1975-1976 12
1974-1975 11
1973-1974 10
1972-1973 9
1971-1972 8
1970-1971 7
1969-1970 6
1968-1969 5
1967-1968 4
1966-1967 3
1965-1966 2
1964-1965 1
1963-1964 K
1962-1963 -
1961-1962 -
1960-1961 -
1959-1960 -
1958-1959 -
American History from the Perspective of Vermilionville and Early Lafayette.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Future Posts
July 15th . 1913: News From Milton (on Blogger) (Pic-Milton)
July 16th . 1908: Bitten By Mad Dog OK. - (Show actual clipping)
1968: Fire Guts Dixie Phonograph (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
1968: City Parks Name (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 17th . 1907: Skating Rink (on Blogger) (Pic-SkatingRinkLocation)
1968: Freshwater Bayou Project (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
1968: Congress St. to Laf. High (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 18th . 1911: New Ice Plant (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 19th . 1902: Should Women Vote? (on Blogger) (Pic-ShouldWomenVote)
July 20th . 1904: Lights Out (on Blogger) (Pic-AntiqueLamp) (Caption: Antique B & H Perfection) Keresene Oil Brass Lamp - 1904 - Bradley & Hubbard)
July 21st . 1911: Dangers of CommonHousefly (on Blogger) (Pic-CommonHousefly)
1968: Civil Defense Center (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 22nd NO POST
July 23rd 1898: New Map For Lafayette (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 24th 1908: Railroad Bakery Changes Hands (PicRailroadBakery)
July 25th 1903: New Brick Building (Pic NewBrickBuild-map 1906)
1918: Yellow Dog Clubbers Club (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
1968: USL Stadium Delayed (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
1968: USL TV Station (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
1968: 'Lafayette Day" at Astroworld (on Blogger) (Pic TBD)
July 26th 1912: Immurgluk Ad (pics only) (Pics-Immergluck01 Immergluck02)
July 27th 1909: WonderfulTelephone (on Blogger) (Pic-WonderfulTelephone) (Caption: A Telefon Hírmondó "stentor" (announcer) reading the day's news in 1901.)
1968: New Telephone Office (no Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 28th 1911: Pinhook-Demanade (on Blogger) (Pic-Pinhook/Demanade)
1968: Freshwater Bayou Opens (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 29th 1968: Hollier Floor Covering (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 30th 1898 Terror of Swamp Arrested (on Blogger) (Pic Hornsby)
1968: Sunset Limited Hearing (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
1968: Acadian Flag (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
July 31st 1908 OpeningSchools (on Blogger) (Pic-OpeningSchools)
Aug. 1st ...1906: Depot in Rayne (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
Aug. 2nd NO POST
Aug. 3rd . 1909: Roy Brick Factory (on Blogger) (Pic-TBD)
Aug 4th
Monday, April 16, 2018
Sunday, November 5, 2017
SUPPOSE WE DO. - We are all interested in the growth of Lafayette; suppose we all chip in and buy a handsome cup to be presented to that man or woman who shall do the most for the advancement and betterment of the town during the year 1905. It is a fine way to show appreciation of good citizenship and public spirit. Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905.
DO A LITTLE FIGURING. - If a Five Dollar bill remains in circulation in Lafayette for five years, figure out how many things it will buy, how many debts it will pay, how many hands it will pass through, how many times each man or woman will receive it in payment for something, and then do a little thinking - perhaps you will discover an important fact.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905
We are glad to note our correspondents recommending a diversification of crops in our parish. This we have all along advocated. Commence this year, and you will find that your own interests, and the general prosperity of the parish will rapidly advance.Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.
Lafayette enters upon the new year with brighter prospects than ever before in its history. It has made rapid and substantial improvement in the past twelve months, and not one step towards retrogression. There seems to be nothing to hinder the fruition of the building promises for future advancement and increased prosperity. While we appreciate this condition of things fully, we rejoice also in the fact that our neighboring towns keep even stride with us. Like blood - soil, climate, natural advantages and generous rivalry are bound to tell; and the ci-devant "Great West" must look well to its laurels, else South Louisiana will gain the lead in the future.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889.
Falling Into Line.
Lafayette is growing apace, and the directors of the First National Bank realize the consequent necessity of making greater provision to accommodate the fast expanding business of that institution. It was decided at the last meeting of the Board of Directors to replace the present bank building with a larger and more substantial structure of imposing design, to be fitted up with modern furniture and fixtures. The east side of the new building will be placed on a line with the newly widened Jefferson street, which will add to the appearance of the building as well as to the appearance of the street.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904.
Merchants Did Well.
We are happy to state that our merchants did a good business during the holidays. With but few exceptions, the clerks do not complain that business was so brisk and rush so big and continuous that they could not go home on New Year's day and get a piece of turkey. Cold lunch might do well all other days, but on this great holiday the average clerk will not be contented with it, unless the rush is as large as those who sometimes read about.
It is wonderful the amount of pure, unadulterated nerve some people possess. We are in receipt of a letter from the manager of one of the largest hotels in the South describing his house in the most glowing terms. He adds that our patrons would be delighted to know of this house. Probably they would but the letter is an advertisement, pure and simple, and we failed to see any coin accompanying it, or any postscript, etc., stating that the "stuff" would follow. Now, we want to state for the benefit of this party that we also run a hotel, on a small scale, 'tis true - ourself being the only guest - but quite large enough to keep us hustling. We also run this paper, the money derived from the publication of which, goes, for the most part, to the maintenance of our hotel. In other words, we print advertisements for money. Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.
Letter From Rev. H. Armstrong.
The Gazette was pleased to receive the following letter from Rev. H. Armstrong, who is well and favorably known by the people of Lafayette, where he has many friends who will be glad to hear from him. We do not know if the letter was intended for publication, but feeling confident that it will be read with pleasure and interest by a number of our readers we take the liberty to publish it :
Dear Gazette - As I am now stationed in Franklin, and as you were a regular and welcome visitor to my humble home in Lafayette during the past year, I take this method of returning thanks for the favor.
This is a nice town, and there are evidences on every hand of wealth, refinement and prosperity. Notwithstanding His Excellency Governor Foster, and the Hon. Don Caffery, our United States Senator, have left us for a time, at least, the town still lives and grows. Boats, large and small ply the Teche, and the elegant saw mills seem to be in a race with each other, and the sugar refineries equal to any in the world, are adjacent to the town, and are literally sweetening the town and country in every direction. Enterprise and push seem to characterize our people. There is only one obstacle in the way that I can see, to great prosperity, and that is the want of good schools for everybody. This prevents immigration here; it prevents it in Lafayette, and it will prevent it everywhere. Hope The Gazette will take a bold and uncompromising stand for the right. It will pay in the end. Advocate temperance and advocate the immigration of American people among you. Fight along these lines, and victory will perch upon your banner. Long live The Gazette.
Very cordially,
Jan. 3, 1893.
Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.
Police Jury.
Lafayette, La., Jan. 2, 1905.
To the Hon. members of the City Council, Lafayette, La.
DEAR SIRS. - Kindly grant me permission to raise the roof of the building adjoining my store st least four (unreadable words) more substantial and serviceable. If permission is granted I shall use galvanized iron which will reduce the danger of fire.
Yours respectfully,
Moved and seconded that this Council grants the permission to Mrs. W. Tanner under conditions as above stated. Carried.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
Work on the Doucet brick building corner Lincoln avenue and Garfield alley is progressing fast. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
The High School.
The High School this year has a larger enrollment from the country than ever before. The total enrollment is 105. Of this number 42 are from the country, some from Pilette, some from near Scott, and others from various parts of the parish. This shows clearly that the High School is not and has not been only a town school; but that its benefits are being received in large degree by the people of the this parish, and proves the wisdom and forethought of the school board in establishing and maintaining a central school of high class for the benefit of the whole parish. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.
No person can now come to this town and not impressed with its natural beauties and exhibitions of taste on every hand. We are a thriving community.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1890.
DO A LITTLE FIGURING. - If a Five Dollar bill remains in circulation in Lafayette for five years, figure out how many things it will buy, how many debts it will pay, how many hands it will pass through, how many times each man or woman will receive it in payment for something, and then do a little thinking - perhaps you will discover an important fact.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1905
We are glad to note our correspondents recommending a diversification of crops in our parish. This we have all along advocated. Commence this year, and you will find that your own interests, and the general prosperity of the parish will rapidly advance.Lafayette Advertiser 1/4/1890.
Lafayette enters upon the new year with brighter prospects than ever before in its history. It has made rapid and substantial improvement in the past twelve months, and not one step towards retrogression. There seems to be nothing to hinder the fruition of the building promises for future advancement and increased prosperity. While we appreciate this condition of things fully, we rejoice also in the fact that our neighboring towns keep even stride with us. Like blood - soil, climate, natural advantages and generous rivalry are bound to tell; and the ci-devant "Great West" must look well to its laurels, else South Louisiana will gain the lead in the future.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/5/1889.
Falling Into Line.
Lafayette is growing apace, and the directors of the First National Bank realize the consequent necessity of making greater provision to accommodate the fast expanding business of that institution. It was decided at the last meeting of the Board of Directors to replace the present bank building with a larger and more substantial structure of imposing design, to be fitted up with modern furniture and fixtures. The east side of the new building will be placed on a line with the newly widened Jefferson street, which will add to the appearance of the building as well as to the appearance of the street.
Lafayette Advertiser 1/6/1904.
Merchants Did Well.
We are happy to state that our merchants did a good business during the holidays. With but few exceptions, the clerks do not complain that business was so brisk and rush so big and continuous that they could not go home on New Year's day and get a piece of turkey. Cold lunch might do well all other days, but on this great holiday the average clerk will not be contented with it, unless the rush is as large as those who sometimes read about.
It is wonderful the amount of pure, unadulterated nerve some people possess. We are in receipt of a letter from the manager of one of the largest hotels in the South describing his house in the most glowing terms. He adds that our patrons would be delighted to know of this house. Probably they would but the letter is an advertisement, pure and simple, and we failed to see any coin accompanying it, or any postscript, etc., stating that the "stuff" would follow. Now, we want to state for the benefit of this party that we also run a hotel, on a small scale, 'tis true - ourself being the only guest - but quite large enough to keep us hustling. We also run this paper, the money derived from the publication of which, goes, for the most part, to the maintenance of our hotel. In other words, we print advertisements for money. Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.
Letter From Rev. H. Armstrong.
The Gazette was pleased to receive the following letter from Rev. H. Armstrong, who is well and favorably known by the people of Lafayette, where he has many friends who will be glad to hear from him. We do not know if the letter was intended for publication, but feeling confident that it will be read with pleasure and interest by a number of our readers we take the liberty to publish it :
Dear Gazette - As I am now stationed in Franklin, and as you were a regular and welcome visitor to my humble home in Lafayette during the past year, I take this method of returning thanks for the favor.
This is a nice town, and there are evidences on every hand of wealth, refinement and prosperity. Notwithstanding His Excellency Governor Foster, and the Hon. Don Caffery, our United States Senator, have left us for a time, at least, the town still lives and grows. Boats, large and small ply the Teche, and the elegant saw mills seem to be in a race with each other, and the sugar refineries equal to any in the world, are adjacent to the town, and are literally sweetening the town and country in every direction. Enterprise and push seem to characterize our people. There is only one obstacle in the way that I can see, to great prosperity, and that is the want of good schools for everybody. This prevents immigration here; it prevents it in Lafayette, and it will prevent it everywhere. Hope The Gazette will take a bold and uncompromising stand for the right. It will pay in the end. Advocate temperance and advocate the immigration of American people among you. Fight along these lines, and victory will perch upon your banner. Long live The Gazette.
Very cordially,
Jan. 3, 1893.
Lafayette Gazette 1/6/1894.
Police Jury.
Lafayette, La., Jan. 2, 1905.
To the Hon. members of the City Council, Lafayette, La.
DEAR SIRS. - Kindly grant me permission to raise the roof of the building adjoining my store st least four (unreadable words) more substantial and serviceable. If permission is granted I shall use galvanized iron which will reduce the danger of fire.
Yours respectfully,
Moved and seconded that this Council grants the permission to Mrs. W. Tanner under conditions as above stated. Carried.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
Work on the Doucet brick building corner Lincoln avenue and Garfield alley is progressing fast. Laf. Adv. 1/11/1905.
The High School.
The High School this year has a larger enrollment from the country than ever before. The total enrollment is 105. Of this number 42 are from the country, some from Pilette, some from near Scott, and others from various parts of the parish. This shows clearly that the High School is not and has not been only a town school; but that its benefits are being received in large degree by the people of the this parish, and proves the wisdom and forethought of the school board in establishing and maintaining a central school of high class for the benefit of the whole parish. Lafayette Advertiser 1/11/1902.
No person can now come to this town and not impressed with its natural beauties and exhibitions of taste on every hand. We are a thriving community.
Laf. Adv. 1/11/1890.
