Monday, January 12, 2015


From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 12th, 1905:

The Roads.

The general bad condition of the public roads, daily growing worse, is receiving a large share of the public attention on account of the serious interference this is causing in traffic and travel.
 The oft-repeated heavy rains of the past few months have strongly emphasized the importance of drainage in connection with good roads. Effectual drainage alone, once permanently established, would come from very near to solving satisfactorily the road problem in Lafayette parish. The principal portion of the road funds should be expended in securing thorough drainage of the roadways upon a lasting basis, as no other plan will give more practical results. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

A Steam Laundry. - J. L. Cunningham, Jr., of New Orleans will have erected in Lafayette near the Sunset Hotel a steam laundry, within the next ten days. He will equip it with all necessary modern apparatus. For a long time Lafayette has been lacking in this improvement and it is a matter for congratulation that Mr. Cunningham will soon provide the town with a modern steam laundry. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905. 

Entertained at the Gordon.

Mr. L. F. Salles, lessor of the Gordon Hotel, tendered a champagne supper to the officers and stockholders of the Improvement Company last Wednesday. The menu and service were superb and drew forth some highly complimentary remarks from the assembled guests.   

 The following gentlemen participated in the enjoyable affair: C. D. Caffery, Alcide Judice, Dr. G. A. Martin, A. E. Mouton, A. J. Gashen, N. P. Moss, T. M. Biossat, Leo Judice, J. Arthur Roy, C. M. Parkerson, Felix Demanade, S. R. Parkerson, F. E. Moss, S. R. Biossat and L. F. Salles.

 The generous patronage that is being accorded to the Gordon Hotel by the traveling and the local public alike, must be very gratifying to the stockholders of the Improvement Company who, recognizing the need of such an institution, provided the necessary capital to establish this splendid hostelry in Lafayette with the desire of upbuilding the general business interests of the town.

Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

To the Tax-Payers of Lafayette.

 The report of the committee of experts on the finances of the town, recently made to the City Council, is correct in so far as it goes, but it tells only one side of the story, and leaves the other to be guessed at. It is an incomplete report, and is not based upon an examination of the entire record. 

 The committee shows what was done with a part of the water and light tax collected, but they make no mention of the remainder, in fact they do not appear to have looked into what part of the business at all.

 Now the special tax had its origin in the following petition:

 "We the undersigned constituting more than one-tenth of the property tax payers of the incorporated town of Lafayette, Louisiana, believing that a water supply and means of lighting our town and streets are urgent public necessities and understanding the established rate of taxation to be insufficient to obtain these benefits, hereby petition you to levy and collect an increased rate of taxation of five mills annually for a term of ten years for the purpose of procuring, constructing and operating a water works and electric light system therein:

 In accordance with the petition, the election was ordered and the tax was voted; and, from it the City Council took its instructions in the administration of the fund derived from the tax; these instructions came from the people and were not to be put aside or superseded by any conflicting or different conditions emanating from any other source.

 The act of the legislature it is true says that fifteen hundred dollars from the general fund, the net revenue from the plant, and the entire special tax should be devoted to the payment of the bonds.

 Now the contention of some is that having issued the bonds it was the duty of Council to follow the terms of the act. Have they done so, if not why?

 As to the amount from the general fund, it has always been set aside as required.

 As to the net revenue, there was never any until within the past year or two. On the contrary for several years, the actual operating expenses, not to mention repairs and new machinery, exceeded the revenue by such an amount as to make it a burden almost impossible to be borne.

 In the month of May, 1898, the plant was taken in charge by committee under the most discouraging and depressing circumstances. One month after the committee in charge submitted the following report.

 June 3, 1898.
   To the Hon. Mayor and Members of the Council:

 In view of the fact that the revenues of the waterworks and electric light plant of the town are below the expenses of operating it, the following statement and suggestions are respectfully submitted:

 Expenses for month of May...$461.00

 Revenues -
 364 lights to 50 subscribers ... $180.50
 Water to subscribers...$35.30  $215.80

 Excess of expense over revenue for month

 As a result of this report, the expenses were cut down $75 per month.

 In the minutes of Nov. 7, 1898, the following appears:

 "Mr. Melchert appeared before the Council and stated that it was absolutely necessary for the Council to take some action in regard to the waterworks and electric light plant. That the boilers were no longer fir for use and unless something is done immediately the plant would have to be closed down."

 On Dec. 5, 1898, the following was adopted:

 "It was moved and seconded that the waterworks and electric light plant, so far as the lights are concerned, owing to the extravagant consumption of coal, be closed down Dec. 8, that the superintendent be and is hereby required to notify all subscribers immediately of this resolution and that the waterworks and electric light committee is authorized to make such arrangements as is necessary to keep up the water supply."

 On Dec. 8, 1898, a special meeting was held:

 "The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the request of citizens to defer closing of the electric light plant.

 After discussion Dr. Martin moved, seconded by Mr. Hahn, that the Council procure a new boiler without delay and the motion was adopted by the following vote:

 Messrs. Hopkins, Landry, Martin, Hahn, Davidson, Mouton. Dr. Martin then moved, seconded by Mr. Hahn, to reconsider resolution to close the plant adopted at the regular meeting - the motion was adopted by the following vote: Yeas: Landry, Martin, Hahn and Davidson. Nays: Hopkins, Mouton.

 It was ordered that the mayor in conjunction with water and light committee, procure new boiler."

 So that instead of being a source of revenue the plant was from the beginning and continued until recently to be a grievous burden, for operating expenses alone.

 In the meantime a new well had to be bored and then renewed at heavy expense;  a second new boiler was required; the dynamos were struck by lightning several times and burnt out by accident: the foundation of the engines had to be enlarged at a cost of five or six hundred dollars; water and light was carried to the industrial school at a cost exceeding three thousand dollars; trucks and hose for fire protection costing nearly five thousand dollars; installation of oil tank and burner for two thousand dollars; construction of reservoir for water supply and force pump for same, costing five to six thousand dollars; increase in lighting capacity of plant not less than twelve thousand dollars. - Besides the record shows, and will continue to show that there is continuous outlay for parts and pieces of machinery, and other expenses of which the general public can have no knowledge, but which are absolutely necessary and unavoidable.

 The outgoing Council claim to have done, or tried to do nothing more than their duty, the conditions were for many years very different from what they are now; compare the number of subscribers and the amount received from water and light in 1898 with the amount received at this time; look at the assessment of the town then and now, in 1897 the amount from the special tax did not pay the interest on the bonds.

 In the past month the collections of the plant were $866.55...Expense of operating $615.00....Profit $251.55.

 Now note well that the above monthly revenue which the present Council is collecting is largely based upon the new dynamos and engines which the old Council put in last year at a cost exceeding eight thousand dollars, and the capacity of these dynamos is by no means exhausted yet.

 Now the question is, did the Council do right in keeping up and improving and enlarging the plant and making it what it is to-day, or should they have taken the money to pay bonds.? The money spent to send water and light to the Industrial School might have been applied to the bonds; the very considerable amount spent to widen the streets might have called in several bonds, nay the amount spent for the ground for the school building could have been used to liquidate bonds, - in fact so far as this item is concerned it is not too late yet. This ground can be sold for what it cost, and the money applied to the bonds. Would that be wise? Would that be good public policy?

 It really does not seem necessary that any one should worry about the bond; the town has steadily prospered in past years, and no doubt will continue on the upgrade, and if the revenues of the town whether of the general or special tax can be used for beneficent public purposes: if the welfare of the coming generation is promoted  and the public interest is conserved, by the maintenance and preservation of substantial public improvements, would it be good public policy to stay the hand in that direction, and instead pay bonds? Let us go forward, not backward. The bonds can and will be paid, and the public faith and credit will be upheld, but to do it - it is not necessary to pursue a narrow, illiberal, reactionary policy. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

The Crops. - The continuous and heavy rainfall during the past eight or ten weeks has seriously affected the cotton and corn crops in Lafayette parish, and will cause a material reduction in yield. In the low level sections of parish the crops are reported to be a total loss.

 Sugar cane is faring very well under the weather conditions which have proved so disastrous to other products, and the prospects for a good cane crop in the parish are promising at this time. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

Death of David LeRosen.

