From the Lafayette Gazette of July 17th, 1897:
James J. Lewis Mortally Wounds Himself With Fatal Intent.
[Special to the N. O. Times-Democrat.]
Opelousas, July 13. - One of the saddest fatalities that has ever taken place in Opelousas occurred this evening at 6 o'clock, when James J. Lewis, a promising young man just in the bloom of his life, shot himself with a 41-caliber Colt's revolver, the bullet taking effect half an inch above the heart. The physicians agreed in the opinion that he could not possibly survive.
Young Lewis is the son of Thomas H. Lewis, Esq., one of the leading members of the bar here, and a nephew of ex-Judge E. T. Lewis, now assessor, and a family prominent throughout the State. He stood high in this community, being a young man of sterling integrity and irreproachable character, and possessing an amiable, kind and loving disposition.
He has been a notary public for several years and worked in his brother's law office.
A few months ago he formed a co-partnership in the insurance business with H. E. Ratcliff, under the firm name of Lewis & Ratcliff. The new firm apparently flourished until recently. He established a branch office at Lafayette and himself took charge of it. He would visit Opelousas every week, and, as customary, came here Sunday, returning Monday.
He seemed as jovial as ever and his host of friends did not for once imagine that self-destruction was then in his mind. This evening he came upon the 4:19 train and immediately proceeded to the residence of his father. Without speaking to anybody, he entered his room and drawing a pistol deliberately aimed it at his heart and fired.
The shot attracted the neighbors and his family, and when the room was entered he was found lying on the floor with his life-blood gushing out of his breast. The news was dispatched throughout the town and soon a surging mass of people were assembled at the house, in the yard and on the outside. The physician at once pronounced the wound mortal.
No cause can be assigned for the act. He was of a disposition to brood over trouble, however trivial it might be, and the natural conclusion is that in a fit of despondency. brought about by some reversal, he concluded to end his life. He is perfectly at this writing, and admits that he intended self-destruction. He was a member of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee and secretary of that body.
[Special to Time-Democrat.]
The people of Lafayette were shocked to read the foregoing special in Wednesday's Times Democrat.
Although the wound was pronounced mortal by the attending physicians, we are glad to say that his condition has been improving gradually and his friends have hopes of his recovery. James Lewis came to Lafayette about two months ago and opened an insurance agency. He is a genial, affable and generous young man, and he soon won the esteem of the people of this town. Possessing a bright intellect and many admirable qualities, he soon became a general favorite in all circles. Although a resident of this place only a short time, he is one of our most popular boys, and his attempted suicide was sad news to those with whom he was thrown in contact during his stay here. The people of Lafayette join those of Opelousas in extending their sincere sympathy to the stricken family of the unfortunate young man, and offer their heart-felt condolence to his afflicted father and mother.
Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Letter from Lieut. Moss.
We publish below a letter from Lieut. James Moss, U. S. A., son of our townsman, Judge A. J. Moss, from Dunning, Neb. Lieut. Moss is now on his way to St. Louis, having left Fort Missoula, Montana, some time ago with the intention of making an experimental trip on the bicycle at the insistence of the U. S. Army authorities. Lieut. Moss has made a national reputation in his efforts to introduce the wheel as a factor in the army and his bicycle corps' trip, if successful, as it will undoubtedly be, will be considered one of the greatest achievements of daring and pluck that have been accomplished in the army in the past few years:
Dunning, Neb., July 7, 1897. - My Dear Father: If there is a God-foresaken country, this is it - we are now right in the heart of these abominable, infernal Nebraska hills, where every mile we travel is like pulling so many teeth. By almost superhuman efforts we can average about 35 miles a day, as compared with 75 or 100 on good roads. As one of the soldiers said the other night, "If I only get out of this place alive I'll have something to talk about as long as I live." During the last few days we have bad water alkali to drink, and the heat has been very intense. To-day the thermometer registers 99 degrees in the shade. The health of the command however, is very good and I anticipate no trouble. We expect to get out of the sand hills day-after-tomorrow, and then we are just simply going to make the dust fly from our wheels.
So far the trip has been a success, although we have received some very hard knocks - we have been through a real campaign without being shot at and that's all.
I expect to reach St. Louis some time between the 20th and 25th of this month. I have offered a reward of $100 to any man who can cast a shadow the day we enter the city.
You need not worry about my breaking down; so far as the hardships are concerned, the trip is nearly over, and what I lack in physical strength I make up for in ambition and determination. I have always said the trip would be a success, and so will it be.
With love to all, I am
Your loving son.
James A. Moss.
Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Red Tag Sale.
Innumerable big red tags will greet the eyes of all visitors at Moss Bros. & Co's. for the next few days. What does it mean? Only this: That every article of merchandise having a red tag is marked at a price that will find many ready buyers for the article. Everybody will want to take advantage of the sacrifice sale now in progress at Moss Bros. & Co's., to rapidly reduce their large stock in advance of the regular annual inventory. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
State University Grounds.
We reproduce the annexed article from the pen of Brother Bauer of the Baton Rouge Bulletin. He gives an historical synopsis of the struggles attending the fight for supremacy in the Mississippi valley, of France, England, Spain and America, and incidentally those occupied by the Louisiana State University, the most historic spot in all Louisiana. These grounds for so long a time the battle-ground of those powers is now a site of learning and a centre of advanced and modern University work:
The site of the University is historic ground; and it hovers the romance of the struggle of the Great Powers for supremacy in the Mississippi Valley.
These extensive grounds and splendid buildings, the princely gift of our National government, were occupied, successively, by the armed battalions of France, England, Spain and America.
Here in 1779, Galvez, the Spanish Governor-General of Louisiana, after three days battle, captured the British Garrison under Colonel Dickson.
Here in 1810, Philemon Thomas with his mixed band of Pine Woodsmen and Ohio flatboat-men, captured the Spanish Post, killing Grandpre its commander, and wresting West Florida from Spain.
Here nearly every prominent officer of the U. S. Army, since the Revolution did duty - Wilkinson and the first Wade Hampton - Revolutionary heroes commanded here; as did afterwards Gaines, and Jessup, and Taylor, heroes of the "war of 1812."
Here Winfield Scott, the conqueror of Mexico, saw his first service as Lieutenant of Artillery.
Here Lafayette was received by the military and citizens in 1824, and Andrew Jackson later.
Here was the home of Zachary Taylor, hero of Buena Vista, and the birth-place of his brilliant son "Dick," the distinguished Confederate General.
Here in 1861, the Louisiana State Troops - before the Secession of Louisiana, took the garrison and arsenal - with all its munitions of war, from the U. S. Troops.
Here in 1862, General Breckinridge, commanding the Confederates, fought desperate battle with the Union Army and Navy under Williams and Farragut - Williams killed, and the Confederate Ram "Arkansas" blown up in full view.