The merchants and all business men of Lafayette are very much interested in having good roads. During the closing season unusual activity was noticeable in the streets of the town, and we are sure that the business done by the merchants has been larger than ever before. This increase in the local commerce has been due, in a great measure, to the large quantity of cotton hauled here to be ginned and sold. Fortunately the roads were in good condition and farmers living many miles and were enabled to come here and secure the advantageous terms of the local gins and cotton-buyers. Without good roads a large portion of the cotton which found its way here would have been deprived of its just share of trade. The importance of improved highways can not be overestimated and it seems to us that the businessmen of Lafayette should do all in their power to have good roads for the next cotton season. How would it do to revive the Good Roads League? Lafayette Gazette 2/2/1901.
The merchants and all business men of Lafayette are very much interested in having good roads. During the closing season unusual activity was noticeable in the streets of the town, and we are sure that the business done by the merchants has been larger than ever before. This increase in the local commerce has been due, in a great measure, to the large quantity of cotton hauled here to be ginned and sold. Fortunately the roads were in good condition and farmers living many miles and were enabled to come here and secure the advantageous terms of the local gins and cotton-buyers. Without good roads a large portion of the cotton which found its way here would have been deprived of its just share of trade. The importance of improved highways can not be overestimated and it seems to us that the businessmen of Lafayette should do all in their power to have good roads for the next cotton season. How would it do to revive the Good Roads League? Lafayette Gazette 2/2/1901.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
JAN. 1
New Year 1909
JAN 2.
1907 Street Fair
JAN. 3
1906 Teachers Deserve Pension
JAN. 4
No Post
JAN 5.
Farming With Dynamite
JAN 6.
Chelsea 7750
JAN. 7.
1913 Parcel Post
JAN. 8
1898 M E Dedication
JAN 9.
1914 Broom Company
Edison Talking Pictures
JAN. 10
1911 Census Report
JAN. 11
1910 - 10 Years of SLI
JAN. 12
1912 Welcome Town of Maurice.
JAN. 13
1914 Daughters of Confederacy Organize.
JAN. 14
Cross Country Drive
JAN. 15.
1909 High Insurance Rates
JAN. 16
1869 The Coming Railroad
JAN. 17
Evangeline Circle
JAN. 18
No Post
JAN. 19
1912 Gift for Library.
JAN. 20
1914: U. D. C. Chapter Formed
JAN. 21
1882 A Synagogue In Laf.
JAN. 22
1909 - S. P. Buys Land West of Lafayette.
JAN 23.
Mail Boxes at Depot
JAN 24.
1906 Jefferson Posts Notices
p. 4
JAN. 25
1910 - The January Comet
p. 1
JAN 26
1909 Fruit Peddlers Arrested
p. 4
JAN 27
No Post
JAN 28
1910 Blenk Teurlings Cathedral
JAN. 29
Lafayette Wholesale Grovery
JAN 30
Majestic Theater
1907 Mardi Gras
JAN 31
1913: S. P. Adds to Shop
FEB, 1
FEB. 2
1909: Telephones for the Farm
FEB. 3
1900 A Public Library
FEB. 4
JAN. 1
New Year 1909
JAN 2.
1907 Street Fair
JAN. 3
1906 Teachers Deserve Pension
JAN. 4
No Post
JAN 5.
Farming With Dynamite
JAN 6.
Chelsea 7750
JAN. 7.
1913 Parcel Post
JAN. 8
1898 M E Dedication
JAN 9.
1914 Broom Company
Edison Talking Pictures
JAN. 10
1911 Census Report
JAN. 11
1910 - 10 Years of SLI
JAN. 12
1912 Welcome Town of Maurice.
JAN. 13
1914 Daughters of Confederacy Organize.
JAN. 14
Cross Country Drive
JAN. 15.
1909 High Insurance Rates
JAN. 16
1869 The Coming Railroad
JAN. 17
Evangeline Circle
JAN. 18
No Post
JAN. 19
1912 Gift for Library.
JAN. 20
1914: U. D. C. Chapter Formed
JAN. 21
1882 A Synagogue In Laf.
JAN. 22
1909 - S. P. Buys Land West of Lafayette.
JAN 23.
Mail Boxes at Depot
JAN 24.
1906 Jefferson Posts Notices
p. 4
JAN. 25
1910 - The January Comet
p. 1
JAN 26
1909 Fruit Peddlers Arrested
p. 4
JAN 27
No Post
JAN 28
1910 Blenk Teurlings Cathedral
JAN. 29
Lafayette Wholesale Grovery
JAN 30
Majestic Theater
1907 Mardi Gras
JAN 31
1913: S. P. Adds to Shop
FEB, 1
FEB. 2
1909: Telephones for the Farm
FEB. 3
1900 A Public Library
FEB. 4
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
From the Lafayette Gazette of December 31st, 1898:
High License or Low License?
Some time ago the City Council passed an ordinance fixing the liquor license at $1,000. Previous to that the Police Jury had fixed the parish license at the same figure. One thousand dollars for the town and parish was decided upon by both bodies as just and proper. The advocates of a high license approved the action of the parochial and municipal authorities and some good results were hoped for by those who believe that the liquor traffic ought to be regulated as much as it is possible to regulate it.
The Police Jury, however, weakened and at the request of several numerously signed petitions ordered that an election be held to obtain the sense of the voters of the parish on the question of high or low license. The election was held and a large majority of the voters expressed their preference for a low license. The Police Jury will now place the parish license at $200, the amount decided upon.
The question then arose: "Will the Council retain the $1,000 license notwithstanding the change in the parish?"
A special meeting of the Council, called for the purpose of settling the matter, was held Tuesday evening. Upon a motion to fix the license at $200, the same as the parish, the vote stood as follows: Ayes - Jno. Hahn, G. A. Martin, A. E. Mouton, J. A. Landry.
Nays - Thos. B. Hopkins, J. J. Davidson.
Mayor Caffery vetoed the resolution. Under the charter it requires a two-third vote to pass an ordinance over the mayor's veto, and the question that arises is: Does it require two-thirds of the whole Council to kill the veto, or does it require two-thirds of its members voting. As the charter is not clear on this point it is impossible to say. Had Mr. Bru been present and voted aye and had the resolution been passed over the veto it would have settled the matter beyond doubt, but some time ago Mr. Bru sent his resignation to the Council and does not attend the meetings of that body. It seems, however, that he is still a member, as his resignation has not yet been accepted and an effort will be made to have him attend the regular meeting next Monday when it is hoped some definite settlement will be effected. As it is we have neither high nor low license, a condition which can be productive of nothing but confusion.
We understand that the saloon keepers have entered into an agreement not to take out any licenses and consequently Monday we will have an eminently dry town. How long it will remain dry we don't know.
The Gazette has already expressed its views on this subject and it is useless to repeat them. We believe that a high license for the town and a low license for the parish can not fail to be injurious to the commerce of the town without a possibility of accomplishing any good. The Gazette hopes that Mr. Bru will attend the next meeting and that the matter will be satisfactorily settled.
Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Coming to Falk's. - The lovers of good music will be pleased to learn that the Schubert Symphony Club will give one of its delightful entertainments in Falk's Opera-house on the 20th of January. The press everywhere speaks in eulogistic terms of this splendid company of artists. The Post classes it among the best that have visited Houston this season. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
To the editor of The Gazette.
A few individuals of this town pretended to be indignant at the fact that Lieut. Moss commanded colored soldiers. These immaculate individuals consider themselves above contamination by any sort of contact with negroes. They don't seem to know that there is less contact between the officer and soldier in the regular army, than there is between the farmer and his laborers, the doctor and his patient, the lawyer and his client, or the merchant and his customers. They are ignorant of the fact that the officers of the regular army, who know the qualities of the negro soldier, prefer top serve in a colored regiment than in some of the white regiments. Indeed, the ideas of these pretentious critics are founded entirely on ignorance and prejudice.
Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Accident at Refinery. - A Malay employed in The Lafayette Sugar Refinery had his right arm caught in the machinery last Thursday morning. The man was attended by Drs. J. F. Mouton and A. R. Trahan. who dressed his wound. It is believed that the amputation of the arm will be necessary. Laf. Gazette 12/31/1898.
The Cosmopolitan Club. - The "Cosmopolitan Club" is the name of a new organization in Lafayette. It was organized a few days ago with a large membership and the following officers: John Greig, president; Paul Castel, vice-president; Charles Debaillon, secretary; Jerome Mouton, treasurer. The new club has secured the studio building on the court-house square for its headquarters.
Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Back from "San Antone" - Mr. F. E. Davis, of San Antonio, Texas, arrived in Lafayette last Tuesday, and will reside here permanently. He has connected himself with the Moss Pharmacy and will devote his energy toward the further development of that model place of business. Mr. Davis made a large number of friends during a former residency of several months in Lafayette, and these will be glad to learn of his return into our midst. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
At Dr. Girard's.
During the past week the following visitors were entertained at the home of Dr. F. E. Girard; Miss Came Allen, of New Orleans; Miss May Knickerbocker, of Crowley; Miss Pearl Harmanson, of Opelousas; George Hayman, of New Orleans; Henry Irion, of Eola; John Lewis, of Opelousas. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Sheriff Broussard's Recent Capture.
[From the New Orleans Picayune.]
Sheriff Ike A. Broussard, the custodian of the law in Lafayette parish, and one of the best known sheriffs in the country, is a guest of the Commercial Hotel. The sheriff came on down to the city after having delivered up his prisoner, Willie Foreman, who was captured the other day, after one of the most exciting chases in the history of any criminal in the State, to the gang of workmen below Lockport near Lafourche.
Sheriff Broussard's capture of Foreman is attracting attention all over the country. The story of how he hid away in cotton houses for days and nights, and then lay unbder a building on the wet ground for an indefinite period, makes one of the most remarkable narratives in the criminal annals of the state, all of which was told in the Picayune a few mornings ago. Mr. Broussard is suffering from a severe cold contracted while under the building at Gueydan. The reason Mr. Broussard pursued this method of capturing his man was in order to take him alive. He did not wish to kill him, and, therefore, it was necessary to make the capture when Foreman was off his guard, for he always declared that no sheriff could return him to bondage alive. If they wished to take him dead, all right, but they would never land him the penitentiary alive. Sheriff Ike Broussard did not say much, but he started in to capture Foreman, and the result is well known all over the State.
Foreman was serving in the penitentiary when he escaped and returned to his home out in Lafayette parish and defied arrest. He said no one could take him. He was sentenced for nineteen years for the murder of Gustave Bertrand, a well-to-do merchant of Duson station, a little point twelve miles west of Lafayette on the Southern Pacific. Sheriff Broussard returned him into the keeping of Captain D. B. Row, who has a gang of convicts at work six miles below Lockport.
Sheriff Broussard was asked what he thought of the conditions up in Tangipahoa, where a good many people have expressed the wish that this nervy, slouch hat, keen-eyed man of Lafayette could be for a few years, and he replied:
"If I were up in Tangipahoa, I would either quiet them down, or else I would make it a hot time for sure -- one of those two things. That is my idea of settling the difficulties up there. I would use peace measure first, and if they failed, then they would get a taste of their own medicine, and it would be administered in good big doses."
Mr. Broussard will be in the city for a day or two yet. He is enjoying the races and theatres, and thinks he deserves a little respite, on which point everyone agrees with him.
From the New Orleans Picayune and in the Lafayette Gazette of 12/31/1898.
Notice to Tax-payers.
Tax-payers who have not yet settled for their taxes are urged to do so at once in order to avoid costs. Under the new law the notices issued through the mail have to be registered which entails an additional cost of 25 cents instead of 10 cents as heretofore. After the 31st of December all who have not paid will become delinquent. I. A. Broussard, Tax-Collector. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
One Honest Man.
In this material age there are many persons who would improve on old Diogonese, and instead looking with a lantern is search of an honest man, they would start out armed with an arc light if they were asked to find a fellow with an honest conscience. That, however, would be a waste of time for there lives near Carencro a young farmer, named Hazard Prejean, who is honest enough to suit the most cynical followers of the morose philosopher.
On Tuesday of last week Adam Domingue, a thrifty farmer, lost on the road leading to Carencro a pocket-book containing $250 in greenbacks. Hazard Prejean who happened to travel over the same road, found the pocket-book. He went home, counted the money and after talking over the matter with his wife decided that it would be wise to wait until the loser would make known his loss before speaking to anyone of what he had found. In this way, they thought, the owner be discovered. On the following Sunday Father Laforest announce from the pulpit of St. Peter's Catholic church that Mr. Domingue had lost $250 on the public road and advised the finder to return the money to its owner. Mr. Prejean was now sure that there was no chance of making a mistake and he has lost no time in finding Mr. Domingue to whom he gave the pocket-book with its precious contents. Mr. Domingue very generously rewarded Mr. Prejean with a gift of $25.
Mr. Prejean raises 4-cent cotton for a living and naturally $250 was a pretty big sum for him, but being a conscientious man he did not hesitate to do the right thing and he deserves credit of it.
Pope has truly said "an honest man's the noblest work of God." Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/31/1898.
Miss Marie Mouton arrived last Saturday from the Grand Coteau convent to spend the holidays at home.
