. A. Gaines, a mechanical expert of New Orleans, as to the condition of the machinery in the Water Work and Electric Light Plant.

 The report set forth a most deplorable condition of affairs, and the facts, if substantiated, disclose not only dishonest practice, but criminal culpability in the construction of the plant beyond parallel. By resolution of the Council the Consolidated Engineering Company was required to remove the boilers and make such alterations as should conform to the terms of the contract, and the chances are that the Council has good grounds for the litigation already instituted by Mr. C. M. Pasquier, agent of the company, under advice of Lawyer O'Neal of Franklin. We believe contract calls for a first class plant in every respect, and feel that the Council will jealously protect the interest of the municipality. In our next issue we will lay the entire matter before the public, but submit for careful perusal the report of Mr. Gaines on the disgraceful state of affairs at the plant:

      Lafayette, La., July 1, 1898.

 At your request I have this day examined externally the two boilers located in the Water Works and Electric Light Plant of Lafayette, the condition of which is exceedingly bad and dangerous. In the first place the construction of the boilers is not mechanical in any sense, and it will be an impossibility to put them in a condition to run for any length of time with safety or economy. The fire brick supports are so designed that they can never be made to perform the work for which they were intended. The connections from the front header to the equalizing pipe are too small and weak, and are placed in such a position that they will tend to impede the circulation of the boilers and cause foaming, and I consider them very dangerous. The provision for cleaning the tubes properly has been neglected, which will cause a very low efficiency in practical running operation. The insulation of the boilers is also very inefficient and the workmanship of same is very bad, allowing cold air to enter at all points where it should be carefully excluded, causing the use of  large extra amount of fuel in operation and decreasing the draft which will cause very poor combustion. In fact the entire boiler plant is very cheap and of very poor construction and should be torn out and rebuilt, and I would advise that you are liable to be shut down in the near future. I also examined the engine foundations and find them too small and light to perform the service for which they were intended. Respectfully submitted,
Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

Shot-gun Quarantines.

 Legislator Hebert's bill, prohibiting the interference of town, city or parish boards of health with the passage of trains through their respective limits under the guise of a quarantine, passed the house on the 15th, and will likely pass the senate and become a law. This law will effectually do away with shot-gun quarantines. 
{From the St. Landry Clarion.}

 The Gazette replies...

 It is hoped that the people of Louisiana will never again resort to shot-gun quarantine to protect themselves against yellow fever. More civilized methods ought to be employed. The senseless quarantine of last year has shown the foolishness of resorting to such means to keep Yellow Jack out. There are no good reasons why trains are not allowed to run, and if Mr. Hebert's bill will carry out its purpose it ought to become a law. It is safe to say that the people have had enough of shot-gun quarantine and that it will not be tolerated in the future. Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.


 The Parish School Board was called to meet last Monday by Supt. Latiolais, but that date being dies non, the members present concluded to postpone the meeting until next Monday, July 11. Very probably, important business will demand consideration of the Board and all concerned in public education will await with much interest the action of that body. Should appointments of teachers be made, The Gazette would simply express the hope that none but faithful, competent and conscientious teachers be employed. We confidently predict that the Board will be actuated by none but the highest and most disinterested motives in the discharge of public duty, and that the public school system of Lafayette parish will ever long be classed foremost in the educational advancement of the state.
Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

Sunday Law Stands.

 The Skelly bill has been defeated in the State Legislature, thus virtually ending the fight against the Sunday law, for this season.

 The opponents of the law made heroic efforts under the leadership of Ex-Mayor Fitzpatrick to secure its repeal, but failed by a few votes. As the law now stands trials for its violation will be had before the judge on affidavit and not as formerly. Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

A Dastardly Deed Attempted.

 Last Friday night about eleven o'clock, Mr. Alphonse Mouisset, a young merchant residing at Begnaud's Bridge about four miles east of Lafayette, was called up by two strangers, who asked for something to eat. Upon admittance into the store, the cowardly villains drew pistols, demanded money and opened fire upon the merchant. Fortunately, the bullets passed through the clothing and failed to accomplish their murderous mission. Recovering from the surprise, young Mouisset made a desperate resistance and wounded one of his assailants with a heavy scale weight, whereupon the rascals fled, making good their escape in the darkness. So far no clue has been discovered to identify the robbers and would-be murderers - although the officers of Lafayette and St. Martin's parishes have used all possible means to arrest the perpetrators of this dastardly crime. Mr. Mouisset offers a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of the culprits as will be seen by reference to his card. Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.

Police Jury Notes.

 The Police Jury met last Thursday and re-elected all its officers for the ensuing fiscal year.

 All road overseers were reappointed, except in the second ward, where Jean Meaux was substituted for C. Avant.