Trodden were these grounds by Grant and Lee, Sherman and "Stonewall" Jackson; by McClellan and the Johnstons, Bragg and Rosecrans; by Longstreet and Harney, George H. Thomas and Beauregard; by Forrest and Phil. Sheridan, Hardie and Hood; by Hancock and Custer, Admiral Porter and Bishop-General Polk; and by the great civilians Clay and Calhoun, Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.
"Loose the shoe from off thy foot, for the place whereon thou standest his holy. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Public Schools.
At the recent convention of Parish Public School Superintendents the committee on amendments to the State Constitution made several suggestions which should become part of the new constitution. One of the recommendations of the committee is that the parish superintendent be appointed by the respective Boards and whose salary shall be fixed by the General Assembly according to the number of educable children in the respective parishes. Some of the other articles refer to the enforcement of the payment of the poll tax and the permission to the teachers to give instruction in the French language, provided no additional expense is incurred. We cannot publish all the suggestions as made by the superintendents, but as the whole we think they are perfectly wise and should be put upon the statute books of the State. The suggestion concerning the raising of the parish superintendent's salary especially should be carried out, as the amount now given is entirely too small.
Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Ladies' Club.
On Thursday afternoon the Ladies Five O'clock Tea Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Chas. D. Caffery. In absence of the president, Mrs. Biossat, the vice-president, Mrs. C. Parkerson presided and business was transacted as usual. A case of dire distress was brought before the club and the immediate wants of the mother of four small children were relieved.
A pleasant programme was rendered consisting of a reading by Miss L. Parkerson and a zither solo by Mrs W. J. Mouton; Miss Ida and Annie Andrus, each gave a pretty recitation, both of which were greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
A pleasant programme was rendered, consisting of a reading by Miss L. Parkerson and a zither solo by Mrs. W. J. Mouton; Miss Ida and Annie Andrus, each gave a pretty recitation, both of which were greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
"Progressive Euchre" was the game of the afternoon. For the first prize Misses Annie Andrus, B. Cornay, L. Gladu, L. Cornay, Virginia Winn and L. Parkerson tied - in cutting cards to decide Misses B. Cornay, A. Andrus and L. Gladu turned up ace, in the cut among the three each turned up a nine, but in the third attempt Miss A. Andrus cut highest and was awarded a lovely framed picture of artistic design. The "booby" a "clown pen-wiper" fell to the lot of Miss Susie Hopkins.
Delicious ices and cakes formed the menu. The welcomed guests were Misses A. and J. Andrus, of Opelousas, Misses V. Winn and Ethel Perkins of New Orleans. The next hostess will be the graceful and charming Mrs. Baxter Clegg, at whose lovely home, "Idylewylde" every one anticipates a pleasant time. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Notorious Negro Arrested.
Joseph Romero, a notorious negro from St. Martin parish, was arrested Wednesday at Duchamp station by Sheriff Cade, of Iberia, on a charge of stealing a horse and buggy from Sidney Veazey. Romero hired the buggy Monday and Mr. Veazey never heard of the negro till Wednesday, when he learned that he was trying to sell the horse and buggy to parties in Duchamp. Romero has several times been arrested on the same charge, and his actions seem to be those of a kleptomaniac. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
The Century Club.
The Century Club has decided to give a "smoker" next Monday night, and a lively program has been prepared. The Club also has made extensive arrangements for a public celebration on Aug. 26, at Oak Avenue Park. There will be races, base-ball, games and other forms of public entertainment, and a good time is assured to all. The program of exercises will be published next week. Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Barred From the Races.
A crowd of embryo sports "took in" the Rayne Fair Wednesday. They rode up on their wheels and would have won all the prizes, but Rayne knew better and barred them from the races. They were George Pefferkorn, Sterling Mudd, Alley Sprole, Lewis McBride and Edwin Mouton, all "knights of the wheel."
Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Board of Reviewers.
Lafayette, La., July 13, 1897.
The Police Jury met pursuant to adjournment July 12 and 13, as Board of Reviewers, with the following members present; R. C. Landry, Ben Avant, Alfred Hebert, Alonzo Lacy, Jno. E. Primeaux, Jno. Whittington, Jr. and M. Billaud, Jr.
The Board proceeded to examine the assessments lists submitted by the assessor and the same, appearing satisfactory, were approved and accepted.
R. C. LANDRY, President,
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
School Room Being Built.
Prof. R. C. Greig is making arrangements to have an addition built to his house to be used as a school room for his private school, which he opens in September. He will furnish it with all the modern appliances for the comfort of his pupils, and will be able to accommodate any number of students. He has also made arrangements to furnish the school boys and girls with a large and beautiful play ground near the school-house. Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Was in Lafayette.
W. P. Miller, Esq., railroad commissioner from Vermilion parish, was in Lafayette Thursday. Mr. Miller, it will be remembered, is one of three members of the railroad commission, who so well fought the motion to reduce the assessment of the railroad company, especially of the I. & V. R. R. Co. His move to assess the mortgage on the I. & V. in Vermilion is, we believe, the first action in that direction, and Vermilion can well flatter herself to have such a faithful and vigilant commissioner. We are sorry to say that Mr. Miller has been obliged to give up the fight that he had so far so successfully done, though so much against the odds. Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
In these latter days there seems to have broken out a mania for carrying a pistol or some other dangerous and deadly weapon, especially among the younger class of both white and colored.
When the young boys have reached a certain age they think that think that to be men they must have a "gun" in order to protect themselves from some fancied foe lurking around some corner ready to pounce upon them as they pass.
This habit has been discussed and has been attributed to the cheapness of pistols and the only remedy is to impose a high tax on the manufacturers of arms and then the price of all arms would be so high that the hoodlum white boy and the ignorant "nigger" could not afford to purchase a pistol at so high a price. The Gazette is pleased to note that the municipal and parish officials are waging a vigorous warfare against that class who are continually carrying concealed weapons. Within the last month the municipal officials have arrested not less than fifteen violators of the ordinance relative to carrying concealed weapons. And it is the intention of the officers of Lafayette city and parish to completely crush this growing habit and all are warned not to come within the limits of Lafayette parish unless they leave their "gun" at home. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it exactly what they need Price fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle at Wm. Clegg's Drug Store. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 7/16/1897.
Messrs. D. Greig and E. Mathew returned on Wednesday from a trip to Vermilion Bay.
The Messrs. DeClouet "took in" the Galveston excursion.
The "fourteenth" was celebrated by a moon-light picnic at Chargois' Springs.
Master Bernard Blake visited his father Mr. T. Blake at the Cottage Hotel.
Misses B. McCord, A. Campbell and Mary Webb left on last Sunday, for their respective schools.
Mr. and Mrs. McConnell were visitors during the week at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kelly.
W. S. Parkerson and little sons are visiting Judge and Mrs. J. Parkerson.
Mr. Ratcliffe of Opelousas was seen on our streets last Wednesday.