A number of young men with Louis Lacoste in the lead are making the preparations to give a dance to-night at Lacoste's hall.
Louis and Thomas Debaillon and Lee Delahoussaye, who are attending Jefferson College, are spending the holidays at home.
Prof. W. A. LeRosen left last Monday to attend the convention of educators being held in New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clegg, Jr., of Louisville, Ly., are visiting relatives in Lafayette.
Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Greig spent several days this week visiting relatives in New Orleans. While in the city they attended sessions of the Convention of Education.
E. H. Vordenbaumen, formerly a resident of Lafayette, but now a leading hardware merchant of Shreveport, was in Lafayette this week.
The Gazette returns thanks to Leopold Lacoste for a very neat calendar for 1899.
The Star of Hope Temperance Society gave a very enjoyable party in Deffez's Hall Thursday night.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davis were pleased to welcome them to Lafayette this week. The Gazette is glad to state that Mr. and Mrs. Davis will reside here permanently.
Judge Julian Mouton is having a neat dwelling-house built on the vacant lot near Mr. Lusted's property. Levy Ames is doing the building and C. E. Carey the painting. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 31st, 1909:
Dr. George W. Scranton, aged 60 years, 2 months and 23 days, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. R. O. Young, in the town of Youngsville, Wednesday morning, December 29, at five o'clock. Deceased was a son of Dr. G. W. Scranton, a well known physician of Lafayette parish and lived
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 31st, 1870.
A traveler in Nevada tells a story of a family which consisted of the husband, his wife and two grown sons. The old lady was the only of the family who did not take a little of the "O, be Joyful." Sitting by the fire a few minutes, the old man tipped a wink, and the visitor followed him out. Stopping by a shed, he pulled out a long necked bottle, remarking : "I have to keep this hid, for the boys might get to drinking, and the old woman would raise the devil." They took a drink and returned to the fireside. Soon Tom, the eldest son, asked the visitor to see the horses, and taking him behind the barn pulled out a flask, saying : "I have to keep this hid, for the old man will get drunk, and then the devil is to pay," and they both took a drink and returned. Soon Bob stepped on the visitor's toe and walked off, the visitor following, As they reached the pig-pen. Bob drew out a good sized bottle, remarking ; "You know the old man and Tom will get drunk, and I have to hide this."
Our friend concluded he could not stand it to drink confidentially against the whole family, and started back to Gold Hill. Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Advertiser 12/31/1870.
As by a mourner's sigh— -and on yon cloud,
That floats so still and placidly through heaven,
The Spirits of the Seasons seem to stand,
Young Spring, bright Summer, Autumn's solemn form,
And Winter with his aged locks, and breathe.
In mournful cadences that come abroad
Like the far wind-harp's wild and touching wail,
A melancholy dirge o'er the dead year
Gone from the Earth for ever.
'Tis a time
For memory and for tears. Within the deep
Still chambers of the heart, a spectre dim.
Whose tones are like the wizard voice of Time
Heard from the tomb of Ages, points its cold
And solemn finger to the beautiful
And holy visions, that have passed away
And left no shadow of their loveliness
On the dead waste of life. That spectre lifts
The coffin-lid of Hope, and Joy, and Love,
And, bending mournfully above the pale
Sweet forms that slumber there, scatters dead flowers
O'er what has passed to nothingness. The year
Has gone, and, with it, many a glorious throng
Of happy dreams. Its mark is on each brow,
Its shadow in each heart. In its swift course,
It waved its sceptre o'er the beautiful —
And the are not It laid its pallid hand
Upon the strong man — and tho haughty form
Is fallen, and the flashing eye is dim.
It trod the hall of revelry, where thronged
The bright and joyous — and the tearful wail
Of stricken ones is heard where erst the song
And reckless shout resounded. It passed o'er
The battle-plain, where sword and spear and shield
Flashed in the light of mid-day — and the strength
Of serried hosts is shivered, and the grass,
Green from the soil of carnage, waves above
The crushed and moldering skeleton. It came
And faded like a wreath of mist at eve ;
Yet, ere it melted in the viewless air,
It heralded its millions to their home
In the dim land of dreams.
Remorseless Time —
Fierce Spirit of the Glass and Scythe— what power
Can stay him in his silent course, or melt
His iron heart to pity ! On, still on.
He presses, and for ever. The proud bird,
The condor of the Andes, that can soar
Through heaven's unfathomable depths, or brave
The fury of the northern hurricane.
And bathe his plumage in the thunder's home.
Furls his broad wings at nightfall, and sinks down
To rest upon his mountain crag — ^but Time
Knows not the weight of sleep or weariness,
And Night's deep darkness has no chain to bind
His rushing pinion. Revolutions sweep
O'er Earth, like troubled visions o'er the breast
Of dreaming sorrow — Cities rise and sink
Like bubbles on the water — Fiery isles
Spring blazing from the Ocean, and go back
To their mysterious caverns — Mountains rear
To heaven their bald and blackened cliffs, and bow
Their tall heads to the plain — New Empires rise,
Gathering the strength of hoary centuries,
And rush down like the Alpine avalanche.
Startling the nations — And the very stars.
Yon bright and burning blazonry of God,
Glitter a while in their eternal depths.
And, like the Pleiad, loveliest of their train.
Shoot from their glorious spheres and pass away
To darkle in the trackless void — ^Yet Time,
Time the Tomb-builder, holds his fierce career.
Dark, stern, all-pitiless, and pauses not
Amid the mighty wrecks that strew his path,
To sit and muse, like other conquerors.
Upon the fearful ruin he has wrought.
Printed in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/31/1870.
High License or Low License?
Some time ago the City Council passed an ordinance fixing the liquor license at $1,000. Previous to that the Police Jury had fixed the parish license at the same figure. One thousand dollars for the town and parish was decided upon by both bodies as just and proper. The advocates of a high license approved the action of the parochial and municipal authorities and some good results were hoped for by those who believe that the liquor traffic ought to be regulated as much as it is possible to regulate it.
The Police Jury, however, weakened and at the request of several numerously signed petitions ordered that an election be held to obtain the sense of the voters of the parish on the question of high or low license. The election was held and a large majority of the voters expressed their preference for a low license. The Police Jury will now place the parish license at $200, the amount decided upon.
The question then arose: "Will the Council retain the $1,000 license notwithstanding the change in the parish?"
A special meeting of the Council, called for the purpose of settling the matter, was held Tuesday evening. Upon a motion to fix the license at $200, the same as the parish, the vote stood as follows: Ayes - Jno. Hahn, G. A. Martin, A. E. Mouton, J. A. Landry.
Nays - Thos. B. Hopkins, J. J. Davidson.
Mayor Caffery vetoed the resolution. Under the charter it requires a two-third vote to pass an ordinance over the mayor's veto, and the question that arises is: Does it require two-thirds of the whole Council to kill the veto, or does it require two-thirds of its members voting. As the charter is not clear on this point it is impossible to say. Had Mr. Bru been present and voted aye and had the resolution been passed over the veto it would have settled the matter beyond doubt, but some time ago Mr. Bru sent his resignation to the Council and does not attend the meetings of that body. It seems, however, that he is still a member, as his resignation has not yet been accepted and an effort will be made to have him attend the regular meeting next Monday when it is hoped some definite settlement will be effected. As it is we have neither high nor low license, a condition which can be productive of nothing but confusion.
We understand that the saloon keepers have entered into an agreement not to take out any licenses and consequently Monday we will have an eminently dry town. How long it will remain dry we don't know.
The Gazette has already expressed its views on this subject and it is useless to repeat them. We believe that a high license for the town and a low license for the parish can not fail to be injurious to the commerce of the town without a possibility of accomplishing any good. The Gazette hopes that Mr. Bru will attend the next meeting and that the matter will be satisfactorily settled.
Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Coming to Falk's. - The lovers of good music will be pleased to learn that the Schubert Symphony Club will give one of its delightful entertainments in Falk's Opera-house on the 20th of January. The press everywhere speaks in eulogistic terms of this splendid company of artists. The Post classes it among the best that have visited Houston this season. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
To the editor of The Gazette.
A few individuals of this town pretended to be indignant at the fact that Lieut. Moss commanded colored soldiers. These immaculate individuals consider themselves above contamination by any sort of contact with negroes. They don't seem to know that there is less contact between the officer and soldier in the regular army, than there is between the farmer and his laborers, the doctor and his patient, the lawyer and his client, or the merchant and his customers. They are ignorant of the fact that the officers of the regular army, who know the qualities of the negro soldier, prefer top serve in a colored regiment than in some of the white regiments. Indeed, the ideas of these pretentious critics are founded entirely on ignorance and prejudice.
Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Accident at Refinery. - A Malay employed in The Lafayette Sugar Refinery had his right arm caught in the machinery last Thursday morning. The man was attended by Drs. J. F. Mouton and A. R. Trahan. who dressed his wound. It is believed that the amputation of the arm will be necessary. Laf. Gazette 12/31/1898.
The Cosmopolitan Club. - The "Cosmopolitan Club" is the name of a new organization in Lafayette. It was organized a few days ago with a large membership and the following officers: John Greig, president; Paul Castel, vice-president; Charles Debaillon, secretary; Jerome Mouton, treasurer. The new club has secured the studio building on the court-house square for its headquarters.
Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Back from "San Antone" - Mr. F. E. Davis, of San Antonio, Texas, arrived in Lafayette last Tuesday, and will reside here permanently. He has connected himself with the Moss Pharmacy and will devote his energy toward the further development of that model place of business. Mr. Davis made a large number of friends during a former residency of several months in Lafayette, and these will be glad to learn of his return into our midst. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
At Dr. Girard's.
During the past week the following visitors were entertained at the home of Dr. F. E. Girard; Miss Came Allen, of New Orleans; Miss May Knickerbocker, of Crowley; Miss Pearl Harmanson, of Opelousas; George Hayman, of New Orleans; Henry Irion, of Eola; John Lewis, of Opelousas. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Sheriff Broussard's Recent Capture.
[From the New Orleans Picayune.]
Sheriff Ike A. Broussard, the custodian of the law in Lafayette parish, and one of the best known sheriffs in the country, is a guest of the Commercial Hotel. The sheriff came on down to the city after having delivered up his prisoner, Willie Foreman, who was captured the other day, after one of the most exciting chases in the history of any criminal in the State, to the gang of workmen below Lockport near Lafourche.
Sheriff Broussard's capture of Foreman is attracting attention all over the country. The story of how he hid away in cotton houses for days and nights, and then lay unbder a building on the wet ground for an indefinite period, makes one of the most remarkable narratives in the criminal annals of the state, all of which was told in the Picayune a few mornings ago. Mr. Broussard is suffering from a severe cold contracted while under the building at Gueydan. The reason Mr. Broussard pursued this method of capturing his man was in order to take him alive. He did not wish to kill him, and, therefore, it was necessary to make the capture when Foreman was off his guard, for he always declared that no sheriff could return him to bondage alive. If they wished to take him dead, all right, but they would never land him the penitentiary alive. Sheriff Ike Broussard did not say much, but he started in to capture Foreman, and the result is well known all over the State.
Foreman was serving in the penitentiary when he escaped and returned to his home out in Lafayette parish and defied arrest. He said no one could take him. He was sentenced for nineteen years for the murder of Gustave Bertrand, a well-to-do merchant of Duson station, a little point twelve miles west of Lafayette on the Southern Pacific. Sheriff Broussard returned him into the keeping of Captain D. B. Row, who has a gang of convicts at work six miles below Lockport.
Sheriff Broussard was asked what he thought of the conditions up in Tangipahoa, where a good many people have expressed the wish that this nervy, slouch hat, keen-eyed man of Lafayette could be for a few years, and he replied:
"If I were up in Tangipahoa, I would either quiet them down, or else I would make it a hot time for sure -- one of those two things. That is my idea of settling the difficulties up there. I would use peace measure first, and if they failed, then they would get a taste of their own medicine, and it would be administered in good big doses."
Mr. Broussard will be in the city for a day or two yet. He is enjoying the races and theatres, and thinks he deserves a little respite, on which point everyone agrees with him.
From the New Orleans Picayune and in the Lafayette Gazette of 12/31/1898.
Notice to Tax-payers.
Tax-payers who have not yet settled for their taxes are urged to do so at once in order to avoid costs. Under the new law the notices issued through the mail have to be registered which entails an additional cost of 25 cents instead of 10 cents as heretofore. After the 31st of December all who have not paid will become delinquent. I. A. Broussard, Tax-Collector. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
One Honest Man.
In this material age there are many persons who would improve on old Diogonese, and instead looking with a lantern is search of an honest man, they would start out armed with an arc light if they were asked to find a fellow with an honest conscience. That, however, would be a waste of time for there lives near Carencro a young farmer, named Hazard Prejean, who is honest enough to suit the most cynical followers of the morose philosopher.