 The Shreveport Times of July 10, has the following account of the death of Mr. David LeRosen, father of W. A. LeRosen, of The Advertiser:

 It is a painful duty to chronicling here the sad news of the death of David LeRosen, which occurred last Saturday at his residence in this city. Mr. LeRosen was a pioneer citizen of Shreveport and was an important factor in the progress of the city, having  been for many years one of its leading business men. Mr. LeRosen was one of the oldest traveling men in this territory, his experience on the road covering probably period than any other traveling man in this section. Covering in his travels a large part of the Southern Territory, he endeared himself to hosts of friends in whatever locality his business carried him. Mr. LeRosen as a member of Shreveport Council of United Commercial Travelers and the traveling men of this territory tender to their deceased brother's family sincerest sympathy in their bereavement. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905. 

Vordenbaumen Lumber Co.

 A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vordenbaumen Lumber Co., Ltd., was held on the 5th instant, with the following directors present: E. H. Vordenbaumen, J. J. Davidson, Dr. Thos. B. Hopkins and O. B. Hopkins.

Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

Free Mail Delivery Between Lafayette and Maurice.

 The residents along the Lafayette-Maurice road are enjoying the benefits of Uncle Sam's system of free delivery of mail for rural districts.

 Carrier Albert Guidry is now operating the system, leaving Maurice daily, except on Sunday, at 8 a. m., arriving here at 11:40, and returning leaving Lafayette 2:30 p. m., arriving at Maurice at 6:10 p. m.

 Several residents have procured the required boxes and are already having their mail service free of charge. Denbo-Nicholson, Co., Ltd., have in stock the necessary boxes.

 Any person living in or near the route and not within the corporate limits of any town or within 80 rods of any post-office who desires his mail deposited at a given point on the line of the route by the carrier may provide and erect a suitable box or crane on the roadside, located in such a manner as to be reached as conveniently as practicable by the carrier without dismounting from the vehicle or horse, and such person shall file with the postmaster at the post-office to which his mail is addressed (which shall be one of the post offices on the route on either side of and next to the box or crane) a request in writing for the delivery of his mail to the carrier for deposit at the designated point at the risk of the addressee. The small bag or satchel above mentioned as well as the box or crane must be provided by the person for whose use it is intended without expense to the Department.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905. 


Leaves on Yearly Trip to Shell Island in Vermilion Bay.

 A party of our young men embarked early Sunday morning at Pin Hook landing on Livet's launch bound for Shell Island, in Vermilion bay, to remain a week. They are amply provided with the luxuries and necessities for the outing and expect an enjoyable time.

 Those in the party are B. J. Pellerin, Joe E. Mouton Phillip Mouton, J. R. Domengeux. George Debaillon, Remy Landry, Mike Crouchet, E. M. McNaspy, Felix H. Mouton, Albert Robichaux and Wm. Sonnier, the chief cook. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

The Cane Crop.

 There is still too much rain to report from the sugar district, and the general desire now is to see a sufficient number of dry days to allow the finishing touches to be given to the crop, which is now about ready to lay by everywhere. The general prospect continues good and it is evident that only some very unusual weather conditions can materially injure the cane between now and the grinding season. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.


 On Saturday, July 8, a sorrel Creole mare, about 7 years old, branded on left hip about thus: In. She also has a small white spot on the right hip. Person returning same to me will receive a reward.
J. DOUCET, Lafayette, La.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.


Base Ball.

 A snappy game of base-ball was played at Jeanerette Sunday, in which our boys were defeated by a score of 3 to 0. For the locals Prien Broussard presided at the slab and Suares behind the bat. Menvielle and Schexnyder were Jeanerette's battery. The boys played a good game despite a drizzling rain throughout the afternoon.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

For Junior Base Ballists.

 H. G. Domengeaux, captain of the Falcon Base Ball Team of Breaux Bridge, has written The Advertiser that his team is anxious to meet the juvenile base ball players of Lafayette on the diamond, either for a purse or for championship honors. He stipulates that the players shall not exceed 4 feet 6 inches in height. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

At High Island - An Ideal Summer Resort.

   High Island, Texas, July 10, 1905.
Editor: Lafayette Advertiser.

 This season many people are swarming to the Sea View Hotel on High Island, a delightful place situated on a ranch of some sixteen thousand acres, over which is grazing five thousand cattle. The hotel is rapidly receiving acquisitions, and among the visitors many familiar faces from Lafayette are recognized.

 To those who are fond of fishing, High Island is the right spot to visit. The angler who comes here need not want "fish stories" to tell on his return.

 This is an ideal place for surf bathing. The beach presents an animated scene, as the bathers plunge into the foaming surf, while many guests on horse back or in traps are interested spectators. Here one daily receives that delicious sense of rest and renewed health that cheery outdoor life brings.

 From the present outlook this resort will be livelier than it has been for several seasons. At night there are dances, musicals, card parties and like diversions for those who care to participate.

The most important social event of the past week was a progressive euchre, given in the spacious dining room of this place, by a number of Lafayette ladies. The room was beautifully decorated with coreopsis and palms. At the end of ten interesting games, the ladies' first prize was won by Mrs. Stewardson, and J. C. Nickerson was the successful winner of the gentlemen's first prize, while the consolation prizes were awarded to Miss Lea Gladu and Captain Cade.

 Mrs. L. Domengeux arrived Saturday to spend some ten days here.

 J. C. Nickerson and A. B. Denbo spent Sunday with their families here.

 Mrs. Alcide Judice, accompanied by the Misses Cayret, from Scott, arrived Saturday, and expect to remain for a month to enjoy this delightful sea breeze. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

Home Mission Notes.

 On July 3, the Local Home Mission Society convened at the Methodist parsonage with the president and quite a number of members present. Mrs. Nathan Broussard was welcomed as a member to the Society. Mrs. Cushman as a visitor. Mrs. Demanade read a leaflet, the subject of which was a summary of the year's work of the Home Mission Society, in its various schools, city missions, rescue work, etc. The Bible lessons for the month was on faith. The Society ordered $7.80 to be paid for a refrigerator purchased for the parsonage; the Society then took up the subject of making some improvements on the Methodist parsonage; the means of raising money for this was thoroughly discussed among the members and will be taken up at next meeting.

 A fund was started for the purchase of a silver communion set for the Methodist church, twenty dollars of which was collected from the Society.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

Who Was in Lafayette a Month Ago, Accidentally Killed.

 The Times-Democrat of July 5 contained the following account of the accidental death of the Ten-thousand mile pedestrian, D. P. Evans, who passed through the here about a month ago:

 D. P. Evans, the man who left Cleveland, Ohio, on the 2d day of May last to walk 10,000 miles on an election wager, and push a wheel-barrow the entire distance, and who was accompanied by his faithful dog, "King Edward," arrived in Vicksburg last Saturday morning and remained here until this morning at 6 o'clock, when he started for Jackson, Mississippi, intending to reach there to-morrow evening or Friday morning. But he is now dead and his body is in the funeral parlors of F. J. Fisher in this city. Evans passed the residence of John Hanes about 10 o'clock this morning, and in a few minutes after the report of a pistol was heard and the unfortunate man came rushing into the yard and up the portico, where some ladies were, screaming that he had shot himself, at the same time falling on the floor. He was made as comfortable as possible by the ladies and medical aid was at once summoned from this city. Dr. S. W. Johnson reached the unfortunate man at the earliest possible moment, only to find him in an almost drying condition. It appears that after passing the residence and ascending the hill road, a 44-caliber pistol which was in the wheel-barrow fell to the ground and exploded, the ball entering the lower part of the abdomen and ranging upward through the bowels and stomach. He was brought to the city and placed in the Vicksburg Infirmary near noon, when everything that could be done to save his life was resorted to but the unfortunate man expired about 2:30 o'clock. His dying request was that his brother, Vard Evans, at Buena Vista, Kentucky, and Miss Bessie Smith, know at once his fate and he requested also that his body be buried here. Awaiting advices from his relatives his body and effects will remain with the undertaker. The unfortunate man had upon his arrival at this city completed 8,600 miles of his 10,000 mile trip, and had until Jan 2 next to finish the remaining 1,400 miles. Upon his departure early this morning he was very pleasant and full of life and hope. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

 Card of Thanks.

 The members of Cemelia Lodge, No. 653, B. of L. F., wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to all those who assisted in making the First Annual Ball a success - to those who so kindly gave the loan of electric fans and to the ladies who so charmingly presided at the refreshment tables. Florence Lester and Warren Lacoste, the little children who made a success of the cake raffle for the Lodge, have the thanks of all its members. The Lodgge wishes to thank Miss Bertha Hebert also for the fine cake she presented it.
A. B. CHOPIN, Acting Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

 Young Parrots.

 The Domengeaux Bird store has just received a lot of young parrots, all guaranteed to be good talkers. Also a fine variety of gold fish, aquariums, etc., on hand. Fish and Bird food always in stock. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.  