Mrs. A. Roy and charming children, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. W. B. Bailey, returned to New Orleans on Thursday.
Miss Pearl Harmonson, returned to Opelousas on last Saturday after spending some days with the Misses Mudd.
Mr. Leo Judice and Miss Bella, were visitors to our town on last Tuesday.
The mite meeting, on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. H. Kennedy was a social and financial success.
Miss Leah Gladu returned last Sunday from a pleasant trip to Jefferson's Island.
Miss Ida and Annie Andrus, of Opelousas are the popular guests of Mrs. F. Hopkins.
Mrs. T. M. Biossat and family left on Thursday for Alexandria, to be absent several weeks.
Mrs. I. Satterfield and little Theo returned from a delightful visit to San Antonio.
Mrs. John Clegg is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Clegg.
T. M. Biossat leaves to-day for an "outing" at Trout Creek.
Mrs. F. Bonnet and Miss Garland arrived on Monday to spend some time at the lovely country home of Mr. T. D. Wier. Dr. S. Weir is also a guest at the same home.
Miss Anna Gamard of New Orleans, returned home Tuesday after a month's stay at the Rigues Hotel, the guest of Mrs. M. F. Rigues.
Miss Mary Littell the manager at the Western Union office has obtained a leave of absence and will soon leave for month's vacation.
Mrs. C. M. Parkerson entertained her little nieces and nephews, also a few children of the neighborhood, on Monday. From the laughter resounding from the play ground the little ones enjoyed themselves to their heart's content.
Miss Lula Kelly has accepted the position formerly filled by Miss McCord in the Boas Academy, and will have charge of the literary department. Miss Boas will give her entire attention to music and stenography.
Col. C. C. Brown, of Carencro, accompanied by his son, Sam P., was in town Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Board of Reviewers.
Homer Mouton spent the week with his parents in St. Martinville.
We are glad to say that at this time, Friday morning, news has come that James Lewis, the young man who attempted suicide in Opelousas a few days ago, is daily improving and his friends entertain hopes of his recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cornay, of St. Martinville, were in town on Wednesday.
Mr. Geo.. DeBlanc spent a few days in New Orleans during the past week.
Thanks to the unceasing vigilance of our municipal police officers, the burglars who had committed such depredations last week are making themselves scarce lately.
Miss Hazel Coniff is visiting her aunt Mrs. Hahn, at the Crescent Hotel.
Messrs. J. E. Martin, O. C. Mouton, Wm. Campbell, Conrad Debaillon and Crow Girard returned from Leesburg Sunday morning. They report having had a splendid time.
Judge Julian Mouton returned from Alexandria Wednesday, where he had been holding court for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Landry returned from their bridal tour this week.
The Southern Pacific is repairing its warehouse near the depot. A gallery is being built around it and when completed will present a good appearance.
Our Superintendent of public education, C. F. Latiolais, was unable to attend the convention of parish superintendents recently held in New Orleans, on account of sickness in his family, but we were glad to see that School Director V. E. Dupuis, of Carencro, was there to represent Lafayette parish.
Miss Maude Boas returned home Sunday from a stay of several days in New Iberia.
From the Lafayette Advertiser July 17th, 1869.
Prospects for Railroad Through Vermilionville.
How long have we been listening to the bright prospects of having, one day, a Railroad in our midst. How long have we been indulging the (unreadable word) hope of having the iron horse snorting and puffing and seeing the smoke from his nostrils (unreadable words) over the lightning track--and all was but (unreadable word) deception, sore disappointment--but not so now. The dreams of by gone days are about being realized, if it be true that coming events cast their shadows before them ; we have had in our midst Mr. Walton, chief engineer, and Mr. Thomas Kleinpeter, assistant engineer of the Memphis, New Orleans and Chattanooga Railroad Company. They have reached out town, or rather the Bayou Vermilion, at or near Col. Creighton's, in their survey of the projected route from New Orleans to Texas, running two lines, one in close proximity South and the other in close proximity North of Vermilionville. Some may again prove unbelieving to the realization of the grand, much and long wished for scheme, but we can assure them that there is nothing in the world that guarantees more the advent of a steam car, or looks more like a Railroad than an Engineer, representative of a wealthy and determined Company of Capitalists laying out different routes, susceptible of being run over the cars. We hail the advent in our midst of Mess's. Walton and Kleinpeter and those under them with unfeigned delight ; may success attend their efforts and our wishes.James J. Lewis Mortally Wounds Himself With Fatal Intent.
[Special to the N. O. Times-Democrat.]
Opelousas, July 13. - One of the saddest fatalities that has ever taken place in Opelousas occurred this evening at 6 o'clock, when James J. Lewis, a promising young man just in the bloom of his life, shot himself with a 41-caliber Colt's revolver, the bullet taking effect half an inch above the heart. The physicians agreed in the opinion that he could not possibly survive.
Young Lewis is the son of Thomas H. Lewis, Esq., one of the leading members of the bar here, and a nephew of ex-Judge E. T. Lewis, now assessor, and a family prominent throughout the State. He stood high in this community, being a young man of sterling integrity and irreproachable character, and possessing an amiable, kind and loving disposition.
He has been a notary public for several years and worked in his brother's law office.
A few months ago he formed a co-partnership in the insurance business with H. E. Ratcliff, under the firm name of Lewis & Ratcliff. The new firm apparently flourished until recently. He established a branch office at Lafayette and himself took charge of it. He would visit Opelousas every week, and, as customary, came here Sunday, returning Monday.
He seemed as jovial as ever and his host of friends did not for once imagine that self-destruction was then in his mind. This evening he came upon the 4:19 train and immediately proceeded to the residence of his father. Without speaking to anybody, he entered his room and drawing a pistol deliberately aimed it at his heart and fired.
The shot attracted the neighbors and his family, and when the room was entered he was found lying on the floor with his life-blood gushing out of his breast. The news was dispatched throughout the town and soon a surging mass of people were assembled at the house, in the yard and on the outside. The physician at once pronounced the wound mortal.
No cause can be assigned for the act. He was of a disposition to brood over trouble, however trivial it might be, and the natural conclusion is that in a fit of despondency. brought about by some reversal, he concluded to end his life. He is perfectly at this writing, and admits that he intended self-destruction. He was a member of the Parish Democratic Executive Committee and secretary of that body.
[Special to Time-Democrat.]
The people of Lafayette were shocked to read the foregoing special in Wednesday's Times Democrat.
Although the wound was pronounced mortal by the attending physicians, we are glad to say that his condition has been improving gradually and his friends have hopes of his recovery. James Lewis came to Lafayette about two months ago and opened an insurance agency. He is a genial, affable and generous young man, and he soon won the esteem of the people of this town. Possessing a bright intellect and many admirable qualities, he soon became a general favorite in all circles. Although a resident of this place only a short time, he is one of our most popular boys, and his attempted suicide was sad news to those with whom he was thrown in contact during his stay here. The people of Lafayette join those of Opelousas in extending their sincere sympathy to the stricken family of the unfortunate young man, and offer their heart-felt condolence to his afflicted father and mother.
Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Letter from Lieut. Moss.
We publish below a letter from Lieut. James Moss, U. S. A., son of our townsman, Judge A. J. Moss, from Dunning, Neb. Lieut. Moss is now on his way to St. Louis, having left Fort Missoula, Montana, some time ago with the intention of making an experimental trip on the bicycle at the insistence of the U. S. Army authorities. Lieut. Moss has made a national reputation in his efforts to introduce the wheel as a factor in the army and his bicycle corps' trip, if successful, as it will undoubtedly be, will be considered one of the greatest achievements of daring and pluck that have been accomplished in the army in the past few years:
Dunning, Neb., July 7, 1897. - My Dear Father: If there is a God-foresaken country, this is it - we are now right in the heart of these abominable, infernal Nebraska hills, where every mile we travel is like pulling so many teeth. By almost superhuman efforts we can average about 35 miles a day, as compared with 75 or 100 on good roads. As one of the soldiers said the other night, "If I only get out of this place alive I'll have something to talk about as long as I live." During the last few days we have bad water alkali to drink, and the heat has been very intense. To-day the thermometer registers 99 degrees in the shade. The health of the command however, is very good and I anticipate no trouble. We expect to get out of the sand hills day-after-tomorrow, and then we are just simply going to make the dust fly from our wheels.
So far the trip has been a success, although we have received some very hard knocks - we have been through a real campaign without being shot at and that's all.
I expect to reach St. Louis some time between the 20th and 25th of this month. I have offered a reward of $100 to any man who can cast a shadow the day we enter the city.
You need not worry about my breaking down; so far as the hardships are concerned, the trip is nearly over, and what I lack in physical strength I make up for in ambition and determination. I have always said the trip would be a success, and so will it be.
With love to all, I am
Your loving son.
James A. Moss.
Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Red Tag Sale.
Innumerable big red tags will greet the eyes of all visitors at Moss Bros. & Co's. for the next few days. What does it mean? Only this: That every article of merchandise having a red tag is marked at a price that will find many ready buyers for the article. Everybody will want to take advantage of the sacrifice sale now in progress at Moss Bros. & Co's., to rapidly reduce their large stock in advance of the regular annual inventory. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
State University Grounds.
We reproduce the annexed article from the pen of Brother Bauer of the Baton Rouge Bulletin. He gives an historical synopsis of the struggles attending the fight for supremacy in the Mississippi valley, of France, England, Spain and America, and incidentally those occupied by the Louisiana State University, the most historic spot in all Louisiana. These grounds for so long a time the battle-ground of those powers is now a site of learning and a centre of advanced and modern University work:
The site of the University is historic ground; and it hovers the romance of the struggle of the Great Powers for supremacy in the Mississippi Valley.
These extensive grounds and splendid buildings, the princely gift of our National government, were occupied, successively, by the armed battalions of France, England, Spain and America.
Here in 1779, Galvez, the Spanish Governor-General of Louisiana, after three days battle, captured the British Garrison under Colonel Dickson.
Here in 1810, Philemon Thomas with his mixed band of Pine Woodsmen and Ohio flatboat-men, captured the Spanish Post, killing Grandpre its commander, and wresting West Florida from Spain.
Here nearly every prominent officer of the U. S. Army, since the Revolution did duty - Wilkinson and the first Wade Hampton - Revolutionary heroes commanded here; as did afterwards Gaines, and Jessup, and Taylor, heroes of the "war of 1812."
Here Winfield Scott, the conqueror of Mexico, saw his first service as Lieutenant of Artillery.
Here Lafayette was received by the military and citizens in 1824, and Andrew Jackson later.
Here was the home of Zachary Taylor, hero of Buena Vista, and the birth-place of his brilliant son "Dick," the distinguished Confederate General.
Here in 1861, the Louisiana State Troops - before the Secession of Louisiana, took the garrison and arsenal - with all its munitions of war, from the U. S. Troops.
Here in 1862, General Breckinridge, commanding the Confederates, fought desperate battle with the Union Army and Navy under Williams and Farragut - Williams killed, and the Confederate Ram "Arkansas" blown up in full view.
Trodden were these grounds by Grant and Lee, Sherman and "Stonewall" Jackson; by McClellan and the Johnstons, Bragg and Rosecrans; by Longstreet and Harney, George H. Thomas and Beauregard; by Forrest and Phil. Sheridan, Hardie and Hood; by Hancock and Custer, Admiral Porter and Bishop-General Polk; and by the great civilians Clay and Calhoun, Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.
"Loose the shoe from off thy foot, for the place whereon thou standest his holy. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Public Schools.
At the recent convention of Parish Public School Superintendents the committee on amendments to the State Constitution made several suggestions which should become part of the new constitution. One of the recommendations of the committee is that the parish superintendent be appointed by the respective Boards and whose salary shall be fixed by the General Assembly according to the number of educable children in the respective parishes. Some of the other articles refer to the enforcement of the payment of the poll tax and the permission to the teachers to give instruction in the French language, provided no additional expense is incurred. We cannot publish all the suggestions as made by the superintendents, but as the whole we think they are perfectly wise and should be put upon the statute books of the State. The suggestion concerning the raising of the parish superintendent's salary especially should be carried out, as the amount now given is entirely too small.
Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Ladies' Club.
On Thursday afternoon the Ladies Five O'clock Tea Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Chas. D. Caffery. In absence of the president, Mrs. Biossat, the vice-president, Mrs. C. Parkerson presided and business was transacted as usual. A case of dire distress was brought before the club and the immediate wants of the mother of four small children were relieved.
A pleasant programme was rendered consisting of a reading by Miss L. Parkerson and a zither solo by Mrs W. J. Mouton; Miss Ida and Annie Andrus, each gave a pretty recitation, both of which were greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
A pleasant programme was rendered, consisting of a reading by Miss L. Parkerson and a zither solo by Mrs. W. J. Mouton; Miss Ida and Annie Andrus, each gave a pretty recitation, both of which were greatly enjoyed and appreciated.
"Progressive Euchre" was the game of the afternoon. For the first prize Misses Annie Andrus, B. Cornay, L. Gladu, L. Cornay, Virginia Winn and L. Parkerson tied - in cutting cards to decide Misses B. Cornay, A. Andrus and L. Gladu turned up ace, in the cut among the three each turned up a nine, but in the third attempt Miss A. Andrus cut highest and was awarded a lovely framed picture of artistic design. The "booby" a "clown pen-wiper" fell to the lot of Miss Susie Hopkins.