 The Jury adopted a resolution praying our representatives in the legislature to postpone action on the bill fixing the boundary line between Lafayette and Acadia. Some confusion exists as to said boundary, and the Jury desired to establish it clearly, and petitioned the legislature to the matter, but it has been discovered since that the proposed boundary would add confusion to that already existing and injuriously affect the interest of many people directly concerned. The resolution was wired Senator Robt. Martin by President Landry immediately and it is hoped will stay further proceedings.

 In the matter of the jail contract with Pauly Jail Building Co., the jury decided through its committee composed of Messrs. R. C. Landry and R. C. Greig to withhold further payments until the company fully demonstrates the success of the evaporating system. Mr. Hull has threatened to sue in the United States courts but the jury is determined to enforce the contract and will refuse to compromise the position of the parish by making any further payments. Lafayette Gazette 7/9/1898.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 9th, 1870:



The Testimony of an Ultra-Radical Northern Newspaper.

 We copy as follows from the Chicago Tribune:

 The people of the Northern States have never participated in any scheme for the persecution of the white population of the South. Had Mr. Lincoln lived, he would in due time, have issued a general proclamation of amnesty to all those engaged in rebellion, save, perhaps, the official head of the insurrection. No one can doubt that such an act would, ere this, have met the approval of the whole people. That the rebellion was a crime, punishable by law, was beyond all question ;  but, except as against Jefferson Davis, and, perhaps, a few others, the American people neither desired nor expected that there should by any criminal proceedings. In the joy at the restoration of peace, all feelings of revenge were soon abandoned. Five years have elapsed, and during that time no person has been prosecuted criminally for participation in the rebellion. But, as time has removed all the lingering as perities from the popular heart, the political persecution of these people has increased. Reconstruction has been practically accomplished, but the law makers are daily finding new pretexts for persecuting whole classes against whom they have long since abandoned on pretexts for legal prosecutions. There is no spirit of rebellion at the South. These people have been effectually cured of the delusion. But there is discontent. the result of practical evils, and Congress is seeking to encourage that discontent by doing all that is possible to perpetuate and aggravate the evils.

 In a recent speech by Dr. Dox, a member of Congress from Alabama, a Northern man by birth, and who was a loyalist all through the rebellion, we find a fair and candid statement of the present condition of things in the South. The great body of the white population are laboring under political disfranchisement, and those who are eligible to any to any of the offices essential to local government are confined to a class not the best qualified, either intelectually or morally, for such duties. Mr. Dox says :

 "Bad laws are being constantly enacted by the strange dynasties which govern im the South, while good laws are badly administered. Men are elevated by the votes or poor, ignorant, innocent negroes, to the highest judicial positions, who would not dare to aspire in any Northern State to the office of a cross roads Justice ;  Sheriff's are chosen who are incompetent to make an intelligible return of the service of process, and offices of all kinds, through all grades of responsibility, are occupied by men utterly incompetent to the proper discharge of the commonest official duty. Indeed, incapacity and grossest ignorance are the rule (to which there are exceptions, but exceptio probat regulum) among not only the inferior officers in my State, but with those of high judicial position ;  and thus is there generally violated a fundamental principle of Magna Carta, 'That no man should be an officer of justice without knowledge of the law. And yet, with such a condition of things generally prevailing, with everything like official qualification branded and ostracized, it is expected that crime will not exist nor outrage be perpetrated."

 This picture is not overdrawn. However useful these carpetbaggers may have been for a while, their day has gone by. Yet they are the men who seek to perpetuate the present state of things. All offices must be filled with these adventurers, or with colored men wholly unfitted for such places ; and, as a general thing, the negroes make the better officers of the two, because, though ignorant, they are not dishonest, nor are they mere speculators in public plunder. What is wanted is the removal of these disabilities by which competent administrative officers of the local government may be obtained. It is not merely the men who are disfranchised who complain ;  but the thousands of their friends and kindred who sympathize with them. Since the breaking out of the war, a large population, then minors, have become of age. A new population is growing up in these States, and all of the memories and traditions of the rebellion are perpetuated because of these worse than useless disfranchisements. Let Congress (unreadable word) out all these political distinctions, so far as the State governments are concerned, and there will be as enduring peace in the rebel States as there is in Illinois. The whole country is interested in good government in these States. No good cause is sub-served by subjecting them to the misgovernment of adventurers or ignorant and incompetent persons. The freedom which permits a man to vote, but withhold from him the right to vote for whom he pleases, is a mockery which would not be tolerated in any Northern State. Yet there is the "political freedom" which has been granted to the South, and which Senator Drake insists shall be enforced by the strong arm of the military. It is made a felony for any man, not within the favored class, to accept any office, no matter if elected thereto by the unanimous vote of the people. It is made a felony to induce any person to vote for such a man. And this is the freedom which a faction in Congress insists that the Republican voters of the United States shall perpetuate.

 From the Chicago Tribune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 7/9/1870.

 Jefferson Street in 1970.