Police Jury Proceedings.
     Lafayette, La., July 6, 1905.

 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present:  M. Billeaud, Jr., V. Boudreaux, C. Spell, J. E. Mouton, L. G. Breaux, P. R. Landry, H. Connolly. Messrs. Albert Theall and Jean Begnaud were absent but arrived in the afternoon.

 R. C. Greig was requested to act as temporary secretary.

 Mr. Connolly moved that the Jury proceed to election of officers, but accepted amendment by Mr. Breaux to postpone until the afternoon.

 Messrs. Breaux and Theall reported settlements with Sheriff Lacoste and treasurer Martin and quietus granted these officers. The following shows basis of settlements: Louis Lacoste to Lafayette Parish.


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 Settlement with J. E. Martin treasurer, July 3, 1905:


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 By motion duly made, the report was accepted and approved and the amount due Sheriff Lacoste ordered paid the sum of $980.31.

 Messrs. Boudreaux, Mouton and Landry reported Pin Hook bridge out of level but in no immediate danger. If not opened the bridge would stand without repair. It was resolved to let the bridge remain unopened until repaired and the committee discharged.

 Messrs. Breaux, Begnaud and Spell reported having received no answer to communications with authorities of Acadia as to fixing boundary line between the two parishes, committee was continued.

 Messrs. Mouton and Boudreaux reported as to drainage canal from town in Vermilion river and recommended adopting the Guidry canal which could be deepened sufficiently at a cost of $825.00. Supt. Shackford had agreed to lay the matter before officials of his road for assistance. The report was accepted and the committee continued.

 Mr. Boudreaux had called Supt. Shackford's attention to a drain across the railroad track but had obtained no satisfaction.

 Messrs. C. Girard, J. C. Nickerson, Albert Landry and Auguste Arnaud appeared and asked for acceptance by the Jury of a road from the Pest House to Johnston street near the Industrial School. By motion of Mr. Breaux the road was accepted and Mr. Boudreaux appointed to accept transfer of title for the parish. The Jury agreed to build the necessary bridges and donors shall grade the road.

 Mr. Boudreaux reported that a portion of road near Demas Comeaux's place had been brought in 1882 from Z. Doucet but no title had been given the parish. Messrs. Boudreaux and Albert Landry were appointed to obtain title and fix the line of the road.

 The Jury adjourned until two o'clock p. m. and at that hour reassembled with all members present.

 Messrs. Spell and Breaux were appointed to renew the Lagneaux bridge on Coulee Isle de Cannes.

 Mr. Connolly reported several bridges in need of repair in his ward and was authorized to act with the ward road committee in the matter.

 Messrs. Landry and Boudreaux reported conferring with Supt. Shackford as to crossing at the Lafayette Refinery and had obtained promise of immediate repair. The railroad company had also agreed to place a crossing at Landry's switch between mile posts 139 and 140.

 Messrs. Mouton and Boudreaux were appointed to repair and paint the parish jail and install a new bath tub.

 Mr. Boudreaux reported in favor of cutting Cunningham's levee in third ward and he was authorized in conjunction with the standing road committee of the ward to do so at once.

 Mr. Boudreaux wished to change a portion of the public road near Francois Daigle's place but no action was taken.

 By motion of Mr. Breaux they went into election of officers. Carried. Mr. Landry nominated Felix H. Mouton who was elected without opposition.

 The applications of Messrs. W. A. LeRosen and R. C. Greig for parish printer were read. President Billeaud called upon all in favor of Mr. LeRosen to rise and announced four votes to-wit:  Billeaud, Theall, Spell and Begnaud. Messrs. Breaux, Landry, Boudreaux, Connolly and Mouton remained seated and President Billeaud announced five votes for Mr. Greig. Mr. Greig addressed the Jury and designated the Lafayette Gazette as the official journal of the parish. So ordered.

 Hon. C. H. Mouton was elected attorney and L. Hirsch janitor. Secretary Mouton here appeared and took his place.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary pro tem.

 By motion duly made Mr. A. M. Martin was ordered paid $48.15 as difference reported by committee.

 The following named health officers were appointed:

 1st ward, Dr. G. W. Scranton; 2d ward, Dr. A. O. Clark; 3d ward, Dr. L. O. Clark; 4th ward, Dr. R. O. Young; 5th ward, Dr. G. R. DeLaureal; 6th ward, ________; 7th ward, Dr. K. Comeaux; 8th ward, Dr. L. A. Prejean.

 The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved after making corrections as follows: The name of Euzebe Mouton instead of Homer Mouton, also bill of Oneil Bourque for for hauling lumber instead of repairing bridge, both corrections being made for bills of fourth ward.

 On motion it was resolved that the committee on the road near the properties of Mr. Hernandez, F. A. Piat and Alex G. Arceneaux be instructed to confer with the parties interested.

 On motion it was resolved that an appropriation of $100 be made in favor of Miss Jeanne Villere as beneficiary cadet to the State Normal School at Natchitoches.

 Mr. Theall stated that the vote for the awarding of the printing had resulted in a tie, as Mr. Landry had not voted, and moved that a vote be taken on the question, which vote resulted as follows:  In favor of W. A. LeRosen - Billeaud, Theall, Spell, Begnaud and Landry (5). In favor of R. C. Greig - Breaux, Boudreaux, Connolly and Mouton. (4).

 The Advertiser was therefore declared the official journal of the parish. So ordered.

 On motion it was resolved that Marguerite Acker (colored) be recognized as indigents and that the usual annual appropriation of $12.50 be made in their favor.

 On motion it was resolved that the telegraph poles near the court house square be removed and placed touching and on the outside of the side walk of said square.

 The treasurer submitted the following reports of general and special funds:

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La.

 Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the parish funds since my last report:

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 Respectfully submitted,
         J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
      Lafayette, La., July 6, 1905.

 To the President and Members of Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette, La.

 Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of the special road funds since my last report:


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 Respectfully submitted,
         J. E. MARTIN, Treasurer.
 Lafayette, La., July 6, 1905.

 The following bills were approved:


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 The Jury then adjourned to meet July 7 as a board of reviewers.
F. H. MOUTON, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

City Council Meeting.

 An adjourned meeting of the City Council was held on the 6th instant with all members present excepting Mr. Krauss.

 A long list of bills were approved for payment, after which the report of the Finance Committee was read and ordered spread on the minutes. The report as follows:

      Lafayette, La., June 22, 1905.
 To the Hon. Chas. O. Mouton, Mayor and Members of the City Council of Lafayette, Lafayette, La.

 Gentlemen - After an examination of the books of the Corporation during the years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904, the Corporatio assessment books for many years 1896 and 1897 not being in our possession the amounts were taken from parish books, we beg to submit the following report:

 The bond account of the corporation stands as follows:


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 The corporation owes a note of $1,000 with interest from Feb 21, 1905, balance due on the school lot.

 Also the bills approved and not paid by your predecessors at their last meeting $249.85.

 Also the officers' salaries and collectors' commission as shown below.

 Summary of the indebtedness of the corporation at the time you went in office:


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 The general tax from 1896 to 1900 inclusive shows:


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 The gross revenue of the Corporation from June 1, 1904 to May 15, 1905 were as follows:


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 The above does not include miscellaneous collections of small amounts for installations, interest and dog tags.

 Hoping that the foregoing will give you the information you desired, before closing this report I would recommend the use of the following books for your accounts:

 The present cash book and water and light book of the collectors.

 The present cash book of the Treasurer.

 An invoice book where all your bills should be posted.

 A ledger for the License account.

 A Ledger for all other accounts.

 I would also recommend that the assessment roll book be balanced before acceptance. This would greatly facilitate an audit of your accounts.
     Respectfully, C. C. BROWN, F. V. MOUTON, O. B. HOPKINS.

 The guarantee bond offered by A. J. LeBlanc as city tax-collector or was referred to Finance Committee for acceptance.

 The application of H. H. Hohorst for cancellation of his bond as retiring city collector was referred to the Finance Committee for disposition.

 An increase of salary from $52.50 to $60 was allowed to Ed Bertrand, beginning July 1.

 Applications of R. C. Mouton and W. D. Huff for position of superintendent of Electric Light and Waterworks plant, were received and filed for future consideration.

 The secretary was instructed to notify city engineer C. F. Melchert that his services were not wanted any longer, and request him to turn over at once all property in his hands belonging to the town.

 A contract for furnishing lumber to the town for a period of six months was awarded to the Vordenbaumen Lumber Company, Ltd.