On Tuesday of last week Adam Domingue, a thrifty farmer, lost on the road leading to Carencro a pocket-book containing $250 in greenbacks. Hazard Prejean who happened to travel over the same road, found the pocket-book. He went home, counted the money and after talking over the matter with his wife decided that it would be wise to wait until the loser would make known his loss before speaking to anyone of what he had found. In this way, they thought, the owner be discovered. On the following Sunday Father Laforest announce from the pulpit of St. Peter's Catholic church that Mr. Domingue had lost $250 on the public road and advised the finder to return the money to its owner. Mr. Prejean was now sure that there was no chance of making a mistake and he has lost no time in finding Mr. Domingue to whom he gave the pocket-book with its precious contents. Mr. Domingue very generously rewarded Mr. Prejean with a gift of $25.
Mr. Prejean raises 4-cent cotton for a living and naturally $250 was a pretty big sum for him, but being a conscientious man he did not hesitate to do the right thing and he deserves credit of it.
Pope has truly said "an honest man's the noblest work of God." Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/31/1898.
Miss Marie Mouton arrived last Saturday from the Grand Coteau convent to spend the holidays at home.
A number of young men with Louis Lacoste in the lead are making the preparations to give a dance to-night at Lacoste's hall.
Louis and Thomas Debaillon and Lee Delahoussaye, who are attending Jefferson College, are spending the holidays at home.
Prof. W. A. LeRosen left last Monday to attend the convention of educators being held in New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clegg, Jr., of Louisville, Ly., are visiting relatives in Lafayette.
Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Greig spent several days this week visiting relatives in New Orleans. While in the city they attended sessions of the Convention of Education.
E. H. Vordenbaumen, formerly a resident of Lafayette, but now a leading hardware merchant of Shreveport, was in Lafayette this week.
The Gazette returns thanks to Leopold Lacoste for a very neat calendar for 1899.
The Star of Hope Temperance Society gave a very enjoyable party in Deffez's Hall Thursday night.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davis were pleased to welcome them to Lafayette this week. The Gazette is glad to state that Mr. and Mrs. Davis will reside here permanently.
Judge Julian Mouton is having a neat dwelling-house built on the vacant lot near Mr. Lusted's property. Levy Ames is doing the building and C. E. Carey the painting. Lafayette Gazette 12/31/1898.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 31st, 1909:
Dr. George W. Scranton, aged 60 years, 2 months and 23 days, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. R. O. Young, in the town of Youngsville, Wednesday morning, December 29, at five o'clock. Deceased was a son of Dr. G. W. Scranton, a well known physician of Lafayette parish and lived
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 31st, 1870.
A traveler in Nevada tells a story of a family which consisted of the husband, his wife and two grown sons. The old lady was the only of the family who did not take a little of the "O, be Joyful." Sitting by the fire a few minutes, the old man tipped a wink, and the visitor followed him out. Stopping by a shed, he pulled out a long necked bottle, remarking : "I have to keep this hid, for the boys might get to drinking, and the old woman would raise the devil." They took a drink and returned to the fireside. Soon Tom, the eldest son, asked the visitor to see the horses, and taking him behind the barn pulled out a flask, saying : "I have to keep this hid, for the old man will get drunk, and then the devil is to pay," and they both took a drink and returned. Soon Bob stepped on the visitor's toe and walked off, the visitor following, As they reached the pig-pen. Bob drew out a good sized bottle, remarking ; "You know the old man and Tom will get drunk, and I have to hide this."
Our friend concluded he could not stand it to drink confidentially against the whole family, and started back to Gold Hill. Original source unknown. In the Lafayette Advertiser 12/31/1870.
As by a mourner's sigh— -and on yon cloud,
That floats so still and placidly through heaven,
The Spirits of the Seasons seem to stand,
Young Spring, bright Summer, Autumn's solemn form,
And Winter with his aged locks, and breathe.
In mournful cadences that come abroad
Like the far wind-harp's wild and touching wail,
A melancholy dirge o'er the dead year
Gone from the Earth for ever.
'Tis a time
For memory and for tears. Within the deep
Still chambers of the heart, a spectre dim.
Whose tones are like the wizard voice of Time
Heard from the tomb of Ages, points its cold
And solemn finger to the beautiful
And holy visions, that have passed away
And left no shadow of their loveliness
On the dead waste of life. That spectre lifts
The coffin-lid of Hope, and Joy, and Love,
And, bending mournfully above the pale
Sweet forms that slumber there, scatters dead flowers
O'er what has passed to nothingness. The year
Has gone, and, with it, many a glorious throng
Of happy dreams. Its mark is on each brow,
Its shadow in each heart. In its swift course,
It waved its sceptre o'er the beautiful —
And the are not It laid its pallid hand
Upon the strong man — and tho haughty form
Is fallen, and the flashing eye is dim.
It trod the hall of revelry, where thronged
The bright and joyous — and the tearful wail
Of stricken ones is heard where erst the song
And reckless shout resounded. It passed o'er
The battle-plain, where sword and spear and shield
Flashed in the light of mid-day — and the strength
Of serried hosts is shivered, and the grass,
Green from the soil of carnage, waves above
The crushed and moldering skeleton. It came
And faded like a wreath of mist at eve ;
Yet, ere it melted in the viewless air,
It heralded its millions to their home
In the dim land of dreams.
Remorseless Time —
Fierce Spirit of the Glass and Scythe— what power
Can stay him in his silent course, or melt
His iron heart to pity ! On, still on.
He presses, and for ever. The proud bird,
The condor of the Andes, that can soar
Through heaven's unfathomable depths, or brave
The fury of the northern hurricane.
And bathe his plumage in the thunder's home.
Furls his broad wings at nightfall, and sinks down
To rest upon his mountain crag — ^but Time
Knows not the weight of sleep or weariness,
And Night's deep darkness has no chain to bind
His rushing pinion. Revolutions sweep
O'er Earth, like troubled visions o'er the breast
Of dreaming sorrow — Cities rise and sink
Like bubbles on the water — Fiery isles
Spring blazing from the Ocean, and go back
To their mysterious caverns — Mountains rear
To heaven their bald and blackened cliffs, and bow
Their tall heads to the plain — New Empires rise,
Gathering the strength of hoary centuries,
And rush down like the Alpine avalanche.
Startling the nations — And the very stars.
Yon bright and burning blazonry of God,
Glitter a while in their eternal depths.
And, like the Pleiad, loveliest of their train.
Shoot from their glorious spheres and pass away
To darkle in the trackless void — ^Yet Time,
Time the Tomb-builder, holds his fierce career.
Dark, stern, all-pitiless, and pauses not
Amid the mighty wrecks that strew his path,
To sit and muse, like other conquerors.
Upon the fearful ruin he has wrought.
Printed in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/31/1870.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 30th, 1903:
Disastrous Blaze in Business Portion of Town - T. J. Toler and the Signal Printing Company the Heaviest Losers - Telephone Exchange Burned - Rayne and Jennings Render Valuable Assistance.
{Special to the N. O. Times-Democrat.
Crowley, La., Dec. 27. - Shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon a fire broke out in the Acadia bakery, broke out in Acadia bakery, on Second street, between Parkerson avenue and Avenue F. which resulted in a loss of approximately $50,000. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is is supposed to have caught from the oven in the bakery.
The flames spread rapidly from the bakery to the other building. The large photograph studio of Barnet Bros., and the T. J. Toler brick block were completely wrecked. The Crowley Signal building, adjoining the Toler block, was damaged to a great extent, together with other buildings and property in the immediate vicinity.
The fire department was prompt in responding to the alarm, but before water could be secured the Barnet building, a two-story frame structure, was one mass of roaring flames. It was seen that it would only be a waste of time to attempt to save the building, as the Toler store-room on Second street was rapidly becoming ignited. The interior of this building soon became a mass of flames, when spread to the main block on Parkerson avenue. This building was occupied on the first floor by the First National Bank, T. J. Toler's hardware store and the Duson Insurance Agency. The second story was occupied by the Cumberland telephone exchange, the editorial office of the Rice Journal and Gulf Coast Farmer, Story & Pugh's law office, January's real estate office, and Dr. Patterson's office. The second story of this building, as well as the rear of the first story, was complete loss.
It was thought it would be impossible to save the building occupied by the Signal Printing Company, owned by L. S. Scott, but the relief afforded the local fire department by the arrival of the departments from Jennings and Rayne helped to check the spread of the flames.
The stocks of Toler's hardware store and the Signal stationary store were moved into the street. Most of the office furniture in the second story of the Toler building was a complete loss.
The fire was witnessed by over 3,000 persons, many coming here from neighboring towns, as the report was circulated that the entire town was on fire, and two special trains were run, one from Rayne and one from Jennings.
The losses can not be estimated correctly at this time (6 o'clock), as the fire is still burning, though under control.
T. J. Toler will be the heaviest loser, the Signal Printing Company and Barnet Bros. coming next.
The loss of the property of the Cumberland Telephone Company was complete.
It is stated that the loss, as a whole, is about covered by insurance. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Would Be a Good Resolution.
Friday will mark the birth of a new year, and as this is the season for making resolutions, let us all resolve to do just a little more for the welfare and advancement of Lafayette than we have in the past. Some of us unfortunately have allowed our own affairs to occupy our minds to such an extent that we have not found time to think and plan for the general good. With the new year let us set apart some of our thoughts for the betterment of our home town, and out of many minds some tangible working idea will be evolved that can be developed greatly to the advantage of all. And in order to give permanence and effect to such a resolution, let us form an association of those so resolving with stated times and periods for exchanging and discussing ideas, that the most promising may be selected and receive the solid support of a responsible body. Individuals may do much; but in matters affecting the rebuilding of a town, a definite association is necessary through which plans may be executed, such an association may be a board of trade, business men's association, or progressive league; but by whatever name it is called, it must represent the forward movement of the community.
As a new year resolution, let us form a progressive league, and keep it up. Such a league will have to be active, thoughtful and vigorous to amount to anything, and above all be patient, for Rome was not built in a day, neither can we hope to do marvelous things; but hard and persistent work will accomplish results eventually, and that is what we want - results.
Lafayette is ready and waiting for a representative progressive league, the people here have just proved that they believe in their town and are prompt to act when it is shown that it will be a benefit, by the splendid improvements now going on in Jefferson and Pierce streets. The laying down of concrete sidewalks and widening those streets upon the request of the property owners establishes beyond a doubt the wide-awake, public-spirited men who call Lafayette home, and such men are ready for a progressive league, and they will not be found wanting whenever a feasible plan for the upbuilding of the town is presented to them with a request for assistance.
Let us then observe the new year by organizing a progressive league. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
The Advertiser sends New Year greetings to it its many patrons, readers and friends. In a few short hours from the time we go to press a new year will be ushered into existence, and to one and all we hope that it may be a year of joy and gladness. The year 1893 with its record prosperity and happiness, and sorrows and disappointments will soon join the "silent majority." To some communities it was a year of trouble, but to the people of Lafayette parish and of Southwest Louisiana it was a year of plenty and general good fortune. We believe that most of our people who owe, are gradually paying of of debt, and taken as a whole that the balance on the business of the year which is now closing is largely in our favor. We trust that 1894 will deal as kindly towards us. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Christmas 1893.
Christmas has come and gone, leaving in its wake, we have no doubt, for many, some fond recollections. Here in Lafayette the day was celebrated in true American style, and joy prevailed universally. Fire works there were in abundance, and tin horns by the score.
"Smoke there was a tophet, confusion as of babel, and noise as of the crack of doom." The boys evidently had a good time generally as well as the girls. On Christmas eve there there was a lively party of young people armed with noise-producing instruments of diverse patterns who made a sortie upon unsuspecting people with a very fine effect. Santa Claus is said to have done his duty very thoroughly and in consequence all of creation was happy.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
All the Town Public Schools Hold Interesting Exercises.
All of the town schools observed Christmas by having appropriate exercises before closing for the holidays. The little folks at the Masonic Hall School invited their friends around on Tuesday and entertained them nicely with songs, recitations, etc. At the Primary School the exercises were held on Wednesday and afforded a great deal of pleasure to those who were present. At the High School programs were prepared by the upstairs pupils and the downstairs pupils. Misses Christian's and Dickson's rooms united in having a Christmas tree. It was a pretty sight, all loaded with presents for pupils and teachers, and the prettiest sight of all was the cheerfulness, happiness and infectious good spirits prevailing in the room. Below are the two fine programs rendered at the High School:
-----------------p. 8--------------------
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Races. - On Sunday, Jan. 3 and 10. If you like a good race, don't forget these two dates. Watch for the announcement of the big races to come off the latter part of January. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
New Paper. Saturday The Vermilion, a semi-monthly issued by the students of the Industrial school, made its appearance. It is a neat little four page, three column paper, and is well edited. The Advertiser extends a cordial welcome to welcome to The Vermilion and wishes it many years of usefulness. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Hunting Party.
A party consisting of J. A. Deffez, Gus Landry, D. Boutin, and J. Delhomme, of Crowley, spent four days in the marsh near Gueydan shooting ducks. They report plenty of ducks and fine sport, but the pleasure of the hunt was marred by anxiety caused by Mr. Landry's mishap of getting lost. He ventured too far in the marsh and was lost for forty-eight hours. A gentleman, who was thoroughly acquainted with the marsh, found him, and brought him back to camp. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Negro Killed.