A Look at the Businesses of Jefferson Street as They Were in 1970.
(Just before all those great blaxploitation films started playing at the Jefferson Theatre.)      


 104 Dreyfous Equipment (Wholesale)
 106 Lightning Cleaners 235-7834
 106 1/2 Matt McCullough
 108 Monroe Int. Inc business machines 235-9781
 112 Washington Life Ins. Co.
 (Krogers must have been assigned a Cypress St. Address.)


 200 Lafayette Auto Top Shop 235-7781.
 201 Dental and Medical Surg. Sply. whol 232-9481
 203 Teamsters Local #201 234-1310
 204 Savoy Printing Company 235-6493.
 207 Broussard Refrigeration elec appl 235-0441
 208 All State Credit Plan finance 233-4200
 209 Dwyer's Cafe 235-9364
 211 Sherwin Williams 235-7513
 214 Wash. Life Ins. Bldg.
 218 Sonnier Office Building
 219 The Advertiser Building 235-8511
 220 Reserve Life Ins. Co.232-7265
 222 Occidental Life Ins. Co. 233-5774
 229 Top Value Stamp Redemption Center 234-2275

 Vine Street

 301 J & J Appliances 232-0515
 302 State Office Building
 307 Gulf Optical of La. 234-3892
 311 Harry's Costume Shop whol 235-3000
 312 U. S. Postal Carriers Annex
 313 Lil's Lounge tavern 234-9167
 313 1/2 New Deal Hotel 235-9319
 315 Consumers Credit Corp 233-1875
 317 Century Acceptance Corp 232-6120
 322 Lee Furniture 235-3046
 323 Pete's Barber Shop 234-1850


 407 Beneficial Financial Co. 235-4561
 408 Paul's Jewelry Store 234-4645
 409 Romero's Music Co. 232-6100
 411 The Fun Shop 234-0791
 412 Abdalla's Downtown 232-1629
 413 State Securities Inc. loans 233-0340
 417 United Dollar Store 234-9325.
 423 Berkley's Shoe Store 234-1525
 425 Greenwood Shoe Store 235-3746
 426 Rhealee Hat Shop 235-7261
 427 Smith & Sweeney optom 235-6916
 428 Clarke & Courts Office Supply.
 429 Lamode Shoes 235-3778
 430 Dental Clinic 235-5732
 431 Medical Arts Pharmacy 234-1448
 433 Heymann's Dept. Store 232-4343
 434 Gordon's Jewelers 232-8358
 436 Clark's Jewlers 232-8358
 438 Doris Dodge's Wig City 234-4312
 440 Betty Lee Shoes 234-1005
 446 Mangel's Womens Clothiers 232-0613


 501 Holly Discount Center 235-3391
 505 Teche Drugs 235-4578
 506 Franklin's Dress Shop 235-4984
 509 Stein's Menswear 234-8961
 509 a Welcher's Shoes 234-9278
 512 De Roose Shoes 235-8468
 514 Le Chalet Cafeteria 233-0138
 515 Mr. Richard's Shoes 234-8857
 520 Lafayette Jewelers
 520 1/2 Dentist & Optician 235-5934
 522 Carl's Shoes 235-9316
 523 Home Savings & Loan 235-7561
 523 1/2 Credit Bureau Services 233-5410
 524 Woolworth's 235-8415
 527 Busch Jewelry 232-6193
 529 Home Finance Serv. 234- 7457
 531 Green Stores Inc. 234-9544
 532 Hyman Cohen wms wear 233-0901
 533 Atlantic Finance Co. 232-7182
 534 Woodmen of the World
 535 Taberlet Jewelry 235-3309
 535 1/2 Baudoin's Menswear 234-1899
 537 City News Stand 235-2665
 538 McCrory's 232-4599
 541 City Barber Shop 232-4504
 544 Gaidry's 232-8530
 545 Bozo's Parking Lot (Quick Park) 234-9152
 549 Merit Loan Company 234-8581
 551 Lafayette Music Co. 232-1133
 555 Antler's 235-5921
 561 Home Credit Corp. 232-6822


 601 Naomi's Jewelers  235-7641
 603 Local Loans Inc. 232-7133
 609 Family Acceptance Corp. 233-5325
 616 Leblanc FNB Parking
 617 Jefferson Theatre 235-4114
 625 One Hour Martinizing 235-9859
 627 Pharo Realty 235-8615
 629 Ron Dee's Alteration Shop 233-2277
 632 Ragin Cajun Restaraunt 235-9554

 E. Main Street

 700 Union Federal Savings & Loan 234-0139
 701 Federal Building
 731 Municipal Building
 733 City Hall
 736 Lafayette Finance & Thrift Co. 235-9061
 736 1/2 Chef John
 738 Morgan Discount 234-4586

 W. Convent St.

 804 La Parisienne Building
 814 Vision Clinic 234-6172

 Lee Avenue

 900 Jefferson Conoco Service Station.

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