 The Street Committee was instructed to enforce ordinance compelling property holders to repair plank walks abutting their property, and the same committee empowered to place an arc light at the corner of Sunset Hotel. The question of concrete street crossings will also be considered by the Street Committee.

 Councilman Boudreaux was authorized to request the railroad company to run trains at a low speed at Vordenbaumen crossing.

 The police received instructions to notify property owners to remove grass and weeds from sidewalks, and to clean up premises and use disinfectants.

 Mr. A. Pate was appointed Sanitary Inspector from date, his compensation to be fixed by the Street Committee.

 The various committees were reorganized as follows, by the mayor:

Finance - Hopkins, Coronna, Krauss. 

Waterworks and Electric Lights, Hopkins, Trahan, Boudreaux.

 Street - Trahan, Begnaud, Girard.

 Police - Mouton, Girard, Begnaud.

 Board of Health - Dr. F. E. Girard, Dr. A. R. Trahan, B. N. Coronna, Dr. G. G. Babcock, P. L. DeClouet. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905. 

Selected News Notes 7/12/1905.

 D. V. Gardebled and E. J. Higginbotham left yesterday for bay St. Louis, Miss., to spend several days.

 Go to Fortune's Book and Newstand for your Fashion Plates and Magazines,

 O. B. Hopkins went to Opelousas Monday on business.

 L. Wolfe of Washington, was in Lafayette Sunday and remained between trains.

 Get ready for the Galveston excursion; it passes through Lafayette at about 2 p. m., Monday July 24th, and returns Saturday, July 30th. The fare from Lafayette is only $6.00.

 Moise Levy, the New Orleans clothing drummer, was in Lafayette last week.

 Mr. and Mrs. Rene Delhomme have fully recovered from a spell of typhoid fever and their many friends are glad to see them around again.

 Levy & Son will soon move into the Blue Store, recently vacated by N. Abramson, who is now occupying brick structure erected for him on Lincoln Avenue.

 Mrs. Zack Francez, of Carencro, was in Lafayette Sunday the guest of friends.

 Mr. L. J. Alleman and family will leave Monday for Covington to spend about a month.

 W. J. Avery who has been helping to conduct the Summer Normal School at Ft. Jessup, returned Sunday morning.

 The Southwestern Oil Co., of Houston, Tex., have established a branch office at Lafayette in the A. J. Ross building opposite the High School, with Jno. I. Bell as agent. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

School Board Proceedings.

    Lafayette, La., July 6, 1905.
 At a regular meeting of the Board of School Directors, Lafayette Parish, held on the above date the following members were present: Jasper Spell, J. A. Roy, Dr. N. P. Moss, J. H. Bernard, A. D. Verot, and Alcide Judice.  Absent: Alex Delhomme, Sr., Arthur Comeaux, C. C. Brown.

 The minutes of the meetings held April 14 and May 4, were adopted as read.

 A committee from Pilette composed of J. O. Broussard, Aymar Comeaux, Horace Comeaux, Ovey Comeaux, Francois Comeaux and others stated that it was the desire of the patrons of the Pilette school to have a large and better schoolhouse. The community was willing to advance the money for building the schoolhouse, and in addition offered to present school site.

 There was also another committee from the Verot school community headed by Alphonse Broussard which asked for a postponement of the consideration of the Pilette proposition until the Verot school community could be heard from. The request for a postponement of the question was granted.

 The Treasurer was authorized to borrow money to pay accounts until school funds were received.

 The town schools of the parish will begin the session of 1905-1906 on September 18. Action on the town schools of Lafayette was postponed until the School Board committee can appear before the Town Council relative to the appropriation for the support of the town's schools, for the year 1904.

 Messrs. Spell and Alleman reported the completion of repairs made on the Ridge school house, and recommended that the building be painted as soon as possible.

 Messrs. Roy, Moss and Alleman reported having bought a safe for safekeeping of School Board records. The cost of the safe is $50.

 Messrs. Roy, Moss, and Alleman, Auditing Committee, reported having checked the Treasurer's Books and found them correct. The customary quietus up to June 30, 1905 was given by the Parish Treasurer.

 The Auditing Committee also reported that they had checked the Sheriff's books and found them correct. Following is a summary of collections made by Sheriff for the year:


page 6 column 2


 The Sheriff was given a quietus for taxes collected, and for fines imposed by the court up to July 6, 1905.

 On motion duly seconded the Board decided to rent the three sections of Public School lands in the month of October in order to give prospective lessees ample time to make arrangements for the coming year.

 The secretary stated that at the previous meeting he had overlooked the matter of reporting to the Board the generous donation by Vordenbaumen Lumber Co. Ltd., of a cistern and fencing for the Martin school.

 Whereupon the Board expressed its appreciation by offering a vote of thanks to the above named firm.

 The secretary was authorized to purchase 30 double desks or the Lafayette colored school.

 The report of the committee on appointment of teachers was received and approved as follows:


page 6 column 2


 On motion duly seconded the salary of the Principal of the Broussard school was fixed at $85.

 The superintendent was authorized to insure all new buildings not paid for and all buildings situated in towns.

 The Board refused an offer of $20 for the abandoned school house on the school land in the first ward.

 The following accounts were approved.


 page 6 column 3


 The Treasurer's report was read as follows:

 To the President and members of the School Board, Parish of Lafayette, La.

 Following is a statement of receipts and disbursements of school funds since my last report:


page 6 column 3


 Respectfully submitted,
Parish Treasurer.
Lafayette, La., July 6, 1905.

 There being no further business the board adjourned.
N. P. MOSS, President.
L. J. ALLEMAN, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 12th, 1890:

Destructive Weather.

 Last Tuesday evening, during the thunder storm, lightning struck the store of Mr. Veazey, on Lincoln ave, but did no further damage than to "shake up" a few of those who were sitting around engaged in a social chat. Wednesday afternoon, during another thunder shower, lightning struck the residence of Mr. John Richard, father of Mrs. Jno. O. Mouton near the depot. It shattered the machinery of the dwelling, splintered the corner posts, and jumping off on the cistern shattered every timber in it. The incident is similar to that occurring at Dr. Duhart's residence about a year or so ago. Mr. Richard and his wife and Mr. Dick Quartro, conductor on the S. P. were in the house at the time, and were considerably shocked. That they were not killed is a wonder.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890.


DIED. - On the 28th of June, at Springfield, Ky., W. R. Mudd, M. D., aged 59 years and 4 months. Abbeville papers please copy.

 He was a brother of our Dr. F. S. Mudd, and for a long time was a resident practitioner at Perry's Bridge, Vermilion parish, where he was greatly respected for his high order of talent in his profession. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890.

Excursion to Salt Mines.

 Bills are out for a grand excursion, from Alexandria to New Iberia and teh Salt Mines, on July 20th, 1890, under the auspices of the famous Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company, of New Iberia. The train will stop at Lafayette at about 9 o'clock a. m. Fare from here only $1.00. Children half price. Those who want to visit these salt mines, which are one of the wonders of America, should certainly avail themselves of this excursion.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1904.

The Parish and the Newspaper.

 [The following letter was by us submitted to the Police Jury, and came before it at its meeting last Monday, July 7th. It is not published in full in the reported proceedings of that body, and we prefer to give it in full:]

 Lafayette, La., July 7th, 1890.

 Gentlemen of the Police Jury: Two years ago I entered into a contract with your Honorable Body to do the Parish printing. Considering the comity of interest between a parish and its newspaper, and mine being at the time, the only paper in the parish, I put the bid for the printing at about one-third of what the law would allow for the services - $275.00, considering that a fair compromise, and also the fact that it was fixed income for four years. These matters were all weighed and expressed and understood between us at the time. I considered the contract as made for the term of four years, as had been done always before. Last year, in July, when the question of printing was suggested, I went to a majority of your members and spoke to them about it, and expressed my understanding that the contract was for the term of four years. Without dissent all coincided with this was the contract; and the contract was then ratified, and I have been working under it since. I have always filled my part of this contract, and have in no instance been derelict in performance of my duty in the premises. Those who know will say that I have done better for the parish than was provided for in the contract.

 You have advertised for bids for the Parish printing. I cannot see the justice to me in this. I cannot be a party to the proceeding. I must insist that it is extraordinary under the circumstances. I rest my case upon your sense of right and justice.
W. B. BAILEY, Publisher "Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890.

Father Forge Not Leaving Lafayette.

 The report which has been circulated that Rev. E. Forge and Rev. Healy intend leaving our church here to take charge elsewhere is without foundation. Rev. Forge is deeply attached to his people here, and has no intention of deserting them; nor has he any intimation of a call elsewhere. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890. 