Delicious ices and cakes formed the menu. The welcomed guests were Misses A. and J. Andrus, of Opelousas, Misses V. Winn and Ethel Perkins of New Orleans. The next hostess will be the graceful and charming Mrs. Baxter Clegg, at whose lovely home, "Idylewylde" every one anticipates a pleasant time. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Notorious Negro Arrested.
Joseph Romero, a notorious negro from St. Martin parish, was arrested Wednesday at Duchamp station by Sheriff Cade, of Iberia, on a charge of stealing a horse and buggy from Sidney Veazey. Romero hired the buggy Monday and Mr. Veazey never heard of the negro till Wednesday, when he learned that he was trying to sell the horse and buggy to parties in Duchamp. Romero has several times been arrested on the same charge, and his actions seem to be those of a kleptomaniac. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
The Century Club.
The Century Club has decided to give a "smoker" next Monday night, and a lively program has been prepared. The Club also has made extensive arrangements for a public celebration on Aug. 26, at Oak Avenue Park. There will be races, base-ball, games and other forms of public entertainment, and a good time is assured to all. The program of exercises will be published next week. Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Barred From the Races.
A crowd of embryo sports "took in" the Rayne Fair Wednesday. They rode up on their wheels and would have won all the prizes, but Rayne knew better and barred them from the races. They were George Pefferkorn, Sterling Mudd, Alley Sprole, Lewis McBride and Edwin Mouton, all "knights of the wheel."
Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Board of Reviewers.
Lafayette, La., July 13, 1897.
The Police Jury met pursuant to adjournment July 12 and 13, as Board of Reviewers, with the following members present; R. C. Landry, Ben Avant, Alfred Hebert, Alonzo Lacy, Jno. E. Primeaux, Jno. Whittington, Jr. and M. Billaud, Jr.
The Board proceeded to examine the assessments lists submitted by the assessor and the same, appearing satisfactory, were approved and accepted.
R. C. LANDRY, President,
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
School Room Being Built.
Prof. R. C. Greig is making arrangements to have an addition built to his house to be used as a school room for his private school, which he opens in September. He will furnish it with all the modern appliances for the comfort of his pupils, and will be able to accommodate any number of students. He has also made arrangements to furnish the school boys and girls with a large and beautiful play ground near the school-house. Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
Was in Lafayette.
W. P. Miller, Esq., railroad commissioner from Vermilion parish, was in Lafayette Thursday. Mr. Miller, it will be remembered, is one of three members of the railroad commission, who so well fought the motion to reduce the assessment of the railroad company, especially of the I. & V. R. R. Co. His move to assess the mortgage on the I. & V. in Vermilion is, we believe, the first action in that direction, and Vermilion can well flatter herself to have such a faithful and vigilant commissioner. We are sorry to say that Mr. Miller has been obliged to give up the fight that he had so far so successfully done, though so much against the odds. Lafayette Gazette 7/17/1897.
In these latter days there seems to have broken out a mania for carrying a pistol or some other dangerous and deadly weapon, especially among the younger class of both white and colored.
When the young boys have reached a certain age they think that think that to be men they must have a "gun" in order to protect themselves from some fancied foe lurking around some corner ready to pounce upon them as they pass.
This habit has been discussed and has been attributed to the cheapness of pistols and the only remedy is to impose a high tax on the manufacturers of arms and then the price of all arms would be so high that the hoodlum white boy and the ignorant "nigger" could not afford to purchase a pistol at so high a price. The Gazette is pleased to note that the municipal and parish officials are waging a vigorous warfare against that class who are continually carrying concealed weapons. Within the last month the municipal officials have arrested not less than fifteen violators of the ordinance relative to carrying concealed weapons. And it is the intention of the officers of Lafayette city and parish to completely crush this growing habit and all are warned not to come within the limits of Lafayette parish unless they leave their "gun" at home. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it exactly what they need Price fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle at Wm. Clegg's Drug Store. Lafayette Gazette 7/16/1897.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 7/16/1897.
Messrs. D. Greig and E. Mathew returned on Wednesday from a trip to Vermilion Bay.
The Messrs. DeClouet "took in" the Galveston excursion.
The "fourteenth" was celebrated by a moon-light picnic at Chargois' Springs.
Master Bernard Blake visited his father Mr. T. Blake at the Cottage Hotel.
Misses B. McCord, A. Campbell and Mary Webb left on last Sunday, for their respective schools.
Mr. and Mrs. McConnell were visitors during the week at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kelly.
W. S. Parkerson and little sons are visiting Judge and Mrs. J. Parkerson.
Mr. Ratcliffe of Opelousas was seen on our streets last Wednesday.
Mrs. A. Roy and charming children, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. W. B. Bailey, returned to New Orleans on Thursday.
Miss Pearl Harmonson, returned to Opelousas on last Saturday after spending some days with the Misses Mudd.
Mr. Leo Judice and Miss Bella, were visitors to our town on last Tuesday.
The mite meeting, on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. H. Kennedy was a social and financial success.
Miss Leah Gladu returned last Sunday from a pleasant trip to Jefferson's Island.
Miss Ida and Annie Andrus, of Opelousas are the popular guests of Mrs. F. Hopkins.
Mrs. T. M. Biossat and family left on Thursday for Alexandria, to be absent several weeks.
Mrs. I. Satterfield and little Theo returned from a delightful visit to San Antonio.
Mrs. John Clegg is the guest of Mrs. Wm. Clegg.
T. M. Biossat leaves to-day for an "outing" at Trout Creek.
Mrs. F. Bonnet and Miss Garland arrived on Monday to spend some time at the lovely country home of Mr. T. D. Wier. Dr. S. Weir is also a guest at the same home.
Miss Anna Gamard of New Orleans, returned home Tuesday after a month's stay at the Rigues Hotel, the guest of Mrs. M. F. Rigues.
Miss Mary Littell the manager at the Western Union office has obtained a leave of absence and will soon leave for month's vacation.
Mrs. C. M. Parkerson entertained her little nieces and nephews, also a few children of the neighborhood, on Monday. From the laughter resounding from the play ground the little ones enjoyed themselves to their heart's content.
Miss Lula Kelly has accepted the position formerly filled by Miss McCord in the Boas Academy, and will have charge of the literary department. Miss Boas will give her entire attention to music and stenography.
Col. C. C. Brown, of Carencro, accompanied by his son, Sam P., was in town Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Board of Reviewers.
Homer Mouton spent the week with his parents in St. Martinville.
We are glad to say that at this time, Friday morning, news has come that James Lewis, the young man who attempted suicide in Opelousas a few days ago, is daily improving and his friends entertain hopes of his recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cornay, of St. Martinville, were in town on Wednesday.
Mr. Geo.. DeBlanc spent a few days in New Orleans during the past week.
Thanks to the unceasing vigilance of our municipal police officers, the burglars who had committed such depredations last week are making themselves scarce lately.