Alfred Anderson a negro was killed Christmas night in Bodenheimer's saloon near the depot. The cause of the killing was a dispute over a game of cards, a very small amount, ten cents, being involved. The murderer, who is said to be a black negro and a stranger, escaped and as yet has not been captured. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
We are authorized to announce the name of LOUIS LACOSTE as candidate for the office of sheriff of Lafayette parish, subject to the will of the democratic primaries, Jan. 19, 1904.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
We are authorized to announce the candidacy of ED. G. VOORHIES for re-election to the office of clerk of court of Lafayette parish, subject to the action of the democratic primaries, Jan. 19, 1904.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
We are authorized to announce PAUL L. DECLOUET as a candidate for the office of State Representative of the parish of Lafayette, subject to the action of the democratic primaries of Jan. 19, 1904.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
We are authorized to announce GILBERT J. ST. JULIEN, JR., as a candidate for the office of State Representative of the parish of Lafayette subject to action of the democratic primaries of Lafayette parish, Jan. 19, 1904. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
We are authorized to announce the candidacy of DR. J. F. MOUTON for re-election to the office of Coroner of Lafayette parish subject to the action to the democratic primaries, Jan. 19, 1904.
We are authorized to announce the candidacy of GALBERT BIENVENUE for re-election to the office of justice of the peace of the 3rd ward of Lafayette parish to be subject to the action of the white democratic primaries of Jan. 19, 1904. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
The Work of Moving the Buildings Along Pierce and Jefferson Streets.
The work of moving back the houses on Pierce and Jefferson streets ten feet began on Monday, starting with The Gazette office. The contractor is L. H. Thompson, of Crowley, who has contracted with the City Council to move all the buildings on the part of the street to be widened for $750. Mr. Thompson has provided all necessary for the moving and will push the work as fast as possible. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Worked Houston Attorneys Out of Their Coin. - Had Railroad Damage Suit Which Was a "Sure Winner" - Secured Money with Which to Defray Burial Expenses.
A number of Houston legal lights who a day or two ago who a day or two ago were sure that they had the best cause for damages against a railroad that ever happened, are now keeping a sharp lookout for a coal black negro of the backwoods plantation stripe, says the Houston Post.
The negro buncoed the lawyers out of several dollars in cold cash. He began working his scheme last week. He called on a certain firm of lawyers, and entering the office with hat in hand in the slave-time darky style, after much salaaming, told one of the first that he wanted to bring suit against the Southern Pacific railway for damages. His son, a young man about 20 years of age, he stated, had received injuries over on the line of Texas and New Orleans, from which he had died after being brought to Houston. The death, he stated, had occurred only three hours prior to his visit to the office.
He was asked for information concerning the accident, and went into details as follows: His son was an employe of the company, and was underneath the Pullman car, fixing the air pipe, when the conductor gave the engineer the signal to go ahead. The young man was thrown beneath the wheels and one leg severed close up to the hip, and an arm mangled. He was placed on the train and brought to Houston and died two hours afterward.
The old darky pictured the accident in such a manner that his hearers could almost see the ponderous wheels as they ground the life out of the boy. The company, he stated, had offered to compromise and pay him $500, but he did not think this was enough. The company also offered to pay the funeral expenses, but he did not want to place himself under any obligations to the company. However, he needed $20 to defray the burial expenses. At this point he and the lawyers began striking a trade, and the old darky showed that he was no novice in the making of a deal. He argued for fully whether he should give the attorneys one-third or one-half of the amount received from the company, and finally in an agreement was reached, that in the event the case came to trial, he would give the lawyers half, but in the event a compromise for a certain sum was effected the lawyers were to have only one third. At this stage in the proceedings the question of advancing money to defray the funeral expenses came up. The old darky, just to show his good faith, stated that he had a horse and wagon, and that he would give a chattel mortgage on these for the amount advanced. This was agreed to and a blank mortgage was secured and drawn up. He was so ignorant and illiterate that he could not even sign his name.
At any rate, he got the cash, and with much bowing backed out of the office, promising to return the next day with his wife, when the papers incidental to the bringing of the suit would be signed up. He has not shown up yet - at least not at the office where he made his debut. However, he has made the rounds among a great many of the attorneys of the city since his first appearance, and is stated that he has succeeded in working several of them out of sums ranging from $15 to $25. At one office he even went as far as to produce a letter purporting to have been written by the claim agent of the road, making the offer to compromise. The letter to all appearances was regular.
The best part of the joke is that one certain attorney is even yet kicking himself because he was knocked out of the chance of putting up the burial money and thereby, in his own language, was "knocked out a a dead cinch against the railroad." The darkey had appeared at his office and recited his story, and a trade was made, the attorney agreeing to put up $20 just on the strength of the story, without the preliminary of taking a mortgage on the darky's horse and buggy. He did not happen to have the amount in his possession at the time, and leaving the darky in his office, went out to borrow it. When he returned the negro was gone, and an investigation disclosed that another firm of lawyers had heard about the negro's case and sent a decoy after him. He was found in the attorney's office and prevailed upon to turn over the case over to them, they offering him better terms.
One of the attorneys who was victimized sees the humor of the thing. He says that the old darky's conduct and general appearance would fool anyone, and he is loath to believe that the negro was unaided in concocting the scheme. He is inclined to the belief that some of the railroad attorneys figured out the graft in order to get even with the attorneys who jump at railway damage suit cases.
It was learned last night from a gentleman who spent a few months in the West last summer that the lawyers in the towns of Tuscon and Bisbee, Ariz., and El Paso, Texas, were worked by a negro suiting the description of the negro who succeeded in fleecing the Houston legal lights, and that a similar scheme was worked. He did all three places in one week, and in El Paso alone succeeded in picking up $160 by his pretended suits against the railroads. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Pin Hook Bridge.
More attention should be given to the Pin Hook bridge. Patching serves no purpose. Vehicles passing on the bridge shake the whole construction, and the holes are so dangerous sometimes that horses are subject to slip their feet through and suffer serious injury. Those in charge of the bridge should bear in mind that the "safety" and "welfare" of the families of this section of the parish are more "concerned" in that bridge being repaired and well kept than the undersigned slam cast upon the whole people of the parish by my friend, "A Countryman" in his unfortunate pessimistic views in the event of the worthy "untried young man" landing in the office of sheriff. I desire to say, also, that the kind proposition made by one of our friends of Lafayette to make Lafayette and Pilette into one entitled "Greater Lafayette," in purpose, in heart, in spirit and in soul will fail to reach the harmonic impulse of our "Baby-town," unless the bridge is better cared for.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/30/1903.
Geo. Carroll Dead. - Geo. Carroll, who served as telegraph operator here for a short time, died in El Paso last week.
Supt. Alleman and family spent Christmas in Jeanerette.
W. H. Smith, who had charge of the Carencro school last session, has returned to Lafayette and will take a position with the Moss Pharmacy on the first. We extend him a cordial welcome back to Lafayette.
Real Estate Agent Cutting, of Jennings spent Monday in town with Real Estate Agent J. C. Nickerson, talking over matters in their line.
Dr. N. P. Moss is showing a beautiful calendar received from Mr. Wm. Moss in Hawaii. The calendar was designed and printed in those far way islands, and is very artistic.
Lafayette is represented at the State Teacher's Association now in session in Ruston by Dr. Stephens and V. L. Roy of the Industrial School, W. J. Avery, principal of the High School, and Supt. L. J. Alleman.
Mrs. E. R. Randolph, of New Orleans, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Stephens.
Mrs. C. K. Darling and child are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nickerson.
Prof. and Mrs. Andrew McBride, of New Orleans, are visiting friends in Lafayette, after spending Christmas with Mrs. McBride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Melancon, in Breaux Bridge. They will return to New Orleans Saturday.
Rev. J. D. Harper, at one time presiding elder of this district has been assigned to Lafayette to succeed Rev. A. C. Smith, and will preach at the Methodist church at 11 a. m., Jan 3.
Hon. Overton Cade, of Royville, was a visitor to Lafayette Monday.
Pay your poll tax and help the schools.
L. G. Cox, tax agent for the Southern Pacific, was in Lafayette Tuesday looking after the affairs of the company in his department.
Dr. F. J. Mayer, of Scott, was circulating among his many friends here Monday.
The many friends of Mr. Pink Torian will regret to learn that he is confined to his home by illness.
We regret to state that Willie Huff is quite sick with typhoid fever.
Special religious services will be held in the Episcopal church here on New Year's day at 11 o'clock a. m.
Fernand Mouton, who has been acting as superintendent of agents for the New York Life Insurance Co. in Paris, France, arrived in Lafayette Sunday. His many friends were glad to see him. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1903.
From the Lafayette Gazette of December 30th, 1899:
In Favor of Lafayette as the Location of the Industrial School.
Gov. Foster has called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Louisiana Industrial Institute at Lafayette on Jan. 3. As it will be the first meeting of the Board an organization will be effected before the business of considering propositions is taken up. The Gazette has repeatedly expressed the opinion that Lafayette is the most suitable place in the senatorial district to locate the school. The Gazette is pleased to know that it is not alone in that opinion. It could perhaps be charge with some semblance of property that the paper is naturally biased in favor of Lafayette and that its views on this question are consequently not entitled to much weight, but we submit for the consideration of the Board the following expressions emanating from persons who can have but one end in view -- that is, the success of the institution:
From the Crowley Signal --
While everyone of the places which are trying to secure the Industrial School would no doubt sustain it well, yet the principal thought of the committee to choose a site should be the location that will be the most convenient to the people. This would bring the school in Lafayette parish and without doubt such is the location that should be selected. * * This being the case gives Lafayette parish a decided advantage over other places. By all means locate the school at Lafayette parish.
From the Alexandria Democrat --
As Lafayette has the advantage of railroad facilities and central location over its competitors, there is no reason why the Industrial should not be locate there.
From the Washington Enterprise --
The broad public character of the institution contemplated by our legislators makes it of primary importance that it should be located at as central a point as possible, so as to be convenient to prospective patrons. * * In point of geographical situation and railroad facilities Lafayette enjoys decided advantages over the other competing places for the Industrial Institute. Also the question of healthfullness is highly essential in the same connection, and, together with accessibility should have precedence over mere money considerations. And judged by this standard it is plain that our neighbor, Lafayette, has the best claim.
From the Rayne Tribune --
* * * As for instance, if one place be more accessible to a larger number of people that any other, or it it be centrally located, it would be the plain duty of those having the matter in charge to consider these facts. Taking that view of the question, our neighors of Lafayette parish, ought to have a strong case. Besides on account of its being the end of railroad division, it is much more accessible. * * *
From the St. Landry Clarion --
* * * Next to Opelousas any point in Lafayette as a college site will benefit St. Landry. First, by reason of contiguity.
By the City Council of Alexandria --
Wheras, The attention of this body has been called to Act. No. 102 of the Legislature of 1898 providing for the location of the Southwestern Industrial Institute -- a State institution -- in the 13th Senatorial District; and,
Whereas, The people of this city have a direct interest in said institution in common with other localities adjacent to said Senatorial District; therefore.
Be it Resolved, By the City Council of Alexandria that in its opinion the success of said institution would be best promoted by locating the same at Lafayette; it would thereby be more centrally located, and more accessible to the people of Alexandria and Rapides parish, than if located at any other competing point.
By City Council of Crowley --
Be it Resolved, by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the town of Crowley, in special session assembled, that we recommend that the Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor of Louisiana to locate the Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute in the 13th Senatorial District to locate said school in the parish of Lafayette. We make this recommendation for the reason that we consider that is the most conveniently located of any point in said Senatorial District; it is convenient to our parish from which the said school will receive considerable patronage. Lafayette parish will accessible also to all points in North Louisiana. We believe it would be the most desirable place that this school could be located and it meets our hearty approval to have this school in this parish.
By the City Council of Rayne --
Resolved, That in our opinion the Industrial Institute provided for by a recent act of the Legislature, to be located in the 13th Senatorial District, ought to be located in the parish of Lafayette. We are of this opinion because we are convinced that the interest of the town of Rayne and the parish of Acadia would be best promoted thereby, and second, because we believe that said Institution would be within reach of a larger number of people, and do more good there, than at any other competing point.
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Board of Trustees of said Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute for their consideration.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Reception to the Governor.
An invitation has been extended to all the citizens of the parish to participate in the reception to be tendered Gov. Foster and the other members of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School. The invitation announces that the gubernatorial party will arrive at 2 p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 3. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Let's Make a Showing.
Let's all work harmoniously now that the time has about come for Lafayette to make a showing for the Industrial School. If we are ahead of the other places it is due to the fact that the people of the town and parish have worked with perfect unanimity in this matter. The last, final stroke must be given with but one end in view. The prize is worth striving for and nothing should be left undone to get it. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
For Governor, W. W. HEARD, of Union.
For Lieut-Governor, ALBERT ESTIPONAL, of St. Bernard.
For Secretary of State, JOHN T. MICHEL, of New Orleans.