Police Jury Proceedings.

     Lafayette, La., July 7th, 1890.
 The Police Jury met this day in regular session with the following members present: Messrs. C. P. Alpha, J. G. St. Julien, C. C. Brown, A. A. Delhomme, Ford Hoffpauir, R. C. Landry and O. Theriot.

 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected so that the vote taken upon the adoption of the stock ordinance on page 67, shall read "unanimously" adopted, instead of recording Mr. Delhomme voting in the negative. The minutes were then approved.

 Messrs. Delhomme and Hoffpauir rising to a question of personal privilege, submitted the following explanation in regard to their votes on the stock ordinance.

 As the minutes adopted record our votes in the affirmative on the adoption of the stock ordinance, and as we fully intended to vote no on said ordinance and were under the impression at the time, we desire that impression at the time, we desire this to be inscribed in the minutes defining our position.

 The Treasurer submitted his monthly report, as follows:

 To the President and members of the Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette:

 Gentlemen, - The following is a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the parish funds since last report:

page 4 column 5


 Respectfully submitted,
     WM. CLEGG, Parish Treasurer.
Lafayette, La., July 6th, 1890.

 Mr. St. Julien on behalf of the committee on bridge at Broussard's ferry reported that a sub-committee had been appointed to receive bids for the repair of the bridge. No report had been made.

 The petition of the citizens of the 2nd Ward praying for a division of said ward was read as follows:

 To the Hon. Police Jury, Parish of Lafayette:

 DEAR SIRS, - Your petitioners residents of the 2d Ward would respectfully represent that the territory of said ward is too great for the convenient administration of justice and electoral purposes and therefore would pray for a division of the said ward, as follows:  Beginning on the northern boundary of said ward at that point where Coulee Isle des Cannes enters its territory and following the line of said Coulee to its mouth or junction with Bayou Vermilion. Your petitioners would ask that the territory so divided east of said Coulee and the new ward so created be denominated the 8th ward of this parish.
(Signed) A. D. Trahan, Louis Dronnet, Edmond Broussard, Jos. C. Breaux, Onezine Dronnet, Simon Cormier, and 83 other citizens of the ward.

 On motion duly made, during the following ordinance was unanimously adopted agreeable to the petition.

 Be it ordained by the Police Jury, that the prayer of petitioners is hereby granted and the territory of the 2d Ward designated in the petition, bounded East by Coulee Mines and west by Coulee Isle des Cannes, be and the same is hereby constituted the 8th Ward of this parish.

 The Secretary was requested to notify the Governor of the new ward created.

 A resolution by Mr. St. Julien to renumber the various wards of the parish, was laid over under the rules.

 On motion of Mr. Hoffpauir, the Police Jury resolved to meet Thursday July 17th as Board of Reviewers to revise the Assessment lists.

 The several bids for bridge keeper at Pin Hook were rejected and the President authorized to advertise for bids at a salary not to exceed $75.00 per annum.

 Messrs. Oscar L. Alpha of the Attakapas Vindicator, and W. B. Bailey of the LAFAYETTE ADVERTISER, submitted propositions in effect as follows:  Mr. Alpha agreed to publish the parish printing for the sum of $168.00 per annum. Mr. Bailey contended that inasmuch as he had been chosen Printer two years ago with the understanding that the contract was for four years, he did not deem it proper to make himself a party to these proceedings, and rested his case upon the sense of right and justice of the body.

 On motion of Mr. Hoffpauir, all bids for public printing were rejected.

 Mr. Delhomme moved that the Lafayette Advertiser be retained as the official journal, at $275.00 per annum.

 Mr. Hoffpauir in the chair, Mr. Alpha offered as substitute that the Attakapas Vindicator be chosen the official organ. The substitute was lost. The question recurring and the adoption of the original motion, it was lost by the following vote:  Aye-Landry, Delhomme and Theriot. Nay - Alpha, St. Julien, Brown and Hoffpauir.

 The following petition was read:

  The petition of the undersigned citizens of the first ward, said parish, respectfully represent, that it is necessary that your Hon. body establish one or more drainage districts in said ward, and particularly for the reason that some of the land owners through whose land the natural drains of said portion of the parish pass, refuse to clean said drains or allow any one to do so, thereby inflicting serious damage on many farmers. They propose that the execution of the provisions of Act No. 107 or '88, under which this petition is made, shall not incur any expense on the parish. They wish to obtain the authority of the commissioners when the proprietor refuses to consent.
(Signed) D. Arceneaux, Jean A. Begnaud, Simeon Begnaud, Fred J. Mayer, Jno. P.LeBesque, Honore Sonnier, and 60 other citizens of the ward.

 On motion of Mr. Delhomme, the following resolutions were adopted agreeable to the petition:

  1st.  Be it resolved that the Police Jury that the First Ward of this Parish be and the same is hereby divided into three Drainage Districts, as follows:  That all the land comprised between Mine Coulee north and south through said Ward, and the Opelousas Public Road forming the eastern limit thereof, be and the same is hereby constituted and shall hereafter compose the first Drainage District of said Ward.

 2d.  That all the land comprised between Isle des Cannes Coulee, running north and south through the said Ward, and Acadia Parish forming the western boundary thereof, be and the same is hereby constituted, declared and shall hereafter compose the Third Drainage District of said Ward.

 3rd.  And that all the land intervening and comprised between said two coulees from the northern and southern limits of said ward, be and the same is hereby constituted, declared and shall hereafter compose the Second Drainage District of said Ward.

 4th.  Be it further Resolved, that this body appoint three Commissioners for each of said Drainage Districts.

 Mr. Hoffpauir offered the following:

 Be it resolved, that the ordinance passed by this body at its last session, prohibiting stock of any kind from roaming at large be repealed in so far as it relates to the 1st and 2nd wards of this parish, - hogs and sheep excepted.

 Mr. Brown offered as a substitute the following which after amendment was adopted.

 Be it resolved, that the law relative to stock roaming at large be and is hereby amended so as not to applicable to the 1st, 2nd, and 6th wards until March 1st, 1892.

 On motion of Mr. Brown, duly made, Hon. C. P. Alpha was appointed a member of the State Board of Assessment Equalizers for Railroads and Telegraph lines in the parish.

 Mr. Dominique Arceneaux, road overseer for the 1st Ward reported that he had completed the road from LeBesque plantation to Bazille Sonnier and had built four bridges.

 Mr. Starcus Hoffpauir, overseer for the 2nd ward reported seven levees, three bridges, and five drains completed.

 The following by Mr. Delhomme was adopted:

 Be it resolved, that a jury of six freeholders be appointed to trace a public road, assess damages, etc., from Adam Bourgeois' place running north to the southern boundary of the 6th ward. The following jury was appointed. Antoine Pellissier, Jules Dubernard, Adam Bourgeois, Elivode Guillotte, Homer Chiasson and Adam Chiasson.

 By motion of Mr. Alpha, the following was adopted:

 Be it resolved, that the iron safe in the Sheriff's office be removed to the Treasurer's office to be returned at any time to the Sheriff's office, to be returned at any time to the Sheriff's office free of charge to the parish.

 The following communication was read:

 To the Hon. Police Jury: - If elected Secretary of your Hon. Body, I will faithfully comply with all requirements as such, for the sum of $120.00 per annum.
       Yours most respectfully,
                 E. CONSTANTIN.

 By motion duly made, the following officers were chosen and salaries fixed:

 R. C. Greig, Secretary ... $120.00
 Wm. Clegg, Treasurer ... $200.00
 L. Hirsch, Constable ... $100.00

 The Police Jury then took a (unreadable word(s) till Thursday 17th.
R. C. GREIG, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890.

City Council Proceedings.

 Lafayette, La., July 7th, 1899.

 A regular meeting of the City Council was held this day, and there were present W. B. Bailey, Mayor; A. J. Moss, J. O. Mouton, Ed. Pellerin, Pierre Gerac and J. G. Parkerson was requested to act as Secretary pro tem.

 The reading of minutes of last meeting were dispensed with.

 Petition for abolishing the stock ordinance after having been examined by the members, on motion, action was postponed until next regular meeting.

 Your committee to whom was referred complaint of neglect of duty of the police, have investigated the mater and also requested information by public notice, and so far, no specific facts have come to my knowledge of your committee, except as to reporting to the Mayor every morning and evening.

 Your committee recommend that the Mayor recommend a strict compliance with existing ordinances, and we beg to be discharged from further consideration of the subject.

 Report of the committee to investigage charges against the Police of the town was received, and the committee discharged.