Miss Hazel Coniff is visiting her aunt Mrs. Hahn, at the Crescent Hotel.
Messrs. J. E. Martin, O. C. Mouton, Wm. Campbell, Conrad Debaillon and Crow Girard returned from Leesburg Sunday morning. They report having had a splendid time.
Judge Julian Mouton returned from Alexandria Wednesday, where he had been holding court for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Landry returned from their bridal tour this week.
The Southern Pacific is repairing its warehouse near the depot. A gallery is being built around it and when completed will present a good appearance.
Our Superintendent of public education, C. F. Latiolais, was unable to attend the convention of parish superintendents recently held in New Orleans, on account of sickness in his family, but we were glad to see that School Director V. E. Dupuis, of Carencro, was there to represent Lafayette parish.
Miss Maude Boas returned home Sunday from a stay of several days in New Iberia.
From the Lafayette Advertiser July 17th, 1869.
Prospects for Railroad Through Vermilionville.
While on the subject of Railroads, we must add that we are to have a Road sure. Even supposing that the Chattanooga Company do not build the Road, we will state that a few days ago, as we were coming from New Orleans, we met C. A. Whitney, Esq, of the house of C. A. Whitney & Co., of that city, agent and son-in-law of Mr. Charles Morgan, who with experienced hands was fathoming Berwick Bay to ascertain what point would secure the most advantageous, easiest and least costly crossing, stating with this, we are told, that it is the intention of Mr. Morgan to push through, the now existing line, from Brashear (Morgan City) over the old grading to Texas. If all this does not bid fair to give us a road soon, then all signs must fail--viz: On the one hand the Chattanooga Company is serious and determined to build the road from Mobile, via New Orleans, the Coast, St. Martinville to the great Empire State of the Southwest ; and on the other hand, we see the well marked determination of Mr. Morgan, whether in a feeling of self defence, or self preservation, to keep from burning his ships, or a feeling of speculation, to carry on the work already commenced for years back, to its original destination.
Our citizens can rest assured that all these signs are not and cannot be deceiving--they mean a great deal, they mean Railroad, Railroad at no distant day, and destined to strike Vermilionville. Let us look up and be of good cheer.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
A New Political Movement in Louisiana.
The following, cut from the Radical Standard, published in New Orleand, was sent to this office by mail, but the (unreadable word) of which it complains was not sent. We will publish the circular, if we can find it and the columns of any of our exchanges, that the people may see what this monstrous thing means.
- From the Banner.
Reader, have you seen that mysterious circular addressed to the people of Louisiana ? It was evidently written by a "go-between" as Wendell Phillips would call him. It proposes to take a middle, conservative course in politics, and build up a party whose creed is to be "honesty and intelligence." As the negro is generally supposed to be ignorant, of course he is not expected to have a finger in the pie. We don't know how to account for it, but such things will come into our hands. People will continue to send us such secret things, and we think it would be rather greedy on our part if we did not give our readers a share of them. The circular is worded with great care, and here and there can be found such morsels and are served out from Camp street. The concern is evidently the embryo of a "white man's Party," and it tends mightily in the interest and support of our State Government. The language and plans of the circular are dictated by the mysterious 'w ." but there are no names signed at the bottom. It is certainly the work of a soulless compromiser, and its hidden designs are to sell out the colonel men. In order to keep the eyes of the colonel men open, we publish this circular on another page. Let every colored man read it, and satisfy himself that somebody who is feeding at the State club is making plans to sell him out. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
Advertiser Office Moves. - The office of the Advertiser has been removed from its former stand to the office lately occupied by M. E. Girard, Esq., on the corner of Main and Madison streets. (Buchanan) Persons having business with the Editor or Journal in any way will not the change.
M. E. Girard, Esq., has removed his law office to the brick building formerly occupied by Mr. B. P. Paxton, corner of Vermilion and Lafayette Sts., where he will be found at all times ready to attend to his profession.
Unseasonably Hot. - The weather is dry and the heat oppressive, more so than is usual at this season of the year. Old Sol pours down upon us his most scorching rays and we have heard some of our oldest citizens say that never before had they experienced each summer heat, as early in the season.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
Crops Look Good. Our crops are such as none better can be desired, and we will further state that the impending drought, was cheerfully relieved by copious and beneficent showers, during the past week. Our already parching fields have again donned their rich green and now present to the tiller and the community generally, richer promises of harvest, than they did before. In fact we must frankly state the fact that with the present condition of our crops, no unforeseen accidents befalling the planters, there will be again peace and abundance, nay, wealth in the old Attakapas country.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
HEALTH. - With the exception of a few cases of measles and scarlet fever - the health of our parish is good. Those who from the North and West of our country or any other portion thereof, would be disposed to immigrate in our midst can do so in all safety - they must not be deterred by vague or false rumors of the unhealthy condition of our section of country. Its health is equal to that of any other. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
Killed With Buckshot. On last Tuesday evening, one Lastie, colored, was shot and killed on Cote Gelee, in this parish ; three buckshot piercing the left breast and producing instantaneous death. A Coroner's inquest was held over the body, but all testimony elicited before the presiding magistrate, could give no clue as to the perpetrator of the deed, or the causes which led to the act.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
A. J. Moss Presides Over Parish Court. - The Parish Court which has been in session since Monday the 5th inst., Judge A. J. Moss, presiding has closed it labors ; we are happy to state that a great many cases, some of long standing and of most intricate legal nature have been disposed of. At this term of our Parish Court we were happy to meet Col. A. Deblanc, Col. D. O'Bryan, Jos. A. Breaux, Esq., and Felix Voorhies, Esq., members of the Bar from the adjoining parishes. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
Advertiser Office Moves. - The office of the Advertiser has been removed from its former stand to the office lately occupied by M. E. Girard, Esq., on the corner of Main and Madison streets. (Buchanan) Persons having business with the Editor or Journal in any way will not the change.
M. E. Girard, Esq., has removed his law office to the brick building formerly occupied by Mr. B. P. Paxton, corner of Vermilion and Lafayette Sts., where he will be found at all times ready to attend to his profession.
Laf. Adv. 7/17/1869.