For Attorney General, WALTER GUION, of Assumption.
For State Treasurer, LEDOUX SMITH, of Rapides.
For Auditor, W. S. FRAZEE, of St. Landry.
For Supt. of Education, J. V. CALHOUN, of New Orleans.
For Judged 18th District, C. DEBAILLON;
For District Attorney 18th District, WM. CAMPBELL;
For Sheriff, I. A. Broussard;
For Clerk of Court, E. G. VOORHIES;
For Representatives, OVERTON CADE, HOMER DURIO;
For Coroner, DR. J. F. MOUTON.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
The nomination by the Democratic party of Mr. Will S. Frazee for auditor is a recognition of the young Democracy of this section of the State. Mr. Frazee is fitted by nature and education to satisfactorily discharge the duties of the office of auditor and his selection by the Democratic convention was eminently proper. Being a lawyer of ability Mr. Frazee is thoroughly familiar with the laws of the State which will no doubt greatly assist him in arriving at a correct understanding of the duties of the office of auditor. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
To Receive the Directors.
The Business Men's Association met Wednesday night with Mr. C. O. Mouton in the chair.
The purpose of the meeting was to make suitable arrangements to receive the members of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Louisiana Industrial Institute. The board will meet here on Jan. 3 to organize and to receive Lafayette's offer.
The following committees were appointed to see that the visitors are properly received and entertained.
Banquet - Wm. Campbell, Dr. F. E. Girard, I. A. Broussard.
Transportation - Crow Girard, T. M. Biossat, Dr. P. M. Girard.
Reception - C. D. Caffery, Julian Mouton, B. N. Coronna, N. P. Moss, Crow Girard, Jules J. Mouton, E. G. Voorhies, Chas. O. Mouton.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
During the year which will go out of existence at midnight to-morrow. Lafayette has fared well. Its people have been blessed with a fair measure of prosperity. Everywhere the busy hand of industry shows a commendable spirit of activity. It is true our town has not enjoyed any great "boom," but it has forged ahead in a steady and substantial way. On every hand signs of healthy growth are noticeable. In its march of progress the parish has walked hand in hand with the town. While the town has given many indications of solid improvement, the parish has furnished salutary evidences of an earnest desire to co-operate toward the same end.
Ninety-nine has been a good year. The crops, which are the basis of our prosperity, have yielded handsomely and when the farmer prospers, the merchant, the doctor and the lawyer thrive.
No doubt there are many among us to whom a retrospective view will disclose unpleasant memories, but after weighing carefully the good and the bad, we must believe that the good will outbalance the other. But, whatever it may be. The Gazette ardently hopes that the new year upon which we are about to enter, will give to all the choicest blessing of life.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Calendars for 1900.
The Gazette has received beautiful calendars for 1900 from the following:
S. R. Parkerson, insurance agency, Lafayette.
Eugene F. Buhler & Co., Ltd., 1605-1607, Dryades street, New Orleans.
E. C. Palmer & Co., 433-435, Camp street, New Orleans.
Fred L. Sandoz, Opelousas, La.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
A First Class Laundry.
R. C. Sealy and J. C. Fuller of New Iberia have purchased the Lafayette Laundry and will take possession of it on Jan. 1. The Gazette is pleased to note this fact. Lafayette needs a good laundry and we have no doubt that Messrs. Sealy and Fuller will have no cause to regret their investment. Messrs. Sealy and Fuller are experienced laundrymen and will give the people first class service. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Funsters and Laugh Generators.
The famous funsters and laugh generators that have been collected from the higher ranks of minstrelry under the banner of Richards & Pringle's-Russo and Holland's big minstrel festival, will be seen at the opera-house Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1900. No more welcome announcement than this could be made to the fun and laughter-loving portion of the public. The management of this mammoth array of Senegambian talent have this season outdone all their previous efforts and have secured nearly all the well-know favorites for their production. Novel and elaborate stage settings and costumes, which have taxed the scenic artists' and costumers' skill and ingenuity, have been prepared to delight the eye, and the world of music has been probed to its innermost depths for the effects to charm the ear. Bobby Kemp, John Rucker and a score of assistant comedians, the fun department is filled to overflowing. The biggest street parade ever attempted by like organization is one of the feature. Will commence at 2:30 p. m. Seats 75c and 50c.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1889.
Pay Your Poll Tax. - The one who wishes to vote at any of the elections to be held in this State after the month of April, 1900, must hold his poll-tax receipts for the years 1898 and 1899. These receipts must be dated on, or prior to, Dec. 30, 1899. In other words, if you desire to vote at the national election next November, you will be able to do so only if have paid your poll tax for the two preceding years, and you will have to show by receipts or certificates that the payment was made on or before the last day of December 1899. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899..
Dance To-morrow.
A dance will be given at Falk's opera-house to-morrow night. The following committees are a guaranty that the affair will be thoroughly enjoyable: Invitation - L. Lacoste, C. Benvenu, Z. Francez. Reception - R. W. Elliot, E. Pellerin, Dr. F. E. Girard, P. Krauss. Floor managers - Felix Mouton, J. C. Nickerson, Chas. Debaillon, L. Levy. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Christmas in Broussard.
Christ's birthday was fittingly celebrated by everybody in and around Broussard. Dinners, and all sorts of amusements were indulged in by young and old, alike. And, did we not remember the adage that, "storm precedes and foretells a calm," we would wonder at the beauty of Christmas day after the inauspicious beginning of the week. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Badly Burned. - A colored girl, who works at the home of Mr. H. H. Hohorst, is lying at the point of death as the result of a very sad accident. While burning some trash in Mr. Hohorst's yard her skirts were caught in the blaze and before any help could be given her the flames had inflicted injuries of a very painful and dangerous nature. It is not believed that she will recover. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Shooting at Royville.
Amede Domingue and James Morris, both negroes, became involved in a difficulty at Royville last Tuesday. Morris shot Domingue in the abdomen inflicting a very dangerous wound. Morris escaped and has not yet been caught. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
No Cause for Alarm.
Dr. F. E. Girard, the energetic and efficient health officer of the town, informs The Gazette that the small-pox situation offers no cause for alarm. There are only three points of infection and they are well-guarded. Under the direction of the doctor the patients are doing well. As the town has no pest-house Dr. Girard has had to contend with much difficulty in his his efforts to prevent the spread of the disease. As the disease in the town is pretty well under control there is good reason to hope for it early eradication. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
The Establishment of a Pest-house and Other Measures Recommended.
The parish Board of Health met at the court-house last Wednesday with the following members present: Dr. DeLaureal, president; Drs. H. D. Guidry and R. O. Young, Messrs. D. A. Cochrane, L. G. Breaux and J. O. Broussard.
President DeLaureal stated that the purpose of the meeting was the adoption of measures relative to the prevalence of small-box in the parish.
A series of resolutions were adopted appointing a committee of two to wait upon the Police Jury and the Lafayette Board of Health with a view of securing the co-operation of the town and parish in the establishment and maintenance of a pest house.
The resolutions outlined an ordinance to be adopted by the Police Jury providing for the construction and maintenance of the pest-house and also providing for an ordinance compelling physicians, under penalty of a heavy fine, to report at once to the health authorities any cases of small pox.
The Police Jury is requested to pass an ordinance providing for the destruction of articles when such a measure is deemed necessary to stamp out the disease.
Messrs. Cochrane and Breaux, appointed to secure a suitable site for a pest-house, reported the offer of Mr. F. Lombard of a tract of land with improvements, situated on the Scott road about one mile from Lafayette and containing twenty-seven arpents, the consideration being $2,000 - $500 cash and the balance on time with 8 per cent interest. Action on the report of the committee was deferred.
Agreeable to the ordinance adopted, the president appointed Dr. H. D. Guidry and Mr. R. C. Greig to confer with the health authorities of the town and parish of Lafayette as to the establishment and location of a pest-house.
Dr. Young offered the following resolution which was defeated: "Resolved, that all persons attending meetings after Jan. 15, 1900, be required to exhibit certificates of vaccination."
The Board adjourned.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
Selected News Notes (Gazette) 12/30/1899.
Emmanuel and Raoul Pellerin request the Gazette to extend a cordial invitation to their many friends to visit the "Two Brothers' Saloon" on New Year's day to partake of an old time Tom and Jerry.
Miss Ula Coronna, who has been attending Sophie Wrights' in New Orleans, is spending the holidays at her home in Lafayette.
Mrs. R. C. Greig was called to New Orleans this week on account of the serious illness of her father, Mr. Jamieson.
Miss Bessie Cornay, who has been teaching in the High School at Patterson, is spending the holidays with relatives and friends in Lafayette.
Miss Estella Wilson and Nellie Yorty, of Houston, are guests at the home of Mrs. Chas. P. Alpha. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 30th, 1899:
Christmas 1899.
As usual Christmas services were celebrated at St. John's Catholic Church, the music at the high mass being of a high order and well executed. At night the church presented a handsome appearance, being lighted by numerous electric lights.
Two alarms of fire were sounded on Christmas day, but fortunately the fires were under control before any headway had been made by the devastating fiend. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
If the Supreme Ruler of the Universe grant you all, dear readers, to live in this land of incessant turmoil till the clock shall have registered the hour of midnight on to-morrow the wish in our headline concerns you.
The Advertiser wishes you a happy, prosperous and successful year.
Though there is some discussion and doubt about the present year closing the XIX century, still it is held that we are entering upon a new period.
Under the circumstance, The Advertiser thinks it is not amiss to take a look backward and record how this old world of ours has navigated upon the yearly waves of this century.
The XIX century has been the greatest one in which man ever lived. From the beginning till now, rapid strides of advancement have been made in all directions.
In Agriculture - From the first plow patented in 1804, the farmers have been, step by step, furnished with all the necessary mechanical implements and tools to reduce the cost of labor-producing and the saving of time.
With the application of steam to boats and railroads, the commerce of the world has been transported rapidly.
Electricity first recognized in 1800 has subsequently given us by its various applications; the telegraph, the electric railway, the telephone, the phonograph, the incandescent light, the kinetograph, the kinetoscope, the X-rays and the wireless telegraphy.
In manufacturing we find the perfected self-printing press, feeder and folder, the linotype, the sewing machine the typewriter, the cotton-gin, the locomotive, the bicycle, the steel rails and the automobile.
Numberless practical inventions have been granted during the same period.
Finance, Law, Medicine and all other scientifical and professional branches received a greater impetus in this century than in all the preceding ones combined.
We note also an improvement in our social and religious life.
But while knowledge and a practical application of it has gained considerably, we record that human nature has been and is now at a standstill. We are about as selfish now as we were in the beginning of the century. The world is full of deceit and false appearances, and the right of the strongest is always the best," being put daily in practical demonstration by Nations, Corporations, Trusts, etc.
In politics we have retrograded and no one need contradict this assertion. The good old days, when men were serving their fellow-citizens for honor (without profit) and the better the commonwealth-at-(unreadable word) are past and gone, and unfortunately never to run. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1899.
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL - Governor Foster has called the first meeting of the board of the Southwestern Industrial College to meet at Lafayette on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1900 at 2 p. m. A reception will be tendered to the members of the Board by the citizens of the Parish.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
At the
Tuesday Jan. 2nd, 1900. The comedians, singers, dancers, acrobats, in fact all that goes to make a minstrel show complete, have been selected with more than ordinary cares and the result is the biggest show of the kind ever produced. A special train of Pullman cars, models of convenience, comfort and elegance has bees constructed to transport this mammoth production. The scenery and costumes used are veritable triumphs of the scenic artists' and costumes' skill, and form a brilliant, dazzling 18 karat setting in which reposes this first-water diamond of minstrelsy. The big street parade at 2:30 P. M., every particle of which, including stock and vehicles is carried by the company, is one of the features, including as it does, two brass bands, the Pickaninny drum corps and the entire company.
Seats 75c and 50cts.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
IMPROVEMENT. - Mr. Falk, the manager of the Opera House, informs us that hereafter the stage of the opera-house will be provided with electric footlights and overhead lights which will greatly add to the scenic appearance of the plays presented. The attractions so far booked for January 1900 are as follows:
Gordon Minstrels, January 7th., Seldom & Comedy Co., January 14th., Charles Tolson, January 25th. On this latter date "Faust" will be presented.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
UP - TO -DATE. - A bewitching young lady-clerk of Lafayette wishes to know the analogy between the words "mail" and "vermicelli."
A few days ago she requested a lady friend to ask a young up-to-date gentleman to call at her place of business for her "mail", and probably owing to the nearness of the "bewitcher" the gentleman got excited and understood "vermicelli."
The young lady being in hearing distance called out "No - macaroni."
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
DIVIDEND NOTICE. - This is the time of year when banks and corporations paid dividends on the shares of stock invested in their business. This is done annually, semi-annually or quarterly. But there is a commercial house in Lafayette who pays a dividend every time you make a purchase. Levy Bros. are the great dividend men of the coming century.
Laf. Adv. 12/30/1899.
Letter to the Editor:
To: Our City Fathers.