 The following ordinance offered by Judge Moss in reference to plank walks, was on motion, adopted.

 Be it ordained by the City Council of the town of Lafayette, that upon the construction of a good, substantial plank walk, not less than four feet wide, and in the manner directed by the Street Committee, one-fourth of the cost thereof, provided it does not exceed five cents per running foot, shall be paid by the corporation, upon completion and reception of the work and approval of the account by the Street Committee; and provided further, there be sufficient funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

 The committee on survey of the town, reported progress and granted further time. Account of Dr. A. Gladu, for holding inquest, $18.00; and for jury inquest $10.50. Account of J.G. Gardemal for feeding prisoners, $17.60.

 And the Council thereupon adjourned.
W.B. BAILEY, Mayor.
J. G. PARKERSON, Secretary pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890.

Selected News Notes.  

The weather during the week has been hot and showery, but the crops are just humping themselves, and Lafayette's crop prospects this year are extraordinarily fine. 

Miss Alice Castex was in town this week visiting the family of Mr. P. Gerac. 

Dr. Edgar Barry, of Grand Coteau, was a visitor to our town this week.

 Mr. S. Carter of Galveston, was in town, during the week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pellerin.

 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Weinberg and Miss Ida Goldenberg, of Alexandria are the guests of Mr. Jos. Plonsky and family.

 Miss Alida Guidry, of Opelousas, is on a visit to friends in town, and is the guest of Mrs. J. Revillon and family.

 Miss Louise and Alix Judice spent the week among relatives and friends in the neighboring town of Scott.

 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Trahan and little daughter, Miss Edith, returned home Tuesday, after a month's sojourn at Cheniere a la Croix.

Mr. F. E. Girard has returned from his trip to Baton Rouge, where he had gone to attend the La. State University "hop," July 4th.

 Mr. John R. Parkerson and little son, James, of Franklin, La., are here spending a few days at the home of Judge J. G. Parkerson.

 The general trade of the town continues to be good. The railroad agent, Mr. Davidson, says he is handling almost as much freight for this place now as during the winter months. 

 Mr. Alfred Mouton made a flying trip to New Iberia, Tuesday, in the interests of the Moss Lumber Yard.

Our old merchant Mr. L. Levy and son Samuel left Saturday for New York, where they will remain five weeks purchasing their winter goods. Mr. Levy assures us it will be the largest stock ever brought to Lafayette and in regard to prices he will defy competition.

We had a pleasant call last Tuesday from our young friend Victor Levy, who returned home last Saturday from the State University and A. & M. College at Baton Rouge. He looks well, and we saw him wearing a fine gold medal won at the drill of his company at the University.

 Anybody who thinks Texas is the place to go and get rich right away will always find, when he returns to Lafayette, a piece of bread waiting for him in the charitable hands of "Mic."

Letter to the Editor: 

Dear Editor: - A certain party of young men of this place have endeared themselves very much to their friends and acquaintances by a series of most delightful music serenades, of late. Mr. Pinkney Torian is believed to be the principal promoter of these very pleasing moonlight entertainments. The feeling experienced at being awakened  by such soft and charming strains of music is one of unspeakable fascination, and the gratefulness of the listener, semi-conscience and spell bound, yearningly goes out to those most kind and thoughtful friends, whose pleasure it seems to be to afford their fellow creatures such delightful and almost heavenly enjoyment.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1890.  

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 12th, 1879:

Morgan Railroad Progress. 

 The Morgan railroad is completed within six miles of New Iberia, and the work is steadily going on. Mr. C. Young, of New Iberia, has been busily engaged the past week in delivering heavy timber for the piling and bridging of Coulee La Salle, about 12 miles from this place, and the carpenters will commence constructing the bridge over that stream in a few days. The convict force west of this place, under Capt. Bradshaw, is doing good work. It is expected that the entire grading of the Louisiana Western road will be completed by the first of October. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1879.

Dogs Running Loose in Vermilionville.
(latest city council meeting 6/14/1879.)

The following ordinance was was unanimously adopted : An ordinance relative to dogs running at large within the corporate limits of the town of Vermilionville : 

 Be it ordained by the City Council of the town of Vermilionville, that dogs shall not be allowed to run within the corporate limits of the town of Vermilionville, unless they wear a collar with a stamp bearing the figures denoting the year for which said stamp made of tin shall be furnished by the Town Constable, at the rate of fifty cents per stamp, and said Constable shall keep a registry of the names of parties purchasing stamps  and their numbers. Be it further ordained, that it shall be the duty of the Town Constable to kill all dogs found running within the corporate limits of the town of Vermilionville, not bearing the collar and stamp as above ordained. That one-half of the tax thus imposed and which is collected under this ordinance, shall be paid into the town treasury and one-half shall be retained by the Constable as his fee; provided that the Constable shall furnish stamps at his expense. That all ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. This ordinance to take effect after fifteen days publication in the official journal of the town.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1879.

Killed Instantly. - On Friday the 4th. instant, a colored man named Alcide residing at Cote Gelee, in this parish, whilst felling trees in the woods was caught by a falling tree and instantly killed. Laf. Adv. 7/12/1879.

City Council Of Vermilionville.

 Pursuant to adjournment the Council met this 16th day of June, 1879.

 Present: John Clegg, Mayor, and Councilmen W. B. Bailey, L. Lacoste, Edward McBride and Jos. L. Mouton. Absent: C. P. Alpha and H. L. Landry.

 The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were dispensed and an adopted as recorded.

 The committee on Bonds reported that the bonds of the Treasurer and Collector have been approved and filed with the Secretary.

 A committee on Books and Accounts presented the following report:

 To the Hon. Mayor and Members of the Town Council of Vermilionville, La.

 Your committee appointed to examine the books and records of the Treasurer and Collector for the past year, report that they have carefully examined the books of H. M. Bailey, Treasurer, up to this date and find the same correct ;  they find that there is still due him, for his services during the past year. They recommend that his bond be canceled.

 Upon careful examination of the accounts of Galbert Bienvenu, Collecter for his past year, your committee find that he has overdrawn his salary to the amount of $12.05, and through neglect of duty as Collector, has caused a loss to this corporation of $30.65 for market-house dues, and $40.00 for license of Edgar Dugas, coffee house keeper, for which he should be held responsible as follows:

 Market-house dues by W. B. Lindsay, less his commission ... $28.85

 1/2 License of Edgar Dugas, less his commission ... $18.80
Total $59.70.

 Your committee recommend that the said Collector be held to pay the amount of $59.70 to the Treasurer within thirty days from this date.
     Respectfully submitted.

 Upon the statement made by Mr. Bienvenu to the Council, it was upon motion.
   Resolved, that the amount, $18.80, charged to him for license of Edgar Dugas, be and the same is hereby remitted.

 On motion of Mr. Lacoste,
 Resolved, that the delay of thirty days be granted Mr. Bienvenu to settle the other amounts charged against him in the report of the committee, and that the Market-house claims of the Corporation against W. B. Lindsay, be and are hereby transferred to him.

 Messrs. Alpha and Landry then appeared and participated and Landry then appeared and participated in the deliberations.

 The following ordinance was unanimously adopted:

 An ordinance relative to dogs running at large within the corporate limits of the town of Vermilionville :

 Be it ordained by the City Council of the Town of Vermilionville, that dogs shall not be allowed to run within the corporate limits of the town of Vermilionville, unless they wear a collar with a stamp denoting the year for which said stamp is issued and the number thereof. The stamp made of tin shall be furnished by the Town Constable, at the rate of fifty cents per stamp, and said Constable shall keep a registry of the names of parties purchasing stamps and their numbers. Be it further ordained, that it shall be the duty of the Town Constable to kill all dogs found running within the corporate limits of the town of Vermilionville, not bearing the collar and stamp as ordained. That one-half of the tax thus imposed and which is collected under this ordinance, shall be paid into the town treasury and one-half shall be retained by the Constable as his fee ;  provided that the Constable shall furnish stamps at his expense. That all ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. This ordinance to take effect after fifteen days publication in the official journal of the town.

 Mr. Alpha then moved to reconsider the resolution passed at the last meeting of the Council which reads, "members of the Council shall per diem for their services."

 The ayes and nays being called, the motion reconsider was lost by the following vote :

 Ayes - Alpha and Landry.
 Nays - Baily, Lacoste, McBride and Mouton.

 The Mayor called the attention of the Council to the tie at the last election between Messrs. M. P. Young and R. L. McBride, and requested the Council to take some action thereon, and
   On motion, it was resolved, that a committee of two be appointed to confer with Messrs. Young and McBride and ascertain from them whether they desire and election to decide the said tie. The Mayor appointed Messrs. Bailey and Lacoste on said committee.