Unseasonably Hot. - The weather is dry and the heat oppressive, more so than is usual at this season of the year. Old Sol pours down upon us his most scorching rays and we have heard some of our oldest citizens say that never before had they experienced each summer heat, as early in the season.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
Crops Look Good. Our crops are such as none better can be desired, and we will further state that the impending drought, was cheerfully relieved by copious and beneficent showers, during the past week. Our already parching fields have again donned their rich green and now present to the tiller and the community generally, richer promises of harvest, than they did before. In fact we must frankly state the fact that with the present condition of our crops, no unforeseen accidents befalling the planters, there will be again peace and abundance, nay, wealth in the old Attakapas country.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
HEALTH. - With the exception of a few cases of measles and scarlet fever - the health of our parish is good. Those who from the North and West of our country or any other portion thereof, would be disposed to immigrate in our midst can do so in all safety - they must not be deterred by vague or false rumors of the unhealthy condition of our section of country. Its health is equal to that of any other. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
Killed With Buckshot. On last Tuesday evening, one Lastie, colored, was shot and killed on Cote Gelee, in this parish ; three buckshot piercing the left breast and producing instantaneous death. A Coroner's inquest was held over the body, but all testimony elicited before the presiding magistrate, could give no clue as to the perpetrator of the deed, or the causes which led to the act.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
A. J. Moss Presides Over Parish Court. - The Parish Court which has been in session since Monday the 5th inst., Judge A. J. Moss, presiding has closed it labors ; we are happy to state that a great many cases, some of long standing and of most intricate legal nature have been disposed of. At this term of our Parish Court we were happy to meet Col. A. Deblanc, Col. D. O'Bryan, Jos. A. Breaux, Esq., and Felix Voorhies, Esq., members of the Bar from the adjoining parishes. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 17th, 1907:
The proceedings of the first meeting of the first City Council of the Town of Vermilionville were as follows:
Members present: Messrs. Cornelius Voorhies, Desire Judice, Emlie Claix, Jean Humbert and Jean Bte. Mudd.
The members of said council having verified their powers and taken the oath according to law, organized to their charter of incorporation and proceeded to the election of their officers.
The results was that the following persons were duly elected, to-wit: Cornelius Spell, president; Joseph Beraud, treasurer; J. J. Nevue, secretary; and William Reeves, constable.
The following ordinances were then passed:
ORDAINED: That a direct tax of $100 for the present year be levied proportionately on all properties situated in the limits of the corporation.
ORDAINED: That the tax on public houses, merchants, slaves and buggies be the same as that of the State.
ORDAINED: That merchants conducting stores or shops or dry goods shall have to close stores or shops on Sundays at 2 o'clock in the evening; under penalty of $50 for each contravention, recoverable before any competent authority, and shall not sell any merchandise whatever after that hour except that which shall be necessary to bury the dead.
ORDAINED: That idle slaves shall have to leave the limits of the town on Sunday at 2 o'clock in the evening except those who shall have a pass signed by their masters or mistresses and sent on commissions, or authorized by them to work in the limits of the town. Those who shall be found in said limits after that hour, in contravention to the present ordinance shall be whipped.
From the City of Council of Vermilionville, May 9, 1836. Printed for historical purposes in the Lafayette Advertiser of July 17th, 1907.
Tanner & Landry's Rink.
Sunday night about five hundred people were present at Tanner & Landry's rink to see the new films and witness the performance of the Robert and May Montamat-Vaudeville Company. The comedy part of the company proved very disappointing, but as musicians they rank well, Kilineman, the trick violinist winning appreciation of his excellent music while holding the bow between his legs and drawing the violin over the bow. The numbers Kilineman and Montemat while playing several instruments at one time was good. Their engagement was terminated Monday night.
The moving pictures were extremely entertaining. The subject this week is Cinderella, and this beautiful drama that fascinates the spectator. It alone is worth a visit to the rink.
Beginning Sunday night Alfred C. Max, formerly with the Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway Company, will sing illustrated songs nightly for a number of weeks. Messrs. Tanner & Landry have secured during the summer a number of high class performers and their enterprise has won appreciation by large patronage. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1907.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 17th, 1911:
Drinking even out of one's own flask on railroad passenger trains in Louisiana will become a misdemeanor punishable after the 20th of next month. The rail road lines are preparing to give their assistance in enforcing the law which is along the lines of the Texas statute.
Act No. 79, which was introduced by Mr. Smart of DeSoto, and will become a law by the 20th is sweeping in its character. It makes it unlawful for any person to drink intoxicating liquors of any kind in or upon any railway passenger train or coach or closet or vestibule or platform, except in case of actual sickness, and makes the punishment a fine not to exceed $25 and imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. After a hard fight a section was added which makes the law inapplicable to stimulants taken with meals in a regular dining car.
Trainmen are vested with authority as police officers and the various companies will see that their employes are given instructions not to permit any violations of the law. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1908.
From the Lafayette Daily Advertiser of July 17th, 1918:
All of the details of the transaction through which the Century Club property and contents of the upper floor of the building has been sold to the Woodmen of the World, through its local association, have been settled and the "choppers" will occupy the quarters in the near future, or to be exact, before the end of the present week. Many of the members of the Century Club will become affiliated with the fraternal order.
While the deal has been practically closed for several weeks, there were some legal matters which had to be given attention before the act could be passed. The latter will be filed in the clerk of court's office tomorrow.
Sovereign Consul Commander Fraser, of Omaha, Nebraska, will be invited to the dedication of the home in Lafayette. The exercises will be held in September, according to Pierre Gerac, consul commander of Live Oak Camp, No. 238. A committee will be named and the members of the order will leave nothing undone to make the occasion a notable one.
As soon as the Woodmen get possession of the club, arrangements will be perfected for its renovation along the most modern lines. The lower floor will be leased to the same tenants now occupying it as a billiard hall.
The sale of the property was handled by the Lafayette Building Association and Charles Debaillon, its secretary and Lawrence Gankendorff, his assistant rendered all possible assistance to the Woodmen association. The Advertiser congratulates the Woodmen of the World on the acquisition of its home and wishes the order many years of prosperity. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/17/1918.
Installing Larger Service Station.
A. A. Landry has the contract for installing a 1,500 gallon tank for gasoline and a 500 gallon tank for lubricating oil which will be used by the Lafayette Motor Car Company in connection with its modern Wayne Service Station. It will have a twenty gallon stroke gasoline pump and it will be up to date in every respect. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/17/1918.
There will be a meeting held next Friday night to take up the question of getting substantial support from merchants and others for the Lafayette Band. If the movement is carried to a successful issue, there will be a concert every Friday night from eight until 10 o'clock on the porch of the Century Club which has passed into the hands of the Woodmen of the World.
One of the most popular and best known of the musicians, who has requested that his name not be printed, told a reporter for The Advertiser that the movement is feasible but it requires at least $100.00 a month to keep it going. This money will be handled by a committee and it will be used to buy new music, to pay the men who play and help in other ways to keep up the band along the most progressive lines.
"A band is an asset to a community, but one cannot be continued unless money is raised to carry it on. The concerts will bring out a large number of persons and those who contribute to the worthy cause will have the satisfaction of knowing they are backing a movement with merit" he said.
"The Lafayette Band has never failed to respond to every call without charging a cent for its services, and the men interested in seeing it kept together hope that the meeting to be held Friday will result in a tangible result. If everyone who is solicited, does his bit, the fund we need will be forthcoming and the concerts will start soon." Lafayette Advertiser 7/11/1918.