C. C. The Lafayette Advertiser.
The people of Lafayette have chosen you as their faithful and trusty agents to look after the public affairs and interests of the city and also that of its citizens.
It is understood through the local press that you have contracted with a man called Victor Breaux at a cost of between $1,500 and $1,800 to grade up our streets and put them in thorough repair. I say publicly and boldly that this man does not understood his business, for a great deal of the work that he is doing is worse than throwing our public money away, for he is putting many of our back streets and cross streets in such a shape that it will be almost impossible to travel them with a load or without. He takes a pair of mules and ploughs two or three furrows down in the ditch that has been dug, up hill and down without any regard to drainage on either end. He puts on a gang of negroes and throws the dirt out of the ditch into the middle of the street in heaps, piles and clods whichever is the most handy leaving the middle of the street from six to eight inches lower than either side, so it will be impossible for the water to run off the street into the ditches, consequently the middle of the street will become the ditch that will have to carry the water.
I admit that this man is doing some very good work on our main streets, but his work on some of our back streets is a nuisance and a disgrace to this town.
If any of the street committee appointed by the council have any doubts about the above statement, let them get into a buggy and start from the W. W. and E. L. plant and drive straight up till they strike Lincoln Avenue near Cochrane's race track and examine the cross streets as they go along; they will find that they will have to drive with one wheel down in the ditch and the other wheel running from 6 to 12 inches higher over clods to the displeasure of everybody who attempts to drive those streets.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
K. of P.
The following officers have been elected to serve for the ensuing year:
B. Falk, C. C.; A. J. Ross, V. C.; J. Hannen, M. of Ex.; P. Castel, M. of F.l Ch. Lusted, M of W.; C. E. Carey, M. at A.; J. Prager, Prelate.; C. Melchert, K. of R. & S.; John Monistion, I. G.
Representative to the G. L. - B. Falk. - Alternate, J. Vigneaux. Finance Com. - F. Demanade, A. J. Ross, Ch. Lusted.
Trustees - A. Ross and C. H. Lusted.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/30/1899.
A dancing party will be held at the Opera house on Sunday, Dec. 31st, 1899. The Breaux Bridge's Band will furnish the music. Mrs. John Hahn returned from New Orleans last Saturday.
Two alarms of fire were sounded on Christmas day, but fortunately the fires were under control before any headway had been made by the devastating fiend.
Miss Ruby Scranton, is spending her vacation at home.
We have an elegant line of Christmas and New Year's goods - T. M. Biossat.
Mr. Charlie Young, of Youngsville, attended the opera on last Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown, of Carencro, were at the Opera House last Sunday night.
Dr. H. M. Neblett, of Breaux Bridge spent Christmas in Lafayette with his daughter Mrs. F. F. Carter.
Miss Jeanette Duvall, of Evergreen, La., spent the holidays in Lafayette, the guest of Mrs. T. M. Biossat.
Mr. Clifton Young, of Youngsville, came to Lafayette on last Sunday night to enjoy "Two Merry Tramps."
Mr. J. Williams, of Greenville, Texas, accompanied by his wife and son spent Christmas with Dr. T. B. Hopkins' family.
Mr. Henry Bendel, of New York visited Mr. Falk's family in the early part of the week and left Lafayette going to San Francisco. Lee and Lloyd Delahoussaye who are attending Jefferson College spent the Christmas with their father Mr. Albert Delahoussaye.
- 1900 Opening - Pellerin Bros. - Free Tom and Jerry - Come and celebrate the new century at Pellerin Bros. Jan 1st. Free of charge.
- There will be divine services at the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock and also at 7 o'clock p. m., All are Invited.
Mrs. LeDanois extends to her customers the usual greetings of the season reminding them that she buys, Hides, Wool, Beeswax, paying the highest market price.
Mr. W. I. Paddock, of Morgan City, was in Lafayette last Thursday attending the meeting of the stewards of the Opelousas District, M. E. Church, South, which convened at the Methodist Church at 11 a. m.
One of our young friends loaded with sweetening argument went to a neighboring town on last Monday to present his load to a young lady, but the charming one was absent and the old folks enjoyed the - candy - very much - Bad luck, was it not? For a nice piece in sterling silver such as spoons, foils, ties, etc., go at Biossat's.
The Racket Man wishes to all his customers and friends a happy, successful and prosperous New Year, and reminds them that if they wish to become financially independent in this world, they must trade at the Racket Store during the coming year.
-1900 Opening - Pellerin Bros. - Free Tom and Jerry - Come and celebrate the new century at Pellerin Bros. Jan. 1st. Free of charge.
Our young friend, O. B. Hopkins came to Lafayette to spend Christmas. T. B. is looking the very picture of health. The western country seems to suit him.
Mr. Bienvenue Arceneaux and Miss Nydia Dupuis of Carencro, were married last Wednesday by Rev. Father Grimaud at the Catholic Church at Carencro. Many friends of the contracting parties filled the edifice testifying to the popularity of the young couple. We tender our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. Arceneaux.
DIED on last Wednesday Dec. 7th., 1899 at the residence of her daughter near Pin Hook bridge, Mrs. Thecia Dinkleman Williams, a native of Hanover, Germany,and aged 77 years. Mrs. Williams was the mother of Mrs. H. Pharr and a member of the Methodist church. Her remains were interred in the Protestant cemetery on last Thursday.
According to the Iberian. - Messrs. R. C. Sealy Jr. and Jerry C. Fuller have purchased the Lafayette Laundry and will take possession of it on the first. The deal was made through Mr. H. S. Scaly who is an expert in laundry work. We hope these two young gentlemen will succeed beyond their expectations in Lafayette, and see no reason why they should not do so. Mr. James Pollard will go up to Lafayette with them.
From the Iberian and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1899.
From the Lafayette Gazette of December 30th, 1893:
We read in the Enterprise that the City Council of New Iberia will shortly entertain a proposition from from Mr. W. L. Scovel, of Mississippi, to put up a water-works plant in that town. The question of water-works was discussed several times in Lafayette and some fifteen months ago an election was held to obtain the sense of the property holders in regard to the levying of a tax to raise funds for that purpose, but the majority was against the proposed tax and the movement was defeated. The advantage to be derived from the erection of a system of water-works are manifold; that of fire protection alone is of sufficient importance to enlist the support of all in a movement that will result in the establishment of a plant in this town. The Gazette believes that our councilmen should give their attention to this matter and try to devise means to procure this much needed improvement. With protection from fire the present exorbitant insurance rates would undoubtedly be reduced. The following is an outline of Mr. Scovel's proposition to the Council of New Iberia:
Mr. Scovel proposes to put down a wrought iron plant containing 44,000 feet of mains of suitable size to afford fire protection to the entire town, when used with a sufficient amount of hose. Along the plant, at such points as may be designated by a committee, he proposes to place for hydrants, together with all necessary appliances such as gate-valves, ties, crosses, unions, expansion joints, etc., that may be necessary to perfect the plant. He proposes to place two steam duplex pumps for of first class make, together with two boilers of suitable size for running the pumps. He will put down an 8-inch well 275 feet deep, or as deep as may be necessary for a supply of wholesome water, to which the pumps will be connected, for the perfect service. He will erect an iron tower 60 feet high on a lot to be furnished by the city authorities and place thereon two iron tanks with a capacity of 30,000 gallons of water. In case of large fires he will have one main connected with the bayou water in case the well failed to supply. He will tap the mains and lay the service pipe to the water-box complete for all consumers to take water or who give their orders for same, before the pipes are laid. The conditions he stipulates are as follows:
"Put down the plant complete for the sum of $23,000, and take your bonds at a cash valuation, bearing 8 per cent interest. Or, if you will grant me an exclusive franchise for twenty-five years, free from corporation taxes for five years I will erect the plant myself, and furnish water for whatever fire hydrants you may wish to take, at %50 each per year, said water to be furnished under 100 pounds pressure to the square inch for fire purposes. You to have the right to take as may fire hydrants as you may wish on the completion of the plant at $50 each per year, and have the right to increase the number at any time by giving sixty days notice of your desire. You to have the right to purchase the plant every fifth year at cost of same."
It will be noticed that Mr. Scovel says that it is only in cases of large fires that it might be necessary to have resource to the bayou for water. In all ordinary cases the well will furnish a sufficient quantity. Lafayette cannot afford to remain without fire protection and the question will have to be solved sooner or later. Why not solve it now? Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
Taking Views of this Town. - E. F. Dezalba and Fred Garrison, view artists, have been in Lafayette during the past week, taking views of places of interest in the town and vicinity. It is the intention of these gentlemen to put up the views in an album and present it to the city council. They will also furnish you with as many views as you may wish of your house or place of business. They visited New Iberia recently and took a large number of views which they gave to the town. Mayor Burke in thanking them for this valuable present, pronounced the work as being most artistically made and says "that it is a credit to the gentlemen who executed it." Those who desire their homes photographed are requested to leave their orders at the City Hotel.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
A Negro Stabs Another One. - Last Monday while drunken negroes were celebrating Christmas at the negro saloon on the other side of the depot, a notorious character known as Winfield Bright and one Raymond became involved in a difficulty which was followed by a fight resulting in Bright receiving an ugly would on the skull and face, inflicted by Raymond's pocket knife. Immediately after the stabbing Raymond jumped on a horse and started off at full speed. He was followed by officers Romero and Campbell but being mounted on a very fast horse he distanced his pursuers and effected his escape. When he reached Mrs. Constantin;s field he dismounted and secreted himself in the high wees and was lost sight of. The cutting is said to have been done in self-defense. Dr. Martin attended to Bright who is still alive and will in all probability recover.
Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
The Christmas Dance. - The Christmas dance at the Crescent Hotel given by a number of young men of Lafayette complimentary to visiting young ladies was a decided social success. The large dining room of the hotel had been converted into a ball room. The music was furnished by the Breaux Bridge Band, and the refreshments were of the best, as everything contributed to make this affair one of the most enjoyable of the season. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
Christmas Tree at Duson.
Few people outside of the immediate vicinity of Duson know of the good that has been accomplished by the Bethel Sunday School. Mr. Lastie Hoffpauir, the zealous president of this worthy institution, was in Lafayette Tuesday and informed The Gazette that the membership of the school was steadily increasing and numbered at the present time over sixty. Christmas eve, the public school house which is the place of meeting of the Bethel school, was crowded with people who had assembled to participate in the festivities attending the fitting up a large Christmas Tree, laden with handsome presents for the little children. The committee of arrangements were Mesdames Indai Clark, John Trahan and Messrs. W. T. Nickles, Lastie Hoffpauir and Thomas Hoffpauir who deserve a great deal of credit for the thorough manner in which the whole program was carried out. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
Stealing Cane.
The Gazette was exactly right in its reference to people taking cane from cars loaded for forwarding. It should be understood that the farmer is the one that suffers the loss of every sugar cane taken from his shipment; as settlements are made on delivery weights. While in the single instance it may seem a very small matter, still in the aggregate it becomes very important, and occasions great loss to those who can illy afford it. It certainly would not be permitted for any one to take cotton from a bale. If such were done it would be considered in the light of a theft, and the party would be held amenable to the law. Why then should not the same rule apply to those who take can not belonging to them. Now that our people are going extensively into cane culture, they must be protected in this particular matter. Let the parish and corporations pass proper laws affording the necessary protection. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
Jumping On & Off Trains.
Carencro. - There are a number of white and colored boys who congregate in the vicinity of the Southern Pacific depot, jumping on and off trains as they pass through town. When some terrible accident occurs it is probable that the parents of these children will put a stop to the reprehensible practice. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
Ball on New Years' Eve.
The young men of Lafayette are making elaborate preparations for a ball at Falk's Opera House on New Years' Eve. The boys have secured the services of the Breaux Bridge band for the occasion. The following well-known young men have consented to serve on the committees:
Invitation Committee - Albert Theall, Paul Coussan, E. Pellerin, Ed Shew.
Floor Managers - L. Walker, Alfred Voorhies, Louis Lacoste, Charles Bienvenu.
Reception Committee - R. Richard, Paul Bailey, Arthur Hebert, S. Landry, Sim Boudreaux.
Arrangement Committee - Onezime Mouton, E. Pellerin, W. Mouton, J. B. Comes, Romain Duhon. Lafayette Gazette 12/30/1893.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/30/1893.
There were several family Christmas trees in town that were greatly enjoyed by old and young, alike.
Miss Emma Falk left for Pattersonville Tuesday on a visit to her brother Samuel Bendel.
Dr. P. M. Girard and wife, and Mr. Albert Singleton returned from Leesburg, last Wednesday.
Prof. R. C. Greig and wife left for New Orleans last Saturday to spend Christmas week in rest and diversion.
Asst. Traveling Car Inspector M. Jack Whitmore was summoned to Alexandria Wednesday to assist the Chief Traveling Inspector J. D. Ducharme to repair cars at that place.
We are indebted to the young men of Lafayette for an invitation to attend a grand ball to be given by them at Falk's Hall on Sunday evening December 31.