 On motion the Council then adjourned to Saturday the 5th day of July next, at 5 o'clock p. m.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1879.

 City Council of Vermilionville.

 Pursuant to adjournment the Council met this 5th day of July, 1879.

 Present: John Clegg, Mayor, and Councilmen W. B. Bailey, L. Lacoste, Edward McBride and Jos. L. Mouton.
Absent: C. P. Alpha and H. Landry.

 The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were dispensed with and adopted and recorded.

 On motion, it was resolved, That the sum of $20, now in hands of the Treasurer, be and is hereby appropriated towards repairing the bridges and streets.

 On motion, resolved, That the constable be authorized and directed to bring he suit against all persons owing a license, after ten days notice from the 7th inst.

 Resolved That the Secretary be and is hereby authorized to settle with and withdraw all accounts in hands of W. B. Lindsay, J. P.

 Resolved, That when the penalty for the violation of any of the ordinances or resolutions of the City Council, is fine or imprisonment, or both, the same shall be and is hereby left to the discretion of the Mayor ;  provided the fine and imprisonment shall not exceed the limits fixed by the charter of the Act of Incorporation.
  That all parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith, be repealed only so far as they conflict herewith.

 The following accounts were presented and approved:

 Chas. O. Olivier, Jailer, fees ... $14.00
 H. A. Eastin, commissioner of election ... $2.10.
  U. A. Hebert , commissioner of election ... $2.10.
  W. H. Williams ... $2.10

 On motion the Council adjourned.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1879.

 Police Jury Proceedings.

 July 5th, 1879. - Pursuant to adjournment, the Police Jury met at the Court House this day.

 Members present: Martial Billaud, president, Aurelien Primeaux, L.G. Breaux, Jos. L. Prejean and Sebastion Hernandez.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 On motion resolved, That the appointment of road overseer for the Fifth Ward, made on the 2nd of June, 1879, so as to read, R. C. Landry is appointed road overseer of the 5th Ward for that portion of the road extending from Pin Hook bridge to Broussardville, and Martial Billaud is appointed road overseer for that portion of the road extending east of Broussardville to Bayou Teche and thence to the southern limits of the parish.

 On motion, resolved, that hereafter all field fences in the 4th and 5th wards, shall be constructed as follows, viz :  All panels shall be our four pieux, and an outside ditch of not less than 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep.

 The committee appointed on the 2nd of June, 1879, to devise means to pay the indebtedness of the parish incurred in the building of the different bridges, made the following report:

 To the Hon. Police Jury:

 Your committee appointed to devise means by which to liquidate the indebtedness of the parish incurred in the building of the following named bridges, viz:  Mouton Bridge, Carencro bridge, Pin Hook bridge and the bridge over Mine's Coulee, beg leave to make the following report.

 That since the taxes of the parish are already to the extreme limit of the law, and it would be a violation of law to levy a special tax for this or any other purpose beyond that already existing, we are left to the only alternative of recommending be authorized and fully empowered by your honorable body, to collect a revenue from all persons or vehicles passing over said bridges until said builders shall be fully satisfied for the respective amounts due them by the parish for said services.

 We recommend that this be carried out by special contract between the parties and the Police Jury.

 All of which is respectfully submitted by the undersigned.

 The above report having been read, it was, on motion, rejected.

 The above report having been read, it was, on motion, rejected:


page 2 column 4


 There being no further business, on motion, the Police Jury adjourned to the first Saturday of October, 1879.
J. N. JUDICE, Clerk.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1879.

Proceedings of the Parish School Board.

     VERMILIONVILLE, July 5th, 1879.
 The Board met this day in regular session, and were present: Dr. M. L. Lyons, Sidney Greig, Alex. Delhomme, J. O. Broussard, H. M. Bailey, secretary pro tem., Dr. F. S. Mudd and R. F. Grier, vice, Thompson Rhodes, deceased.
Absent: Dr. T. B. Hopkins, president, Ones. Broussard and J. J. Revillon.

 Dr. Lyons was called to the chair.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.

 The President, Dr. Hopkins, here made his appearance and took his seat.

 The Board then proceeded to consider the various petitions presented ;  and
  On motion duly seconded the petitions of Messrs. F. W. Liggins, Hugh Wagner and Marcel Melancon, were received, and the petitioners requested to present themselves before the examining committee of this Board at its first session.

 It was moved and seconded, that Mrs. M. A. Thomas, be appointed Teacher of the school in the same locality where she formerly taught, when the schools are opened.

 The action of Dr. Lyons and Mr Delhomme in opening the schools in the first and second wards during the month of June was, on motion, approved by the Board.

 On motion of Dr. Mudd duly seconded, it was Resolved, that in the future, no school shall be opened in any of the wards of this parish, without the approval of this Board.

 On motion duly seconded, the petition to open a new school in the 2d ward of this parish, was rejected on account of the funds being insufficient to justify the same.

 It was moved and seconded, That in those wards that have sufficient funds to open schools, that the commissioners of said schools be authorized to open the same.

 On motion, it was resolved, that the President appoint a committee to examine the applicants for teacherships in the public schools of this parish.

 The President appointed on said committee Dr. Mudd, and H. M. Bailey in the absence of J. J. Revillon.

 The following accounts were approved and warrants ordered to issue for same:

 Ford Hoffpuir, repairs to school house in 2nd ward ... $1075.

 W. B. Bailey, publishing proceedings of Board for quarter ending July 1, 1879, ... $10.00.

 On motion the Board then adjourned to Monday the 21st day of July, 1879.
T. B. Hopkins, President.
H. M. Bailey, Secretary pro tem.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1879.


 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 12th, 1873:

Last Wednesday evening we were blessed with a copious shower, cooling the atmosphere and doing immense good to the crops of our parish, which were suffering for want of rain after having been worked. 

We are glad to learn that many of our planters have replanted corn, and we hope that they will reap a rich harvest. The cotton that has been saved from the late heavy rains is looking well, and if we have no caterpillars this year a half crop will be made in the parish.


Fire - Last Monday evening about 7 o'clock an alarm of fire was sounded by the ringing of the Church and Court house bells, and in a few seconds our little burgh was in a perfect tumult, our citizens rushing through the streets from all directions towards the place where the alarm was first given. After a double quick of several hundred yards, we reached the spot, where we found a large number of citizens of all classes and sexes congregated, and we are glad to learn that the fire had been extinguished by our active and energetic confrere Brookshier, of the Cotton Boll, with his Babcock's Portable Fire Extinguisher.

 The fire occurred in the kitchen of Mr. John Chargois on Vermilionville street, and was caused by the servant placing a pan of fire on her bed for the purpose of driving away the mosquitoes, which set the bed on fire. No damage was done except to the bed and bedding; but if the fire had not been extinguished as soon as it was, there is no telling what damage we might have sustained. We have often called upon our citizens to come together  and provide some means to guard property against the fire fiend, but our calls have all been heedless. When our town suffers from fire as our sister towns have suffered, then, but not till then, will our people realize the necessity of having a fire engine, a hook and ladder company, or some kind of organization to protect our property from fire. 

Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1873.

Vacation. - Rev. J. M. Brown has suspended his school for a few weeks on account of the excessive warmth of the weather. Due notice will be given of the time of resuming his school. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1873.


 A race will come off on the Judice race course, two miles west of Vermilionville on Saturday next, the 19th inst., between the Kidaire mare of the Junction (St. Martin parish) and the Boudreaux mare of Lafayette, for one thousand dollars. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1873.


 Last Monday Constable Calvin (unreadable last name), of the 5th ward, arrested and brought to town those individuals named, Jean Camille, Celestin Dillon, and Dominique Clavric, all charged with having, together with other parties unknown, fired into the house of a colored man named Stainville Bay, on the plantation of Mr. Oliver Blanchet near Royville, in this parish. The inquisition, of the (unreadable word), whoever they were, was to kill Bay, in which attempt they failed; but most unfortunately, in their attempt to murder the father, they shot two of his children, a boy aged twelve years and girl only eighteen months old. The children are not expected to live, the former having the thigh shattered in two places. The father and mother of the children were in the room, but escaped unhurt. We are told that the house was literally riddled with shot. The accused men were placed under bond of $1,000 each, to appear before Judge Mouton to-day.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1873.

More Taxes?

Advertiser Contributor.