The compulsory education law will be strictly enforced in Lafayette parish this coming session. To assist in this very important work, Judge Campbell has named Mrs. Hattie Hart, the social worker, probation officer for the entire parish. Her commission will give full scope to do most effective work, Judge Campbell told a reporter for The Advertiser that he will render every aid in his power.
When it was brought to his attention that Mrs. Hart had been named for the position, Lafayette Parish School Superintendent Alleman said he was more than pleased to have the cooperation of such a capable and efficient worker. He also expressed much satisfaction in knowing that Judge Campbell had given the weight of his judicial approval to a movement which is too vital to be underestimated.
Mr. Alleman said Germany realized the force of an education and put this law into effect a century ago. The recent examination of drafted men showed seven hundred thousand as illiterate and this is more convincing proof that the law's enforcement cannot come too soon, said Mr. Alleman.
Mrs. Hart will have other duties in addition to seeing that children go to school as probation officer she will be called upon to handle all cases in which women and children are in anyway concerned.
Lafayette is taking another progressive step in having an officer of this kind. The city has gained some prominence in national constructive philanthropic circles, because of Mrs. Hart's excellent work. She asks parents and guardians to give her their cooperation. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/17/1918.
From the Lafayette Daily Advertiser of July 17th, 1943:
Three Students To Broadcast From SLI Monday.
Shirley Laurent of New Orleans, a senior in the Department of Home Economics, Frances Olivier of Grand Coteau, clarinetist, and Jessie LeBlanc of Scott, pianist, will appear on the program when Southwestern Louisiana Institute broadcasts from its studios in the Fine Arts Building by remote control over station KVOL on Monday, July 19, at 1:45 p. m.
Miss Laurent will discuss "Fish Foray," and Miss Olivier will play the first, second and third movements from "Sontina" by Weinberger. She will be accompanied at the piano by Miss LeBlanc. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/17/1943.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 17th, 1966:
Local Juvenile Committed To Hospital For Exams.
A 16-year-old youth who snatched a purse from a woman at a local shopping center has been sent to Southeast Louisiana Hospital, Mandeville.
City Judge Kaliste Saloom, Jr., ordered the youth sent to the hospital during a session of juvenile court Thursday. The action was taken upon recommendation of the Evangeline Area Guidance which had reviewed the youth's case at the request of the court.
The boy had approached a woman leaving the shopping center; tried to take her purse away, and when she held on to it, hit her about the head. She received a cut in the struggle and required two stitches.
"We cannot have men like you running around our streets and hurting women," the judge said. "At the same time, the law entitles you to be examined and treated for mental illness.
"This is why I am sending you to the hospital for further evaluation. If you are mentally ill, maybe they can treat you and cure you. If you are not sick, then you must return to this court for further disposition," the judge said.
Saloom cited the lack of a juvenile detention home in the Lafayette area as the reason why the youth could not undergo the tests in this area.
In a heavy schedule Thursday, the court also heard several cases of juveniles involved in traffic accidents, and seven non-support cases, involving 23 children. Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1966.
From the Lafayette Daily Advertiser of July 17th, 1968:
Ribbon cutting ceremonies today at 10 a. m. marked the opening of Congress St. from Bertrand Dr. to the Lafayette Senior High School area. Completion of the mile-long, four lane project is another step in the city's Capital Improvements Program.
Mayor J. Rayburn Bertrand said the construction of the "important leg of this major thoroughfare" without state aid is "indicative of the determination of Lafayette citizens to achieve progress through local effort and initiative."
Bertrand said the project was entirely locally supervised and shared in by the property owners along the route. "Cost to these residents," Bertrand said, "was only $10 per front foot. That amounts to 14 per cent of the total cost."
Participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremonies were Bertrand, Trustee of Public Property Mrs. Curtis Rodemacher, and Trustee of Finance Dan Boudreaux. Jerry Hine, chosen "Miss Lafayette" in a contest sponsored by the Jaycees cut the ribbon to officially open the street to traffic. Miss Hine, a nursing student at USL is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hine, 113 Ophelia Lane.
Contractor on the $642,000 project was Barber Bros. Construction Company of Baton Rouge. It was part of that phase of the capital improvements program approved by voters in 1964. Construction required approximately 1 1/2 years.
Bertrand said it is "not only serves the high school and the residents of the area on both sides of Bertrand Dr., but it also provides direct access to the heart of the business district from that area, and should be beneficial to our downtown merchants. We are confident it will be very effective in lightening the traffic load on Johnston St. as well.
"In its potential for service," Bertrand said, "this project ranks as a major accomplishment in the 211 miles of street improvements program. We anticipate further extensions of Congress, eventually tying into the proposed outer loop circling the city. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/17/1968.
ABBEVILLE - Army Engineers say the $9.6 millon Freshwater Bayou project in Southwest Louisiana's Vermilion Parish will soon be completed and open to shipping July 27.
Col. Thomas Bowen, district engineer, said Tuesday ceremonies are being planned to mark the opening.
The Freshwater Bayou project is a 20-mile navigation channel, 12 foot deep by by 125 foot wide, extending from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway near Intracoastal City to the Gulf of Mexico.
It generally follows the existing channels of Schooner Bayou Cutoff, Schooner Bayou, Six Mile Canal, Belle Isle Canal and Freshwater Bayou.
A major feature of the project is a navigation lock for commercial and pleasure vessels. The lock will keep salt water from intruding up the channel and into adjacent rice growing areas.
Construction work on the project started April 7, 1963. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/17/1968.
Under this heading the Monroe Telegraph, of June 30, brings to light certain documents bearing damaging evidences of "disloyalty" on the part of Senator Ray and his brother in the days when the fate of "the best Government the wor'd ever saw" was trembling in the balance.
The documents are the joint oath of John and Robert Ray, as attorneys at law, taken and subscribed to March 17, 1864, before the District Judge -- this was the Confederate Test Oath -- and oath taken by John when accepting the appointment of district attorney pro tem. At the same time he was holding the position of parish treasurer and that of State agent under Gov. Allen. In this latter oath the affidavit swears that he will "preserve, protect and defend the constitution of this State, and of the Confederate States, so help me (him) God." On the organization of the Senate, Mr. Ray took what was known as the Federal iron clad oath, wherein he swore, among other averments, as follows:
"That I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel, or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto ; that I neither sought nor accepted, nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office whatever, under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States ; that I have not yielded a voluntary support to any pretended government, authority, power or constitution within the United States, hostile or inimical thereto."
The editor of the Telegraph has been tumbling over the dusty tomes in the office of the Quachita Parish Clerk, and these are few of the damning documents that have fallen under is weary pen. Give us all ; let us blazon to the world the record of every one of these "renegade rebels" now waxing fat and insolent in the spoliation and humiliation of their country.
From the N. O. Picayune and in the Lafayette Advertiser 7/17/1869.
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