Mr. J. G. Broussard, the affable agent of the Waters-Pierce Oil Co., changed his residence, Thursday, to the P. B. Roy cottage recently vacated by Dr. E. J. Chachere.
Please don't forget that I will be in Lafayette, Jan. 2nd, to remain one week to make first class photographs for all persons desiring my services.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
From the Lafayette Advertiser of December 30th, 1893.
Is at Hand.
Let Us Be Up Doing.
Wishes to One and All
A Happy and Prosperous New Year,
and promises to put forth its best efforts during 1894 to advance the moral and material welfare of Lafayette town and parish; and, to that end, solicits a continuance of the substantial support from the people that has been so heartily accorded to the manager of the paper during the good old year that is now so rapidly drawing to a close.
The possibilities of Lafayette are great and would materially as by magic, under an beneficent influence. By regular and systematic cooperation on the part of of the people, results of the most happy nature could be achieved. Personal differences, and selfish motives be replaced by good-fellowship and public spiritedness. Let this be the resolve of every person on Lafayette on the first day of the New Year, and let us not fail to live up to that resolution. The common prosperity of the country essentially depends on such a condition of men and society and we have the right to expect and exact it from each other.
Then, during 1894 let our watchword be, Co-Operation, and with this understanding THE ADVERTISER can clearly foresee most gratifying results, in whose realization every member of the community will be directly and greatly benefitted.
"All Together" NOW, and with one L-O-N-G pull we will make old Lafayette the envy of every sister town and the pride of the citizens. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Gave Full and Free Confession.
The negro White, arrested by Marshal Vigneaux last week and who is wanted in Thomasville, Ala., to answer several serious charges, was during the week turned over to sheriff W. W. Waite of that place who came for him. During his incarceration here White made a free and full confession of guilt as to the charge pending against him in Thomasville. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Transferred to Des Allemands
C. W. Thornton, Asst. Operator at this place, was transferred to Bayou Des Allemands station to replace Mr. L. Church, who shot and killed a laborer Monday, who entered his office and began to use obscene language. Mr. Church asked him to desist and he refused to do so. Mr. Church then put him out and he again returned with rock in hand whereupon Mr. Church opened fire and instantly killed his assailant. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Attempted Robbery on Illinois-Central.
[Laf.'s Dr. G. A. Martin on Board.]
A current of disaster seems to be running against train robbers, and one of the notable occasions on which they have been routed was at Centralia, Illinois, on the night of September 20th, last, when three doughty knights of the road descended upon an Illinois Central passenger train. It was the train known as the "Chicago and New Orleans limited," and carried a large list of passengers destined for New Orleans and other points in Louisiana. Having left Centralia on a southward journey, it stopped a short way out to take on coal, and it was then that the outlaws showed themselves and covered the Engineer (unreable words) with revolvers.
[The rest of this column is mostly unreadable but from what I can ascertain there were brave passengers on board who challenged the robbers]
...outside and the officers on the inside until the robbers secured a sledge hammer and broke in the door of the express car. More shooting followed and then two hunters, passengers on the train, appeared on the scene, armed with shot guns and the robbers were routed in short order; one being severely wounded and all three caught and jailed. Among the passengers on this train was Dr. G. A. Martin of this place who took quite a part in the affair. When the fight in the express car was going on a brakeman ran through the car calling such passengers as had arms to go to the assistance of the trainmen, and Dr. Martin, not armed himself, sought to obtain a weapon from his fellow-passengers. A lady from Illinois tendered him a revolver and with it the Doctor went to the express car but the shooting was over when he got there. The prisoner who was severely wounded was caught on the spot and the passengers were so wrought up they wanted to finish him at once. Dr. Martin assisted the Conductor and a Priest on board, in quieting them. The Doctor afterwards attended to the wounded robber. In connection with the incident, we make the following extract from the Cairo Daily Telegram :
"There was renewed excitement in the express car when they brought the captured robber through from the rear door on his way to the baggage car. The sleeping car conductor held him by the back of the neck with a revolver at his head. As they passed through the train several men sprang from their seats with drawn revolvers and proposed to kill the captured scoundrel. Dr. G. A. Martin of Lafayette, La., jumped upon a seat and demanded that the prisoner be spared. He argued that it was cowardly to kill him there, while he was defenseless, and would also frighten the women on the train and do no good. His counsel prevailed. He then announced himself a physician and offered to examine the wounds of the man, from which the blood was flowing in streams. But the crowd shouted no, Doctor, let him die. But the Doctor gave him some relief anyway in spite of the threats thrown at him by over-heated heads."
From the Cairo Daily Telegram and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Ready For 1894?
The Advertiser sends New Year greetings to its many patrons, readers and friends. In a few short hours from the time we go to press a new year will be ushered into existence, and to one and all we hope that it may be a year of joy and gladness.
The year 1893 with its record of prosperity and happiness - and sorrows, and disappointments will soon join the "silent majority." To some communities it was a year of trouble, but to the people of Lafayette parish and of Southwest Louisiana it was a year of plenty and general good fortune. We believe that most of our people who owe are gradually paying out of debt, and taken as a whole that the balance on the business of the year which is now closing is largely in our favor. We trust that 1894 will deal as kindly towards us. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Christmas 1893.
Christmas has come and gone, leaving in its wake, we have no doubt, for many, some fond recollections. Here in Lafayette the day was celebrated in true American style, and joy prevailed universally. Fire works there were in abundance, and tin horns by the score.
"Smoke there was of tophet, confusion as of babel, and noise as of the crack of doom." The boy's evidently had a good time generally as well as the girls. On Christmas eve there was a lively party of young people armed with noise producing instruments of diverse patterns who made a sortie upon unsuspecting people with very fine effect. Santa Claus is said to have done his duty very thoroughly and in consequence all of creation was happy.
All our merchants report having had a splendid Christmas trade.
At Moss Bros & Co., fifteen salesmen were kept so busy handling holiday shoppers last Saturday they had not time to take dinner. This firm in anticipation of such a rush of business had spread a cold lunch in the building for themselves and their employees and each took a snack as best he could.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
To the Editor - The Christmas mass celebrated at St. John's church seems worthy of note. It was beautifully rendered and is considered a great success to-day. The principal soprano, Mrs. Alfred and Sidney Mouton, Misses Marthe Alice and Martha Mouton showed much skill and the distinguished bass, Bebert Eastin and the accomplished tenor Dr. Franklin Mouton were indispensable assistants, whilst Henry A. Van der Cruyssen, the talented and generous new tenor seems to be with his melodious voice a constant help. The finest parts of Luigi Bordese and Henry Farmer's mass were rendered. The Gloria in Excelsis seemed a worthy echo of the angelic choir the first Christmas night. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
At The Crescent. - One of the most successful entertainments that has taken place in Lafayette in some time, was the dancing party given at the Crescent Hotel on Christmas night. It was gotten up by a committee of young gentleman of the community assisted by Mr. Hahn the very genial and accommodating manager of the hotel. Every element was present to contribute to the unalloyed pleasure of the occasion; a splendid place and plenty of room for dancing, good music, suitable weather and above all scores of fair women, who know how to dance. Refreshments prepared under the direction of Mrs. Hahn, wife of the manager, indicated the most excellent taste and included ice cream and cake in great variety, fruit of all kinds and in abundance etc. Music was furnished by the well known Breaux Bridge string band. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Shooting at Des Allemands. - C. W. Thornton Asst. Operator at this place was transferred to Bayou Des Allemands station to replace Mr. I. Church who shot and killed a laborer Monday who entered his office and began to use obscene language. Mr. Church asked him to desist and he refused to do so. Mr. Church then put him out and he again returned with a rock in hand whereupon Mr. Church opened fire and instantly killed his assailant.
Masonic Lodge. - At their stated meeting on Saturday evening last Hope Lodge No. 145 A. F. and A. M., elected the following officers to serve for the ensuing year:
Chas. D. Caffery, W. M. William Campbell, S. W. Chas. T. Higgins, J. W. F. S. Mudd, Treasurer Crow Girard Secretary, Albert Cayard, S. D. D. L. Herpin, J. D. and Jean Brun Tyler. The installation ceremony took place on the 27th, instant, after which the members sat down to a supper prepared for the occasion.
Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
Run-Away Trains. - Engine No. 635 that ran away on the 24th of July and overtook a train and killed Conductor Harrison and brakeman Watts ran away again on the 25th of December. She was headed west this time and only ran about 12 miles. Fortunately there was a clear track for her and no one was hurt. Laf. Adv. 12/30/1893.
Selected News Notes (Advertiser) 12/30/1893.
Master Charles Debaillon is home from school for the holidays.
A delegation of gay and happy young people from Carencro paid Lafayette a Christmas visit between trains, on Christmas day.
Our little friend Aby Demanade, came home from New Orleans to enjoy Christmas week, and, no doubt has done so to the greatest extent possible.
There were several family Christmas trees in town that were greatly enjoyed by old and young alike.
Readers and patrons will kindly excuse our issue this week, as owing to the holidays our time is much taken up on pleasure bent "as well as otherwise."
The young men of Breaux Bridge have kindly favored us with an invitation to attend their grand dance to take place on Monday evening, Jan. 1st, and we hope to avail ourselves of it.
It is said that a lot of young men and boys were out Christmas eve night amusing themselves pulling down fences, moving bridges and etc., but what fun there is in such maneuvers is beyond or ken.
The many friends of Mr. Auguste Mouton of our parish will be pleased to learn that he is rapidly recuperating from a severe prostration resulting from a botellon that has afflicted him for several weeks.
Miss Emma Falk visited her brother Mr. Sam Bendel at Patterson this week.
The Teche Railroad now runs trains connecting with both passenger trains of the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Fred Mouton announces that in addition to regular blacksmith work, gun repairing will be done in his shop. Since his restoration to health Mr. Mouton is again giving attention to his business, especially that of contracting and house building in which he has acquired a good reputation.
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Levy of Lake Charles are in Lafayette visiting L. Levy and family.
A large number of our people took advantage of the holiday rates offered by the Southern Pacific Co. to visit relatives and friends at different places.
We are informed by members of Lafayette Lodge Knights of Honor, that the installation of the newly elected officers will take place on January 17th, and will be made a very important occasion. The grand dictator, E. F. Dyer of New Orleans, has signified his intention to be present and will accompanied by other officers of the Grand Lodge. The ceremony, we have no doubt, will be of great interest to members of Lafayette Lodge who are noted for their zeal and fidelity. Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
They Cost Five Dollars Apiece in England and All Over Europe.
In England and all over Europe pineapples are eaten only by the few who can afford to raise them in hot houses or pay the extravagant prices for which they are sold, says the Youth's Companion. So rare are they on the other side of the Atlantic that they are sometimes hired to impart a crowning glory to banquets, where they may be admired and longed for but not eaten.
In England a pound, or five dollars, is considered a reasonable price for the hot house "pine," and even in this country as much has been paid for choice specimens of the fruit at the season when they are not in the market. Until within a dozen years, nearly all the pineapples raised for market were grown upon the Bahama islands, whence they are shipped by swift sailing vessels to New York or Liverpool.
To-day the principal producing district of the world is the United States, on a group of five small islands or "keys" lying on the extreme southern part of Florida. These keys are Elliot's Old Rhoades Largo Plantation and Upper Metacumba. On them less than seven hundred acres are devoted to the cultivation of "pines," but from this small area four million five hundred thousand pineapples were shipped to New York in one year recently.
The shipment from the Bahamas for the same year as about two thirds of this amount, while less than a million and a quarter were brought into the United States from other West Indies islands.
The mainland of southern Florida has also begun to produce pineapples in great numbers. On the island of Cuba the sugar planters are just beginning to convert their unprofitable cane fields into pineapple patches.
The Bahama pineapples are deteriorating on account of the impoverishment of the soil, and the growers are turning their attention to sisal hemp. On the other hand, the area of "pine" lands in south Florida is being extended with each year, and such pains are taken in gathering the crop that Florida "pines," like Florida oranges, now command a better price than any others.
Pineapple plants, frequently called "trees" by the growers, rarely attain a greater height than three feet, and are provided with stiff, sharp-pointed leaves like those on the top or "crown" of a pineapple, except that they are much longer. In fact, the crown of a "pine" is in itself a perfect plant, and, if thrust into the ground under proper conditions, will bear fruit in eighteen months.
The pineapple has no seed, but is propagated from slips or suckers, several slips spring from the base of each perfected fruit, while the suckers shoot from the bottom of the plant.
Each plant produces a single fruit and then dies, but its suckers become bearing plants a year later, while its slips, if thrust into the ground, will yield fruit in eighteen months.
About ten thousand slips may be planted to the acre. If growers could be certain of realizing one dollar per dozen on every crop pineapple-raising would rank among the most lucrative of agricultural pursuits, but the present lack of transportation facilities and the dependence of the growers upon commission merchants diminish the profits greatly.
The pineapple is perishable, and there are many chances against its reaching a distant market in good condition, consequently it is generally considered best to sell the crop in the field rather that run the risk of shipment.
From the Youth's Companion and in the Lafayette Advertiser 12/30/1893.
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