DEAR SIR - Believing it is to be within the province of any citizen to criticise the official acts of those to whom they have entrusted their public interests, we feel impelled not through any spirit of censoriousness, but from a determination to oppose, what we deem, unjust legislation to express our disapproval of the recent acts of that nominally parish institution oddly called a Police Jury. The hopes entertained of a financial reform and a return to the good practices of former days, we regret to own, has not been realized in the recent transactions of that body. That a new way to pay old debts has been successfully demonstrated is beyond doubt ;  but that the mode will meet the exigencies of our unfortunate financial situation is extremely problematical.

 Calling upon us for more taxes, in view of the fact that there remains an amount, represented to be uncollected, or many thousand dollars, and no settlement has been made with the Collector for several years, is surely of doubtful propriety if not downright injustice. And (unreadable words) virtually applying the proceeds of the levy this year, to other than the purpose specified is an inroad on legislative usage, only recognized in Radical jurisprudence, in which through zeal of patriotism, authority id disdained, and laws are trampled upon for sport.

 A committee having been appointed make, let us admit, a very reasonable proximate estimate to defray specified current expenses; criminal cases, jury fund, roads and bridges, salaries, contingent expenses, and elections. This last item must reference to a prospective State election, by grace of Congress. The report of the committee having been adopted, and also that of the Treasurer ;  the collector is directed to proceed after legal delay, to collect in accordance with the above report, and evidently for the purpose specified. Now, in face of the fact that a heavy tx was imposed last year, professedly to settle all outstanding liabilities, and with what consistency and justice to the community can the sums levied for the current expenses of this year be applied to the same purpose. If our authorities have the power to impose taxes at all, they must have also the power to enforce a settlement of this mythical delinquent list, and have warrants paid from that source until it is exhausted. Holders of warrants are undoubtedly entitled to their pay, but if it is to be taken from the funds for our current expenses it will necessitate a new issue of warrants, and the treasury will remain empty until another attack is made on the pockets of the most complaints people upon whom the sun ever shone.

 Why is not the proceeds from this so-called delinquent list as attainable as that from a new levy !  Who are the delinquents ?  Are they parties whose misinformation entitle them to greater leniency than those who have been punctual in meeting their public duties ?  If so, and their necessities require it, we advocate that their debts be entirely forgiven. But we should and must know who they are.

 The thing of warrants has inaugurated a system of speculations in the financial embarrassments of the country, that is rapidly becoming a formidable power of evil, and until a return to the cash system, the public interests must suffer.

 If our authorities would ascertain the amount of the parish debt and give citizens an insight into the actual condition of their public finances they will confer a favor that will be appreciated.

 We have always thought it a good rule to stop when we had nothing more to sat, and we have adopted another which is perhaps of equal importance to more than ourself and that is to remain
                    WIDE AWAKE.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1873.


City Council of Vermilionville.

        Special Session, June 9th, 1873.
 Present: Aug. Monnier, Mayor, and Councilmen L. P. Revillon, F. C. Latiolais, H. Landry, Jos. O. Girouard, W. Brandt, G. O. Olivier and R. L.McBride.

 The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

 On motion it was resolved, that T. Bernard be and is hereby appointed on the Market-house committee.

 On motion it was resolved, that the petition of the Quarterly Conference of the M. E. Church South, be referred to the District Attorney and that he be requested to take immediate action on the same.

 Resolved, that a committee of three be and is hereby appointed to submit said petition to the District Attorney. Messrs. Latiolais, Revillon and McBride were appointed on said committee.

 Resolved, that the constable be directed to see the public peace and quiet is preserved at the coffee-house of Villemont Huback on Washington street.

 On motion, the Council adjourned to next regular meeting.
A. MONNIER, Mayor.
H. M. BAILEY, Secretary.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1873.

 From the Lafayette Advertiser of July 12th, 1910:


 For several days the entire parish has been plagued with millions of mosquitoes of a large and vicious type. Man and beast alike have suffered from the attacks of the insects that alight in numbers and without even a ceremonious buzz, insert their "bills" regardless of whether a man owes anything or not. People carry small branches and other things to fight off the pests, that trouble them day and night. In the country farmers and stockmen are building smokes and herding their animals upon high ground. While much inconvenience and some suffering has been experienced, no material damage has yet resulted and it is hoped that in a few days the unwelcome visitors will depart. The general opinion is that the great swarms of mosquitoes came from the sea marshes, where they are reported in countless numbers. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1910.

 From the Lafayette Daily Advertiser of July 12th, 1968:


 When a person is transplanted from Southwest Louisiana to another part of the country, many fond memories of the Cajun country remain.

 Like food, for instance - crawfish, jambalaya, and gumbo.

 Recently, a 14-year old girl moved to Orange, Virginia. When she went away, she forgot one thing; a recipe for gumbo and rice.

 Her uncle, Lacy T. Wright, with whom she is living, wrote a letter to the local chamber of commerce, describing the situation.

 "She has an appetite which is a bit strange for the cuisine of this part of the country," writes Wright. "She likes only rice and gumbo.

 "I remember stopping in Lafayette many years ago and had bowl or two of gumbo while there," he continues. "It was the best I had ever eaten."

 The chamber hopes to do better than a recipe, however, and wonders if any Cajuns plan to be in Virginia in the near future. What better way than to stop off in Virginia and gave a good demonstration of making the Acadian dish.

 Or maybe a copy of The Advertiser Cookbook could remedy the situation.
Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/12/1968.


AP Movie-Television Writer.

 HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Where do the Monkees go next - or do you care?

 There are a few million teenagers and subteeners who maintain an intense concern about the clutch of singing idols who starred on the NBC network for two seasons.

 The foursome made a distinct impression on the younger set and even on the more mature voters of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences who named "The Monkees" the best comedy show of the 1966-67 season.

 Carbon Copy.

 To many critics, the zany half-hour seemed nothing more or less than a carbon copy of the Beatles movies. But imitation is no drawback to television success, and "The Monkees" prevailed in their first season. The second year was less successful, and the show will not be back in 1968-69.

 What happened?

 "The second season was just the first season rehashed," explained chief Monkee, Mike Nesmith. "We felt that we had become more proficient, but we were only given the same stuff to do.

 "Most people thought that we were canceled. The fact is that we told NBC that we didn't want to do the same old thing. And so the series came to an end. I can't really say that I'm sorry."

 Financially, the demise of the series is a good thing, said Nesmith, a tall, intense 25-year old. He pointed out that he and his mates were earning a fast $1,250 per segment of the series, a mere pittance of what they can collect elsewhere. Such are the rewards of instant fame and that the lads made between four and five million dollars last year.

 Earned Millions.

 Nesmith himself collected about 2 1/2 million since he originated much of the musical material used by the Monkees on their shows and albums. The returns will come to him in future years because of deferred payments, hence his fortune looks secure.

 But he is concerned about the future, and has sunk $75,000 of his own money into a non-Monkee record album called "The Wichita Train Whistle Sings." The Dot album is getting a good play and it appears that the Nesmith investment is going to pay off. Lafayette Daily Advertiser 7/12/1968.



At High Island, Texas -- An Ideal Summer Resort.
High Island, Texas, July 10, 1905.

To the editor: Lafayette Advertiser.
 This season many people are swarming to Sea View Hotel on High Island, a delightful place situated on a ranch of some sixteen thousand acres, over which is grazing five thousand cattle. The hotel is rapidly receiving new acquisitions, and among the visitors many familiar faces from Lafayette are recognized.

 To those who are fond of fishing, High Island is the right spot to visit. The angler who comes here need not want "fish stories" to tell on his return.

 This is an ideal place for surf bathing. The beach presents an animated scene, as the bathers plunge into the foaming surf, while many guests on horse back or in traps are interested spectators. Here one daily receives that delicious sense of rest and renewed health that cheery outdoor life brings.

 From the present outlook this resort will be livelier than it has been for several seasons. At night there are dances, musicals, card parties and like diversions for those who care to participate. Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

Progressive Euchre.

The most important social event of the past week was a progressive euchre, given in the spacious dining room of this place, by a number of Lafayette ladies. The room was beautifully decorated with coreopsis and palms. At the end of ten interesting games, the ladies' first prize was won by Mrs. Stewardson, and J. C. Nickerson was the successful winner of the gentleman's first prize, while the consolation prizes were awarded to Miss Lea Gladu and Captain Cade.

 Mrs. L. Domengeaux arrived Saturday to spend some ten days here.

 J. C. Nickerson and A. B. Denbo spent Sunday with their families here.

 Mrs. Alcide Judice, accompanied by the Misses Cayret, from Scott, arrived Saturday, and expect to remain a month to enjoy the delightful sea breeze.
Lafayette Advertiser 7/12/1905.

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